12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturday, March 26, 1960 Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity " A meme ES WW @€ Kremmen 1960 This Week 1960 TORUS) WN EERLY iting QUOTES . -- Teas Week Ch'nge Stock Sales High Low Close Chauge High Low Moggi safes High Low Close Change High Low J anadian 1] -- + 52 Declines outnumbered advances by 33% to 313 on Jamaica PS 66 $23% 28 28% --% NCD wis in o% gd : in J Waite Fino 4] 3 » H § 2 the Toronto Stock Exchange this week. Issues um. Jefferson 1825 $6% 6 6% + % Y Okalta 15100 49 61 4 Jacobus 20325 120 110 changed totalled 190 Jock '€ ne =m. rh. ; Pac Pete 41163 $12) y 4 125 935 Jaye Expl 2600 21 Volume for the week was 8,727,000, np from the Aes C a 300 % * 4 % ' 3 5 7 Puc, Bee wis 305 " 1 a, = Jeliince : previous week's 8,374,000. Total sales for the year K ly D A 18! 4 86% 6% 6% i Pamoil 19400 . 37 1 32 Joburke to date are 118,508,921. Quotations in cents unless Rell oD high P -- " Permo pr 24400 81 66 7 55 Joliet marked $ Belly wis 730 30 M00 1) » Peru Oils 5800 140 125 126 --: 74 Jonsmith ' Kelvinator 330 $8 TH T% + % 285 7 n LJ 4% Petrol 28500 98 Jowsey 1841 WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS L to N Phillips 215 75 Kerr Add 14397 By The Canadian Press 1205 $25 4% UY --~ % 28 4% Place 28400 78 7 7 - i Kilembe 19150 220 L 1125 240 210 240 +20 9 Ponder 28100 21 0 Kilem C w 43760 56 rmee--This Week 1960 Laura Sec $25 25 25% +1% Prairie Oil 3000 255 25 55 Kirk Min 6370 36 Brock Sales High Low Close Change High Low Lob $2615 25% 26% 9 Provo Gas 111624 259 1 Kirk Town 1000 9% Lob 525 28% + Quonto 8 Lob A 264 23% 4 Ranger 6 145 Tr Can PL 36113 $24% 2 3 1 9% Lob 53 5 3 Royalite 3726 860 Creative T $114 ¢ : 113 Lob 45 $ 7 Sapphire 500 65 20451 wo rd Lot) 1 75 6 75 4 Sapph debs 120 $40 20451 3 2 Leh Sarcee 50 104 Bell Phone 19150 $ + 9 MB and PR 792 5 7 Secur Free 6100 460 L Osu M Leaf tMill 5 13 4 1 South U 54500 15 3 : Shore 1632 445 i ; : : Mass-F 5 3 4 9 5% Spooner 20700 15 13 12% Wasa 11150 33 Tida 3 4 1 E Mass-F 5% 5 $93% 98% 93% y Stanwell 1930 44 1 ] La Luz 600 375 C Dragon : 3 : 2 McBrine pr $ 1% : y Submarine 4000 120 115 : Lamaque 4839 340 Provo 2 30 2 a . Mex LP pr 3 3 12% i Latin Am 53500 30 Un Oi 3 3 1 ' 9 1 Mid-West 1 8 18 Tidal 173685 3 x 5 7 Leitch 23700 150 Ll Pete 1 Molson A 5 213 2 y Trans Can 3 4 5 - 5 > Lencourt 2500 7 Molson B 2 4 Y% 2% Triad Oil 12030 31 5 5 2 1 2 Lexindin 5000 3 . .~ Molson pr 4 A 1 U Canso vt 125 10 11 LL Lae 7000 190 1 Asa 20128 15% 12 s 9 Mont Loco hy 169 b Un Oils 08576 3 6 1 Locana 1350 100 rchan 114 1 0 Moore new 744 3 + & 3 Wayne 10000 % 1 ¢ Lorado 84050 291% : ~ 4 Nat Drug . 1 A 3 Wespac 18% 1 1 Lorado wts 500 4 153 4 173 Nat Drug pr 163: 3% 1 3 a ; Wesburne 270 Louvict 6100 6 2 Nat Groc pr $257 B25 & 5 W Cdn OG 21%2 1 12 35 18: 125 Lyndhst 13000 14 X Hos B 93 3 4 W Cdn OG w 5150 4 1600 8 : St Car 12 2 2 - 5 4 West 2377 17 Bh E 2 3 i 2100 275 Industrials Nor Siar A 506 $I 10% x i Thos pian sari TT 42% 43% +13 1 W Lease 1830 325 3 3 32 Macfie 14000 5! Labrador 1195 $24 Lake Cin L Dufault Langis Lake Ling f+} +1) + fh atl TL] 3 2 215 3 -1 W Naco 4000 6 3 6 MacLeod 19166 118 Acad-Atl 5 $6 a ' : A 06 4 13% 13% % 1 Windfall 52 1 th 9% 1 4 Madsen 9158 315 Agnew S 1 1 24 2 25 25 25% Yan Can 9000 ) ) 3 net 13000 7 A Nor Phone 2100 37 36 5 b Curb Talartic 4265 90 Dalhousie 3000 18) 1% ] 1 east U 11000 ta Ont Loan 1 5 9 Man Bar 1260 61 4 3 9 ' 4 Oshawa A 5 ts 7 a . Maralgo 27000 13 12 ] 2 ' Puce 7 STi Bai 4 m4 a Marcon' Too 3m NOT EVEN CRUMPLED Parker 3 32 335 : 34050 88 5 133 . Overland 3 3 31600 32 + E % i Overland © 3700 The hat of Geoffrey Arnold | police try to free him from | minutes as police and firemen Pembina 11400 10 |-the wreckage after the car hit | used crowbars and axes to free b nico : 5395 826% : A | ridge T! to | him. Two 'others in the car Analog w ; > 1 Penmans 5 : p + 301 4 - : " 11800 21 p p He STE ¢ a bridge abutment at Toron 3 othe Puly ¢ PC, Jewel 1 9 3" 1 ; 4 3B 3060 A 3 . sign of damage atop the | Friday morning. Arnold was | were also injured. Pembina Ang A 2 h 20 5 3 An In Pow Corp 100 7 '1 3 2 : i 5 P 39300 47 . . , ar as | ir od insi 5 . 15 C i oto A my P Pipe WE oy 35 re Sd ' 16560 $13 ii 12% +1 92 MeWat 32300 : 4 3 crumpled hood of his car trapped inside the car for 15 CP Wirephot Abacus Acad Uran Advocate of Whitby rests with hardly any Argus 250 p ) i : 5 vs Premium 1490 325 - 33 . p 1 Merrill 80200 Ash Temple 8% 7% 8 2 A p 00 82 3 2 3 1 y i EE - ae - Meta Uran 2000 14 Atlan Ace $1 3 + 7 Em 35% 37 16% 1 ac 780 3 SI 1 1, Mian HE : a BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Atlas Stee 231 34 + un 380 76 ADE a 3 Milliken 76166 100 + | : Minda 200 6 . Auto Elec 2 i 2 > 314 $ 060 5 62 55 . a 6 Bank Mont 3630 $51% 4 THA oo Rapid-Grip 350 $137 12 3% Ang Rouyn 9100 20 Min Corp 125$11% 4 % + 3 12% . Min-Ore 72785 Bank NS 2 $64 i 641% +1 Reichold 9% o 33 A ° Bath Pow A 450 36 > 2% Re man A $13 3 3 ; y Area 2% by ~ V4 7 ; Met Ss a 3] E 6 Bath Pow B 300 3 zn oz " Row 1 o¢ Le 1% 1 i 161 ' 1 Arjon 5000 & Ya » + aa i Ho : 1 8 200 3 at M Roe AV C 10694 5 5 . A [Arcadia ras, L £2 S Murray M. Hore x fh --3 3 3 y . 2% + 5 4 : . 8 ; ; - : Arcadia 1200 Roe AV 5% p 280 Atl Nama 6504 15 Royal Bank 4934 : Nat E: 6500 Ne Bow Mer p 100 $1514 4 514 -- . Royal ris 200 257 © 2 ] : oe ' ; s Mn 1 A Ri 3 5 3 . 1 Bowater pr 42 2s 4 ; YE, Russel] 15 $10% 8 5 + 3% : . Aumaque 97500 1 1 1 ; 0 5 Bra 577 425 y St L Cp A p $9303 90% 90% 2 anke 1 5 : 7 a Ro 68 : 3 . St Macey Nn - 5 Bankfield 31 : 1 F BW / 000 ¢ : y 250128 151 Barnat Sala Salada wis Bary Expl We + 1% 22000 : ; thes Di b- - Base Met 4 i! 6 Lhe 3 3 4 : . $37 be Pid er mo , Baska ' 1 ew Deby 900 lov 8y 9) 93 By JOHN PICTON be made public by the end of the U.S. CAPITAL SCARCE 837% ' F: Rs 4 y 4 3 a ce 15675 5 3 9 5 : aia dd Bh . A < 140 339 39 r 3 1 265% 2 § Duy a iy ; Goldvue 22100 |: ; ' Canadian Press Staff Writer |month, but brokers say that de-| It would appear that American 93 81% 1 : 0 Sha > 20.3 + 13 Be 7030 57 . 58 +2 5 v 8625 i i 9 Canadian stock markets closed spite these expectations investors|investors are becoming disinter- 355 $44 3 i 4 % 427 Sayin AN B } 2 3916 37% Bethim ; : ; ; . Jlosco 32% : higher for the second week this|are not prepared now to finance|esied in Canadian mining invest- I 4 $ 1 hn 7 2 Jas 5101 i > : P A | ihlv & Simpsons 3415 $28 3% ng Bevo 3 1 2 1 l N Kelore 9600 : a year, but the increase in trade by| their optimism. . ment, possibly because of a lack 3 1 +3 144 1 Sxp ds o 2 Bicroft y hE "51 Newlund 6885 17% 1 3 5 no means reflected more confid-| The bond market continued to|of speculative news, and are tend- BC Pack B $33% 1 Yi s Somville pr r Bidcop 2.07 y : N Man 11200 5 \ 3 ence by investors. draw much of the available/ing to withdraw their capital in BC Phone 201 $4 ae ve. 31) Southam 50 § 9 5 Rack = 8630 4 ; 3 N Rouyn 5 y Industrials improved by nearly money away from Canadian stock|favor of European projects. roel mas £1 4 1 ¢ 2 Spart 50 1 3 4 a erdulac ( by OH) 5 A ; S 5 &. 1 ; Dole. pe 3 % + 3 13 Bee wis : 5 43 --15 go Bouzan 2900 ; N Semalor 4 ; six points but volume was thin exchanges, attracted by the pros-| Ang to a lesser extent, the Bruck B 500 y +35 St Pay 1172 $1 7 % + 1 3 Boymar bin. Nipissing 325 105 / and, in many cases, issues took|pect of high interest rates. Then vember United States presi- Build Prod 505 $3214 31 3 ? } St Yue Braloms oh ; 3 Nisto 4 S% Su little buying to move the stock|200,000,000 Government of Can-|;...: sction is making some Burlington 315 $ 17 St Brock A 1 Broul Reef 11600 4 4 Nor-A yan yi : 5 . |dential elect Ss Ing A 0 140 " : 2% 35 5 any of y substantially ada issue moved ahead a Pointismerican investors think twice Ae oh a X ) Stedman Brunswk 3100 : + Bor Beau : i i Burrard A 15 5 % 8 Stee! ¢ an 7 3% + 70% Putian ik 26000 4 8 B : 8 Norgold ) 4 Gas pipelines and refining oils a $100.80. ! he {about parting with their money. Steinbg 1115 20% ) 3 " £ Jo 370 - Norlart 1 g onti 2 cover rokers r weeks have & Ster Tr 5 - - Buff RI 78305 Note 3039 3 5 continued to recover from the 3rokers who or | Western oils dropped for the Stuart Oil - ? 3 2 Bunker Hill 5 7 % 6 Nore Fi : 0 1 3 lows in expectation of a favor- been depressed by the lack of first time on index in three weeks § Propane $13% 13% 1 : 6 Cab) ; . . ; Norsync 6000 4 able National Energy Boaxd deci-|business are predicting, althoug raping only index loss: Rit ube : 1 ; 15 A ad Chib : ais Northgate 32069 5 : Pre sion on the natural gas exporta-| hesitantly, an end to the current|™ **5'% Soy Suptest com 100 5 1 C Malart 5 : N Soistm 10 3 L |tion hearings in Ottawa 'last/decline in market values and are| Index changes at Ey Ids Switson 5 3 3 C N Inca 14200 16 14 13 13 N Rank 10800 'month advising a selective buying pro-|dustrials up 5.80 at 492.82; gol T C Nwest North 2575 | . hi ks still t a/up .33 at 89.61; base metals up Tancord 1114 4 3 Cdn Thor 1 5 % wa Noon A wt oe 3. Y | A government announcement gram while stocks still are at a pd I Texaco C 10 ; g 5 Candore 5 5 2% 13 --~ 1 North Can 3 " 1 |this week said the decision willllow point. [01 at 158.44; Thorncliffe 126 3 u ' Can Erin 5 1 147 Norvalie A 1°n 1 -------- |.54 at 100.19 6 Tor-Dom Bk 1952 $ 513 1 an Met 2443 10 6 7 r 1 5Y | . Bank Com 3380 $501 49% 5 5 3 » rum Bk 6" app ADM : 1 > Nudul 4 1434 y Index changes at Montreal: 8 Banks up 1.43 at 54.49; utilities up Eon Drew 2188 $317 1 1 T Gen Tr ) $43% 2 - 4 sass 7 1 1 y 13% 10% Obaska Gan Brew's 30 sho $ Tor Star or 8" 5 : 2 0 Js any 0" 3% O'Brien LE Nn eres 03 at 138.6; industrials up 2.0 at C Br Alum 5 > 1 Tm, SB . 73 Porc gator J AEE : Oka Rare 700 1 4 . y 283.7; combined up 1.4 at 235.3; wird . ng 15% 11 papers up 17.6 at 431.7 and golds CBAL A wt 11 3 ) 0 ig : ) : % La : T Fin 5 or 130 $ ; y 'heskirk ' thy! : Borin T Fin 57 wis ( 25 ester " B - Orchan down 2.48 at 75.86. Cdn Can A W % 123 4 1 1 Tea . 4 ; : 300 11 4 ¥ i Can PL 238 3 % Jac 3) 3 3 Orena Cin Golan $19 18% Trans Mt op: : ai; Chib Kay 10% Jrenada 0g 6 14 9% 6 win 3% + % Chimo 3 64 50 . 2000 29 2 29 33 2 NE EN ES C Chem 50 3 Chrom 3540 510 - C€ Collieries % 2 g Coch Will 5165 310 7 30 pn 66 57 . € Coli pr 7" 94 95" 41 8s 70 Jon 3a. asd y Reco 35500 11 y : pr amay By WILLIAM P. SNEAD [ond quarter business. The auto-| GE 2 3 : l 5336 $14% 1 An i i is | $50 Lake 500 13% 13 13 3 5 1 Patino M {mobile industry, for example, is C Curt W 3 C Dredge = 1090 $1 Aol 8 \ 4 65 24 " -- rsearch Director $23 33 Met 4865 24 4 % Patino wt 5 25 5 Researe : | reportedly seeking to reduce raw C Fairbks A 400 $1 1 1 : y 2 ; % 5 rairbk = 4 4 $499 4 - Coniagas 9400 50 - 2 { C Furks B 5 sr % 7 d \ 15 $3514 3 y 3 B Conlaur 1000 49 : 3 3 E20 int 1 1 5 J. H. Crang and Co. {steel inventories from 30 to 20 i 8) . Ty "me Un Steel 3 $ 9 : Con Key 3311 % 1 Pee Expl 1 1 1 1 21 The third successive weekly de- days supply. As auto production 1 2 Vanadium Of 1 1 +15 3 5 C Bellekeno 3383 4 a E Deaths = Ven Por ; 3 2 C Beta G 8000 4 Pesiiess 2% / ! 4 | line in key interest rates in both|takes about 25 per cent of all Ven Pow p 55 7 : C Callinan 1550 8 3 Pickle Cr 1 " steel produced in the U.S. the 1847 $ 1 " 1 a 4 2% z ' Viceroy A 2 y 3 C Denison 20023 0 3 prc Or 3» 2 8 Canada and the United States eros "on steel demand will be N » hy i ' nwr 370 210 D5 210 +5 3 C Den wis 52890 " 4 4 Pla 129: Y y : J 13. = 0 3 : i 049 1% 20% BR 1k GW 7657 $36% 3% 35% +1 C Discovery 6925 1 y 5 Portage RL oil } Y 1 brought only a mild response in/considerable. 0 a C 146 $10% 10% 7 1 y E, y . £13 i dn Pet pr 146 $10% 10% 10% Wat Equip 110 450. 450 45 C Fen 3513 Pow Rou 3500 35 1 1 3 9 the stock markets. In Canada the, If the present trend continues Cdn Sait 30 837 w 55 TD ; 8 " > v Cdn Tire 45 3185 3 Piha Tham mom 2 Con Gilies 3000 3 a5 7 Preston 5 4 i Jrop. Thiitsday 1 , Bank of|it Would not seem impossible to anal Amz % an 2 West C Br 288 $32% 32% 324 C Halliwell 39750 3 4 2 5) rome. 17 315 275 3 : Canada rate from 4.27 pe to 3.66/See the steel rate down to about CWN Gas pr 205 $14 14 ' + 2B ¥ Copper. 30 2) 20 Coy Howey 300 1 5 Purdex Sh 3 . pe Inetihad the sharp decline|7 Pc of capacity. With this out- - PWN ] "hl Cop wis 710 5 5 > Marben 2600 3 ¥ pf 5 é $ i Feb- CWN G 5% : : y 0 6 Hg Que Ascot 13733 1 7 look, also reflected in the Fe : 4 West Groc A 175 $32 | ) C Marcus 1500 2 3 Tuesday in the U.S. Treasury| J ; Circ Bar 4 ; ; . SH oF : Que Chik 315 a) , " Cockshutt A 151 + 1458 Weston 4 = 1 y ® tam 5 244 A 10 - oe Cop' 1 3 bill rate down to 3.03 pc. Only Tyary declie i ihe BW bp Don't fool with a cough due 3 . : 'eston 2 $31 y ogu 7630 - 1 1 Fa . 4 é Yi ¢ 99 b Col Cell 3 Wstn 6 pr 165 $102 102 102 3 C Morrison 12000 1 1 Que Lab : last Christmas these U.S. Treas-|®! copper labrica ¢ to a cold -- attack it right Comb Ent 9 E 1 West > x c Gs Que Lith ad " : |tons from the 193,300 tons ol x Con Baks y a i Aw 3 $124 10% 12% ¢ Mosher 155665 1800 11 ury bills were selling at a rate ofl January the rather poor re- now with ROBERTS -- the Son Gas Bier Bun Na Wood J A 100 7" > "oo Con Nichol. 170 J200 9 5 1.67 pe | 5 kets t time-tested, ood tasting Con Gas B 1058100 100 100 1 a} 1006 317 y 5p x 5 zon Nichel,. 1700 y 7951 : : sponse of the stock markets to A | 3 Corby vt %0 $17 Th + % : Wowiwad A 1005 317 % 163 < Nota Aen Quemont 2072 10% . g This very rapid decline in key | easier money is possibly explain-| = fast-acting syrup -- made . 12% 12% 12% + 4 1 Knit om ? T 4 oa Radiore 13800 3 - 6 interest rates has many obser-| : Tail oS 2 3 2% 1 ¥ Knit B 00 5] B15. ; nh g Rainville ; 3 » vers wondering how much it re- oo om the longer term view the Yrom-extract of «od Hiv off Creative 583 $1 Zenith 700 Con Sud Rayrock S46 : : gue he Bank! long | and tar -- nothing finer or Crown Zell % - % Curb 3 Son Sul Realm 60 32 2714 291% --24 fiects official policy by the Bank|i ang to easier money is encour- Reeves 500 160 160 160 +5 of Canada and the Federal Re-|zging but to be convincing it Crow's N 3 16% 1 1 ot Y Ang Cdn 2B $36% 36% 36% Cop Corp . . Ronan 14000 33 oo ed % serve Board and how much it Telnet pe maintained for a con-| Rix Athab 5200 18 17 17 x = flects a decline in the demand gijerable period. It could also) 7 Roche 18000 12 3 for loans by business. {have the effect of helping to re-| Crush inf a + ' 4 Anglo Nfld 1980 6% 6% 4 Cop-Man a» a . 101% k Asbestos 803 $24% 23% . Coprand Rockwin 68600 22 2 | Rowan Cons 4100 7 It would appear that the mone-|{duce the premium on the Cana-| Dist Seag x + A B Am Bank 100 $52 52 2 = 3 s Coulee San Ant 6924 60 3 2 tary authorities are attempting to|dian dollar. Over the next three ann VRE OF Hell 8 18..2 offset the effects of inventory months investors may find some o mtep Cr 500 84 y liquidation by industrial mana- buying opportunities in our ex- D Bridge 1 18% % CD Su : A *% 3 - ' . : rl 1348 $14% 14% % + 17% Cournor Dom Elec = ) - / CG Inv 8 329% 29% : 4 Cowich phe Ingersoll 5 $39 1 3 1% 3 Cralgmt Sherritt 21235 274 1 gers in anticipation of poor sec" port industries such as paper, 301 $108% 106 4 4 D'Aragon Siam 452 do - | metals, distilling and grain hand- 550 $1314 11% 13v g LE De Cour 7 : |ling and some of the construction] AT ALL DRUGGISTS 3576 344% 43 % -- 3 p 8073 $6% 1 5 Crestaur 0 3 1 : 9% $2815 27% Deer Horn 15600 . 4 Sil Stand 8500, 27 : " De ior.) i ; Siscoe 130 % - : REPRESENTATIV | companies as well Bun Th. Th 7 2770 : 3 Croinot Dome Slocan 18500 10% Baa faster. Ask your druggist. w Bhveneid8ultetEBuaa w $324 32 3 3» ass 385 $76 75 f 1 Crowpat 175 $37% 36% 36h --1 361 Cusco 2830 $22% 20% y h Daering $ 55 $42% 42% 730 $40 38% 00 $6 6 ! 4 Donalda 0 7 ; 7 Stanleigh 8 EL EB Fi rg © * | MUTUAL FUND A Stanrck 1 1 E Amphi 11000 7% 7 ) Sia. , 4 Bid Ask t y 5 83 rie ) 1 5 a a % 3 » | y 1 ¥% 15% 15 - East Mal 950 155 1 5 Steeloy 5 4% 4 , 130 HoT doe 3 . East Sul ps0 158 15 1 io i Sew R100 so All Cdn Com Fd 675 7.25 | L 27 a Elder 147400 13 = Sud Con 500 6% 5% 6 s American Growth Fittings A 1 3 4 3500 i - 1 il a = Sullivan 16025 3 : ; 3% - y x 2300 Eldrich 3500 18 4 163 1 3 58 New 675 7. | ™ ' : : » TET Fleet Mig v El Sol 1000 % Sunburst 1500 14 Ford US 1000 5 5 Eureka 53500 "a Lf . ¥ Sylvanite 22868 77 Cdn Investment Fd 8.47 Ford com 1350 3 F 3 a > i Taurcan 11000 55 3 Almin 5650 5 $ a Son 3 5" 3 5 4 Canatund 3100.35 i d i i Cc It i de So mom mm den TR Teck Hw a se #2 | Sororate Im 5 ndependent Insurance Consultan 43200 gl 5 3 Territory 6020 30 3 k Group Accum - +1 +++++++ are a3 s 7s F333 Fndation Fraser Fr Pete pr Amurex 100 200 4 Anchor 300 11% 11% 1 4 Fatima " A Thom L Ang Am Francr 5500 S% 3 om L : 9% Invest Growth 8.25 4.7 : fom 5.50 Asamera i ; ' Frovisher 5030 1 51 AR. = 3 Tombill 15010 50 ¥ v Investors Mutual 0 7. 525 § 60 $02 20 $T% 15% G 3 id Frob debe 4 1 46 35 5 Bailey SA 5 ho " i y Torbit 3500 } q 3 q Mutual Acc Fd 5 25 Banff Gaitwin 10100 £5 : Attention All . . . ry 5 3 oh Geco Mines 2167 167 +14 5 Trans Res = 5050 North American : 4 % GMC : 3% 43 ¢ 5 Triba, 11000 : y 4 " 1200 1 8 ' GP 125 Bras oe : She Mast 4130 2 - ; 7 Trin CHib 2600 13 Supervised Execu- | GP Drill " S + 1 " . YK 185 $11 4 1 Ult Shaw 5008 11% 1 a tive 1958 8.25 8. GS Wares 1392 $11 4 2 3000 25 2% : U Mining 2614 20% 6 1 TV Elect 7.00 4 - > ' 3.00 Caltala Goodyear 65 $150 1 1 OV han 52 35 1 : GF Ming 26500 , Un Keno 2510 590 United Accum Fd 1 ie 1 v e GS Warea p65 1% 86 Glenn Ur 3800 ' 5 U Asbestos 2950 395 3 Goodyear pr 105 $40% 1 14 ot 3 3 Goldra 7% 1 30 Un Fort 19500 23% ; Be " G Mackay A 480 $6 on 1 ; a Grandroy 4 4 5 +3 ; 1 Upp Can 6050 111 5 | 102 " G Mackay B 325 $7 +1 C Oil 125 3 " Granduc 5 1 1 5 1 Vandoo 3400 4% od al aL Pagar 2a | 214 - 2 randy : . - Ventures 1621 $2 22% 223 4 ines er GN Gas % 5) 4 3783 vi EY . 5 Gulch ' 1 olam 1400 146 GN G 280 p ; 40 39 95¢ . Gulf Lead : 5 : Waite Am 4939615 GN. G wis s C Chieftn 36900 119 3 i 9 Gunnar 13767 95 10% 805 Weedon 4100 5 - ox GB : 4 Cdn Dev 2222 3 r Gunnar w a ¥ Maiar Slo 2 0- neraton ow Goal 3 0 30 ¥ C Ex Gas 41445 215 Gwillim 5% 3 Piola us § % » " 5 SW Cou 0 32 5 ; C High Cr 9100 36 i Hard Rock 85650 16 11 1 10 Willroy 66425 143 #1 1 o i ® F Basis Only! Cor os 30 ow Tou C Homestd 3819 8 80 i z Har Min 13000 "9% 1 Will wis 900 65 5 4 : TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario ee basis Unly : G Wot Gv 816 ich 4 1 9 C Husky 10886 810 . 5 Hasan 2500 a Wilksey i900 to A 9% 5 9 government committee to study . " ; C Husky wis 2500 39% 5 of Lakes 10500 4 Ti 15 inch hla 4 7 6 ov i G bid 5 w 100 385 5 : © Superior | 565 Headway 9700 3 Wr Harg 120 137 : ; the development of Elliot Lakt ° .. C I . Grey md 1578 su Cnr ae Sa 1 1 Heath 7500 : : Yale Lead 82700 2 and Bancroft has been offered] Preliminary onsultation Gurney 125 $10 Charter Off 1500 High Bell Jobo 158 Yenores Bi we 7 4 94h the "fullest co-operation' -of Den- . . . [] 4 1 ( $2 3% 293% 23% & + & 3 FH n Hardee 857 $10 % 10 hh p : Mh Hoang 7 --n, Young HG 39300 84 +4 A ison Mines Limited, it was an Without Obligation . Ja NF Ct 3% N41 1 ® Ea f . Hud Bay $46 5% 4f B13 Yukeno 1000 4 nounced Friday by William M : 3 x 3 75 5 it y Hugh Pam 1000 1 10 114 Zenmae 15900 22 - 29 Nick] inist f planni Rl Hi-Tower 23 ' : : ¢ : : 2 0) Nickle, minister of planning an . ve g X y A Hydra Ex 2520 4 E Zulapa 2250 19 L 29 q Horne Pit 815 40° 315 on gy : Re =n» 2 : 3 Curb development. 8 Years with Government Hughes O A 200 $11% 10% . 10% id ce. wis 58 1 : : Int Nickel 5776 ¢ f Bulolo 240 435 5 460 390 The offer was made by Stephen age [] Hughes O pr 25 $254 25) T 251 83 Int Moly 9100 7 + Y 3% Gaspe Cop 100 820 23 20 B. Roman, president of the min Annuities . : a4 ss2° 0 > 4 Dome Pete 1 : Irish Cop 16675 1 + : Pend Ore 390 265 315 240 . i rem 0 $56) iy 2» Duvex 6 Tron Bay 5120 285 266 270 --15 290 208 Yukon 1000 67 6 72 63 Ing company, said Mr. Nickle Dynamic 57800 1 : 3 12 -- EE en m---- -- -- The committee will make a 12 Y ith ; ce | . . [study of the industrial potentin) ears wi nsuran iti sader Pearson said] The Com s, 4 EC] 3 brad i wd 2 Opposition Leader Pearson said ommons, after 1% days |, the two uranium mining areas. | Fargo 6200 410 37. C LJ Fr Pete pr 75 E > 01 | at 3 -| ' H Gr Plamy 55 31 4 10% 1 ; i Parliament {Bomarc expenditures are thelof debate, granted the govern [Mr Nickle told the leqislatu od Companies ! el Tob pr 200 ¥ 1 13854 $11 {heigh® of folly ment an interim supply of $603, | Accep 1430 $3 ! + 1% 7% 31 Hom Oil A 13854 $i1% 64 | ; Hine | Thursday a master plan of the an n 2 Hom 2) 4807 4 10% A 1 "OF sader zen! J o ! y " 4 R : 3 . me Oil B 480 § 9 CCF House Leader Hazen|488,902 to pay April and May bills. | pi 508% | area will be prepared 450 pr HB O1 G 9484 13% 1 x 1 fd : Tomer A : i : 2 J 3 600 1 1 1 > 1 Argue, suggesting Mr Pearke : Resources Minister Alvin Ham for distribution in the United nglis 256 h 4 3 ote 57000 12% 1 1 2 8 1 - - should resign, said the minister'siilton announced a natural 2as|iates and abroad to attract new Inland, Gas : % : - Y% i Longpoint ve Nh a A : : announcement confirmed Can- discovery in the Northwest Ter-| industries to the town. pe vt 3 a. Marigold 6 ' 3 3 By THE CANADIAN PRESS ada's inferior role in the contin-|ritories which is "extremely. en- Robert Winters, president -of | G pr 1 y 3 A . Fhdion Bronze 1 1 1 Mayfair u 2 ; A ; 3 Friday March 25, 1960 ental air defence partnership jcouraging. [Rio Tinto Mining Company, has| 20 +3 . Mideon 19300 48 45% Defence Minister Pearkes, an- 'rime Minister Diefenbaker | Monday, March 28 |offered to make available hous- | an fn A 0 rs ? pouncing a major U.S. reduction| reiterated the government has no] The Commons meets at 2:30/ing in the town to new industries. SHAWA RA 5-5102 N ( 3 1 3 2 in the Bomarc anti-aircraft pro-|{sympathy for racial discrimina-\p.m. EST to consider private] T. A. C. Tyrell, deputy minis-| gram, said the government still tion policies but said Canada willimembers' proposals. The Senate|ter of planning and development, | intends to install two Bomarc not intervene in the South Af-|is adjourned until 8 p.m. Tues-(will be chairman of the com-| missile bases in Canada. rican situation. 'day. |mittee. i