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The Oshawa Times, 29 Mar 1960, p. 7

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Delegates will econvens for luncheon in the Ontario Room ef the Lord Simcoe Hotel. | | 10th Oshawa Girl Guide Company Home Economics Teachers Have Mother and Daughter Banquet |Fine Program For Conference morning will be Dr. Sara Black- well, head of Home Economics) Education at Cornell University, Her theme will be "Highlights in Home Economics Education to- *'. Dr. Blackwell has done Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED An excellent program has been arranged for Ontario Home Econ- omics Teachers at their Easter Conference. Meetings are to be held at the The 10th Guide Company moth- training it gives young girls. She {er and daughter banquet was held said it would be interesting if an {recently in the Salvation Army Oshawa Guider could witness a Salvation Army summer camp in action and the reverse for a Sal- Preparation for this one as vation Army Guider. / well as 10th Brownie banquet Series shortwave, revesling (Citadel. | {were made by members of the Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 Group Committee. The mothers of the Brownies served. NS aanaties Jango oN Mrs. W. E. Gardner presented afternoon, April 18, and Tuesday, April 19. On Monday afternoon, Miss Lord Simcoe Hotel on Monday day high school teaching, research at the University of Minnesota, and your true self, free of worry and ember ressment. FREE Consultation been consultant in nutrition for General Mills. Her particular re- search interest is to determine the quality of home economics programs in high schools. Three studies are now in progress on this topic. After her speech Dr. Blackwell will lead a panel dis-| Seated at the head table were Mrs. R. E. Wilson, division com- missioner; Mrs, W. E. Gardner, Adelaide district commissioner; Major Marsland Rankine, Mrs. Major Rankine, chaplain of 10th Guide Company, Mrs. Donald Adelaide district and the 10th group committee. She also pre- sented the following badges to Guides: Child nurse, Diane Kup- nicki; home nurse, Diane Kup. nicki, Judy LaRocque, Linda MacDonald, Marilynn Pottery; THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Merch 29, 1960 7 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES Street Dorothy Lawson will address members on the topic "A Vital Home Economics Program for Our Times". Miss Lawson is chief of the Bureau of Home Econ- omics education for New York State. MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawe at the Genosha Hotel, March 29-30th. PHONE RA 3-4641 for appointment on these dates HUMORESQUE CLUB day. of prayer at King The Humoresque Club was en- United Church. tertained for the St. Patrick's| The annual spring tea and Day social held on Thursday bazaar date was set for Wednes- evening at the CRA Building. The|day, May 18. Mrs. Harry Pretty Masters of Ceremonies were/ls In charge of tickets. Mrs, James McConnell, social Refreshments were served by convener and Lion Norman Mrs. W. E. Legge, Mrs, William Gower. MacDonald, Mrs. John MacMil- Miss Marilyn Scott and Miss lan, Mrs. C. M. McLean, Mrs. Linda Fernyhough gave several/Donald Munroe and Mrs. Harry solos on the piano accordian. Pretty. Master Terry Keys played the ARDENT WORKERS violin accompanied by his mother 0 regular meeting of the on the piano. Ardent Workers group of King Mrs. Frank Higginbottomn gaveigireet United Church was held two dialect readings, Joe and recently with Mrs. Ewart McEachern, Guide captain; Mrs. Donald MacDonald, first lieuten- ant; Mrs. Victor Phair and Mrs. |Albert Hayes, Guide Helpers; Mrs. Charles Langfield, Brown Owl, 10th Pack; Mrs. Charlie Cathmoir, Brown Owl, 17th Pack. Mrs. Theo Lakin, president of group committee thanked all who were r for the cess | of banquet. She reminded mem- bers of meetings the first Wed-| nesday of each month at 2 o'clock lin the Salvation Arms hall. | Mrs. R. E. Wilson gave a brief talk on guiding and the wonderful | [Jerry VanKuck entertained with/clemence and Mrs. Joshua Kin- |several duets and solos on the sey welcoming the Faithful Group piano accordian. One of the gg guests [highlights of the evening Was A short reading entilted 'Ten {music played by the Johnny Re-|Lijttle Christians" was given by {mero Quartet featuring Lorne|the president. Myot on the trumpet. The quar- [tet had recently competed in a charge of the devotional period |radio talent program. with Mrs. Albert Morphy, Mrs, The Lionettes provided and William Ward, Mrs. Lesley served refreshments at the end|Evans and Mrs. Wilfred Harris of the program taking part. The prize winners were: Secretary's report was given by |Lady's door prize, Mrs. Arthur Mrs. Frank James; treasurer's {Leach; man's door prize, Mr. report by Mrs. William Ward. {Charles Lovell; birthday, Mrs.|There were 103 sick {Guy Forrest; anniversary, Mrs. ported. |S. 'B. Hester: lucky chair, Miss Plans for the chicken pattie |Vera Siblock; lucky cup, Mrs, fea to be held April 19 from 3-6 |Alex Maracle: oldest member, p.m. were discussed | Mrs. Dennis Mochnachuk; young- Mrs. Hales Barker was in |est member, Miss Pat McConnell; charge of the program and gave |most grandchildren, Mrs. Wil-|a reading, "Two Sides". Mrs. liam Suddard Walter Scott and Mrs. Frank Hortop played two piano duets en- ASTRA GROUP titled "Glow Worm" and "King The monthly meeting of the of the Forest" Astra group of the WA of Sim reshments were served by coe Street DARINGLY DIFFERENT United Church was Mrs, George Wilson's group Among the Association of | yards of lilac nylon chiffon are |held recently with a good attend- § ; Canadian Couturier's spring fa- { gathered into a narrow sheath ance ra : ended Ac ne ATA BW SUB id shions here today was an even- | which is caught at the bodice e Astra group atte Won ing gown worn by Lore Maria | and knee with matching satin [Lenten service in the church and | A : Wiener of Vancouver, resem- | ribbon. (CP Wirephoto) |later adjourned to the ladies pielaide House. It was announced bling a Grecian urn. Thirty 1960 (Dupont) [parlor for the business meeting, [that the Biennial Convention of Mrs. Robert Currie presided; B-PW Sos celebrates its 30th . . . Mrs. Robert Hess read the treas-|anniversary in Winnipeg, July 11 Wandering Waistline Reflects Social Changes In 20's and 30's urer's report and Mrs. Nicholas|!o July 15 and that Miss Gladys Yulenchyn read the minutes. Hill will represent the local By IONA MONAHAN Students of fashion psychology Preparations for the rummage club. sale to be held Friday, April 1, To raise funds for world refu- 1 p.m. were finalized. Refresh- gee year the club members are ments were served by Mrs. David |selling a handy little gadget, a Bowman, Mrs. Alan Canning,|'grip pad." Any members will elaim that women release their|to adopt a flat look 'up top' 2 . 4 waistlines in times of political {but not one voice is raised about Piper foo will have a share in world and social crisis, and this point/the position of the waistline $T. PAUL'S GUILD Pe UEC. year is proven in the National Film| WAISTLINES FALL The regular meeting of St. Miss Marie Shantz presented Board's three new documentaries] In the second film of the ser- Paul's Presbyterian Church Guild the plans for the Regional Con- ference to be held on May 7 at calls re- bluntly worded fashion advertise- z. 4 i v i Mrs. Kenneth Cowan, Mrs. Stan- he happy to provide these to the ments of the time urge women Jey Lambert and Mrs. Reginald| public and in so doing the buyer about Canada during the years|ies, which is devoted to the 1927-/was held recently. between 1918 and 1939. |1934 era, hemlines and waistlines| The meeting was preceded by (the Hotel Genosha. The club is There are frequent glimpses|fall along with the stock market,(a bake sale which drew a good anticipating a very interesting of fashion in these films, which|soon after the grand opening of attendance. The baked oods | day. are made mainly of rare old|the Royal York Hotel, which had/were donated by the Woinen's| newsreels. "Watching a preview ron to symbolize a great fu-|Guild. The Margaret Hamilton of them, 1 was struck by how|ture. group and the Calvin evening sub the waistline kept wandering] The great plans of politicians in group conditions through the years, and how it spats and silk hats and the signs:| The meeting was opened with| sneaker. seemed to reflect the many 'Men's Suits -- $11.50" had in-|a hymn, followed by a Bible read-| troubles between the two great|dicated an era of at least popular-|ing by Mrs. John MacMillan and| Wars. |priced prosperity during Can-|Mrs. Donald Munroe led in pray-| The films are part of the "Doc-|ada's Diamond Jubilee of 1927.|er 17th Group Committee of the Girl wmentary 60" series. In the first| But then droughts drained the Mrs. Harry Preity read the Guide Association was held at the film, which covers the years be.| Prairies. and unemployment para-|treasurer's report and Mrs. Ian|Salvation Army Citadel. Twelve HOUSEHOLD HINT {ert Burton Sutton, son of Mr. and! K's time to defrost your home tween 1918 and 1927, we see|lyzed the cities. Women had much|Chalmers the secretary's report; members were present. troops returning from France/Mmore to worry about than their|Mrs. Lewis Daniel the cent-a-| Mrs. W¥red Smith, presiding, after the First World War fashionable waistlines and the meal report and Mrs. Ronald|,nened the meeting with prayer. They're greeted by eager girls| general air of despair is reflect-|Luke the ten eent tea fund re-|pp, secretary, Mrs. John Bow- in big, bulky coats with Belts ors p oi iy tpn. R. J. Copithorne th kod Tead the minwies and ais at the hips and they dance their ; R | Mrs, J. Copithor anked| gave a report on LA meeting. cares aw i in a memorable Max-| Sexless, Mother Hubbard-shaped those who took part in the world Mrs. Frank Stevens, treasurer, ixe of instep-revealing, waistline.| dresses and coats were the | gave final report en banquet and concealing, little black dresses. straight and uncompromising bazaar sale. y trans-Canada choice. SOCIAL NOTICE a HITCH HEMLINES Omitted from the banquet re- Later, dazzled by the visit of BJAS-CUT GLAMOR port was the warrants received the Prince of Wales women in| In the third film, the 1934-1939 ENGAGEMENT | id Mrs. P. O'Connor, "White ! e on d floppy hats|Ye3Is show the promise of a Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Glowaski|Ow]", and Mrs. John McPhee, the most feminine 2 I Ppy 4 +.| better future. Fashions change to|of Oshawa announce the engage-| "Tawny Owl", which were pre- sontradictorily mar} their a ov suit the new tempo and, at a|/ment of their daughter, Arlene sented to them that night by lines at high, low or medium tev. close look. one can almost see a Margaret, to Donald John Me- Senior Captain Thelma Stewart. eis of ease {or Stviles: » {normal-level waistline in the bias- Carthy, Oshawa, son of the Members were asked to Yange ftom casual o io! ha cut crepes and lightly belted flan-|late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel John aprons and home-made candy for nics to the formality of the open-|, 1. that brought the thirties to aj McCarthy. The marriage is 10ithe Brownie Fair to be held at ing of Parliament. Hemlines be- close. Women flip back their hat take place on Saturday, April 23, | Guide oie Anil oh. Sih 4 Roady and Felonies in brims and emerge from the 2 hy Be in Holy Cross Roman| Refreshments were served in a5 ewes ay ns i ve {shadowy gloom of their clothes to atholic Church. the form of a special birthday jog» ® 4 e wor a *¥lenjoy their power as"Windsor| ENGAGEMENT party for White Owl, Mrs. Rudolf Valentino's waistline la- Blue Roisin Je ashiouanie Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fice an-|O Connor. eo! Yaleniino 8 wai COOP Smo ToL ORY nounce the engagement of their| dies are hard to find inside short| mantic importance of women but daughter, J Ruby. to M: eoats with immense collars and of their essential companionate aughter, Joan Ruby, to Mr. Rob- cuffs of fitch and fox, and females role. in a modern world. in general are difficult to identify| They turn their backs on the| aes: db Ri Bt freezer ¥ the frost is more than as they immerse themselves com-|drabness of the earlier years and i, St. Andrew's United Church one-half inch thiek over any pletely in the shapelessness ofirevel in the ultra -glamorous omced men's sweaters, sailor's coals, movie - queen fashions 'hat call wl Saturday, April 30, at 2 considerable 2m of the refrig- Norfolk jackets and knickers. In-|for lames, metallics, brocades,| . . . A of iid deed, as they strip for beauty satins and sables eontest action, it becomes appar-| Prosperity was back, according ent that equality has arrived . . .|to the newsreels, and women ) at least in swimsuits! Even the watched and waistlines waited. ey This Week Only . . . with professionally pre-mixed neutralizer ! 2. " Fresh wach wl do. the trick. FIRSY and only neutrafizes thet's pro- fessionally pre-mixed to give yom profes- results at home! c measuring! Mo messy mixing! No mishaps! New Mo-Mix Toni is the home permanent ever! Regular, Super or Gentle . i. $9.00 the April meeting Miss Joan F. Wilson, chairman of a special Y on " ment fee on will be the guest r 17TH GROUP COMMITTEE The monthly meeting of the ORIGINAL GENUINE SPORTRITE REVERSIBLE SKIRTS Sizes 7 to 17 Regular price $25.00 SALE 2 for 25:00 Fashion Udlage For Discriminating Women" 26 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 5.2722 28 KING ST, EAST Store Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Daily -- Friday 9:30 a.m. % 9:00 p.m RA 3.4621 A. hr -- er --L PERSONALS The annual "Day of Recollec-| {tion for all the women of the Mrs. George Wilson was in|parish, sponsored by St. Gregory yayor Lyman Gifford and Mrs. Gifford, Mr. |{the Great Council of the Catho- {lic Women's League, took place on Sunday, March 27, in the par- lish auditorium. Mrs. J. A. Yanch was the convener. The exercises|Michael were conducted by the Rev. M. Beriault, of Holy Cross Church, |Father Beriault stressed the con- {stant need of prayer and recourse |to the Sacraments to nourish the life of the soul, reminding his skaters, MacDonald, Diane Kupnicki. motto, "Be Prepared". Mrs. Major Marsland Rankine. Jean Barassin, Linda Major Rankine spoke the guide The meeting closed with the] singing of "Taps" and prayer by Open House Draws Large Gathering | To Oshawa Times The following were among the many guests attending open house at The Oshawa Times last night: Mr. and Mrs, ¥. V. Skinoer, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. McLaughlin, Waller Branch, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hall, Mrs. Clayton Lee, The Honorable Starr MP and Mrs, Starr, Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Bacon, and Mrs. Port Credit. | Mr. and Mrs. S. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Barnett, Mr. only teaching but that of state supervision, before holding her| present position. Miss Lawson helped prepare the National Bul- letin on "Space and Equipment for Homemaking Programs". She participated in the conference of, the AHEA on the philosophy and objectives of Home Economics. On Tuesday at 9 a.m, the first speaker will be Dr. Elaine Knowles Weaver, who is a pro- essor al Ohio State University, being in charge of the Housing, Equi nt and Furnishing Divi- sion. Her topic is "A realistic ap- proach to the teaching of equip- ment and management." Dr.| Weaver directs the graduate work| of all students, in research deal- ing with human energy expendi- ture. She has a wide range of| teaching experience and was named Faculty Woman of the Year in 1955. She has written over 100 articles for publication, [Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thomson, ang has recently written a new section on Household Equipment| for the Encyclopedia Britannica. She is married to an Industrial Allen Dalrymple, Mr, A. E. Mc- Engineer, and is the mother of! listeners that one was capable of | Neill, Mr. J. W. Lowery, Mr. G.|;05" cone' committing any sin on the books] |if it were not for the grace of God. Periods of silent meditation) alternated the brief discourses| and the exercises concluded with| [the rosary, a short semmon| and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament in the parish church. At the Ukrainian Concert at the Regent Theatre on Sunday in honor of the Ukrainian national poet, Taras Shevchenko, Dr. C. H. Vipond gave a fine read- ing in English of the poem The | Poplar The Travel Study group of the| University Women's Club met at |the home of Miss Ada Kelly last {night and greatly enjoyed Mrs. |A. H. Dancey's pictures and com- {mentary of her visit to Ireland. { Mrs. Emerson Salter will be in charge of the tea table at the Daiodil Tea tomorrow afternoon and pouring tea will be Mrs. H. A. Mellow, Mrs. Kenneth Wooster, president of Northmin- ster Woman's Association; Mrs. George Jewell; past president, and Mrs. E. §. Dafoe. y Mr. and Mrs. Dean J. Kelly and daughter, Kathy, have return- ed from a two-week vacation at Nassau Beach Hotel, Nassau, Bahamas. Among those from Oshawa who | grand reception Order of the Eastern Star, held at the Royal York Hotel, last week were: Mrs. David Kemlo, Mrs. George McKinstry, Mrs. Ar- thur McLeese, Mrs. Thomas Dunlop, Miss Sybil Langmaid, Miss Evelyn Moore, Miss Flora Purdie, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. C. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haley, Mrs. Ralph Kennedy. Mrs. Thelma Beerthuizen, Mrs. George Alpin, Mrs. Harry Davies, Miss Devine Kemlo, Mrs. Cecil Elliott, Mrs, Milton Little, Mrs. Esther Lane, Mr. Harry Shelley, Mrs. Sydney Lang, Mrs. George Taylor, Mrs. W. D. Taylor, Mrs. Douglas Ives, Mrs. Charles Shaw. You are invited by the Social Department to send in any lit- tle items of interest. News of |teas, surprise parties, showers, {anniversaries and eomings and | goings are always very accept- |able and for which there is no |phone RA 5-3474, local 18. MORE DETERGEN Shipments of liquid synthetic detergents increased 25 per cent) F. Shreve, Mr. and Mrs, Ingram, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, and Mrs, H. E, and Mrs. Easton Egerer, the Reverend N. T. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fice, Bowmanville. Lovell, Mr. Bathe, Mr. Dr. Claude Vipond, Alderman 3 Finley Dafoe, Dr. and Mrs. H. B. James, Dr. O. G. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowley, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MacDonald, Mr. J. B. Reid, Mr. and Mrs, William Holland, Mr. and Mrs. D. Dempsey, Mr, and Mrs. Victor Henkelman, Mr. and Mrs, D. G. Wordley. Mr. and Mrs. Richard TFair- Mrs. K. Haines, Mr. and Mrs. W. Victor Peacock, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Garrison, Alderman Cecil Bint, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Say- well, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jack- son, Mr. and Mrs. Frvin Boyd, | Port Perry. Alderman Hayward Murdoch, Mr. E. McNeely, Mr. J. Logan, Mr. R. E. Stephenson, Mr. Ted Middlemas, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Payne, Mr. Clarence Cox, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Ferrier, |} and Mrs. W. C. Anderson, | Mr. Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Sturgis, Mr. and Mrs, L. W. McConkey, Mr. and Mrs, A. G. Storie. Mr. L. M. Souch, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Stark, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Alger, Mr. and Mrs, James McCansh, Dr. and Mrs. €. M. Elliott, Mrs. W. E. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bassett, Me. io Mrs. M. W. Book, Mr. and Mrs E. H. Doyle, Miss Dorothy Ben- son, Toronto, Mr. K. H. Graham, Mr. Alex Shestowsky. Mr. George Fletcher, Mr. Gor- don Myles, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hennick, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Gil mour, Mr. and Mrs, W. David- son, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. David House, Mr. D. Brown, Mr. Mor- ley Wyman, Mr. and Mrs, R. D. Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Templar. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Glazier, Mr. M. Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Thompson, Ajax, Mr. H. Cherney, Mr. The Reverend Paul Dwyer, Mr, and Mrs. Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Norval Willson, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Major, Mr. and Mrs. A. Walpole, Mr. William Heron, Sunderland, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nesbitt, Alderman Chris- tine Thomas, Mr. John Geikie. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Sands, Mr. | S. F. Everson, Mr. and Mrs. John in 1959 in Canada, reaching 48,- Mills, Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. Jack |483,000 pounds. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Shaw. 1 SHOP. , | WOOLWORTH'S ----FIRST LADIES For E Quat Grnived! LATEST STYLES, GAY COLORS ' HATS aster 3.98 LADIES' NEW STYLES IN SPRING WASHABLE BLOUSES 1.00 LADIES' RAYON PIQUE NEW SPRING BLOUSES 1.29 thorne, Mr. S. A. Cross, Mr. and |} W.| H. Roddschaefer, | Arthur Blanchard, | The second speaker on Tuesday| )= 1 ¢ F4 Supplement the Family Diet with "PARAMETTES" 2 paaneTTe" SYRUP {"PARAMETTES" JUNIOR 28 KING STREET EAST RA 3.4621 Her experience includes not|Cussion. GUIDE-STEP the correct shoe for growing children Product of 32 vears of scientific vewsaseh, - Hewetson Guide-Steps ave the eorrect shoes for normed, healthy ehiidren. Built into every pair the precise eurves needed to maintaim shoes as correct foot of Gui balance and weight distribution--standing, walking or running. This is especial when the young foot is growing. ¥Endorsed by nearly two million Guide- 31 SIMCOE ST. N. Regular @ity-Wide Deliveries | | ETHEL and DIANE are pleased to announce that they are available to accept appointments THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS for PER- MANENTS, COLORING and STYLING . . . Come in and let us design a new hair-do for you . ene that flatters you and your new Kaster bonnet! lly important in the years developing, forming and For School Days, these blue end are tops in style and eemfert. white Guide-Step Saddle Oxfords Sizes 8 to 3. $7.95 Guilde-St¢; ss Oxfords, with yeather SuperSoles fer extra weer. Styled to ensure snug onkle fit, Sizes 814 vo 3 $7.95 medical Steps are the United States and Hwrope. Now, for the fest time, they ave available wm Canada. Your Authorized Local Guide-Step Dealer le DAVIDSON'S RA 5-3312 Open Friday Eve. TH. ¥ p.m. A HAIR-DO TO FLATTER YOUR EASTER BONNET! TELEPHONE RA 34212 FOR APPOINTMENT 164 Ontaro Street pnt A 5 A AAR

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