BL @ © |TV-RADIO COLUMN {p anny Thomas Will Stay - LJ . | Un 111s 1elevision Now | By CYNTHIA LOWRY | NEW YORK (AP)--Earlier thi: | season, just before Pat Harring | ton Jr. was introduced as member of the family on The |Danny Thomas Show. word got |around that the plan was for {Thomas to reduce gradually his part in the popular series and that Harrington would ultimately take over the show. Sheldon Leonard, producer and director of the show, says that is weeks so he could take time off for a publicity tour. Barbara Stanwyck's anthology series, which has been talked about for a couple of seasons, will finally materialize -- next season. It has found a sponsor and will slip into the first half of Steve Allen's soon-to-be-vacated Monday night spot on NBC. . . . Durward Kirby, Garry Moore's not so at all. even if Danny him-| Tuesday night sidekick, will join self started the rumor. |Moore's Wednesday night I've "This show is now seven years|Got a Secret panel next month old, going on eight," says Leon-|while Bill Cullen takes a vaca- ard. "It took me a long time toltion. learn that when Danny screams; THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 26, 1960 CITY AND DISTRICT PLANS APPROVED Final plans for the two-room addition to Cedardale School were approved by the Oshawa Board of Education Monday night, Tenders for the $45,000 project will go out early next week. The architects! are Jackson. and Ypes. TORONTO (CP)--Official fore: Southern Georgian DRAW WINNERS casts issued by the weather of-.Ontario, Niagara, Winners in the Newcastle Te at 11 am. EDT today: Huron regions, Sporismen's Club spring draw s last Saturday were: Linda Skiy- ported in southern M : ner, 89 Southwood St., Oshawa, northwestern Ontario overnight few showers. Little spinning reel; Ersul Fox, RR 2, and this area of precipitation ex- temperature. Winds Oshawa, tackle box: Stan Hart. tends southeastward to southern coming light tonight. shorn, 359 Nipigon St., Oshawa. Ontario but changes to rain in the landing net: L. Cheesman, 627 vicinity of northern Georgian Cromwell Ave., Oshawa, trout Bay. creel. Reeve Garnet Rickard, of Overnight temperatures ranged Darlington township, made the from near 40 'along the lower aw. lakes to the mid-20s in northren areas. This storm centre is mov-| cloudy VISITORS AT ROTARY ing eastward south of the lakes light winds. Among the visitors at the and will carry the area of pre- Northern Kirkland | : WEATHER FORECAST gions Cloudy north Toronto, Synopsis: Heavy snow was re- toy: Cloudy with occasional rain Manitoba and today. Wednesday cloudy with a Northern Georgian Bay, burton, southern Kirkland lake re- North Bay, Sudbury cities: with occasional rain ginning this afternoon and chang- ing to snow tonight. with snowflurries. Cool, Unsettled On Wednesday Bay, Lake Lake Hamil- change in east 15 be- Hali- be- Wednesday Cool, Lake, White DEFENCE SUBJECT OF OFFICIAL TALKS AT OTTAWA fence Minister Pearkes are be- | Montgomery's four-day visit in lieved to have Includy the port | Ottawa ended morning Cand, las 19 ALRY In the | when he left for a visit of the Private discussions Monday between, left to right, Field Marshal Montgomery, Prime Minister Diefenbaker and De- CAPSULE NEWS Smelt Run On In Lake Erie ERIEAU (CP) -- After a late!Germany last weekend on a trac- start, the spring smelt run onjtor. A Communist border patrol, Lake Erie is under way. Millions out of range, watched helplessly of the tiny fish are swarming as the vehicle and trailer crashed along the lake shore. Meanwhile, through the barbed-wire border the Erieau Fishermen's Co-opera- fence tive said Monday it is limiting iia ya perch production in hopes of in- TO HEAR SUNDAY CA E flating sagging prices, down to _ WASHINGTON (AP The three cents a pound Supreme Court agreed Monday to look into validity of Sunday blue HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE laws in the United States. For LONDON (Reuters) -- Govern- years the court has been reject- ment and official Conservative ing such cases on the ground they party sources said Monday night raised no substantial federal they had no knowledge of any question. Monday, however, it plan by Harold Macmillan to re- agreed to hear appeals next fall tire from the prime ministership from Maryland, = Massachusetts within two years. The sources and Pennsylvania were commenting on a report in WASHINGTON (AP)--The 'U.S Lord Beaverbrook"s London Supreme Court Monday -decided Evening Standard by a vote of 7 to 2 that an unfair this ; | meeting of the Rotary Club of cipitation with it. Wednesday is River regions: Mostly cloudy with he hates a script and wants to|Recommended tonight: Oshawa, in Hotel Genosha, were expected to bring some let up in'a few snowflurries today becom- throw the whoie thing out, hel Soldiers in Greasepaint, NBC, pop yang of OCVI; Douglas precipitation but cloudy cool ing overcast with occasional snow really wants a comma changed 8:30-9:30 EDT--A musical salute jmp, of Donevan CI; Ron Ken-|weather will continue. tonight and Wednesday. Little in. a line on the 20th anniversary of the ott, William Farrar and Rev.| Regional forecasts valid until change in temperature: Winds Leonard says he tries to give USO, with Jane Yorgal, Bob Sohn Wilson, of Toronto; and midnight Wednesday: Lake Erie, easterly 15. his cast a one week layoff after Crosby and film clips of War- pos Carl Kartechner, of Osha-|scuthern Lake Huron regions, it makes from six to eight shows.|"™¢ snieviainers. rr wa and Rotarians M. Martin, of| Windsor, London: Cloudy with Forecast Temperatures ; an Be Jack Paar Presents, NBC 10-11 goo manville: Brigadier Stanley|occasional showers today. Wed-| Low tonight, High Wednesday Danny made his retirement re-'_wigh Cliff Arquetie, Shelley Gennery, of Belleville: Rev. Rob. nesday cloudy with sunny periods.|Windsor $5 60 marks at a period when he had Berman, Keely Smith, Mike Nich- 4 Wiltenberg, of New York Little change in temperature.|St. Thomas ......... 40 --CP Wirephoto been working for 13 consecutive ols and Elaine May. City and Rev. John VanHarme. Winds easterly 15 becoming north- London . 40 -- lon, of Whithy, west 15 tonight. Wingham 40 Toronto 40 TO AD HOSPITAL Tren'on 35 The n-mbers of the Rotar St. Catharines 40 Club of Oshawa, at thnir meet- f ing this week. voted to make a U.S. Deience 3» Tamilton 35 contribution of $3000 a year for 35 the next three years to the Osh LJ awa General Hospital building econ fund ] S. R. Alger, who recently re- To None turned from a trip to Tt»!v, pre- sented a banner from the Rotary Club of Rome to the Oshawa Ro- tary Club. on Monday { Royal Military College at King- ston. 60 60 Earlton S+dbury {North Bay . Kapus'» ng White River Moosonee BANNER PRESENTED NEW YORK (AP) -- Defence Secretary. Thomas S. Gates Jr., = Monday called United States' de- ATTENDED CONFERENCE fences second to none: He said President Dr. D. E. Sturgis/the military record under the and Mrs. Sturgis and Vice- Eisenhower administration has President J. W. Lowry and Mrs. been superb . ILowry vers among the members, "We assert firmly that no gap! # of the Rotary Club of Oshawa exists in our deterrent posture," who attendsd the annnal confer- Gates told the annual Newspaper , ence of District 707. Rotary In- Week meeting of The Associated ternational, at Guelph on Sun- Press day Gates did not pinpoint the crit- icism he was seeking to still. But hv obviously had in mind Demo-| cratic attacks on defence policies | Seal Committee. told . members of the Republican administration. f the Rotary Club of Oshawa He urged the editors not to VMondav that receipts from the confuse space exploration with campaign were about on a par military needs, telling them: with last year "It is one thing to say that the Did You Know . . . In the main Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you can have o Full-course Dinner for ONLY 95c¢. ALWAYS GOOD FOOD BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER HOTEL LANCASTER CASTER SEAL DRIVE Rotarian George A. Fletcher heirman of the club's Easter % labor practice charge may FIRES HIT BUILDINGS abor practice charge may not be KINGSTON (CP) Two fires early Monday destroyed a serv- ice station at Westbrook, six miles west of here, and a barn on nearby Wolfe Island. Damage was estimated at $30,000 in the service station blaze, which de- stroyed two cars CHARGE MURDER MONTREAL (CP)--A 17-year- h Monday was charged in the last brought after a statutory six- month limit fixed by the National Labor Relations Act even when the asserted offence is a continu- ing one ACQUIT CHIEF BARRIE (CP)--Suspended In- nisfil Police Chief Stewart Fisher, 32, was acquitted on an indecent assault charge Monday by County Judge Walter Little. The chief was charged with assaulting Mrs. Tuesday of a night-club waiter, Marcel Decourcy, 28. Prelimin- pg rie ary inquiry was fixed for May 3 ALLEGE THREAT RASTATT (Reuters) West German police here have ar- rested a 32-year-old man alleged to have threatened to assassinate United States President Eisen- hower during the summit confer- ence in Paris next month Ii American convict - author Caryl Chessman is executed, it was dis- closed today PAUL MARTIN BETTER WINDSOR (CP)--Paul Martin, (L Essex East) was released Monday from Hotel Dieu Hospi- tal, where he was confined for a week with a minor respirtory in- fection HUNT BANDITS WINDSOR (CP)--Police today were searching for two men who shot and wounded a Riverside bait dealer and escaped with about $1,000. Darwin Kernaghan, 23, was shot in the neck during a Monday morning holdup. He was treated at hospital and re- leased PRINT PAMPHLET TORONTO (CP)--A labor de- partment pamphlet acquainting Italian laborers with their rights regarding discrimination, hours of work, vacation pay and work- men's compensation will be pro- duced shortly, Labor Minister Daley of Ontario announced Mon- day. The circular will be printed in Italian and possibly in other languages. The action follows dis- closures of exploitation of Italian mmigrant labor and the recent Hogg's Hollow tunnel accident here in which five Italian work- men lost their lives OTTAWA TOUR AT END OTTAWA (CP)--Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery made the last visit of his Ottawa tour to- day--a 50-minute chat with Prime Minister Diefenbaker and De- fence Minister Pear kes. Lord Montgomery stuck with his pre- meeting statement that what he had to discuss with Mr. Diefen- baker was "my business." Today he goes to Kingston for an Royal Military College address CRASHES BORDER BAD NEUSTADT (AP) An East German farmer fled with his wife and two children to West COMING EVENTS Wednesday 1:30 p.m at 30 Bloor Street East, St. John's Hall SPRING Tea, Courtice United Church, Wednesday, April 27, 2.4 Home baking and sale of work. Admission 35¢ FERNHILL Bingo tonight, Avalon, 8 p.m. 20 games $6 and $10. 7 $40 Jack- pots. Door prizes RUMMAGE Sale -- King Street United Church, Thursday, April 28, 2 p.m CRA Hall, 100 Gibb Street. Ages 9 to 12 years, 25 cents a week. For inform- ation call Brooklin, OLiver 5-487] RUMMAGE Sale KINSMEN BINGO JUBILEE PAVILION TUESDAY, APRIL 26th FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 5§ end 54 Ewart, while driving to her home her from 16 miles away SMASH WINDOW MONTREAL (CP) -- A beer bottle was heaved early Monday through the store window of drug- gist Wilfrid Gagnon, the object of threats since he killed a holdup man earlier this month. It was the second time the front window had been smashed since the kill- ing. DETAIN POLICE BERLIN (AP) West Berlin police Monday night again de- tained two members of the Com- munist East German railway po- lice for assuming authority on a West Berlin elevated station. It was the fourth incident of this kind within the last five days ARREST FIVE MONTREAL (CP Provincial police Monday arrested five sus- pects--one in a hospital where he had gone for a checkup--in con- nection with the gangland. slay- ing of 33-year-old William Gilbert GOODBYE TO STEAM WINNIPEG (CP) The Cana- dian National Railways said a formal goodbye to the steam lo- comotive Monday as Engine 6043 rolled to the scrapyard. The proud mountain-type locomotive, which had served all over the Canadian mainland and hauled two royal trains, was the last to make a regularly-assigned run by a steam engine on the coast-to- coast CNR system Seasonal Yobless Benefits To End OTTAWA (CP The govern ment has given no consideration lo extending seasonal unemploy- ment benefits beyond May 15, La- bor Minister Starr told the Com- mons Monday. He gave the information to Harold Winch (CCF--Vancouver East) shortly before reporting to the House that on April 17 Can- ada had 328,000 people claiming unemployment insurance 22, of Belle; | NORWEGIAN V The Norwegian vessel Sea- drake was the first foreign ship to tie up at the Detroit marine epucATION BOARD Lions Name | | NEWS IN BRIEF No investigation had been made or started into the ques- tion of replacing the furniture in the cafeteria of the O'Neill Col- legiate and Vocational Institute the principal, G. L. Roberts, said at the meeting of the Oshawa Board of Education Monday night. The chairman, George A Fletcher, said he would make a note of it TO DISCUSS FEE An item on the agenda for the next meeting of the board will allow for a discussion about the payment of an 'extra fee to the architects, John Parkin, - for designing part of the boa administration building RESERVATIONS AUTHORIZED Reservations for seven trustees and a maximum of 10 staff mem bers attend the November meeting of the Ontario Associa tion of Curriculum Development were authorized by the trustees TO VISIT OTTAWA A request by principal of the Oshawa Central Collegiate In- stitute for a group of students active in debating from his schoo! and a group from Dr. F Donevan Collegiate Institute to go to Ottawa May 19, was grant- ed by the board TO GET LITERATURE Public school children will he given questionaires and an- nouncements of the Civitan Club about its annual bicycle rodeo in conjunction with safety month, the board decided the TO PRESENT BALLET The Canadian Junior Ballet Co. will be given the board's permission to rent the OCVI audi- torium of the OCVI, May 20, to present a program WINS $50 PRIZE Mrs. C. E street Sanders, von $50 in a draw Satur Federation Women day operated by the of French St. Mary Draw Canadian of the People church held to help pay for a new parish hall of was to raise money Travelling WHY N - any form of travel . Owned end opereted by Thomes For information regarding MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOR ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA Overseas OT FLY 'The modern way to travel is by air.' .« DIAL RA 3-9441 Meadows end Co., Canade Ltd. DIAL RA 3.9441 214 Gibb , ETROIT NAVIGATION SEASON terminal this season. The 3000 | shown leaving Port Colborne, sendoff. ton vessel, under charter to | Ont., heading into Lake Erie Saguenay Shipping Ltd., is | with two small boys giving it a OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF | MRS. LORNE JAMES The funeral service for Mrs. Robert and Lorne James, 195 Simcoe street at ome, and north, who died at the Strathaven children, Linda Nursing Home, Bowmanville, last Skelding. : Friday, was held at the McIntosh| po. p ; Staff) -- Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Monday, the funer 1 vic Lion Walter E. Rundle was Mon- April 25. foll red a Ss 1ce day night elected president of the Rev. John K Moffat, minister BL Lions Club for 1960-61. He will of Simcoe Street United Church, assume his duties as club presi- conducted the services. Inter- | ER 14-Year-Old Boy . Burned At Stake' dent July 1 ment 'was in Oshawa Union Cem- Lion Howard Gibson was elect- etery ed first vice-president, Glen Mar-| The pallbearers were Robert SHEFFIELD, England (Reut- A 14-year-old boy was burned at the stake by playmates ESSEL OPENS D -CP Wirephoto grandchildren, Mrs. W.E. Rundle President BOWMANVILLE Judy Brown, both two and conducted Interment George's Ceme- Dewdney tyn as second vice-president. Lion Brown, Owen Gifford, William Bud Oke vacated the office of| Saunders, Donald Saunders, Paul club secretary, which he has held Ferrell and John Kempt. for the past four years, to as- sume the office third vice- FUNERAL OF president ALEXANDER SWORIK President-elect Rundle will ap Funeral services were held i point a secretary and treasurer] Monday, April 25, for Alexander in a "game" near here during from the 12 directors elected at Sworik, who died at the Oshawa the weekend, it was announced the last club meeting. General Hoje, Thursday, April! Monday night " 3 21, in his 65th year IEYEAR PIN vice: High Mass was sung by Rev. was elected to the 1960-13: ( Pereyma in St. George's Ani > pts Ukrainian Greek Catholic church, leadership President| ;, 9:30 a.m Glen Lander was presented with The body was interred his 10-year perfect attendance G ee v's Ce . pin. Lion Bud Moses, attendance ITegary s -emeleny a creeping near, they tried to free committee chairman, made the upellbearers sg Tk Roger but panicked and ran presentatic in x 3 i thd ' asser nar, Pn akors winners of the Simmons, Robert Brewer, Len is ply Seay Is Bowmanville Boys Training Depratto, Michael Kettella. him : i School oratorical contest, sup- MATTHEW BROWN | The boy now is in hospital here plied the entertainment at Mon- Funeral services were held with burns on his legs, back and day night's meeting. from the F. F. Morris Co. Chapel hands ne 2 a Hroe contestants foriay 3 pm. today for Matthew the sions, rophy and shield, [grown who died in Bowmanville ay Budreo was declared win- yfamorial Hospital Saturday, ner for his contribution "Facts a » ; " . April 22, following a short illnéss. A About Wild 'Ducks". Runners-up] yi groe O 008 8 A ond | Roger was "a little better and were Edwin Hoyte with his J : .. fairly comfortable," but plastic PPT ~ year, came to Newcas W § 4 prastic speech entitled 'Fear of Failure bride. the oe Neastle ith hs surgery may be needed to treat and Robert Newell with his ; this ini on itled "Gold", Ns al Walton, from Manchester, Eng. Ms injuries of ers) Four boys his own age tied Roger Handley to a tree with handkerchiefs and then set to nearby underbrush. When the boys saw the flames e vear's first ent in St. Roger's family blamed the in- cident oa television A hospital spokesman said HOSPITAL G eor g e ments, 359. Skelding (Joan) of Bowmanville, great-grand- Georgie fire fire } : United States has lagged in the REPORT ability to put large payloads into Following is the report of the space and quite another thing to Oshawa General Hospital for the gay that the United States lags week ending April 23: admissions, in its over - all military pro- 264; births, male 23, female,|g mg 1 21 discharges, 235: newborn nd 97. i .| "We repeatedly analyze and male 16, female 27; major. sur war-game the relative military y,- 57; inor sur, ry, 89; ye, « Tend iy a ei. roy, strength of the Soviet Union and ments, 47; examinations. 36 the United States. casts, 15; physiotherapy treat. ciations which today operate 66 | Isnecial schools; provide recrea- LIGHT BLAMED tion and sheltered workshops: Oshawa firefighters were _call- and give parents guidance and ed Monday S008 10 extinggioh 2 support in the broadening of hori- ght appar: ,,,c for some 150,000 m: ally ently ignited a bed at the resi- | " : 4 . dence of A. Martyn, 312 French retarded persons in this prov. , nce, street. Fire Department ambu- | lances answered two routine calls during the past 24 hours. David Green, of no given ad- $225 DAMAGE dress, was remanded one week | Damage estimated at $225 was in custody for sentence, after he caused in a two-car collision on|Pleaded guilty Monday to a false Rossland road west at Carnegie pretenses charge. Green admit- avenue, Monday morning. Rev. ted obtaining a typewriter from Robert B. Milroy, 454 Bader ave- Walmsley and Magill Office! nue and Gordon B. Horne, 547 Equipment Ltd., 11 King St. E,| Simcoe street north, were the by writing a cheque on a non- drivers involved. existent bank account | ents hav REMANDED FOR SENTENCE * Safe.. Use Mother Wel: i¥Y 2.41 relied on CHILDREN DO HAVE WORMS Ever since Grandmother's day por 'Mother Graves' to Sve SAFE te give to children from year up. Quickly effective. Pleasant... Effective Graves' MINATOK SPCA TO MEET . The annual meeting of the Osh- awa branch of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals will be held at Adelaide House at 7.30 p.m. this Wednesday. Miss Grace Hall of the University of Toronto will speak on humane animal trapping and Dr. D. E. McLaurin, of Oshawa, will talk about the current distemper epi- demic among dogs. Reports of activities and the installation of officers will feature the meeting. PLAN CONFERENCE | Oshawa district members of the province-wide Retarded Chil-| dren's Association will be] among some 400 delegates at-| tending a three-day conference at Hamilton, April 28-30 to "blue- print progress for the mentally retarded'. The Oshawa and Di trict Association for Retarded Children is one of 63 local asso- Air Cooled Shoes of Punched Celtic Calf Budreo was given a small tro- land, in 1911. He was the son of|_ phy which will be engraved for the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph winning the public speaking con- Brown. of Manchester. test. In addition, he was present Since coming to Canada, Mr.| ed with the Lions Shield which Brown was employed as a section | will be engraved. and which he man, working out of Newcastle, will keep for a year, The run- for the CPR until his retirement | ners-up were each given a pen jn 1942 for their appearance - cl The Na od he Ys He attended St George's Angli- 25. when the club will celebrate "2? Church, Newcastle Mr. Brown is survived by one its 25th anniversary. A gala stag birthday is planned son, Thomas. of Newcastle; three 12 King St. E. RA 3-3633 to take you casually through the delightful Spring and Summer months. ANNUAL MEETING Meat Specials! Wed. of the CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY for the County of Ontario and the City of Oshawa to be held at y FREE! * Side Pork for 89¢ Get 1 Lb. Free! Colors: Ermine Brown Celtic Calf. 2 Ibs. Lean, Sliced SANDER 13.95 VEAL CHOPS MEATY PORK HOCKS SLICED COOKED HAM SHOULDER St. Andrew's United Church 71 SIMCOE ST. §. on the evening of Wednesday, April 27th at 8 p.m. Speaker will be MR Ltd DONALD HENSHAW of his McLaren Advertising Toronto, speaking eon experiences 3s an adopting father REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED The Public Is Cordially Invited | PORK CHOPS Widths AAA to B. Sizes to 10 DAVIDSON » 69° 9..1.00 "79 uw 43° OPERATED BY E. A. SOUTHWELL "Goods Satisfactory er Money Refunded" The 31 SIMCOE STREET NORTH ([LASIS RA §5-3312 1 Red and MEMBER OF: Betior Tuld Oshawa '$