16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 19, 1960 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) A7--Automobiles for Sale 47--Automobiles for Sele YOUR AUSTIN DEALER IS OFFERING FOR THE NEXT 7 DAYS ONLY EASTER HOLIDAY SPECIALS 10% DOWN ON USED CARS -- ALL PRE-SERVICED 1952 BUICK Hardtop -- Automatic transmission, radio, wind- shield washer. Full price $500.00 with $50.00 down. 1953 BUICK Sedon -- Radio, automatic transmission. $545.00 full price, $55.00 down. 1955 METEOR Niagara -- Duo-tone, radio. : ® Lime Green eo Light with $150.00 down. i ' ; 3 1958 A-55 AUSTIN Sedan -- One owner car (name on re- y 4 © White Turquoise quest). Full price $1,395.00. Your old ear es down \ : hh \ / i A ® Powder Blue eo Light Grey NAN A - : ® Sandstone o Elf Green payment, EATON Prices: 1957 MORRIS 1000 -- One owner ear. Full price $845.00, QUART GALLON OUR SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK 1.50 5.00 1950 PONTIAC -- Mechanically O.K.,, good tires, "TAYOTY TOW TIVIT OT PHONE RA S773 > imited EATON'S n OSHAW Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6. p.m. Monday to Saturday,Open Friday Nights until 9. p.m. Located on King St. W at Stevenson Rd. "Pet Fair Week' at TECO "Specified" Interior Finishes Exceptionel value . . . moderately priced . . , ond only ot EATON'S These interior finishes are available in a selected range of nine colours and white; matching in flat ond semi-gloss. Flat is suitable for dining, living and bedroom walls and ceilings; the semi-gloss is excellent as a wall finish on any room, or as a trim It's EATON'S Basement Pet Shop Only $1,045.00 $99.50. Out they go. Don't hesitate to test drive these beauties, We have to have room for the new cars -- Austin A.55's, A.40's, Sprites, Healeys, and the AMAZING NEW 850's SELLING R ONLY 5, Willis Motors Taunton Road East, V4 mile east of Ritson Rd. § Points. Phone RA 5-033] uantity On Sale ot 2 p.m. Wednesday and only while quantities last PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS Sparkling Pendants and Matching Earrings Flashing "Aurora" type pendant on fine metal chain the colour of gold or silver; clip-back drop-style earrings "Wizard Wick" Room Deodorizer "Spring Bouquet' scent; greatly reduced to clear, Bech .... LOWER LEVEL '5) TO "84 CAR, Chevrolet preferred, consider others. Phone RA 3-9911 after 5.30 58 BUICK, A condition, $1205. No | down payment. Call "'Jake" RA 5-3417 | evenings 7-9. | "54 METEOR sedan. Will sell or take 48--Aut bil WwW. trade on pick-up truck. Apply 248 To- LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want| ronto Avenue. 8 % be iy cars for wreckin, ghest prices pai '58 PONTIAC deluxe four-door, 00d RA 5.1161 or ing. 5.1182. Le P condition. Will trade and finance, RA : 50--Articles for Sale '57 METEOR Niagara 500, radio, heat- er, tutone. RA 3-5179 after 6 p.m, RA THREE hp garden tractor plough and) cultivator. RA 8-8208 "54 CHEVROLET sedan, radio auto- 14 FT. cedar strip boat, 5 HP Johnson, | matic, recently overhauled, $650. or|new Mes] Lg $385. Riding lawn | h A 8-0558. mower Hi-fi canines and geiger 3 swe bil x2 now tire! counter. Phone RA 5-728 Must be seen to be appreciated. SRA [1 FT, car top boats, 12 foot plycraft after 7 p.m, Ask for Pat. Joa, gears, controls, and steering | pets ee: PONTIAC Parisienne, four - door ed) Soparale. Coleman Jastern. Apply | hardtop. Take over 5 Ly Rofo Tiler 2355 1 C. "Kleenacage'" Hamster Cage . . . cish or best offer. Phone YUkon © and lawn mower, com- chromium-plated wire front. Exercise wheel, bination, in good condition. P] | 38 VAUXHALL, black, privately own-|g coc "op, ENG io Nose RA bed, as well as removable tray and false bottom ed, excellent condition. RA 5-1352 after A 16 10 x 9". EATON Special Pri h A UNPAINTED bookcaser, only 9c. with | PProx, x x9, pecial Price, eac . e purchase one piece unpainti 4 AUSTIN, mechanically $00d, oUF |pmiture. Chest of drawers, $17 pret mew tires, body fair, $85. Apply $14; bookcases, $5.99; vanity dressers, | Centre Street, $26; record cabinet, $18; room divider, | 56 FORD Fairlane, two tone, custom $22; bookcase héadboard, $15. Wilson | radio, Thunderbird equipped. Make Furniture, 20 Church Street. i offer, easy terms. Try "Stew" at Mike |STGAINUM doors, windows, awnings, | Starr's, RA 5-5646. average window $19.95 installed. RA 55 PONTIAC, two tome, custom radio, |5-7405. clean inside and out, priced right, easy ouse, Fixtures | terms. Try "Stew" at Mike Starr'signg an for sale. Apply 12 Garage, RA 5-5646. Mill Street. RA 3-2997 a CHEV, Belair, two lone. cusiom BOAT Kits -- Build now. All sizes, § 1. radio, mo rust, priced to clear, to 23 ft. cruiser: Car ¢ al tl terms. Try "Stew" at Mike Starr's, J $49; 15 f 0p sect Pr ny RA 5-5646. with Vindshicni 55 BUICK, two door hardtop, in excel lent condition, custom radio, white- walls, two tone, Will accept trade, Can finance. RA 3-7197. Special offer! | Hamsters; Baby Rabbits, Budgies; Cages! A. Young Hamsters . . . interesting and entertaining EATON Special Price, each . UPPER LEVEL Bath Towels to Clear, Reg. 2.49 End-of-line; solid colour with tweedy effect; fringed ends. 1 94 LJ ef Matching Face Cloths, Reg. .39, each .25 Women's Rayon Tricot Briefs Pink rayon tricot with flat elastic at waist and leg edge. Sizes 2 for 89 small and medium . 1/2 Price Clearance of Blouses Reg. 5.99 and 6.99 Wool jersey or cotton; powder, red, green, white, royal, honey; sizes 10 to 16 in the group. End-of-line Jeane 2.99 "3.49 SPORTS WEAR DEPT. 246 Clearance of 35" Cotton Prints Much below usual price! Florals, novel- ties and others in an excellent 33 range of colours. Yard MALL LEVEL 1/» Price Clearance of Men's Utility Cases--Reg. 3.95 Zippered top leather utility case, with washable plastic lining. End- of-line clearance; tan or brown. 77 forest green enamel with ladder and bunk 4.77 combination tray and door lock; heavy Approx. 3.55 Hamster, plus cage C, end 2-lb. bag of absorbent cedar litter, and one 14-0z, pkg. of food EATON Special Price, set fo nny B. Hamster Cage . . . chromium. plated wire grid. Also with exercise wheel 12Ve x 7V2 x 734". EATON Special Price, each Unpainted Wooden Step Stool Reach jigh places safely! Folds com- t t i gins LL a 1 79 x 7V2 x 20%" high. Each .. . Hand Garden-Tool Set 3-pc. set includes trowel, small cultiva- tor and fork; for working in flower beds, indoor boxes, etc. D. Baby Rabbits . . . especially for children cute and cuddly, make friendly little pets, EATON Special Price, each: and hardware, best offer. 12 HP 1959 All white Brown Gale Buchaneer motor, new warranty $329. Barons', 426 Simcoe Street South. FOR SALE --- Gendron convertible h baby carriage, good condition, $20. Also | od DODGE Jaegent, radio, low mile-| o1inztion portable radio-phonograph, | age, like Robinson Motors (Osh- awe) Lar ore Ritson Road South, Shite speeds nearly new, $50. Phone | 8. RA 5-651 baby earriage, blue and| 5 DODGE Regent budor haHgiop, very white, converts to car bed and stroller. | henge, Robinson Motors (Osh. | Excellent condition. 294 Burk Street. | awa) Ltd., 54 Ritson S. RA 56518. RA 80810. "57 CHEVROLET four door, very clean, radio, see us at Motors (Oshawa) Ltd, 574 Riteon Road South BOATING groan 3 SPECIAL '59 PONTIAC Laurentian, radio, auto matic, only 4000 miles, 59 Chevrolet 12-ft. fibre-glass run-a-boats, Biscayne four-door, 12000 miles. RA 12 h.p. Scott motor, Cane- 85179 after 6 p.m. RA 3-7970. dian Explorer trailer, com- CUSTOM built car radios, complete letely equipped, $895. with aerial and jhtallation, transistor 3 y tay PP boat $5 down. YWo, t 25 h.p. motor, trailer, all models from h Dominion Tire Store, "a 'Bond Street I controls and equipment, $995. West. RA 56511 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to While they last. Canadian Explorer camp trailers, com- 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home call RA 5-2802. plete, Reg. $405 -$319. 154t. stake body, 6 ft. solid racks, with| 1rodes accepted. Terms or- tarpaulin, excellent condition. MArket ranged ego avi. AJAX MARINE automatic, radio, tutone, whitewall tires, low mileage, excellent condition. NO. 2 HWY, AT AJAX Ph. WH 2-4080 E. Ch plated Stand . . . plated round loop 12 weighted base high overall. EATON'S Special Price Bird cage stand with chromium- Approx, 67" a? Can be 3.99 F. Budgies . . . unsexed budgies in bright, gay colours finger-trained and taught to talk, EATON Special Price, each G. "Deluxe Beautikage' for Birds . . . with chromium-plated top and enamel base in contrasting red, yellow or black. Glass centre panel and guards, coloured plastic swing, perches and seed cups. Approx. 19 x 10V2 x 13". EATON Special Price, each 9.99 cesencese, B® Full View Mirrors Approx. 1% x 5012" clear sheet glass mirror in 112" unfinished basswood frame, ready to paint or varnish. Each Quilted Table Pads In Three Useful Sizes Specially priced, Wednesday! Sorry, no delivery on birds, hamsters or rabbits EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 PHONE RA 5.7373 '5% THREE and half ton International HASSM. 0 oT 's3 BUICK, $475 or bist offer. Can be seen at 520 Creighton Avenue. RA £0190. Protect your tables from heat marks and spills with one of these handy pads . . . beige flannelette lining acts as insulation; white plastic top is mois- ture resistant. EATON Special Prices: 3.98 | ROTARY POWER MOWERS | $37.95 up MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO OL 5-3641 1960 STUDEBAKER LARK Two-door Sedan Delivered Fully Equipped at $2485.00 SALE Auminum Products of the best quality ot the best prices, fully guaranteed. Attractive Styles i in Boies Shoes for Boys and Girls 52 x.52", each .... 52 x 70", SABYAN MOTOR SALES LIMITED 334 RITSON RD. S. Dial RA 3-3461 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, cleon cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-942] HOUSTON GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE -UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W. RA 3.7822 Double hung windows only $18. Call now Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 > Electrohome, RZ.A. Victor, Admiral, Westifghouse. The finest in T.V/, Hi-Fi and service. v PARKWAY T.V. 918 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3-3043 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 FOOD PLAN THAT SAVES 50 GOOD CARS WANTED IMMEDIATELY TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. E., OSHAWA Complete lines of meats, fish, poultry and groceries. Gov- emment inspected. Blue and Red Brand beef, FAMILY OF FOUR FREEZER AND FOOD, BOTH ONLY $12.89 A WEEK. FAIRBANK-MORSE FREEZERS CASH FOR YOUR CAR MACKIE MOTORS KING ST. E RA 5-5743 $199 UP Phone Now RA 8-1128 Guaranteed by " Good Housekeeping (Continged eon Page 8) Designed to give support to young feet, these sturdily made shoes should wear very well. uppers for Fook With Elk (tradename) leather and composition scles, "Sanitized"' freshness. Sizes in the group, 8% to 12Y2 to 3, in C and D widths, EATON Price, pair A. Oxford 'non-scuff' toe for extra wear. Moccasin vamp. Brown only B. Saddle Oxford, popular classic oxford, white with blue saddle. C. Girls' strap, serviceweight shoe, double strap on vamp. Brown only. D. Black patent leather dress strap with two-way swivel strap. Also in white Elk (tradename) leather EATON"S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 239 Not lllustrated Boys' Monk Strap, gucd looking dress shoe with new lock fastener on strap. Brown only, "Gum Drop" a favourite casual shoe in black suede or white, beige or red buck. Sizes 11 to 3, C and D widths Comfortable loafers with moccasin vamp. only. Sizes 11 to 3, C and D widths. PHONE RA 5.7373 Brown 52 x 90", each EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 236 PHONE RA 5.7373 Comfortable, expertly crafted . A. Sophie . . B. Elizobeth . . . C. Daytimer . , . EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 238 . black or brown celtic calf tie with slenderized cuban walking heel Black or brown morocain grained colf leather with black patent trim; illusion heel pump with tapered toe, high throat, bow at vamp and perforated trim. illusion heel pump in black calf, tan calf, or black patent leather, Women' s Smartly Styled "Gold Cross" Shoes «+ « combining o neat, trim appearance with fashion-wise styling SIZES 6 to 10 AA ond 5to 9B widths in the group. pair 15.95 orange, blue. 22 x 36", each ...... 24 x 48", each PHONE RA 5-7373 6.45 8.95 Please allow 7 days delivery on 4' x 6 size. EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 272 Satonia ""Brentwood" Cotton Rugs Deep, luxurious pile . . . 13 lovely shades . . . available only ot EATON'S Heavy quality, plush cotton mats in attractive decorator colours. Non-skid rubberized back helps keep mat in place; lie-flat fringed ends. Colours: gold, sandalwood, hyacinth blue, beige, off whiie, white, light rose, turquoise, light green, dark green, grey, burnt EATONIA Value: 30 x 60", each 13.95 PHONE RA 5-7373 EATON'S Telephone Order Service Opens at 8:45 a.m.... Phone RA 5-7373