Te SIP Th BY TY yo. . ; . i PR RE RE Te Shel ee Ty the band at the Oshawa Presby-|Wednesday night prizes went to THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Merch 24, 1960 15 " + a : CROSSWORD PUZZLE BLACKSTOCK [terial for attaining the standard|Mrs. F. Bailey, Mrs. B. Gibson, ---- |i pecCl ssues of recognition will be placed on|Jim Gray and John Nesbitt. Low|Mr, and Mrs: Ewart Leask spent|Gilbert Marlow left Saturday by i i " By MRS. R. C HILL he festiicate aud hung' ln the Sores, were Min, J. Gibson and|ihe weeke.d with Dr. nd Mrs. |'plane from Malton on a con i : ACROSS Anger Rosary BLACKSTOCK. -- Migsiop/iussion band section of the new|Mms. C. Smith, Jack Marlow, Lively, Ont. |gueted tour of Bermuda, Trinidad ? For Post Profit Lo 4 am Ps 30. Ros Band met Tuesday with Graham|Christian education building. Mr. Russel Spinks, Oshawa, The 4-H Guernscy ewe held a s'and Barbados. : communis Nebraska 35. Hebrew Duff conducting the service. The turkey supper, sponsored|visited Mrs. E. Darcy Sunday. |cial evening in the Recreation) ne. jean McLaughlin, Grant { WASHINGTON (AP)--The U.S. and their purchases promptly dis- cation 6. Thieves Jetter Leanne Dorrell, Lorraine Tur-|by the United Church W.A. Wed-| Scout master Blake Gunter and!Cenire Friday night. and Nell, visited Mr. and Mrs. i ner and Linda McLaughlin sang|nesday, was reported a success. Mrs. Gunter and patrol leaders| There was a good attendance Kalungo, a greeting song and| Mrs. F. Hodgson was high lady|Floyd Argue, Brian Staniland,|at the Farmer's Union dance) John Larmer, Guy Bonnetta,land Bill Ferguson high man and|Larry Hoskin and Paul Rahm at-|Saturday night. Spot dances were Dennis Romeril and Bobby Mc-|Percy Van Camp won the door|tended the scout gang show in|won by Mr. and Mrs. Don Pros- WIDOWS PENSION 4] |Laughlin sang an African grace.|prize at the LOBA party Mon-|Toronto, Friday. ser and Mrs. M. Colley and Don| Childless widows in New Zea: Mrs. Butt told a story. day. Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Thompson, Proutt, land are entitled to an annual The seal which was awarded At the Farmer's Union EuchrelMr. and Mrs. Jim Marlow and' Mrs. John Carnaghan and Mrs.|benefit of £205 at age 50. . Ross Sharp, Enniskillen, Sunday- IAL] . , Enclose, [Blaioii t loses appear into albums. 6. Indian %.Pecple In 37. , [BIR] Yoit @ {4c depastient loses! Since the department performs prince Lil , asa money on most of its services, | p ' no mail delivery service on these but it hay one appatemlly sure |sales, they are nearly all profit, 12. African 9. Competent 29, Metal fire profit item-the commemora- This "gravy" Is currently esti- antelope 20, Sound, as 82. Biblical 'tive postage stamp. ing around $30,| 13. Oriental a goose name These special issues, nearly al- has b be Fun g country 17. Biblical $84. Rifle ways flashy in design and usually marking vets o sadonl ml Bob Waler, Wert, rt) 8 pemte 3.5 t oo gig > me ost 2 a Ro Arthur E. Summerfield, says the| 1g Walks fame 19.Bovine lectors buy them by the millions, [20 commemorative issues in 1959| 1g; Diminishes 20.Open y involved total production costs of| 39, Heart poet. ' $850,000. Collector purchases on| 22, Conjunction 21, Bright : BRIGITTE B tne tint day of sale alone ran to| 23, Jos "There are more stamp col son A lectors than dog owners in the| 26, Unrolls nation and stamp collecting is| 28. Range recognized as the No. 1 hobby in| 80. Marry the United States." 31. Pronoun However, officials emphasize| 33.The same |that the U.S. issues new stamps) o i |primarily to meet mailing needs| ®% i {and not primarily for collectors, num |as is the case with some smaller 370 have foreign countries. : O The post office maintains a 3. Noss Yat citizens' stamp advisory com- " autho : mittee to help screen scores of 43. Potato é requests received each year for y (dial) d {special stamps. The committee! gx Nour submits rcommendations to the Amsterdam Y postmaster general, who makes Yesidents the final decisions. 46. Banish : The advisory group, which| 47 Quench, p r Arrne_ meets every 30 days, is composed 1 qu thirst ADMITTANCE of representatives of philatelic or-| 48 Repulse Sfmt | ganizations, artists and the dep- DOWN JEAN GABIN we Ts ca uty director of the U.S. Informa-| 4, Garden fool on tion Agency, who views proposals 2. Below i ional standpoin SWI FT'S F RESH POR Save 4c--Sunbeam Fresh ADDED EXCITEMENT from the international standpoint. a S20), C CINNAMON 4 THEATRE GUIDE BUTTER- » x Brock -- "Journey to the a bi i I S sn HORNS : £0 Enfericioment of the Earth" 7 and 9.30 p.m.| 4 oi : | 6 PER PKG. ; : Adult GH s | EY ___ ROAST | 31e | SWIFT'S FRESH : C Kraft VELVEETA Last complete show at 9.10 p.m, | 3 i Snell Sv isi Marks -- "Preity Boy Floyd"| 12.30, 3.40, 6.55, 10.15 p.m. *"'Car-| nival Story" 2.05, 5.20, 8.40 _ .m. let hi t THURS. & FRI. | Soom "7 0% Regent -- "For the First Time" , » 4 D a in Technicolor. Feature shown BHA LV IBIRIE | day at 145, 3.40, 5.35, 7.30, § 9.25 p.m. Last complete show at # | oY u % La | . CHEESE «Il swiFrT's RB SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD 5 PORK CHOPS 49¢ SAUSAGE "™.* 39 a Le. PKG. SWIFT'S FRESH SWIFT'S RINDLESS C PORK HOCKS 2... 45* BACON >a 59 BEST BUY! SAVE 4c -- AYLMER 10-0Z. : TOMATO SOUP N for 3 C. BEST BUY! SAVE 10c-- PET INSTANT 3-08, Skim Milk Powder we Ra BEST BUY! SAVE 4c -- FLEECY . 22.02 a LAUNDRY RINSE sorna CL J pps BEST BUY! SAVE 16c -- JIM DANDY GIANT 1 src oll LIQUID CLEANER wr J 3c ose | cone ww 27c! meno OLOR * TAMMY MARIHUGH SHORTENING PKG. 27 FEATURE! SAVE 6c -- PARD DOG FOOD 2 J jor SC | or FEATURE! SAVE 6c -- BEEF OR IRISH 24.0Z, SWIFT'S STEWS = 4 3c FEATURE! SAVE 10c -- RED & WHITE 11-0Z. SLEEPING BEAUTY == Tomato Catsup LY for CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE pA REGENT" DILL Pickles ue @9c | «st APPLES 3, C oct Food ix 2 pies 60 39: P.m, OIL MINUTE of the most intense suspense in motion picture history! FILMED ABOARD THE WORLD'S MOST GLAMOROUS LUXURY LINER! METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER presents £ bi An ANDREW and VIRGINIA STONE Production For N SI Z 0A STARTS T ODAY LB. POLY BAG FEATURE! SAVE 11¢ -- LIBBY'S SLICED I J PINEAPPLE ** & tor BC 30 lt ANEATYLE or PINEAPPLES mag | GOLDEN HOUR--CHOCOLATE BUDS © rm = = NUTRITIOUS GOLDEN : Chocolate MACAROON BUDS i, 2¢: | YAMS 325) | T JEMIMA ; A PAN FULL OF FLAVOR -- FROM MEXICO i CARE LOUR ne 23°) CANTALOUPES 2g 1 PREPARED MUSTARD 1602. yee | EXTRA LARGE FLORIDA ara i ED % WHITE -- HOMOGENIZED : od the gr. PEANUT BUTTER 1602. gB¢ CELERY HEARTS EACH 25° } Mot, ogy 5 SUF...ME BRAND : T-- -- o-- S-- -- -- ----. S-- we : n time, | = ; BABY LIMA BEANS Jor. 35¢ FROZEN FOODS ' i fh 4 4 p Son SOU P MIX '20 PET RITZ staring hire c . KENN // [a6TDay MARIO LANZA | TE) is. " jae Riez ue 89 Erle CEA SCOPE LAUNDRY RINSE iis 88° : STEREOPHONIC SOUND re "Eg R THE FIR T Ti 17] SWIFT'S NEW BIRDSEYE BRAND--12-0Z. PKG. ' 0 ST TIME" BURR CAT FOOD 2 52 35¢ | Green Peas ,. 1.00 IN CINEMASCOPE AND TECHNICOLOR REGULAR PRICES ! lol woo P.M. ONLY THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU! HOLLYWOOD PREVIEW bobo be SUPERMARKET SPROULE'S BROWN'S MAPLE GROVE SEE OTHER AD ABOVE! at Ritson" 748 Simcoe SN. Simeos ot mim A 41nd