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The Oshawa Times, 28 Mar 1960, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, March 28, 1960 ane THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [2 13--Gardening & Supplies [20--Cartage (36--Female Help Wanted 44--Houses, Apts. Flats |44--Houses & Apts. EASTER CLASSIFIED > D RATES GALT CARTAGE, furniture and appli- NEW BUSINESS GRAPHO - typist for addressing and For Rent For Rent words or less mailing department of local firm, Must FURNISHED apartment, living room, ance moving. Reasonable rates, fully Charge Are your trees suffering from | FUCR TOUNF aay or might. NA 5-4498, have typing experience, be sble to file OWNER, with mine year old Sanguter, bedroom, kitchen and private bathe : -- are new home in i SUGGE * SRA co damage, end in esd of yore = wvpog, ws senor) 'TELEPHONE LISTINGS fms i shetn i ocho ho Woo Sib bis "bee, INSERTIONS 225 248 repair or pruning. Coll in a Have small truck. Phone MO 8-549, Apply in a en D. pa Houlden, | | THREE Bouse, located, ve, washing "3 Liova Street. ad d thy. rin oom A 6 CONSECUTIVE y. Printers Ltd, 75 Richmond pug stop, 339. Eulalle le' Avenue, Apply 183 refrigerator FOUR - room apartment, INSERTIONS 378 402 tree expert. Oshawa Home BARLOW Street West, Oshawa. Oshawa Blvd. South. i A Rove, Tn apartment bilding, cen 21--Personal Service South. BA Bas ent b A.W. RUNDLE | 1 ret sos wins som te || Londcaping, RR 4 Osbove, [sams =» mvs wie MOTORS HAMEL Y TIRE J ee Ao Er a an gn Poem Avr Charge rate will apply. 3 Sea a GARDEN CENTRE Above rates apply only to original fl RA 8-6366. Quality worky pickup and delivery, RA LTD WONDERFUL exsii, I oF part |S SELF-CONTAINED large three-room . time, evenings and rdays to dis-|TWO - bedroom apartment, third floor, apartment, refrigerator, stove, heat, di 1 ti insertions. -9843. 1015 KING ST. EAST er ee insertions 'ordered at a MENDING and alterations, children's 428 KING WEST 534 RITSON RD. S play china, crystal, - inion, sterling heat and hydro included, $45 monthly, hot water, TV aerial, available April 1, E is Sor d later date constitutes @ new original HARDSAND dresses, plain QUALITY USED CARS FOR ALL YOUR and les west end, RA 83-5385, in apartment building. RA 5-8160 verything your garden order, LANDSCAPING drapes a specialty RA 8-5612. BOUGHT AND SOLD RE.CAPPING NEEDS Commission and bonus. Car FOUR unfurnished, private | STORE for rent, 16 by 30 It, Apply #8 RA 5-1764 | fuer mr ogm tee poe Wily, | (ER REUEG, ec B CALL RA 8.6221 EE ETT Se Yo Tat ay Rel si } per m: h H y A 3 4 Each additional line $1.00 per Tai corsetier, Mrs. John Hendershot, 208 RA 8-61 | 37--Male Help Wanted GND 1 iment, th ./44a--Rooms For Rent R. B. REED & SONS | "o.. or Reto EE ma Beis COSY, irk, Sou Ban 6 WoL viconaued, Snel MCh 17 ee opm, fsabes spares $15 . D, Each initial fetter, abbreviation, Tractor Roto-Tilling _ |INVISIBLE mending and general re. FOR A COMPLETE [anufacturing plant, located. at Port|mediate possession. Call RA 3-2153. Shy i ig urn ished ap he FLORISTS $oondye, vgn, Toure, count at @ || Top Soil - Sod - Manure [PLC G3) cloak done. 28 Oud | q's Pharmacy | REAL ESTATE SERVICE |reuirements, unor "(TAREE - room firuslied. asarient, trance, wisle von' or married EASTER LILIES Flagstone - Patio Slabs ALL Sper of sherah *] 1" but ial business couple. gouple. Mary Street, RA 3-810 monn All Classified Advertisements ypes of alterations and mending LAKE-VISTA Ca A gd Bg Mi Tag pen Tel at Brooklin telephone Tal : EASTER CUT FLOWERS MUST be in by 9 am, the day of RA 5-1721 done expertly, Phone MO 8.427. SHOPPING PLAZA |S. D. HYMAN, Realtor |Mavville Co., Lid, ATiantic 21131. |Oliver 53654 a Sarma ed hr fo 'sie, A publication, Office hours: Daily 8-5, §| - PRIVATE Spanish guitar lessons given 39 PRINCE 'or THE Auto Workers (Oshawa) Credit| FURNISHED room in bachelor apart. | 8-8397. - -12, y ki r., corner of Cedar RA 5-1131 Saturdoy 8-12 14--Household Repairs __ |i, iiy Pome Aveie Bul aurct| Wecke? Br, SST gf Cedo RA 8-6286 of vista manages. Pithee, Toby | mon tl VC er RA SION. ___| ROOM for To yentiemen. single Red: i - § | i» also one single room Second floor. Near 1054 King St. W. h REGULATIONS-- CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- = stating age, experience and salary ex-| HOUSE for rent in suburbs, large treed : % King o Oshowo The Oshawa Times shall not be |lcovered like new. Get the best for less| 22--Radio & TV 2 ncpairs RA 5-3525 { pected. Address applications to Leon|lot, near school, $75 monthly, RA 5-6520 North bn ld SoWnlows. Aprly 2 responsible for errors in advertise- §lat Modern Upholstering, 926% Simcoe Free Delivery Davey, manager, Auto Workers (Osh-|THREE - room ApPArtMeNnt in PAT | oo ooo KNICK KNACK |} ments submitted otherwise than in fiStreet North. Call RA 8451 for a tree TELEVISION. radio tubes, Doit-Your DUMONT awa) Credit Union. 44 Bond Street ment house, large, self-contained, furn.| TWO fully furnished rooms on ground writing, nor for more than one jiestimate. Street West Vigor ON Station. Tous East, Oshawa, ished if desired, newly decorated, three- hree- | (Toor, At front, private Ehtranae. baths incorrect insertion of any adver- - st, T 2 Ad jece bathroom, closets, immediate possession. 106 William W, HAVEN Thome, or Sov Tha ry |v on ro og eae Sealed ip ora RB Rene Etat service | ALUMINUM [SKS Sie, Boe Sot oh eer. A 5G soe RA Th ine. advertisement 'in which sror [12 Bruce R. Dalton. 73 Charles Sect and Sunda. a, | A a eT | humte, Beat i Sod water ded i IC 0 = ; . he y LL clu Tivex Watches, Jorest styles, occurs And also reserves the fight Lis Th Tania so -- |TV AERIALS installed moved a nd re S. D. HY. MAN Real RA 8-1651 write "Box 428 Avdlg Times. Ey Thoin Fhe ig FH RA Sieh i to classi advertising according 8 furnace paired (to ) All annei Fy pital Fi ---------- wi » ip------ oster gifts, 'end: chocoloter, its and cleaning. Call RA 8-0549, aad vo RA 3.7521, spelt 4 . . , Realtor for infc rmation or interview. |EXPERIENCED shoe man required per month, or will consider renting SIX . room brick bungalow (spilt Ee 39 PRINCE ST wr ---- for high grade shoe store, age and sal-|separately. RA 5-3079. {leve) finished recreation room, $500 5010 | | | FURNITURE repaired and re-uphol- --- ! >i. - pr 1 28 SIMC E ST. o In the case of display advertise P! P RADIO * service, makes. |ary open. Reply Box 419 Oshawa Times. down, balance $11,500. Close to separate (0) S stered, See our materials fOr Te.cover. | Thommion Dlectmier" 187 Rion 8- 6 Lia ; THREE - room apartment, pi private o schools, bus, RA 8-6172. i ments The Times will not be held R 6 8 : Brues R. Dalton, 73 Charles Street, | sen -- Executive salesmen, $400 trance, business couple preferred . responsible for more space than jing. 9 arles Street. enue, RA 3.9792 (Fred). | SPRING SPECIAL | Je ~ BX city e tive Balesmen, $400 arcs, De BE ., AE L'b)!. TA RA 37212 Seaccvuntanty RIEHL, da i lB Bd |FOR carpentry, painting and decors | THIS MONTH necessary, extensive one-year training |gyxX.room, two-storc men, vse of kitchen and washing mas y A 3 ) ' 0 - 5 y . - Co., Chartered Accountants, phen to reproduce ail gdvertiting foes tions. Call RA 8-6444. 40-ft. self-supporting tower, HOME COLD WAVES 5 plan, Waived man With od Suna. garage, $100 monthly. Available May |Shine. Apply 25 Division Street, = Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford. Hon. || correctly but assumes no lability §i =r --rme--rr= happy home, Hot dip galvanized. No paint. MODERNIZATION $ high. We want only the best for a 2, 88 Cadillac Avenue South. RCE afoiiied vous, a % form , J. W. Monteith, FCA, MP; A. B. Mon. (| if any inaccuracies in any F Itati 1 Kk | I THREE large rooms, newly decorated 3 bs » ; d tained ree consultation, work guaranteed, Complete with new Skychief | FOR APPOINTMENT career position. Write In confidence to 2] , newly dec ived. ly 20 EI Bast. RA Boum, CAL Ge, cal ers no publicity, Reliable exterminators,| gj|.channel antenna. Total SERVICE | Box 516, Osawa Times and include | apartment, plus dinette, ui stairs, gas | ina. Avply fin Tay rethewey, h roducts and services for all needs. . ' g A 5 leph ber. ooking sfove, private entrance, Cour- | p wi 2 Expert Craftsmen R/ 8- 677 teleplone umber... | ice, $76 monly, including heat, elec. [TWO furnished housekeeping roomm, Lightfoot, CA; WHitehall 2.0890, RA 5- 464 Dawes Road, Toronto, ZE 9-9500 or price, installed and guaran- A ANT 3527, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. OX 4-1946 or phone Claremont 836R11. teed for 1 year, $59.95. ny or All Trades icity. Ra 8.030 ato rue et Seren room 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certl- 8--Building Trades CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered,| 1.V. Enterprises, 253 Drew DAYS RA 5-1273 WANTED TWO large rooms, cupboards and sipks | Oniarlo Street i W., large doubl fled PiRlle Accountants, 178 King EAINTING, decorating by trades.|lke new. Why pay more? Our rates| St. RA 3.3553, RA 5:2905. NIGHTS RA 5.5071 | GG. NEWELL in itches, elose to bus stop. Telephone AT, 28 Colborne Street 1. Taree dons ---- Real Estate Broker REAL ESTATE kitchen, Young business gentleman man, Roxatone. Na job too small, Work | are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. eee mer t---- | guaranteed. Free estimates. RA 8-617 Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Upholstery CENTRAL, three - room unfurnished Dretarred. RA 3-435 . | 2 S - FALE. FRIEDLANDER, HUNTE R| inhi --------------------(Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA| | 216 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY riment, al and Co., Accountants and auditors, Li-|CALL Laurier McKenna, RA 57864, |5-0311, TV OWNERS MODERN GRILL | SALESMAN AT imen, WI or supplied, [SINGLE furnished bedroom for busi: cenced Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 King after § p.m. Expert Painting, PAPer|YoUR focal chimney cleaner. Chim:| Priced to fit any budget, Gal- MO 8-4703 Contact suitable for adults, References. RA |0eSs man, in quiet home, breakfast Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA; hanging, Gyptex. Estimates free, Satis-| oo "pit and fred. int 1 oto : & ac 8-8493 optional. 38 Colborne Street West Past, Deuawal 5. L. Yale action guaranteed. Winter rates eys built and repaired, gas .inings in-| vanized steel, all welded, die WHithall 2-5770 - 2.5771, : optional. 38 Cs BOB CLANCY'S 2 oa Sots | Sled, iEEDCES vacuumed. Free sth formed construction. Free es- RA 5-3887 EMpire 2-3625. Mortgages Don Howe Real Estate |iwo tedroom spastment on Simege ONE furnished room, suitable for lady 'S Ontario Accounting | ps yvESTROUGHING and flash All | mates. h . y 2 . y is North, fully equipped RA 56343 0r gentleman. Apply 620 Simcoe Street Services offer complete bookkeeping work guaranteed, immediate attention, | timates and sight survey. Bor-b-Qued Chicken, Fish and | __9nd_Appraisals. 67 KING ST. E--RA 5.7732 iy ube) Pious Noh, = 0 A omha TOO much room? Rent the surplus rv 8! | i ive West, Room I ice RA sai vn i FURNACE SALES OSHAWA T.V. Chips, Hamburgers, 12-inch TOWN LUNCH 38--Male or Female i Z% w BR ud through For Rent ads: get steady in come! Cail A 3-3492 Residence, RA 3.7605. ALL plumbing and heating supplies. {Phone RA 5-3521, Harold R . Stark, AND SERVICE RA 8-8180 Hot Dogs -- -- We Deliver. Help W.nted room. Apply 827 Rowena Street, § to 3 ll RA |Ltd., plumbing heating, and engineer- { ------------ { RA 5.8978 SHORT order grr wanted, with gril with grill p.m ONE large furnished room and Kitchen, 2--Barristers Lida - g, 255 Simcoe Street South. 3 1 Gl BON! - suit couple. Also single f ITs SALMERS, BA. barrister, solyl- PLASTERING, remodelling, archways H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd. 6 3) SBONS STREET. i SNOWDEN Fuh d We Deliver experience. Apply Mr. Campbell, Gen. for gentleman. Apply 620 Simeoe Street North. and repairs. Free estimates. A. Abram- 4 * ish hips, Hamburgers AT a. ------ North. --_-- "fa Sarat; Residence RA 5-3542.| off 162 Harmony Road North, RA RA 5 5954 GEORGE' S T. V. A DSTRIAL BARBECUED CHICKEN ARE J ee Mo are frances, heat a] and Water sapplied, wie. SINGLE room, clean, quiet, central, WMAN, David L., Barrister, Solici-| 3-4 - ON A PLATE. 95 $10 to $20 a day? Take ord: r? » laundry close to hospital. light housckeeping if ec y orders {rom monthly RA 81920 or RA 5-3341 4 son. ' beautiful Display Book featuring over pd tuha |desired. RA 8-584 tor, 3% Simcoe South, RA 59593. Resi PEN k, framing, trim- N ence, RA 8-0264, cams = TE = Eat work Cleanout Service-- SERVICE PLASTICS LTD 25c delivery charge 200 household products. Write Raw. THREE-ROOM UNFURNISHED apart (yume rooms (two bedrooms and a -- ddd AT | leigh's, Dept. L-310-RR, 4003 Richelieu, ment, heated, telephone; in quiet home. | oh os Conival Use of phone and 2 Me¢GIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, (20d repairs. Mortgages arranged. All 7 labor plus parts | Solicitors, Clients' funds available for |WOTk suaranteed. RA 3.3579. $7 labor plus p (4 91 BRUCE ST Montreal Cleat to bos aud Shopping: Suit business |, hing machine, Telephone RA 5 first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North. | IMISCELLANEOUS items sell quickly | 5 Instruction LET GEORGE . BUYING OR SELLING ATTRACTIVE furnished roomé, avail: in TWO - room furnished a pies able in private home, 82 Park Road RA 35-3566. Charles C. McGibbon, QC; fin you place a Classified ad 1 CALL Edgar F, Bastedo, QC, Articles for sale" IVs where buyers [EARN Russian quickly and easly. DO IT RA 8-1658 DOUGLAS L. GOWER CANADIAN Bath water, hydro; and heat § North, 57 p.m. RA 8.0671 | 100k "ane RA 33492 now to start - JOHN A. G. MacDONALD, BA. Barris-| Telephone RA 5-8215 between 4 - 6 p.m. = SEE and compare this beautiful spaci THREE - 'room excellent apartment ous bed . sitting toom in clean home, ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street YOUr 2d: LILLIAN MAE MARSH, Dance Edu i " : North, Phone RA 88511 ROOFING, chimneys, fireplaces, eaves | cator, Dancing School Ballet, tap, pre- George Will Allow You Tires, batteries, hose, | REAL ESTATE BROKER ARMY Gan be seen anytime. Apply Apt: 3, 103/one minute to Shopping Centre. Mem £ roughs, repairs, n school acrobatic, character, Friday, i son Road North. 5- Le WUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris. og uns vn Mog LR 5 00 belting, V belts, plastic | comer of Gladstone.Bond W. only. 36 Fernhill Blvd., RA fers, Solicitors; R. D, Humphreys, QC; ' pipe, dishes and tile. IRA 8-1287 RA 8-1395 OPPORTUNITIES THREE suursiiied foiha, Sisk. up. R05 privaie Game, very ceria G. E. Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hillman,|GENERAL repairs, roofing, sidings, STEER yourself to a good dependable 4, King Street West. Phopes. | chimneys, free estimates, workman- used car. Check all the buys and deals For your present oid antenna Everything in rubber and | we. Elgin East. Today the Army con offer |THREE - vem apartment, Drivats TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and [ Office, RA 51177; Res, RA 35-4604 or ship fully guaranteed. RA 8.7780, in today's auto marketplace -- The : i + Whitby MQ 8-2761. Money to loan. Oshawa Times Classified Ads. on ony new installation. plastic. | i |PLUMBING and heating pipes, fit- 1 you a career with @ purpose [bath and entrance, stove, TV antenna, v 4 JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, sollck |tings, fixtures, new And used, chang. HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, All Work Guaranteed! OSHAWA rar atrerent ob fide [on hua tne: Aduite only, abstainers, Kitchen, with vefrigeritor, aise very tor and Notary Public. 18% King Street|ing from septic tank to sewer a spe-|tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highland. 25--Pets and Livestock | : r East. RA 3.2209. NHA and private |clalty. Installations at reasonable Sater Register now. 424 King West, RA 5-6122. CALL RA 3-9525 D Cocker Spaniel pups, | mortgages arranged. tyne of Bi and estiniztes bree [PRIVATE teacher, student seven weeks old, blond or black, $20) Experienced in trimming, re- SHEER and Rene: Barristers, Solici- | 7 oth X 6 years® Sapetiehcds by interview only. ATTENTION each. 96 Westmorland Avenue | moving end transplanting D: [1 tors, ete, meoe Street South ct now. SEAUTIFUL | ay for, hii ul [0] f the plans shown be. [430 Drew Street. RA 8.6603 a et S| HOPRINE SAC --Gerti BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for | ne o pl t . PA SIE, Rem ost RIN AN Comp a | AUTOMOBILE Driving Instruction. day T.V. OWNERS training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. RA 8-1629 low may well be your first [TWO large furnished rooms. wove and | FGRNISHED room, suitable for busi ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, RA 8-5832. Bice! East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA (ents. oad, gin Street East | FREE ESTIMATES step to a fine career: single furnished room, very a eas yi eman, close to downtown. RALPH JONES, Ba, and Thomas oo I i Apply 96 Centre. hy 2 x . mas SPECIAL 26--Farmer's C Officer Candidate y by the week, tiled shower and Greer, Mog ag Barristers and Solicitors. 130 King Street East. RA DODD & SOUTER LEARN TO DRIVE | 40 #. towers with alt wave [DEAD farm stock pickea up prompiiy. | 32--Articles Wanted Programme SIX . room bath, maid service. HA 3-461, Genosha 86246. Mortgage loans available. PAINT -- WALLPAPER antenna, Complete installo- [Phone eollect, Hampton, COMax 3.2731. | Crier 1= tomer mmy Regular Officer Py r | Hotel. or and Noro DLE: Barrister, Sol | PAINTING & DECORATING AT THE OSHAWA tions for $59.50 and $5.00 |Marswil Fur Farm, Tyrone. Bhs Ti aay Yt Training Plan x men. with 'cooking privieges. Apply 139 Street 'East. Phone BA 1760 0 CONTRACTORS DRIVING SCHOOL allowance for your old en- |29--Summer Properties |. Ove Timer. -- Registered Nurse Dain, Piivate Sntrancer mir condoned, [Colina Street. 4 ; n Licensed by the Police Com- tenna. [WILL pay $10 and up for 1948 Canadian Soldier Apprentice Plan d TWO or th tly furnished rooms, TON FRASER, DRYNAN and For Free Estimates Coll: For Sale or Wanted er dollars, also certain type "47 .RA J Pp Vacaat April 1. RA $3588. of ety. near es ct ge Division. Call Barristers, Solicitors, No-| DAYS MO 8-5231 mission, Standard and Au- ANOTHER SPECIAL |FOR Sale, Lake st. Peter, summer cot. |5-5227. Regular Soldier TRRE om toon private [BA 34909 after 4:30 p.m. poi " 137 Huron Street. TREE EXPERTS and opportunities for a fine with refrigerator, for adults only, park- future for yourself ad FURNISHED room and kitchen, sink ing space. 99 Eigin Ea stove, heat, hot water, electric, suil-| Soe rr ONE or two rooms with kitchen, aise Canada. able for ladies RA 58923 after 8. 0 ny room. App ly 827 Meyers Street, hy itll, Bank of Sommeres. Bag EVENINGS RA 5.7426 tomatic cars. PICTURE TUBES tage, point .89 of an acre of land with 35 ] W 4 Nursing Assistant entrance, heavy duty wiring, heated |ONE furnished room, gentleman pre- Creighton, wi A N. Hoa A 3 239 feet of lake frontage. $2000, MO J * » G. doch, NA gx 107 Byron St. S., Whitby RA 8-0091 as low as $29.95 with one |¥472 : ' mployment anted A member of the Regular $15 weekly, RA 5-250. ferred. Apply 330 Celina Street é gages rage year factory rar Up ne RE As, iE Dartied ois. woud Nie Army Recruiting Staff will be STORE for rent or sale--can be used BRIGHT Toom Tn new bungalow, heat Ct . L9 1 " e dinbur choo! A » ng IRL 16--Insurance $6.00 ollowance for your old |30--Lost and Found [FUGA "ere. Can type. Write Box at room apaRments. 333 Ritson Road [Kiichen privileges. girl preferred. Call clate <r iy, J oney 30 loan Aum. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up t0| pictire tube LOST _light brown toy Pomeranian 432, Oshawa Times. THE OSHAWA South, after 5 o'clock. RA 8-6519 : . : : 3 20 per cent, six months to pay. For| i i named "Tammie," Apple Hill vicinity. | EXPERIENCED bookkeer ith refer- LE TTT let home, Block. X's Kung Street Fast. RA 545% WELL DIGGING personal service at your home. Calif TRI Call RA 3-3728. fe a ete ARMOURY el "heavy duty wiring, oo EE i SAL a -4029, RA 57413 op ae | - $3 Simcoe Street, , . [phone RA 8.1901 after 2 p.m JOSEPH P.M N, IR: 0. LOST -- brown wallet, at the Shop. | imcoe s trance, Pp . solicitor. FD aNaAN, SC ae, CEMENT AND FROST |3 i | ping Centre Bowling Alley. Contains im. | 36--Female Help Wanted EVERY TUESDAY ey Ry oll Seite p.m. |ONE large furnished housekeeping King Street East, Ostawa. RA' 8.8232 7--Money to Loan TELEVISION portant papers to owner, Finder please | oor a housekee f 10 am. to 2 p.m UPPER duplex apartment, four large [loom for gentleman or couple. 104 Residence, RA 5-340. BREAKING ¥E have Shen opies avaliable for | $311 C1 'a% 32012 collect, Reward, wanted, Two. Sor] ------ lve he to un these hoe Hpi rooms, hardwood floors, tiled kitchen, |King Street West. oans on first and seco mortgages LOST -- Charcoal grey coat with ea e electric stove and refrigerator, laun and somite An, iag Street Ent RA 8-6974 and also purchase of mortgages and| 174 BOND ST. E. keys in pocket. RA 3-476 ¥ [reterenens, DA 32 room. Must be seen te a §5--Real Estate For Safe Telephone: Business RA 5-5501; R ry agreements of sale. Louis §. Hyman, RA 8 6781 WALKER foxhound d black | PART time waitress wi k |41--Room and Board suitable for eouple or couple with baby. -------------- ce. RA 8.5373. yam {QC. 37 King Stree} East, Oshawa. RA = and tan iii Bess os ae bar, IN artied preferred. Mast work [oo Tor oné gentlemen, close to shop. | Rent $103 per month. For appointment 3 A |3- 4 * 1s. 6812. Ld 5 GREET Wry 3nd Masel Bars 11--Buginess Opportunities | M43, ; Reward. Telephone Roy Brown, Raglan a py [ping centre. Apply 63 Grenfell Street. fia RA-39114 or after 8 pi. RA 3 2 600 DOWN risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public, FOR R store suitable | CLIENTS money fo loan on first mort-| SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT [OL 3381 | WATIRESS, with experience preferred, |r ARD for gentlem ® King Street East, RA 54717 Russell | OF RENT -- corner store, gultable gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale] > |or shift work. Apply David's Drive-In| ROOM AND BOARD EE furnished rooms, available as 7 ussell for any business, central, Simcoe purchased. NHA mortgages arranged. IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! : | Restaurant, Whitby MO 8-4066. to share, close to N.G.M. lunch packed. y J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald. 31--Articles For R nt . April 15, quiet couple, all conveniences. 9% N.H.A -- , | Street, parking. RA 5-0081 or RA 5-954 Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- TV d RADIO ir on | iT STYLIST, experienced, for Osh hook o.oo _|630 Xing West. ne 6% SLA F Ki0HAZD BL ACK, Dr. o of Optom:|FOR RENT -- New store, King Street |90ch. an ! SUMP pump for rent, $20 up, to .|awa's newest and most modern salon, |ROOM and board for , Bingle | Ce Toom house and garage for Mortgage Tenaes, 136 Srmenation of yes, contact west, in new Western Tire Building, CLIENTS' monies available for first| All repairs. Don't be caught by spring The Mayfair Sa lon, RA 8.0662. room, TV privileges, 10 minutes from | " epc™ ronnie Call after 5, RA gag lenses, 13¢ Simcoe North (at Colborne), | or" idea) for an office. Ample parking. and second mortgages. Mortgages and) CALL RA 8-5286 |inaws. Ra 336. 3. Hurvid, Plumbing. | South GM. RA 87754 or 147 Mill Street, |TeDt: $35 1 . , Phone RA 5-4355. agreements of sale purchased. Appl . or general hel town | ------ -- - a O ry ! i F. Swartz, Barrister and Norry All Work Guaranteed {business, live in, year round employ- KooM and "bolivd, five davs Juitable APARTMENT, unfurnished, = {hree 68 M NTHLY 4--Dentists ment. For information and particulars for one or two girls nd bath, nice Kitch hea: Public, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA OSHAW. WEBBIN 4 hone RA 57113. GM. Telephone RA 5-3688. rooms A ath, en, vy DR, G. T. SCIUK. Office hours 9 to 6. | pi. A ta : ets | 500 Sut ring, semi private Shtranen geet $13,600 Full Price Open evenings by appointment, 259 | L DRIL Ea oe Ip ee------ EL ECTRONICS LADY interested in sharing home with | ROOM and board, lunches packed, sin- ond floor, 205 Arthur Street East, two ' y appol m- {FL=T and second mortgage, sale | | widow in exchange for light housework. | gle beds, close to South GM. Telephone blocks from King and Ritson. Phone coe Street South. Phone RA 5-2223 agreements purchased and sold. Hen.| wee Ei HAR DWARE { Write Box 422, Oshawa Times RA 8.1620, RA 86361 between 9 and 6. Two-year-old ranch bunga- nick an ennick, Barristers, 31 King| - m----arsetem-- RES TPR TH eT low, olid brick, six rooms, 5-- i i Street East. RA 3.7232. |COMPTOMETER operator wanted to & gentleman, willing to| MODERN electrically equipped, two , solid brick, a Nursing Services |GERALD FU LTO CLIENTS' monies available f first EXPERT ANTENNA work in plant logated at. Port Union, (share, separate beds, friendly home, bedroom apartment, 111 Craydon Road, finished basement, recreation PORT PERRY Lakeview Manor --| Under contract we can guar- jou second mort a ™ S. oh RENTAL SERVICE Ontario, Work would entail computing (TV privileges, good meals, Central, | Whitby, MO 8-5229. room, workroom, storage and Shivers 4 Tome away from home. I antes water. a bog a AND TOWER {labor earnings and distribution, Must|RA 5-7687." 51 Colborne East, FLAT -- for willow or older couple foundry root. Many. extras ray service an care. Priva OF TOOLS | be top rate comptometer operator, ex-|pFooM and board for one girl, private three rooms and bath, private, share i : 4 Nir lounge and TV. For particulars YUkon M. F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary Iperience preferred. Reply to Mrs. or i hing A 3 Completely fenced and sod- Public, 2% King East, Oshawa. RA INSTALLATIONS X P P home, near downtown, Every conven- [kitchen only with lady pensioner, Low PHONE RA 5: 4067 4697, . | Kemp, Canadian Johns - Manville Co., ience. RA 8-8478, rent for return of Nght services. Apply ded. SCAFFOLDING Li lantie Bum. ROOM and board for one or two fo|BoX 523, Oshawa Times. CALL OWNER I-C n All-Channel Antennas SECRETARY "required "for smal office, share, single beds. At bus ow lunches [FIVE - room, furnished apartment, short hand necessary. Married woma ¥ ] as low as $24.00 ; acceptable, full or part time, Reply Po|Packed if desired. RA 3-9807 save, pvt Ba. i RA 5.01 04 And Other Construction Box 11, Oshawa. ROOM and board for sentence RA 5 », Lounge, radio, TV. We invite inspection 52330. | YOUR CHILDREN' S T.V. Service 24 Hours Equi nt. B-H Pain a to down town and North GM SEM. 6--Optometrists | SAFETY AND MORTGAGES (House call $2.50) Suiprment i ATTENTION: Liga Aac rr Cr ¥ desired, | 301 PERE. avee i JOHN A. J. 7_mows wack oro ow | PROPERTY | ARRANGED POSTER pone re [EE a eit Bi wine" | BOI AHOOD | tind Nursing Home, Licensed, King $ Street West. Exclusive for prin as i i | aan (men and women) Nurses and 13--Gardening & Supplies 18a Mortgages dietician in attendance. 24-hour service etry, the examination of eyes, contact PROTECTION Len & Lou's TV SHAMPOOER -- VAC Do you have on Avon Repre- 3808. . LARGE ing_room lenses, 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne) evenings by appointment, RA 3-4191.| INCREASE OF BOUGHT Antennas .... RA 5.7844 To restore original beauty to AND Service «++. RA 8-5804 your furniture end rugs. » ico a py rons) PROPERTY VALUE OLD Dominion Fo Hd 7 url id ; BY $1,000.00 | VZomevon COULD BE DONE eA i SERVICE 282 KING ST. W. @G. T. HORTON and Associates, On- FOR THE Mr. William Swarbrick/| ms . . washer ryer, ve tarlo Land Surveyors, Professional En. HOMEOWN ER RA 5.6544 OPERATORS | RA 5-0858. gineering, 306 Dundas Street West, Whit. > king, T.V. ial. Phon 11,750 FULL boi 4, A 7 | NOW IS THE TIME RA 5.8342 ASSOCIATION _[32--Articies Womted |: SECRETARIES (soos efymeamemm mail foie, yoy foo NORTH-WEST DONALD H, TROLLOPE, Ontario Land WANTED -- 4 : Surveyor, 216 Alice Street, ar ry TODO IT JOHN A. J. (In co-operation with the |goias Wis Rupy. siroller. 2A Due to retirements we need at Street. eT ATED, 36 Disa Aon. hit sa Ww Soh Oshawa Chamber of Commerce) 2, a ; BO LAHOOD Se re OO Ld Boa ne Aluminum storms and screens, =i Le hers, ble of worki beds TV privil Near South GM, 147 TV-HI-FI.AERIALS SHAW independently when neces. [Mil Street, RA STIS 2 BEDROOM 2 Aluminum storm doors, LIMITED AUTO WRECKING CO. Y be full . E ingl good IET. MODE "Nicely decorated CLIFF BROWN WHITBY REALTORS--INSURANCE | Bean Kelly Tv--RA 5.5121 pre mE ph URES FIT] QUIS MODERN | Reber x large double Joos, twin beds, near APARTMENT Much more -- This house is . i Wants cars for wreckini i i | Park TV....RA 3. 9, ing. Legal experience is not GRAVEL & SAND MO 8-3501 19--Personals 4 Mel Poland TV RA $3043 also scrap iron and metals, essential if your other quali. < |37ena.and stores. Te = ; located on one of Oshowo's LOAM | | YOUNG man desires ride to Toronto| Premier TV....RA etc. bought. Open Saturday fications are satisfactory, ROOM oa i a . $6 per At 15 GIBBONS ST. better streets, Fernhill Blvd. ret 00 7% am. Monday . Friday. Will TV Enterprises. RA 5.2905 | © day. Phone Thess are' permanent posi, dr Sache Tmehes #000 APPLY AT Just built 4 years ago. Listed : t %- 9 pm. . tions with opportunities meals. RA 5-1963. are just some of the features GARSEN SUPPLIES VESTS see APPLIANCE SERVICES RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E. advancement. 23 Wanted 20 Rem 21 GIBBONS ST. for this low price. Opportun- n ' boa rn ity only knocks once. - Don't FERTILIZERS RA 8-089]. 2 fe Christie... . .RA 5.1179 CEDARDALE APPLY BOX 314 HOUSE or apartment furnished, want- OFFICE SPACE A Vit later on, for not HOME IMPROVEMENTS FOR EVERY NEED PROFESSIONAL card reading by Mrs, Lodwick Electric. RA 5.6369 OSHAWA TIMES od immediately, two chidien 4 ma.3 looking at this house. Call All Popular. Brands Elliott. One mile north of Nichol's, Stor Repair RA 5.7743 SCRAP moving from Kingston - A : REMODELLING--ADDITIONS ular Era Garage, Courtice RA 5.8237. Warner Williams RA 5-353) | tween 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. FOR John Bolahood at RA 5-6544, IRON METAL LTD. WANTED four room, two-bedroom OPEN TO OFFER REC ROOMS PEAT MOSS WE HON : NOR INTERNAT rtment for April 1, two children, yt LY ROOMS LAWN SEEDS HARFIELD STUDIOS | "CHARGE CREDIT CARDS I METALS AREA Bie, te RENT ri ae 4 . i g ------------ - ee w $58.29 monthly, I. & P. LS Foods -- NO. 1 ROSE BUSHES Portraits taken in your home, |23--Women's Colum OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY LAW OFFICE 44--Houses, Apts., Flats Heats $125.00 yearly 2 SHRUBBERY Weddings, Children a spe- |SPECIAL! Hent permanents, $6 50: RA 5-3432 For R ' if Passenger elgvator service, Basement tiled and bondex HUGH CROSBY sa a Cold wave $6.00. Page Hairdressing, FREE PICK-UP Requires competent short- or, Rent New building. Centrally lo- landscaped - shrubbery RA 5-3937 Fruit Tree SPRAYS siolity. Seciat vents, DD we: RESIDENCE--RA 54159 pk P swoDeiroom sees. Hodis. oss. Coted in 'downtown ares. { included, BUG KILLERS MO 8-3611 RA 5-8260|25--Pets and Livestock 100 ANNIS STREET hand typist to commence |Chilaren 'welcome. RO 75095; WH 3| Moderate rent. Leases now Carport, and many more de FUNGICIDES MINIATURE Collies (Shetland sheep. | : 2001 and WH 2.6566 (Ajax "ovoilabl sirable features go with this W. WARD 8 {Shetland ghee immediately. Legal ex- home, too numerous to men- dogs), registered, tri-color and sab tion. This home, is located . ) WELL DIGGING BY COOPER ELECTROLYSIS [ior tint vee pital WANTED perience preferred but not BUCKINGHAM THE TIMES i The Trt esest ren es, MACHINE VOARDING. Fri SCRAP IRON, POULTRY MANOR Fernhill BI i I 3 Gy g, bathing, def] ' on Femhi vd., just built SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE SMITH CO. Removal of auberfiuous hair. fing Wesoess Feuueis: Sa oti "| AND FEATHER TICKS essential. APARTMENTS BUILDING three years ago. Don't delay, WHITBY, ONTARIO 16 CELINA ST arie. Murduff will be in I auntea Foten, young I. TURNER 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, | call today for John Bola« MO 8.2563 -- MO 8.3809 b Oshawa, Mar. 29th and 30th, [ent ar trom: Piao Larfest assort RA 3-2043 WRITE BOX 217 electrically equipped, best Cortoct T. L WILSON hood ot RA 5-6544, "hod GHETT SW RA giasTe Phone Goose How on [FT Sipiel Git nnd RA 33974 | ary | Fr ou \ yron Street Sout hith, 5 . J « Oy 3 o I P.O. BOX 329 - Daily Delivery these dotes for oppointment. west of Four Corners. Opes tl -- (collect) | OSHAWA TIMES RA 8.8676. hes Phone RA 3-3474 District Real Estate Foie sentative colling on you board for two fo share, With r , central, regulorly? If you. don't, pere ROOM and boa A oa Jae) preferred. Apply '103 Court Street, off LIMITED haps it is an open territory, el laundry done, RA Bruce. REALTORS INSURANCE hp IS ROOM for two Jetemes shee, Five-room modern apartment 167 SIMGOE ST. S earning opportunity. If you 0 Y would like to sell Avon, [gy ava -ble in new modern 68 v | please call LE 6-0627 collect. |oor rm -- triplex. 11009 sa. ft., lorge r OSHAWA--RA 3.4873 | ROO Eo Pl fits rt| rooms, stove, rergerter RA 5-6544 | which could offer you a good | 8--Building Trades PHONE Prompt Delivery RA 8-895]

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