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The Oshawa Times, 29 Apr 1960, p. 9

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rl ce Still In Some Lakes By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ontario's 1960 trout season opens Saturday but many of the province's choicest fishing spots, will probably still be ice-covered. Anglers will be after speckled, | brown, Kamloops, rainbow and| aurora trout on what is tradition- ally the biggest opening weekend of the fishing year. The department of lands and forests says most Southern On- tario districts can expect fair conditions although many rivers and streams still will be high with the spring runoff. F STILL SOME ICE member of the Dufferin and North Peel Anglers and Hunt- ers association, equipped with a net, scot the trout up. They are released above the dam --CP Wirephoto ing hand on their way to the spawning groun ds upriver Shocking electrodes, being car- ried into the river by Lands and Forests officer Fred Mar- | shall, stun the fish. Then a | good Lo- HELPING TO MAKE fishing available, if not morrow's opening day, then for next season? Rainbow trout unable to leap a dam near Alliston, Ont., are given a help- NO SIZE LIMIT for North of North Bay lakes are covered with ice and prospects are dim. Only warm tempera- tures and rain could clear them in time for opening-day fishing Near Chapleau, centre of a prime trout area 150 miles northwest of Sudbury, lake ice is 18 thick. Lakes in Algonquin Park arc either clear of ice or will be by Sound and Peterbor- ough districts usually rank among the best on opening day and the region along the east shore of Georgian Bay draws big numbers. This season the jdropped its seven-inch m province has inimum Trout Season Opens Sat. With Few 'Legal Changes ,.imon opens June 5, Limits are 20 three rainbows or six a day. Non-resident hie 'ban on sale of the gan By BEN WARD Saskatchewan law provides a fine speckleds Canadian Press Staff Writer [of up ! $1,000 for persons caught s Imon in Lakes and rivers across Can fishing with bait minnows. licence $3 ada are shedding ice and taking There are some dif-|_ Nova Scotia on fishermen ferences in the way provinces set |!0¢ ced salmon seaso F 3 5 S ril 15 In every province early anglers|up fishing laws. Ontario allows April 15; Salmon, Apri 5 in y Pp ) I g NE Eee are out after some type of fi angler five rainbow trout of|S' and May 15 in north. Limi ; i : PY ; yl chiefly trout, although in some any size. Nova laws say of 20 trout, six salmon and 10 sections seasons till haven't'o ly rainbows of eight inches or landloc ked salmon daily. Trou opened on choice species more may be taken but no must be six inches or more, land- A few new reguiat have!limit on the number Ch 0 inches, rainbows eight been introduced by the provinces Y BiDvinens inches. No licence fees. I Al": province ooking New Brunswick Trout opened this year but fishing laws 2€0- ypewing in sports fishing this sea- J." 1s." cian sak : erally are unchanged, a Cross on after record sales of licences!' pril 15; star of sa mon season Canada survey hv The Canadian', 1959 ve videly from Ma) Press shows. The , ac rding to district. Trout catch Alberta has ihe to{limit 10 pounds plus one. salmon its on 'rout and grayling, coast: ; 8 six a day or 21 a week. Black " Newfoundland Pond trout sea April 1 3 no cate has opened ATE pril with 'no cate armed frogmen and Ontario has son opened Jan. 5 sea Non-resident licence fees dre ved its seven-inch minimum opens May 24 and salmoi range from $5 daily to $20.50 for for trout main game fish--opens June season All seasons run to Sept Nor Quebec Frogmen will be al- UNUTUAL RULES residents pay $5 for a season lic- |gwed to fish with spears in cer- Some of the more unusual laws ence. Limits are 36 fish or I5/tain waters of La Verendreye and still in fect pounds plus one extra on trout, Mont Tremblant parks. Trout In certain Manitoba waters six a day or 21 a week on sal-/generally opened April 20, daily anglers may use only single barb 'mon. less hooks. New Brunswick for- Prince bids servin- -ou' at public eat- led a:nd rainbow trout fishing be- mums ercept 10 inches on rain- ing places, a move te back upigan April 15 in most parts; sal- hows, Landlocked salmon opened -- ee EN April 20 with 15-inch minimum Big Fish Contest Tog "nr" Bon. ike and muskie open May 14, blac bass July 1. Muskies must be 30 TORONTO For the second consecutive year a prov ince-wide inches. bass 10. Three muskies and 10 bass allowed in a day. Ontario: Trout opens April 30 with the size limit removed this "Big Fish Contest" will be con- ducted in Ontario by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunt. ers, President Lee Saunders of Brockville announced today Milson's Brewery Ontario Limited is again co-operating with the Federation by contribut- ing over $3000 in cash prizes One hundred dollars will "be awarded for biggest fish in each of the following categories, large mouth black bass, small mouth black bass, yellow pickerel, great northern pike, maskinonge, lake trout, speckled trout and rainbow| trout. They must be caught in Ontario waters during the regu- lar open season, on rod, and line CP Cross-Canada survey land- opened sharp Trout and cotia se to a: 15 on " si at m roast reduced catch im tuation fron €oast Quebec 0 Spe bass rout }imit he 5 OnE and all entries must be received by Nov. 8. Entry forms and other details may be obtained from any member, or the Secretary-Mana- ger of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, Ridgetown, Ontario American visitors copped a number of the top awards in the 1959 'Big Fish" Contest. The big- gest fish that didn't get away, however, was hooked and boat- ea by Leo Gauthier of North Bay, Ontario. It was a 54-inch maskin- onge weighing 48 pounds 12 ounces. Second biggest fish was a 34-pound lake trout caught by Leonard Poho of Port Arthur, On- tario NEW YORK (AP) -- Australia will get a shot at the America's Cup whick Britain has failed to win in more. than 100 years of yacht racing against the United States The New nounced Thursday cepted a challenge Royal Sydney Yacht for a 1962, battle of vachts York Yacht Club an- it had ac- from the Squadron 12-metre year on speckleds and rainbows Daily catch 15 speckleds totalling less than 10 poun five rain bows. Pickerel opens May 14, limit six a day, muskie and bass generally July 1, two muskies and six bass. Non-resident licence $6.50, Manitoba residents $3.25 'fanitoba: Lake, rainbow brown trout, arctic char opened April 15 in few Vay ! in most areas seasons open May 14 Arc grayling and sturgeon whi: delayed until June 15 limits. Daily catches two to five trout. six char. grayling or bas But angler limited to 10 fish total of all species. Non-resident fee an sectors All other also, excep date rare Saskatchewan Opening May 7 for all fish except largemouth bass, July 20. No siz limits and daily catch is eight of any type. Non-resident fees $5 in waters without trout or grayling, 110 with trout and grayling. | Alberta No closed seasons or a |limits from five to 10 fish accord- minimums. Daily limits cut to 10 ve buildi y Edward Island Speck-|ing to species. No trout mini [trout and grayling from 15, to with bul ing pew 12 Meire can five lake trout from 10, to 15 pike, pickerel and goldeye from 25. Licence fee 1 British Columbia Province Pickerel | claims Canada's most liberal reg |able to challenge Australia's best | ulations. No closed seasons or size minimums. Daily limit 12 sh or 25 pounds on inland wa- ers, eight salmon on coast. Non- resident fees for Canadians $3.50, others $7. N.Y. Yacht Club Accepts Tr Rustralian Challenge | Presumably the races--a best- of-seven series--will be held off {Brenton Reed Lightship near | Newport, R.1., .where Columbia [turned back the bid of Britain's white hulled Sceptre in four straight races in 1958. Dates and other arrangements will be fixed later. The door was left open for Britain to challenge again. In the resolution released by the New and must be played by only one person. A Molson's badge of honor will be presented each fishing en. thusiast submitting an entry which complies with the mini- mum weight requirements The tournament runs from April 30 through until October 31 REMEMBER WHEN. . .? By THE CANADIAN PRESS Jack Blackburn, who developed Joe Louis from am awkward amateur into the world's heavy weight boxing champion in less than three years, was buried 18 years ago today. Louis then had been the heavyweight title-holder for almost five years, and had just knocked out another chal lenger, Abe Simon. But he was m army uniform at the funeral of his old mentor, and did not de fend the title again for four SHASTA DELUXE TRAVE The Most Imitated Trailer in Canada and the U Across from Camp Samac SIMCOE ST. NORTH It's Here Now! The New 1960 in Quality, Styling and Design See the rest, Then BUY THE BEST at LANSDOWNE TEXACO STATION L TRAILER S.A. Still Unequalled OSHAWA inches!" j ch are 0 17 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 29, 1960 11] tation 5 no way. of knowing what|about 2,000 small muskies, 1,000 uation in 1908. percentage of fish in the lake|perch and 1,000 largemouth bass Bob Trotter, a researcher at|gied. lir. addition to great numbers of the forestry station at Maple, said! The count of dead fish showed |carp. kill is the highest in more than |5¢ years, recalled a 'similar sit- - | |there is Fish Deaths 'Only Local 'Occurrance | TORONTO (CP)--An enormous winter kill of fish in Lake Scugog, 30 miles northeast of Toronto, is or 10 pounds, plus one fish. an jsbiate situation and does Bot Rainbow trout on their spawn-|aPpear ic nave occu in other ing run out of Georgian Bay are|l2kes of the region, the lands and a main attraction. These run tofiorests department said Thurs- 10 and 12 pounds. 5 ; Dr. W. J. K. Harkness, fish . Due wo Wh Jottes 28008 and wildlife chief, said Scugog is soos Shennan River near Nighy susceptible to winter Kill SE ES ho Toupee of Js shallow depths aud onto has been placed out of heavy underwater vegation. bounds until June 1 because of % cons of dead neh along he late spawning. shores this week show that ; ares 00017 ® than 35,000, many of them Ja, he Note Bay sec, S00 ary, id rng te, wine -year- 2 because of a lack of oxygen, planted in easily-accessible SPOtS | pramed on unusually ave hoi to improve early-season fishing.| The snow prevented sunlight Loki vo three! s,m reaching vegetation on the 8, § oY» lake bottom. This vegetation The planting is an experiment rotted. consuming oxygen from which may be extended to other'the water and giving off carbon areas. dioxide. g "Veteran residents, who say the vlous PE GE EE SR ES -- on speckled trout and any size Y may be taken. The daily catch | 1 4 a has been changed to 15 fish or| 10 pounds. It used to be 14 fish Kl _ Stan Claims No Fix At Fort Erie In 1959 Races FORT ERIE (CP)--Charles E Connor of Buffalo told Fort Erie © Jockey Club stewards Thursday he knew of no attempt to fix a 1959 race involving Dottie's Girl, a four-year-old filly which won {two races here last year Connor, former partner Eddie Miller of East Touring Autos In Eastern Canadian TORONTO (CP) -- A title for [touring (sedan) cars as well as | sports cars will be included in the Eastern Canadian racing drivers hampionship this year. The Canadian Racing Drivers Association has announced the| | eastern championship will be de- cided at the following meetings. | British Fm pire Motor Club races at Harewood, Jarvis, June with 17, 18 and Sept. 9, 10. Aurora, Montreal MG Car Club races N.Y., in the Roycroft Stable at Connor Airport June 25, 26. which owned Dottie's Girl, ap-| London Automobile Sports Club | peared in Buffalo court earlier races at Greenacres, near Goder- this week when a grand jury in-lich, July 8, 9 and A 26, 27. vestigated bookmaking and eon. ------ - spiracy charges He refused to answer County Judge Burke when asked then if he was a party to the fixing of ar Ontario horse race last sum- mer involving Dottie"s Girl William J. Risewick, a steward representing the Ontario Racing Commission, said Connor made Thursday's denial voluntarily. A full report on Connor's statement will go before the commission, Risewick added. Judge Burke has directed Con- nor to return before the grand ury May 9 to answer questions he had refused to answer earlier | Ww World's Top-Selling Outboards for Every Skiing. Cruising... Fishing 1" fiberglass GULF FISHERMAN oe f J P I LOOKING ind of Boating Fun TO THE FUTURE The successful look of tomorrow yours todey in @ Sam Rotish Suit. aluminum EL DORADO fiberglass MONTEREY Choose your new York Yacht Club provision was made for accepting a Common- wealth substitute without the nor- mal 10 months' notice. | Two prominent members of Britain's yachting society--Rear Commodore Eric Marshall of the Royal Thames Yacht Club and] | John Illingworth, retired naval] | captain--conferred with the New| York Yacht Club executive com-| mittee before the announcement. | They said four British groups Spring Suit from fine fabrics in bolder patterns imported from English mills. Checks, worsteds, ploids and solid tones INDIVIDUALLY TAILORED FOR YOU IN ANY STYLE YOU WANT! 65.00 SAM ROTISH Men's Wear 7 KING ST. EAST RA 5-2433 Twenty-three dazzling 1960 models from which to choose...and there's one that will fulfill your dream and fit your pocketbook. All are strikingly styled and engineered in either fiberglass or aluminum for less maintenance and more funi Easy terms available. See the new Lone Stars and matching trailers at your dealer's today -- you can find him in the Yellow Pages. J] famous FREE! Get the full color OUTBOARD BUYING GUIDE from your Lone Star Dealer! MITH' PORT 353 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE RA3-9311 trophy from the U.S. The Britons {made no formal challenge but signified "intent to challenge." They said they hoped to be] | boat in Australia's waters, with {the victor making the 1962 date |against the United States in the! | Atlantic The New York elub said it would accept such a condition if the Aussies agree. The Austral- ians are unlikely to accept. | The ease of handling and pep are amazing, and I average nearly forty miles per gallon, which makes my driving really economical, VANCOUVER, B.C. Packed with features for the ladies -- that's the Vauxhall Estate Wagon. Easy steering, easy parking and all 'round easy handling is yours in a Vauxhall Estate Wagon. Its the ideal family car -- perfect for trips to school, to market, to the country. ALE BREWERY LIMITED THE BRITISH CAR BUILT AND BACKED BY GENERAL MOTORS . . . SERVICE EVERYWHERE ON THE NORTH AMERICAN CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED | WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA, ONTARIO WHITBY, ONTARIO

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