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The Oshawa Times, 26 Apr 1960, p. 18

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50--Articles for Sole 107 | 154 runsbout, . exoellent 50---Articles For Sole hi furniture, \" Ura , () your ture Blore, RA 33271, 444 Simeoe sovta/ 0 Hil, 10%. S, 1¢ FOOT moulded hull boat, ¢ wide carriage, 3' deep, open deck, leather tpholatery, | nerter. conation, V3, Rs seat Saves, I Jo 5» Doon GURNEY heavy duty electric ing ne Briar ie' yay? [0 eondtion, seasonal. . RA LADY'S spring coat, size 16, $15; formal, size 14, $10; blue dron baby $20; table lamp ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to (RA 8-6827, 20 per cent. Six months to pay, For|MARK 20 "| personal servies at your your home eall BA (trols. excellent ry a 47 Automobiles For Sale '47 FORD convertible, partly custom- isads also 08 Mattor in_A-3 condition, {mechani ally body RA "51 TO 'S4 CAR, Chevrolet consider others, Phone RA 30001 after 47 ~Automobiles For Sale '51 PONTIAC, condition, low mile age, radio, heater, etc. RA 85-8180, i CHEVROLET Gslue 4 8 Pick up. 'sé BUICK special, automatic, mechanical condition, Apply nS Chow erton' Avenue, wheel discs, '88 MGA convertible, red, priced for Phone OL 53416. privin, quick sale. Apply 131 High Street or ; tree Seti Pion MA 3- a aye i CHEV, hardiop, radio, ved Bottom, | 50s ee Teo vio0 500 Howard Sunder- sonably priced, Phone OL 53211 | Street, land, be- opr i hardtor | in excel " offer, Phone enings, RA 5.2002, 47 ACRES, ideal subdivision - BUICK, two or a ov 8, he TROUT stream. 5 Scie, 35 tween Thornton's and Stevenson Road,|lent condition, custom white- g % TAREE and Bail Ton Tnternational zw bal easy (gle wooded 5 DEMOTO Firellts, hardiop, One Blackstock, $1000 down, of treet, Bower ADG| wall: wo. bone. Wi scoops trade; Can A 164, stake body, § ft. mlid racks, with sams, Cali Waiter Frank, McQuay and|sust south of King Sireet Sener nails, two Accept tre ray (oVner ear. 330 King East, {argue R, lid Tacks w Kidd, Realtors, MA 3.3303, Bowman-|o.iy RA 3.9712, ; . ANSE NATIONAL Travelall, eap- cap-|3- ov FIX Toom brick DRREAIow, G6C0aIen, tome! pan, Seater 'Waltons sarfees| able of carrying nine passengers. Calll; TOF i Tunaiag condition, for " gian pe, pared Mo Sanit at 4, sale or trade for anything. landsc: , sto! nd screens, fire-| " Call i BA OT er ans eas. ivy, | sion, 91288, W FONTIAC futons, custom Apri FA, 0 34 he PED EO Sodan, Tooione, W ood , 8649, No agents. ONE ge tami pus eh on so Saw ofa Het RA CS ear, o05, FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN [ae i sow. tee tons. so aod wise radio, extras, Wilting to trade on small tone, white walls, outst terms. Try Stew at Mike 's, RA MOTORS Sus ue Hot, Somme. HA 149 KING ST, W. 5 roviic radia; "heater, clock, good clean Sar" $305. MO bases 85 PONTIAC, two tone, four door de- GO-KARTS SALES AND SERVICE ting ou vl custom Thdio, good run. down, Tr boy Magar Fy with radio, A-1 condition. Phone RA 8.0194, PARTS AND ACCESSORIES) s- At OSH AW. A 55 PONTIAC deluxe, custom radio, very clean car, $045, easy terms, Try DISCOUNT HOUSE Stew at Mike Starr's Garage. RA 5-5646, Magic Kor-Pet demonstra- rooms, four bathrooms, one extra stool. tors for sole from $99.50, Good income, with little work, Open bet. . § - RA 8- '88 FORD coach, $45 down er cash, for offers. Apply to owner, 200 King| RA 5-1343 or 8-0311 iar, TIE erotlitnt Tei nat we EE a S ping Sing West Motors, opposite low, ER Aan ed ny BETTER USED CAR b - val one owner, excel BOUGHT AND SOLD [in comtion" Tueshene A bass. screens, fireplace, attached garage, lent Telephone RA 5 Any Make ~~ Any Model Rossmere Street, $17,500. RA 51782. iceadl Condition Guaranteed RE cB io 83 DODGE sedan, Apple Green, radio, $25 DOWN PICTURESQUE treed lot, in city "with seven-room, split level szpesiatly de- hii Le i Bl and Dutside igned for the lot, attached garage, : finished rec-room, decorated, and other West Vest Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. extras, Truly an executive type home, '53 PONTIAC sedan delivery, RA 59415 $18,000, Joseph Bosco," Realtor, RA after 4 4 pm. 5-9870, EASY TERMS '4 CHEVROLET sedan, radio auto Expert Service BEFORE YOU BUY GIVE "STEW" A TRY AT MIKE STARR'S 314 BLOOR ST. W, RA 5-5646 NEW six-room ranch bungalow, double matic, recently everhauled, $850 or attached garage, two fireplaces, divided best offer. Telephone RA 8-0558. bi t ith finished recreation i $350, room, terms" arranged. Apply to build. 4 Bis 630 CC motorcycle % | sqares, er, aiser Cres, pe c= |BARGAING: 3-plece Rol , 5% KAISER coach, price $100, eolor| FOR sale, dining room suite, § piece black. 167 Nassau Street or phone RA het , finish, In Hood. condition Phone |e son) "alimost mew tia, $110, 61 Open Until 9 p.m, STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH 46--Real Estate Wonted BF SOU fe CV J Call G. Miller, Real RA 52003 or RA 3.3340, Etath at 47--Automobiles For Sale 54 STUDEBAKER Silver Hawke, white traction, back up with overdrive, 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, April 26, 1960 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) #5--Real Estate for Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale LOT for sale, 80 x 212, one mile east FARMS for sale. We have vig +] placa of Taunton, Phone RA 5-534. farms TOT for sale -- 78 x 200, and Oshawa on Thickson Road. RA Toit acres, Dear New Face-Lifting Changes London By SIDNEY TAYLOR .| LONDON (Reuters)--The face of London is changing rapidly. [I rad A constant struggle Is going on Serv ofic «i ings erative up wi ve rents those who feel con- cerned Jo architectural Moret .jards and the city's skyline. Since the middle ages, London's ine has been dominated by Paul's Cathedral, First it was|tre. all - spired gothic pile--| The Roy. s largest church until St.|sion, which has royal warrant to 's was built in Rome. Then,|investigate any building scheme, the great fire of 1666, came repeatedly has expressed cern over the "deplorably Standards" of many new build. ngs. ot 0 rugs, oriental design, new, § x 13, ice. las hid RA 3-2000, , givden traci ious oh EIGHT piece dining room suite, wuit-| Cultivator: RA 85-8208 able for tage, sonable, 4402 Al4 pan. ONE only, used Electrohome Hi walnut finish, $139, Mesghery' 5 King Street West, RA 33425 #8--Automobiles Wanted |TNELTIECE chien sii. Ts ARYL CAREARORE Auto Wreckers van ch na tae Ted, many vests ars ¥ pans $13.88, Sir Christopher Wren's great town, $37. full Pp g RA 81161 or RA 51183, LAL enh, hae Largs ol wand Ro fied dome. food m i Siass, hu Street West. RA 3 mattresses, $0.86, Playpens, HOUSTON GARAGE EUG nd fell ved, ET viv, High "ehair Vin stron, is he" 4 EGG BOXES RAKE SPECIALIST CO. | Son et TEI, BERRI, MA, Wt ME un of grime ad hemo 8 PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. thane RA '34065 between § p.m. and Paul's still symbolizes London. It Maro! Re AEUp AND qual-lill) commands the famous view. 6 pm. But today, oni blogs i 300-foot-high 67 KING ST, W, RA 3.7822 5 E% g2 §d AOME_ freezer, oe. 12 eu, ft. , Call MO § sondition, St bia. pproximaiels soo|the t. 152. Private, Europe' Peter' alter $2,500 DOWN B lovely 1Va-storey brick Mo. Ook ond tile floors, oil heated, Smart buy. $9, 850. West end. GERALD BARROW BROKER--RA 5-3852 OPEN HOUSE EVERY EVENING 4PM to 8PM, DONEVAN HEIGHTS CORNER OF TAYLOR AND FAREWELL AVENUE $12,900 FULL PRICE NEW NHA. 6%% $75 MONTHLY HOMES ARE AVAILABLE NOW §85 Prince St. RA 32512 or Realtor, MO 8-5765. LOT, 57 x 146, Stevenson Road North. RA 56730, '57 PLYMOUTH Savoy inside and out FOR Sale, private, in Bowmanville, 8- room house, two doors west of Arena, All conveniences. $7500, MA 3-5710. BUILDER'S own home at 929 Masson Street, carport, built-in burners and oven, broadloom in living room, split entrance, Many more extras, $6600 os: RA 59478, starting Bi added to don's skyline since the war is he LLOYD carringe; 1 white bath; 1 eb, and and 30-foot-s: Lo condition. Phone Whithy offices continually to|chimneystack of the B. Es nis Som. 933, dominate it with shapes "ich power station, [SIROIAL syria the, 3% dew A, ale iti Ai have been variously The City of London Corporation Preece Garage, Glidden Avenue, Ver.|$4d. up-ended egg boxes, beer pes > has an agreement with the dean dun Road. bo or slabs of gir Prin io of Sauls Bot " wy i butd TYPEWRITER, like new, $40) ten key * i umber of lo 'working|ings in excess ol el | steetete Enea, nar map; Pal Pay. a CAL A A gg ot what, gis ll as "The rod the ¢ . One Tol 34434, fod RA|iress, $16.95. Wilson's Furniture, %0|cipy ng gquare-mile area east of|ligh structure oh vetoed 're FOR SALE -- TWO wheel Galler with Tack 300; siso| St: Pan's occupled by banks, cently, baby carriage, a pdt ton, $20, Ble INO wheal grass wits Tacks, § 1 stockbrokers, insurance firms, Twenty minutes walk yay be ond! mbination portable radio- 'sph, : m yond "The City" limits, the ihree opted, nearly mew, $30, BICYCLES, £itle and boy boys ki Xacer, also "ls tego} Notices Zealand go ment is buflding a HEAD OFFICE . A GOODRICH lores -- fires, bai|VOUR used 31" TV sets new headquarters--a four-storey FOR THE 70! . table models, $79 heh. Bury TRIO base, surmounted by a 20-sto Vision, Thrifty Bodger Pian RA 4543 Television, 171 Bond Street East. tower which will rise to 225 { OSHAWA BOARD Urer Wilh tubes and wheels, OF USED parts and re LADY' This is 40 feet higher than the rayon, PARK MANAGEMENT Tor all makes| LADY'S sult, medium blue, size 16, of wringer type wa fitted, 'size 16, Nelson column in nearby Trafal- Wisconsin 988 vs, Ge bs enon Sealed tenders will be re- , % HP motors| Lindy's ena bese; tied. MACKIE MOTORS washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, ™n gar Square, KING ST. E. Hampion, CO 3.234 ag PPM The London county ecounel, USED tires, most i sizes, $3 and up. | coe Street North. which governs an area of 117 units, station ceived by the City Clerk, Oshe awe, until 2 p.m, We doy, May 11th, RA 5.5743 B._F. Goodrich Stores, RA' 5-443. |TRy0 fuake miles, also has approved ONE ¥rig electric stove, Coldwall [size '7. plans for a 370 - foot - high, 31- 50--Articles for Sale storey block of offices for Vicks GINGER sewing ma ache, new $180; Drawings ond Specifications may be obtained from Wil liam R. Milne, Architect, 53 Teirigerator, Bendix automatic washer, 303 British army rifle, Apply 741 ain Avenue. RA +3004, Albert Shest, Oshawe, upon deposit of $25. Lowest or any tender may not be. accepted. district, $12,000, $500 dows. Consider lot as trade in. RA 5-1457. TWO ots, Ritson | ad | THREE lots for als on Apple Hill. Dial OLiver 5-305! LOT for sale, 75 x 200. Thickson Road North, Call Whitby, MO 8-4505. INCOME property, nineteen rooms, containing one four room apartment, two three.room apartments, nine single SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, cleon fon. Mik up or down, Liens DODD MOT! R SALES 314 PARK RD, RA 3-9421 CASH FOR YOUR CAR #5 YOUR choice, Mercury sedan, Ply. mouth sedan, or '52 'Metaor, $145. All really good mechanically. ey plates, King. 9 West Motors, te Shopping| INFORMATION CONTACT HOWARD + McCABE A SPECIAL, Plastic wall ine. a colo, In 4% x #4 Mec my 1t also has approved a 322-foot- high bloc of apartments on, the fringe of Hyde Park, Knights bud ibtoo th hott Port uare, West London, be would have -- 81081 after 8. roll top desk, $18; dining room suite, 's6 CADILLAC, Fleetwood, all electric, ine aCe NG and exercising machine, [$30; 30° HD stove, $129; bed ends and| black with whitewalls, Telephone days|Stauffer, like new, $05, RA 8-8514, Ce $0; Jom cis shavers, 4 prllid Rued RA 349, DAVENFORT and two chairs, $004 [rv 830 Plone RA 8.131 of come I lcent ard, perfect shape, eas-| condition. RA 5-2411 after 5 p.m, at our twas locations, 19 and 24 Prince elect: lly worth $435. Private, Call RA $:3330.| Ss eater, good condition; aiso Street. C Furniture Siore. (and pd many wives. '36 CHEVROLET half-ton Plekup, #000, | girl's blue spring coat, size 1013. RA |GURNEY combination coal and gan oh oot ADDY 897 1 be be seid rogers good condition, RA 5.0722. 52217 after § p.m. range with shelf, ivory, 815, RA 51082 | ano '83 PONTIAC four-door ie: also (FRED electric hot water tank, good '50 Chevrolet, can be seen at 172 Hib.| condition, RA 3.7379, bert Street after § p.m. RA 57817, SALE CUSTOM built ear radios, complete Auminum Products = of RA 5-9934 RA 5-6544 Building Lots Large in new sub. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS division Courtice. Close to JOHN A, J. public school, high school, BOLAHOOD bus service. Loans available. Phone RA 8-5579 LIMITED INSURANCE lots A, interior, exterior, ¥1. 92.95 S #allon, SE Ar Al Flat, gloss. |iorfields (airfoam), reduced to $109; 5. and Electric, 8 " Chureh Bireet, RA 3.7624. Dlete Dedioom | mle, only I any size continental beds, smooth tops, $49.50; bunk beds with spring matress, | 858, arborite step tables, $5.05 and up; pet furniture bargains: 3-plece ches: City Clerk, Oshawa. di 2% AOR EDITORS THERS Reunited Germany PLANNING TO BUILD? CALL | REALTORS HOGENBOOM with aerial ang inRaliation, transistor models down, attachments; with 4" diaphragm pump, the Street only .; et ----ra--r Tr > ~ ---- ---- ---- p-- ---- - A. J. SCHATZ REALTOR : GENERAL INSURANCE WHITBY MO 8-3337 CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BUILT HOMES MORTGAGE ARRANGED Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond RA 86511 quality at fully wi best gricek uhh OSHAWA, ONT. Tel.: RAndolph 3-3461 ANDY NAGY'S Taylor Road, Oshawa, Ont, RA 8-6475 FREE ESTIMATES 10 ACRES $8,800 buys this nice 2- bedroom 7 yr. old home with attached garage. Bright mod- ern kitchen plus sunroom, panelled living room, 4 pc. bathroom. Ideal spot for nur- sery. For appointment to in- spect call Helen Simpson, evenings RA 5-7420 BLOOR ST. $10,600 cosy 2 bedroom home close to General Motors. As the property is zoned Com- $ mercial so would be ideal for © future business site. Down payment $2,100. Call Helen Simpson evenings RA 5--7420 OSHAWA $1,000 down 3 bedroom brick bungalow, only 3 years old. Modern in every way. Huge Twindows in 24 ft, living room. Balance $85. monthly interest ond principal. Full price $11,800. For appoint- ment call Helen Simpson BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS -- INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-6544 BARGAIN SERVICED LOTS 8. Mig now BODY SHOP cid 1960 MERCEDES-BENZ STUDEBAKER the best guaranteed, ndows only Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8.5385 fugal pump, with hose, reasonable. MA 3-507. NORGE gas range, good condition. Reasonable. Telephone RA 59148. BOATS, motors and used, Complete selection. We own accounts, Terms to suit DKW SALES & SERVICE 408 KING ST. OSHAWA RA 3-7132 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN LARK Two-door Sedan Delivered Fully Equipped at $2485.00 SABYAN four, freezer, No dow For appointment tion)----phone RA FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 @ week per family of includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and n payment, (no obliga- 5.3709. Church 13 FOOT moulded plywood boat, wind- shield, lights a and | steering. RA 35-2020, trailers, new and| Prince finance our budget. See Dominion and Bond, '| deep 3 chrome sets, Daa ehestertieldn, 9. TRACTOR, Farmall ] five attach- rents, RA 8 after 4. BARBY carriage, , Lioyd deluxe, yellow and grey, like new, converts to bassin. ette, car bed, or stroller. OLiver 5-3033, LOVE seat with chair to match, drapes for large window, rug 6' 10" x #', RA 5-5281. SACKST hus neater, hot water tank and TL kissd, motor ty controls| and Cruise-a-Day tank; Coffield wash. er; two girls' spring coats, size 3-6. RA 3.3330. APARTMENT size chesterfield and two chairs for sale. RA 35-5249. 14 FT. plywood boat, d motor 16 horse Fire. and MOTOR SALES LIMITED 334 RITSON RD. 8. Digl RA 3-346) MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA ust East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574 C lete lines of 2,200 SEWER & WATER DEEP LOTS, 50x 330 $1,800 WATER ONLY DEEP LOTS, 75x 330 FIRST TIME OFFERED ONLY 6 LOTS AVAILABLE, TERMS TO SUIT, CALL BR. BOLA- HOOD AT RA 5-6544, Open Evenings Members of Oshawa & District Real Estate Board evenings RA 5.7420, A. J. SCHATZ REAL ESTATE Member of Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 11 ONTARIO ST. RA 8-1679 $1000 DOWN $1000 $9,800--Full price for this spotless four room bungalow on Cubert St. Two bedrooms, 9 x 12 both with closets, very nicely decorated, large landscaped lot. Modern three piece tiled bath, automatic oil heating, modern kitchen, Balance on one mortgage to be held by owner, pay only $75 monthly. Low taxes. FULLY SERVICED BUILDING LOTS GRANDVIEW GARDENS Located in built-up area, 61 . by 110. Building could commence at once. HORTOP ST. $12,950 Six room bungalow with fin- ished recreation room, three bedrooms, landscaped, decor- ated, aluminum storms and screens, TV aerial. Existing first mortgage ot 42%. Im- mediate possession, 1 LEFT -- 6% MORTGAGE Attached garage, brick bun- galow with three bedrooms, (one could be nicely used for a dining room), large kitchen with hood type fan, asphalt drive and completely lond- scoped. Very desirable loca- tion in north end. Asking price $18,500 with reason- able down poyment. To in- spect coll this office. Evenings Call: Winse Bradley . . RA 3.2006 Charles Smith .. RA 8-8254 '60 Buick 2-dr, hardtop; '60 Meteor Montcalm hardtop; '59 Pontiac deluxe automatic; '59 Chevrolet 4-dr. deluxe; '58 Pon- tic « '58 Vauxhall deluxe; '57 Meteor 2-dr.; '56 Chevrolet 2-dr.; '55 Buick 4-dr, hardtop; '52 Ford 2-dr.; '50 Monarch 4-dr, Red Brand poultry end groceries, ernment inapecied, Blue ond BEST CARS -- LOWEST PRICES WILL TRADE AND FINANCE MARION AUTO LTD. 25 GRENFELL ST. - RA 8-5179 SEE BERT BLOUIN OR LARRY BEAUPRE FAIRBANK. RA 8-1 FOOD PLAN THAT SAVES meats, fish, Gov- FAMILY OF "FOUR FREEZER AND FOOD, BOTH ONLY $12.89 A WEEK, MORSE FREEZERS $199 UP Phone Now 128 Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping PHILLIPS racer boy's very good tions also ow sive 38", Dial 8-0608, pk of four room apartment, stone condi- | good condition, reasonable price, 8-0860. traller, in RA cna Ro others havi claims against the Estate Sorgh Craig, 'late of the City a, in the County of pies are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned, solicitors for the Administrator on or before 12th day of May, 1960, after which date the estate's assets will be distrib. uted having regard only to claims that have then been received, JONES & GREER, 130 King Street Fost, wa, Ontario, SFARTON portable combination TV, estminster i radio, also wi portable} refrigerator, stove, ng TV, chesterfield, bedroom suite, kit chen chairs, table ete. 131 Pine Street, Whitby. PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. All colors. Guaranteed flat, gloss. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, § Church Street, RA 3.7624. RA $-0820. DOUBLE colonial maple bed, honey color, with spring and mattress. Good condition, $25. RA 3-3374, GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- plies, new and used, terms 10 per ant Store, 4 Bon #10 DOWN, delivers a new refrigerator, range, washer nr TV, 25 per cent off on ig GE 'GE, appliances Barons', 426 dud Rug Co., has been a distributor for Filter Queen RA 51202 or RA 5.0433 SELLING furniture? We'll buy it, Re- frigerators, TV's, saber: pianos, stoves, ete, For cash offer, tact 19 prince Street, Phone RA aon, RUG for sale, 9 x 13. Apply 170 Athol Street East, acuum 47 --Automobiles for Sale 35 WP Gale electric, '80 model, dition, Cy Preece Saran, adden Ave. Ave: 14-SUITES RETIRE IN WEALTH BUY NOW NOT LATER INCOME $14,952 FULLY RENTED $25,000 down on this new solid masonry brick building, containing 14 2-bedroom oversize suites, Tiled ba h- rooms, fully decorated, stoves, fridges, dryers, washer, rented ot $89 month, a rent that tenants will appreciate' and not vacate. For complete de- tails call Mr. John Bolahood at RA 5-6544, JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS -- INSURANCE WILSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 ITS LATER THAN YOU THINK Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5-6588 Don't let another year pass you by leaving you with just a handful of rent receipts, especially when you can move into this attractive 4-bedroom home with fenced, landscaped yard for $9,900. Try your offer today, 7000 DOLLARS FULL PRICE Four-room home with garage -- just outside of the city on Taunton Road West on an oversized 75' x 294' lot, This one should be seen. After Hours Please Call: Dick Young ... RA 3.7183 Bill Norris +. RA 5.7983 '59 Chev Sedan '57 Olds Super '57 Plymouth V8 Automatic '57 Ford 2-door V8 '54 Pontiac Sed. '57 Olds Sedan '57 Plymouth 2-Dr, '53 Mercury Sed. '56 Chrysler Sed. '55 Olds Sedan '53 Mercury 2-Dr. '55 Chev 1211 '56 Chev 1219 '55 Pontiac 6 Sedan '53 Pontiac '51 Pontiac Sedan Sharp '55 Buick Cpe. '55 Buick Sedan Horry Millen .. RA 3-2524 . Dave Donald, .. RA 5-8522, RA 5-6507 $1995 $1795 $1295 $1395 $495 $1695 $1095 $425 $1495 $1045 $475 $865 $1095 $895 $395 $295 $1095 $875 '53 DeSoto V8 '53 Plymouth '52 Plymouth '49 Plymouth Don't Wait Until Summer BUY NOW AND SAVE $245 $235 $95 $75 '53 Nash (New motor) $175 '50 Morris '50 Olds Sedan '48 Chev Sedan '49 Chev Sedan '48 Pontiac Cpe. '52 Monarch '53 Ford Sedan '53 Ford '54 Buick Sedan '50 Prefect '53 Vauxhall Sed. '55 Austin Convt. '57 Morris CASH or TERMS Up To 36 Months To Pay 555% Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 140 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA $65 $60 $50 $85 $65 $150 $245 $150 $795 $63 $295 $675 $795 RA 5-6508 nue, Verdun INTRODUCTORY OFFER: EXTERIOR RAILINGS, $2.50 per lin, ft. and up (installed); TV TOWERS, 30-ft. Tower from $30 up (install it your- self and ove manufactured neor Osha METAL 'VENTURES RA 8.0909 LAWN CRUISER POWER MOWERS OR BUCCANEER OUTBOARD MOTORS The price murderer at the Hilltop Pi not be undersold. See him today RA 8-6891 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 2 ted | spring, so and coffee table, down. re Street West, RA 5-8511. THREE rooms of furniture only $20. "| eThis nctiies chesterfield and chair, chome bedroom suite, mattress, | boudolr down and table lamps, pillows, etc. delivers! "Guaranteed Best Would Join West cratic party, said Mond Aearesnng 4 the Mon dian Club, Mr, Erler said a ree united German people "will cast their lot prov ges with the Wests ern world" but, to achieve their union in freedom, will have to re. nounce big-power military alli. 'Cana |ances. He said the FOR SALE A three-storey Business Block, ol Gorman settiomen ai ced by any compromise |solution to the problem of divided Berlin, centrally located in the Town of Whitby, with the first floor equipped for Resourent HAMPTON purposes, Vacant on closing. 'For further infore By M. HORN mation, write: JOSEPH P. MANGAN tid 144 King Street Eost, Oshawa, Ontario, HAMPTON - Mr, and Mrs, Harold Salter and Mrs. T. Salter spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, Toronto, Barons' Home ngs, 4M Si Street Sot South. con- | HIGHEST wo paid for used fon, ture, also sell and exchange. Conta Community J Furniture Store, » Prince Street. Phone RA 8-113] econ. | NEW NEW finish for your old wa Shingle Paint, by" Benjamin Moore, will refi: he am! oore, alt shingles, to WINE and cider barrels, all sixes, solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard: ware, 8 Church. RA 3-76], GUNS, an ammunition and hunting wup- plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent down, minion Tire Story, 4 Bond Strest West. RA 35-6511. 36 FEET Beatty el for stock pen, two Bea steel single horse stalls, Phone YUkon Sl OSHAWA ONT. TENDERS FOR ST. GERTRUDE'S SCHOOL Sealed tenders plaintly mark. od ge aot, il be receiv y not loter than 5:00 iniatd MONDAY, MAY 9, 1960 for construction of o four classroom, two-storey addi- tion, Plans and specifications moy be soieinnd from the office of e Architect, upon deposit or $50. 00 for each i ALUMINUM doors, Awning, average window 109% installed. RA ROAT Kits -- Build now. All sizes, 8 ft. to 22 ft, cruisers, Car otlded. maha partly assembled $49; 15 ft. any runabout, enmplete wi ed fa and hardware, best ater. 1 13 HP 1059 Gale Buchaneer motor, $320. Barons', 428 Simcoe "Street South, ELECTRIO ironer, golf clubs and bag, boy's navy trench coat and hat, size §, ting desk, electric football game, new, OL 35-3320, UNPAINTED bookcases, only fe. with the purchase of one piece unpainted furniture, Chest of drawers, $17 ;desks, $14; bookcases, $5.99; vanity dressers, $26; record cabinet, $18; room divider, $23; bookcase headboard, $15. Wilson Furniture, 30 Church Street. 51--Swap and Barter BATH sels, sump pumps, pre steel sinks and cabinets, Electrohome, R.C.A. Victor, Admiral, Westinghouse. The finest in T.V, Hi-Fi ond service, PARKWAY T.V, 918 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3-3043 ROTARY POWER MOWERS $37.95 up MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO OL 5-3641 BOATING SPECIAL 12-ft, fibre-glass run-a-boats. h.p. Scott motor, Cana- come moulded plywood boat, h.p. motor, trailer, all and equipment, 13 25 controls $995, While they last. Canadian Explorer comp trailers, com- plete, Reg. ' $405 - $319. Trade accepted. Terms ar- ranged AJAX MARINE 2 HWY, A Noon. WH 24080 fotumenn "thay be seen at the following places: Office of the Architect, Toronto, Toronto Builders' Exchange, School Board Office 357 Simeoe St. South, Oshawa. Deposits will be returned to bidders when all documents are returned in good order within 30 days of closing nL ond shal included with the Fh b Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GEORGE C. N, TONK, Architect, S7 Bloor St. West, Toronto, boiler and rads, electric pop cooler, serv.all grill, piping and Hit. tings (all kinds). H. Chinn RA 13-7088. 52--Legal Notices 1 will not, be responsible for any debts mn consent, '~-- J. EY NOTICE, TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the 'Estate of JOHN STONE, Retired Farmer, deceased. All persons having claims ogainst the estate of John Stone, late of the Township of East Whitby, in the Coun- ty of Ontario, letired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 11th day of April, 1960, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the said deceased on or be fore the 24th day of May, 1960, full particulars of their claims. . Immediately after the said date the Personal Representative will distribute the assets of the said de- ceased having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice, Dated ot Oshawa this 22nd day of April, 1960. RAY MEDD, By his solicitors, McGIBBON & BASTEDO, 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ont. OSHAWA, ONT. TENDERS FOR ST. HEDWIG'S SCHOOL Sealed tenders plainly mark- ed as to contents, will be received by the undersigned not later than 5:00 p.m. FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1960 for construction of a four Blom and patios ans and specifications be Shisined from the ey of rchitect,. upon de- posit of $50.00 for each set of documents, Drawings may be seen ot the following places: Office of the Architect, Toronto Toronto Builders' Exchange, School Board Office, 357 Simcoe St. South, Do Oshawa. posits will 'be returned to idders when all documents ed in good order within days of ¢ TE es upon 5 Bid Bond shall - cluded with the a oe in Lowest or any. tender not necessarily accepted. GEORGE C. N. TONKS, Architect, 87 Bloor St. West, Toronte. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynold Arva, ew weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly. Mr. and Mrs. Don White, Oak ville, visited his mother, Mrs. W, G. White, Mr. and Mrs. G. Adcock visite ed their pg and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. . Harrison, Cole borne Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Newton Reed, Paul and Susan, Sunderland, Salted yi : Jarensy, Rev. and Mrs. Ada a Port Credit, Mrs, Arthur Moore, Enniskillen, Mr, and Mrs. Archie Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, Jean and Bobby, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Joe Chapman Friday. Mr. and Mrs. XK. Gallant, Co- hour, Miss Miss A. Sallant, Montreal E. LeClair, Sudbury, visited Mr, and Mrs. Joe Gallant Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Warrack, Toronto, spent the weekend with their dau, et hi son-in-law, Mr, and las White. Mr, rs Back R Burketon, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy. Mrs, E. C. Reynolds, Toronto, spent the weekend with his sis ter, Lulu Reynolds. Mrs. Gertrude Stephens, Wil lowdale, and son Arthur and wife of Oakville, visited her brother Bert and Mrs. Stevens Sunday. FL Reg Kersey, Mrs. Kersey and sons, Ronnie, Ricky and Robin, Ottawa, are spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Kersey. Mr. and Mrs. n. J. Fernandez, Debbie, Ronnie and David, To- ronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. S. G. Niddery. Marie Prescott, oranto spent the weekend at hom Dorothy and John Wakely, To- ronto, are spending Easter week vin their aunt, Mrs. Luther n, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Keane and Douglas, and Mr, and Mrs. Jacke son, Wray, Maxine and Debora, Oshawa, visited their Pr Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray, Sunday, Mr, aud Ms, J. Carter, Osh awa, spen lay with her ents, Mr, and Mrs. T. M. Chant. Mr. and Mrs, Dennis Marshal Tim and Glenn, Brampton, ai Ethel Gilbert, Chalk River, were Easter weekend guests of their parents, Mr, and Mrs. G. Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and family, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Prescott and family, Ene field, Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Taylor, Linda 3 3g Beverly, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Smith, Douglas and Cheryl of Hampton visited Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Stjth. ol r. John Baker, Jea |James Baker, Solina, Mrs MOE Letsk, Bowmanville, visited Mr, rs m Dewell Saturday. Mr. Everett Winacott a. A tient in Memorial ve Hospital, Bow.

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