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The Oshawa Times, 25 Apr 1960, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 25, 1960 Today's Stock M TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS wights, xw--EX-Warrants.) INDUSTRIALS Stock Sales High Low 11 Abitibi 130 $37% 37% Abit pr 21% Alta Gas 21% Algoma 34% Alumini 38% BCF 4% pr BCE 5 pr BC Pow Brown Build Prod Bullochs A Bullochs B Burns Cal Pow C1 Fndry Can Malt Can Malt pr € Bank Com Cdn Brew C Colleries C Fairbks B C Hydro Car CPR CWN Gis 5% Coch ill Comb Ent Con Gas Copp Clark Creative Ttle Crush Int Dist Seag D Fndry D Magnes Stock Ford US 100 Fndtn 150 Fr Pete pr 200 Gat's pr 50 $0: Genl Deviop 3615 GMC 210 GP Drill A 140 GN Gas wt 300 GN G B wt 400 GW Coal A 2 Gr Wpg vt Gr Wpg 56wt 40 20 Gr Wp S8wt 20 . Greyhnd 100 225 35 350 MB and PR 1574 ass-F 350 Mass-F 5% p 220 Mex LP 380 Nor Star A 100 N Star 57 wt 500 Page Hers 250 § Roe AV C 925 Royal Bank 220 Royal Bk rt 3490 St Maurice 1000 Salada-8 275 Shawin 100 Simpsons 50 Stand W 100 Steel Can 19 Steinbg A 200 Texaco Can 30 'Thornclf 220 Tor Dom Bk zI5 $5 260 100 100 1305 200 Tor Elev Tor Iron A T Fin 57 wt Tr Can PL Trans Mt Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Tw C Gas Un Gas U Corp B U Fuel B Wainwr Walk GW Wi Weston A Wi fei So8¥ BReE TA & Teles =Sax 14% 350 +50 21% + % MW --% Anacon Anglo Hur ot Stock Sales High Lew 11 a.m. Ch'ge 150 425 43 a5 Ld ~ Bgsg smpegusEs SEEERIA8S 83 - = # Io = id 1 arket Listings on Toronto A Arcadia Bankeno + ++ Lio ob exsy Sugrclne s 8 eysy Sugrsiae 5 sEcEreey. S¥SERZEN EY et % = H Pam Int Nickel Irish Cop B.Buvadzgetet B.Buaadys Bel oy ot Block Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge 000 3 3» » 1 S§agtstoe gagdsdan +1 ~F = ° g ) sx Ll Llple) Ee _-- --- EeBausulocBleny SE 2 - Se atak. 7 5 esisEansul alien Syagisten £38 EH EA LEER EE TE HEH EH 10% 10% 10% -- % 151 3 2 BEa8 s 5S 10 101 17 283 13 1 500 30 30 30 $14% 13% 13% 225 225 225 1000 10 235 $101% 1100 122 -1 Am W Malar Willroy Wiltsey Yale Young HG Sales fo 11 a.m. sess stE s¥E8.. 22 s888..02 =. 3 git. graluassnnisl ore - = ee - = t 3 HHH git. gualinoas safal Sigal. fualuane ys L Sevy L] § 85 = & Bea & H] 100 1600 a 2500 110 500 000 S00 1900 500 3080 1730 500 1000 2440 1000 500 400 400 2520 555 1000 5100 500 1000 82S. seB Su. sBeSsadsnlan. vt FELT TTI TIS 19-PT 59 IY ES L Lead 488,000. "CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 50--Articles for Sale 52--Legal Notices 52--Legal Notices 52--Legal Notices Ethic Code Is Proposed For Sports OTTAWA (CP) -- A priest- philosopher says the time has come to draw up a code of ethics for sports. Rev. Herve Marcoux, the Uni. versity of Ottawa's chairman of athletics, said athletics are not an end but a means. "They are a discipline to help achieve the harmony of the com- posite reality that is man, in a rigorous self - mastery," he said in an address to the Roman Ca- Sholie university's athletic ban- quet, "'Athletics should not be looked upon as the principal planet around which the satellite 'study' revolves. Our vision must ex- tend far beyond the limits of the campus. Athletics, both profes- sional and non - professional, have taken on an added import- ance in our day. "They have entered the sanc- tuary of the home with greater impact, through such a medium as television. They are the con- cern of parents, educators, sports writers and commentators, as well as of public authority on various levels and in diverse spheres. "The moment has come when we should work on a code of sthies for athletics and all they Father Marcoux said rts writers are taking "praiseworthy initiative in reporting "certain NEW Remington Quiet-riter typewriter, $100 or best offer, RA 5-0719. {Continued from Page 20) 50--Articles for Sale 15% FOOT fa runabout, excellent for skiing, $495. MO 8-4604. LOVE seat with chair to ma S0---Articles for Sole TW! studio couch wanted, must be clean BICYCLES, girl's and boy's racer, also table lathe, phone RA 5-4668. FOUR used 21" TV sets, consoles and $79 each. Hurry TRIO _ (CONTENTS of four room apartment, 16,| refrigerator, stove, washing machine, 16, TV, chen chairs, table etc. 121 Pine Street, thy. table models 1 Telgvision, 171 Bond Street East. LADY'S suit, medium blue, size Lady's coat, beige, fitted, size exgellent condition. RA 5-5676. Wheel trailer with racks, $50; 81s0|-- for large window, rug 6' 10° 85-5281. | JIACKET hea ter, |pipes. RA 13-3896. tch, drapes x9. R hot water tank and ' ONE full length wedding gown with tehi perfect RA 80013 after 5 p.m. QUANTITY of plywood cement forms, 081. reasonable. Telephone RA 5-7081. tion; also CCM, size 28", RA 85-0698 PHILLIPS racer In very good condi- 's Dial| LIMITED quantity of plywood panels, suitable for building garage or cottage. |Telephone RA 5-7081, chesterfield, bedroom suite, LARGE select] of TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim- coq Street North, TRUCK tires with tubes and . wheels, sig# 7.50-20, heavy duty, 10 ply rayon, like new, all four $280. Portable air compressor unit, $30. Gas engine 6 hp Wisconsin, $65 Six alr compressor units, stationary and one portable, from $130 to $289. Coleman space heater, $23. AC Volt Ammeter GE, $45, Extension cable, air hoses, torch, typewriters, in- eluds Ukrainian, electric fans, pipe threading dies, floor lamp, electric heaters, GM car radio, office cabinet, | | welding rods cast iron, portable mantel radio, IBM time punch clock, fluores. | cent fixtures and bulbs, emery cloth and discs, electric fuel pump 6 volts apd windshield wiper, punches, gaskets PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. |All colors Guaranteed flat, gloss. Oshawa Hardware Church Street. RA 3-7624. $10 DOWN, delivers a new refrigerator, range, washer ar TV. 25 per cent off on small GE appliances. Barons', 426 Sim- coe Street South | NU-WAY Rug Co., has been appointed | distributor for Filter Queen Vacuum [RA 51202 or RA 35-0433 |sEtiiNG furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators. TV's, washers, planos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con. tact 19 prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. kit- and Electric, 8 {B. ¥. GOODRICH Stores ~ tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerator, tele. vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, RA 5-4543. USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % HP motors $5 to $10, guaranteed reconditioned washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hampton, CO 3-224 USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4543. ONE Frigidaire electric stove, Coldwall refrigerator, Bendix automatic washer. yea 5-3117. |SPECIAL. Plastic wall tile, all colors, |in 4% x 4% sqares, 29c sq. fi. Phone TWO boys' bicycles, one racer, one junior size. Apply Texaco Station, 380 Simcoe Street th or call RA 5-4360. RE: "TENDERS FOR WINDOW CLEANING" Tenders, addressed to the undersigned, will be received until 5:00 p.m, y 1960, for the cleaning of the windows of Halli Manor, 620 Richmond , Eost, OSHAWA, Ontario. Prospective tenderers should contoct Mr, H. Boris, Core- taker of Apartment Block "B", Hallidey Manor, to ascertain the omount of work to be done, before sub- mitting o tender, The lowest or any tender not ily OSHAWA, ONT.' TENDERS FOR ST. HEDWIG'S SCHOOL Sealed tenders plainly mark- ed as to contents, will be received by the undersigned not later than 5:00 p.m. FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1960 for construction of e four classroom addition. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the office of the Architect, upon de posit of $50.00 for each set of documents. Drawings may be seen at the occepted. H. E TRIPP, Treasurer, Oshowe Housing Co, Ltd, $0 Centre St., OSHAWA, Ont. Office of the Architect, oronto, Toronto Builders' Exchange, School Board Office, 357 Simcoe St, South, Oshawa. Deposits will be returned to SONY radio, $49.95, with ene RUG for sale, 9 x 12. Apply 170 Athol Street East. | and many others, to be sold reg | of cost Apply 597 Simcoe Street South RA 59216, at any time. NEW furniture bargains: S-plece ches- terfields (airfoam), reduced to 189; 5- piece bedroom suite, only $129.50; 36" continental beds complete, only $32.50; sny size continental beds, smooth tops, $40.50; ounk beds with spring matiress, $88, arborite step tables, $5.95 and up; ece chrome sets, only $45; 2-plece bed chesterfields, $69.50; chrome chairs | GURNEY heavy duty electric range, good condition, reasonable. RA 3-3581. LLOYD baby carriage, grey, in good condition, $25, Telephone RA 3-3153. CHESTERFIELD and chair, $30; 20 Collier' d $80. | this model. year guarantee, Free leather case with Meagher's, 5 King Street West, RA 3.3428, TWO rugs, oriental design, sew, § x 12 private. RA 3-2000, HEAVY duty range; cleaner. Phone RA 35-8084 also vacuum s Phone RA 8-1264. LLOYD carriage; 1 white bath; 1 erib; A-1 condition. Phone Whitby MO 8-3101. REFRIGERATOR, three years old, good condition. RA 5-4970, BABY buggy, six-way Lloyd, ia good condition, $25, yellow and white, con- verts to car bed, stroller, ete. Call RA 5-6118 after § p.m. CITY OF OSHAWA COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given thot the first sitting of the Court of Revision will take place in bidders when all documents are returned in good order within 30 days of closing date of tender. A 10% Bid Bond shall be in- cluded with the tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, GEORGE C. N. TONKS, Architect, S7 Bloor St. West, Toronto, OSHAWA ONT. TENDERS FOR ST. GERTRUDE'S SCHOOL Sealed tenders plaintly mark- ed as to contents, will be received by the undersigned not itar than 5:00 p.m. MONDAY, MAY 9, 1960 for construction of @ four- classroom, two-storey addi- tion. Plans end specifications ma be obtained from the office pi 1 the Architect, upon deposit or $50.00 for eoch set of documents. Drawings may be seen at the following places: Office of the Architect, Toronto, Toronto Builders' Exchange, School Board Office, 357 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Deposits will be retuned to bidders when all documents ore returned In good order within 30 days of closing date of tender. A 10% Bid Bond shall be included with the tender. Lowest or ony tender not necessarily accepted, GEORGE C. N, TONK, Architect, 57 Bloor St. West, pr y s, and even evils that are inherent in sport." It is my belief that sports writers and commentators can do much to assure that our pub- lic athletics spectacles will dem- onstrate competition that is of high calibre; to assure that this competition, both in its nature and in its conduct, is in keeping with the dignity of man, and to contribute to the education of the crowds who throng our stadia, so that these crowds will never re. semble the throngs of the Circus Hnsir of Pajau Rome, where was t - ten the pki Sd Ns of the death sentence had ibeen passed rning down the thumb." by =n of Dyrol Burleson US. Miler Sets American Mark EUGENE, Ore. (AP) -- Dyrol Burleson of Oregon summoned a final burst of speed and ran the pring ri of Ernie Cunliffe asd world record is 3:54.5, set by Australia's Herb Elliot. Burleson is the first runner to meet the Olympic ifying standard for the 1,500 tres at Rome. A runner must do 4:020 this year to be able te the 1,500 in 3:45 or the mile in compete in the 1960 Olympics. Besides that, he must finish 1-28 in the U.§. Olympics trials. won The qual me mile in 3:58.86 Saturday, the fast- est ever run by an American. The slender 19-year-old trailed for three laps, then hurtled past Saturday, in the Oregon-Stas- ford track meet Cunliffe finished in 4:00.4, also qualifying for the Olymples. grass pasture . . . get your ani protein content. gains and bigger milk cheques ++. while you save on feeding costs! Ask your fertilizer dealer for Acro Urea. ad oT. M. Regd. Strathroy Rockets Retain Sr. B Title STRATHROY, Ont, Str.. roy Rockets won or for B Ontario Hockey Association championship here Friday night by beating Welland - Crowland Combines 6-4 in the sixth game of a best-of-seven series. Strathroy won the champion ship last year by beat same team in the Mo i Deep in high protein pasture up to 3 weeks ahead of schedule! New, active AERO UREA® helps you grow lush, nutritious mals grazing profitably up te 3 weeks ahead of the normal time. Aeto Urea is a 45% nitrogen fertilizer, prilled for easy hand- ling. Top dressed in spring, it releases immediately available nitrogen to get the pasture off to a quick start--with high Pasture is your cheapest feed. So let Acro Urea get your animals grazing sooner. ..they make profitable weight AERO UREA <i a FULL EFFICIENCY NITROGEN CYANAMID OF CANADA LIMITED This Product Available From MASTER FEEDS WHITE - COOPER SMITH CO. & SON BARGAINS: 2-plece chesterfield, $29; two iach $19.50; Norge dryer, $98; almost mew 'frig, $119; gol top desk, $18; dining room suite, 59; Toronto, Hendon Captures Amateur Soccer Cup LONDON (Reuters) -- Hendon snatched a dramatic 2-1 victory Saturday over Kingstonians in the English amateur soccer cup final by scoring twice in the last four minutes. $8.95 each; chest drawers, » $16.95 and ap. Try Community Furni- ture at our two locations, 19 snd 24 Prince Street, RA $1131. Cash or terms. OUTBOARD motor, new, $95; Coleman lagtern, $12.95; small ofl space heater, used, $19.50; Finley gas range, 22 in. automatic, new, $15! itehall 23-3491, VAOUUM cleaner, repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair fee. RA §-0591 anytime, THREE hp garden tractor plough and eultivator. RA 8-8208. WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture, Pretty's Used Furni- ture Store, RA 3-327], 444 Simcoe South AWNINGS, plain eolors or gay stripes Prompt service, Free estimates, Order now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simeoe North, the Council Chamber, City Hall, 50 Centre Street, on Wednesday, May 11th, aot 7:30 p.m., to hear appeals against charges for side- walks, sewers, aranulor bases and pavements, which have been constructed as locol im- provements, DATED aot Oshawa this 25th doy of April, 1960, L. R. BARRAND, City Clerk HEAD OFFICE FOR THE OSHAWA BOARD OF PARK MANAGEMENT Segled tenders will be re- ceived by the City Clerk, Osh- awa, until 2 p.m. Wednes- day, May 11th, Drawings and Specifications may be obtained from Wil- liam R. Milne, Architect, 53 Albert Street, Oshowe, upon deposit of $25. Lowest or any tender may not be accepted. City Clerk, Oshawa. ORFU Senior Clubs Name Dates, May 7 SARNIA (CP) -- The Ontario Rugby Football Union's senior teams at a meeting Saturday de- cided to draft the 1960 schedule in Kitchener May 7. All four 1959 clubs, the cham- pion Sarnia Golden Bears, Kitch- ener-Waterloo Dutchmen, London Lords and Detroit Raiders were represented. The league's new championship trophy was formally presented at the meeting by members of the Sarnia Touchdown Club. It is be- ing presented in memory of two former Sarnia gridiron greats and will be known as the Norm Perry-Orm Beach Memorial. BASEBALL SCORES By THE CANADIAN PRESS Eastern Canada Women's Sr. B, Toronto 46 St. Lambert 45 (Toronto wing title 94-83) Ontario Intermediate A St. Thomas 62 Brockville 58 (First of two-game ftotal-point finals) Renfrew Invitational RCAF Uplands 54 Pembroke 42 (RCAF wins title) SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH ' FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial 5-5332 30" HD stove, $129; bed ends and springs, $9; four el-ciric shavers, $9 TV, $89. Phone RA 8-1131 or come in TV, $89. Phone RA 8 '131 or come in at our two locations, 19 and 24 Prince Street. Community Furniture Store. GURNEY combination coal and gas range with shelf, ivory, $15. RA 5-18832. PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 Ali colors. Guaranteed. Oshawa Hardware and Church Street, RA 3-764. '52 GARDEN ftractor, 63% HP with all attachments; truck' with 4" diaphrigm pump, fugal pump, with hose, reasonable. MA 3-5076. VAUXHALL ==" Arnprio? ontario susmery panied: Estimates free. Serv- A c, 8 . Electrohome, R.C.A. Victor, 1960 Admiral, Westinghouse. The finest In TV. Hi-Fi ond service. PARKWAY T.V, QUICK RELIEF FROM TORMENTING PILES (without pain or discomfort) For generations, regular a como ealing 4 erally occa Pile Ly in the aew distress of intern: tant i d of interna occa Ointment~--plus many other medically proved in; ts for and shrin! ng painful Piles, and healing comfort, If you have inflamed or why suffer need) the new {mproved tul MECCA PILE REMEDY Ne. V Make syr= vou ask for MECCA and the tri proved relief that Mecca No. 1 ean bring Jou. 51--Swap and Barter 918 SIMCOE NORTH BATH sets, sump pumps, pressure os systems, steel sinks and cabinets, fur- HOME freezer, good condition, chest RA 3-3043 nace, boller and rads, electric pop type, 12 cu. ft., hold approximately 500] cooler, serv-all grill, piping and fit. Ibs, Call MO 8.5152. Private. | tings (all kinds). H. Chinn RA 3.7088. BABYLAND Bargainst New styie| ROTARY POWER MOWERS 52--Legal Notices smart metal body carriages, converts $37.95 up FOR SALE te car bed, many colors, lowest price in t , $37. Large full pane atone enh, half price, ss #8. Spring - filled MARINE STORAGE erib matt , $9.88, PY ns, $8.88. High chair, 87.88, Strollers, 85 88. Wil. & SUPPLY LTD. son's Furniture, 20 Church Street. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO OL 5-3641 A three-storey Business Block, centrally located in the Town of Whitby, with the first y Seed, Siseonts BOATING floor equipped for Resouront and one of a , Serta, Vi t Sil purposes. acant possession Beverly, Marshall, Si ns, reduced * : Tole se rom $5 Conan SPECIAL on closing. For further infor: Maple or Walnut, price Somplete, $58. -a-way cots complete with mat 25 pp motor, trailer, all tress, $16.95. Wilson's Furniture, 20 controls and equipment, $995. uged. Complete selection. We finance our own accounts. Terms to suit your budget. See Dominion Tire Store, NO. 2 HWY, AT AJAX Ph, WH 2-4080 r Ojai ul ror rolled Hi al has oll special, t attacking ding Pik ndiher day?--get Restonie, BEDDING bargains, Real low "prices! Spring - filled mattresses, guaranteed construction, Reg. $29.05 -- Wilson's low price, $16.88. Smooth top high qual. ity beds, spring - filled Mutdy construction, 12-1. fibre-glass run-a-boats mation, write: mismatched tickings, single sizes, 8. t - Sion, clearance. price, $14.50 12 hep Scot motor, Cano- | JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C, beds, complete with ribbon ian - Explorer trailer, com- 14% King Street Eost, matiresses, guard rail and pletely equipped, $895. Osh Ortari . 13' moulded plywood boat, awe, tario, Church Street. - NORGE gas _ range, good condition. Reasonable. Telephone RA 59148. While they last. Canadien BOATS, motors and trailers, new and| Explorer camp trailers, com- plete, Reg. $405 - $319. Trades accepted. Terms ar- Church and Bond renged. # FOOT moulded plywood boat, wind. shield, lights and steering. RA 5-2020, BABY carriage, Lloyd deluxe, yellow and grey, like mew, converts to bassin. ette, car bed, or stroller. OLiver 5-3033. Py COMPLETE CAREFREE HEATING The Best Quality Obtainable--Full of Heat--Clean FUEL OIL . . Burning From Delivery. SERVICE. . . Efficient--Prompt--Day or Night by Factory Trained EQUIPMENT Courteous Workmen. Oil Furnaces in various price ranges--sized to your TINSMITHING , LIFE INSURANGE needs. PAYMENT ; ght Mr. Johnson, the unly thing that's small about Vauxhall is the running cost! Vauxhall's large interior accommodates five people and the trunk takes all their lnggaga. Vauxhall is big in everything but running costs, and of course, price, You cas ¢heck that at your local Vauxhall dealers. --_ Vawdhall THE BRITISH CAR BUILT AND BACKED BY GENERAL MOTORS . . . SERVICE EVERYWHERE IN NORTH AMERSA CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA ONT. WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED WHITBY, ONT. Tailor made "in our factory" warm and cold air ducts to your requirements, on time payment equipment purchases. up to five years on oil burners or furnaces, Convenient monthly payments on oil, / YOU CAN BE SURE IF Irs... won DIXON'S noe ® BOWMANYILLE © OSHAWA ¢ AJAX © WHITBY NO TOLL CHARGE FROM BOWMANVILLE AND AJAX -- SEE ZENITH NUMBER THEY'RE SO SERVING THE PUBLIC FOR MORE THAN FIFTY YEARS GOOD TASTING A en Cu AIS yy re

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