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The Oshawa Times, 29 Apr 1960, p. 11

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Bank Of Canada THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 29, 1960 13 Today's Stocl: Ilarket Listings on Toronto EXchange | iors Rate Down ome = cm oo rl mo i oth, to bs Aug. 18 and the record low of 1.12 Net Net TOC et . : y no Ban! i nt July 81, 1958. Toronte Stock Ee AM : Al ori 29 Stock Sales High Low 1) a.m on Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Shik ig SH ae = early April. per cel ly 81, (Guotations Ia cents unless marked 3. Cont Life O 120 $165 162% 165 +9 Nace 10 3u% Ni 4% $ Boor 505 om 5% bi Colas ji " " "5s ng this week from 3.75 last lot; xd -- Ex-dividend; xr--Ex- pine S SI% ITH NO NGas 100 $12% 12% 12% -- % por 300 300 495 500 ODay A 31 3 --1 p ith the sale of $115,000,000 rights; xw--Ex-warrants.) nae ws 19% Parker 310 310 310 Co De ac. 109 22 220 Aro og NE EE Wa week with the sale ol ,000, i = Me ae 8 in 91-day government treasury INDUSTRIALS Sra 28, 4, Prat ub Ba" a8 Biromle 0 hh off i Be Hollandia Soccer Club ve i 2 & Ey day matt Jupiter. © tim 320 2" 13 We 11 1 am The bank rate, an indicator { Seles High Low 11 sm. Ch'ge nd Ah 47% : i ssn 15% Lt Pete 1 i con alttons nthe hard of Osh o Bou Royal Bank 8 to Poisol B gu ; wo nouom y aw Fora! mk x 1% = Pondep 100 $18% 18% 18% -- % i i de id pe im ay BB L 2h%%" DANCE INVITES YOU TO GO z10 % 9% Qunto 520 $28% 28% 28% 160 26% Stanwell 3 38 38 1 2500 42 40% 42 +1 nini $28% Eddy 21 $20 20 o Argus 300 $28% y : Atlas Steel $23 2 25 $64 64 100 Sup Oil 90 Frobisher 400 158 158 158 #1 / Bank Mont C/ - 210 Triad Oil 25! Gero Mines 100 $16% 16% 16% -- 3% $60 60 60 15 $26 26 26 i 5 U Canso vt 500 5 Gisnt YK z5 990 990 990 $5 5 480 i C 25 Un Oils GF Mining 1000 B Frosst A 1 1.1 Bk 210 50% W Cdn OG Grandroy 912 1) Phone 75 44 G 58 $35 35 W Decalta Grandue 500 $7% 380 380 380 940 $29 % 29 Dev 225 Dev rts 6100 1 Tr Can PL 940 ' y 5000 3 3 TO THE Goodyear pf 10 Si 6% Trans-Mt 900 $9 9 9 200 G Mackay A 715 Je i 20 0 om a al i: 500 20% 20 Abacus +1 Headway. 10 ; : 7 ollinger 20 I 2 2 38 Acad Uran 7 Holli 4] 2 y 460 450 4 15 : 50% : $43 4 Advocate 335 --35 Huu Bay Algom $10% 10 %10% -- % I Nickel new $50% 50 -- Irish © 3800 Am" Nephe $5 ot 031 ron Bay 2 us 2 NOW ON © 8:30 P.M. AT % Vi 1 200 5 Wiwrd A wis 100 Am Nephe = B. i ht Jacobus 10 107. 107 CHATEAU RECORDS 7 Cur! Arjon Joburke i ? dd 200 $13% 19% 13% % i E "E455: a AUDITORIUM ros Sug % 281 % 1 nt Latin Am 5000 34 34 34 -1 ADMISSION 1.00 U.AW. 35 Dupont 285 24 Belcher Leitch $6%4 p 13 i Lorado 5600 Lob Co A i rr 3 Boise Lorado wis 26% Buff RL 5 7 4 do i: i Bw 2 fs, os 'RED BA DOUG DASTY ORCHESTRA Mass-F 228 > 9 ou 5 Macfie 2000 4% 4% 4% 9 ADMISSION 1.00 REFRESHMENTS SERVED Mass-F_5%p a MacLeod 00 [ Alminex 1000 an-E 89 89 89 ack » Bikon 2 Bic: HEL ® Gua, iii, Ras ua WA OSHAWA'S 1% 16% Baile; pr ent Pal 5 x x 0 $8 85 640 $40% ion 10% - pansy 1000 Ya Cont Porc o 2 10 3 hd is $3i% 3% 3% » 3 FAVORITE FUN SPOT q 14% 14% -- % Pritalta 1010 2 Chester ent Cockshutt Nat Ores or $26 26 26 CS Pete 900 Chrom 430 : Midrim, 0 2 .% =3 oo > Comb Ent $9 N Hos B 200 210 205 205 ~35 Cdn Dev 400 285 285 285 Coniagas 48 lillike bf ' yers | THEATRE GUIDE | ; er, voe "hy 20 BAB DBDOMSS Slaughter Steers hei 2 3 Brock (Whitby -- "For the First AS Te A HANG A me , TODAY & ime" AS ATTILA - : / s E Sell Low At Stock Yards | miss ies. GATE eum un unl SATURDAY 104 KING ST. Ph. RA 3-2843 TORONTO (CP) -- Slaughter |sales to 21 and an odd choice at| Marks -- "Attila", 1.15, 4.15, 7.15, . . i .19; common 10.20 p.m. "Sins of Rome", 7, ¥ 1 / steers, heifers and yearlings sold| 21.50; Holm Ce Ph 99.93| 2.45, 5.45, 8.50 p.m. Last com- ; =) I EVERYONE ( at prices fully 50 fetls i with an odd extreme top a 20: plete show at 8.40 p.m. ; ' much as 75 - cents - a - hundred-| good 20-22: good cows 16.50-17:1p10)5 _ he feature, "Killers of ; J ' M-G-M presen weight lower this week at the | di 15-16; 1415; |" Kilimanjaro" is showing at 1.10, | § , presents Ontario public stockyards. canner and cut' cows 12141 445710 and 10.15 p.m. Added|§ #0. 7, GLENN / DEBBIE i ly aolion: ** Pre pr Cow prices were fully 50 cents(good heavy bologna bulls most attraction "Heart of a Man" is v to as much as $1 lower in spots|18 with tops to 18.50; common| ghown at 2.40, 5.40 and 8.45 FORD REYNOLDS { F and b were 50 cents aland medium light bulls 14-17. p.m. Last complete show at AN AVON PRODUCTION 4 hundredweight lower. Replace-| Replac en' cattle: Good| 8:45. - Ks 'ev Ed 4 VV wv, 1] 3 Yin ) ® oP ESF \) ment cattle were 50 cents lower, |pandyweight stockers 23-24 with or ! rf ¥ wi y veal-calf prices $1-2 lower and| sales to 24.50; common and me- Regent a be (0) gi daly THE { . % - 1IlIMARJARD hogs closed f "y $1 higher with|gjum 18-22, a "Last complete Show 0 IT'S A LITTLE HOUSE WI CRED? j 2 loads selling $1.40 higher. |" calves: Good ealers 28-31 with 8520p os complete Siow a sua Ewin Am Be Le : owas COLOR / | COLUMBIA PICTURE + A WARWICK PRODUCTION ~ G tive feedlot 1z-bs were odd choice to 33 and a few early 1 saa ya 50 cents higher and|singles to 35; medium 24-27; com- CARL REINER JOHN McBIVER* in cvemascore PLUS ADDED FEATURE spring lambs were barely steady mon 18-23; boners 12-18. STOCK MARKET : DANNY : FEATURE AT * TOP RECORDING STAR to lower. Hogs: Grade A 22 with 2 loads ! KAYE i» ADVENTURE se Cattle receipts were 600 head|at 22.40; heavy sows 15.50; lights NET EARNINGS HEIGHTS! 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 FRANKIE VAUGHAN less than last week and about 500(17.50; str ~s 10 on a dressed holy i ! ] 7:35 - 9:40 bbe bd : less than the same week in 1950. weight basis. native| BY THE CANADIAN PRESS d 220 p In a Swingin' Singin' Sensation i Canada| Sheep an s: Good : : am men 1 HRS . Receipts (rom Wester eieuive feedlot lambs 2450.5; common| Algom Uranium Mines Lid, 33} g A pis) "HEART OF A MAN" bins A were 75 head. There|and medivm 16-23; <' Dp 4-10 ac-| mos. ended Maro 34 1960, $4,- dd 4 f mi 4 p werc five shipments to Eastern Sorting lo qusliiv} Jpring lambs nin iy Sma ended |$ i : 8 { JENNI Chow's | 27- undredweight. td. y Bh, : i § a . on ee Sa : March 31: 1060 $0000.00, (est-| eed es Slaughter cattle: Choice steers CANADIAN STEEL Fp " Some hare; UAH. 4 22.50-23 with odd sales to 23.50| Steel furnaces in Canada had r iy abrics "Ltd ver) Ii ta sombtat and one load at 24; good 21.50-|a rated capacity of 6,313,000 tons) OMI G ¥ HAYDEN TUCKER re : ended Dec. 81: 1959, $164,242; 2250; medium 18-21; common per annum at the start of 1959, a $950, $136,404, STARTS ate ; good ers A th!73-per-cent rise in six years. 1535: gout hklers ADD with por East Sullivan Mines 11d., vert TOMORROW | "5 N- RUSH ended Dec. 31: 1959, $462,796, 114% JORY- ARLEN CROSSWORD PUZZLE eents a share; 1958, net loss " = ee BUCHAN OSHAWA i . SPECIAL ON * Canadian ¢ pinnErs a) ; ® BANQUETS Exotic © LUNCHEONS TONIGHT! BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:30 and © CHINESE FOODS SHOW STARTS AT DUSK Oriental ACADEMY AWARD WINNERS TAKE-OUT CHARLTON HESTON - BURL IVES ORDERS (BEST ACTOR -- 1959 BEST SUPORTING ACTOR--1958) $265,214. » ITIERBIAITIT] Genera] Motors a > ADULT rt mos. en arc : dg " § CTAB | 625,516, $1.14 a share; 1959, $203,- Loo? Day 'Home Before Dark' 'wus' 'Indiscreet Bete 482,41 ~ INET] gains Great Lakes Paper Co, Ltd., 8 mos. ended March 31: 1960, $466, 152, 36 cents a share; 1959, $308,- 905, 23 cents. Investment Foundation Ltd. year ended March 31: 1960, $223,- = wa a share; 1959, $230,508, OSH AW A LITTLE THE ATRE PRESENTS THE BASIL THOMAS COMEDY OUR ! SPECIALTY d DIAL "wisn WYLERS RA 5-2543 SiM M CARROLL 19 KING ST. W. [| BAKER OSHAWA <mCwvw 9OION SUR SURE : Ve. N | "Book of the Month" DON FER: JK DIRECTED BY BILL GLOVER Oo 3) $ & AT PAVILION Sl Ris) | McLaughlin Library Theatre MEAGHER'S MAY 4, 5, 6, 7 Murder by Airplane 8:30 P.M. SHARP RECORD BAR in Quebec 5 KING ST. WEST y in DANGER A forbidden lust plus a $10,000 | BOX OFFICE AT HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE van. STEY SHEURNTS a Poucy tums] thiswian SATURDAY, APRIL 30 -- 8.30 TO 6.00 P.M. \ CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON bombed an ron Je {I MONDAY, TUESDAY, MAY 2, 3 -- 4.00 P.M. TO 6.00 P.M. 9 Quebec, and even from his death ON NIGHTS OF THE PERFORMANCE -- cell struck again . , , claimi to i ea food 8 AT THEATRE AFTER 7 P.M. Reader's Digest how the love of a young girl turned a d | issi . Bite' pang girl turned a dapper | General Admission $1.00 Dine at the of Canada's black id | \ Get your Reader's Digest today | | ON ALL RESTAURANT i icles of lasting interest, 14V2 King St. East (Upstairs) " LONG PLAY and OSHAWA, ONTARIO Spring cleaning ? § WILSON & LEE y 3} "Se. SON & MUSIC STUDIOS STEREO RECORDS L] Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments I'm cleaning up bills Se CITIZENS nd pion SN It's NEW! VIOLIN GUITAR : n ' SPANISH GUITAR @ TROMBONE Dair Queen M ALTIE ' POPULAR PIANO ee VIOLA y Citizens Financecanarrange 3 TRUMPET ® CELLO loan om $50 to $2500 for Our Gowesk Basimand! . 4 Get one free with every bag of novelties or any g reason. Now you ur O-wee eginners course on the accordion DAIRY QUEEN HOME PAK id je sheing Sone at $1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of an --with a fast cash loan accordion during that period which is taken to buy new clothes or fure : Jighings, to consolidate od , home for practice. SATURDAY and SUNDAY ONLY -- debts. It's a great feeling to TR e\% ini be "spring cleaning" the a \ \ \ Dining out ? Citizens way. At Your \ L 3 Judd For goodness sake « . « spel a . bring her here! We . e lady-in-your life will appreciate your | # specialize in [thoughtfulness in bringing her here to dine, . Everything will be exactly to her taste (and Chinese yours) from the tempting, delicious meal, Wh Plaza, Wh MO 8-5821 Food. itself, to the deft, gracious way it is served Open 9 AM to 5 PM on thru Thurs ond the pleasant, relaxed atmosphere, Come Ss par MUSIC STORE in soon! Loans made in Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering DIAL ond all nearby towns 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-4706 Stores RA 8-4666 HOME. DELIVERY FREE : 1347 SIMCOE ST. N. + 235 SIMCOE ST. S. for take-out | for orders over $5.00 in City Limits he us orde WE SPECIALIZE IN SUNDAY Loan Offices in all Principal Cities (AT TAUNTON RD.) Toers FAMILY DINNERS

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