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The Oshawa Times, 29 Mar 1960, p. 17

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45--Rea! Estete for Sale 45--Real Estate for Sale |45--Real Estate for Sale [§5--Real Estate for Sale |47--Automobiles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, March 29, 1960 17 IN MEMORIAM NEW six-rooi: ranch bungalow, double 307 MALAGA RA, close fo south GM..(THREE . bedroom bungalow, $3400 NTA wd i 47--Automobiles For Sale '50--Articles for Sale Please Note garage, twp iteslaess, div) divided large new bungalow, t|down includes stove and refrigerator, conte Plater Av 37 | finished tion | 71 Th Street. RA 5-7266. |mear schools, RA 8-0525. 4 utomatic CARRIAGE also bed, excellent with BUNGALOW mas nue, 4 to 7 ; » tic 0 ur bea. ex Deadlines now in effect for room, terms arranged. Apply to "6 build: MODERN three-bedroom bungalow, SIX - room bungalow, three years oid, win this column: HORTON -- In loving m memory of ol gr ng hg hy $1,500 down -- 5-room brick |Rardwood and tie throughout, ciose 16 three ben, [1967 DEW oR - Soo Sitn. i dear husband and new room, thronamou Imo! 1 , in sub. 5 TWIN Lioyd stroller, months old, Births, Memoriams, Cards of §i5000 "Horon who fr away sud- bungalow, nearly new. Must | OO rea Sows, and doors, 110,000 miles, tor tires. Must sell im- 10 denly March 39, 1958. EW LEX 000 a take over|:s CHEVEO " just like new. Telephone RA 5.3573. 9 AM. SAME DAY When rm shades are falling N DUP $3, be sold. See it ond move in. APARTMENT lois for sale, close i payments. Will accept trade as down Eva EY ee ton, $85, 'MO | FRIGIDAIRE "automatic washer, ex: DEATHS Yes, thot's Te Pay- J. Barnoski, Realtor BRICK HOME rg TE suit any size build- Be, ow ol Le salient pSoudiion. "Reasonable. Tele- oN. SAM he only . ment required. 00 rer, . repr ' ee | ALLSTATE Auto Tasurages, Save up to Hoe ; LAM, Aud Cisuds plus 1--6-room apt. for ow- BENNY BS $1,500 Down ond see this [gion Tails 'modern, attached heated $1045 at Seaway sas, Vl: 20 per cent, Six months fo pay. For NE a enatal, 80: Saveapent DIAL RA 3-3492 ner, and you have 20 years brick home, fully completed |Sarage, wonderful view to south near; GHEY. deiuze futons | £° pod frye: your rd © 5.3811, for balance, open ers on large or | . west city limits, Substantial cash re For information see J. BARN. Cash buy ge in ond out. Balance one Call To Sueigtove Co. cic Mech Mechanically excellent, low mile:|'ss OLDS, automatic sedan, custom LADY > cashmere Sosl aie 16TH OSKI, Reoltor, 18 Bond St. small homes. For quick mortgage. J. BARNOSKI td. RA 35-8761 or RA 3.9810, $1505. Seaway ne Fadlo, spoltigsi, new smow tires, motor Da ry as0 alia, ood FOURTEEN acres of land on Cedar Whitby, god ody: Ad Must sell lmmedisialy, RA 3-2630. RA 5-7231. from S till 8 p.m. mercial 3 LOT 76 x 288, on Wilson Rd. N, RA part payment. Apply 378 Park hs - Eonar] ED. DISNEY | =725i, & 2 2 $400 DOWN a Lo 1960 : SEER Ct Ee Por sia Restaurant wis ing] REALTOR -- INSURANCE ; LOTS FOR SALE ta wets. seit: STUDEBAKER ns is aa i 0 0° cu, Wis box 31s Omawe) 82 SIMCOE ST. §.° | Residential arg, novh de | N.H.A. BUILT $55 PER FOOT LARK tal in wedding dress, size 11 45--Real Estate for Sale West -- RA '5-7231. results call J. Barnoski, | Realtor, 18 Bond St. West, [Gist South. Prone RA S197 bd tl Siig T-ROOM house with lunch _countef,| 'Realtor, 18 Bond St: W., will south Excellent = aoe RA 'om 5-0196 trict, spacious 7-room brick Two-door Sedan Delivered MOFFAT gas range, wedding gown, KING ST. E. 4 : oe RA 3-2333 home in excellent codec. 6% MORTGAGING i" BuLDERS TERMS od Fully Equipped at Hoaddress with "veil. MATket 3953. I i ART BUILDING TO % OF condition. down, balance $11,800. Close 10 separate bath, plus 2-pc. bath, oil Yes, Shopping Centre, u JONES Reahtor er a $2485.00 NO® ae range, oed Soul by ' i {schools, bus, RA v7, 500 $1, 500 DOWN Heating, garage. Seen only < RANCH bungalo vine lot. Fin by appointment. Call Ozzie BOUSY, eh mae pant SUN Tam for rent, $3 per week; TV ation room, walkout base. room bungalow on 78' x | Addison, RA 3-2254. Co-op Schools: and Buses RA 5:6412 RA 8.1566 | CHEV. tuione, cusiom radio, good SABYAN TS 308 lot, hot water heating, | listing. $13,100 is the full price for Jien, yorv.tiean, 305 BAY SHEN MOTOR SALES BALLARD -- James and Barbara aluminum storm door, sto A A i : happy to announce 4 iled bah, All his oil, large living room, 4 pce. 8,900 full price -- 6-room this solid brick bungalow with 5.5646, ua David Wayne, bd ghia $1538 down, balance at § v bath, T ated Garrard road Jose RD Suit home, south six bright rooms. Family size $950 DOWN VALLE Joop, Gib, Tour wheel GEV6, LIMITED March 27, 1960, at the Oshawa Gen. Dick Young at Wilson Ltd,, north, carries for $55.00 district, oil heating, 3-pce. kitchen, and really big liv- with hydraulic and snow. blade, Beal 334 RITSON RD. §. eral Hospital. A brother for Lauri and pues d RA ah Ee , monthly, both, hardwood and tile: ing room. Large open hose. Modern Wieesbedioom bun. bargain. 669 Shakespeare Aveme after Dial RA 3-3461 own payment, five. floors, arage. . Asking $1,- ment, large lot, completely low, large kitchen, e p.m. LA of reconditioned CANFIELD -- 1, Leonard, would like | on mion; OF Beate a C%ll con| Brick Duplex -- 5 rooms 500 Phobia Tvs er sodded front ond back, Yes, ierson windows, 01 PONTIAC, mechunicily 40d, body 48--Automobiles Wanted [i Pariway Selevision. 918 Simcoe veniences, garage, central. RA 88188. main floor with 3 room Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254. complete aluminum storms f reniences, fara aaron, V '$1 CHEV. tac sed: :|COT for sale 90 by 250 fi, beautiful] apartment, good location, Co-op listing. and screens too. WHY RENT? | FULL PRICE $12,900 5 OLDS sedan. ydromatic. Bower 35 do 'WI CHEV. or Pontiac' sedan USED tvs, wn sizes: $3 and wp. level and dey Building Jot oa, Soult side call for details. Park Rd. S., near King St. -- RA 5-883] Cut stone, large bungalow, [brace cory rae % plus two mud and|ton. Cash. RA 8.8931. 3 rents are Mr, and Mrs Harold Can-|No. ghway a - rivate drive, | lot, con- rims. Can be Held. Many thanks to Dr. Anderson. Jington_townsh mA Sis. for quick sale| |nfinished cottage Garrard ios BL Dr ri 10 South G.M.. near peo NN TRA S740 "en by LAKESHORE Auto Wrecker ant ins, clearance of o ast ygars attarne. LEGRER ~ To Bernard and Jost\PRIVATE "sss = Fivercom brick, [00d north $3,500. P wood, forced air oil heating, W. T. LAMSON new schools, Terrific value. |'54 MERCURY sedan, sharp, dark|RA 8-111. cottage, ced for quick sale, 3 Latree, (nee Hotlorsier) af, the, Oah bungalow, three Bedrooms. large kit 0 foo ome house Pot | 4pce. both, gorge. Oven | pp) EerATE LTD W. T. LAMSON oa o| ~~ : 45. enera ospital, ednesday, chen, oil heated, storms. walkout bare. Ti 9, . for offers. Ca zzie ik | as fi 3 pow Mos BBL price this week, $695, Seaway Motors, HOUSTON GARAGE savy nat . Jreadiown besised March 23, a son, Bernard Mark. A bro- ent to ravine Int with c-eck. Land. , 4 Fran ther for 'Nancy and Robert aped. RA 50%, 213 Greenwood Ave. ED. DISNEY son, RA 32254, REAL ESTATE Wait. AND SERVICE STATION [ars 1dr 3's 2 nas very spocin ice nue. i $10,500 full price, 5-room RA 5.8831 '56 BUICK Century tudor, hardtop, 9.50 Ends of wall coverings SHIELDS -- Don and Marielle memes. sei stucco bungalow on Ridge- LLOYD 5 fully BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- n price 37¢ per foot. Wilson BP irniture Shields (nee Gilbert) are pleased to RA 3-2333 or ed motor. Sharpest car on our lot, $1395, PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. 20 Church Street. announce the arrival of their daughter, way Ave, carries for $68.00 Allison Miarsare, on Sando. aren 27. \\ MCAULEY RA 8.6954 monthly, principal, interest JOHN A. J. By uy: MOTOR TUNE-UP AND |PAINT, inferior, exterior, $295 galion. at thé Oshawa General Hospital, -6 and taxes, oil heating, 4-pce. "56 NASH Rambler, fordor station GENERAL REPAIRS All colors, Guaranteed flat, gloss. 0 wagon, blue and white, radio, washers, id Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 excellent mechanically. Very low gas 67 KING ST. W Church Street. RA 37624. Many thanks to Dr .Glazier, REAL ESTATE bath, garage. Down payment OVER A QUARTER of $1,950 required. Call mileage, $1195. Seaway Motors, Whitby. 4 DEATHS RA 3-2512 CENTURY & SERVICE Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254, hig whi OR UMITED HA dees sei, To RA 3-7822 TWIN carriage, convert Te sili: oir. - ge finish, 0} - re -- sorsge Somme ™™ | SCHOFIELD | LLOYD AYERS RA 5.6551 Is ul tem sie| SPOT CASH ich Sou ih "pe st BILETCH (rLesx -Eatered mio): 32098, eO3Y TS: . 167 SIMCOE ST. S. tors, Whitby. PAID FOR {double bed (complete). Telephone RA -- i 2254 | We have 6 choice N.HA oh rest in Toro: Ont, on Monday, $1,500 down-->5 room new REALTOR--RA 3-225 e have oice N.H.A. RA 5-6544 56 CHEV. tractor, fully equipped, In rr a A SE ---- : W. City. Insurance Associotes Ltd. . lots in an excellent di hani Good, clean cars. Tod up WE pay highest prices in the city for March 28, fro William Biletch, be. bungalow, N City. approved { fn lm Soasition, both mecha ally in olin s pold Er loved husband of Fi Ch Wengtar and Stepather of Mrs Peter $3.500 down=5 room. new RA 3.2265 or L S SNEL GROVE area. for_sale on_buiiging ATHABASCA ST. and body wise. Four new are "our hers po ro seed "Turiture Preftye Used Farni a dh Ag al Bl aioe fv i RA 8-1624 200.00. Services in ond pre- | Off King Street Est, new |' BEDFORD van, new paint job, light 314 PARK RD. §. VACUUM cieater vepsire. 1 makes Ham Wenglar of Ottawa, in his 65th bus and school. " blue, reconditioned motor, four excel- ; Pi Limi ov My ol strony N.H.A. resale, $10,500 full Poi 5 room. bungalows, with low |; oi" ire; Ready for the road. Only 'RA 3-9421 teed. rebuilt machines. Estimates free. s . ri 4 i MUST BE SOLD -- ; down payment and easy [$795 Seaway Motors, Whitby, Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser day, March 30, 2 p,m. Interment Osh-| price, Substantial down pay: MILTON STREET Eni vice. RA 80391 anytime. awa Union Cemetery. Prayers will be| ment NORTH-EAST . 4 ¥ sonch terms. Enjoy a new location |i53 BUICK sedan, beautiful biack and held at the Funeral Home, Tuesday, PA lid brick. $4,800 - 43 PARK RD. S Lorje hs bedroom Sie i with new neighbors. Call Bill green finish, fully equipped. hie Sar 50 GOOD CARS $00 75 ad © FP. Zeeords, clenting at 7.90 p.m. +6 rooms, solid brick. $4, One-year-old modern bunga- vo ngalow, situated on a bea- Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544. as good as any late model, . Sea. +00. 2 full price only. low wi I utifully landscaped lot, hav- way Motors, Whitby. WANTED Street Went - . with garage, on lovel y lot, many wlomortat Homusl on Busgun:| 7 room home and workshop | landscaped hillside lot. This WEST HILL ing a panoramic view of the | $1,000 DOWN $1,000 | FORD tudor, beautiful tutone Brows IMMEDIATELY FAVE Motiey. seamtiial veils if March 27, 1960, Hilda Abbie Parker,| at Courtice. Only $2,500 brick bungalow has large Hv- $1,500 down, 5-room bun- country side, well appointed 5 oom brick 'bungalow' in | Cem its, execlient muchintetl¥s 3x. Twelve decoratar colors. J. Fredin, beloved wife of Clarence Harrison and| down. ing. v with dining area. galow consisting of modern living room, large Hollyw: North-West area, owner very [$1195 at Seaway Motors, Whitby, TED CAMPIN S28 I v-- Gilve" or Stanchasir and Mildred. of 6 room home with 2 acres Beuniful ultre-medern Ihe shen, gina on ia a ee oy anxious to sell. This vendors |54 METEOR coach, spotless beige MOTORS PORTABLE "tpewriter, Hie sew. Bo 0 an - L » 4-pc. ey adding chine, electric Se Tp ith year. Restiog ot land. Small down payment. Shen bop Soppenione We. FOO Tod oe size with vanity, finished laundry haste to sell could save you (finish, Sheomley. In Dew Car conditien| 607 KING ST. E, OSHAWA |writer, snap for quick sale. RA 3-4434 lin. Service in the chapel on Wednes-| 12 room investment property, plenty of cupboards and a sement, copper plumbing ranm and 2-pc. washroom in dollars. Call Bill Ratcliffe at |gso5 "geaway Motors, Buby ~~ 1315.05 TABLE lamps now on sale for day, March 3, at 2:30 p.m Interment| central, $11,000, dining area. 3 good - sized oni Rr Tha iy high-dry basement. = Storms RA 5-6544, 53 Chevrolet half Ton "sharp._ons own. | 2 0----Articles For Sale only $595 Limited mpply. Barons y, bedrooms , , © ' : 4 ome Fur Simcoe St. 8. d aluminum storms ond screens, and screens, and many other Open Evenings er, only $495. RA 3-4431, Open ull" 10 GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- ' A fenced d th private extras, plus a 5% % mort em. |plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent| BOAT kits, § fi. prams, 22 ft. deluxe, LOCKE' air oil heating. This home ae } rsd i AF high- gage and monthly payment of Members of Oshawa and 50 OLDS, good running condition, 1960 down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond |Sleep four, cruisers. Car top boats 8, 10, ICKE'S FLORIST has extras including rive, located jus hig 259700 bolus t be District Real Estate Board |i cp 8000 Fh Copecial," $99. |Street West. RA 5.6511 12 ft. Buy now! Special $49 up. Poly: Funeral arrangements and mony : way, selling at a low price of $37. plus taxes. n Stews the guy for a buy. RA 5-5646, - - orcy boat paints, boat accessories and 9 aluminum doors and win $11,700, and payments of shown by appointment only. CONGOLEUM 10 x 13, one year old, (boat hardware. Wanted used outboard floral requirements for all OSHAWA'S BUSIEST dows. $3,800 down, balance $3 I ye Alte: 5:30 rol Jou Mage of STEPHEN EVROLE Jledun, Teds auto. reasonable, grey background RA motors, toy make, nighest prices paid. s M % occasions REAL ESTATE FIRM on a 6% NHA. Call Henry including interest, principal RA 5-9191. Dest otter." Telephone. RA 8.0558, | S0418. Call after South. RA 33263 OSHAWA SHOPPING OPEN EVENINGS Stinson, evenings, RA 5-0243. ond taxes on 10 year open CARNEGIE AVE ro a 15,000 miles, one one guitare} Well iy h3 pric Sh ag rp 3 CENTRE AND SATURDAYS agreement. Call Keith Peters, . owner, Call RA 8-6956. stoves, etc. Fo Aah kg Bos store, fresh vegetables 5 Th Phone CEN | RAL RA 5-8761 or RA 5- 4162 Near Rossland Rd, and Sime a 2 de: in. RA deliv. Prive ly bu S5.room brick ng oe -- 'S51 BUICK sed dynafiow, all paris|tact 19 prince Street. Phone RA 8-113] |Your orders im. 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE $ 1 ,000 DOWN ivate it S- ri evenings. c St. N. 3-bedroom an dyn pi e for sale custom radio included, tele-| GIANT Gladiolus bulbs, All colours, | wo RA 8-6555 Bvt compat four sotm AN eS or Fh brick veneer, 1 bedroom down REALTOR phone RA 3-991. Bulbs one fo three inches across |PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.05 gallon. bungalow in North-Egst orea St, one block to public GASPE AVE. and 2 up, aie Kishen, (x. "58 FORD coach, light green, Jy good Twenty sents 2 dozen. Twelve dollars A alors) Snumramteed) fist, om, . - % 'mort- ing room, dining room, - motor, four excellent tires. gec- (a thousan: 5-3798. 3 GERROW FUNERAL | Toxes only $78.00. One pay- | ol Service a cor. NA reel id rick | orated, natural fireplace, RA 5-0771 gna family car."Oue low price. $8. NINE place ining room galt Gar | Couch, Sureet RA 3763 CHAPEL ment on one mortgage for the The ig shopping vrs just fogs oo ty hichen 13 landscaped, garage, close to io? RING ST. & Seaway Motors, Whitby, walnut $60 or best offer -- Tele- 8. GOODRICH sioies = firey, obs balance. For more informa- 27% mortgage. 5 schools, bus, and in on ex- . E 5) FORD custom 300 sedan, V5, beau: (phone RA 8-3625, es, A eralal, X : i ; d modern, 12 x 15 Sh . -- Tr ___________|vision Thrifty Budget Plan, RA 54543 / i H tion, call Jim Cruikshanks, at For further information, large on cellent location, Asking only tifulu dark blue finish, top mechanical | ose sterfield, dark b: WE 73 Printouts Minted iid Loita un te Kindness beyond price, RA 8-5123, please call Don Stradeski, ft.; living room 15x 18 ft. $10. 500 with reasonable ATHOL ST. EAST {ondition, $1795, Seaway: Motors, WEIL: | food, clean condition, RA 5-2876 after | UNPAINTED bookcases only 9c with yet within reach of all. evenings, RA 8-8423 3 good bedrooms, 4-pieck ment. . After. 5:30 21% 8. brick, |P%: § p.m. he Jurchase of ane piece of nyainied 4 4 @= - Lie) ey, oom v N BT RA 8.6226 NORTH-WEST AREA ROSSLYNN ESTATES ear por pling. si air Dick Borriage, ~ RA forge rooms throughout--can | 0% METEOR Niagara, tudor, tmmac | GRIENTAL patterned Tu, § by 0, wine |s14, Bockeases $5.99, vanity dressers 5 room brick bungalow with forced air with oil 5-62 easily be converted to bring |siips, completely reconditioned motor, | Predominating, almost new, reason for($26, record cabinet $18, room divider dry tubs, C 390 KING STREET WEST ri 4 6 brick ronch-style bun ry : ps Don' iss this buy, $845 Beawa: sale too small for our room, RA 5-6049. $22, bookcase headboard $15. Wilson basement apartment including -room r style 4 heating, recreation room par- A OURNE AVE in o substantial income, Pont hg 5 3 y $50.50 SMOOTH 20 Church Street. 3 piece bath and vanity. Al pelo with attached _garege. tially completed, aulminum . Asking $3,000 down pay- sotogs: v springs now on po A for % price 0d Dex USED parts and for all makes uminum storms ond screens. rge Nving room with nat- storms and screens, beautiful 1 year old resale, 3-bedroom ment -- one mortgage for the |'? FORD coach, sharp maroon &nd|.y oie. available, Also Serta, Sealy AM 25 year mortgage at 6%. For ural stone fireplace landscaping with stone flower brick bungalow, storms, balance. White Anish, fous 'exotllent tres. Motor and Simmons mattresses ut epecial |$S conditioned more information call Gerry size dining area, sunny kit- planter and patio, double screens, Hollywood kitchen, Mh Ty 'Seaway Motors, Whit. |Prices! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 . Paddy's Market, '0 Osborne, RA 85123. hes and 3 bright bedrooms, | - drive.' $1,800 down posses, | | SOME Med bolreom walls | 4 BEDROOMS -- lov. ROOM Divifors ht 27g only Gere - i p f n ; v URNE = In loving memory of my @ workshop for dod, loundry | sion in 30 days. Coll Sid r, paved driveway, EAST END 5 CHEV. whitewalls, clear and reil-| TWO Wicker chairs, teble lamp: ball mart, $10 down delivers. Several dear husband, Ernest Fredrick Bourne, landscaped, one block "Stew" who passed Plo a oy 3, 1952. 4-BEDROOM HOME room for mathes. Te home Martyn, RA 3-9810. school. Asking $13 500 in This 5 year old modern brick ord pie uy Pug id - hairs, lace fable cloth (round table), ghciting He ine a. S : romp ---- arons' me fy Gone into that light that shines so IN NORTH END is on meticulous oon Sion, $1,400 DOWN reasonable down payment. bungalow, owner-built of top FoR lon Ti ee A hal re Jou ay yindw screens, Street" South. Gone from this earth of sorrow and| $3,000 down with one mort- handy. We would be proud Full é-room brick bungalow, After 5:30 Call grade material, hos 4 jerge condition, Telephone RA 3-9630. HALF rice matiress sale, factory|OABIN cruiser, 24 ft. cedar strip, 6 RET Ww | aage for the balance buys this $0 Show vou this 'excellent modern with some extras, liv- Wes. Elliott RA 8.0581 bedrooms, good size living |GUSTOM built car radios, ticking. Hurry |HP inboard, Grey Marine enigine, sink, esting, those hands that did their! [4oq| income home on extra OW. you ing room, dining room, 3 bed- es, kid 2 @ room, dining .room, lorge [with aerial and installation, transistor|and buy He s smooth top orthopedic toilet, fresh water tank, sleeps two, can Ce tone Siaband, Jone bo. thet forge of with double soroge frome in 8 desiroble aria; for ing » Hoth sr Merion Drew .. RA 5.7610 modern kitchen, 2 bathrooms models Fre. bon Term s 85 down. mattress, regular $59.50, half price slesp four, $1850, terms, Phone RA i 4 % e A : W rooms, - » " rd 4 i ominion tore, Bond Street . ureh | 8+ Always remembered by his wife and| For appointment to see, call Ae Ia, La RA room, full size high basement, = dra tesle 2 RA 55383 Forced air oil heating, lond- |west. RA 5.6511 Shret, Vis Yuuiun, no STRETCH your food dollar at Glecoff family. RA 8-5123 and ask for Lloyd 5.1726. if automatic furnace, full list Dick Barrioge "RA 5.6243 scoped and decorated. Storms SOLID walnut wr eds, complete | Supermarket, Jouz ood Road South, open GIBSON -- In loving memory of a| Corson, Co-op 525. . price $12,600. $75.00 per ond screens, goroge, paved with box springs matresses also|t0 10 p.m. every night. We accept wel dear son and brother, Ronald McComb ' OFF KING ST EAST month includes interest and driveway. Two blocks from 1958 FORD freezer all in be condition, RA |fare and relief vouchers, Careful atten- Gibson, who passed 'sway March 1, HERE'S ONE . principal on open mortgage. . school and bus--realistically Excellent value. 16,000 or- [5:027¢ eall 7 to 10 p.m. Sion. given so gidery from Boy Soon on il memory fades and life departs SO nN ON KING ST. 4 BEDROOMS Coll Keith Peters, RA 5-8761 priced at $13,500 with low iginal miles, lovely light blue, [SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re-|jejiver save and shop at Glecotf's You live forever in our hearts. $1,500 down buys this 6 6-room, brick, 1Ya-storey or RA 5-4162 evenings. down payment, easy monthly not a mark on this car inside [Trerators, TV's, ton Po ¥ | Supermarket daily. pyar femeinbered by mother, sisters room brick home, 2 bath- home, situated on a complete- SUMMER COTTAGE payments, one mortgage for or out. One owner, looks and tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-113]. [SEVERAL older, but the balance. drives like new. Owner's |GIRLS spring coat size Io His wut oS ET treet East. Oshawa. i ly londscoped lot 44 x 136'. fooms, good income home, Bowmanville beach, sandy health will not permit him to [size 6X, like new. RA 3.284 HORTON In loving memory of a i 4 rooms down and 2 lo dear father and grandfather Reginald Balance carries for $75 00 oms upstairs. Vendor ae water front lot, 5 rooms, just Re a tor 6 ROOMS -- GARAGE drive any longer, and he' has DT nd) ox . . 'y monthly. Be quick on this James Horton who Pagecd away Mare Pi Bill Millar, RA hold 1st proRgoge at $70 oN Tarepage. cludes tn Tow N.H.A. RESALE Gked vt 1 dies Wie Electrohome, R.C.A. Victor, purchase KJ erth x baby Shmiage, We t Lord Thy p - | r mont or in- y eautiful vehic r him, - : arge, full-panel, atone come Ee | Ty fie | Sia SBC hers | OSHAWA SHOPPING | Seam dom ang | Sel ice ohn by | Adil Westie, Th Gi EE Seno 2 i by 4 ice, v ' h | 4 ] sa . " of per pads, adjustal es, ari Mh BA os Llayd_ Reolt Ltd Reeve, evenings, RA 5-4840. easy monthly payments of | CENTRE--RA 5-6588 home is situated on high Limited, Ax FCs St. N., service. 833. Cleavout of last year's baby ears and Randy. ecltors only $35.00 per month in- | ground with a view, and con- |__ Oshawa, -6541, rages, greatly reduced. Spring-filled HORTON -- In loving memory " a 101 Simcoe St. N AGENTS FOR eluding principal ond interest. | JUST WHAT THE sists of three large bright PARKWAY T.V. oh a Pe, S00 dear son-in-law, Reginald James Hor. RA 8-5123 CUSTOM BUILT HOMES Ses. this Jor Yalue Joday x | DOCTOR ORDERED badrecns, ° dining roam, ANY MAKE ANY MODEL 918 SIMCOE NORTH son Furniture, 20 Church Street, , who passed away March 29, 1958 calling ei eters, iving room, 4 piece coloure GUILTINAN'S pew Air Rest hel ar, ier ead, HALL YOUR MOVER IN BEAU VALLEY 5-876] or RA 5-4162 even | A lovely 1)4-storey frame bath, fully. tiled, and a kit- at low prices. Cash counts, RA 3-3043 breathing and resting. It brings fresh 3 Liki ings. home located in the north- chen that will gladden the but will consider $25 down air to yi bedside, SOT nan. $3,150.00 DOWN VALUE NOW west district. This comfort- heart of any housewife. to reliable persons. Before REPOSSESSIONS installed PAYMENT -- FULL able home has 3 bedrooms, Equipped with aluminum ] . EO m~marmeSherommstemroiiaiy HITB CLA IFIE PRICE $15,590.00 $1,500 down, a V2 year old tiled bath, large kitchen, cozy storms and screens ond also you buy, give Stew a try, Jerfic Jumiture valfues seli- FUNDREDS of new halibapes Pattern * 3.bedroom bric « bungalow on living room. The large-sized features the handy drive-in ing at very _ prices. In- pasted lines, at Edgar's Paint and Wall. and up N.HA. 6% Fortaage, fully dining room could be used bo fit garage. This | RA 5-5646 or RA 5-1667 Sudes hrome Suite, chester- |paper, 3¢ King Street West, opposite decorated, aluminum storms for fourth bedroom, man seme . 4 ------ elds, lomps, bedroom furni- |Dominion Store. FOR RENT -- New three-bedroom bun. FOR RENT - Bright, clean room HURRY FOR CHOICE OF and screens, exhaust fon in other interesting omy st be soon Sy 001% BUYING OR SELLING SEE ture, television and a refriger- |AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes. A Timer ey god Bite, Tere e %3 b hone ud wel LOTS kitchen, located close to shop- The purchase price of only ator. Take advantage of low Pro; abt ih ee omen ie ping centre, a golden oppor- $11,600 includes beautifully After 6 please telephone TED CAMPIN asking prices 'and help us ]I0W for early delivery, Chair and table B RENT ~ nicely furs n aif : ity, i " mie. ime. coil 0ched" suas ows 300 Watt rack 'Avavle T CO.0P olin od Morn RA | |ncicoped lof and an exile | Steve Mako... RAS-0771 MOTORS 5 Super Finance Limited couple, breakfast opt'ona i 0 8:36°3 day ti ' i . - : MO 852%, a Py June ---- ay one THROUGH THIS OFFICE 3-9810. feet, with trees, trees, trees. Fi ary SORA Jaane 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA 17 Simcoe N., Oshawa, RA SEE HOME APPLIANCES FOR RENT -- Modern irom and| "OF, BENT -- One and two Sedivom Member. of Oshaws. ond MEMBERS OF THE LOCAL Don't hesitate -- inspect this (Just East of Wilson Road) 5.6541. OSHAWA LTD. Decking te, "Mula prefbrved | Byron Street Norin, MONawk 391 | _ District Real Estate Board. | REAL ESTATE BOARD | Property today -- it won't Number of Ocfowe ond RA 3-4494 Res, 5-5574 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR MO 84282. FOR RENT -- Unfurnished 3 : Ive! 5a) solg Soar . SHOP NOW FRIGIDAIRE room MODERN, Dedr on artmet valla 1 MO a -------------------- meat ee Ll oa rn sal $1 2,900 FULL PRICE 26--Reol Estote Wonted FIAT AND SAVE . SALES id Srouce : oppin; entre. one - m - " Boa a omestic an ommercia Lig JOR, KET 2 Fouts ik. vis Modem, kitchen vith double EOL ly Fae = wee Tem SALES & SERVICE | | FUND) SAVE RA"5.5332 FOR SALE -- urentian hard 18-5149. ink. Alumi doo nd oh CE ME ee -- aoe nl REALTOR RA 5.9870 | windows forced air ol fur DON ROBINSON | 36 MONTHS TO PAY Dane, Abner's Esso Service. Phone | Foams with overhead door. nace, T.V. antenna, many URGENT ESSO FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT |MOhawk 83129 after 6 p.m. more extras. Close to school ' : SPECIAL, new Kelvinator deep treezes RG0M and board and care for obs ROSMERE STREET bus service and shopping. For 13' moulded Boat, windshield, $15.40 o week per family of from only 95. For prices| oreon, elderly lady preferred. Phone \ appointment fo. seo coll ot BRUCE AND SIMCOE ST. steering, controls, lights four, includes approximately .|MO 85746 anytime. AND FERNHILL BLVD. once. Do you have a clapboard or | ° RA 3.9531 hardware, 25 hp. motor. 90 per cent groceries and *l insul brick home reasonably dd life jackets and freezer. No down payment. FOR RENT -- Nice furnished room, i " : h iE private entrance. in respectable Nome, THE FUTURAMA" deluxe model by Wallis NORTH-WEST priced? We hove a client ANDY NAGY'S trailer. All new for For appointment (no_obliga- Construction. 3 bed brick b I th is i only ... 995.00 tion)--phone RA 5-3709 Es struction. room brick bungalow wi This is one of th y 4 2 - FEW oie seer EW SST © e rare op- waiting. If you con help coll BODY SHOP ry respect, range, or less, parking lot facilities. Call 1050 sq. ft. living space. portunities to purchase a 6% New 40 h. Electric refrigerator, 2 ava Only $85.00-- Whitby Professional Building, MO 8 N.H.A. resale in the very pop- LLOYD A ERS MERCEDES-BENZ Moto P. 596.95 SALE $100.00. A J. Schatz, Realtor, Mo & | 3731; evenings, MO 8-4003. Feb 12 CHECK THESE FEATURES: wiar north-west district. The Y DKW iy : Aluminum Products of the 4 . Daly, | AR it he sani Vawiy. in with 14. Built in bockcass. | po ot dis lovely. 5» room REALTOR TAR he TW Used 60 h.p. Electric best quality at the best uve polity 00 Jeatiery waked, prado bic Dome nor. twin sinks, 12. Plumbing in basement transferred and is forced to RA 3-2254 4 eT ¥ Mote» 7959 Double Bi a aryeed. Phar, MO 5384 olect. Hou E ad Song w | ash Good . Double steel sinks in for extra stool. | sell. Some of the features in- New 60 hp. Electric $18. Call y gown Ja Gans - 2 Realtor kitchen. : ciude double Pierson windows. 47 --Aut biles F Sal RA 3-7132 Motors 4 695.00 sgl now + FOR RENT BUNK beds, ete, _spring- . Coloured bathroom fix- 13. Divided basement. screens, 2 aluminum storm ee omobiles For Sale. Lymer Aluminum Co. filled mattrebses, $50.95; ln. TV sets, tures. 14. Fruit cellar with door, doors, landscaped and decor- |B CHEV. good "condition, reason- 1 Only -- 16-ft. Moulded RA 8.5385 ated, with partly finished rec- |able. Telephone RA 58052. CASH Ply. Boat, 40 hp. electric "i motor, fully equipped with Boat, box and cabin trailers, from $79.50; refrigerators, jrom $39.50; oo . bch A : combination coal and wood and heavy . Glass divider in bath- 15. Wired for dryer. reation room. Don't hesitate |'50 VROLET Biscayne sedan, auto. chain and skill saws, electric drills, sanders, polishers, Sts Janke, $29.50; Xiichen er , from room. 16. -- call us on this one now. matic, electric wipers, windshield FOR YOUR CAR trailer. Only 1495.00 F R E E good functioning TV sets for very low prices. TRIO Tele- (814. Steel frame basement | washers, i-tract; J! I! i i i from $29.00; new matt yf 3H. 4 ft, mirror in ; | ho Positraction, low mileage. point sprayers, pipe dies, ($12.95; * wash a iiresses in th by windows. WIFE CRIED Private $2150, Terms. RA 3-9309. vocuum cleaners, post hole |; bedroom suites, complete, $129; ® METEOR coach, good condition, VAN HEUSEN See and Pamers:rane the all- i i 17. Clay brick. he f - i 7 .p. ' diggers, garden tillers, lawn (new chest of drawers, walnut finish, . Tiled bathroom. y bric She feels so bad about leav Fdio, heater, signals, tires like Dew, Sertb. Sev A Sol, Only 30' Tower and mowers, rollers and seater, ($26.50. We oe received our first Inloid li in 18. 2 #. overtiong. | ing her nearly new 3-bedroom -3512. 4 smelt nets. pment ook LOTR Spplianoes, Fick Wnsteum in front 9 | bungalow. Seldom do we | FORD Mainline, good ape, Tadic, MOTORS dream, Only 295.00 (All Channel Aerial nitue, | 113. Byron. Streator Fue. 19. Partial stone front, have a beauty like this. All [and heater phone RA 3-4574 149 KIN T FOR SALE 8-4981 or MO 8-5740. . Arborite counter tops. 90. Aluminum. storm. dé rooms are spacious, decorated |'58 FORD, standard, A-1 condition, pri- G ST. W. FULL LINE 1960 MOTORS with every purchase of New Used 'boats, motors, trailers . Notural stained ¢up- n : ; bh ond all had for comfortable [vate sale, telephone RA 52350 - hy DiPLaY Television Set at regular fist i Ad : a ! boards. . Iron railing. iving. Imagine -- storms, [51 CHEVROLET and '52 P h 6 to i cabin trailers, garden tillers. FOR C.I.L. PAINT Pull down dining 22, Sodded front lows screens, attached qoroge ond [good tires $325 both. Porro arts SABYAN MOTOR price . WILDE RENTAL CALL light fixture. : many extras. This fully land- [Pm. RA 8.6353 | USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN Phone: . Pierson windows. scaped rancher is available ot |'88 METEOR $200 down take over .ay- SALES LTD OSHAWA--RA 8-8961 SERVICE & SALES Dodd & Souter $1 3 550 FULL PRICE | BY Sina. SAL, 3 CHENG OF ic, Sa S| STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN AJAX MARINE EOWMANVILLE-~MA 3.2312 I 1415 DUNDAS E. Paint & Wallpaper Store Bill Norris RA 5.7983 (King St. E. Ng Service MAPLE GROVE T.v. re 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH NO. 2 HWY. AT AJAX HARRY MO 8-3226 107 yen Sua Som | APPROX. $1,900 DOWN PAYMENT, Locke Dave Donald .. RA 5.8522 [V8 ford truck motor 1954, electric OSHAWA, ONT. Ph 1 266 Dick Young ... RA 3-7183 [Storie RA seme. --ciie's Ven and) os RAndolph 3-3461 (Continued om Page 18) °

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