TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK Fst HOME DESIGN NO. 7 The combined living and din- ing area with fireplace, is nice and roomy and will permit plenty of sunlight from the large windows. The study al- cove, partially separated by bookcase, is original and prac- tical. Ceiling hung draw drapes will convert this room into an extra bedroom or a permanent wall and doorway may be used if preferred. With a minimum of hall passage area, large bed rooms, ample closet space, a bath and the step-saving Kit chen-laundry arrangement, this design exceptionally con- venient. The terrace has en- trance from both kitchen and study. Blueprints cover details for both frame and brick con- struction including garage Standard Builders' blueprints costing $9.75 a set may be ob- tained for this Design No. 7. For further information write to: Building Page Editor, The Times, Oshawa. NOW avail- able (from address below) a new and enlarged 1960 Book of House Designs enti is VRAD SRR THE HOME WORKSHOP " lwood veneer table top? ANSWER: Scrape as much of|gpot the wax off as possible with a sponge area with cold w remove water - NATURAL FINISH DOORS QUESTION: ] nave two doors heat, TABLE SCE KITCHEN B3v9% | 8 = |dull knife. By ROGER C. AID TO AILING HOUSE | WHITMAN chimney hasn't helped. How ean gestion you we remedy this? | often caused by the top of the|windows will allow for ventila-\stores, following label instruc- {chimney being too low. can offer? THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 16, 1960 1 3 ANSWER: I certainly heartily is|agree with you that opening theaple at paint can be removed with an electrie sander. No permanent damage, fortunately! ANSWER: This condition and hardware The|tion and the escape of the mois-|tions carefully; or the coating This would| y top should be at least|ture from cooking. STAIN ON LIGHT VENEER QUESTION: How can I remove a red wax stain from a light Rub area carefully (diate treatment. Try one of fol- low |flammable liquid spot remover to remove any grease, being stire| room is well ventilated. When| ying: Sponge stain with non- has evaporated, | ater, to soluble ingredi- remover with fine steel wool or sandpaper|ents. Or, if the stain has dried, to remove any surface finish (get|sponge and soap in lukewarm down to bare wood). If stain is|yater and mild detergent. If stain p [just in the finish, and not pene-|isp't completely removed, use al trated into veneer itself, this may| digesting enzyme, such as pepsin. | be all that is necessary; t.he nh (Moisten stain with warm water, refinish exposed spot, using fine|agding a little vinegar | camel's hair artist's brush and|sprinkle stain with powdered pep-| have suggested opening the Kit. storing the walls to the way they apply either shellac or varnish|gin keeping area moist and in|chen windows slightly to allow|were before he started? to match rest of surface. If wood warm place | stained, try bleaching area with getion. In 15 minutes to three|wouldn't help matters at all and|white paint can be removed with! prepared wood bleach. Then re-|hours, stain should rinse out with|asked for your opinion. Any sug-'prepared paint remover, avail: 0 permit finish, Deep stains may be im- arm water. ) possible to remove. painted with white enamel which are showing cracks all over. The; have been this way since I mov ed into the apartment. What can burner are blown back in HEATING FUMES BACK UP e have hot water is a n the to the u the| QUESTION: oil fired. When there I do to have a natural finish to the doors? ANSWER: Remove the present STUDY 5-10 1350 | | | 13:4 40-0" H-7 960 5q.fT. for Canadians", price | Contains 114 designs including 1 storey, 1% storey, 2 storey, and split level homes, much useful information $1.00. | building | ments. Also included is full in- | formation on how to obtain in- plus | expensive blueprints for these on | designs. Order your copy NOW. BASEMENTLESS PLAN AVAILABLE. terms and require- tled 'A New | Cost Homes a De Building. Editor, Snaws » Oshawa, Ontario. Enclosed please find $1.00 House Designs entitled {f_TRELLISES AND & J 0° ~™ BRUSSELS (AP) | Trade Minister Gordon Churchill] = wt i PATTERN 314 By RUTH W. SPEARS Add charm and beauty your home with trellises flower boxes. Pattern which gives complete direc- tions for a variety of types | with actual-size cutting guides for all curves and shaped parts, is 50 cents. This pattern also is included in Packet No. 38 -- | Lawn and Garden Furnishings which contains three other full- size patterns for things to make all for $1.75. Address or- ders to The Home Workshop Dept., The Times, Oshawa. f to and 314, { WiVELTOP || ELEVISION || STAND BATTERN : 420 from any stand has View your screen angle. This television a turntable top and useful storage space beneath. It fit into a corner or against one wall. It serves as a room di- vider where the screen is viewed from both the dining and living room. The construc tion of this stand is quite sim ple. It is a cabinet 24 inches by 29 inches and twenty inches high. Either of two types of bearings may be used for sup- porting the stand on the plat- form. Each step in making this stand is illustrated on pattern 420. which will be mailed for 30 cents. Address orders to The Home Workshop Dept The Times, Oshawa WED 60 YEARS ORILLIA, Ont. (CP Mrs. Henry Gouett shene near here received con- gratulatory messages from the Queen, Prime Minister Diefen- baker, and provincial representa- tives on their 60th wedding anni- | versary. Mr. and of Waubu- | to The Oshawa Times.) Name Address for which "A New Selection Homes For Canadians." (Please make remittance payable send me Book of of Low Cost | CHURCHILL EN ROUTE Canada's flew off to Moscow today after a short stop here on his way from New York. The Canadian am- bassador in Belgium, Sydney D. | Pierce, greeted him at the air- { port. 13 KILLED SEOUL, Korea (AP)--A Bridge collapsed today as a crowded passenger truck drove over it, killing 13 persons and injuring 15 others. Some of the victims were walking along the river just un- der the bridge near Kwangju, 200 miles south of Seoul. was filled to capacity -- pleting their training and BUSINESS Choose from these Business Administration modern equipment classrooms and Counselling BUSINESS (open all year) Clerk Typist -- Stenographic -- Junior Secretarial -- Junior Accountant -- Private Secretarial -- -- Business Machines -- Expert and individual instruction on all major skill subjects, These are positions for those qualified to handle them! Special classes for Housewives! Shiftworkers! Teenage Typing! Phone, write or visit the College -- get the facts --Prepare for a wonderful future! Free Literature OSHAWA 10 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO THERE ARE SOME DESKS AVAILABLE Up to the New Year, the Oshawa Business College successful students com- accepting positions have created a few vacancies -- THESE ARE RESERVED FOR AMBITIOUS PEOPLE ONLY! NEW EASTER TERM commences TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1960 at the OSHAWA COLLEGE 8 Career Courses! -- Special Grade Nine teaching . methoas =+ |sure to finish all enamel finish with paint remov- ler, following label directions | carefully, down to bare wood. I |assume the cracks are just in| {the enamel paint. Sand the] wood surface 'very smooth and| |wipe off the dust and stain if] |desired. Then apply two coats {of pure fresh white $hellac, thin- {ned half-and-half with denatured] lalcohol, or clear varnish, being edges of doors well ot and back sur-| as | faces. |MILK STAIN CLOTHES | QUESTION: My problem is as | | international as mothers, and so far not even an evaporated milk company has been able to help How can I remove canned milk stains from my baby's clothes.| |I have tried soaking in: plain water, bleach, ammonia, borax; | and rubbing with plain | | water | | and laundry soap. Nothing re- Don't put up with old.fashioned, inefficient kitchen equipment any longer. Now is the time to modern- ize on our easy Budget Plon. CALL US TO-DAY two feet above the highest point|serve the same purpose as anj of a gable woof and four feet|exhaust fan vented to the out- above a flat roof. A nearby talllqoors. Cooking vapors are a fre- sometimes cause a back - draft. ness in the kitchen. T h e njdam, peptic| LORNE GOODMAN Plumbing '& Heating COLLEGE > ¥ Beautify your home the tional way; clean, durdl now. Oshawa's Little Easter Seal Reminds You . . . TO SEND YOUR PINK ENVELOPE A modern, fune- ble ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS lost a housetime. Inquire RL wo Pan ad who have "EASTER SEALS" . . . the bottom of my heart that many other little Children will have happier years ahead through vour kindness." LAST CALL for... | H-E-L-P!! WN 4 A wo Go" cy 20"? 0° Miss "To those of you already purchased I thank you from and | know Oshawa Crippled F. RICHARD BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE N. AT COLBORNE The Examination of eyes Fitting of Contact Lenses And Glasses Children's Visual Training For Appointment Please Call RA 3-419] EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT tree or tall building will also quent cause of excessive damp-| Installing an automatic draft reg-| | ulator might help. Consult your RESTORING POINTED WOOD | dealer in heating equipment. | : QUESTION: Instead of leaving| COOKING MOISTURE the Philippine mahogany walls in QUESTION: The tenants in our our family room in their natural upstairs apartment complain that|color, with the grain showing when cooking is being done, the| through, the builder has given it a walls in the kitchen are quite|first coat of flat white paint. Is p and full of condensation. 1jthere any practical way of re- some ventilation. They insist thisj ANSWER: The coat of flat| "Yots Got Acquainted." Oshawa Chamber of Commerce "Got Acquainted " DINNER MEETING! MONDAY, APRIL 25, at 6 p.m. -- Hotel Genosha Speaker: COL. J. S. WHYTE, OCHAMBER OF COMMERCE Subject : "YOUR CHAMBER, A DYNAMIC FORCE IN THE COMMUNITY" For Tickets, see Members of the Board of Directors, or phone RA 8-8433. WHY I SHOULD BE A MEMBER OF THE OSHAWA MBER OF COMMERCE Because | believe that | have a responsibility to the community of Oshawa and that | should work for the benefits | derive from living and working here. Because it is a democratic, non-political, voluntary organization of citi- zens of Oshawa, working for the good of all concerned. To improve conditions where required through the concerted effort of a strong group of citizens representing ALL the business people whether it is at local, provinicial or federal level, . To protect my interest and investments in Oshawa. . Tod rate to my ¢ s, clients or patrons that | am interested in what goes on in the Oshawa territory. . To help finance, through membership fees, projects undertaken by the Chamber which will benefit this community. Because this is the only organization that can take action on rural or MAJOR PROJECTS IN PROGRESS . Citizenship Day, May 20. Education Week, November. A rrr 1. Oshawa Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors DR. D. E. STURGIS Continued promotion of the Oshawa areo. MR. HERB E. ROBINSON MR. WM. HART MR. HARRY GAY MR. ELMER DIXON MR. A. W. ARMSTRONG MR. ED STORIE MR. JACK LOWRY 'MR. DON BURNS MR. GORD MILES MR. DAVE LANDER MR. MYRLE BOOK MR. CLARKE HUBBELL MR. GORDON. RIEHL MR. S. A. CROSS Maintaining constant check on provincial, and federal legislation for any that may affect us, Continuing to develop an industrial elimate essential in attracting new industry. Protection of citizens against unscrupulous salesmen through the operation of the "Better Business Bureau". Administrators of a group insurance program for small businesses. Development of retail business by encouraging eo-operation among all merchants in the common effort, . Publicizing of the Chamber's local endeavors and the constant pro- motion of our city, nationally, through the newspapers and trade publications Meet Your Oshawa Chamber of Commerce Officials! HERB. E. ROBINSON 2 Rok DON BURNS Vice-President WM. HART Vice-President S. A. CROSS Treasurer DR. D. E. STURGIS di Past Presid DOUGLAS A. FISHER General Manager CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEEK! Miss Easter Seal APRIL 25th TO 30th