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The Oshawa Times, 14 Apr 1960, p. 4

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& THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, April 14, 1960 DUNBARTON PERSONALS TOWNSHIP BRIEFS DUNBARTON -- Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. McClement, Mary- Beth and Mr. Arthur Thompson of the Baseline on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bev Warwood and Mr, The Base Line Home and School meeting was held on Mon- day evening at the school. Elec- tion of officers for the coming year was held. AT PORT PERRY Sick To Get 0 ee ol Start Work On Easter Gifts and| Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stork held an New Building BROUGHAM -- Work has com- menced on the addition to the gouth end of the Pickering Town- ship garage for the new office of the department, Leonard Wea- therst of Gr d, is the contractor. Jack Chapman, road superin- tendent, and Clifford Dunkeld, department accountant, are ex- + pected to move into their new quarters within the month, EASTER SERVICES Communion was observed in both Brougham and - Claremont churches Palm Sunday with Rev. A. E. Cresswell officiating. There was an innovation at St. John's United Church, Brough- am, when two women elders were inducted, Mrs. John White and Mrs. Manson Ellicott. The junior choir sang "The Holy City", with Gail White as soloist. JOINT WMS MEET Members from Claremont, Greenwood, Pickering and Mark- ham Women's Missionary Socie- ties united with Brougham W.IL for the annual Easter Thank- offering meeting in Brougham Church Thursday. Work in a leper colony in Africa was re- lated by Bernice Lee, a nurse- missionary on furlough. Two solos were rendered by Mrs. T. Kerr. Mrs. E. Lindo, president, was in charge of the meeting. A D UCK SUDDeT, SpOnSv by the committee of stewards of day, at the Township Hall, Brougham. Following the supper, color slides of a trip to California were shown by Roy Carter INVITATIONS RECEIVED | Mrs, L. T. Johnston addressed members of the Brougham Wom-| 8 pan. The program will be in charge of Rick Hannah. g The last Brougham IOOF enchre for the season was held Friday. Prizewinners were: Ladies: Mrs. M. Christian Mrs. A. Phillips, d Mrs. E. Reddick. Men: Ben Lot- ton, G. Christian, G. Bailey. The weekly WI euchre resulted in the following prizewinners: La- dies; Mrs, Walter Carlton, Mrs. William Gray, Mrs. M. Mat- thews; Men: Walter Carlton, Howard Malcolm, Mr. MacKen- ess. Travelling prizes went Tom Hammond and Joan De Geer, : c Council Seeks |" Stop Go Karts BROUGHAM (Special) -- Pick-|® Al Crowhurst of Toronto Robin Nicholson. United Church Sund Rooms. Mrs, Fantham is progressing satisfactory in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. Bruce Hollinger is in Ajax Hospital following sur- ery last Friday. Mrs. Cookson of Moores road EUCHRE PRIZEWINNERS has returned home from Ajax Hospital. Mrs. Don Loucks hag been fll with the flu and the three chil- ren have been ill with the hicken pox. Plan to attend the Daffodil Tea on April 20 at 2.30 p.m, at the At Home last Saturday evening for their 10th anniversary. About 150 friends attended. The even- ing WA of Pickering United Church catered. DUNBARTON UNITED CHURCH By MRS. CHARLES H. REESOR PORT PERRY -- The Women's Hospital Auxiliary meeting was held with the president, Mrs. M. B. Dymond, in the chair. Re- ports received from the various committees .revealed that the di ittee has cut and Dr. Wm. McKay d d the regular Sunday morning service. The scripture reading was taken from 2nd Phillipians 1-18. Mr, and Mrs. Michael O'Day were received into the membership of the church, The dedication of rial offering plates in me- Another date to keep is the Vaughan Willard Fun Fare on to|April 30 at 2 p.m. As there is something planned for every member of the family make it a family 'outing. Mr. Orville Hamilton is in Sun- ybrook Hospital for treatment. Mrs. Stewart Wilson is serious- ly ill in St. Michael's Hospital. The WA of Dunbarton United Church was held last Thursday t the home of Mrs. Ruth Pearce. 1 mory of Mrs. Winnifred Code given by Mrs. J. Parker and Miss Eveiyn Westgate on behalf of the Sunday School and the On-We-Go Auxiliary was held, The choir sang "Ride, Ride On In Majesty" accompanied by Mrs, Wilkinson at the organ. Mr. Harold Mitchell, Mr. Harry Pearce and Mr. Alex Waters the three new elders were inducted. Dr. McKay preached his sermon on The Meaning of Communion which was foilowed by the communion service. ering township council has decid- ed to prepare a bylaw to prohibit the establishment of any form of racing car tracks in the munici- pality. Instructions were given to the| clerk to prepare the bylaw fol- lowing an application by Russell Dixon to use about two acres of| his property on Highway 2 to set ur a "Go-Kart" track. Mr. Dixon| {lated and would not |nuisance to neighbors. prove Gets Remand In Assault BOWMANVILLE | Mr. Dixon was told there 'was portunity to pay for dental work, (Staff) --|calling him foul names. He got Cairns and Mrs. Hall assisted in said that the track would be iso-|Barry Stewart, 22, RR 2, Ponty-|out of his car to avoid being pin-|the devotional period. Plans were alpool, was Tuesday remanded out|ned behind the steering wheel if made to attend the Lindsay Pres- ot custody to give him the op-|a fight started. When recalled to the stand a he 2 € W € Project, an | 5 Capp 5 s " " |anti-noise bylaw would be en-|tence April 26 before Magistrate did not remember. Brougham Church, was held Fri-|forced if there was any kind of R. B. Baxter. complaint, Stewart was convicted of as- Deputy-reeve Ross Hawthorne saulting John Vanbeek, also of [Protested that this was a poten-|P [tia! residential area, and there|es |the small vehicl were muffled. Mr. Hawthorne moved the bylaw |pl | would be a noise problem even if|accused a foul name. Two other applications of a three teeth and said a dentist| ar e similar nature were received and told him it would cost $75 to re-| ontypool, March 7, after the ymplainant allegedly called the In the fracas, Vanbeek ace them. Youths Guilty BOWMANVILLE (Staff) sewn articles required in the linen supply-room and have purchased blankets and pillow cases, as well as rubber sheets for use at the hospital. The kitchen supply committee has purchased juice glasses, stainless stee] tea pots and stainless steel coffee pots. Plans are also underway to also procure a juicer and an ice crusher. It was also decided to purchase a recovery bed, at a cost of about The Auxiliary will carry on the usual custom of giving a pot- ted hyacinth to each adult and a fancy novelty for child patients in the hospital at the Easter season. The following donations were acknowledged: St. John's Pres- byterian Church, Port % $10; LOBA Club, Blackstock, $10. Next meeting will be held April 25. MISSION SOCIETY MEETS St. John's Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. Bentley with Mrs. B. Armstrong presid- ing. Mrs. L. Patterson, Mrs. byterial Summer Rally in June articles prepared for ich will be sent later Mrs. Heron, of Ashton, spoke of her visit to the Presbyterial |Training Centre at Hamilton and stressed the need for leaders for |youth groups. Tea was served by |the hostess. lwa MEETING The Church of the Ascension WA met at the home of Mrs. |S. W. C. Mumford. Devotions ere in charge of Mrs. C. A. OL TIRE HAV: girls in an Indian school and two aprons will be made to complete the outfit. Mrs. Mumford was in charge of the Study Book and gave a talk on "Race and Nationalism in Africa." A discussion on racial discrimination followed. Mrs.Glass announced that the Easter Tea and Bake Sale would be held Saturday, April 23. Re- freshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Mumford and Mrs. H. Mulligan. The Evening Guild of the Church of the Ascension met at the home of Mrs. G. Rennie. Members voted $100 to the ward- ens for the purchase of new prayer books for the church. Mrs. Allan Dowson led the group in a study of the chapter from the study book on Medical Missions in Africa. TEACHERS MEETING A Sunday school teachers' meeting was held at the home of Mrs. C. Williams when a list of suggestions was drawn up for the new building completed for the Anglican church, Several articles on the planning of church school space were read and Mrs. Fuller also read an article on the r t ponsibilities of hing. Mrs. W. Sonley led the group in a Litany for Teachers. Mrs. A. Dowson gave a digest of an arti- cle on church buildings. MISSIONARY MEET The Afternoon Auxiliary of the Missionary Society of Port Perry United Church was held with the president, Mrs. S. Griffin, in the chair. The service was in charge irs, Li. Coioea no . i" the Missionary Monthly concer ing a ne worganization for United Church women, Miss E. Harris, literary secre- tary, reviewed a number of books and magazine writings mostly on Africa and reported on books obtainable at the local library.* Mrs. S. Cawker and Mrs. Buck- ner sang a duet, and Mrs. Porter of Mrs. Buckner, assisted by | HOLLAND GROWN ROSE Blazing beauties that bloom and bloom the very first yeai was| Two Toronto youths, former stu-|W! gave a review of the study book. Tea was served by Mrs. Peel's group. The evening Auxiliary of the Missionary Society met at the en's Association Wednesday onlhe get up "otherwise we won't the orizin of its Easter observ: he able to stop them." ance. Mrs. C. Burrows conduct-| -------------- ose : ed the devotional period. | The association reeeived invi ta'ions from Kinsale W.A. to at-| Auto Char 2) tend the bazaar May 14 from] Claremont W.A. to attend a spe cial meeting May 25 and from Is Di - Dunbarton to attend a Daffodil Tea April 20. | 1smisse A letter was read from Pick-| ¥ a y ; ering Township Reeve J. S. Scott|, BOWMANVILLE (Staff) The complainant said he raving pe a township road dents at the Ontario Training Glass, and reports were present- when he noticed a car parked School for Boys, Edward Chester ed by Mrs. J. Whitby and Mrs. | without lights on, in the centre Armburg, 16 of 135 Broadview G- Clarke. lof the road |avenue, and Geordie Stoney, 8 In Hie absence of Mrs. 3 wil- of 83 DeGrassie street, were kinson, Mrs, Glass gave ihe re- rt Pickard WAITS 10 MINUTES Tueotay temandul by custody fo|port on Dorcas work. Twolome of Mrs. Robert Pika According to Vanbeek, after appear for sentence April 19, |dresses have been made for(™a\p Tg cuorth Kennedy and waiting for about 10 minutes for|after pleading guilty before Mag-| Mrs. George Samells were in |the accused to move his car, he|istrate R. B. Baxter to car theft. COOPER IN HOSPITAL charge of devotions. |went to ask if there was any| The pair were charged Jointly] BOSTON (AP) -- Movie actor| Mrs. Rae Litt gave a talk on po trouble and if he could be oriwiss Reding 2 sylomotile Je Gary Cooper entered Massa-|the study book. Lunch was served x 4 3 IA charge of careless driving 2%Sistance. {longing to Gordon F. Baker, chusetts General Hospital Tues-|by Mrs. Litt, Mrs. Samells a pind omel i oo Risane against a Port Hope man, Angus| As he approached the car ac-|1, Tyrone April 4, day for what a hospital spokes- Mrs. Kennedy. or He ae A DC otter from | Rankine, 49, 51 Bremley street, cused grabbed him by the throat, OPP Constable D. G. Fouldsiman described as "preliminary | dinner March 18 and a letter from) Co "nl (do 0" Gismicsed after|then threw him to the ground (said he was called to Tyrone study." The nature of his ailment SCOUT MOTHERS MEET " the choir was read expressing|o awa lawyer John Greer sub-|and twisted his foot. {April 5 to investigate the alleged was not disclosed. The Scout and Cub Mothers thanks for the new choir chairs| ' x tol Vanbeek sald his passenger theft of Mr. Baker's car. re Auxiliary held its annual party which the association provided. recently |Mitted the Crown had failed $ |establish when an accident had brought a dog and it scared ac-| {taken place. cused away. On his way to the Baker resi- dence, he saw a 1959 model car |training school who recognized | Irecently, when members were [Foulds by a staff member at the; ecented with a favor by Mrs. Norman Kerry on arrival. In response to a communication . which had been stolen in Toronto from Camp Pretoria, the mem-| Frederick Joy said he was gprs REMAND |the day before. © |them { Witness said another former winner. bers will consider two girls to|parked on the shoulder of High-| giowart said the complainant P |CAR ABANDONED student at the school, Harry John-| winners at whist were: High camp during the week of July 2/Way 2, west of the "hole in the|got out of his car and approach to July 12. | wall" at Newcastle January 25, at|og pi ith a in; | PC Foulds stated -he found the |scn, stole the Toronto car and © Ann Spears; high man, Following the meeting, which|11.55 p.m., when a car driven by| ny ms swinging and) 5 aker car abandoned in front of [took the two accused for a ride Jods, Mrs ia hig lady, Mrs. Edward Fines; low man, was held at the home of Mr. and the accused struck his vehicle in {the residence of Howard Brent| He said the accused were going Mrs. George Wilson, lunch was|the rear end. narrow underpass. He saw the about a mile and a half south of to the school to see Arnburg's| Mrs, Herbert Howard. served by hostesses Mrs. Wilson| Transport driver Ronald Mot.| Rankine vehicle crash into the|Tyrome. Mr. Brent supplied a de-|brother. Both admitted having| The committee in charge was and Mrs. M. Hamilton fatt said he saw the Joy vehicie|rear end of the Joy car. scription of a pair of teen-agers stolen Mr, Baker's car. Mrs. Norman Kerry, Mrs. Gor- pull over to the shoulder and| Mr. Moffatt said he thought the lie hed driven into Bowmanville] PC Foulds said he understands|don Goode and Mrs. Roy Smith, YPS MEETING stop. mishap occurred around 12.10-12/the day before after their car Metro Toronto police intend to| The annual meting and election Young people are invited to| The witness said he waited tola.m., January 26. He said his|(had stopped in front of his resi-|charge the pair with possession of officers is scheduled for April attend the next meeting the YPS see what the second car would|watch may have been out two, dence. | : of a stolen automobile. Johnson25 at the home of Mrs. Ben. April 20, at Brougham School at do before starting through the'or three minutes at the most. Their identity was revealed to|is still being sought. |Pickard. Mrs. King was the door prize Smell the rich fragrance and enjoy the lavish performance in June and ell summer long. Decorate around your home . . . plant a variety of roses . . . they're so easy to grow. We have a magnificent assortment of waxed rose bushes to choose from. All have three or more shoots which produce a strong and healthy bush of exquisite roses. The roots are Aiinin | in moss. Label attached showing colored picture of roses with planting instructions. This Low Price Includes A Smooth-Top Mattress, Box Spring, Legs, Headboard There is only a limited quantity, so act quickly to save! Con- tinental has smooth-top mattress for greater comfort. Coils are buoyant and well padded with new felted cotton. Full sisal pads and reinforced with extra in the centre section. Box spring also has sturdy springs. Striped cotton ticking is interwoven with glowing Lurex threads. Set of legs. Headboard is upholstered with a washable vinyl. Complete 4-Piece Unit In Regular 39" Size These Single-Pedestal Desks Are Priced Low For Quick Clearance. Built, in the modern style, of fine cabinet woods and well sanded ready for your paint brush. Two deep drawers. Size 39" x 18" x 30" high. Limited quantity. Visit Yolles in Oshawa Shopping Centre Remain Open On Thursday, April 14, Until 9 p.m. SPEC 0 SUN Closed All Day On Good Fridgy, Open on Saturday IAL, each 12.88] / ITURE TEA ROSES RED VARIETIES Crimson Glory -- Crimson with shadings. Karl Herbst -- Carmine red. Opera -- Scarlet with yellow. Ena Harkness -- Crimson scarlet. New Yorker -- Velvety scarlet. Margaret McGredy -- Orange scarlet. Mary Hart -- Red with carmine. Texas Centennial -- brick red YELLOW VARIETIES Diamond Jubilee -- Buff yellow. Souvenier Denier Van Der Gon-- Yellow. McGredy's Sunset -- Yellow with scarlet. Folies Bergere -- Clear yellow : PINK VARIETIES Helen Traubel -- Salmon apricot. Lady Sylvia -- Deep pink. Queen Elizabeth -- Pink. 59 Rumba -- Salmon pink. Pink Pearl -- Pink with salmon cesses WHITE VARIETIES Mme. Jules Bouche -- White Wh primrose. ite Swan -- Pure white. No. 2 Virgo -- White, 59° TWO-TONE VARIETIES Peace -- Lemon with pink. Talisman -- Golden with copper. Pres. Herbert Hoover -- Orange. Condesa De Sastago -- Red with yellow. Mme. Dieudonne -- Clear red CLIMBING ROSES Paul's Scarlet -- Vivid scarlet. Virginia R. Coxe -- Dark scarlet. Crimson Rambler -- Bright carmine. Golden Climber -- Sunflower N yellow. BI ew Dawn -- Blush pink. KY POLYANTHA VARIETIES {FLORIBUNDA) Fashion -- Coral peach. Independence -- Spectrum red. Masquarade Re Bright "Ege na rior -- Scarlet ) with carmine PINOCCHIO ROSE COLLECTION Yellow Pinocchio -- Apricot yellow. Pinocchio -- Pink with salmon. Red Pinocchoi -- Velvety carmine. Goldilocks -- Deep yellow. ROSE PLANT FOOD for SUCCESS when planting, use our Rose Plant Food. 39 1%3-Ib. bag OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE DOWNTOWN OSHAWA

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