THE USMAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Api 5, 1908 13 NN 3 ES J g Pr . | Al BIN WAITIN SINCE MAM Y CHIN UP, Me TURKLE!! T P="TAIN'T NO » | = Tr ™7 HOW OLD DOES A ' EOUR OELOGK oer ) FEET A THEY SAY ONE MOVIE LINE I' i ; Yi r or BD A i | et \ THEY HAS A A 18 IN | GLANCE AT HER 1 ) } / vs & SN GET BEFORE i \ u : - (amonv! G JE : i 4 : ¢}) REALIZES THAT y | AN'A MAN FOGITS as sr Ga dl ge iF | gE [EE #8 Copes With =~ ® Difficulties INT Wy By ED SIMON SUPPORT , HER nih mmm, 80 LONDON (CP) "Brion . : RN ". x LO? ] -- Bri LI'L CHILE apy p =m TH No aon J y 1 4] awaited Derick' Heathcoat APPLY > i BUT NOTHING'S '\// 5 MORNING, T'LL FEEL MORE LIKE w//) Amory's third budget speech to- p £5A BEEN SOLVED GIVING YOU THE DE LUXE TOUR J : . " = 0] [day with the uneasy feeling that ES ia OF THE KITCHENS, SEE YOU, 4 - most of them will be doing well to break even Amory is expecied te confine pg " = is Spade. fovering he 260-81 - re | Lon wis WM AERA! ; ) inancial year starfing this NQ JUST WASH ONE } 15 4 WwW " oy: \d JUNIOR DIS =~ SSPE LEY A THE " fFRAp. VE A NOW ITS OUR LUNCH 4 month, to about 75 ie ADY BOYS... EACH... IF YOU CAN! APPEARED JUST | SEEING THE T NN MYSTERY... ¥ ee Tg. | Generally regarded as one of WASH WHEN WE WERE LUNCH / i 24 \ V the pleasantest chaps ever to dip LEAVING! )- GRANDMA o : A . i his hand into the taxpayer's & PACKED, ULP! ) Re § eas > 2 Sf ET pocket, Amory came through his \ . i y; first two years as chancellor of 8%. | [the exchequer with his popular- ity unimpaired. © 0 In his 1958 budgef, at a time "ART: | when the country's financial SUEY "# | | prospects were far from rosy, he |comforted his apprehensive pub- lic by keeping things more er less as they were. The following year, when things were looking up, he reduced income tax by sixpence in the pound and re- (duced the price of beer by tup- . pence a pint. But the word from the experis | , . ; this year was that if a citizen IM GONNA BE TM GONNA GO LIVE course, TIL | Ww mF bad hoped to make a penny or two on WOMEN! PHOOEY ! A HERMIT -- NA CAVE 5 HAFTA ASK MY 3 f r the roundabouts, he'll probably THEY'RE ALWAYS TRYIN! THAT'S WHAT 5 AN' NEVER MOTHER FIRST. ! | h - y {pay it back in the form of an TO TELL YOU WHAT IM GONNA EVEN SEE A BOSSY increased levy on the swings. Be! WOMAN AGAIN, Their cautious assessment of EVER the prospects balanced the gov- lernment's report of a prosperous 1959 with its estimates of addi- tional expenditures to which it is committed in 1960. It has a round of wage m creases to cope with in the na- tionalized rail industry, the eivil service and the national health service, together with a whop- ping rise in the defence esti- mates A proproriion of the increased expenditures will be met from ----mn -- - the fatter cut coming to the ex- o . di 3 he increased na- " RI mp -- . ' ER papper , : / f chequer from the | r ifm LLL M S Y = | Gi NEVER KNOW Tm ; 3 y a Xo ns 3b] Aud its coumacien tional income. But it wil sake an TH x = WHAT TO SAY < 4 ¥ " hy penets i ono-roR . 0) 5 =f | 2 PHT TO ASKS) , : SOMETHING i submarine nets and now lurks only a Few optimistic Briton to predict any GOODNESS / 7 ) 21 \L% ME Tria your (Phil and Val get : sr! ABOUT 1 on WE hundred yards from the shore in Panorama Bay ! - Rr Es . Ji rain | anne) Rae \ wee re Buil EY "4 cdi g ' : oN IT UP AGAIN ih | $048, VE OEM U.S. Expert ul ds ' Panam PROM THE AR : { WE SHA UNDER . : wim soun! / BS : Chinese Atom Bomb ATE Wd PARTY 4 h ; | LONDON (AP) -- A British newspaper said today an Ameri- can woman scientist s helping the Chinese Communists build |their first atomic bomb, and they plan to explode it in June or July. | The Daily Mail, in a dispatch from Hong Kong, said the woman is Mrs. Joan Chase Hinton and that she is working at an atomie research station in Inner Mon- golia. Professor Bruno Poniecorve, the British . Italian atomie sci- For Best Value...Choose A GOODWILL USED CAR LE EASTER 12 Seis Toe Taine ae From The GIVE GEORGE "DOC" KORRY A CALL AT wa: 0° form CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. | RA s4s3 AND LET HIM ASSIST YOU a SEALS [oor pw ergy Commission reported in '1952 that she once worked at the U.S. atomic research centre in Los Al- 4 y d : amos but sald she held only a HEY, THERE'S ONLY eos: > GLADE AT AK T™ IN/ minor job. 1 MVE OF US! SOME- TT : Fi EROKE MTTH DARK GLASS i ------------ BODY'S MISSING! | 50 Young sters Dety Police TORONTO (CP)--Fifty jeering teen - agers threatened Toropte Township police officers who tried to arrest. a youth Sunday following a disturbance in a res « taurant in suburban Malton. RASH BOATS To i i - . ; : et ---- . : Restaurant owner George Kew WE RESCUE, : ry . {called police when a youth he or- 4 i ; |dered out of his restaurant re- [fused to leave, When Constable Thomas Kelly arrived the youth hit Mr. Kew. | A counter and several tables were overturned in the struggle to subdue the youth. Another eon- stable who arrived later was | kicked. | The teen-agers surrounded the (officers as they led the youth te the car. A rear tire of _the cruiser was deflated and the crowd rocked the car when the officers tried to drive away. Richard William Findley, 20, of _ Malton, was eharged with as. sault. Yo ANY JULIET JONES LUNCH IS RE Ss (COME IN AND YOUR HANDS! Py" DO WE HAVE) TT Nach OF THE » DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER 4.8 37 0 th PIGNE Jip We Dire: Prods WALL BENE (7 So ie eens "THE LONE RANGER substantial tax eoncessions. SECRET AGENT X 9 ARSAASAARALLLA GRANDMA BUZ SAWYER TLLTEACH VOU TO RUN 13 ANAT + TA GIVING YOU VE ON BREAD, "BRADFORD » hn BRICK JANE ARDEN YES, BUY WE DECIDED AGAINST WELL JF SME CAN VISIT WITH POOR KID -I'M GLAD bY - YOU OECASIONALLY 'THATLL BE SHE CAN'T HEAR HOW oH, NNIE ONT BF VEN g IT ~ WE THINK ANNIE 18 TOO OLD / : a A a, 600D ~ SHELL NEED T0 GET | WERE TOSSING HER. | Russian Sputnik AND I ARE MARRIED WED BE ADOPTING Hew, | IF SHE WAS JUST A LITTLE | AWAY FROM VIRGINIA AT |» AROUND LIKE A fi GLAD TO TAKE HER. PART OF MARTA? BABY IT WOULD BE y ny TIMES-- A SORT M\_ RUBBER BALL- To Re-Enter Soon THE TIME- o, : DIFFERENT = 4 OF SANCTUARY- i, | | i § : i A HH "Sg 1 4 | LONDON (Reuters) -- Russia's ; ; 3 i Sputnik III, launched May 15, 1958, will re-enter the earth's at- mosphere and burn up within the next two days, the Soviet news agency Tass reported Sunday. The satellite has covered more than 281,000,000 miles. Its radio transmitter, which is still work- ing normally, has sent 127.000 signals back to earth, Tass added. Tass said the 12-foot-long Sput nik, which weighs one tone, 679 pounds, considerably exceeded tha |life expectation, This showed, Tass said. that 'science does nol know enough vet about the properties of the upper atmosphere, the density of .which obviously undergoes sub- stantial changes with the passing of time." SALLY'S SALLIES , "TLE ANNIE ROONEY 1 MICKEY MOUSE Sal] THE PHACK WHERE 1 MET J | XY HEY, SLICK, IT THE KID . CRUNCHER AND SLICK is A A i li WITH THE HORN/ 1 FEEL. LUND THAT NEXT BEND, ROY', : BETTER ALREADY/, ILL HIDE IN HERE, GEORGE' KX J DON'T FORGET TO SIGNAL IF THOSE HOMBRES ARE THERE / ROY ROGERS 7 AN \ \ Suh Lot, RS Nx = ad oi 19 "~ ~~. ~~ AI» ALY 18neY @ 1960 Up oy Cf) ove ® Walt Disney Productions Distributed by King Feattives Srndieate, 4.5 World Rights Reserved "Remember, we spent our honeymoon on this very | 4 spot--{ifty {esl higher Ul of coursgl" leop Year hope chest"