CARD OF THANKS Please Note 44--Houses, Apts., Flats |45--Real Estate for Sale 45--Real Estate for Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale 45---Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 27, 1960 21] SIX room brick bungalow, decorated, landscaped, storms and screens, stop. | Deadlines now in etfect for . CROSSMAN «= 1 wish fo Wo a place, close to school and bus Apple Hill, RA 88649, No agents. fire: | wil 337 JARVIS Street, 6 room brick home th bedroom on first floor, 2 bedrooms on second floor, oil heating, private drive and garage, Well cared for and ed at $9800 with terms. | this column: friends, relatives, y St. United Church, for ecards, gifts and other acts of Kind- ness, shown me during my stay at the Oshawa General also the |nurses and nurses' aides of 3B, for the wonderful care and attention given me. A special thanks to Dr. Stanley id Dr. Morris. fang: on. Rae (Lois) C: | Births, Memoriams, Cards of Thanks -- 9 AM. SAME DAY | DEATHS -- 1) AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 LLOYD AYERS REALTOR--RA 3-2254 $10,700.00 For Rent + bedroom house with at tached garage, half fuile, Ju New- castle, on paved road.-38! FIVE . room apartment, gara Pi vate bath, nd entrance. Avail y 1, RA 5.1343 FOUR .- room basement apartment, three - piece bath, separate entrance. Block from Shopping Centre, immediate possession. No small children. RA 5-4502. ~Mrs. | MACK = 1 wish to express my sin. |cere thanks to doctors and nurses of Oshawa Hospital, my neighbors, gd and relatives, brid were ki me ae ausing oy ~Mrs. M. Mack. BIRTHS. DICKSON --Alan and Bob Ann are | happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Cheryl Louise, 7ibs., 8 oz.,| on Tuesday, April 26, 1960, at Oshawa | |44--Houses, Apts, Flats For Rent THREE room apartment, private bath, ideal for couple or bachelor apart. ment, Available anytime. Near Si ping Centre, bus at door, RA 560%. TWO unfurn "he, ai nk, | buili in cupboards, heat, ligh ter, use Of {elephone, central, $40 monthly. RA 5047. 6-room, 2-storey brick home on Park Rd. 5. near King St, forced air oil heating, 4-pc. bath, garage, living room, panelled in etchwood, an older type home but in good repair. To inspect, call APARTMENT ~ three rooms, built-in cupboards in kitchen, private bath and entrance, near bus stop, suit w ng couple. T RA 5-2139, | HOUSE, five rooms, hydro, water, nice General Haspital, | garden, 1% miles north of Taunton, RA 9064. LAKE -- Mr, and Mrs. Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254, PRIVATE furnished basement apart. ment, steel sink, cupboards, private Donald Lake | 3 e|2- ay bir of 3 daughter, TWO Tatavaihed rooms, private bal, weighing 8 Ibs. 6 ozs., at Bowmanville other conveniences, couple only, nort! Memorial Hospital on Monday, April end. RA 3.7052 after 6 p.m. 25, 1960, THREE or four rooms, unfurnished, ate bath and entrance. Apply 539 WILLIS -- John and Sally (recently ha Street. RA 8-1178, of Oshawa) are happ. arrival of their foci Bagh Barbara Ann, THREE - room, self-contained apart. 7 Ibs, Lurgan and Porta. ment, sireet level, water, heat a ip Northern Ireland, laundry facilities. Telephone RA 85-1767. on Saturday, April 23, THREE - room, self-contained apart ment. around oa lao ane roo GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL floors central, adults only. Phone RA |5-3 Kindness beyond price yet within reack of all. THREE - room apartment, newly re. | modelled, heated, hot water, south RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST end, abstainers only. Parking. Call RA 5.8352. - FURNISHED room kitchen and laundry downto! South GM. RA 5.8513. THREE . room furnished apartment, | share bathroom, vacant. Telephone RA 8-5332 after 6 p.m |CFNTKAT -- three - room, self-con. tainec apariment, for business pers: o couple, $75 per month. RA -5123 Lloyd Realty, Oshawa, Ltd., 101 Simcoe North KINGSCOURT apartments, 'A "Ajax, one- one- two-bedroom suites, $70 - 875, $80-$85 Children' welcome. RO 7-5493; WH 2- w 566 (Ajax). TWO , unfurnished, cupboards, gy heat and lights sup- plied, _central Telephone RA 88193. immediate oc- LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral Arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -HOUR SERVICE RA 8-6555 room house, A 540310 da ~ room apartment, $15 weekly. "4 24 | Telephone RA 8-5063. TWO unfurnished rooms, middle- aged | hi or lady preferred, abstainers. Apply 110 Agnes Street or RA 5-2078. THREE . room "apartment, IN MEMORIAM | dear floor. Teter hone. Mo 8 5367 evenings. passed GROUND floor, two - bedroom apart ment, spacious living room, Kitchen dining room and four - children welcome. Call RA 5-3 FOUR - room, furnished apar ble immediately. between 7 and 8 evenings ERN, of who a BEVAN -- In memory neighbor, Rose Bevan, away April 27, ~Ever remembi Collison and family. BEVAN -- In memory Mrs. J. R. Bevan, dear Frederick and Roseanna passed away April 27, 1957 --Sadly missed and lovingly betred, Mother and Dad | by Jack and Marie of Rose, | tment, daughter of ja Brown, who!8.60 MC Pa three room basemen remem- ness. Can be seen anytime. FOLKERTS -- In loving memory of |3-3218 Jack Folkerts, denly on April 27, 1958 ~HEver remembered by tives n kitchen, private bath, rela- lend factory. Call after loving 4 pm 3655 STEPHENSON -- In loving memory MODERN, new apartments -- two min. GM, 301 Cordova Road, le parking space. Apply 464 Eulalie nue. ¥ a dear mother, Edith Stephenson, utes to South #ho passed away April 27, 1 The rolling stream of life rolls. on, But still the vacant chair Recalls the love, the voice, the smile, | Of the one who once sat there w~Ever remembered by her family. CARD OF THANKS + HARDY Ta would like to express apartment, plus bath, furnished, close our sincere thanks to family, relatives, 15 pus service. Private. RA 8-1720 after | and friends, for cards, flowers, lovel MD p.m. ge 2 all who helped to make our wedd! ing anniversary a happy | FOUR _ room "apartment, "private b event. pear Shopping Centre. 164 Gre: TR lutein dt and Minnie Hardy. [Stree Street, RA 8-5083. amg IA HRE i contained, attractive, clean, reason: |able, near South GM RA 5-1356. |BED sitting room, with light house- keeping, close to Hospital and down- town, suitable for lady, RA 5-5228. April 3 30. Phone RA 5-6304. nfell a FU facilities, garage, quiet home, close to| "close to ground piece bath. Two 5. Telephone RA ent, with de-humidifier to assure RA who passed away sud-| FLAT -- four rooms, built-in cupboards | A LARGE bed - sitting room with light close to south | housekeeping privileges RA [for gentleman, - room basement apartment | FIVE room house, newly decorated, LARGE for two girls. RA 39557. OFFICE space for rent, approximately 350 square ft. on second floor, private washroom and parking, Telephone RA 5-5132. TWO furnished clean rooms, very cen- tral, single lady or gentleman. Also furnished basement apartment, refrig. erator, stove and cupboards, Dial RA 3.9128, CENTRAL, cosy furnished apartment, suit three girls, private bath. Also fur nished bedroom in clean quiet home. RA 8.5916. FURNISHED room for rent, girl, phone RA 52316 or apply Elena Avenue. THREE - room furnished apartment, | heated, very central, phone RA 3.7692 after 530 p.m. EIGHT - room house, Lansdowne Shop- ping Centre area; immediate pos- session, RA 3-4237. [MODERN "newly decorated "three-room | apartment, garage, very central, suit able for business couple or bachelor, Phone RA 8-5145; evenings, RA 3.7244, OVER A QUARTER CENTURY | OF SERVICE PARKWOOD ¢ | MANOR SCHOFIELD APARTMENTS RA 3.2265 or RA 8-1624 ON CADILLAC AVE. N. g $12,900 -- $3,000 down -- SAGUENAY AVENUE 6-roomed brick home and (PARK RD. & KING ST. bath on main floor plus fin- DISTRICT) ished room and bath in base- ment. - All in good repair, OPEN FOR INSPECTION Convenient to stores and Quiet, residential street. school, Well landscaped 18 Chile ren Velcome. ' lawns. Double garage. Oil -bedroom Apartments. < Stoves, "frigs, T.V. outlet, heating. Call Henry Stinson, drapes, parking, etc evenings, RA 5-0243. 'Rents from $85 monthly KINGSDALE A 6-room brick ond clap- board, 1Y2 - storey family home. Situated in a choice residential district Good- sized living room, dining room ond kitchen. Fenced back yard and decorative shrubs in front. Carries at $85.00 per month, interest and principal. Reason for selling, owner is leaving city. For further details, call Don Stradeski, evenings, RA 8.8423, CADILLAC AVE. S. 5-room stone and brick bun- galow, only 5 years old, which owner has out grown. Come pletely fenced back yard with lawn, storms and screens. Fully decorated. TV, etc. Carries for $73.97 per month, including taxes. Substantial down payment required. Call $9,900.00 FULL PRICE Income home = 7-room in- sul brick, Wilson Rd. S., 2 bathrooms, oil heating. Ask ing $1,400 down. For an appointment call Ozzie Addi- son, RA 3-2254. $8,700.0C FULL PRICE Only $700 Down -- 5-rcom bungalow near South GM. Plant, very nice condition throughout, property could be used for commercial use, zoned C.I. To inspect, call Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254. boy or 29 t PHONE RA 5.7272 RA 5-5787 |44a--Rooms For Rent if in private home tral. Dial RA 3-7514 | FURNISHED room for single person, {cooking privileges. 317 Glidden Ave. preferred, Cen- | ONE furnished bedroom, "gentleman , | preferred, close to North GM, hospital RA 5-5879 before 2 p.m. 278 Jarvis | Street ROOM for one or two gentlemen, twin beds, breakfast if desired. Phone RA 5-4618. furnished room for young lady, central. Telephone RA 5-0575. | BED - sitting room with Kitchenette, | suitable for business or retired lady. | Telephone RA 5-3215. TWO furnished rooms for single gentle: man, in new house, cooking facilities, parking, close to Shopping Centre and Sau. RA 81439. 76 Rosehill Boule- vard. WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT -- Unfurnished 3 + room|FOR RENT -- Five rooms and bath, apartment, private entrance. Avall- stove and refrigerator, near High able May 1, MO 8-3800 from 68 p m School, no children. Phone MO 8-3428 FOR RENT -- One furnished room in daytime. ~~ EIN 'mew home, home privileges. Apply 910 FOR RENT -- Sunny, furnished bach. McCullough Drive, Westview Heights. |elor apartment, refrigerator, rangette, g 2-piece washroom, linen supplied, Priv. Al -- M For HALES Ac Meteor Seas, beat ate entrance. Adults, 821 Dundas West. door. FOR RENT--Two comfortable furnish ed rooms, small kitchenette, stove, re- frigerator. Suitable for married couple. kee: ing room, vision entrance. 542 Mary East. FOR ¥ RENT -- One bedroom apartmer t, adults only, $75 monthly, MO 82736. FOR SALE -- 13' 6° boat, 12 HP Hito motor, and trailer, fully equipped, used one season. MO 8-4182. for motel. Sleep in or out. FIVE - room apartment for rent, at 233 | wood Motel, Palace Street, Whitby. Call RA 35-4302, not between 5 and 7 p.m. Oshawa, after § p.m. . _ |OPENING at new location Thursda FOR | RENT -- mode 0 - bedroom | April 28 - Mid Town Furniture - apartment, heat, water, TV outlet and |Brock North, second north of Ly parking supplied, centrally located. Available May 15. 605 Green Street, MO free draw May 762. Drop in' and put your name hed room, close DoX. You may be the lucky winner, Green Street Phone MO 8-4981 ho ) FOR SALE golf clubs, FOR SALE -- Rotten manure or com. registered, eight irons, 2 io 9; putter, post, odorless and weedless for flow. woods, 1 and 3. Bag and cart $85, ers, juris, lawns and gardens. Phone best offer. MO _8-3072 MO 38-4514 FOR RENT -- modern three - FOR SALE -- well rolted manure, $5 apartment with three - plece bath, pri- per laod, delivered Mo 8 vate entrance. Available May ROTO-tilling don: on ERR Call J. Mulligan, OL 5 FOR RENT -- One or two bedroom FOUR choice, $1000 down Ve apartment on Mary Street East, several three-bedroom bungalows Phe $100. Adults preferred. split levels, also several income prop- erties in Whitby. For full particulars,[ROOM available fo Lloyd Corson at RA 85123 at Lloyd man, packed lunches, laundry inelud- Realty, Oshawa Ltd ed. Phone MO 8-1872 after 6 FOR RENT ~ ground floor FOR RE NT Modern "apartment, 4 Apply 610 Dundas West rooms and bath, self-contained, paved T -- Modern 2-bedroom apart par king, TV ofitlet, adults preferred. builtn.stove and oven, auto. MO 84282. ic washer, dryer. Call Collect RU ONE or two 'bedroom apartm conveniences, balcony, close to shop-| kx Ping centre. 105 Craydon Road, Whitby. FOR RENT --Furnished room, private ance, in respectable home. MO R heat and light suy plied, close to down- town. available May 1, $65 monthly, _MO 84625 after 4 p.m. 2 help wanted, general Apply Holly. | y 14th for a bookcase, FOR RENT -- Unfu to downtown. App! or telephone MO 8-401 Tr one young gentle. all wor Monday- MO = EVISION-Radio ed, 9 am. - 9 Teunissen TV repairs, t p.m ay: Service, T 8.2458 8-42 i HOUSE ana bungalow wanted, down payments W McAuley MO 33231. Oshawa RA 3.2512 i. Good Realtor THREE - room n apartn ment. unfu 1 ed, available May 1. Parking. Conven. cation, MO 82-5188 "sharpened, land, ary, reel type motors, motor and chine repairs to all makes of mo Roto-tillers, chain saws, complete saw sharpening service. For pick-up and FOR RE NT = One and two bedroom delivery, MO 82308. K and B sharpen- 3paniments, private, in new triple ing Service. 614 Dundas Fast Byron Street North. RA 5-80 also feathers TIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed Walter Ward 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8.2563. rket prices paid , MO 8-3644 collect MODERN QUIET APARTMENT FOR SALE --G. E_ Washing machine, Sunbeam Mixmaster, coffee pot EXCELLENT LOCATION APPLY kettle, household articles. Brooklin OL 5-4829. 105 Craydon Rd. Apt. 2 FOR C.I.L. PAINT CALL Dodd & Souier Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South MO 8-5231 HOME IMPROVEMENTS | Remodelling -- Additions Summer Cottages, Rec. Rooms Tile, Hardwood Floors Cupboards, Garages, Fences Loans Arronged JERRY BREAR MO 8-4007 CRE cut, apy IAM cold wave, $6.95 includes style. oil shampoo and set. MO 8-5124 for tment ro ma "wanted SET Jake NEW office space in Whitby. 800 sq. ft or less, parking lot (facilities. Call Whitby Professional Building, MO 8 3731; evenings, MO 8-4003 Feb 12] SPECIAL. new Kelvinator deep freezes rom only $279 For 'special prices! mn ranges, fridges, washers and dry tra, contact 'Mid Town Furniture, The Jawest Appliance 'Dealer in Whitby 0 8-4981 or MO 83 40. FOR RENT motors water skis, surf boards, canoes, box trailers, cabin trailers, tents, coleman stoves lanterns and coolers, Sleeping bags, .cots, garden tillers, post hole diggers, cement. mixers, wheelbarro réllers, seeders, ond mc hedne clippers, chain and Boats, and trailers | Se paint sprayers, vacuum clean- ers, pipe dies, etc WILDE RENTALS SERVICE & SALES 1415 DUNDAS EAST MO 8-3226 T -- One bedroom "apartment, 00! "help | [3-415 after § p.m MO 82646 anytime but ROOMS by the "week, tiled shower and 11 ONF. larg e tile Department Store, There will be a TWO - in the gpgraIRS -- Spalding, 2 or ATTRACTIVE "room | North, 5-7 p.m, RA 8-8671. MO suitable for couple. Apply 620 Simcoe | Si $85, RA 3 MO gou oi 4 4: |W unfurni shed rooms, ON Colborne Street West, large double bedroom, furnished; also one single; use of kitchen. Young usiness gentle. man preferred. RA 3-403 TWO unfurnished or SS TO central, or would consider roomers. | Telephone RA 5-7936. |ONE very large front room, private Russ Reeve, evenings, RA 5.4840. List Co-op Through This Office Member of Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board. pri Call Rae Lathangue at RA 5-6168. Ris- tow and Olson, altors. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY KING STREET EAST NEXT YO, SIRESTONE LTD. Sturdy 8 room brick house in excellent condition, situated SEVEN . room house, roi close to Ritson Road Fig od payment. Apply 246 Windsor down, NEW five low; Taras For Sale « room brick bung Telephone RA B8-1785 after 6 47 Automobiles For Sela, i; Must sell immediately, 8 STUDEBAKER Silver Hawke, white differ- INCOME home, with garage, three - room basement aPasuest, sow rented, Five rooms Bath, ug stairs, Separate ey fully 1 seaped, $13,500. RA 5-8869, BOWMANVILLE NEW THREE-BEDROOM BUNGALOW Attached garage, tiled 4-pc. bath, hardwood throughout, natural stone fireplace, builts in chine cabinet, For Information Phone rv -, BUILDING lot, with overdrive, twin traction, back wu private, ent, three 5g brick bungalow, lights, chrome wheel discs, '58 MGA quick sale. Apply 131 phone MA 3.2706. onvertinie, en Han "Sven 3 Phone OL $3418, 'st CHEV: hardtop, radio, red potions, natural stained mahogany cupboards, tiled bath, divided basement, close to '6 DESOTO Firelite, owner car. 536 King East. hardtop, "one w § 8t. Chri t School, $12,900. Joseph Bosco Realtor, RA 5.9870, black, top, [sonably 'pred. Phone OL 5.3211 Brook. Tin. '38 BUIOK, two door hardtop, in excel- lent condition, custom radio, white. walls, two tone. Will accept trade. Can finance. Reasonable, private. RA 7197, 45" x 120°, sewer and] water. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, RA 5-9870 $499 FULL down payment, six - brick bungalow, balance on one NHA sound ear onl | Stew at Mike 58 INTERNATIONAL Travelall, si able of carrying nine passengers. MoO 8 8-2707 after 5, tutone, custom vedio, $505, easy terms. Ty tarr's, RA 5-5646, 5 PONTIAC age. Monthly payments of $68.50 nel interest and principal. Call Irwin Cruikshanks, RA 18-5123 after| hours, call RA 8.5205. Lloyd Realty,| Oshawa, Ltd. FIVE room bungalow, forathed gar- age, all conveniences, 100° by 300° lot on paved road south Myrtle. $10,500. Phone OLiver 5.3485. BUILDING lots for sale on good road Orono. Al son to W. H. 51 FORD custom six, four door, two tone blue, radio, whitewalls, perfect |condition, $1295. Call Mr. Hodgson, Genosha Hotel 56 BUICK special mechanical conditi erton Avenue. 3 FORD sedan, good motor and body, 865 or offer. Phone evenings, RA 3-9426, I, automatic, .good , Apply 723 Chest. on large lot. 66 x 165 Zoned C-1 Circular Drive Extra Large 2-Car Garage Suitable for Shop or Storage Available ot Excellent Terms All Inquiries Confidential Call: Stephen MACKO Realtor | LLOYD REALTY RA 8-4661 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $1,800 FULL DOWN PAYMENT Buys this lovely one year old N.H.A, 6% resale with fin- ished recreation room, kite chen, builtin valance boxes, oil heating. For appointment to inspect, call Jim Cruik- shanks at RA 8.5123. BROOKSIDE ACRES $18,500.00 FULL PRICE Custom built six-room brick ond stone home with at- tached garage. Extras in- clude built-in china cabinet, Adderson-type windows, split entrance with wrought iron railings. For more informa- tion, call Irwin Cruikshanks at RA 8-5123 N.H.A., RESALE Owner transferred, will take $1,800 and let you take over payments on this lovely 5V2- room brick bungalow with fin- ished recreation room and many extras. For full particu- lars, call Lloyd Corson, RA 8-5123. BEAUTIFUL STYLING LARGE LOT LOW TAXES Custom built ranch style with attached garage, two bathe rooms, one off the master bedroom, large living room with natural fireplace, plush dining room, expensive broad loom included, numerous ex- tras, 4 lazy susans, new wa- ter softener installed. Asking price $17,900.00. Phone Bill Millar to inspect this home at RA 8-5123., Lioyd Realty Ltd. Realtors RA 8.5123 -- RA 8.5124 RA 8-5125 101 Simcoe St. N, Oshawa's Busiest Real Estate Firm Open Evenings and Saturdays entrance, light housekeeping, close to bus suitable for one or two girls. Ap- ply' 517 Park Road South. TWO furnished or partly furnished light housekeeping rooms. Suitable for work- ing couple or girl. Call RA 3.4817. LARGE bright, furnished room, | rally located, suitable for business gentleman. Phone RA 5-2010. LARGE housekeeping room and pantry, built-in cupboards, private ntrance, suit work! y. 478 Park Ro: South. | T¥o urnished ms, cen- housekeeping | Apply 48 Drew Street, RA| bath, maid service. RA 3.4641 Genosha Hotel for dryer; sodded lawn; double ed room, for gentle sh men ris 329 Ritson Road South room flat, kitchen shower bath. Phone RA 5-852 two furnished keeping rooms, heat, lights, water, separate entrance; parking, suit busi ness couple or two girls, RA 5.0886 after 6 p.m - paint, tile, arborite. o Pedroom, "house- "furnished rooms, avail. | able in private home, 82 Park Road D. W. WI ONE large furnished room and "kitchen, CUSTOM HOMES by W. E. ROTH Modern 3-Bedroom Brick Homes screens; 2 aluminum storm doors. Choice of colour. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE BUY LEASE Pay rent at the some time be buying you own home. Six- room bungalow. All services at your doorstep. For com~ plete information, calle RA 5-8831 T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY CEMENT BLOCK BUILDING _ 80 x 35, no fillers, oil and hot water heated, suitable for store, repair shon, profest's al offices, etc. $32,500, Apply 222 BQND ST. W. 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE is at your service when you list .your house for sale with We have buyers for that home of yours now. For ape praisal and courteous, effi- cient service -- call this of- fice today. Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 588 REALTOR WILSON WILSON REALTOR BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS -- INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-6544 BARGAIN SERVICED LOTS DEEP LOTS, 50 x 330 $1,800 WATER ONLY DEEP LOTS, 75x 330 FIRST TIME OFFERED ONLY 6 LOTS AVAILABLE, TERMS TO SUIT, CALL MR. BOLA- HOOD AT RA 5-6544, Open Evenings Members of Oshawa & Distri t Real | Estate Board Check these Features Built-in bookcase; mahogany kitchen cupboards; double stain. less steel sink; 4 pc. ceramic tile bath with mirror over vanity; natural trim; oak and vinyl tile floors; divided basement; wired sliding windows with storms and Brick, roof, FULL PRICE $13,790 For information call RA 5-9991 or LSON LTD. RA 5-6588 t Ne North. T r gentlemen | only. "Phone poh 5 p.m. 467 Ritson Road Braemor WEST OFF STEVENSON ISHED room in bachelor apart rivileges. RA 5.9630. SINGLE ished room, | refrigerator, very central, Central Street, [Fs {ment "stove and Apply 96 live furnished rooms for ¢ two gentle. men, close to Shopping Centre. Apply 63 Grenfell Screet RA 5-8721. |ONE large "furnished room and k Kitchen, suit couple, Also single furnished room for Semieman. Apply 620 Simcoe Street {ROOM "for two gentlemen, single beds, aso one single room Second floor, Near North GM and downtown. Apply 204 Bond Street East LIGHT housekeeping room, south end, Lots of hot water." RA 5.8352 " |SELF-CONTAINED rooms, private bath for gentlemen. Apply 20 Harmony Road JRNISHED bedroom, central park.| Ng space, abstainers only, gentlemen preferred, Phone RA 8-8644 bath, private {entrance and phone, bas Giri Mi finished. Reasonable rent. After |apply to 452 Ridgeway Avenue | THREE < or five rooms, stove and wash. ing machine. Apply 813 Sylvia Street. ONE furnished housekeeping room, for gentleman or couple, one block from Glecoff's. Apply 125 Clark Street. TWO furnished rooms, "kitchen, and bedroom, suit one or two. 25 Quebec [free near Simcoe. | {45--Real Estate For Sale |FaRses "for sale. We have several |farms in Ontario County, 200 to 300 acres. See us before you buy. George E Edwards Broker, Telephone Sunder- land 38. $989 DOWN ONE MORTGAGE SPRING OCCUPANCY. While they last new N.H.A. bungalows very limited num- ber to be constructed this year DON'T BE TOO LATE! FULL PRICE $11,995 RA 5-8831 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 3 S. D. HYMAN REALTOR 39 PRINCE ST, RA 8-6286 PRESENTS THE BIGGEST SMALL HOME AND THE . Smallest Priced BIG HOME IN OSHAWA MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION N.H.A. FINANCED Standard Features Include: Double sliding windows with storms and screens--aluminum front door-- enamel hot water tank--exhaust fan--vanity in bathroom--é x 6 ceramic tile bath--front sodded. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS: Cardens NORTH ON ANNAPOLIS 585 H. GOLDSTEIN REAL ESTATE BROKER BOND ST. E. OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. RA 3.2265 or RA 8-1624 EXECUTIVE HOME 8 - room brick, 2V4 - storey home with 2-car garage, lo- coated on a quiet residential street off Simcoe St. North. This beautifully appointed home is in first class condi- tion throughout. Features in- clude: 4 bedrooms, den with fireplace, shining oak floors, natural fireplace in living room, modern 4-pc. bath, plus extra stool in basement, hot water zil heating. Grounds are nicely landscaped with trees® and shrubs. For ap- pointment to see, call Bill McFeeters, evenings RA 5-1726, daytime RA 3-2265, LLOYD Metcalf REAL ESTATE 34 Simcoe Street South Dial 3-9329 or 5-6551 Milton Street Lorge 3 bedroom ranch bun- galow, beautiful landscaped lot, panoramic view, large liv- ing room, Hollywood type kit- chen, 4 piece tiled bath with vanity, finished laundry room and 2 piece waghroom in basement. Storms, screens, etc. Monthly payments of $57.00 on 5% % mortgage. After 5: 3 call Joe Maga at RA 5-919 Cr Blvd. N. 6 room family home -- mod- ern kitchen, large living room, dining room and 3 bedrooms, gerage, siurms, screens, paved drive, landscaped. All this for only $12,500 with $3,000 down. Close to King Street. Income Properties Call this office for further in- quiries on Duplexes -- Tri- Plex, and also a 5 Plex. Vacant Lots 6 choice N.H.A. aproved lots with all services paid for-- asking $3,200 -- 2 suburban lots -- asking $1,200 and $1,250 After 5:30 Call Marion Drew ,. RA 5-7610 Everett Elliott . RA 3. 9290 Joe Maga .... RA 5.9191 Lloyd Metcolf .. RA 5-6983 Dick Barriage .. RA 5-6243 RA 8.5161 Wes Elliott RA 8-0581 $2,200 SEWER & WATER mart % SABYAN MOTOR | SALES LTD. TEN acres market garden land, large je, & STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, Tel.: RAndolph 3-3461 CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W. well; twenty mi Cheap for cash, or fo h- awa Contact Ben Corson, Pickering, WH 3.3317. LOT, on Seneca Street, for sale, 100 fost fromage, $2500. Telephone RA 1 LOT for sale, 80 x 212, one mile east of Taunton. Phone RA 5.5934. | pl LOT for sale -- 75 x 200, between Whit. | by and Oshawa on Thickson Road. RA 7902. ONE acre of land and small house on Highway No, 2, Courtice area, only $5200 with $2700 down, W. McAuley Realtor, 26 Prince St. RA 32512 or MO 8.5765. LOT, 87 x 146, Stevenson Road North. | RA 5.6730. | All conveniences. $7500. MA 3.5710. BUILDER'S own home at 929 Masson Street, carport, built-in burners and oven, broadloom in living room,. split] GO-KARTS SALES entrance. Many more extras, $6600) AND SERVICE down. RA 5-9478. TWO - bedroom bungalow, residential PARTS AND ACCESSORIES! Magic tors for tone, white walls, outstandin, terms, 55646. , te HR 56 BUICK automatic, custom Try Stew at Mike 7 PLYMOUTH Savoy inside and side like new, radio, extras, T) two tone, gold and Willing to trade en smal ird Street, Bowmanville. MA '52 PONTIAC coach, radio, he clock, good clean ear. $205. MO §- '5% PONTIAC, custom radio, good ning car, needs work, $08, down. Try Stew at Starr's, 55646. '56 PONTIAC deluxe, custom very clean car, $045, easy terms. Try A at Mike Starr's Garage. RA $95 YOUR choice, Mercury mouth sedan, or '52 Meteor, really good mechanical 60 King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre, '886 FORD coach, $45 down or balance $205, excellent runn tion. King West Motors, oppos! ping Centre, '56 FORD -- private, one owner, lent condition. Telephone RA B- "53 DODGE sedan, Apple Green, absolutely spotless inside and excellent tires, runs. good, West Motors, opposite Shopping ¢ '58 PONTIAC sedan delivery, RA after 4 p.m. '54° CHEVROLET sedan, radio . a $650 matic, recently overhauled, LJ offer, Telephone RA Lan 53 B.S.A. 650 CC motorcycle RA 5-7233 wy 53 FORD standard, perfect shipe , iy w worth $425. Private, Call R. 56 CHEVROLET haf ton | ie; Py, good condition. RA 58 PONTIAC four- Aes yor '50 Chevrolet, can be seen at 172 bert Street after 6 p.m, RA 5.781%" CUSTOM built car radios, com with aerial and installation, transifol models from $49.95. Terms D re' Siore, 4 Bond HUSH distriet, S000, $500 down. Consider] lot as trade in. RA 5.1457. A A TWO lots, Ritson Road South. F RA 8 6397 | t OSH WA THREE lots for sale on Apple mi.| DISCOUNT HOUSE Dial OLiver 5-3055. Cs INCOME property, , nineteen rooms, Kar-Pet demonstra- containing one' four room apartment, 5 two three-room apartments, nine single sale from $99.50. rooms, four bathrooms, one extra stool Good income, with little work. open| RA 5-1343 or R RA 8-0311 for offers. Apply to owner, 200 King West. OT I Lunaterred. apo Tob: bunga. BETTER USED CARS ow, decorated, landscap: i orm n screens, fireplace, atta garage, | BOUGHT AND SOLD Rossmere Street, $17,500. "Ra 5-1782 | PICTURESQUE (reed lof, in sity with Any Make -- Any Model seven-room, split level especially de signed for the lot, attached gurage, Condition Guaranteed finished rec-room, decorated, and other extias, TY iy Executive ype home $25 DOWN 18,900. osep! osco, ealtor, A : a $670. | EASY TERMS NEW six-room ranch bungalow, double | attached garage, two fireplaces, divided | Expert Service basement with finished recreation Hd room, terms arranged. Apply to build BEFORE YOU BUY er, 238 Kaiser Cres. GIVE "STEW" A TRY AT MIKE STAR™'S 314 BLOOR ST. W, RA 5-5446 Open Until 9 p.m. Building Lots Large lots in new sub- division Courtice. Close to public school, high school, bus service. Loans available. Phone RA 8-5579 PLANNING TO BUILD? CALL HOGENBOOM CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BUILT HOMES MORTGAGE ARRANGED Taylor Road, Oshawa, Ont. RA 8-6475 FREE ESTIMATES FURTHER PRICE REDUCTIONS IN 0.K. USED CARS 1959 CHEV. sedan reduced $1975 1957 CHEV. 2 door sedan reduced $1485 1957 MORRIS minor reduced $200. $675. 1957 FORD Station Wagon reduced «i» $1545 1954 PONTIAC 2 door, radio reduced $775 CRESTWOOD HEIGHTS Five-room N.H.A, brick ven- i West. RA 5-651L '54 METEOR sedan. Will sell orotale trade on pick-up truck. Apply 248. Ig» ronto Avenue, ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save wa 20 per cent. Six ronths to pay? povsonat service at your home wn 5-2 ond half ton Intern y, 6 ft. solid racks, with tarpaulin, hoi condition. MAgkat 3.3821. " '51 BUICK, good running ondition;] IF sale or trade for anything. Phons IRA 3.9491 yaw 1956 METEOR sedan, two tone, in [ ] condition. Phone RA 5.4429, x 48--Automobiles Wantéd™ 51 TO '54 OAR, Chevrolet preferredy consider others. Phone RA 3-991} after 5.30 LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers ~~ cars for wrecking. Tag hest prices paidy RA 5-1161 or RA 5.1182 VA HOUSTON GARAGE: AND SERVICE STATION; BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM< PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, --& MOTOR ~ TUNE-UP AND» GENERAL REPAIRS. o 67 KING ST. W. ; RA 3-7822 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. i DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. ; RA 3-942] gin (aad } ean In ae eer, featuring redwood kit- chen, ceramic tile bathroom with 'vanity, storms, iron rail- ing on porch. Many extras. Price $13,890, down $2,- 579. JAMES O. MALLEY CONTRACTOR RA 3-7122 CRESTWOOD HEIGHTS The 1960 trend is for custom built homes and we are following this with a variety of appealing plans available to the discriminate buyer. Featuring the exclusive Red- wood kitchens with built-in stove and oven Priced from $13,500 with $2,000 down. JAMES O'MALLEY Contractor RA 3-7122 46--Real Estate Wanted WE NEED homes to sell. Lis No charge unless we bring resulfs. Call G. Miller, Real Estate Broker, RA 5-2093 or RA 3-3240. Open evenings. 47 --Automobiles For Sale '58 OLDSMOBILE 88. $700. 569 Howard Street. 58 FORD Consul, excellent condition, six tires including new snows. Perfect for second car. Owner leaving country. RA 8.5791 after 6 p.m. 1957 CADILLAC coupe, re- duced $350 $2785 1957 FORD custom 2 door reduced .... $1395 1953 PONTIAC reduced. . . $395 1953 MERCURY, rediead 1958 CHEV. reduced $1695 1958 CHEV. V-8, automatic, radio, reduced .$1795 BUICK, sedan, auto- matic, radio, reduced . $1785 1958 CHEV. 4 door Station wagon, reduced $1995 1957 OLDSMOBILE, super 88 sedan, fully equipped, reduced $1795 1957 DODGE V2-Ton pick- up, reduced $795 1959 CHEV. Station wagon reduced $2395 1950 PREFECT, sedan, duced 1953 DESOTO, sedan reduc- ed . $200 1949 CHEV., sedan $49 1957 . CHEV. Station wagon reduced $1495 1957 PONTIAC, deluxe sedan automatic, reduced Hk . $1445 1953 PONTIAC, sedan, re- duced, $445 1955 FORD, sedan, automatic radio, reduced, . $785 1955 BUICK, 2 door, auto- matic, reduced . $945 1954 PONTIAC, sedan, radio 1957 re- 49 "today. CASH FOR YOUR CAR MACKIE MOTORS" KING ST. E. RA 5-5743 50--Articles for Sale SELLING furniture? We'll buy 16 Te frigerators, TV's, washers, plafow, stoves, etc. For top cash offer, cone tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-181, EVINRUDE outboard motor, 10- HF} excellent condition, used two season gas tank included. Telephone RA 5-4! TWO rooms of furniture, bed SINGS room and kitchen. 26 Church Streef npr stairs, 1 to 4 p.m. IBM electric typewriter, good smapg also adding machine, reasonable. Apply 215 Gibbon Street. wenin FOR sale, dining room suite, 6 ple light finish, in good condition. Phon RA 5-8625. 2 REDUCING and exercising maching, Stauffer, like new, $95. RA 8-8514, DAVENPORT and two chairs, good condition. RA 5-2411 after 5 p.m. , , . USED electric hot water tank, geod condition. RA 3-737! DOUBLE _ colonial i bed, 1 color, with spring and mattress, 'Goo condition, $25. RA 3.3374. GUNS, ammunition and hunting oo plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent y . |down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511. THREE rooms of furniture only ¢This includes chesterfield and chome set, bedroom suite, matt spring, step and coffee table, and table lamps, pillows, ete. $25 doWwiF delivers! "Guaranteed Best Valuet® Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simede Street South. : ET Beatty steel for stock pels two Beatty steel single horse HY. "51 CHEV. % fon | pig up, in good con. dition. Dial RA 3-2017, '59 ToL DSMOBILE reduced $395 1957 CHEV., deluxe sedan, reduced $1445 1953 VAUXHALL, reduced. $295 auto- $795 re- Fn power equipped, very low mile: Fargo % ton pick-up, V-8, automate. RA 5-6746. '88 PONTIAC Laurentian, 2-door hard: top, V-8 automatic, excellent condition, new tires, all accessories. RA 8-6030. , good condition, cently overhauled, new tires. Phone 6 p.m. RA 8.0549. used parts for 1949, 51 Yih ris Oxford car. Avply Mr, Muley, 1115] King Street R 2, Oshawa. ! PRIVATE party | As Cadillac Coupe de Ville, two tone, Goddis gold and black top fully equipped, this car is in im- maculate condition, Being sold by own. er, $1595. Apply 342 Frontenac Avenue. 55 CHEV, V-8, good condition, $800 or best offer. After 6, RA 35-0576. MOTORCYCLE -- 1958 Matchless Hur ricane, like new, less than 7000 miles, E. Williams, 49 Sullivan, Port Hope, TUrner 5-5488. au vmatiel 1955 BUICK, matic, reduced 1954 PONTIAC, duced . $445 1957 METEOR, deluxe, radio reduced $1450 1957 PONTIAC, deluxe, re- duced $1450 1954 METEOR, sedan, re- duced, $445 1954 PONTIAC, sedan, re- duced, $495 1953 PLYMOUTH, reduced. 215 re- sedan, clean 1950 MORRIS, duced AUSTIN, reduced 1955 FORD, zephyr, sedan, reduced 595 1958 VAUXHALL, super se- dah, reduced $1375 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 140 BOND ST. W. O.K. USED CARS oxford, 1955 convertible, $595 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA ust East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574 ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES-BENZ DKW SALES & SERVICE 408 KING ST. W. OSHAWA RA 3-7132 | RA 5-6507 RA 5-6508 Phone YUkon 5-2605. em, SALE is Auminum Products of the, best quality ot the beggy prices, fully guaranteed) Double hung windows only $18. Call now Lymer Aluminum Ce: . RA 8-5385 Pa ee | FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and. freezer. No down payment. For appointment (no obliga- tion)--phone RA 5-3709, FOOD PLAN THAT SAVES Complete lines of meats, fish, poultry and groceries. Gov- ernment inspected. Blue and Red Brand beef. FAMILY OF FOUR FREEZER AND FOOD, BOTH ONLY $12.89 A WEEK. FAIRBANK-MORSE FREEZERS $199 UP Phone Now RA .8-1128 Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping (Continued on Pose 2