a i : - B f i - | & re w RIGHTY =AH KIN SAVE yo' DOLLAHS, ON A DOUBLE WEDDIN'Y AH KIN MARRY YO, YO' LUCKY. DAWG, TO THET ~sMACK!~ pRoo, fr CNR Brakeman Gets Estate KAMSACK, Sask. (CP) -- Rob- JULIET JONES LI'L, KBNER E H g 8° . 8 g a » || {rears BLL smh | [/ BECAUSE B= BowLs THE STRONGEST FOUR OR FIVE TIMES | GUY IN TOWN! A WEEK! SO WHAT? LOTS OF PEOPLE BOWL. MORE OFTEN THAN THAT, self. Mr. Williams is next in line for the title, being a second cousin, Lady Wiliams, wife of Sir Wil liam, confirmed Saturday that Mr. Williams is heir to the title and estates at Braunton, Devon. Having worked for the railway is 3 Kamsack for 16 years, Mr. Wil. liams has never been to England and, he said, he does not plan te make a trip there. At home with him as his wife, three boys, ranging > hoe from three to 10, and a daughter, 11, Ernest Martin Williams, his grandfather, came to Canada and settled in Russell, Man. Mr. Wil. liams was born in Winkler, Man,, moving later to Saskatchewan. DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER VERDE", 71/5 /5 MR. BURKE! TS HOUSE? IS HE THE ONE WHO WANTED THE LONE 1 STUCK MY BUBBLE \ RANGER KILLED? M GUM ON OL' SCARE= CROW'S ARM THIS MORNIN' AN' NOW ms GONE! SOMEBODY MUSTA STOLE 1m! ERS TFN Bsk Better Relations x { : RIGHT! WAIT HERE WHILE rd s A : 1 TALK 70 HIM. 2 i | jw] HAVANA (AP)--A suggestion by Premier Fidel Castro that he hold private talks with United States President Eisenhower or THAT INCLUDES ALSO INCLUDED D AND THE coves State Secretary Chnistian A. Here IS A GIL : ) | | ADVERTISEMENT ) == - A WHARF. ter, was seen a; AND A DOZEN = CUPID WHICH SAID THEYD 1G | . im to Maras villa acoss the another sible indication the Caen leader GOLDFISH 4 SPURTS WATER | SELL LIKE Ky Panorama missile test ce a. direction RENDEZVOUS FONTS wants to improve relations with the U.S. Castro told correspondent Riche ard Bate of the Columbia Broad- casting System Sunday that such a meeting could result in better gelation between the twe eoum- es. Such a meeting also would mean a considerable boost in prestige for Castro, and it seemed most unlikely Eisenhower would give the idea serious considera- tion after Castro's numerous bite ter attacks on U.S. policy, Nor did it seem likely Herter would n|see the Cuban leader after all the harsh things Castro has said DEMONSTRATORS Ra Te Se COMPLETE WITH LICENCE AND GAS ment press officer Lincoln brushed off Castro's suggéstiom. I ------ AT THE ------ that the suggestion was made to -- THE LONE DOL 1 y 1 uf] ST CAKE CAN BUILD $ | Az 4 \R nD hot CAs i} <4 GENUIN AZ 2 pills ; NZ | 3 7 A \ Hac 1 = <3 oh BLONDIE SECRET AGENT X 9 -- 1960 VAUXHALL He said it was surprising to him a reporter and not to U.S. Ame bassador Philip "Bonsal, whom Tor STA 2S. CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. Talent FOR REACTION? Observers noted that has the habit eof throwing such offhand to test reaction to them. Castro has led a hunt for rebel guerillas in the Sierra Maesira for the last 10 days. He told reporters the heavy concentration of regular troops in the East Cuban mountains was { to help train the militia there to ! hunt down insurgents, to give the regulars combat training and te be on the alert for possible ime vasion landings. Asked where such an invasion might be launched, Casiro mene tioned the Dominican Republic, AND WITHOUT A TOUPEE AND YOUR HAIR DYED, NOBOPY'D EVER KNOW YOU! HONEST, HOMER, YOU'D BE AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PERSON, BUZ SAWYER ~ 77) Tris Eos \ | A FEW MINUTES LATER. Fi] evervons Chinese Grocer 000 Heavens! 6 space | 7 se on A ves --ves~ J] Slain In Vancouver ALERT THE EMERGENCY ) PLATFORM , : BUPMENTI ON Project! BR ance? J AE re we | VANCOUVER (CP)--The sadis- ARE OKAY! % F Ace my FAT? Xgl tie slaying of an elderly Chinese grocer Sunday has brought ree newed demands for more protection for small grocers. Tom Fat, 65, apparently was grabbed by at least two burglars when, armed with a butcher knife, he surprised them in his midtown grocery store. An autopsy indicated he was beaten more than 15 times over the head and face with soft-drink bottles. Four of his ribs were fractured, presumably by kicks, He was killed by five stab wounds in the chest with his own knife, He was jhe sid Chinese groces A MRS.MEANY- AND TORE OUT THE % slain in the ast four years. None BACK DOOR IN A STATE OF TERROR = HE KNOWS I CAN RUN | of the killings have been solved. WHO IN THE WORLD IS MRS. FASTER'N SHE CAN-- Li There are hundreds of groceries MEANY £2 BE pre : such as Fat's in Vancouver, opere NES : = i |ated by members of the large f : rE rhe BO \% | Chinese community. Despite po t A" Rs lice crackdowns, they have long been a favorite target for hold-up men. ip Me &* COURSE EMMA. | WELL, XCEEDED HER | Oi BUDGET ACOUPLE | THOUSAND _ A -- Z/ IT DOES COST A : ( LOT OF MONEY TO) RUN THAT PLACE, ' THOUGH "on BRICK BRADFORD JANE ARDEN AY = S84 120 I WISH I KNEW WHAT-WAS GOING SHE'S NOT FOLLOWIN' US YET, MY STARS ~ I SURE ON = ANNIE SAID THAT WOMAN WAS RO, BUT THAT DOESN'T' i INTO. SOME ODD ONES IN MY JOB OF DOOR-TO-DOOR SELLING = THAT YOUNG BLONDE KEPT INSISTING My NAME WAS MEANY, JUST AS IF I DIDN'T KNOW MY OWN NAME, DORA BELPUSH= LF a 1D Web re ech: NOTED CAPTAIN DIES LONDON (Reuters) -- Captain Ronald Bowes - Lyon, 67, first cousin of the Queen Mother, died in hospital Sunday night follow ing an operation. Bowes-Lyoa, naval officer for more than 40 tears, commanded the British cruiser Adventure in 1943 when it took 157 Germans off the scute tled blockade-runner Rilvaplana 200 miles off Cape Finisterre, Spain. Nature of the operation was not disclosed. SALLY'S SALLIES PROP THEM OFF 2 AT LAST MORTY SEEMS AT OUR. HOMES, ATO BE TAKING HIS SC WILL YOU, MORTYZ WORK. \ Ma, gS LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY MICKEY MOUSE frEres A DIRTY EBACE] INTHE ROOM, HENRY © i" B OUT AND UP, SLICK! v2 HEADING , ee FOR YOUR GANGS, 1 HIDE-OUT/ o \ oO Nd Pp o =" 2 y - 4-19, l my Drevew Distributed by King Features Syndicate. "It beats walking!"