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The Oshawa Times, 25 Apr 1960, p. 2

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--- 1960 2 THe OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 25, 'CANADA FAR BETTER OFF U.S. Unions | the ship's management and Ms crew. { EASY PROCEDURE 1 All the picketing union has le establish, to continue legal pick- .S. Defence Help May Picket wore re By HAROLD MORRISON |Bomarc and the smaller-range Canadian Press Staff Writer [Nike missile programs would WASHINGTON (CP) -- T he|have been thrown out and money United States agreement to pay spent on replacing obsolete equip- two-thirds of the cost of provid- ment in the U.S. long - range 4 ing Canada with two Bomarc-B bomber striking force. | * |missile squadrons has been crit-| The subcommittee was con- icized by Republican Senator|sidering the air force proposal to Henry C. Dworshak of Idaho. He| reduce its Bomarc money ap- maintains Canada is far better off propriations for the mext fiscal financially than the U.S. {year to $40,400,000 from the $421,- "We are borrowing money t0|500,000 originally requested and to modernize our own defence estab-| educe Bomarc missile deploy- lishment," he said during an/ment to north eastern United April 12 closed-door session of the states, The two Canadian squad- Senate defence appropriations | rong would be at North Bay, Ont., subcommittee. "Canada is in a znd Mont Laurier, Que. |tar better financial shape than we| go ior Leverett Saltonstall, are. How do we Justify that kind| yr. csachusetts Republican, said [of arrangement? : that if the air force favors such a | The testimony, now being Pro- gary reduction in the approoria-| cessed for publication, shows his; why mot halt the program al- | ig |e ns was directed to Gen, together | #4 [Times 5 te, Oe that! White argued that of money al- "% |whil ' | ready allocated, about $1,500,000, y while Canada may be better off| rp il | _ |financially--and he wasn't so sure|000 had been spent and sanella- | of this--"populationwise, they are|tion of the program oul mesa] very much smaller than we are."| "We would get nothing worth-| IS | Dworshak: "They don't have while for our money Ca 2-| |the same awareness that we do tion costs and wastage involved 4 |of the need for building up their| would be "regrettable" if the re- |defence posture then?" | White: "I think they do.' OUT WITH BOTH | The discussion that followed is {stricken from what will be the | printed version pleted. COMPLETING PROGRAM Saltonstall: "In other words, what you are doing in spending y of the testimony $40,000,000 is to complete the pro- but Senator Stuart Symington, gram you are now in." bi Missouri Democrat, said later| White: "That is correct, that if he had his way the whole' Saltonstall: "How does that af- HH Ross Barron of RR 1, Have- | by boat after an inspection tour | Crowe River area near Bel- lock, 25 miles east of Peter- | of the flood area surrounding | mont Lake, which is reported borough, returns to his home | his house. He lives in the ! to be six feet above its normal summer level. CP Wirephoto 6 Students Man Vanished Toronto Resolution [imei ts Near Denver "NAZISM AT ITS WORST' get ehnoting. A foreman at Coors' Adolph Coors Til|nlace along the mountain fringes e executive t [2 near his home not far told authorities he saw a yellow Rapped By Senator fect United States relations with WASHINGTON Against Apartheid By BRUCE LEVETT Canadian Press Staff Writre TORONTO (CP) -- An orderly seized erowd of 2,800 persons Sunday| which, emergency regulations. His one of his it said, distorted night cheered a resolution calling tions there for South Africa to abolish the iniquities of apartheid or get out WILL RESIGN of the Commonwealth ar-|/South Africa are "essentially the rest came after the government | product of the Nazi spirit." dispatches A cheque from the United condi-| Electrical Workers union was ac- | companied by a resolution urging Prime Minister Diefenbaker y "take his hand from the national | Dr. B. Njisani, professor of mouth of Canada' and condemn way They also poured: nearly $4,000 sociology at Natal University now the policies of the y to South African fmto collection plates and cheered)teaching in the United States, government. speakers who called for a boycott was the principal speaker. on South African goods and re-|said that because of new regula- internal situation|tions segregating white and black faculty members, he would re- ferred to the there as 'Nazism at its worst." The crowd, which nearly filled sign from the university. Massey Hall, responded with a Prime Minister Diefenbaker: rod As Dr. Njisani stood speaking scream of "'aye" when master of|(, friends at the end of the meet- eeremonies actor Barry Morse j, read the resolution to be sent to! hic 'hand and disappeared into the| igh A {ecrowd. The note, written in Afri- This meeting resolves that the| xaang promised that Dr Niisani Canadian government protestiy, iq never return to South Af- a man pressed a note into| most strongly the lack of basic pica freedoms and the condition of ra- elal segregation (apartheid) in South Africa, and asks that these subjects be pressed at the Com- monwealth prime ministers' con- ference. "SHOULD WITHDRAW" "Maybe I'll kill you myself to night," signed, "A Boer.' Rabbi Abraham Feinberg, who |seconded the resolution, said he {had passed up a memorial meet- ing to the "6,000,000 Jews slaugh- said the note. It "This meeting further resolves tered by the Nazis." that if these wrongs continue, South Africa, having withdrawn from the Commonwealth in spirit, "I am here in their name,' said, because the ideologies was should withdraw in fact." There was no dissenting voice. The rally was sponsored by the Committee of Concern for HORROR MINUTES He res ' he aBainst Christ," he said 'of Christian church is a family and Protestant Union Urged By Minister WINDSOR (CP) Rt. Rev Angus J. Macqueen, moderator of the United Church of Canada,| said Saturday night there should| be union between the Protestant faiths. "Dissension and disunion go "the God intended it to be one." Dr. MacQueen was addressing the banquet of the Brotherhood of Anglican Churchmen, Huron dio- cese, at its annual conference. | ea Bank Holdup ' SANTA ROSA, Calif. (AP)-- Iron bars convinced six college | students Sunday that nobody thinks bank robbery is funny-- even if it is only simulated and is on Character Day when you're supposed dress up and have fun The six -- five Santa Rosa | Junior College male students and a co-ed--learned the hard Friday after authorities booked them on federal bank robbery charges. Unable to make $5,000 ch, Pat Marcucci, 19; Frank Palmieri Jr., 20; Alan Sutter, | 18; Bob Lindsten, 18; John | Cabel, 19, and Frank Priori, 21, | stayed in the Santa Rosa jail | They're to be transferred to- | day to Sacramento for a hear | ing before a U.S. commissioner. | The six dressed in Roaring | '20s style for the school's an- nual Character Day. Pat, a brunette song leader, imper- | sonated a flapper. The fellows | wore oversized overcoats, der- | bies and caps and dark glasses. They had an arsenal of toy guns--sub machine gun, sawed. off shotgun, two BB guns and four pistols They invited a newspaper photographer to come along when they strolled into the downtown Bank of America branch Friday. | Pat, smoking a cigaret from | a long holder, handed a note | to a teller demanding change for $1. She got two 50 cent to bail | | from this little suburban Denver | car similar to Corbett's in the vi- | community. |cinity of the spot where Coors' It was Tuesday, Feb, 9. The 44- station wagon was found aban- year-old Coors had left home at |doned. 7:55 a.m. to drive the 12 miles to| the Coors brewery in Golden. He|TWO THEORIES never arrived. Corbett escaped in 1956 from a His station wagon was found Prison farm at Chino, Calif., € a small| Where he was serving a term for abandoned at the edge of 1 bridge spanning Turkey Creek. |Secohd degree murder committed in 1951, The engine was running: The ra- dio was playing. There are two theories regard The bridge railing and seat of ing Corbett: Some contend his dis. the station wagon were splattered appearance was merely a coinci with blood. Downstream fro: : pridge were found Coors' long- have placed him on the 10 most- m the|dence and that the FBI would & hipping By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer (CP) The Canada?" United States Supreme Court has White: "Bear in mind that this in effect assured U.S. unions of the ship's policy, in paying low wages to its crew and conducting sub-s t and ard work conditions, threatens the jobs of American seamen and longshoremen. Protect your family's future by giving to the Oshawa General Hospital Building Fund. is an executive (closed) session. Wide power to wage We worked this out very carefully| War against low-priced foreign with the Canadian air force. {shipping entering American Saltonstall: "Do you want this|ports, including the Great Lakes off the record entirely?" and St. Lawrence Seaway. White: "I think it would be bet-| The court's 840-1 ruling, ter as a general rule to do so." handed down April 11, also has The conversation that followed international poli tical implica- against is stricken from the rec-|tions, distressing to the U.S. state ords. |department. One incident has al- Dworshak chimed in later|ready emerged in a New York with the statement that if the Bo- harbor in the picketing of an marc "is not desirable for our| Arabian ship. U.S. defences, then why is it de-, In a major victory for orga- sirable for Canadian defences?' nized labor, the court ruled that "It is desirable for both Canada/no U.S. federal court can grant and the United States to the de-|injunctions prohibiting U.S. un- gree, in our judgment, that we|ions from picketing foreign ships have now asked for it," White re- in American waters, even if there plied. lis no direct labor dispute between |duced program was not com-| visored cap and his eye glasses. wanted criminal list for the Cali- fornia prison escape even if Coors TOP COLORADO MYSTERY |hadn't vanished. These were the clues that day-- The other theory is that the the day that touched off perhaps| .qiery of Coors' disappearance WAY SOUTH Canadian Prime Minister John Diefenbaker tries on gift sombrero today at rodeo given fhe Featent mystery in Colorado| iyo" ivad when authorities io istory. { v These are mostly the clues {o.| cate and question Corbett. ~~ | day . more than 10 weeks Ask the ol what ous later, State and federal author- about S308 Sheory und tie an, ities appear no closer to solving|SWer's 8 : ment. the mystery than they were a few hours after the muscular, quiet- spoken Coors dropped from sight Officers concluded immediately Coors was kidnapped. They began a search as Coors' wife, Mary, and four children waited. Nothing happened. Finally, Mrs. Coors asked offi- cers to abandon their search hop- ing against hope this action would give the kidnapper--if there was one--an opportunity to eontact the family. RANSOM DEMANDS Party Study Fears U.S. Domination | LONDON (Reuters) -- A Con- |servative party study group Sun- t eial who is also holding spurs. in his honor in Mexico City. Wi The sombrero was presented by Dr. Alfredo D, Baker, an offi- irephoto MOST HOT WATER at LOWEST COST with a NATURAL GAS RENTAL WATER | ONLY $1 7 wor | Fully Guaranteed. 5 SERVICE, MAINTENANCE and INSTALLATION pry Bo Rd | Water heats 3 times faster' Costs less, Too! RA 3-3468 SUPPORT THE HOSPITAL DRIVE! 4 4 Two Teen-Rgers "| Charged In Theft OSHAWA | TOMORROW NIGHT BARRIE (CP) -- Two Toronto teen-agers were charged Satur-| day with auto theft, criminal neg- | ligence and driving without a li-| cence after a 25-mile chase dur-| ing which police fired five shots. | No one was hurt. | Charged are Franklin Sharpe, 17, who will appear in court here Wednesday, and a 15-year-old who will be arraigned in juve nile court Today. Police said the vehicle--a dairy 6:30 p.m All Citizens Are Urged To Stay At Home . « « TO RECEIVE the cancer canvasser . . , please leave your Porch Lights ON ? BLITZED)| . to 9 p.m. truck--was driven in darkness went the 18 or 20 of|d8y expressed fears Canada South Africa, made up of church- {might become politically domi- men, educationists, politicians, sports figures, members of the arts, newspaper men and labor] leaders Pierre Berton, Toronto Star eolumnist who interviewed fellow- Notes arrived. Some them. Most of them made ran- HH 4 {som demands of as high as $500,- nated by the United States. [000. Officers had no way to tell Speakers at the Conservative |whether even one of them was Commonwealth Council, an unof- genuine, and none was followed ficial largely non-parliamentary of utter stupidity," |up {study group, criticized American IN CAR WRECK VANCOUVER (CP) -- John Beutel and his wife, trapped Saturday for 15 minutes in their overturned car in a water-filled ditch in suburban Richmond screamed for help Emphasizing that his opinions| pieces were personal as a minister of A teller, reminded of her ex- the United Church, Dr. MacQueen| perience in a real bank holdup, said he favors inter-communica- screamed. A bank official called tion between denominations and| police who arrested the stu- freer interchange of pulpits 'now dents. {and not after union." "An act without he ad lights, wrong direction on a one-way street in this city, straddled a two-lane highway for 25 miles, forcing 30 other cars off the road, and was driven for 10 miles with) two tires deflated by police bul-| lets. | President Ran- | Coors' family remained in se-|domination of the Canadian econ- | clusion omy, American Jeadersiip o - February disappeared. Most of|nadian labor unions an ng March passed. Then came what|British immigration into Canada. may or may not be a significant] Presenting the report of the |development. The date was March Canada study group to the coun- 2). It was an eec.|cil, B. G, Irvine, sewspaper man Norman Phillips on the stage, said the money would be smuggled into South Africa to aid families of persons killed during recent riots The money would be sent to the Christian Action Fund in London be said, and from there it would #9 to South Africa Mr. Phillips, foreign news editor of the Star, was expelled| from South Africa after being detained several days under He also favored reception into| 52id college dolph Newman a united church without re-bap- Brunette Patricia tism or re-confirmation and a asked the jail matron (mutually acceptable ministry; a "How long will 1 have |sympat hetic consideration for serve? When will I get out? iscopacy s 0 Je Tl 4 n . " J a 3: 0d Sovern WEI Lb LL pg? (CP) caped California killer, Joseph |of the group, said | ' a} Ls N, bE ¢ 'orbett, Jr, ! E sappeared| * [ §| i i wreckers and the Beutels |gether; more practical co-opera-|Harness racing is to be held in Fig is I 3h aa di g aed ( aa, 2900 Bs Hish Westman: were safe. tion at the local level; and more stadium in this Hertfordshire after Coors' disappearance jopen conversation with other de-|"garden city." The races will . " ine | United Stat nominations. Irun on a converted cinder track.| Corbett, living under the alia nited States. ---------- --- - of Walter Oshorne, wae rn| "By 1958 the British figure was the FBI's list of the $3.100.000000 and the United wanted criminals. The FBI wil [States $14,600,000,000, All this de- neither confirm nor deny very serious eontempla- Corbett, son of a Seattle {newspaper man as they watched the water | inch up on them and felt the trapped air they were breath- ing grow stuffier. Then Mr, Beutel could shout no more because the water had covered his mouth. The next moment the car was lifted out by police and stunned, to revealed that placed 10 most that | serves Wash {ton " Is a suspect | On American influence over NE: AMERY ' ( in i rv said It RELATIVES IN CANADA anadian unions, Irvine sa Corbett is known to have rela N%% alarming to see how many i i ne | CH i ions had American tives in Canada hot authorities | | yang unions d haven't disclosed where | leadership. : "Two years ago I visited New A week after Corhett left Den x at | ver police at Atlantle City, N.J., | York and during my visit called {found an automobile blazing on a | eity dump. . The vehicle contained | "1 was unable to see id | the same engine number as a vel-[(UAW) president, Mr Walter | {low sedan purchased by Corbett| Reuther, because he was in Can lin January The ownership was|ada attending to union business tracted to Walter Oshorne of Den. [there it struck me as surprising ver [that the presence of an Corbett in known to he a gun|can labor leader should be re {enthusiast Acquaintances sald helquired for Canadian union af-| went into the mountaine alone on! fairs' | | ll | ~ Sore Muscles? Get Fast Relief with Large Sie Unbreakable Bottle the chairman| $1.050,000,000 com-| [pared with $168,000,000 from the | COLDS Sore Throat INSTANT RELIEF generations of Conodien | LEAN TENDER and congestion. ® Apply it worm SLICED --rub it In. | BY wha £1 Breakfast BACON LEAN | THOMAS' DR ECLE TROUD! Tuesday and Wednesday Only! Sensational Meat Features! CLUB STEAKS MINCED BEEF [at the AFL-CIO, | # SKINLESS ». 39. Ib. 29. Jus. 1 Ib. 29. CTRIC OIL | WIENERS Ameri: |" YES... CeauValley Is Lovely Isn't It Prices for these Drea range from $15,950 with down payments The ANTISEPTIC Liniment OLYMPEN TESTED AND APPROVED OLLE ROYALTY AT THE RACES Princess Margaret uses a | Jones, watch the cross-country | Friday. Their big event will long cigaret holder as she and | event of the Badminton horse come on May 6, their wedding | day # --AP Wirephote | See... HARRY MILLEN, REALTOR RA 8.1679 SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOC. RA 3.2265 soND ... You Can Afford It Too! RISTOW & OLSEN, REALTORS RA 5.6165 DON HOWE, REALTOR RA 5.7732 m Homes upwards as low as $3,150. «++ TODAY! her fiance, Anthony Armstrong- | trials at Badminton, England,

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