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No matter how heavy your work. scientifically shaped Beasley pads with the LARGE END AT THE BOTTOM, will hold your groin rupture so Securely and comfortably, you'll hardly know you're wearing a support. Instant relief and satisfaction guaranteed. SEND FOR FREE BOOKLET AND DETAILS OF FREE TRIAL OFFER Write BEASLEY'S LTD. DEPT. 8 60 FRONT ST. W., TORONTO ONTARIO TODAY SATURDAY, MARCH 26 Super Stars Chicago's Bill Hay REAT hockey players come and go. You've heard it said many times: "They'll never be another like him." Such an accolade has been heaped on many an idol of the ice lanes. You hear it said of the fabulous Rocket Richard, of the equally astounding Gordie Howe, of the gigantic Jean Beliveau. But time is no respecter of persons. It takes its inexorable toll. Richard, hockey's greatest all-time goal scorer, is 38 and playing his 18th season. His greatest games, his greatest deeds are behind him. Howe is heading for 32 on March 31, and, barring injury or some other chance of fate, should last another six or seven seasons, and possibly could expunge the Rocket's goal-scoring accomp- lishments from the all-time records. Doug Harvey is nearing the end. He's going on 36. Red Kelly is 32 and almost quit the game rather than be traded. How long will Kelly stay with his new team, Toronto? The Super Stars of the NHL today are these men, along with such as Andy Bath- gate, Jean Beliveau, Terry Sawchuk, Jacques Plante, Bernie (Boom Boom) Geoffrion, Marcel Pronovost, Ted Lindsay, Eddie Litzenberger, Dickie Moore, Bert Olmstead, and the Pocket Rocket, Henri Richard. Several will continue to be Super Stars' for several years to come. They will be of the Future BY ED FITKIN joined by a flock of new young candi- dates for such high ranking. Who will they be? Right now, I'd say that Chicago's Bobby Hull is almost certain to be as great as Richard, Howe and Beliveau in the next 10 years. He has all the requisites. Bobby, a native of Point Anne, near Belleville, has already been tabbed as a Super Star by that astute judge of hockey talent, Frank Selke, the managing-director .of Montreal Canadiens. At Chicago, Hull 'has two first-year linemates who could 'join him in the higher echelons of star- dom. There's redheaded Bill Hay, who comes from Saskatoon, and has impressed all observers as the potential rookie of the year. He's in his 25th year. And Murray 'Balfour, a solidly built citizen from Regina, 'is in his 24th year. Both were ticketed 'for Montreal Canadiens, but were acquired by Chicago for the $20,000 draft price 'when the Habitants with a plethora of talent, found it impossible to keep them on their protected list. Who else? Ralph Backstrom for sure. This brilliant youngster has already in- dicated he has all the assets. He was a walk-away winner of rookie honors last season, has been just as spectucular in operation this winter, and is one of the more exciting players in the league because of his will o' the wisp skating. Backstrom, born in Kirkland Lake, is just approaching 23. He and Henri Richard should be dazzling NHL fans for many years to come. The Pocket, too, is young. He was 24 on February 29. There are several others coming up through the well-stocked Montreal chain who could be tabbed as great stars of the future. Billy Hicke, a Regina boy who will be 22 on March 31, is one I like. Another is still in junior ranks, Bobby Rousseau, who joined the Kitchener - Waterloo Dutchies' for the Olympic Games from the Brockville Junior Canadiens. 1 think Toronto Maple Leafs have some potential greats in Bobby Pulford, Frank Mahovlich, Carl Brewer, Dick Duff, and Billy Harris. Bronco Horvath's ability to score has made him a strong contender for a high place in hockey, and another Boston player, defenseman Doug Mohns, could be the Eddie Shore type to Beantown: fans, if he could stay away from injury. Horvath hails from Port Colborne, Mohns from Capreol. Stan Mikita, a 19-year-old Czech who moved from St. Catharines juniors to Chicago this season and has made good, has a tremendous potential. So has the' Hamilton boy, Murray Oliver, 22-year-old recruit with Detroit Red Wings.