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The Oshawa Times, 26 Mar 1960, p. 15

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+ BUNK beds, = house, Please Note DEATHS |44--Houses & Apts. For Rent 45--Real Estate for Sale |45--Real Estate for Sale LOW down payment, five-room brick Deadlines now in effect for this column: Births, Memoriams, Thanks -- 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 Cords of HYLAND, Anne .. At the residence, 614 Avenue Rd., Toronto, on Thursday, THREE rooms at Brooklin telephone Oliver 5-3654 oil heated, hardwood and tile floors, storms and screens, all con- garage, central, RA 53188. FURNISHED room in bachelor apart ment, all privileges. RA 5-9630. SIX - room bungalow, three years old, room, March 24, 1960, Anne Hyland, of the late George and Mary Jane Hy- land, Oshawa. Funeral service at the above address. Monday afternoon Oshawa, about 4 o'clock. NOBLE, Leo John Henry -- At the County of Victoria Home in Lindsay on Thursday, March 24, 1960, Leo John Henry Ncble; beloved husband of late Mary McEachern, in his 83rd year. BIRTHS Resting at the Mackey Funeral Home, Lindsay, for service on Monday, March 28, at 2 p.m. Interment at the Oshawa Union Cemetery COLE -- Mr and Mrs. Bill Cole are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter 8 Ibs. 2 0zs., on Friday March A 2 o'clock. Interment Union Cemetery, e| FIVE - lot, near school, $75 monthly RA 5-6520 HOUSE for rent in suburbs, large treed dl living ning room, storm windows and doors, 281 Central Park Blvd, after 5 p.m, kitchen, | THREE + room apartment -in apart. ment house, large, self-contained, furn- ished if desired, newly decorated, three- plece bathroom, large closets, stove and refrigerator. Apply 23 Gibb Street, Apt. 1 at Simcoe Street entrance. room, furnished apartment, kitchen cupboards, refrigerator and stove, private bath. 481 Drew Street, RA 3-8851 THREE-, and four - room apartment, 301 Cordova Road, available now. All conveniences, parking, laundry tubs, IN MEMORIAM 25 at the Oshawa General sister for Robert COLLINS -- John and June (nee Griffin) wish to announce the arrival of a baby boy, 6 Ibs. 8 ozs., Thursday, March 24, 1960, at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. A brother for Christine, DEVEAU -- Wilfred and Lilah (nee BLACK -- In loving memory of my {dear husband, Samuel lack, who pass- ed away March 26, 195 We cannot, Lord, Thy "purpose see But all is well that is done by thee. ~Sadly missed by wife, Sally, HOWARD -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Edward Slouare, who passed away March 27, Robinson) wish to announce the arrival jos9 of their son, 6 Ibs. 3 ozs., on Thursday, March 24, 1950, at the Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for Elizabeth Ann, Thanks to Dr. Anderson. DONALD -- Dnt and Dave are ha to announce the birth of a son Douglas James on Thursday March 17, 1960 at the Oshawa General Hospital. A broth- er for Debble and Diane GOLDSMITH -- Jim and Mary Gold smith wish to anhounce the birth 'of their son on Thursday, March 24, 1960 at the Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for Paul SABYAN -- Jim and Ann (nee Good win) thank God for the safe arrival of their twins, Paul James, 7 Ibs. 10 ozs., and Sheila Ann, 4 lbs. 6 ors. on Wed-| nesday, March 23, 1960, at Oshawa Gen.| | eral Hospital Thanks to Dr. Mecllveen and stafi, TOWN -- John R. and Rose wish to announce the birth of a baby girl Mar garet Rose at the Oshawa on Friday March 25, 1960. Dr. G. W. Lindsey. Thanks to -- Radolph and Alice] wish to announce the birth of their daughter 8 Ibs 10 ozs on Thursday March 24th 1960. At the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. A sister for Jeffery. DEATHS COLLINS, Joseph -- At his residence, Fairport Road North, Dunbarton, On- tario, on Thursday, March 24, Joseph Collins, aged 68 years, | husband of the late Mary Miller; dear) father Robert J. of Scarboro, Vernon C Orillia, and Gerald C. Collins of Whit- by; dear brother of Mrs. Annie Dart, Scarboro; Mercy (Mrs. R. Arnold) of Hudson, Florida; and Fred Collins of | Scarboro. Resting at the new Wm. E Sherrin Funeral Home, No. 2 Highway, Pickering (just east hr Harwood Avenue North, Ajax). Service in the chapel on Monday, March 28, at 3 p.m Interment Erskine Cemetery, Dunbar. ton. VIENNEAU LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements ond floral requirements for all occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 55 of Alfred H. Collins of Toronto | si Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near, --Always remembered by wife Lillian, and family. HOWARD -- In loving memory of a dear father, Edward Howard, who passed away March 27, 1959, We were not there to see you die, To hold your hand or kiss goodbye, But we'll remember our whole lives | through The last few words we had with you. -Ever remembered by daughter Shir ley TURNER -- In loving memory of a dear wife, Alice Mildred May Turner, | who passed away March 1951. Gone from us, but leaving memories Death can never take away; Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay. ~Sadly missed by husband. TURNER -- In loving memory of a General dear mother, Alice Turner, who passed | away March 27, 195 Loving and kind in all her ways, | un hs and just to the end of her niin and true in her heart and mind, Beautiful memories she left behind. ~Lovingly remembered by Douglas) and Shirley. memory of a Oswald, who 26, 1959 his wife Madeline. WILSON -- In {dear husband, jrassst away March ~Sadly missed by CARD OF THANKS BRIGHT -- 1 would like to extend my loving Walton wey who sent cards and gifts ited me during my stay in the hospl- Also to nurses and nurses' aid on Doctors Baldwin, Grant, Stocks; anks to Rev. Atkinson and Rev. ys. t v 44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent ER, with nine year old daugter, to share new home in Whithy ow willing {706 Gilbert Street West, MOhawk & APARTMENT furnished, self-con- tained, kitchen and bedroom, with re- frigerator, stove, sink, cupboards, TV outlet, etc., private entrance, parking space. Apply 184 Beatty Avenue. THREE room house, centrally located, bus stop, 339 Eulalie Avenue Apply 183 Oshawa Blvd. South. RA 35-1783 ONE room, close to down town, cooking | privileges. Call RA 8-8256 or 143 Huron Street. TWO - apartment, third floor, GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price, yet within reach of all. FOUR bath i and entrance. heat and hydro jaluded, $45 monthly, west end, RA 8-5 FOR RENT Sommer 4 store, suitable any , Simcoe} RA' 5.0081 or RA 59544 re thanks to my friends and rela-| and| near SGM, 464 Eulalie Avenue. LARGE furnished housekeeping room with refrigerator, central, gentlemen preferred. Apply 108 Court Street, off Bruce, FOUR - room i $1,000 DOWN Modem three-bedroom bun- galow, large kitchen, double Pierson windows. FULL PRICE $12,900 Cut stone, large bungalow, private drive, large lot, con- venient to South G.M., neai new schools. Terrific value. WwW. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE RA 5-8831 - all ences, parking space, bus at door. Laundry facilities, hot water heating. Apply 165 Verdun Road, RA 3-306, THREE furnished rooms, available April 15, quiet couple, all conveniences. 630 King West. WHITBY apartment -- modern self. contained upper duplex, residential street, four-piece bath, laundry room, TV outlet, $75 monthly, adults prefer red. MO 8-4507, NEW five-room house and garage for rent, $85 monthly, Call after 5, 5-2733. FOUR room house for rent, garage and garden, all conveniences, Apply 149 Wil- son Road South. : | APARTM unfurnished, three {rooms and th, nice kitchen, heavy | duty wiring, semi-private entrance, sec- ond floor, 295 Arthur Street East, two blocks from King and Ritson. Phone |RA 8-6361 _betw een 9 and 6. | sone RN electrically _ equipped, two- b om apartment, 111 Craydon Road, | Whitby, MO 8-5229, AT -- for widow or older couple, three rooms and bath, private, share kitchen only with lady pensioner, Low rent for return of light services. Apply | Box 523, Oshawa Times. 2 BEDROOM QUIET, MODERN | APARTMENT | At 15 GIBBONS ST. APPLY AT 21 GIBBONS ST. Five-room modern apartment available in new modern triplex. 1100 sq. ft., large rooms, stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer, paved parking, T.V. gerial. Phone Lloyd Metcalf Realtor, RA -93 or after 5:30 call PAR KWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS ON SAGUENAY AVENUE (PARK RD. & KING ST. DISTRICT) OPEN FOR INSPECTION Quiet, residential street. Children welcome 1 & 2-bedrom Apartments. Stoves, 'frigs, T.V. outlet, drapes, parking, etc. Rents from $85 monthly PHONE RA 5-7272 RA 5-5787 rooms, unfurnished, private Apply 539 Albert | . RA 8-1178. RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST utiunt ce floor apartment, three rooms, | men, use of kitchen and washing ma- self-contained, mediate possession. Call RA 3-2155. | centrally located. Im- WHITBY C LASSIFIED new, complete, filled mattresses, $50.95; 21-in. TV sets, from $79.50; Felufetators, from $39.50;|1, heav. dry room. MO 8-4 combination coal 'and wood and heavy duty range, $29.50; kitchen suites, from $14.95; chesterfields and davenports, from $20.00; new mattresses, from complete, new chest of drawers, walnut finish, | $26.50. We have received our first] shipment of Kelvinator SEPliauces. Drop in and look around, Midtown Fur 8 niture, 113 Byron Street ~ South, 0; 8-4981 or MO 8-5740. FOR SALE -- Colonial garage, newly constructed with overhead door. Phone MO 8-2129 after 6 p.m. FOR RENT -- Modern 4room and bath, self-contained apartment, Li yarsing, TV outlet, Adults preferred. | MO 8-4282. | FOR RENT -- Three - room om basement | -- apartment, with three-piece bathroom, private entrance, couple only. MO | 3126. FOR RENT in Whitby, three bedroom | all conveniences, hardwood | floors, newly decorated, bus at ar references required, available April 1. $100 a month Write 327 Oshawa Times. bedroom triplex. | 8020. FOR RENT -- One and two apartments, private, in new + 927 Byron Street North, RA 5 MODERN, bedroom "apartment, conveniences, balcony, $95, monthly. | Close to Shopping Centre. Phone MoO! 8-4770. . FOR | RENT -- -- Rooms with or without | board. convenient parking space. MO 8.5149. SPECIAL, new Kelvinator deep "freczes from only R% For special prices on ranges, fridges, washers and dry ers, conlact "Mia Town Furniture, The Newest Appliance Dealer in Whitby. MO 8-4 8-4981 or MO 8-57; 40. spring- (FOR RENT -- self contained, |space available, three| rooms and sun porch, available April| duty Jing, basement laun- FOR RE) "Unfurnished 3-1 apartment. Available April 1st Mo to 8 p.m. {FoR RENT -- nicely furnished room, nice home, centrally located. suitable T [for one or couple, breakfast optional. 0 8-5236, FOR RENT -- 3.room apartment, as Byron North, FOR SALE -- 1958 Laurentian hard: | top, with all extras, 6 cylinder, auto-| |matic, Abner's Esso Service. Phone MO 8-5391. FOR SALE -- Colonial garage, newly constructed with overhead door. Phone MOhawk 82129 after 6 p.m ROOM and board and care for one| person, elderly lady preferred. MO 8-5746 anytime. ITO RENT -- Furnished foom, parking TV privileges. Tele- phone MO B8-5624. NEW -- Three-bedroom, bungalow | apartment, Hollywood kitchen, decorat. led; also large three-room apartment. Private entrance and bath, decorated. MO 83 FOR RENT -- Nice farnished room, |" private entrance, in respectable home Call MO 8-4257. | NEW office space in Whitby, 800 sq. ft or less, parking lot facilities. Whitby Professional Building, 13731; evenings, MO 8-4003. MO 8. Feb 12 ISEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8.2563 @OUSE and bungalow wanted, Good |down payments W McAuley Realtor IMO 83231, Oshawa RA 3.2512. FOR RENT -- New apartment Mary Street, Whitby, two bedroom suites, modern in every respect, range, refrigerator. All services. Only $85.00-- $100.00. A. J. Schatz, Realtor, MO 8- 3337. Contact J .A. Daly, evenings, MO 8-4775. LIVE ' poultry also feathers Highest market prices paid Parker, MO 8-3644 collect. FOR RENT APARTMENTS $87.50 MO. New modern oportments, 2 bedrooms, stove, 'frig., T.V. outlet - provided. Immediate possession. MO 8-2625 FOR RENT Boat, box ond cabin trailers, chain and skill saws, electric drills, sanders, polishers, paint sprayers, pipe dies, vacuum cleaners, post hole diggers, garden tillers, lawn mowers, rollers ond seater, smelt nets. FOR SALE Used boats, motors, trailers, cabin trailers, garden tillers. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1415 DUNDAS E. MO 8-3226 wanted. Jake FOR C. & ih SA Dodd 2 Souter Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South MO 8-5231 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF EDWARD WELLINGTON SLEEP, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of Edward Wellington Sleep, late of the | Township of Pickering, in the | County of Ontario, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 5th day of January, 1960, are, hereby notified to send particulars of the same to the under- signed Solicitor for the Ad- ministrators on or before the 18th day of April, 1960, after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed, | having regard only to claims | of which he shall then have notice. DATED at Whitby, this 24th doy of March, 1960, DONALD RUDDY, Q.C, Solicitor for the Administrators, 111 Dundes St. West, WHITBY, Ontario, Phone Is Cai | ROOM "in private home, very central, {45--Real Estate For Sale bungalow, three bedrooms, |quarters and garage. 44a--Rooms For Rent {FRONT large room, for two gentle- chine, Apply 25 Division Street. SINGLE furnished room, centrally lo- cated, can also arrange for board if Seated, Apply 20 Elgin East. RA 0 light housekeeping rooms, fur- nished, in private home, hot water and {use of washing machine, central, RA |5 2292, TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, also one rnished housekeeping room at 77 Ontario Street. AT Cclborne Street West, large double m |and one small furnished bedroom. Use |of kitchen. Young business gentleman | preferred RA 3-4935. -- | FURNISHED room fo rent, |TV privileges. Telephone MO 8- SINGLE furnished bedroom for busi. ness 'man, in quiet home, breakfast optional. 38 Colborne Street West. |ONE furnished room, suitable for lady |or gentleman. Apply 620 Simcoe Street | North. 700 much room? Rent the surplus |through For Rent ads: get steady in- | come! Call RA 3-3492 arking, 24. |ONE large furnished room and kitchen, |suit couple, Also single furnished room |for gentleman. Appiy 620 Simcoe Street North SINGLE room, clean, quiet, central, LL lose to hospital, light housekeeping if desired. RA 8-5984. [THREE rooms (two bedrooms |kitchen). Central, Use of phon | washing machine. Telephone RA ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, able in private home, i Park North, 5-7 p.m. RA 8-867 EE and compare this i spaci- [ous bed . sitting room in clean home, {one minu . Men rnhill Blvd., RA 5-7295, and "avail. Road spring mattress, suit gentleman. 102 Elgin East. TWO Kite! furnished rooms, hedroom and n, with refrigerator, also very arge furnished housckeeping room with refrigerator, for adults only, park- ing space. 99 Elgin East. |ONE or two rooms with kitchen, also {front room. Apply 827 Meyers Street, RA 28-6603 FURNISHED room, suitable for busi- ness gentleman, close to downtown. Call RA 5-2010. ROOMS by the week, tiled shower and bath, maid service. RA 3-4641, Genosha Hotel, and double rooms for gentle men with cooking privileges Apply 135 Celina Street TWO or three partly furnished rooms. near corner of Alice and Division, Call RA 3-4909 after 4:30 p.m. ONE furnished room, gentleman pre- ferred. red. Apply 330 Celina Street. ONE bright, spacious bed-sitting room, modern furniture, cooking facilities, in clean home, one minute to Shopping 1%2 YEAR OLD TRI-PLEX $24,800 OR BEST OFFER Substantial down payment required, second mortgage to be arranged. 9 am. to 6 p.m. RA B8-6061 evenings RA 8- -0010. OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 GRANDVIEW GARDENS SPLIT LEVEL Beautiful split level, 1% yrs. old. The home you have been waiting for. The living room is spacious with fire- place, also dining room, ultra-modern kitchen, with coppertone built-in stove ond oven, plenty of cupboards, also the most important, a large family room and 2-pc. bath on main floor. Second floor has 3 beautiful bed- rooms all with large closets, 4-pc. bath. This home is nicely decorated ond hos many extras. Oil heating, at- tached garage. $19,500, terms. For further informa- tion, pleose call Henry Stin- son, evenings, RA 5-0243, JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS--INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 The Age OF Space More Living Space FOR Growing Families Buy Now and Save New, N.H.A. from $850. down, and as low as $12,600. full price. 3- bedroom brick bungalows, many extras, top loca- tions. North-east, south- west, Call Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-8342 or RA 5-6544, Low Monthly Payments Quick Possession Trades LOTS FOR SALE 3 PER FOOT KING ST. BUILDERS TERMS START BUILDING TODAY .U. JONES, Realtor RA 5-6412 RA 8-1566 RALPH VICKERY REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 46 KING ST. W. RA 8-6228 $500 down. Just 2 left. New 3-bedroom bungalows. East Oshawa. Full price $13,000. 5-room brick bungalow. years old. Small down pay- ment. Carries for $53 month- J principal and interest, 5V2 % mortgage. Vendor will take 'back small 2nd mort- gage if necessary. Modem brick bungalow with 3-room apartment in base- ment, Lorge landscaped lot. Aluminum storms ond screens. Bus every 15 min- utes. Close to school. Sub- stantial down payment re- quired. Full price $15,500, Simcoe St. 1 yr. old 3- bedroom bungalow situated in quiet residential district. Fully decorated, gleaming hardwood floors. Large lot: Aluminum storms and screens. Immediate pos- session. Full price $13,350 with $2,500 down or make an offer. Carries for $69 monthly. We have lots for building pur- poses, Farms, Summer Prop- erties and Homes in most parts of Oshawa for sale. For further information phone any of the following: Ernie Allen RA 3-3053 Evelyn Walker . RA 5-1442 Pat Donevan .. RA 3-7313 Alice Broadbent RA 5-5405 Vic Walker WH 2-5253 HARRY MILLEN Real Estate 11 ONTARIO ST. RA 8-1679 GRANDVIEW GARDENS Beautiful six-room brick bun- galow. Ultra modern, built-in stove and oven, vanity in bathroom. Three bedrooms with den and recreation room on lower level. Large living room with natural fireplace. Owner transferred. Home only two years old. Kassinger built. Down payment $4,.- 900. If you are looking for a better type home be sure and call at once for an appbint- ment, 45% MORTGAGE Hortop street, carries for $65 per month, principal, interest and toxes combined. 6-room bungalow with recreation room. Landscaped, nicely decorated, aluminum storms and screens, T.V. cerial. Full price $12,950. Call to see this outstanding value today. BEAU VALLEY Homes, lots, now available in this fine subdivision on Rossland Rd. E. Three-bed- room bungalows, separate dining areas, ceramic baths with vanities, diopane win- dows, terrific kitchens, plus all the extras of a truly fine Kassinger built home. All services prepaid of course, Down: payments as low as $3,000. ' To make your dreams of better living come true, contact us today. Charles Smith . RA B-8254 Winse Bradley . RA 3-2006 Harry Millen RA 3-2524 EVERYONE LIST WITH OSHAWA'S BUSIEST SOLD SOLD SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! FROM FEB. 1st, 1960 61 HILLCROFT ST. ... 33 COLBORNE ST. 791 STONE ST, .. 274 LASALLE AVE. 113 GRENFELL ST. .. 410 ELIZABETH ST, 666 OLIVE AVE. .. 33 ELGIN ST. .... PRESTON RD. LOT 15, OLIVE AVE. 482 GIBBONS ST, 1084 RAVINE RD, 361 DREW ST. 507 HOWARD ST, LOT 230 TORONTO ST. Centre, man only. Apply 36 Fernhill | Blvd. RA 5-7295. ISHE cant two-room base. , and linen: parking, bus, suit one/ gentleman, or two business girls. RA 8-8409. [ BRIGHT room in new bungalow, near| Duke of Edinburgh School, laundry,| kitchen privileges, girl preferred. Call after 5 o'clock. RA 86519, | FURNISHED room, , quiet home, central location. 182 Simcoe South or phone RA 8-1901 after 2 p.m. ONE large room for gentleman or couple, King Street West, furnished housekeepii 194 14-ROOM house with lunch counter, south end commercial zone. Excellent income possibilities. Oil heated. Private sale. Apply 736 Alpert Street. PRIVATE sale Five-room ' brick large kit chen, oil heated, storms, walkout bage- ment to ravine lot Land. scaped. RA 5-6956, home with a steady income. Restaurant with lvl Price reduced cash, Writs Box 213 $3500 ut Times. 260 GOLF ST. 213 MONTRAVE AVE. 52 ORCHARD VIEW SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! 465 CUNNINGHAM ST. ©. IS SAYING LLOYD. .. THEN CALL YOUR MOVER LLOYD REALTY LTD. REAL ESTATE FIRM OVER $$ ONE-QUARTER MILLION $$ 1960 TO FEB. 29th, LILLA ST. -- PORT PERRY 10, WINTERS AVE. TOTAL SALES $279,805.00 NOW! WE NEED MORE LISTINGS! For Professional Service Call . BILL MILLAR LLOYD CORSON JIM CRUIKSHANKS RA 8-5123 RA 8- IRWIN CRUIKSHANKS SERRY OSBORNE LLOYD BOLAHOOD 5124 RA 8-5125 LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED 101 SIMCOE ST. N. LIST WITH LLOYD. . . THEN CALL YOUR MOVER --FOR ADDED SERVICE, WE NOW HAVE A COMPLETE GENERAL INSURANCE DEPARTMENT FIRE--AUTO-~MERCANTILE G. A. OSBORNE, MANAGER |45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, March 26, 1960 15 LOT -- Southlawn. Telephone RA 35-0229 RANCH bungalow on ravine lot. Fin- ished recreation room, walkout base- ment, Hollywood kitchen, double sink; aluminum storm door, storm windows; é-piece iled bah, vanly .All his for $1538 down, balance at 6 per cent, Call Dick Young at Wilson 5-6588; evenings RA 3-7183. 307 MALAGA Rd., large new briek. bungalow. Cobtaet Rohn, 71 Thomas Street. RA 5-7266 [so LOT for sale 90 by 250 ft, beautiful | level and dry building lot on south side No. 2 highway at Maple Grove Dar- lington township priced 7 quick sale by owner call RA 5.8198. close to south GM.,| 47--Automobiles for Sale 50--Articles for Sale ANGLIA coach, only 6000 miles, bin per gallon. Just like new. Only $1045 at Seaway Motors, Whitby, "57 CHEV, deluxe sedan, sharp tutone green, radio, automatic, whitewalls, low mile- | $1000 DOWN, one acre, nice two-bed Whitby and Oshaw $1,000 DOWN $8,900 with as low as $1,000 down ond easy monthly payments will pro- vide you with a six-room home, oil heated, within walk- ing distonce of downtown. Call Hilda Ristow aot RA 5-6165 or RA 5-3605 even- ings. Ristow ond Olsen, Realtors. room on paved road.' Phone Mr. Walker at RA 8.6228 or RA 8-0241 for further in- formation. Ralph Vickery Real Estate. ase. wu guaranteed, $1595. Seaway te '54 CHEV, two-door deluxe, vi condition throughout. Will take good t as SPECIAL -- 17 months old, transferred to Toronto, si unga- owner | § bu Apply 378 Park Road low, decorated, hot water heat, storms and screens, lawn. No agents, RA 3-7567. LARGE Jot 60 x 255 feet, for sale Close to Taunton Road West. Tele- phone RA B8-5485. { LOTS 50° by 60° frontage, zoned for single family or duplex, New homes surrounding. RA 5-6520. FULL si brick and stone bun- BRICK HOME $1,500 Down end see this brick home, fully completed in ond out. Balonce one mortgage. J. BARNOSKI Realtor, 18 Bond St. West, RA 5-7231. BUNGALOW $1,500 down -- 5-room brick bungalow, nearly new. Must be sold. See it and move in. J. Barnoski, Realtor 18 Bond St. W., Ph. 5.7231 NEW DUPLEX $3,000 Yes, that's the Down Pay- ment required. $110.00 rent, plus 1--6-room apt. for ow- ner, and you have 20 years for balance, open mortgage. For information see J. BARN- OSKI, Realtor, 18 Bond St. West -- RA 5-7231. Cash buyers on large or small homes. For quick results call J. Barnoski, Realtor, 18 Bond St. W., RA 5-7231, for a good home. See and compare. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 GOING FAST ONLY A FEW LEFT New bungalows, still 6% N.H.A. mortgages. From $500 down -- if you qualify, FEATURES: Finished rec-room, fully dec- orated, aluminum storms and screens, sodded lawn back ond front, valance box in living room, exhaust fan in kitchen, plus many other ex- tras. Just steps to schools ond shops. Must be seen. Call now and ask for Howard McCabe RA 5-6544 Members of Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board DON HOWE REAL ESTATE RA 5-7732 SIMCOE ST. 7-room, 2-storey home with 24 x 18 finished attic. New forced air oil heating unit, garage. Located in north end. Close to schools, churches, ond bus service. Contact Rolande Tierney, RA 5-5207. ESTATE SALE Large 2-storey brick home, 3 bedrooms, garage, oil heat- ing, storms and screens, T.V, aerial, in 1st class condition -- close to downtown 'area. Sontocy Loreen Kellett, RA 3-3770 MASSON ST. 7-room, 2-storey home in popular residential district. Located close to high school, public school, and separate school, one block from bus service. 4 rooms down in- cluding sun porch, 3 bed- rooms, garage, T1.V. aerial, storms and screens, This home is in first class condi- tion and requires no extra expense. Can be purchased with low down payment, early possession. Contact Irene Brown, RA 5-3867. SHELLEY AVE Neat 5-room brick bungalow in first class condition, im- maculately clean, 3 bed- rooms, attractive kitchen, forced air oil heating, 4-pc. tile bath. T.V. aerial, storms and screens included. Month- ly payments only $67.00 a month including taxes. $2,000 DOWN 6-room, 2-storey brick home located on Oshawa Bivd., available for early possession. 3 rooms down, 3 bedrooms up. Garage, storms and screens, T.V, aerial, in first class condition. $2,400 DOWN 3-bedroom brick home built by Banfield Construction. Lo- cated close to public, separ- ate and high schools. Out- standing value and features one of the last 6% mort- gages -- see today -- you'll buy it. $1,500 DOWN 6-room, 1V2-storey home, garage, 7 years old. Living room, dining room, kitchen ond 3 bedrooms, oil heating, storms and screens, T.V. aerial, taxes only $186. 28. Children's log play house in back yard and 200 tulip bulbs odd extra value to this property ---- early posses sion. Contact Rolande Tier- ney, RA 5-5207, DON HOWE REAL ESTATE 67 KING ST. E. (Opposite Hotel Genosha) galow, fully modern, attached heated garage, wonderful view to south near west city limits, Substantial cash re. quired. Call L. F. Suelgrove Co.' Ltd. RA 5-8761 or RA 3-9810 FOURTEEN acres of land on Sedas Street South. Phone RA 5-1577 '54 PONTIAC, Y oo condition, fully equip- ped. RA 5-5101 furniture only $299. This includes bedroom suite, chester field and chair, chrome set. matiiess, spring, step and coffee table, bou: and table lamps, pillows, etc. $25 down |delivers! "Guaranteed Best Value!" Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcos hin South. and cider barrels, all solid a lowest yiie, Oshawa furs: ware, 8 Church, 3-7624, HIGHEST prices ) for used furni- ture, also sell and exchange. Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Phone RA 8-1131. 54 PLYMOUTH hydrive, throughout. RA 8-6839. '52 METEOR, customline, custom radio, whitewalls, fender skirts, no |rust, mechanically, sound, Mike' sara BA terms. Try " | 5 5646. 1950 PONTIAC, good running condi- tion, new licence plates. Apply 490 Champlain Avenue, or phone RA 8-8059 "56 CHEV,, tutone, custom radio, good tires, very clean, $895. Easy terms. Try "Stew", at Starr's, 5-5646 SUN lamps for rent, $2 per week; TV sets for rent, $7 per week. Meagher's, 5 5 King Street West. RA 3-3425. BOATS, motors and trailers, new and used, Complete selection. We finance our own accounts. Terms to suit your Dominion Tire Store, Church and Bond. LARGE of reconditioned TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Simcoe Street North. USED tires, most all Haas SE Sud up. B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA FLOOR Soverings at ine sav from 5 till 8 p.m. 'ATTRACTIVE three - bedroom bun- galow, decorated throughout, storms and screens. Owner transferred. Must see to appreciate, Hillside Heights, $2400 down. Call RA 3-3842. MODERN yedro thre: '59 WILLYS jeep, CJ6, four wheel drive, with hydraulic and snow blade. Real bargain, 669 Shakespeare Avenue after 6 pm. il PONTIAC, mechanically good, body fair, $65. RA 8-1 ose 10), Phone and tile & el schools, in new sub-division. MO 8-4897. ADELAIDE, near Mary six-room brick house, new oil heating, TV serial. Immediate possession. Reasonable Owner will can A SIX room solid 8) completely mod- ern, reasonable down payment, first class condition Brock St E. RA 50274 call 7 to 10 p.m 46--Real Estate Wanted - WANTED -- house on_ Telephone RA 3.4686, No pong please ATTENTION rural landowners! 1 wish to purchase several lots, suitable for VLA houses. They must be minimum size, 13% acres, within 10 miles of Osh- awa, near school and do not require extensive wells. Fred R. Jones, (Build. er) 943 Chevrolet Street, Oshawa. RA 3.3383, evenings RA 15-0351 LOT with 53' frontage, or larger. Please reply to RA 5-4871. . white walls, extra's, immaculate 58 38 CHEV, Bi tuton condition 'guaranteed, va freeze spe- cial, $1795. Try "Stew" at P Mike Starr's RA 5-5646. CLEARING at reduced prices, new rlates, good running condition: '51 Ford '52 Olds, *51 Pontiac, "52 Ford, "|'54 Meteor. Easy terms. e 75Y "Stew" at Mike Starr's. RA 5-5646. ings, of last year's patterns. Many cheerful designs for home and reduced for quick sale, 25¢ Ends of broadloom scatter $1.49. Harding heave quali broadloom, rubberized back and moth proof, 6 decorative col- ors, large 3 9 x 12 size very special price 50 Ends of wall coverings Clear out price 37¢ per foot. Wilson Furniture 20 Church Stree PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 All colors. Guaranteed flat, Oshawa Hardware and Electric, Church Street. RA 3-7624. TWIN carriage, converts into stroller, Phone |'55 BUICK dynaflow, custom . radio, whitewalls, two-tone, excellent condi tion, 5895. Try "Stew" at Mike Starr's. RA 5.5646 RA 38-1454, HUNGRY? We deliver Fish and Chips Chips, Hamburgs, Barb-b-qued Chicken. Town Lunch RA 5.8978, "VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, black with 5 tion. Can be bought for $175. Take over payments. Private. RA 5-7545. 55 OLDS, sedan, hydromatic, power brakes, custom radio, windshield wash- |ers, four new tires, plus two mud and |snow grips with rims. Can be seen by |appointment only. RA 3.7941. ONE large refrigerator, good condi- condi. tion, washing machine, dressers, and beds. Telephone RA 3-7587 or 114 Athel Street East, THREE-plece chesterfield in very good condition, with slip covers, red and grey, $50 cash. Call RA 5-4688. GIRL'S pale green wool spring coat, lr CHEV. coach in size 5, Phone RA 35-2558. ood good tires, reasonable price. Phone RA 51931, NEED more help? Advertise your needs mow through fast-action, low-cost 4 wheel drive Good rubber. 56 LAND Rover, Jeep, good condition, 47--Automobiles For Sale. "56 CADILLAC all electric, white walls Apply Mackie's Van a Storage 555 King St. E V8 ford truck motor 1954, electric sump pump. Apply Mackie's Van and| Storage RA 8-6279. SOLID walnut twin beds, comple with box springs and matresses also RA Adam's General Times Help Wanted Ads. An ad-writer will gladly help you with your ad when you dial RA 3-3492. |Phone Orillia FAirvi |'58 VAUXHALL Cres white walls, tutone, perfect WE pay highest prices in the city for for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni ture Store, RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South RA 8.5542 after § p.m. ONE single bed with spring filled 4 MERCURY sharp, dark | green finish, radio and automatic. Very good mechanical condition, Our low [price this week, $695. Seaway Motors, |%! by. L sedan, freezer all in perfect 5-0274 call 7 to 10 p.m. SELLING furniture? We'll buy if. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, piano stoves, etc. For top cash offer, tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8- 1131. GIRLS | spring coat size 10, girls suit size 6X, like new. RA 3-2841 '55 FORD, half ton pick-up, A- throughout, good push bumper, good tires, dual exhaust, whitewalls, wheeldiscs. 288 Arthur Street after 5.30. 51 BUICK sedan dynafiow, all paris for sale custom radio included, tele- phone RA 3-9491. | mileage, $1195. Sei BUICK Century tudor, hardtop, fully ed motor. Sharpest car on our lot, $1395. Seaway Motors, Whitby. 56 NASH Rambler, fordor station wagon, blue and white, radio, washers, excellent mechanically. Very low gas y Motors, Whitby. chest of drawers, large size baby bed with mattress, baby car- riage, walnut coffee table. All in very good condition. RA 3-9123 VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. teed. rebuilt machines, Estimates free Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser. vice. RA 85-0591 anytime. 2000 78 and 48 R.P.M. records, clearing at four for $1.00. Meagher's, 5 King Street West. SAVE money, | beautiful reversible rugs or furning in old clothes and rags. xe ige fin h, with ein green interior, radio and mech- colors, J. Fredin, RA Twelve 5-2225. anically 56 CHEV. tractor, fully equipped, in 53 FORD coach, light green, very good | motor, four excellent tires, Ideal sec- ond family car. Our low price, $495. Seaway Motors, Whitby, "59 FORD custom 300 sedan, V-8, beau. tifulu dark blue finish, top mechanical condition, $1795, Seaway Motors, Whit- by. '55 METEOR Niagara, tudor, immacu- late tutone green finish, radio, new | first class , both mechanically and body wise. Four mew nylon tires, $1395. Seaway Motors, Whitby. Sale price $495. Seaway Mo: |P itby. E like new, 10 key adding machine, electric type writer, snap for quick sale. RA 3-4434 $19.95 TABLE lamps now on sale for only $595 Limited supply. Barons" Home F 424 Simcoe St. § BEDFORD van, new paint job, light blue, reconditioned motor, four excel- lent tires. Ready for the road. Only $795. Seaway Motors, Whitby. green finish, fully equipped, This ear as good as any late model, $395. Sea- way Motors, Whitby. slips, completely r motor, Don't miss this buy, $845 Seaway Motors, Whitby. 52 FORD coach, sharp maroon and white finish, four excellent tires. Motor in top condition, reliable transporta- tion, Only $395. Seaway Motors, Whit by. able, $395, easy terms. Starr's. RA 5-5646. 52 be nd half-ton pick-up truck, A-1 condition. Telephone RA 3-9630. '53 CHEV. whitewalls, clear rr EC Dette, Aiton Tbr Try "Stew" at|'53 Chevrolet halt ES '57 FORD tudor, beautiful tutone brown and white, excellent mechanically, ex- cellent tires, fully guaranteed. For enly $1195 at Seaway Motors, Whitby, 51 METEOR coach, spotless beige BUICK sedan, beautiful black and|FOR VICTOR #4" console television, pestect condition, mew picture tube, with year guarantee, $169, Terms. Meas. her's Te King Street West. RA 3-3428 LE -- Two occasional chairs. MORawe 8- 3904. 310 Gilbert Street East. THIRTY sash 28" x 55%"; two sash 36" x 41" used, reasonable, MOhawk 8.3058 between 6 and 7, BOAT kits, 8 ft. ram, 22 ft. deluxe, '» r top Pals 8, 10, 12 ft. Buy now! hat $49 up. Poly- prey boat paints, boat accessories and boat Wan used outboard finish, throughout. Very $595. Seaway Motors, er, only $405. RA p.m. licence. Blizzard cash special, ANY MAKE ANY MODEL at low prices. Cash counts, but will consider $25 down to relioble persons. Before you buy, give Stew a try. RA 5-5646 or RA 5-1667 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPII' MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAW/ (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574 Stew's the guy for a buy. Lg good running condition, 1560 RA 5-3646, motors, any make, KS: blfhest yliges Barons' Masine and Sports, 426 Simcoe een | BOULR. RA. store, . your orders in. RA 5-0432 free ery. PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallos CUSTOM built car radios, All colors, Syarangeed, flat, globes. Term "a models from $49.95. Dominion Tire Son West. RA 5-6511 'sé CHEVROLET sedan, radio auto- matic, recently overhauled, $650 best offer. Telephone RA 8-0558. '59 CHEV. Belair sedan, automatic radio, two-tone. Well kept car. Private- ly owned Must sell. RA 8-1183 after 5 pm with aerial and installation, transistor down. Bond Street Oshawa and Electric, 8 Church Street. RA 3-7624. : SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR- FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE ic and Commercial I) '49 CHEVROLET coach, heater, tom radio, runs like a top, $89. 8-4517. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home call RA 5-2802 cus- MO RA 5-5332 FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 a week per family of 47 BUICK sedan, good condition, Ap- ply 102 Church Street. FIAT SALES & SERVICE DON ROBINSON ESSO BRUCE AND SIMCOE ST. RA 3-9531 ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES-BENZ DKW SALES and SERVICE 408 KING ST. W. OSHAWA RA 3-7132 CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W. SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. ~_RAndolph 3: 3461 Tel.: CAR 1959 BEL AIR CHEV HARD- TOP, V-8, automatic, power brakes, posatraction rear axle, radio, snow tires, white walls. BOAT, MOTOR & TRAILER Boat -- 14' = Peterborough Mercury. Mahogany plywood, 2 gas tanks, battery, speedo- meter, tachometer, 4 life jackets, 2 paddles, cushions, spot light, canvas cover, skis, ropes. Motor 1958 Evinrude Lark, electirc starting. Trailer -- 1956 Trailer. Will carry Ibs. Spare tire, winch. DONALD KERR 70 WARREN AVE, OSHAWA RA 5-0714 OLDS, automatic sedan, custom spotlight, new snow tires, motor A-1, Must sell immediately. . Bowmanville. , 13,000 miles, one '52 radio, and body, Best off M. owner. Call RA 8-6936, 1960 STUDEBAKER LARK Two-door Sedan Delivered four, ludes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer, No down payment. For appointment (no obliga- tion)--=phone RA 5-3709. SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality ot the best prices, fully guaranteed. Double hung windows only $18. Coll now Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 Fully Equipped at $2485.00 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LIMITED 334 RITSON RD. S. Dial RA 3-3461 48--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking, Highest prices paid, RA 5-1181 HOUSTON GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. RA 3-7822 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trode up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-9421 50 GOOD CARS WANTED IMMEDIATELY TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. E, OSHAWA 50-- Articles For Sale SOLID w walnut "dining room m_ suite, "eight pieces, good condition, price $75; also double bed (complete). Telephone RA 8-1878. BEDROOM suite, double bed, walnut; also two-piece walnut finish Marconi Stereophonic console model; both ar. ticles In perfect condition. RA 8-5037| after 6. GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- Electrohome, R.C.A. Victor, Admiral, Westinghouse, The finest in TV. Hi-Fi od service. PARKWAY T.V. 918 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3-3043 SHOP NOW AND SAVE NO DOWN PAYMENT 36 MONTHS TO PAY 13' moulded Boat, windshield, steering, controls, lights, hardware, 25' h.p. motor, paddles, life jackets and trailer. All new for only 995.00 New 40 h.p, Electric Motors .... 596.9! Used 60 hp. & Electric Motors 799.0 New 60 h.p, Electric Motors . . .-.. 695.00 1 Only -- 16-f. Moulded Ply. Boat, 40 h.p. electric motor, fully equipped with trailer. Only : 1495.00 See and Demonstrate the all- new 7% hp. Scott. Only 36-Ib. heavy. A fisherman's dream, Only 295.00 FULL LINE 1960 MOTORS ON DISPLAY 3.6 to 60 H.P. USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN AJAX MARINE NO. 2 HWY. AT AJAX Ph. 1266 plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent down. Dominion Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-651L (Continued on Page 18)

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