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The Oshawa Times, 14 Apr 1960, p. 8

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omer Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 14, 1960 Brownie 'Fly-Up' Follows Ind Company Guide Banquet | | Guides and Brownies neatly at-|Betty Annie Hryeyshyn, Darlene | tired in their blues and browns|Leaming, Dorothy Jackson. Skat- and accompanied by their moth-|ers -- Patty Kells, Bonnie Kirk- ers attended thé annualMother (land, Nancy Cobbledick, Dorothy | and Daughter Banquet of the 2nd Jackson, Cathy DePratto, Dar-| Guide Company and Brownie lene Leaming. Writers -- Patty Pack held at the South End Res-|Kells, Donna Mae Bays. Skier --| |taurant on Friday, April 8. Greet-|Betty Anne Hrysychyn. Thrift, fing the guests were Suid Cap: | desler, Aris and Book Lover -- tain, Betty Naden, Brown Owl|Donna Mae Bays. Two Year Ser- Mrs. F. M. Jamieson and Group vice Star -- Donna Mae Bays Committee President, Mrs. Frank and Dorothy Jackson. Six Year Ball. Mrs. Douglas Kirkland and |Service Star Pack Leader Mrs. Mervyn Anderson were in|Norma Genge. charge of banquet tickets and the hE guest book. THERE ny UR ' ro Head table guests, who were in oa ne th Sih x ly-Up troduced by Brown Owl, Mrs. |CereInonies Liree brownies, Bon- Jamies ete. as follows: D {nie Kirkland, Patty Kells and amjoson. were as { Donna Mae Bays "flew" up into " sion Commissioner, Mrs. R. E. [non "ono 0 they were i] i Wilson: Guide Captain Betty Na-| HES SHEE BE od] den and Mrs. F. W. Naden, by Suds Coloiyn Cornet CATHOL C : ton sokie ish 8 S i apta etty Laide Liou, Jacke Cornish od Naden who delegated each ten- Carmela Barone and Nicholas > hdd : derfoot to a patrol. Guarini, both of Oshawa, were Mrs. M. Jamies d daugh- | , wa, Lid Jamieson and dengh Mrs. Wilson also assisted in the| married recently at St. Greg- ter, Mary of the 2nd Guide Com- i d 1 Gr pany and also Pack Leader of | presentation of the following| Ory S Roman Catholic Church. | The bride is the daughter of the 14th Brownie Pack; Tawny Guide Badges -- Hostess --| : : Owl, Mrs. W. J. Wright and | Patsy Lynne Campbell and Wan-| Mrs. Franceco Barone of Italy daughter, Mrs. George Tanton; {da Butler; Home Nurse -- Patsy % J 8 \ PERSONALS Miss Sylvia Hulme, Alma street, who has spent the past year in Oshawa, left today from IMalton Airport to return home to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hulme of Everton, Liverpool, Lancashire. Mrs. Clinton Hall left Oshawa for Malton Airport last Friday morning where she took plane for Charlottetown, EI to visit her parents and other relatives. |Mrs. Hall expects to be away| i |several days. / [ Mrs, Bruce Buck, Mrs. J. G. Carter and Mrs. H. H. Wells are convening the dessert luncheon] sponsored by the Lenore Group of Simcoe Street United Church; this luncheon will be held in Me- {morial Hall the latter part of April. | Flight Cadet David Halliday ' {RCAF Station Penfold, Alberta, |is spending a two-week mid-term | |leave with his parents, Mr. and! Mrs. C. R. Halliday, Hortop| | street. f | Following the rehearsal las: evening for the wedding of Miss| |Louise Anderson and Mr. Wil: {liam John Oliver the bridal party |was entertained at the home of} {Mr. and Mrs. Raeburn Zinck, | Gibbons street. | | | Miss Maureen Ilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Ilson, of Grandview Gardens, leaves Friday, April 15, via BOAC Jet, for an extended tour of the Brit- and the late Mr. Barone and |i the bridegroom is the son of ish Isles and other European countries. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Guarini | | of Italy. Miss Shelis Pollock entertained | Photo by Mary's Studio [on Saturday, April 9, at an eve- NUPTIALS MR. AND MRS. NORMAN H. DOWN Over 200 Friends Congratulate i wo Pack Leader, Miss Norma Genge [Lynne Campbell, Lynn Donald s. Morley Genge; Group|and Wanda Butler; Emergency » :) ) - art GC Va ot Ban ran ba sem cr eB esn A in Sn vad i HAWAIIAN HOLIDAY arrived from Vancouver, Brit- ish Columbia, for one month's Le Sr fer Sts cue Srey y --- a nd Hrd Ad A - - oneTe ug: | Ball, A Sipe presentation was| PILOT CLUB . ; a made by the Commissioner when ¥ business meeting of the GRACE AND TOASTS [she called upon Guide Captain a Club Oshawa opened Following grace, a flag break- Betty Naden and Guide Lieuten-|ywith prayer ing ceremony took place. Color|ant Jackie Cornish to come for-| The nominating committee pre- |party consisted of Gu ide S|ward to receive their warrants. In|sented a slate of new officers for CPA Photo | Frances Cornelius, Vicki Barker making this presentation Mrs. 1960 2 ----|and Carol Haines. Toast to thewilson drew to the 'attention of|. A letter of thanks for the gift |Queen was proposed by Guide|the guides the meticulous appear-|from the Club to Korean Educa- Jane Parkin. Following the hot ance of their leaders which sheltion was received from Dr. Lotta |turkey dinner, Guide Carole Ball commended and enjoined the Hitschmanova of Unitarian Serv- [proposed .a toast to the mothers| Guides to "keep ther pins shining|ices of Canada {to which Mrs. C. E. Cornelius re-on the outside for that your fel-| Members were asked to have |sponded. A final toast, to the|1ow man sees -- but also it is tems for rummage sale to be Miss Louise Anderson Honored At Trousseau Tea, Showers [aun 55 si meri Si dfs dos 50 i i vhose|ada Miss Anderson was present- Guide Captain Betty Naden ht truly a good Guide and Johnled with a white bedspread, a pressed her appreciation to €T | with God's guidance as we ought|yill be in charge of the program Sim-|white rug and a steam iron. Serv- lieutenant, Jackie Cornish, forits do." meeting to be held April 21, with net > guests we "al her. s rf n co-operation 5 . .e vs chef id ng the guests were Miss Barbara her. support a id... CO-Operati "| Campfire, led by Guide Donna Mr. Harold MacNeill as the guest P: chard, Mrs Jack Marshall,| The Division Commissioner, Wilson, with Guides, Brownies speaker. iss Be verley Gould and Miss Mrs. R. E. Wilson, brought greet- and their leaders joining in song Arrangements to Katherine Gibbens. ings from the division and read 2 hrought the evening to a close, convention Mrs. R. J. Manning and Mrs er of regret from Adelaide Dis- . . atter part of Ronald Siblock were co-hos rict Commissioner, Mrs William Hotel . Peterborough, a suppe ower at which the Gardner) who was unable to ai made with ten members future bride received a number|lend because o a Sauer ing on attending. Trans mother of miscellaneous gifts training session being hel 13 E M 3 ition is being arranged by of dusk| Mrs, Douglas Manning and|evening. Mrs. Ww ilson also spoke aster eeting Beverly Storie. lace. and silk or- Mrs. Norman Nichols assisted of the major renovation and re- ; : ; William J. Oliver of|with the serving. pair work just completed at| The regular meeting of the LENORE GROUP her of the prospec-| Mrs. Alex Chalmers and Mrs. Guide House and oi AR Salvation Army Home League, The Lenore Group of Simcoe room. chose a dress of Norman Attersley arranged a Guides, Brownies, their leadersiwas held on Tuesday afternoon, Street United Church held its i ie Chanti ly lace neighborhood shower at the for.|and group committee membete tol April 12. monthly meeting in the Church ar oe Ar hike irs all in their power to keep) ini , i ar , i over taffeta, and the future bride|mer's home. Assisting were Mrs. do all in . el D oth ol Mrs. William James led in the parlors on Tuesday evening, y oe print dress on|Ronald- Siblock and Mrs. Rae- Guide House looking worthy singing of a few choruses. |April 12, with Mrs. Frank Black, Eo of figured leaf burn Zinck SH |this great movement. Mrs. Maynard Nelson led inthe president, presiding. s ines f . Bro 2 2) : ) ' i ere- green, topped with a short jacket| From the Parts Division the devotional period. Her theme| Following the opening cere Ai Easter. She demonstrated|/monies, Mrs. S. Taylor gave, as |Ball and daughter, Guide Carole 1 stay on the Islands.® and Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Walker ; we are pick up Miss living|" Community service committee marriz or attend the being held April in the nuptial pre SA fame League stesses at her daugt To rece vore pink C ganza; Toronto tive brideg Roman noon dress Rec the future Serving the Barbara Pritche mena Gangemi Zinck, Miss Helen Miss Jane Man ing were Mr Mrs. R man A pher Brour Miss Patricia Stone of Toro the door to the po ard of Weldon RITSON H-S ASSN. The regular meeting of Ritson H-S Association was held Mon- day evening, April 10, with Mrs. Carl Creamer presiding Mrs. George Jones secretary's report er report was George Cuthbert | The program convener the Rain-|quced Mr. Ronald Wilson, |topic being "Traffic Safety." Safety does not just go with driving, said Mr. Wilson, but h all sports or games, and *h things as toys lying around. aching children the danger of au room, yi presided in rayers were read by chaplin ng the ShOWer|gisier Betty Atkins. Flags were re Stone of To- presented by Sisters Elva Cowle of the wed-|and June Goodman. The minutes were read was Sister Edna Pearce was re- Nor- portea as well as could be expect- the ed after her operation in the Toronto General Hospital. It was reported that Sister Margaret Moore was sick and Sister Susan Waterhouse was in hospital for a check up Sister Ann Derry offered her "home for a bingo on the evening read the howe The treasur- Mrs read by Mrs. and by Miss June atricia Stone in > 0 Bio intro- by the Stone serving Mrs in Rate Sim pantry Prayer appreciation of the group to ing her 16th birthday. The party was held at the home of Mrs. ning party in honor of Miss San- | X oh RIES dra Lesenko who was celebrat- Pair On 45th Anniversary a eT Ry ge HOUSEHOLD HINT wood. Smooth ay with clear |all things that can cause acci- Dias ma Re ere oy Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Down|ily. Miss Elsie Down, eldes dents, and helping them to form ment eng the ser B M eg "|were honored last Thursday at a|grandchild kept the door and the good safety habits at all times Ls ore Glori Asses H ontey| reception held at the home of | guest book. will do much towards making a yweel. their daughter, Mrs. Stanley E.| A former mayor of Oshawa, {more cautious drivers later on. Lovell, Siincoe Stieet Sor AT and township councillor, a | Sgt. Ernest Barker then spoke rating their wedding anni-| public figure and highly respect~ {on traffic problems, the three, Lyceum Club Hears|versary. led in the farming community, | Es" -- engineering, education| | Aout two junared callers Mr. Down has dwelt for 40 years and 'enforcement -- saying that| 1 (came from near and far to ex-|on his farm on Bloor street east. |the - driver education classes =: Engaging Talk On {tend congratulations to the well-/nrs, Down is the former Miss [the high school geomet 10 be . Jeriows couple, Telegrams of Sool ivdna Allin of Newcastle where proving quite valuable. ques- wishes were received f ime|the couple were married by the tion and answer period followed, | Human Relations Muiste} Loha Diefenbaker; ate Rovmend Mr. Clare. also a short film on traffic. | . : etri _|Premier Leslie . rost; e| Are . Mr. John Hart thanked the|, Miss Lillian Ward, district man-| gn 5raple- Michael Starr, Minis-| Eleven children and 28 grand broek ager for the Dale Carnegie Lead {children complete the family speakers. The principal, Mr. ership Training Course and in- ter of Labor, and Judge J. A. Girele J. C. Fetterly, spoke on school structor for the Dorothy Carnegie M¢Gibbon of Lindsay. ; | . an activities and examination, stat- c rse for Women gave a stimu- Mrs. Down's only sister, Mrs. | ing that reports would be handed| St ORE ye ations 15 Sidney Venton of Bowmanville, OUTDOORS WOMEN out May 6. Also that all Grade|1atnE tak OF ask relations land Mr., Down's oldest sister,| STE, MARIE DE BEAUCE, 5 pupils were to have another men Toh on Fuente Xe {Mrs. Harold Hayes of Columbus, Que. (CP) -- Women's organiza- special set of examinations. ce! A y '|poured tea during the afternoonitions in this district 40 miles ; A chic figure in charcoal grey|and evening and the guests were southeast of Quebec have been SOUTH COURTICE H and S§ [brocade suit topped with a red|served by members of the fam-|invited to join in the activities of Mrs. Richard Salway presided|chip-straw "boater", Miss Ward | | "iow z : ind . | {the Ste, Marie fish and game at the regular meeting of the [zjeciod er hei lively personal- |elub. South Courtice Home and Schoolity into her address. Association held on Monday eve-| 'To be successful, human re- SOCIAL NOTICE ining, April 11 in the school. lations must be happy relations," | he 014 Mrs. Maurice Bickle, secre-|she said. "A woman in a respon-| GEMENT | Children's crayons may be tary, read the minutes. Mrs.|sible job must be flexible and ng used to cover scratches on fur- Arthur Paats, treasurer, gave her have an open mind." a Fi M 5 Wiliam E. Stub- BUTS: Dub oe yr 4 ins of Sutton West, Ontario, wish |C J monthly report. ; Miss Ward stressed the impor- |, the engagement of| with the rest of the A discussion of ways and|tance of mames. People like to|t0 announce the e gageme : : oe means to create an all round|pe called by name, she said and |their daughter, Joan Louise, forte Sur ace and spr |playground at the school duringlurged her listeners to "get a Mr. Joseph James Markle, son|shellac. the Easter holidays followed. Do-[name straight" at an introduc- of Mrs. Edna Markle of Bow- nations of time, sports equipment|tion even if it meant asking for{manville and the late Mr. W. F. and money were pledged. the spelling. Markle. The marriage will take 3 ; The highlight of he evening| «Become genuinely interested place in St. George's Anglican|women's hosiery were manufac WOMEN'S HOSIERY Some 5,260,000 dozen pairs of Church, Sibbald's Point, Sutton|tured in Canada in 1957, a four West, on Saturday, May 28, 1960, |per-cent increase over the pre- vious year. program was an address on the|in the people you meet and ask| |roles of school, home and church|intelligent questions," was her| in character building by the Rev-inext pointer. "Also, be a good at 3 p.m. erend Harold Stainton, who was|listener. You can win more Es h introduced to the large gathering| friends by listening than you can by Mrs. Ross Hawke. Mrs. Her- by talking. bert Mackie thanked Mr. Stain- "Respect others thoughts and to viewpoints, and when the occa- sion arises, give honest, sincere her| appreciation. All of us need it." She gave three rules: Don't criticize, condemn or complain. The April meeting of the 50-50 Think first and try a smile. Club of Simcoe Street United | The speaker was introduced by Church was held in the Sunday Mrs. H. F. Brown and thanked School auditorium. {by Mrs. S. V. Barlow who pre- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hamley |sided. |conducted the worship service.| Mrs. E. C. Hart Jury accepted Easter provided the theme which|names of volunteer helpers for was carried out by Mrs. Willard the May luncheon to be held at Cook who sang "Were you there McLaughlin Library and Mrs. {when they crucified my Lord?" Avern Taylor offered to edit and '"The Robe". Feeipes % The Times Cook Book Mrs. Harry Smith entertained|Contest. Mrs. C. W. Ferrier as- with a group of readings followed sisted the tea hostess, Mrs. Uriah [by "Manners Afloat" a humorous Jones: |film for power boat operators. Mr. and Mrs. William Doe and | {heir group presented two skits in| lighter vein. The evening closed | 'with an old fashioned box lunch. 4 ED Refreshments were served by, Mrs. Keith Ormiston and | committee. 50 50 CLUB ...Yes! and feather- light and crackling crisp because they're "AQUAFLAKED" a baking process exclusive to. « « lesions CRACKERS & A SALTINES Stan-|of April 21 at 181 Verdun Road ' Mrs Prizes were donated by Sisters Mrs. John| Charlotte Griffin, Betty Atkins hostesses In Theresa C land and were won by Sisters Eleanor Mitchell, Mary held at the home Hayes and Dorot the liam Sampson in Osh- nded by the girls from the Paris and Service Divi sion of General Motors of Can S21 4 Tk otiatoction Guaranteed. HISTORIC FRAME RIDGETOWN, Ont. (CP)--The museum of the Western Ontario agricultural school has been given an ornate picture frame made by a Raleigh Township farmer's wife in the late 1800s. The photograph n the centre is framed by a yreath of grains, nuts and seeds -- yo r S of THANKS TO COMMITTEE i = They all wore cor-|Parts and Service Department, In speaking on behalf o e|was ) 1 4, 8 rvsanthemums. |General Motors of Canada, the Group initia Mrs. Fr an k|two Easter hats made with foam|the worsiep in 2 aster nald Siblock, sister of bride-elect was presented with a|/Ball welcomed the Guides and rubber. [message and Mrs. ack offere bride d tea. wedding gift Brownies who were the guests| Mrs. Nelson read the Scrip- (Prayer z the b ney s were Miss of the Group Committee and their ture. Mrs. Patrick O'Conner play- During the usiness SoNSIOn ar Miss Philo-| mothers. She paid tribute to theled a piano solo, "Oh Sacred Tange mens were Sond ered i Miss Heather| LODGES AND banquet committee members who Head," Mrs. Nelson a poem, ; a 2 Poot funcheon 98 Bovehuk and, had worked-diligently on the many|"The Three Gardens," and led in|) Bones 2 ian Sly also assist SOCIETIES arrangements and drew attention the singing of two choruses. 2% in a eve Stree hu rman Nichols,| to the decorations which €om-| ghe then spoke on the Easter| OE er was provided by Mrs. Nor memorated Jubilee Year. Thelcard making a large size card ot a o ta m 2 ne pro} ie y Christo-| QUEEN MARY LODGE banquet commitiee was compos: a5 she spoke. The mauve back-|. i t a SD OT 0 ong Etobicoke.| The regular meeting of Queen|ed Of Mrs. C. E. Cornelius, Mrs. | ground represented the Kingship P By me 5 : d 1 Mrs PICOXE. | Mary. Lodge No. 97 took place| Morley Genge, Mrs. Mervyn An-iof Jesus: the gold frame, the erfect", accompanied by [irs in the Orange Hall recently with derson, Mrs. Douglas Kirkland, crown of Jesus; the ferm spr Howard Luke. Mrs. Taylor voiced Sister Evelyn Mrs. F. M. Jamieson and Miss| were the Palm leaves; the fl the \| Bilton presiding, assisted by Dep-| Betty Naden. In attendance at thelers told of the garden of Geth- Mrs hel, tv Mistress, Sister Dorothy Phil- banquet were four former Group cemane; the silver leaves were committee presidents who Were the 30 pieces of silver; a white introduced by Mrs. Ball: MIS. |orogs for the cross of Calvary. Morley Genge, Mrs. C. A. Parkin, M William Short PRB Mrs. Henry Thompson and Mrs. | TS illiam Short, Jr., repre- F. M. Jamieson. Mrs. Ball alsc|sented Easter Sunday, and the introduced Mrs. R. Balser, the Resurrection. The hymn, *"Up| 3rownie representative to the/from the Grave" He Arose" Adelaide District Local Associa-|was sung. Mrs. Nelson closed in tion, Mrs. Henry Thompson, prayer Group Committee representative a - to the L.A., Mrs. Roland Crap boas served ford, Telephone Committee chair-| " . man, Soy H. L. Kells, Adelaide| Next week, Mrs Charles Lang- District Brownie Proficiency eld is in charge of the devotional Badge Convener and Mrs. G. W. period, when the theme Youth wit Jarvis, Adelaide District Golden - Sehslan will be used Yithj su Hand Badge Convener children taking part. Te Mrs. C. E. Cormelius express appreciation to Mr, and Mrs. W Hrychyshyn and their staff for their co-operation and excelient | service in banquet details. | The evening's program covered the full sphere in a Brownie's life -- enrollment, awarding of badges and Fly-up ceremonies. Tweenies Shelly Henderson and Debbie Button were enrolled. Brownie Badges as follows were presented by Division Commis- sioner Mrs. R. E. Wilson; Golden |Hand -- Nancy Cobbledick, Bon- nie Kirkland, Cathy DePratto, NOW!...EAU DE TOILETTE SPRAY MIST IN ALL THREE FASHION FRAGRANCES Surround yourself | with these exquisite fragrances the modern way...the Spray Mist y way. Cannot spill, leak ar evaporate. CHANTILLY $3.75 FLATTERIE $4.25 QUELQUES FLEURS $3.75 HOUBIGANT | CPEAFUMERS SINCE 1778 | | PAY ONLY $50 COMPLETE / BRIDE-TO-BE The ed toda Stubbins M: a Sel Gener? | engagement is announc- of Miss Joan Louise and Mr. Joseph James The bride- who is duate of « 59 of the of Oshawa tal, is the daugh- | and Mrs, William E. Sutton. West, On- | ier fiance is the son Edna Markle of Bow- ate Mr. W. F. ge will take George's Angli Sibbald's - Point, t, on Saturday, May | to-be ool 'of sing al Mr Stubbins er ol of and } Mrs tario. of A a a et EE = : Also Special Low Rates for: OFFICES, FACTORIES, STORES, SHOWROOMS CITY FLOOR SERVICE PHONE RA 5-6746 fastortime 94 Flowertime SHARE THE JOY of EASTER with your family, friends, your church, by sending flowers "Joyous Easter" across the Miles . . . EASTER LILIES, HYDRANGEA POTTED MUMS, CARNATIONS ROSES, DAFFODILS, TULIPS. We send flowers by wire anywhere Delivery ond satisfaction guaranteed R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS 1072 KING ST, WEST, OSHAWA PHONE RA 5-1131 AJAX SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 1040

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