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The Oshawa Times, 20 Apr 1960, p. 21

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for giving or promising tacit|believed in either Belgium or] support to the January insur- Switzerland. His associate, gents. jail. . NEW MEN COOL PRR But most of the men who stood ! Of the new crop of officers this poping the barricades were per. T reporter was able to meet, none|nitteq to return home. About al seemed sympathetic to, or unduly dozen are in prison a score un-| concerned about, the efforts of der police surveillance and the activists in Algiers roughly 100 in a special volunteer "You must always remember army force fighting the rebels. Algeria," | W-LUOW or Oo North Africa from Paris in Jan-| Army sources said thal a cer- uary. *1 think the government's|tain number of arms that had as a partial vic- the showdown with president de policy will win in the end." been in possession of the in- lh By ao when the|Gaulle's government for which Such statements contrast with surgents and of the now-dissolved French national assembly the extremists are working andithe propaganda claims of the|territorial guard units, have not granted de Gaulle special powers hoping. They even talk of succes-| European activists : yet been located. to deal with the Algerian prob- sors to the intractable general. | Late in February French au-| This indicates that although the| lem, which has sapped France's They mention as possible presi-|thorities were investigating the paris government won its first energies, manpower and morale dents either former finance min-origin of tracts warning the pop-|pattle with the Algerian settlers for half a decade. ister Antoine Pinay, Wio Tesigned ulation of the possibility of a new|in January, the new trial of|V} he fact that he needed these from de Gaulle's cabinet earlier rising again a Tau beg s rs makes it apparent that in this year, or Marshal Alphonse These Soghmenis; A eh « Dos Es, CTETmIN eye both dealing with the Europeans, he Juin, a man who has spoken pectively "orders of the Day | : i i licy is to be dictated ; . Sea oo worry about than|against de Gaulle's Algerian pol- Number One and Number Two, Whether poliey 38 to a 4u in|10€ world peace. the eed zealots who manned i¢¥- were stuffed in mail boxes in|g 3 i several districts of the city. the barricades in January. SEEK ARMY SUPPORT os Were signed "The Pa ALGIERS (CP)--A few appar-| Behind them are poueria pol It is clear, too, that the activists triots"--the trem used by the in- ently unconnected explosions in itical, economic and military " are hoping for army suppgrt in surgents in the closing days if this volatile city may be thejterests who intend at any cost 0 working out their plans for a c y " the rising. r of more trouble for nullify the president's promise of | down. Without it, any moves x By ) TR R en: de Gaulle's policy of self-determination. To them gen- ar cans would almost SETTLERS DEFIANT structure in Algeria and to at- WANTS END ARMS RACE self-determination for Algerians. |uine self-determination means the certainly be doomed to failure. The tract called "Order of the tempt a readjustment between here say the recent/eventual loss of the North African ™ = = French soldier Da -Number One said the insur- military and civil authorities. Observers ich there was no territory. NO. PaiioHl «an Algerian TéCtion had stopped the French This may well be one of th blasts--in which here W so a wants to fight for. an Algerian government from immediate ne- most difficult tasks the president loss of life--were the work of py Agr ARE SYMBOL Algeria," said one right - Wing i; ions with the Moslem reb-has undertaken in his efforts to European activists making a last- Part of their program is to source. ; s ditch bid to get the French Pres-i. qo jy persuade" those WHO The "Algerian Algeria%eshe ident to abandon his Algerian may oppose the settlers' cause in _coined by de Gaulle to garner program and to have him declare Algeria Moslem support--is viewed by the once and for all that Algeria is "The explosions' are meant to settlers as a direct challenge to part of France be a sharp warning that we their ery for a "French Algeria." The explosions ard co-ordinated DE Aone of the! De. Gaulle 7s making deter: propaganda campaign indicate 2 January insurgents mined efforts to bring the army renewed effort by diehard Euro: "We don't want to kill anybody. under his control. Two years ago pean settlers 10: continue Fuels We just want to make sure that some of its officers in Algeria political activity. we aren't abandoned." helped bring him to power. Now, Ji ) This source "guessed" that he has removed from Algerian Nor CRED mph over the there are between 600 and 1,000 commands three of the generals January uprising against his gov- hard-core activists in Algiers, who then supported him and ernment seriously undermined 'but we'll have the support of|transferred them back to F rance the network of Europeans' politi- practically all the European pop- with at least a score of other cal. and para-military organiza- ulation when the time comes. high-ranking officers By JAMES NELSON that Algiers is not Right-wing French settlers are preparing for another showdown fight against Pres- ident de Gaulle's policy of self-determination for Algeri- ans. Their activities are de- scribed in this story by Dave Oancia of the London bureau of The Canadian Press who | has just made a nine-day on- the-spot study of the situa- tion. By DAVE OANCIA Canadian Press Staff Writer |said today. policy-makers now know, ing ving to achiev the army in Algeria. Gaulle roughly a year, without|yergent individual to reorganize the administrative Canada wants an end to atomic bombs until there wr surgents to give up on condiionipubhic reared PropaAnry 117 " that there would be no talks. Ty his success. y : nected The tract added: nen "If the government has learned a lesson from these events then everything could be saved.! But if for the country's misfor- tune, it will seek vengeance . . meetings Tuesday COIN COMPLICATION cording to expectations. Common policy for France LONDON (CP)--The recent na- Canada was, of course, soon to take up again and fight/vending machines. at the side of the army which|now at two shillings and a half- have a better remains vigilant and which loves penny, and understands us." altered to take half-crowns Not all of the insurgents are on stead of two-shilling pieces in- Gen now is chine. Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP)--A meeting of| minds, if not agreement on com- The French and Canadian [result of their private talks dur- the president and French Foreign nomic collapse within six or eight Gen. de Gaulle's 36 - hour Minister Couve de Murville that|™onths: i to Ottawa, what each other the Western powers generally ex-| This view Disarmament and last-|Britain, Against these backgrounds,!is € the among the free peoples. |the peak of Cuban unemployment 'arms race as quickly as possible. . i e France will continue testing DROPS is al els. It_claimed that the French preak out of the vicious Algerian complete ban on them, and wants said the private talks and cabinet|0ccasion require v had run ac-/!0 express our views in full can- too and ern colleagues at the summit will not tional budget brought turmoil to soiight and could not be achieved. stand." But he did not deliver the then, patriots, the time will come distributors of automatic cigaret- But as a result of the de Gaulle Part after With prices visit, Canada and France each| understanding of later that the speech was cut be- the slots will have to be!the other's course for the future. cause the luncheon ran 20 min- de Gaulle is reported to|utes overtime, but that the text Al- have described principally his re-'of his speech issued in advance Some of the run. Cafe proprietor Joseph terations cost about £4 per ma- cent state visit to London, andto 'Russian Premier Khrushchev's/Canadian view. |visit to France. He also brought| ithe Canadian government up-to-| I ' |date on the French government's |said one colonel who arrived in/HIDDEN ARMS {mon policy, has been achieved|assessment of its progress to- |by French President Charles de|wards self-determination for Al- {Gaulle and Prime Minister geria |Diefenbaker, diplomatic sources| R old peace dirs ditt |States--to have all their interests|are watching the Cuban scene | i i 4 ul e two leaders ifier on ; i 0 wel S "0 Paris or by the right wingers and getails of how the objective is to| mind at next month's summit €105€ly 'h d be reached. These differences are| e emergency powers give de patural, stemming from the di- i i interests" and NATO interests, risk of parliamentary obstruction, histories of the two countries. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, April 20, 1960 21 HE FL DeGaulle And PM! Meeting Of Minds Economic Collapse Seen For Castro's Regime By HAROLD MORRISON (here writing a history of Cuba, Canadian Press Staff Writer |n,akes no secret that he is trying WASHINGTON (CP)-- There's), oi. un as much organized op a body of opinion in this gapital iti Cast 1 For Canada, Mr Diefenbaker|" Mich anticipates Fidel Castro's POs" 1% lo Castro us possinle; $A, 1DaKer| evolutionary regime is in for| He's encouraged by the recent and External Affairs Minister|some deep economic trouble/run of defections by former Cas- tio diplomatic and military ofli- cals. Green are reported to have told which possibly could lead to eco- Marquez who presided at the not. only writing of a Cuban constitution heming to book x nether Castro is a Communist - "but he is doing things that the Communists do." NO ELECTIONS 'He refuses to hold free eiec- tions and he is destroying the economy," Marquez argued in an interview. Some qualified U.S. officials suggest that Marquez has uo real widespread suppert in Cuva. These officials suggest most Cub- WORDS ans view Castro's economic prob- Mr. Diefenbaker had this sen- SUPPORT FORECASTS lems with apathy, rather than his prepared notes for| Dispatches from Havana seem opposition. is shared rance and the United well-informed U.S. officials who meeting. Particularly, Can Pp The suggestion is that the wants to be fully consulted on all height of crisis may come dur- both militarily|ing summer after the sugar crop and economically. |has been harvested and more Gen. de Gaulle is undéstood to/and more workers become idle. have agreed that full consultation Just as the peak of Canadian un- a prerequsite to solidarity employment is in the winter, so falls in the summer. tence in ho follg hoa hincdtg government, embarrassed in America because of its dif- es with Castro, would prob- _(ably be much relieved if the gime Jan. 1, 1959. bearded leader was deposed in One of 'those who waits pa- some bloodless coup. tiently for the 'right time" is| But it would be equally em. Dr. Carlos Marques Sterling, a|barrassing to the U.S. govern- well-respected Cuban economist|ment if the coup originated in and one-time Cuban cabinet min-|the U.S. Thus U.S. intelligence o:- ister who rejects the policies of|ficers are watching the political Castro just as he rejected the refugees carefully, to make sure dictatorship of Castro's predeces-|they don't build up any clandes- sor, Fulgencio Batista. {tine cache of arms to launch a | The 59-year-old Marquez, busy |counter-revolution. SE vnIpRE NY: ARV ETE Bodie main theeat to Loti we will not fai] Castro, who has been trying to do fic an 'much too soon since he|, ci A dor so that you and your West- launched his revolutionary re. in no doubt as to where we "negotiations." An official of his office said the press represented the tions , "The time," it developed, was these are facing 'courts-martial!Ortiz, one of the leaders, anada's Shopping Centre i. Waxed Paper 2. Household . . 4 rolls opprox. 12" wide, 100' Towels & Rack @ 2 continuous rolls of 150 towels each. ® White' only--s0 useful in the kitchen. eo Complete metal holder. EATON Special Price, set 5. Luncheon Napkins Spring design paper napkins. in package of assorted shades, with scalloped edges. Gay for springtime lunches, children's parties, etc EATON Special Price, 4 PKGS. . : 4. Rluminum Foil Pack ® 50-ft. roll in cutter box ond 2 seporate 20-ft rolls e All rolls 12" wide e Packs food neatly, helps keep . eo it fresl .88 3. Telephone List Finder Plastic finder fits underneath phone. Pulls out easily to see nume bers. Complete with alphabetically indexed file. EATON Special Price, each EATON'S One-Price Offer 24 Specials in- STATIONERY EATON Special Price Each 1] 3 " on practical ® Packoged in polyethylene bog. Handy for wrapping lunches, leftovers, etc. EATON Special Price, 4 ROLLS with eonvenient EATON Special Price, pock 6. Ball-Point Pens e Collection of 12 plastic ball- point pens. @ Assorted green, browns end 1. Beverage Napkins Finger-tip size paper napkins with bevelled edges Assorted designs, appropriate for parties. Dozen in package. shades of op reds. nks, office ® Handy at home or school : EATON Special Price, EATON Special Price, SET OF 12 oN " % ; ] 8. Desk Pad with Ball-Point Pen Handy pad Qpprox 9" edged in leatherette. e Compleie with boll-point pen and holder 88 9. Gift Wrap Package ® 16 sheets ew i 4 white ond 4 coloured rissue. | J J | e Transparent tope, and 3 For the warm weather to come . . Cool, Cotton Checked Dress In crisp cotton, a sleeveless dress boasting a cape-like notched collar that criss-crosses down to the waistline. The wraparound style closes in double-breasted fashion down the slightly eased skirt. Saucer buttons match the shiny black patent-effect plastic belt. Two front pockets. Checks of red, blue or black on white. Sizes 12 to 20 and 1614 to 24%. Bach ovr aisans 4.98 BUDGET FASHIONS, EATON"S UPPER LEVEL DEPT. 345 PHONE RA 5-7373 attractive approx. 20 x 30" hanks coloured ribbon, EATON Special Price, package 88 14. Small Stapler with sturdy @ For telephone desk. EATON Special Price, eech 10. Home File o Sturdy cardboard envelope with 11 divided pockets eo Holds household bills, bank statements, respondence, etc 13. Memo Roll n desk or o if. Underarm 12. Shelf ch Paper yellow, blue, red or pink 21" small stapler plastic handle o Plastic roll to lay hang on wall oe Refills with machine tops o Complete with for en or penc EATON Special Price, each » 18.. Box of Stationery sheets appre 0 randard adding accounts, slide fastene cor It Contains 2 EATON ® Approx 3 home for many 13 long -- handy at odd jobs ® Approx wide, long. swivel holder fresh helve a pearance EATON Special Price, 3 ROLLS aia eo Complete with 50 staple EATON Special Price, set 88 Give: y bright of eo Handy for student or bu nessman, Heaot-seoled seams. @ Choice of red, black, brown o Approx. 92 x 7% EATON Special Price, ecoch blue EATON Special Price, each 16. Poker Chips nterlocking 19. Hasti-Notes e Box of 12 notes each with dainty floral picture ¢ ront {7. Envelopes e Box of 250 envelope prox. 6 x 3); o Good 15. Playing Cards o- And e Plastic-coated playing card cottage or e 30 single sr blue sheets floral de- rer \ 4 iH notes or eo White, 'pink ave attractive signs in left hand c welcome Special Price, for quality vellum plastic iene TP @ 12 matching white envelopes club eo Durable ond with a damp @ Assorted ott EATON Special Price, pock of white »o appropiate for thankyou other brief messages!' EATON Special Price, Ho 88 easy fo cleon cloth ve desigr have on hand 0 useful ot home: or office EATON Special Price, 250 in box red ar J . ® Usef 88 " w:{ i make ordi TE EATON box ge EATON Special Price, 100 in box 21. 12 Hanks Ribbon ribbon iA 23. "Important «Hotes Paper" File ver the world a 24, Clip Board ® Of sturdy "Masonite" a clip board with strong clip to hold papers 22, Stamp Package 20. Pocket Index eo Slim, compa t all ing ball-point index ond a & Wallet in plastic, Va x 3%", in blue, sand, black or brown Pens take standard faTON Speciol Price, somplete Store Hours. 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. tamps from . lim leatherette binder eo Thoughtful gift to any phila- 6 pocket leaf telist ¢ start a stomp important s insurance policieg, in- tax returns, financial pen, alphabet memo pad . r orted approx. 5 ade te r to eo Convenient to have on hond collection ot home to finish off present e An educational and pleasur- for every o yastim: p 88 88 Jocuments og Practical for ally fice EATON Special each tudent especi- but also at home or of refills reports, eic EATON Special Price, Price, each ccasior able EATON Special Price, EATON Special Price, 12 hanks package a a fi. Repeat Special ! Nylon Tricot Slips Much Below Usual Price ! Filmy, opaque nylon tricot slip with front shadow panel; trimmed with nylon lace at the top, adjustable shoulder straps, More rows of lace adorn the hem, di- vided by fine ribbed nylon tricot; and finished with nylon tricot frill. In a var- iety of pretty shades, including pink, aqua, parchment, medium blue, red, coral. Sizes 32 to 38 in the group. 1.79 .00 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON Special Price, each .. 3 for TATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 209 Have your hearing aid checked on an electrical tester, and cleaned by an expert. Hearing Aid Repair Service And Diagnostic Clinic On Saturday, April 23rd. Mr. K. Jakowidis, one of eur trained hearing aid consultants, will be at EATON'S to check and clean your hearing aid, regardless of the make, WITHOUT CHARGE. Do come in and take advantage of this EATON Service for the hard-of-hearing! K. JAKOWIDIS Phone RA 5-7373, Store Manager's Office, for an Appointment ~ "Can you imagine . . . last year this precious little fur was just an old fur coat !" EATON'S Fur Remodelling Experts can work 'wonders' on worn, out-dated fur coats! They re-fashion them into jackets, cape jackets, capes or stoles from the latest fashion designs and the prices include custom cleaning and relining. Prices: 89.50 for a jacket; 79.50 for a cape-jacket; 69.50 for a cape; 59.50 for a stole; yh slightly higher prices for luxury urs. Phone RA 5-7373, Fur Salon EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 1048 Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9

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