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The Oshawa Times, 27 Apr 1960, p. 22

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}2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 27, 1960 - _|FIFTEEN YEARS AGO wT di the two fires was about $100,000. In the city at the time were 156 members of the naval shore CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 21) 30--=Articles For Sale 50--Articles for Sale LLECTRIC ironer, golf clubs and bag,|LARGE size crib -- spring-filled mat- yoy's mavy trench coat and hat, size 8,|tress, $15; Lloyd aluminum convertible writing desk, electric football game, | carriage, $12. RA 5-9402. v. 3320, | OT family 3 . ew. OL 5 |15% FOOT family runabout, excellent IJNPAINTED bookcases, only 99¢. with for skiing, $495. MO 8-4604. he purchase of one piece of unpainted) ~~ = ~~ -- urniture, Chest of oid, $17 idesks,| LLOYD baby carriage, 714; bookcases, $5.99; vanity , $25. Teleph 126; record cabinet, $18: room divider, 2 bookcase headboard, $15. Wilson furniture, 20 Church Street. grey, in g RA 3-3153. By MEL SUFRIN Canadian Press Staff Writer "it | HALIFAX (CP)--Fifteen years » " |OUTBOARD motor, new, $95; Coleman i hi t of Canada [RACTOR, Farmall Cub, five attach 'EW ter, | 80, while the rest ol nents. Telephone RA 8.8002 aiter 4. | lanier S10950 Small 00 320CC Bo [Joyfully celebrated the end of the WE pay highest prices in the city for|automatic, new, $155. WHitehall 2-3491./war in Europe, Halifax was \CUUM Tall makes, gripped in a nightmare of un- sed furniture, Pretty's Used Furni-| rere oer oy 3 , repairs, ure Store. RA 3.3271, 444 Simcoe South, attachments, brushes, guaran-|pastrained violence. ® FOOT moulded hull boat, 6° wide|teed rebuilt machines Estimates free 1 > ET = deep, open deck, leather upholstery, Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv The VE-Day riots of 1945, a RA 8-0591 anytime night and a day of destruction slectric starter and generator; sheayY | THREE hp garden tracior plough and fed by more than 150,000 bottles duty Teanee tratles, S10. --_- jeultivator, RA 8-5208. of looted beer, wine and liquor, anys spring woat. 14 S35 hd on AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes. left almost every store in down- Cok : tabi Prompt service. Free estimates. Order |. a iron baby carriage $20; table lamp $4.| [UME C0 CGoivery "Chair and table | (OW HalfaR Fancacked. D mage RA 8.6827. a A rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, |Was mare Wien 31.9004 x ' a MARK 20 Mercury motor with con-| ooo orp New styie| The fighting in Europe ended ? . ains! yle als, exeetient condition. Phone RA|j 0 "reial body carriages, converts on Monday, 5105 - - - - ~ to car bed, many colors, lowest price .iti if; unched a cele- [WO rugs, oriental design, new, 9 x 12, /in town, $37. Large full panel Roxatone cities, Halifax la It private, RA 3-200. crib, half price, $19.88. Spring - filled EIGHT piece dining room suite, es, $9.88. Playpens, $8.88. able for cottage, good condition, 7.88, Sizollers, $3.98. wil- sonable. RA 5-4402 between 9 a.m. an I's rurpilgre, <F rey owreel. 4 p.m. BEDDING bargains. Real low prices! TE ore sama) " ~~ Spring - filled mattresses, guaranteed OR os Sek construction, Reg. $29.95 wilson's|tablishments and liquor stores w ish, 3 Street West. RA 33425 Fal in By low price, $16.88. Smooth top high qual-(that lasted through Monday night FHPREE-PIECE chesterfield suite, in/and one of a kind. Serta, discontinued tickings| Restonic, | A good condition. Apply 201 Kendalwood Beverly. Marshall, Simmons, reduced (the following day. Ro South of Hilltop. quick sale from $22. Continental po i - fil sturdy construct' . N y 0 FLECIRIC fry pans $13.88, three speed |Deds. spring - | log sturdy construetion:| WINDOWS SMASHED ; food mixers, 5, Meaghers' 5 King punk! Some 564 Halifax firms suf- Street West. RA 3.3425. springs, [fered damage--several in fires V R and felt pad, 10'4" by Jaauety believed to have been started by ° 750 . $3 t Phone RA 3.7384 mat. rioters-2,624 panes of glass were AMPION outboard moto 20' shattered and 207 stores and of- i toil 4% m fices looted. Jewelry, clothing" also and department stores were ran- clean sacked. "There isn't a cuff link left," |GURNEY heavy duty electric range, |good condition, reasonable. RA 3-3581. JAR or. Baw. $32 ¥ 1 t t eat seven, all equipped, 50 HP motor, ice t |sour. High spirits gradually gave|f |way to destructive passion, S suit. crib mattre rea-| High chair, d|son's Furniture, 20 and price comp! complete Wilson's Fur 8 10" g nut, ,7.. A hurch Street, B. Bets TWO wheel trailer with r. studio couch wanted, mus crib, = MO | BICYCL table lathe, FOUR used 2 table models 1 white bath; 1 0YD carriage; Phone Whitby 1 condition 101 SPECIAL spring sale, 1960 new Gale h@ard. 3 to 60 HP from $120 up, ( rege (;arage, Glidden Avenue, Ve 1 'Road TYPEWRITER, y c adding Checkwriter, , girl's and boy's racer, also phone RA 5-4668 TV 1 $79 each. Hurry TRIO and Sons in the wake of the riot- nd Street East ing. re-conditioned sim.| Beer, LE A q y ction of IV's at Parkway Television, 918 worth coe Street North ¢ wine and liquor ten key Pay- RA TRUCK like new, $40; machine, snap; never used. "wheels, [rom breweries, retail outlets and tires with tubes and size 7.30-20, heavy duty, 10 ply womans pp i . rtable air |} y ( { -- Gendron convertible like new. all four $280, Porta boring Dartmouth, { # 4 24 compressor unit, $30 s engine 6 hp . v i rnae. & a ta ood evacition, $80, Alf Pre SOr S03 Six air compressor] More than 30 stores in Dart. (0 ation portable radio-shonoRXAFL,nj(s, stationary and one portable, from mouth were damaged and somes peed, pearly Rew, $130 to $289. Coleman space heater, $23. wore 1ooted sa Volt Ammeter GE, $45. Extension . ¥ wp Streetcars were smashed. One|s a # F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat-|cable, air hoses, torch, typewriters, in-| teries vinator refrigerator, tele-|clude Ukrainian, electric fans, pipeiwas burned. a. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 54543. (treading _ dics, floor lamp, electric te] TOD heaters, GM car radio, office cabinet. & r: y ® S USED parts and repairs for ai makes welding rods cast iron, portable mantei| STREWN WITH BOTTLES Sm, of wringer type washers, 1 TU 0d radio, IBM time punch clock, fluores Citadel Hill, risin', majestically n $5 to slo, guaranteed Feconcit cent fixtures and bulbs, emery cloth|gver the heart of the beleaguered |s washers and stoves. Paddy's Markel, lo; gi 0c electric fuel pump 6 volts| Bia Zee: Hampjon, CO 3.2241 Ane windshield wiper, punches, gaskets/City, was a mass of empty bol- FED Tires, most all sizes, $3 and up.|and many others, to be sold regardless|tles and cartons after an orgy of|g BF. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4543 of cost Apply 597 Simcoe Street South|drinking. ONE Frigidaire eleciric stove, Coldwall RA 16, at any time, On the night of Tuesday, May|d rator, Bendix automatic washer or nits 130 AC NEW furniture bargains: 2-plece ches. | curiens 'was. IrAPOSH a terfielas (airfoam), reduced to 189: 5 8. a curfes was ny ; a 2 p all colors, | piecg bedroom suite, only $129 »|larmed troops were brought injy from Debert, N.S., to maintain a Phone | continental beds complete, only any size continental beds, smooth tops.| order But it was evident by then|fs iots had burned them-| refr RA 5-31 ' SPECIAL. Plastic wall tile n 4% x 4% sqares, 29c sq. ft. BARGAINS: 2piece chesterfield, t washing machines, $19.5 $49.50; punk beds with spring matress, | 4 8. arborite step tables, $5.95 and up; [that the $98; almost new 'frig, $119: 55i0ce chrome sets. only $45: 2-piece/sclves out d desk. $18; dining room bed chesterfields, $69.50; chrome chairs < vilv ; OI rr aie | Le Shes ee, Oe tis. Li. Nos primarily 2 navy showls $9 tric shavers 9/g1505 and ap. Try Community Furni i ( RA ul > Some initure a1 our two locations. 19 2nd 24 of the opportunity for looting af-| 8 3 com >, 1 8 . Or Op in| Prince Street. RA 8.1131 Cash. or forded bv shattered store fronts|K rniture Siore and windows. And in every mob| there were at least some soldiers a -- and airmen exterior, $2.95 gallon. |js FT. plywood boat, 16 horse Fire. At the height of the rioting, the lat, gloss outboard motor and trailer, iniowner of one men's wear store 2 $29; suit el c terms FRIGIDAIRE table bination coal "and gas pl vile 5 A Eas jeep well cooker, ivory; $15 RA 5- 882. tion. RA 5-2394 with top stove, condi in good it interior, ors Guaranteed stone | Violence Marked VE-Day R they set it afire. {were sent to the scene at about|liquor {out of their vehicles, looked over Street smashing every window on {the situation and . quietly walked one side of the block. to the curb. There they stood | Within a short {while FIREMEN STYMIED May 7. Like otheriwho disconnected the hoses and bration. But somewhere it turned|pieces with firemen's axes. Fire-| Several thousand sailors led a equipment before it too was de- series of attacks on business es-|stroyed. SAE 5" authorities would take no strong|and mail order stores on Hollis and resumed with increased fury|, ion against them, the rioters|were broken into and there was |headed for the liquor stores. Shortly before midnight the sce- 7 seis, consoles and said an official of Henry Birks| "Hollis were looted and a small others. more than $250,000 were carted TAPERED OFF rayon. warehouses in Halifax and neigh- ofl about 2 a.m. but drinking con-|ajectrical appliances and jewelry. - [the first although civilians took advantageispecializes in marine law. ng at a time when civic author-|ladder to rescue a person trapped| cheques bearing the inscription|auto and driver's licences. patrol for 17,000 men and 1,000| women; 169 military police for| the 4,489 soldiers; 74 service po-| lice for 1,i89 airmen; some 60| city police and 60 RCMP, 43 of| : whom were loaned to the city for| ® : VE-Day. | For whatever reason, they were| 1 [never at any time united into a {single e which might have taken effective action. Discussing the events of Tues-| 1s day afternoon, Mr. Justice Kel-| g|lock wrote that they were "ap-| _|parently happening so quickly lznd so often that police head-| broke off, a Guarters was bewildered." | Enron. |city and service police officia City police and shore patrol/to consider ways of protectin stores from further at 1:30 p.m. but it was evident|tacks. hey were too few to take effec-)] When the parade ive action. : sailor wielding a slab of, woody ay ay, POLICY The cluster of policemen got|led a group south on Granville| Throughout the period, _the| IF navy followed a policy of making] % : tinge NO arrests for drunkenness. This time ratings wasn't lifted until the day atter| § |the riots ended. : | Thirty-four naval ratings were, arrested on other charges. Also |picked up were 117 civiliang, 41 |soldiers and 19 airmen. { 5 In succeeding days, as loot was | Attacks were launched during found abandoned in the streets or| |the afternoon on two breweries--|(|gcated after anonymous tips to Keith's in the southern part of police, the number of civilians the city and Oland's in the north.|yrder arrest rose to more than |More than 33,500 quarts of beer|250, mostly for theft. {were taken from Keith's. Most severe sentence was four |years given a petty officer who| broke a window and handed mer-| | ichandisé to another petty officer, the latter also convicted and] |given three years. Three other seamen got sentences of two vears for breaking windows and Bucking? ~1a chief petty officer was son- on Jeu Sng an tenced io six months for assault. wagon was|again began interfering |streetcars. Several thousand men {swept southward from Stadacona 4 : A into the heart of the city, beating Fire engines hurried to theoff attempts by service police to cene but efforts to put out the| disperse them. lames were frustrated by sailors their patrol urned on its side and burned. hen proceeded to chop them into] ighters heeded the warnings of ome sailors to remove their |LIQUOR STORE RAID Emboldened by the belief that| The liquor commission's retail la steady stream of people carry- ing away cases of beer, wine and whisky Liquor stores and Agricola were again attacked d to clearjand looted and a small group SOON FREED but made a foray against the liquor| Those given long terms were within minutes there were at-icommission's warehouse. |generally freed on ticket of leave acks on liquor stofes on Buck-| In each instance there were after several months. ngham, Hollis and Agricolajcivil and military police in evi There were hundreds of minor treets in the downtown area. dence, but never in large enough injuries, mostly drunks falling in| Half the stocks of two stores numbers to control the crowds. |hroken glass. ? La While this series of raids was| Two men died--a lieutenant- the being carried out, others were commander found with a frac- making systematic attacks on tured skull and severe leg wound [busines firms. Dozens Wi nil the Dalhousie University cam- J and women were seen with loads| pg d a stoker suspected of 6: seemod 1 3 4 € 205 pus an sto § The violence seemed to taper|,s furs, clothing, shoes, radios, having drunk himself to death. Businessman - (Henry Stevens, Bowsman River,|doesn't work banker's hours. Hising trial on a charge of at- 1 S eop e | Manitoba -- General Insurance|office is open until 6 p.m. or later|tempted murder, died in hospital and Real Estate. each day. lof pneumonia Jan. 25, a coroner's Of Bowsman ubsequent investigations that thelarms about unclothed manne | Mr. Stevens worked as a relief| "Every community has to have jury ruled Tuesday. avy had only a small part in the|quins or wearing fur neckpieces| BOWSMAN, Man. (CP) -- To| teller in the Bank of Montreal someone who is a father confes-|"" a ak si branch after coming to Bow | sor," said the white-haired busi- We suggest a jail physician isturbances, an attitude that|posed smilingly for newspaper the people of Bowsman, Henry rompted Mr. Justice Kellock to|photographers. Stevens is the bank. md of two altacks on the Sack- ille Street store met with suc ess. The looting began. Police finally manag ioters from the premises ni dis RED POLICE ARRESTED arresfed when they tried to | residents subscribing to West question and search customers | Berlin papers through news at currency exchange booths in | YEO Ee Ben Japer West Berlin. Officials in West | policeman at left to protect Berlin said the Reds were try- | him and relatives against pos- ing to check passengers' pack- sible Red reprisals. ages and trace East Berlin juantity was taken from Two members of Communist East Berlin's railway police, facing camera, one partly hid- den, are taken in tow by two West Berlin policemen after théir arrest at West Berlin's city railway station. They were inued through the night in parts f the city, notably Citadel Hill, LITTERED WITH WRECKAGE cene of a gigantic party | The streets were a mass of Rear-Admiral L. W. Murray,|broken glass and discarded loot. | enior naval officer in Halifax,/One section was blanketed by| dmitted later that he read of|oranges from a raid on a fruit| night's rioting in the market. norning newspapers but said itl One woman entered a ladies' ever occurred to him thal leaves wear store, removed her clothes hould be cancelled on Tuesday.|and emerged in a new outfit. He stoutly maintained through Drunken sailors with their ~AP Wirephoto in- JOTING REVIVED The revival of the rioting came fter a parade on Tuesday morn- pharmacy and a soldier scaled a| man in 1921. Later he became an|nessman. "'I guess I'm it here in make weekly calls for the pur- accountant for a lumber com-| Bowsman."" pose of visiting all inmates to pany and then an insurance -- guard against possible undetected i i 5 agent. illness," the jury said rite that the admiral had shown| People's Credit Jéwellers Mr. Stevens has a more In 1933 during the Depression - = a n "unwillingness to accept where one man was nabbed by|formal description. the bank closed and Henry) risoner _Pajuluoma had been in custody els..." police as he came out with $1,000 "Really, it's not a bank. It's rented the building for his insur-| since the shooting last August of Admiral Murray retired imme-|worth of jewelry, was damaged| more like someone asking you to) ance business His role as banker Marcel Gascon, provincial police iately after the riots and now is/by fire that spread next door to hold onto some money for him." |expanded until now he issues 2 constable. The officer still is un- barrister in England where he/D'Allaird's women's wear shop.| Some 500 people in this district/ mortgage loans, handles ac-| 1eS8 der treatment at a Toronto hos- Both stores were cleaned out. [near the Saskatchewan border counts and carries. out virtually| pital. 200 miles north of Brandon have|all other transactions associated » Two men who were in jail with £100,000 DAMAGE left their money with '"Banker|with a bank Paiuluoma at the time said he Another blaze damaged Fader's| Stevens" for safekeeping. Most of his depositors are in- neumonia had complained eonstantly of Winnipeg banks readily clear| surance clients and he also issues headaches and being cold and SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont.|was unable to hold things in his One difference is that he! (CP)--Eino Pajuluoma, 50, await-'hand. ies were meeting with RCMP,lon the second floor. Damage in'of Mr Stevens' unofficial bank-- Hardware and Electric, 8 03 2403 aile of o Ith Street. RA 3.7624 good conazion; reasonable price. RAlgi504 in his shop window trying " GARDEN tractor, 6% HP with allio ; : : --py|t0 protect what was left of his CODEN dr ft UE SEARTON mutant cinhnetss, TY merchandise, When a. drunken th 4 diaphragm Fig TRI 14 sewing machine, excellent condition. |sailor shoved his head inside, the| ial pump, wi se, fe. MA ina Ce lowner warned him away. T prices paid for used furni-| so sell and exchange. Contact GOVERNMENT PAID Ble. -Telep on ws C0 nity Furniture Store, 19 Prince | «what do vou care? Mackenzie BOATS, motors and trailers, new and Street. Phone RA 8-1131 Va 80. yO Sac "ompl je finance ra King will pay for it," was the Complete selection. We fin rr 5 - 1 ts. Terms to suit your NEW finish for your old asphalt shingle sailor's rejoinder Own accounts. lerms Tire Store, roof. "Tempgard™ colored aluminum J . t. "See .Dopmion 17 *| paint, by Benjamin Moore, will refin. | He wasn't far wrong. The fed- h and Bond. --___ lish your present asphalt shingles, (o|eral government did reimburse 13 FOOT moulded plywood boat, wind-|give them additional years of wear, i . n nb shield, lights and steering. RA 52020. and in mew colors. See Edgar's Paint property-ow n ers for Tate al Interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon, (and Wallpaper, 34 King Street west damage. It paid $1,064,593 on 879 RT ion Guaranteed. flat, gloss. | (opposite Dominion Stove), |claims approved by a board of Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, |lnquiry. Church Street. RA 37624. solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard- . 5 TE.Dav riots? Street, RA 9-407 ER ¢ . at cau the VE-Day riots? $10 DOWN, delivers a new refrigerator, | War 8 Church. RA 3.7624. oo For months before the Allied ammunition and hunting sup |yintory there were mutterings of range, washer or TV. 25 per vent vif oo G % p- appliances. Barons', im- | plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent| ®. snl} GE apy) plies, DOW And H discontent among some of the 17,000 sailors quartered in the co8 Street South. down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond NEWAY Rug Co. has been appointed Street West. RA 5-6511 i algtributor for Filter Queen Vacuum |ATGMINUM doors, windows, awnings, |crowded, war-weary port. They 2 or RA 50433 average window $19.95 installed. RA|grumbled about high prices and 15 HP Gale electric, 59 model, A 1 con- 57405. © Sn Ee Is hortage of accommodations. dition, Cy Preece Garage, Glidden Ave- BOAT Kits -- Build now. All sizes, 8 ft. |g 4 tlc nde, Verdun Road BOA i re op special partly | Some threatened to give the city -- ~ | assembled $49; 15 ft. moulded mahog-|a rough time when the war ended any runabout, complete with windshield t INTRODUCTORY OF rs id ane hardware, best ter 12 HP 1959) ANOTHER CAUSE EXTERIOR RAILINGS, Gale Buchaneer motor, new warrarlyi 'But the extent of this feeling ; arons', 426 Simcoe & South. 2 per lin, ft. and up (installed); 329. Barons', 426 Simcoe Street SUM | can never be fully established, | TV TOWERS, 30-ft. Tower and Mr. Justice Roy Kellpck of} from $30 up (install it your- the Supreme Court of Canada, self and save); manufactured sinks and cabinets, fur-|Who conducted a royal commis-| near Oshawa YORES and rads, electric popision inquiry into the riots, econ-| METAL VENTUR RA 8-0909 3 - oH NORC E_ gas range, good condition. Reasonable. Telephone RA 5-9148 used our | 51--Swap and Barter BATH sets, sump pumps, pressure systems, steel nace, boiler cooler, serv-all tings (all kinds) -- |52--Legal Notices Ril, Deine nd. (cluded that this was not the im- eee | Mediate cause. "The cause of the troubles on I will not be responsible for any dents | May 7 and May 8 were. in my contracted in mame on or aiter|Opinion, the same, namely, lack this date 1960, without my|of planning to occupy the minds} N. Fell and the time of the ratings and keep them from wandering large parties about the streets, he wrote in his report. | Monday began as a happy day {for Halifax. At 10:30 a.m. {whistles began to blow, signalling {the end of the fighting in Europe. LAWN CRUISER POWER MOWERS ' OR written consent, -- J. I BUCCANEER OUTBOARD 52--Legal Notices MOTORS a «The price murderer at the HEAD OFFICE Hilltop will not be undersold. 2 fo a i FOR THE RA 8.6391 OSHAWA BOARD OF | There was street dancing in the afternoon, firewerks in the har- PARK MANAGEMENT [por that evening and community singing on Citadel Hill Scaled. tenders will be re Even at the height of the sub- ceived by the City Clerk, Osh- [sequent rioting there were sug- awo, until 2 p.m. Wednes- [gestions of good humor though it| day, May 11th was largely concealed by the ug- 'iness of the destruction and loot- ng. THEATRES CLOSED Excent for outdoor celebra tions, there was little for service- men on leave to do and several | thousand were left to wander the| streets. Theatres and liquor) stores closed. Few eating places | remained open. The wet canteen] at Stadacona, the main naval hase, shut down at 9 p.m. About that time a crowd of ratings was seen gathered around | a streetcar on downtown Barring- ton Street, They were smashing ts windows. A naval officer with 30 shore patrol! dispersed them but made no effort to get them to return to barracks. Half an hour later a crowd gathered near the City Hall and began tearing down flags that) in | ww - $EE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 - Specifications from Wil 53 upon rawings ond may be obtained liam R. Milne, Architect Albert Street, Oshawa, deposit of $25 Victor, The and <Electrohome, R.CA »Admiral, Westinghouse T.V., Hi-Fi finest in "service PARKWAY T.V., 918 SIMCOE NORTH RA. 3-3043 Lowest or any tender may not | be accepted Steel Pit Props 'Do Good Job THORBURN, NS. (CP)-- Acadia Coal Company has com- pleted tests with steel pit props| in the depths of its McBean col- {liery here and both management and union are happy with the re. decorated hydro poles. City no- | sults lice decided the crowd was too| The props and bars, usually of |big to halt. Tt continued its way wood, are used to support the|southward into the main business! roof over the working areas in district the mine, At 10 p.m. naval ratings had] Acadia, a subsidiary of Domin- | hegun to interfere with the opera | jon Steel and Coal Corporation, [tion of other streetcars on Bar-| says the steel props 'have in-irington, pulling the trolleys off| creased efficiency and improved (he wires. | working conditions." A spokes- man for the United Mineworkers TRAM SET AFIRE An effort to get all the trams agreed The mine produces about 200,-|off the streets was made and all 000 tons of coal a year and em- | ploys some 400 men Aim of the City Clerk, Oshawa ROTARY POWER MOWERS $37.95 up MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD BROOKLIN, ONTARIO OL 5-3641 BOATING SPECIAL 12-ft. tibre-glass run-a-boats, 12 h.p. Scott motor, Cana- dian Explorer trailér, com- pletely equipped, $895. 13' moulded plywocd boat, h.p. motor, trailer, all ols and equipment, $995 25 49 While they last. Canadian Explorer comp trailers, com- plete, Reg. $405 - $319 Trades accepted. Terms or- AJAX MARINE NO. 2 KWY, AT AJAX {though most had been damaged ! The one that remained was at. control, difficult in this mine be-|tacked in force on Barrinzton but one reached the car barns, |; STORE HOURS; 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday Friday Nights until 9 EATON'SWOSHAW "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded" R NT ------ Save 40.00! 1959 VIKING 17 cu. ft. Chest Freezer Limited quantity! End-of-line clearance! A timely offer! Summer coming on means low prices on luscious fruit and ' vegetables, meat "specials", lake-caught fish. .. all sorts of offers that mean money saved on your food budget IF you have storage space to buy in quan- tity. So take a good look at this precision-engineered Viking, clearing now at this very low special price ! Holds up to 595 Ibs. food. Separate 91-Ib. fast-freeze compartment. Adjustable temperature control provides temperatures from 0° toe --20°. Counter-balanced lid for easy opening. Interior light. Wire storage basket and divider. Approx. 63 x 312 x 36" high. Reg. 279.00 2 3 (Model H5917X) EATON'S Budget-Charge Terms may be arranged if desired with NO DOWN PAYMENT eT iT ~o iE Le. + YT - Iwma-------- EATON Each Special Price Remember, Eaton's long-trusted Guarantee: 'Goods Satisfactory 'er Money Refunded", Our trained representative will visit you in your home te advise you on your freezer needs. EATON"S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 259 PHONE RA 5-7373 EATON'S Telephone Order Service Opens at 8.45 a.m. ... Phone RA. 5- 7373 steel props was to improve roof | cause of heavy rock formissg Sirect by naval ratings. When Ph. WH 2-4080 above the eoal seam they were unable te turn it ever,

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