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The Oshawa Times, 31 Mar 1960, p. 28

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--e rr 2 [53%] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [E& 13--Gardening & Supplies |21--Personal Service 36--Female Help Wanted j48--Housss, Apts., Flots EASTER [°° sis FER NEW BUSINESS yyy ey ! Charge HARDSAND balcony; hes wiring, private » 3 CONSECUTIVE gl LANDSCAPING EE Tr rd TEI EPHONE ! ISTINGS RECEPTIONIST --ncopist required for) oriing 'couple. RA $1877, 4 lower Rolli plata Ajax, Ontario. ve ne FOUR - room modern plus, 6 Ee : R hiking ey ToS: Pats i pearance, be Tol EE hath, two blocks from INSERTIONS 3.75 412 Ferti ENG INVISIBLE mending 35a general BARLOW Write to commensurate with ability. Parking area, available now. Apply 113 a Tractor Roto-Tilling pair on all clothing done. 216 Chad. HAMBLY TIRE Box Road. A Ww RUNDLE " not Dela wit 7 Son i" Top Soil - Sod - Manure burn Street. MOTORS WAITRESS, full or part time. Apply on Simcoe : . PRIVATE Spanish guitar lessons given LTD Mr, Campbell, Genosha Hotel. North, fully equipped phone RA 546343 lie Hill nine 8.3385. ove rates ~oply only to original : io Sk Xe 7 RELIABLE girl for light hou ve, GARDEN CENTRE ss 1 en insertions. Flagstone Polio Slabs in private Tome, AvP. Cas 428 KING WEST 534 RITSON RD S, . RELIABLE Su) for Babi hing mother (UPPER duplex apartment, four large Subsequent Insertions ordered at & RA 5-1721 , } : 1015 KING ST. EAS later: Gon constitutes a@ new original Tor Reroirs 22 Radio & TV Repairs QUALITY USED CARS FOR ALL YOUR works. RA 8-6741 after 6 pm. Xo0ms, hardwood floors, Everything for your gargen SE eaioon: and Business listings TV AERIALS installed moved and rve- BOUGHT AND SOLD RE-CAPPING NEEDS HAIRSTYLIST b RA 5-1764 Each Sdafonal ne' $100" oa || covered ke new: cot ne st tr los nd wp RA Sm or *"% RA 8.6175 ~~ |__ CALL RA 8.6221 EXPERIENCED month, a} JMoatm TV -- RADIO All makes. R. B. REED & SONS Eh Initial later, abbreviation ea Dit Call BA S683] 130 & fre Thompson Becttoncs, 15 Enott Av. j FOR A COMPLETE For Oshawa's newest and fF iy Toms, FLORISTS Vora. Bax charge"5¢ cadimonl. © || FURNITURE repaired nd reaps Im Law's Pharmacy | REAL ESTATE SERVICE most modem Salon m= ulet couple, all conveniences. EASTER LILIES Classified Advertisements |itered. See our materiale for secover-| .. fing tower, LAKE-VISTA THE MAYFAIR SALON |MODERN electrically equipped, two- UT FLOWERS [J MUST be in by. @ am. the doy of [4 753 - Dalton, 78 Chiatles SESE] Hot 10 ova, 0 rer SHOPPING PLAZA |S. D. HYMAN, Realtor RA 8-0662 Wl pap 111 Craydon Road, 00 od EASTER C 0 ublication, Office hours: Daily 8-5, Complete with new Skychief | Wecker Dr., comer of Cedar 39 PRINCE ST. > tarlo_ Street. tur - s . RA 5-1131 upd Sloaning. Cali RA sont, furnace] ail-channel antenna. Total and Thomas St. -6286 THREE heal ita aid 'water "t- 4T Colborne Street W Taras Ge room, REGULATIONS-- ice. instol i cluded. Apply 356 Ritson and one small 10% King St. W,, Oshawa The Oshawa Times shall not be || FURNITURE repaires and reuphol| Price, installed and guaran RA 5-3525 : SWITCHBOARD [gus of Kiichen. Young: bua business gentleman ibl dverti See our materials for Te-cover. for 1 year, $59.95. F i = ments Ee hey ing Bruce B. Dalton, 75 Cuaries Street. TV, Enterprises, 253 Drew ree Delivery DU MONT OPER ATORS basement iste, ol Sas, 8 | CENTRAL, room with or without Bosrd, KNICK KNACK Yiting, nor fer mo en ci 5t., RA 3-3553, RA 5-2905. FOR A COMPLETE IN Rn To 8 single and double, clean and quiet. Ap- g nid ayer Tih ore FOR carpentry, Jailting ang decora- ALUMINUM Please state if ony exper- |THREE - bedroom house, central Io: Church Street charged for a single insertion of =2%. REAL ESTATE SERVICE ience. Full or part-time. Per- |cation, by May 1 or June 1. Two chil- {ATTRACTIVE Furnisied rooms, avail. ' : po able in private home, 82 Park Rosé ' pri the cdrizament in whch ort [1a cua some wn +i weme| GEORGE'S T.V, RA 8-165] 1 monet moat in Gorn. 1 rin ho a PS a Sip 4 Sn Call Timex watches, latest styles f Je Free consultation, work guaranteed, 4 ' to classify advertising according to . D. H R r ; A : Easter gifts, and chocolates, fs own crassificafion. JE ing OR fg ig SERVICE Ss YMAN, ealto for information. or interview, BOX. 539, OSHAWA TIMES [Soom sul ne gertiomat or two girls, ils, | spring matress, ome, very, central, | plied, parking. 8-8409. | Elgin © 464 Dawes Road, Toronto, ZE 9-9500 or 39 PRINCE ST. i dvertise- 28 SIMCOE ST. S. et Oe ors Wil wot be herd J OX #1946 or phone Claremont 836R1L. "LET GEORGE RA 8-6286 37--Male Help Wanted SL for room --=|TW0 fu Tooms, ad responsible for more space then | CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, SPRING SP ECIAL STENOGRAPHER, with dictaphone ex-|for couple, outside conveniences, imme- | Xl also very that in which the actual error fijjke new. Why pay more? Our rates " rien t be t, quick, and|diate possession. Town Line East, RA Jatge 'furnished housekeeping room 1--Accountants occupies. The publishers endeavour flare HOM THIS MONTH perience, Mus Real, ek, a. with refrigerator, for adults only, park- ies. 3 accurate, with background office 4 TH, RIERL, anal] 1 reproduce oil advertising matter §| Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery ' routine, tanity Jor ad t. ing space. 99 Elgin East. Co IEITH. MONTEITH. RIEHL. nd Sonectly but cssumes no Joi vs Co, 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA| George Will Allow You MODERNIZATION COLD WAVES $5 iiig icin a 4 "Apply Box 341, EE Craw heated wi ROOMS by the week, tiled shower and Trustees, Alon. Oshane, SoroHons Fon. i' ony inaccuracies in y 5.0311, SERVICE FOR APPOINTMENT Oshawa Times. duty wiring, hot water, private bath bath, maid service. RA 3-4641, Genoshs teigh, B. fayiels Seas aw : Shue C CA. Wierein, aa RL gr Expert Craftsmen RA 8 5677 window lames. ire is. ood asarance. Sartien. OLiver 3.408. ONE fully equipped housekeeping Room, t > . -, hy commis: 1 --- - ;. E. Trethewey, CA: R. stalled. furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- or All Trades with $10,000 or over. M N ST, Five - room brick sult one girl, central. RA 57923, A: Wilitehal) 2.0080, RA 5. d mates. RA 3.2997. For your present old antenna a Reply stating experience. Box 355, Osh: Palos Mural, fireplace in HVINH/Nipsny giteet. H a » . * : of roo. 'wal wi family 3 imcoe Street North, Oshawa. 8--Building Trades on vow ingtellerion. DAYS RA 5-1273 G NEWELL awa Times. sized dining room, modern kitchen, THREE unfurnished rooms, third floor, 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi.| PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, FURNACE SALES ork Guaranteed! NIGHTS RA 5-5071 RAWLEIGH business now open in nicely decorated, aluminum _storms|heavy duty wiring, sink and cupboards. fied Public Accountants, 172 King fixtures, new and used, changing from Real Estate Broker Sownships Cavan, Ly Sutusigel, 8} and nd greTeens. Cll Mary Hobbs, RA Adulfs. Central; 4 $45 monthly. Apply y » ar) an shawa. hy East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA [septic fank io sewer a specialty. In- AND SERVICE CALL RA 3-9525 216 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY Wnithy Eas nai hn ble rates. Infor- TERRE, ------ A : op- three - 1 mation and re free on any type MODER G IL - portunity. Full time. Write at Once.|apartment, private entrance, elect for young lady, close to and Co PRIEDLANGES, ay aha t r of Dial RA 3.41. J. Foley. H. M. Mackie €o. Ltd. ATTENTION N R L MO 8 4703 1 Sawing 4 Dept, C-310-189, 4005 Rich- (stove and refrigerator, immediate pos-| Breakfast if tiv, sore oor GM cenced Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 a CARPENTER work. fromiaE. Him WhHithall 2-5770 - 2.5771, » Montreal. session, $60 per month. Phone RA|after 6 p.m, Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA; y : RA 5-3887 EMpire 2-3625. Mortgages |WANTED for this area -- sal to [5 A , kitchen cabinets, custom work pire 3 90g LARGE furnish F. Friedlander, B. Comm., CPA. is, Jiche Mortgngey meranged. All RA 5-5954 T1.V. OWNERS : . ond Appraisals, fepresent a long established Real Es-(ONE four - room apartment, up-| kitchen. furnished ed o 'Sasa Jooms BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting | work guaranteed. RA 3-3579, SPECIAL Bar-b-Qued Chicken, Fish and Tate Broker ee. Bmited vie ro stairs; one four a Cres 88397, Services offer Cleanout Service-- Chips, Hamb 12-inch type RA 50040, Single beds, 7864, d ps, mburgers, inel vide full coc and BOOM for two gentlemen services for small business. 184 Bond CALL i MeRanna, BA 6) . $7 labor plus parts 40 ft. towers with all wave H --- YY D li TOWN LUNCH making sales easy. Experience not nec- jn any also one single -- Socoud floor. Near Strest West, Room © Office RA Savor fie: 6 pon. Expert painting, papes- antenna, Corrplete installo ot Dogs e deliver, essary. Write 3373 St. Clair Avenue,| THREE - room Lae on second North GM and downtown. Apply 20% psidence, RA 3.7605. nging, . . : . : a y " hs esidence hangin githatos Zee Instruction tions for $59.50 ond $5.00 SNOWDEN RA > 3978 East Scarborough, nr phone OX '49913 commoarie hese. 15. Kitchen Be elk: | Bond_Street East. e eliver at TR TT | i | allowance for your old an- on 463 Colborne' Ean Phone | Three unfurnished rooms, suitable for 2--Barristers ALL plumbing and heating supplies. PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, y d Fish & Chips, Homburgers |MAN with Knowledge of machinery, ma swims. couple, heat lights and a - :, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar.|Phone RA 53521, Harold R . Stark, |16 years' experience, by interview only.| tenna. THREE foo momar semis GREER. 'Murphy and MacDonald, Bar. [Phone RA S321, Harold B engineer Act now. RA 51051 INDUSTRIAL BARBECUED CHICKEN [ind good work history Ee fis, THREE furnished rooms, TV outlet, RA risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public. ing, coe Street South. qui siy.. ANOTH A R AND rivate bathroom, fo: couple, pe room, gentle. 5. Murphy and James Ac Mechonmd a Teiephone RA 5.8215 between 4 - & bon. ER SPECIAL UBBER ON A PLATE, 9c rive "th Seta a Tomer io| OO. Phone RA 51380, 7+ "men, eof Kitchen: ani, mosping J a .m. 3 PLASTERING, remodelling, archways PICTURE TUBES PLASTICS LTD 25c delivery charge manager, Box 579 Adax, Ont. APARTMENT -- Two large rooms, us| Cube. APDIY 35 Division Street. ister, s¢ y . A, Ab; 3 7. T. SALMERS, BA, barvister, solici-| and repairs. Free estimates ram-| [JLLIAN MAE MARSH, Dance Edu. EXPERIENCED , located at bus stop, King |ONE large furnished room and kitchen, Street East, available May 1, heated, |suit couple. Also single furnished room tor, etc Simcoe Street North, |off, 162 Harmony Road North, RA sator, Dancing School Ballet, fap, pre. os low as $29.95 with one Office 741; Residence RA 5-3542.|3-4871. > ay, or would consider man with faite R4 aly Masonic Temple. RA 37283.| orn jactory warranty. Up to 91 BRUCE ST. BUYING OR SELLING floor covering experience. No phone lo! and cold water "oly LC No ra eman, APHY. 690i Ssnvos siret CALL applications. Please apply in person. |p. 5-5373, HR ala FURNISHED room for rent, in quiet BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solici-| ROOFING, tirepl eaves- $6.00 allowance for your old tor, 3% Simcoe South RA 5-9592. Resi-|¢, hs, buildin, irs, new and old | HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, iet ence, RA 80264 work, RA 83180. RA S605 tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highland:| Picture Tube RA 8-1658 DOUGLAS L. GOWER Bets: Tonga Co. Md. 3 Stove CWE -- Trl Road, Co NR ERED J McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Te stiiams. [RERIMer You. 414 Eig West; RA S81: . 5 a month. RA 86136. man, preferred, Apply 240 Burk Street, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for| GUNTRAL repairs, roofing, n.| AUTOMOBILE Driving Instruction, day T.R.1.O. Tires, batteries, hose OL Io ork Sie Dour A uy OW: Voom RA 3.966 ee or evening. Call RA 5-1646 for appoint- ' for $100 per week. Write Box 518 Os Br Sot aes. 20 Simons Street North ship fully guaranteed. RA 37780. | belting, Vv belts, plastic Corner of Gladstone.Bond W. Va Times, Hi oy" ve ao Proce vo or Tne raised Moto ys Edgar F. Bastedo, QC, : TELEVISION | pipe, dishes and tile. ? . aoapt Spvd 1 Dyas oa a ort General y JOHN A. G. MacDONALD, BA. Barris DODD & SOUTER LEARN TO DRIVE 174 BOND ST. E pipe, thing i a bb : d RA 8-1287 RA 8-1395 LABORATORY th, om basement Avariment, mo. artly fu od house NA GM » D, BA. - VE. verything in rubber an al Tr p.m. partly rnished housekeeping ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street PAINT -- WALLPAPER 2 Apply 48 Drew Street, RA North, Phone RA 88511. uc plastic. THREE rooms at Brooklin telephone 3 qc" 2 mere | PAINTING & DECORATING [At the Oshawe Driving School RA 8-6781 ASSISTANT Oliver 5.3654 er 3 pom, EOMPHREYS "25d Br a, CONTRACTORS Licensed by the Police Commission OSHAWA NEW, three - bedroom home, with self. | \WO Jooms,_ Drivate en. G. E. Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hillman, Esti Call: ined 3 NEWCASTLE DRY CLEANERS TREE EXPERTS Young man for control test- |contained basement apartment, 3i30|trance, clothes closets. - $40 - monthly, LLB Bins Bisel West Donan For Free Estimates Call: Fully trained instructors SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT AND LAUNDERERS ing. Experience preferred but |per month, or will consider renting|RA 8-0573 Office, RA 51177; Res. RA 54604 or By Ns Stondard, eutomatic ears IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! merciol Laundry Ren Experienced in trimming, re- not essential. Education Jun- |Separately. RA 5-3079. BRIGHT mom ia 8 hen » Whitby MO 8-2761. Money to loan. - T.V. and RADIO Cor of . moving and transplanting. ior matric or equivalent, Op- |TWO large rooms, cupboards and sink a : Jaumdry ee RA 8 0091 «Ve tal Linen Supply. Enquiries > in kitchen, close to bus stop. Telephone |Kiichen privileges, girl Jrelersed, caf 3 e after § o'clock. RA 8-6519 JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solicl- 107 Byron St. $., Whitby CENTRAL, three - room unfurnished | §5--Real Estate For Sale ' ay portunity for advancement, for and Notary Public. 18% King Street CALL RA 8-5286 IN. Jaki; Leas, Neve ate RA 8-1629 Paid vacation this summer. hi » in . Ba (3 i 4 ea Suppiiad, brie = 2 aor iis, oe og hg no pi i sid hus OSHAWA Bowmanville, MA 3-5041. 32---Articles Wanted PERSONNEL DEPT, aiitable for adults, References, RA |race, four rooms and bath. A Pe SRA Saabs Tr. WELL DIGGING itp AV your ome, Ea) ELECTRONICS 26--Farmer's Column ILL yas 310 and up fo 18 Coma | DUNLOP (CANADA) LTD, ha oe ee particulars, iy 8 ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, RA 8-5832 ver 3 certain - le, suit oy ntl RALPH ES Ba, and Thomas CEMENT AND FROST 17--Money to Loan EXPERT ANTENNA DEAD JaTih Mock Ticked up promptly, 5227. WHITBY indies y Bong i pve Sendemen or Ho Greer, ph tiaciate Barristers and BREAKING CLIENTS" monies available for frat Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. SHAW MO 8-3361 JANITOR apartment 6 Fairbank 950 DOWN olicitors. ast. an secon ages, 01 ages a -- pe RA 8-6974 [srgmegis s'sic purcwsed aspy| ~~ AND TOWER 128_Summer Resorts AUTO WRECKING CO. (38--Male or Female [vice sie Fumes missy "| Modem three-bedroom bun- THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soll M. F, Swartz, Barrister and Notary citor and Notary Public, 26% King Public, 36% King East, Oshawa, RA WNSTALLATIONS TWENTY . four hour trailer service 5 Help W.nted THREE - room, self-contained apazi:| Pierson windows. Street East. Phone RA 8-1763. 11--Business Opportunities |: and JA Srestories, L. 2. Ramer Lamps.| Wants cars for wrecking, PRESEEE TWN ment, all laundry facili- CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and WE have clients' monies available for AllChonnel. Ahte hoses, jacks. ete. Miller 8 Tame o| also scrap iron and_metals, ; experienced, RA 1035, [ties adults only. Apply 297 FULL PRICE $12,900 MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No-(HARDWARE store, silent partnership, |joans on first and second mortgages nos Ajax. WHitehall 2.3491, etc. bought. Open Saturday |SHORT order cook ied, with grill Street E: tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg, desired by wholesale firm to expand and also purchase of MoRTages asd os low as $24.00 . oll d Phone experience. Apply Mr. Campbell, Gen- chute sl apartment, also double Cut stone, lorge bungalow, 5 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3446; TK, |lines carried and to boost your sales|agreements of sale. Louis 8S. 3 . ay. osha Hotel. rooms, new twin beds, central, Glad.| Private drive, large lot, con- Seishin GC; 5. Tovscl Su; 6K ums, Arrasements tb Sront suas [ SS. W Kia Siren Ean Oshawa. RA IV. Sevice 24. Houn 2--Articles Wanted RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR E stone Avenue, RA 3.8402. venient to South G.M.. near Dr , G. L 0: ort. or rm es ov, -, . dtd Drynan, an urdoc! mort: ing or 4 Dipper 0 Je dis ro * I $2.50) BOAT, fully equipped, 15foot @bre| _ ~~ ____"" ~~ TELEPHONE FIVE - room heated apartment, avail-| new schools. Terrific value. Times, money to loan on first mort- ouse ca » Hass | boat with 35 HP motor and trail. 3 E lo * W nted able now. RA 5.0212. 74 Bond E MANNING. SWARTZ Barrister, | Soh = Compe Topd EA gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale er, In good eondition. Will pay cash. 5--Employmen a SOLI CITORS FR orators rr W. T. LAMSON Solicitor, Notary. Money loan, Asso- --- mple mi purchased. mortgages arrang 0 dealers, please, RA 5-4668. 1¥ . m ] 'OUTH, 18, Grade 11, plus typing, de pt go A li Len & Lou's TV 3 ins REAL ESTATE ciate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry and C: Fraser, Drynan and Mur- Block, 26% King Street ast. RA 34697, food turnover. earning high net profit, doch. = ph state pF A £96. "Oshawa 1 ing eifiseTelesy. Wi To work from office, in Whit- i ¢ thly, possession April 1. RA 5.8831 ence. dial RA 3-4 Long TR lease, Priced FIRST and second mortgage, sale 3 by. Experi f . EA mCS-- 3 31, Oshawa Tim housew aired, four y. Experience preferred, but PEP. MANGAN, QC, barrister, (SPOIL PIORCly exchange. Write Box | Lcreements purchased 'and 'sold, Mew-| Anfenfios .... RA 5.7844 Hafod mornings preferred by ex.| not necessary, Phone MO |SELF-CONTAINED large fh solicitor Money to loan. Office 26% miok Jud Henman, Barristers, 31 King i RA 8-5804 (30--Lost and Found perienced lady, RA 8-6903 before 2 p.m. 8-3501 ' Seastment, ri iiserater, ve -- al, i 3 A ree ast. od . $ jot water, aerial, available King Street East, Oshawa. RA 8.4732 e LOST -- Dark brown collie, white Full, | YOUNG IRS, WORN wa Grade) Phone MO 8-350] [in spariment building. RA 5.8160, L S SNELG ROVE voxuin mars wove svi WELL DRILLING |18a--Mongages eat oe ne ch AE ee oa SL Sh SO STORE fo en 10 Ap and Solicitor. 26% King Street East. FIRST, second mortgages bought an 41--Room and Board Simcoe Street South. Telephone: Business, RA 5-5501: Resi arranged. Hill, 209 Brock Street LUST -- German short-haired Pointer, 36--Female Help Wanted FIVE - room, furnished apartment, CO LTD and . ence. RA 8-5373. th, ad. Don , MO 8-5322; OL: 5-471 brown with white speckles, male. - ROOM and board for close T ci GERALD FULTON Sou y vey OPERATORS ward, Phone RA 88464. GIRL or woman for housekeeping(to down town. Apply 23 Eigin Street stove, olrivate bath. 431 Drew Street, -- Dentists : ASSOCIATION LOST -- Mans' bill-fold, vicinity of duties, five-day week, live in. Phone East, RA 3.7814. A 3.985 Doi Office hours 9 10 6 ner ct ye son quer FIRST OR SECOND And, Simoes Be Ny On 50005 after 3 pra. ROOM and board for one girl, private poe room furnished apartment, wi 43 PARK RD. §. on event Y #in eo-operation with the |Ward. Telephone RA 38-0583. MAID for upstairs work, steady em. home, near downtown. Every conveni: (bath, water, hydro, PR Ry PRESENTING VALUES 8.0964, Open evenings by ap . 259 Ein Siret soin. Foie 34 528 PHONE RA 5-4067| MORTGAGES | osha Chamber of Commerce 32--Articles Wanted Food character references. AVR Hoe | moos sind BERT GeO | lable ow. Phage RA § SAT OF THE YEAR wi i i z = dort ; TV-HI-FI-AERIALS | : , Oshawa, Apply 195 Albert Street. Can be seen anytime. Apply Apt. 3, 103 5 Nursing Services 13--Gardening & Supplies Fast -- Confidential Service. PART time waitress wanted for snack poo urs ore gentlemen, elose 10 Wilson Road North. 8. APPLY AM, North west section, new - 0 _shop- ERY a, Naw 2 TREES trimmed and removed by ex-| Any emount to $5,000. Re- Dean Kelly TV--RA 5-512) CEDARDALE bar, mamed Palerred. Mast work |ping centre. Apply 63 Grenfell Street. | THREE unfurnished Toom, Sik, Sup. brick and stone bungalow Tray service and bed care. Private perts. Free estimates. Telephone RA| ,ovnbie os low os $30 @ Earl Fowler TV. .RA 5-1685 SCRAP " preferred, [FOOM AND BOARD for gentlemen boards, ehild welcome. 71 Warren with attractive features such lounge and TV. For particulars YUkon |8-1356. month, principal and interest Parkway TV....RA 3-3043 | high ig lhic OO Drive In to share, close to' N.G.M. lunch packed, [nue. as built-in vanity in bathe 5.7967 I WHERE to buy it? See the Want Ads. + P 3 Mel Pollard TV. .RA 3.9512 | IRON METAL LTD. Restaurant, Whitby MO 8-406. Som. KIN Ajax, room with colored fixtures, ANDEN Nursing Home, Licensed, King They lead you straight to bargains! Up to Premier TV... RA 5.1179 IRON--METALS EADY Tor sonesal Saip ou ol Wows oon ad board for for gentleman, single fo bed; SE ws 3 bedrooms, living room with By ye ro 5 YEARS TO REPAY TV Enterprises. .RA 5.2905 | PAPERS--RAGS business, lve in, year round employ-|gt Gur TA 57784 or 147 Ml Stoeer [2001 and WH 2.6366 CAjex). dining area, modern kitchen, dietician in attendance. 24-hour service. FOR COMPLETE ment. For information and par ed a walkout basement to ravine Lounge. radio. TV. We invite inspection, : APPLIANCE SERVICES OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY [please phone RA 57113. oid i bound, Junches Pasked, sin lot, $2,000 down gives pos- RA 5.2330 GARDEN "SERVICE Call for Appointment ; RA 5-3432 RELIABLE middle - aged housekeeper | 13 36% BUCKINGHAM ~ session in one week. Call Sid . " 0 9 Jack Christie. . . .RA 5-1179 FREE PICK-UP wanted, two small live in, TIN TT i MANOR Martyn RA 3-9810 6--Optometrists CALL SHAWA RA 3-3993 Lodwick Electric. RA 53-6349 RESIDENCE--RA 5.4150 [Teferences. RA 86812 Bn HO MATS it un yefenmn, APARTMENTS iy DE a A re OSHAWA HOME Any Time Warner Williams RA 5-353] 100 ANNIS STREET WANTED IMMEDIATELY [5 gos nd board Noqieateman.close| | and 2 bedroom apartments, NORTH WEST SECTION lenses, 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne), LANDSCAPING : East. RA 8-5160. Eigin electrically equipped, best Brick bungalow with 3 bed- evenings by appointment, RA 3-4191. LIED WE_HONOR INTERNATIONAL Responsible young lady to location. $85 and up. Appl STONES bY proitmen Ra AL CHARGE CREDIT CARDS WANTED manage an up-to-date record ROOM, or room and board, ¥ desired 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt, 8, boi en dining 7--Surveyors n "| SCRAP IRON, POULTRY bar. Applicants should have | . Phone for details A 8-8676 G. T. HORTON and Associates, On- RA 8-6366 INVESTMENT CO. 23--Women's Column AND FEATHER TICKS a pleasing personality and an 15.3508. high al size tario Land Surveyors, Professional En- SPECIAL! H 1 ts, 50; ear for music. Full time posi- : A v gineering, 306 Dundas Street West, Whit Expert Garden Planning 19--Personals irk Be hI Sl voi BRR I. TURNER tion with ideal working con- |oi\lc Soc board for gentlemen, in| fio room modern apartment tion room practically com- bY. MO 3.3001, Ajax 78. ai} Free Estimotes. =~ TRANSPORTATION wanted to down. |39 Pine Avenue, RA 5-5363. ' RA 3-2043 ditions and regular company |RA 5-058, available in new modem pleted, forced air with oil DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontario Land town Toronto, leaving 7.00 - 7.30 a.m. - RA 3.3374 benefits, ROOM and board, good home cooking,| [riplex. 1100 sq. ft, large heating, laundry tubs, land- Surveyor, 216 Alice Street, RA 58881 ~o\\p| ETE GARDEN SUPPLIES |Telephone RA 5.7279. 25---Pets and Livestock a3 Apply to close to GM and four comers; als fons, siove, refrigerator, scaped and" fenced yard, full 8 0.3: | WANTED -- rienced dri fi (collect, . dge Bo garage for rent. Apply 240 Division] washer ond dryer, paw I f Building Trades cmmgrem | LANDSCAPED DE SIN trip to Vancouver, "leaving Abra s Flrlore AE yetijsts SOR. pod Rg Street, parking, T.V. boii Phone L pice oui L500 with KT PAINTING, decorating by Fades. LAWN FERTILIZER with ALDRIN be Se bathing, defies: iox:| 36--Female Help Wanted 86 King St. E., Oshawa Hoo ad board for gentlemen, single Lloyd Metcalf Realtor, RA RA 5.8761 or RA 5-4162 A . Ni b too . Wor -- " 8 A A ead io Jak 8-6617 (Spreader on Loan) investigations, reasonable a ine Waubena Kennels, RA 5.651. Mill Street, RA "5.7754, rg after 5:30 call evenings. . i RA 83-0891 BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for EAVESTROUGHING and flashing. All LARGE, warm, single room, good work goaranteed, immediate attention, VAN BELLE EROPESSIONAL card reading by Mrs. Broad HR san. Swi Wn, board, 12 minutes to South GM; also 1371 LAKEFIELD ST. with reasonable rates. RA 8-5788, GARDENS Elliott. One mile "north of Nicholls d large double room, twin beds, near 2 BEDROOM 1 year old '5. room brick BE SH hn A : Bett Courtice RA 5.8237. arena and stores. MO 38-5092. 3 miles east of Oshawa 31---Articles For Rent HOON sot ard svaiiabie Tor "Soo QUIET, MODERN fungaiow with 3 isons, CAE BROWN "MA 3.5757 | HARFIELD STUDIOS [Simmer Saris Eure oo APARTMENT | £5 toni LOAM BOWMANVILLE Portraits taken in your home, H F | P WwW A N TE D FI eg ge At 15 GIBBONS ST. | TE of gu, rcee Weddings, Children @ spe- WEBBING'S 21 GIBBONS ST. ig storms en Prompt Delivery GARDEN NM SUPPLIES ciality. Social events paren, nah of King Stree. Foe Ritu io Jr an offer phone accountant, af RA 8-8951 MO 8-3611 RA 5-8260) HARDWARE : Applications will be received for the a mee ren Hooben w OFFICE SPACE one Naa role th FERTILIZERS would like to rent house, Must be in good condition, fairly central. Write Call Keith Peters RA 5-8761 FOR EVERY NEED position of HOME IMPROVEMENTS RENTAL SERVICE Box 535, Oshawa Times. RA 5.4162 REMODELLING--ADDITIONS All Popular Brands ELECTROLYSIS 84--Houses, Apts, Flats FOR - PORT rn REC ROOMS PEAT MOSS R : : OF TOOLS FAMILY ROOMS LAWN SEEDS Rewiovel oi oe petique hah For Rent RENT Spacious 7 room ranch style Tile, Hardwood Floors, Apri SCAFFOLDING I a, = bungalow = with loads of Cupboards NO. 1 ROSE BUSHES Oshawa, April 12th and 13th, rhe * Apply 35 King Street] Passenger elevator service, extras, $2,500 down gives Loans Arranged SHRUBBERY Phone Genosha Hotel on Hor G East, svuvles. fey New building. Centrally lo- possession. Further particulars HUGH CROSBY these dates for appointment. Ang on # Eo tiENah Mini f uni triculot : FURNISHED apartment, private sw! cated in downtown res r oppointment by calling x " quipment. | aint. - trance and bath, in apartment build id RA 5.3937 Fruit Tree SPRAYS " Inimum of junior matriculation or equiva france aud bath. in avatinent' te a qm wo. id Martyn RA 3-9810, BUG KILLERS 20--Cartage i ience i i i RT ae FUNGICIDES GAL CARTAGE, forsiore sod 3p UPHOLSTERY AND RUG | lent required. Experience in public relations TENT nd Lhe. Selon | gugilable. 6% ACRES WwW WARD d offi hi Appl v ¥ Tow ater ilable, hi . : POOER -- VA and office machines. Apply to i ol eke "ans: rt ter availdble, high VELDGHSS | COOPER ERETSRELR noma Eon THE TIMES | Tu iis ave sm ic! h | © restore ori eau MODERN three - room SPE pri- i to f Port P Fu |] Somme tgns | SMITH CO. i peree-- = wriov =i | HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION [E=EErSi®El BUILDING | fiom ove --] 4 area, it ti WHITBY, ONTARIO 16 CELINA ST. ji ER foundation garments in. 280 KING ST. W. TOWN OF AJAX on Gonust ¥ 1. WusoN or RATS: 4162 everie : East. RA 3 HA and private mortgages arranged. TED VEEN HOF 16--Insurance Al Work Guaranteed RA 8.0912 -- Den Hertog FREE ESTIMATES Apply; apartment; eo two-room herr sr eet OR ER = on or MO £ "563 -- MO 8-3809 "SALE or rent, six - room house, 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. RA 3-2312 dividuslly designed; also Spirella, Res. FoR ! Members of the Osha: a and 5.0. BOX 329 Burt Bond Merde Henderstol W8| OCLIAWA--RA 3-4873 AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA et Morty vemos suasiti| Phone RA 3-3474 | Yembers of she Osha a ane Dei Deliver ae

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