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The Oshawa Times, 31 Mar 1960, p. 8

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* | Street United Church WA met re: ¢ |cently in the church parlors. The A BONNY NEWTONVILLE BABY Mrs. | and Mr. David Denault and € great-granddaughter of Mrs. Thomas B. Jones, all of New- tonville. Daughter of Mr. and Donald Elliott, Newtonvil eight-month-cld Darlene Edné Darlene is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Elliott --Photo by Hornsby Rabbits, Eggs, Easter Symbols Come From German Mythology Despite the fact that nobody's|sion are several featuring the ever seen it happen, bunnies this writings of world - renowned re again bui o bird's clergyman Dr. Norman Vincent n colored Peale, he said. Others are de- anyway rd to explain to youngsters i true meaning of the resurrec- tion. On the light-hearted side, there is a card that tells the famous| bedtime story of Peter the S rabbit, and the "con-| mporaries," presses . its sentiment this way: | "| "1 was going to send you a huge| marshmallow-filled rabbit for| aster but he didn't like| marshmallows. Happy Easter Anyway!" in Ger- man no William |r E. Coutts i folklore, th was a beau tra, the godde the only anima pot fear th 1 the children spring was coming." ONCE A BIRD But althou | Carmela Barone | Nicholas Guarini | 0 ox. Xchange Vows plains why the egg i f has be- ; ; | come such an inseparable part of The marriage of Carmela Bar-| Easter tradition and is featured One and Nicholas Guarini, both on «» manv Easter cards cf Oshawa, was solemnized re.) i gh his mantle ha changed. the Easter bunny can- not forget the fact he was once a bird and so continues to build nests and lay eggs, said Mr Coutts Ancient belief, he said, "At one time," he said, *Pagan|cently at St. Gregory's Roman peoples believed the world was Catholic Church. hatched from an egg. Similarly. The bride is the daughter of it was thought the egg was the Mrs. Franceco Barone of Italy, | beginning of all thing Thus, th~ongh the years it became iden-|b tified with the resurrection and the new life." SYMBOLIC EGGS Early Christians consecrated eggs and dyed them red to sym- bolize the blood of Christ, he said. They gave eggs as presents and in vears gone by, more gifts were given at Easter than at Christmas. He said Easter cards had their i ce Weginning sometime after the mid 1880s and were widely pop- ular during the first two decades after they were first introduced Symbols of the true meaning of the holy day. such as Christ on the cross and the resurrection as well as the Easter bunny, proved to be popular card designs In recent years, religiou have again steadily increased in popularity, Mr. Coutts said, and his firm alone is publishing a record number for 1960. RELIGIOUS CREETINGS A reception was held at the Among the greetings reflecting! Alba restaurant. The newly- the religious nature of the occa- wedded pair will live-in Oshawa.! and the late Mr. Barone, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and| s. Nicholas Guarini of Italy. h» Reverend Paul Dwyer offl-| ciated. Given in marriage by Mr. Jo-| seph Guarini, brother of the bridegroom, the bride wore a| over taffeta. The lace bodice, encrested with sequins, featured a scalloped boat neckline and graced the skirt. A sequin- trimmed headdress held her| chort nylon net veil edged with| lace and she carried a cascade of white carnations and red roses. Miss Rosa Del Vecchio, the) maid of honor, wore a short dress of lime taffeta styling a urplice bodice and short sleeves. Her headdress was a pleated ny- lon bandeau and she 'carried aj cascade of yellow, pink and white| carnations, Mr. Pasquali Rocchio acted as best man. cards ' |was given by Mrs. Phillip Perry, * |on the Smorgasbord supper which Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 31, 1960 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES Nelson on the plano. Mrs, Wil liam Allsion le din prayer, Mrs. Saunders led in the responsive scripture reading, Mrs. Jack Ludlow and Mrs, David Owen sang a duel accom panied on the piano by Mrs, Patrick O'Conner Mrs. Saunders introduced Mrs Lt.<Colonel Gage of Toronto who demontrated the making of many lovely articles, flowers and table centers, using the Valentine land Easter designs and some to The devotional period was led be used for showers. She read by Mrs. Collingwood Daniels who|the 35th chapter of lsalah, then save an Easter message. Mrs [spoke of a market place In Scot ae Sonley read the scripture {land, and likened it to a spiritual Some novel games of court market place where each one can whist were played after which Meet with God. She refreshments were served by | One to heed the call of Jesus. It is {Mrs. Roy Morris and her group. | for the rich and poor alike, for {Jesus paid the price for each | 13TH GROUP COMMITTEE | The 18th Group Committee of one {the Girl Guide Association held its | Group SUNSHINE GROUP The Sunshine Group of Simcoe president, Mrs. Stanley Sargeant, presided. The secretary's report and Mrs, William Foreman gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Robert Sheffield reported will be held on May 7 in the memorial hall. Mrs, Wilfred Hambley reported on the cater- ing projects. asked ead Tea was served by the Cheerlo Next week the meeting ----IMarch meeting at the home of will be led by Mrs, Major Rankin|ic Mi {Mrs. Donald Richmond, Tecum- who will speak on Easter bless | seh street, with the president, |ings, Mrs. Eric Brock presiding. Thir teen members answered the roll "il | PERSONALS The minutes were read by the| |secretary, Mrs. Harry Pearce and| ithe treasurer's report by Mrs. Mrs, Foster Eastman, Cadillac {David Hutcheon. Reports were avenue south, Is eniertaining this given of the bazaar held in Feb-| afternoon and evening in honor ruary. of her mother, Mrs. Gurney Plans were made for the an- Stephens, who is celebrating her nual mother and daughter {86th birthday. Mrs, Stephens is ban-| quet to be held May 13. The next meeting will be held on Monday, | April 1, in the ladies' parlor of St.| tephen's United Church when| in good health and looking for Legion Auxiliary Social Evening The Ladies Auxiliary, Canadian Legion, Branch 43, held a social evening on Tuesday, March 29, with Ajax and Claremont Auxil. iaries as guests. lin entertained with its "Kitchen Mrs, Arksey sang several solos. The band instruments are made up of several kitchen and bath added much to the entertainment. her appreciation at the end of the refreshments were convened by Mrs. Daniel Guiltinan and com- mittee, were won by Mrs, Jones and Mrs. Pelers of the Claremont, Aux- illary, Mrs. D, Allen, Mrs, M. Linton, Mrs, A. English of Ajax, | Mrs. E. Lovell, Mrs, Norman Me- [Evers and Mrs, J. Hayball of Oshawa Special awards went to Mrs, Boder and Mrs, Rennie of Clare- {mont and Mrs M. Brown Oshawa | Auxiliary Business meeting will be held [next Tuesday, April 5, at p.m | SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Frank Baker an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Myrtle Pauline, William Ford Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ford Martin, all lof Oshawa. The marriage 1s to take place quietly on Friday evening, April 8, at Northminster United Church Should Singer Change Her Name? TORONTO (CP)---What do you do If you're a talented young singer, have top honors In con- «den Tunebusters" Band. Their leader, | room utensils. The dresses and: costumes worn are unique andj} Mrs. Herbert Bathe expressed|! progam, Bingo was played and |}. Prizes donated and drawn for| 7.30 The Rebekah Lodge of Brook-|. = Tired of Salad? Try New Dressing Since it somehow seems more difficult to vary the ingredients for salads at this time of year than in the season of prolific home - grown fruits and vege- tables, why not try something in to cooked salad dressing, cooked mayonnaise and French dressing, '| sour cream, whipped cream, fruit or peanut butter dressings," or sweetened vinegar, are suggest- ed for variety. Here are the recipes for two salad dressings recommended by the Home Economics Service of the Ontario Department of Agri- culture. : SOUR CREAM DRESSING the way of dressings? In addition 6 {1 cup thick sour cream A (0 0) AN 5" a SEB En BD thsp. vinegar % tsp. salt few grains paprika 2 tbsp. sugar a % cup drained and chop sweet pickles Combine ingredients. Store is covered bottle in cold place. PEANUT BUTTER DRESSING tbsp. peanut butter 3, cup lemon juice or vinegar 1 tbsp. sugar 1% tsp. salt Beat until smooth. Serve on . cabbage, tossed greens or fruit salad. Sweetened vinegar is easy to make and handy to have on hand. The ingredients are one cup each of brown sugar, vinegar and water, plus a quarter teaspoon of salt. Stir until sugar and salt are dissolved. Bottle, Lip stil Excitingly NEW! Quick ll-on lipstick + by Richard Hudnut ward to a visit from many of her servatory - examinations, encour- old friends agement from your teachers--and 4 . . you find there already is a fam- The Ladies' Club of St. David's|,,« singer by the same name? Rolls on flowing color quickly, smoothly, automatically. any new members will be wel-|gociaty, Oshawa, held its annual Can't break off . . . like lipstick! i |comed. one of which ex-|group will be in the charge of re-| following officers for the coming|is trying to make a name for accordion floor-length gown of nylon net § lily-point sleeves and panels off Mrs. Charles Reader's/meeting recently, electing the freshments. Thomas S.A. HOME LEAGUE year: president, Mrs. Roche; vice - president, Mrs, The regular meeting of the za{David, Muskleys seoreiary, Ms. Jatin Army Home League Was iyo. navies; sunshine convener, a {Mrs. Stanley Simpson. Projects Mrs, William Saunders was infand objectives for the coming the charge of the meeting. She year were outlined tentatively. led in a hymn with Mrs. George 2 Cit | Johnstone, accompanied on the You are invited by the Social and Mrs. Maynard Department to send in any little| {items of interest. News of teas, | surprise parties, showers, anni-| |versaries and comings and go- |ings are always very acceptable and for which there is no charge. Please write or telephone RA 5-3474, local 18, BURNT ROAST | WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- Mrs. Wanda Pilki, 34, fainted when she| |considering Scandinavian names That's the problem facing Con- inie Francis of Sarnia, Ont., who | herself here as a classical concert singer. The other Connie Francis |has already made her name as a {pops singer in the United States. | "I have to change my name |now," moans Sarnia's Connie, ["but I like my name, Constance |Sylvia Francis." : Of Norwegian descent, she is| Driftwood, a sophisticated 3 new taupe shade in sheer, as stage possibilities. One she 3 likes is Kari but she's afraid peo- seamless stockings, provides an ple would have trouble pronoun- cing it correctly--Kawree. She recalled that when shel yacquer-finished brass should toured Europe and found service| " was siow, she just said: '"'My|Dever be cleaned with a brass| is Connie Francis, and did they cleaner; instead wipe it with snap to attention." a damp cloth. Brass lamp bases, SPRING-CLEANING TIP NEW STOCKING SHADE . elegant complement for this exotic silk linen suit in a print of tawny tiger stripes, applied with an abstractionist's palette. Classic black patent leather pumps complete this trend-set- ting ensemble. --By Tracy Adrian Can't melt... like lipstick! Gives true outline to your li !In ulous es. *LipQuick' in slim, elegant, golden case $9.00 Mii then hea She bad to say | drawer handles and decorations, e's not THE Connie Francis, it | : made 'me grind my teeth." and knickknacks often come from - the manufacturer with a protec- spotted the roast burning in the| {oven. The fire department rescue| | squad applied oxygen for 15 ny utes to revive her. NEW POSTING Leading Airwoman Catherine McEachern, a medical assis- tant in the Air Force, has been posted to Marveille, France, for two years. She was former- ly stationed at St. John, Que- bec. Miss McEachern is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald McEachern, Patricia av- enue, Oshawa, and attended public school in Oshawa and | the OCVL Fittings and consultations in complete privacy 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ' 8B Nacks LADIES' WEAR LTD. Open Friday Evening 'til 9 o'clock From Black's Bridal Selection comes this lovely gown of silk embroidered Norganza over net and Satin . . Scalloped neckline . short shirred sleeves and matching mittens, Other gowns from 49.95 to 139.95 Of course -- a wide Selection of Gowns for the bridesmaids ond mother of the bride. RA 5-191 5-191 68 SIMCOE NORTH SPICY PRODUCT tive lacquer finish. Brass cleaner Jamaica in the West Indies pro- will dissolve the finish and expose duces about 3,500,000 pounds of|the metal to the tarnishing ef- ginger each year. fect of air and moisture. atiention tall girls Kaye's Sportswear has a particular selection of fine clothes to fit the taller women. The nicest part of it all is that at Kaye's you have a wide assortment of garments to choose from. COATS Many, many styles. mater- ials to choose from. In a wide assortment of sizes. SUITS Suits to fit any occasion. Attractive plain shades priced to fit your budget. SLIMS Plain shades and the newest plaids. SPECIAL 125 PAIRS OF CARHARTT JEANS Regular price 5.99 1.98 nair Friday & Saturday 4 fo 6 p.m. only (NO STOREKEEPERS PLEASE) KAYE'S LADIES' WEAR SPORTSWEAR "Your Credit Is Good at Kaye's" RA 35-5451 BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. FOR EASTER AND FOREVER Diamonds . . . THE GIFT SLUENIRD. YOU EmMOW Bluchind PERFECT DIAMONDS = PAY ONLY 10% DOWN URNS 32 KING ST. WEST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CRED FOR HER Pearecy CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. RA 3-7022

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