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The Oshawa Times, 26 Apr 1960, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT THOUGHT FOR TODAY 4 : Politicians take a more liberal Wednesday cloudy with a few attitude towards aid for the sunny periods and some showers, elderly as it dawns on them that little change in temperatures, winds east. everybody is either old or plan- ning to be some day. Pics Noto OSHAWA, TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1960 fathered eo Second Cons, Mail TWENTY PAGES To 2 Zr SEAFARERS SILENT. FAIL CLC DEADLINE CLC To Ask |gpesmmmn aww | Union Ouster Boycott Of PA T&F Ty Seen Imminent hd . 7 J MONTREAL (CP) -- The Sea- [Teamsters Brotherhood, led a ut TiCa 9 y 4 *arers International Union today delegation before the top-level % i / Z ) % 7 3 failed to appear before the Cana- |CLC executive council last Satur- " v The a a 1 wv HY i # dian Labor Congress conference|day to explain his position in the MONTREAL (CP)--The execu a / to appeal against its expected es jurisdictions) battle with the | {ive eomcll of she Canadian a % ' ; Vi 7 ! |pulsion from the parent body of|Brotherhood of Railway Clerks. a workers join in a world- 0 " Canada's labor movement. The Teamsters were found wide boycott of South African / / An 11 a.m, deadline for an ap-|guilty of raiding the railway onsumer goods starting next| 4 . 4 peal from the convention floor|brotherhopd which represents Sona tay / #9 came and went--and the SIU re-| workers in the CPR's new mer- NP The Sroposal. introduced as 4 - 4 7 77 mained silent. |chandise service at Vancouver-- Voy. / The proposal, intiodiced a . p72 2 CLC President Claude Jodoinja service that puts under one ir lors Preside a Claude Jodoin was d oH asked if any representative of the roof rail, road and air freight STUDENT demonstrators in | flag before handing it to Asso- | South Korean capital. The dem- | dent Rhee's vice - presidential in ges to the congress' ih: 2 / SIU was at the conference. When | facilities. If the service works kK a saratativ: 1: ui . | onstrators spared the flag while | running-mate in the disputed | : tne Akrnmitte | 7 no one appeared, he declared the out, the CPR is expected to ex- Seoul, South Korea, carefully | ciated Press photographer Hal attacking and = pillaging the | March 15 elections jremetionnt affairs committee for 3 . appeal now "'closed-" |pand it across: Canada fold a large silken American | Buell during today's rioting in | home of Lee Ki-poong, Presi- --AP Wirephoto |S'VCY- : 4 Next move is expected to be| mpe ilway Clerks Brother : Sn |X was expecied to be eral i J to put the SIU jurisdiction case|pood. = by Frank H. Hall of 18 AE Ce on Nar f 1,600 % A |before a CLC committee. A mo-|nfontreal, includes freight hans ERA AT AN END Law Of Se [foe debate eM 8 vole fo pid] Jai to oust the 16,000-member| jars and had the service under \ eegales a 2 2. Ong J sailors' union from the CLC willl; ; e T d ference. DANGEROUS DOUBLE et ie confer. 13, Vg. before the Teamsters "'Canadian workers, by joining {ence for a decision from the this worldwide boycott of. South Dr. W. T. Ross Flemington | to avoid anti-government Ne- 1644 accredited dele; | iy 3 9 f oy gates, . African goods, will be giving ex-| (left), president of Mount Alli- | gro communities because of in . Rhee Rule T otters, | Proposal ren to their deep-felt sym. | son University in Sackville, his resem blance to Prime Min. he oo we ive roca Cadillac Plant of the| N.B., says he was advised re- | ister Hendrik Verwoerd (right). ICLC affiliates -- trying to take pathy for the victims A ! : apartheid policy and their indig- peately While in South Aftica L --CP Wirephoto | ver 'members of other unions.| Of GM On Strike S . ® Rejected nation at the bestiality of the|™" A The Teamsters Union also face: 8 er 10 S [present government of South Af- o a deadline of sorts today. DETROIT (AP) -- Some 7,800 GENEVA (CP) -- The world rica," said the resolution. An hour Tater at moor Cana. | Workers were made idle and all ecurl Y oa S Cadillac car production was maritime conference failed today| The CLC proposal also called dian leaders ; Yl : of the Teamsters 3 5 ; ; 5 5 TAT Cole 3 by a single vote to set a new uni-lon the Canadian government to nioh: am . |stopped Monday by a strike at WASHINGTON (AP) -- Repre-|--symbol of oppression and tor-| A crowd of students and street yo.cal limit for territorial waters|support--in the United Nations| Union rs ig Jo betore lop with Genera] Motors Cor p or a tions tn Fleetwood plant. sentatives of the 16 Allied nations ture under Rhee's rule -- dis- waifs sacked and pillaged the slusive fishi Ll yg omy STI hd oh ; : which fought in the Korean War appeared from the streets. Thou- home of Lee Ki-poong, Rhee's Gg ns 28 aie also, ot Bight | Immigration ase session also involving charges of The - strike by members of were called together today to con- sands besieged Rhee's hillside running - mate in the disputed in favor of a Canadian-American jn London--" all measures in raiding. United Auto Workers Local 15 i ng the gitiation in Korea [Siansion. Uproatious, Selebrating March 15 elections, proposal for a six-mile limit to|condemnation of the policies of| By JIM PEACOCK act, which specifies the classifi-| WANT NO ACTION Halted the delivery of car bodies set 9 exiraon ary Session Woe von ave gov di . to tne WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN territorial waters, with countries) ihe government of South Africa."| Canadian Press Staff Writer | cations of persons who may qual-| Union sources indicated late|to the Cadillac plant. a a ro regime| legislative buildings acing fo fe! "The whereabouts of Lee and his to have exclusive Hashing sits "Should such efforts fail the| yANCOUVER (CP)--Why has|ify to become immigrants to/Monday night that the Teamsters] Leonard Woodcock, director of of President Syngman Rhee tot-| : family were not known. He was Ar i (ore mies beyond their| canadian Labor Congress urges|irene Rebrin been branded a Canada. Previously, outside the want to steer clear of any direct|the UAW's GM department, said tering toward collapse. [PULL DOWN STATUES [the chief target of complaints" g "the vob SEE hort of| te exclusion of the government|gecyrity risk by Immigration court, it was reported Miss Reb- action that might lead to their|the strike was caused by "p: The meeting was arranged by| Crowds pulled two" statues of against the election, with oppo- ype necessary two-thirds major- Of South Africa from the councils| Minister Fairclough? rin does not qualify because she suspension and Congress officials|lems of production standards." She United States, It is known) Rhee from their pedestals in pub- nents charging that the Liberal jy 1f only one of the 28 opposing|of the Commonwealth of na-| Hag the minister acted within|is stateless. |share this reluctance to bring the| Company and union negotiators there ar stions among|lic parks and dragged them party High & the voting to assure delegations had voted in favor, tions," said the proposed resolu- the authority of the Immigration "BOUND TO UPHOLD" Teamster issue to a head at this|had met for 25 hours in an effort i the Allied represent TTY a tn ice-preshent. the proposal would have been car-| ton. Act? Mr, Grey said the minister time. to avert the strike. Talks resume 51h fen ui a i A TY REP fried and would "sutomatically| Is there relevancy between| was bound to this IM. (Casey). Dodds, Canadian LOMB mmm mm States has issued in prod. an at the i Y he have become international law, Mrs, Fairclough's actions and|decision whether or not she had tainal : ding the Korean government to|Presidential mansion said he had death of his only opponent a 'It was the third fail J ' i |additi i take corrective action to satisf ion Hare by car and he did not month before the voting. |years to reach universally Soh JUDGE hal JSES Janay the opal Sas adil njoruation Rg hen sie grievances of the Korean elector-| Know where he was, U.S. Ambassador Walter P, Mc-|nized agreement on territorial DUTY AS JUROR of British Columbia lecturer? [She could exercise discretionary u ans Ires | Korean Army soldiers, in the|Conaughy, who had conferred re- waters and fishing rights, These questions were raised|Powers only after having dealt ate. Some Allied Asian diplomats/¢ity to enforce martial law, peatedly wit! , smitti ¢ 0 a mavately they Toe! the U6. stayed out of sight or mingled Washington's I rcner mu aug FIVE COUNTRIES ABSTAIN LOS ANGELES (AP)--A man |Monday during the second day of With the appeal. li o has gone too far in shaking the with the holidaying crowds. cratic reforms, said he was con- There were five abstentions in| summoned for jury duty wrote |& hearing before Mr. Justice T.| He objected to submission in 1rac us eC S Rhee regime without providing Violence was not ended. One|vinced Rhee and his aides were today's vote and the 88th country| the superior court jury com- |G. Norris on application to have evidence of copies of Hansard in for an adequate substitute crowd of students attacked and| 'earnestly working to redress attending the conference -- Le-| missioner that he refused to | Miss Rebrin released from cus- which Mrs, Fairclough's remarks | In advance of the meeting burned a police. station, Before|the justifiable grievances of the 22non--did not attend today's fi-| service because: : tody and the order quashed. [concerning security are quoted. | By ROBERT BERRELLEZ Boatwright of Key West, owner South Korean Ambassador You fleeing the police opened fire, kill-| people." He called on the Korean nal session. 1. Judges' instructions to ju- | The Supreme Couri justice _ Miss Rebrin's counsel, Dr. M HAVANA (AP) -- Cuban offi- | of the Muriel III, spotted the Chan Yang said he is submitting ing six students and wounding 36 people to end their demonstra.| The proposal, a compromise| ries are long, dull and incom- [raised the first two questions and C. Shumiatcher of Regina, had /cials today held two Americans castaways while cruising for his resignation because "I have others. |tions." between American and Canadian| prehensible. |Harvey T. Grey, senior counsel suggested in closing his argu- accused of killing a ship captain|game fish with four men who had made mistakes." -------- (plans put before the conference| 2. Lawyers rely on theories for the immigration department, ment that not even God and His who tried to rescue them. from chartered his boat. | earlier, would have allowed coun-| about what a reasonable and |the latter. omnipotent power would seek to a Bahaman island, and fleeing in | in the manner in his cabin cruiser. SHOT SKIPPER After all-night street demon strations in Seoul against his hd tries with historic fishing rights| prudent man would do in a All. were expected to be topic exercise it : ; er government, the 85 - year - old - within a 12-mile zone to continue| given set of circumstances-- |of further argument when the Which the immigration minister| Cuban authorities captured Al-| Kent Hokanson, 21 . year - old leader offered to resign the presi- to operate there for 10 years. when in reality the reasonable [case resumes today. had sought to exercise her power|yin Table, 25, and William Sees,/mate of the Muriel, said Sees dency, ordered new elections of a Before the final vote the con-| and prudent man is a fictitious | . mw in this case. God did not sentenice|s3 and the stolen yacht Muriel(swam out and shot Boatwright QUESTIONS REASON Adam without first asking him yj; Monday after they went after the skipper had refused to president and vice-president and ference adopted an amendment to| character. TON: | : 1 wi promised to hand executive a the proposal put forward by Bra- 3. There is no known way to | Mr. Justice Norris questioned for his side of the story. aground on a cay (islet) near|land. He said Table joined Sees zil, Cuba and Uruguay which| measure the "beyond a reason- |the reason for Mrs. Fairclough) Dr. Shumiatcher said the order jsahela de Saugua, 200 miles east|aboard the boat and they let the power over to a cabinet respon- 4 : i : We) ba Thy would have ar anted further pref-| able doubt" formula in crimi- [stating in the House of Commons should be quashed because there or Havana. |four fishermen swim ashore, The National Assembly re- EL erential fishing rights to coastal| pal cases. {April 7 that Miss Rebrin was bhe- was injustice either in that the] |floating Boatwright's body with sponded with a resolution asking EW JATSON SIMS ing Chou's invitation to continue States. But this failed to swing 4 The prospective juror could (ing deporetd on security grounds original hearing was a sham or Officials said the fugitives them on life jackets. Hokanson Rhee to resign immediately, and " El DELHI (AP) Prime| the talks in Peking, Nehru said: |Support behind the plan to win not conscientiously accept such | based on classified information. in that the minister acted on new would be brought to Havana, but said he dived overboard and also also called for elections to re-"inister Nehru and Premier| The question of my going there/its approval. : high pay as $5 a day for his [He wondered whether the minis- evidence in dismissing the ap- did not say when. British author-| swam ashore and Sees and Table place the assembly, now domi. Chou En-lai today ended a week does not arise for the moment. It. The conference resoundingly re-| go vices. {ter had authority within the act|peal. Miss Rebrin had not been ities want them in the Bahamas|fleq in the Muriel leaving Bar- nated by Rhee's Liberal party. (of talks on their border dispute|depends on developments after jected aw Icelandic plan whichi 5" ang peing Frank G. Swain, [for the action she took. informed of new evidence. on charges of murder and piracy. {para Table on the island ) without any visible progress to-|visits back and forth by our offi- would have given preferential judge of the superior court, | Mr. Grey said the deportation] Miss Rebrin, an attractive] Table, Sées and Tables 18-year- to RULE NEARS END ward an agreement. |cials and upon reports of these fishing rights to countries whose doubling as a juror would be |order should stand because it was blonde who sat smiling and at- old bride, Barbara Fisher of San A coast guard plane picked up There was no indication when In a joint communique they|officials, Then and only then may 'co ories are dependent on fish-| «yer awkward." [valid when first issued on the tentive beside an immigration|Antonio, Tex., stole a boat in|the castaways and flew them to Rhee would formally resign and said their talks had led to|l consider going there." ng, The vote frat 35 in favor, &7 |basis of a special inquiry officer's officer during the hearing, came Key West, Fla., last seek gl Jassan. Avotler. coast: gus ' against and 26 abstentions. decision on Miss Rebrin's appli- to Canada in July, 1958, on af y vp .» las 5% ded last|P12m shadowed the Muriel but cation for permanent residence in | visitor's visa. She sought perma- yo Bow iy % de. turned back five miles from the when he would call the elections. "greater understanding' of each| But it was clear that the rule of government's viewpoint "but did| | | Canada. nent residence, was rejected and | o a¢ Tele a island in the Bahamas.[Cuban coast because of the strained relations - between the South Korea's first and only pres- not resolve their differences." | | This decision had been basediordered deported Jan. 22, serted ident and its national hero was| Neh i \d nearly at an end. : ; Choy 4 Jejestad 3 proposal hid on the fact Miss Rebrin did not|Her appeal was rejected last Their boat broke up on the rocks. His prospective resign ation claim to 15,000 square miles in the qualify under Regulation 20 of the January. '! On Sunday 56-year-old Angus|United States and Cuba. 3 . oval a a iG 3 raised the question of who would} aqakh sector of Ka 1 0 ' Fr 5 shmir. Chou take over the reins of ZOvern-iin raturn had offered to leave to ment, since Vice-President John [ngia the 36,000 square miles on " M Chang, leader of the opposi- (he northeas & Fu i tion Democratic party, "has re. Ro Dortieast itontie} which both . | signed and so has Lee Ki-poong, "There can be no Gestion of | vice-president-elect. ariari ' : A control will pass to barering away this area; its B x I " Huh Chung, an independent poli- co reap {by Julia) is a settled By THE CANADIAN PRESS was expected to touch on the Soo Harwood and Bewdley areas on tician and one-time acting pref ioe ib Kd Tepoiiors the| The prospect for several flood. area. the southern shore of Rice Lake| mier whom Rhee Monday ap- alrpo nme ia oy after seeing|threatened areas of Ontario grew Six highways in the Soo and Were flooded as the lake rose to) pointed foreign minister and Nepal, worse today with a forecast of at Kawartha regions were reported its highest level in several years. | ranking member of the new cab- IN EXCHANGE [least half an inch of rain over|closed by flooding or muddiness.| About 50 cottages were sur-| inet the president has been try-| Before winding up his week.|OM¢ Southern sections of the| sewage Monday backed up into|rounded by water from the ot-| Pp ing to form. long visit, Chou told a press con. | Province during the day. 75 homes in the flat south end of |t?W8 River at Constance Bay, | Jubiliation swept Seoul. Police farence he had offered to aban.|. Peterborough and Sault Ste. Peterborough, where the Otona- about 15 miles upriver from Ot-| ie ---------- don Peking's claims to the north. Marie districts and the area bee River rose above the city's tava. The Spring runoff had mot : east frontier territory in exchanye|POrthwest of Ottawa faced a seri sewer outlet. reached. its peak and he wors Charge 2 Bilked for the Ladakh sector on India's °"S flood threat from a combina-| gix families left their homes in iv ly Hig y pst-end northwest tion of heavy rain and the spring ine city. The Red Cross was ow an os Bug Deaf-Mute, 82 | Tie Red Chinese premier said thaw. standing by in case further ¢ix feet above the 10-year aver . 1 |India was 'not entirely agreed,""| The weather office expected evacuations were necessary. The : 'ORONTO (CP) -- Two m , expected) €Va age mark and only 2.8 feet short -- Rod Monday on a but claimed the border dispute|fairly heavy showers during the rising waters were not expected of |ast year's peak of 193.9 feet of swindling an 82 - year - old "became smaller" as a result of|day to reach as far north as|to reach into the city proper. a; May 4, woman. : his 21 hours of talks with Nehru.|Muskoka and east to Peterbor-| yp AR RECORD Two inches of rain fell in the| Police said Mary Roberts, a me omenting Se Chou's re-lough, where the flood situatioo| Water levels in the Trent Canal Sault Ste. 'Marie area. Motorists| Seal mule, was duped out, of 18 Re A Seporiers sat Monday was reported out of con- system were approaching record Wels Warned to stay off highways rs racket. |! ines ader's facts "ai a cis : : v . She a a Ro so basically different from ours|!Tol: The weather disturbancellevels. Low-lying cottages in the 4 g that naturally conclusions differ 3 sa : --|HIGHWAY BLOCKED too.' The [rans - Canada Highway, bank April 19 to pay for water- oy a proofing her home. g Tl ( ghway The men then reported the| Nehru said the week-long nego- fas Blocked Mongay al i 4 house needed further repairs--a tiations had brought "no lessen- ISoor with mn es bai "0 e| new roof, chimney: and eaves-|ing in the basic tensions" but Soo, a a jot o Ne on trough. The cost, she was told in added that feeling was not sof N he Gout ne River. Ho iy dl a note, would be $2,250. When she biter as during the border skirm. | [Sostre ighway 129 south ol TORONTO (CP) -- The offical forecaster of the In the Bancroft area secondary went to the bank, the manager ishes last year in which 12 In- became suspicious and notified dians were killed weather office here said today the same two opposing |Highway 515 was flooded two {miles east of Latchford Bridge, police. \ al Samuel Brown, 23, and Terance BARGAINING LEVER weather fronts that have governed Ontario's weather |while the south branch of Route [504 was flooded in several places Sherman Smith, 28, both of Tor pols proposed deal indicated] the past week were responsible for Monday's snow onto, were charged with fraud that the Chinese had sent troops t 2 ap! Seairios 0 sUTea T'oa oR and "attempted fraud into the mountainous, econom- In the outhern. Prairies and 60-degree readings in |i, 4 depth of up to three feet,| the Yukon. Highway 127 was flooded = in| ically unimportant northeast fron- " : [tier area primarily as a bargain- Today a low pressure system centred in Michigan [places but was still open Mon- CITY EMERGENCY ing lever, and that Ladakh, on has brought a wide band of precipitation stretching |day : ; F PHONE NUMBERS tie northwest frontier, was their] from southern Ontario westward to Manitoba. In the peta 1 Yas blocked & the J = i on Tg TB built Winnipeg area the precipiation came as snow, six [both sides of Scugog Island. : ww -_ 4 \ POLICE RA 5-1133 BCIOSS it py Key cra inches being recorded up to 11 a.m. | Highway 507 was blocked two| «= RR = -- no EY ymmunist - occupied Tibet and The outlook for Ontario is for a gradual clearing ics forth of Peterborough. HUNTER-KILLER OF THE DEPTHS a PT. RA 5-657 the western Chinese province Wednesday and temperatures in the or 40s. L 'Wo schools in Blezard Town. FIRE DEPT. RA 5-574 Sinkiar inese provivee. ol hope i held for pee Lam 2 Dppe; 4 le shin near Sudbury were closed The Tullibee, first of a new | seek out and destroy enemy | bers. She will be launched to- | Boat Division shipyard at G HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 {Asked wintass be. w cod balny nid BT n ol last weekends | pecause of suspected pollution of class of nucle: cred sub- | shipping, gets the once-over | morrow in the General Dyn- ga ny: § @ ® was accept~ almy readings. a drinking water. | marines designed specially to | from prospective crew mem- ' amic ' Corporation's Electric ton, Conn, --AP Wirephoto a»

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