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The Oshawa Times, 29 Apr 1960, p. 16

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E A 1 0 white eitizens and normally on|such but relies on such excuses|ing their home in Oshawa, having| Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. C. Terry|degree in May at Convocation| > 8 YUE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, April 29, 196 the most friendly terms os the hotel claim that no a up the farm here. and Laurie, Oshawa, vision fat in Toronto. al et Ww | US their neighbours. rooms remain. But such expedi-| Russell Perkins returned home |P. W. Davidson Sunday. | Leonard Stainton visited his Acceptance residentially. is the ents are becoming more difficult|from the hospital Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bull and father, Herbert Stainton, in Osh- same as socially--on individual|to maintain, and those most ac.) Mrs. Norma McMaster, Joan family, Scarboro, visited Marilynjawa Hospital Sunday. : ew ed an behavior. Generally a Maori who|tive in tracking them down are|and Ross, and Mrs. F. B, Glas-|and Ross Bull Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry| lum In lives up to accepted Western|whites, pell visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph| Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sleep, called on Mr, and Mrs. Allan standards is freely accepted in| In law Maoris enjoy full equal- Glaspeii at Tyrone Sunday. Coldwater, visited Frank Pascoe/Werry, Sunday. | LJ | equivalent society. Those who arelity, except that in some cases| | Mrs. pissed y Bion, ya, Sunday. ib Me and Mes Goraun Yeo and . ive { ! aril H 1 { | rejected would be no more ac-|they have advantages denied to mes x Mrs vy Ea Oug-| Mrs, Don Pratt and Donnie, jam y spent Sunday at Sturgeon ections ceptable if they had white skins. white citizens. These include spe- 28 ls ors if lomas or and Reford Cameron, Bowman- ake. Teli Port] . But such judgment is not uni-|cial fishing rights, and the right oan Wl aie AX |yille, visited Ray Cameron Satur-| I. and Mis, ©. elfey ot By J. C. GRAHAM possible for matches to be played. posts and have been cabinet min-|yersal, There are people wholto elect four members of Parlia nq he Bo eo oOo day. / pany Phin r. a rs. A. TORONTO (CP) -- The bottom Canadian Press Correspondent But recriminations are contin-|isters, professors, bishops. At the|show color prejudice, and edy-|/ment on smaller voting rolls than wit ih DP Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoy, Osh- ing Su aay. Lyal Brock. M [fell out of an earlier rally AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP) -- New|uing here. The decision to send|same time, the proportion in|cated Maoris are sometimes sub-(in white constituencies. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Hircock,|2"2 visited Mr. and Mrs. H.| oo "Mrs Reg Brock fi 4 ill, attempt as the stock market Zealand race relations have been|a team has been described as|senior posts in business and the|jected to slights. Some complain| Numerically the Maoris are in- oshawa visited Fred Cameron Fisher Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman kid slumped in all sections at the described lately as all the way condoning South African excesses|professions is still low, and t00|of peing refused accommodation|creasing faster than the whites |gunday,' | David Killen, Mr. and Mrs. and Ronny, Bowmanville, Mr close of trading Thursday. from ideal to deplorable, and as an indication that New|many Maoris remain all their|in boarding houses and hotels on|but they are still much in the Paul Moffatt, Oshawa, visited Wilfred Frank and David, To-land Mrs. Ray Van Meer and|,tdustrials dropped 1.71 at One writer claims New Zealand|Zealand supports a color bar. (lives In unskilled jobs. slight pretexts. Young Maori men|minority. At last returns there p, W. Davidson Monday. ronto, visited Robert Killen Sun-|tamily Providence, visited Keith | 286.52, golds were off .16 at 82.25, treats its natives as badly as| As usual when feelings are high,| But standards are continuing to|complain that some white girls|were 2,203,000 white and 156,000) wr.' and Mrs. P. W. Davidson|%2Y [McGill Sunday. | base metals were off 1.88 at 155.13 does South Africa, Another says|charges on both sides have been|rise. Some Maoris still live in|will not dance with them. Maori New Zealanders. visited Me. and Mrs. B, Habbard,| Mr. and Mrs. D. Knapp, Ome-| Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue [37d western oils hit their lowest the relationship between white|exaggerated. 'The fact is that|isolated villages somewhat 'akin| Some alleged slights may arise| Cynics sometimes question ang Mr. and Mrs, Howard Abbott| Mee, Visited O. Knapp Thursday.|Gail, Darlene and Cindy Masters| Point since 1955--off 1.05 at 89.87. New Zealanders and the brown-|race relations in New Zealand|to the ancient communal exist-|from a super-sensitive outlook{whether the relationship between| of Burketon at the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. O. Knapp visited visited Ruby Virtue and Violal Volume was 1,255,000 shares skinned Polynesian Maoris is a|are not perfect, but the two races ence of their ancestors. But large|from those always on the watch|the two races would be as har-| nr. np wavev Bowmanville (L. Knapp, Pontypool, Sunday. Williams, Toronto, Sunday. | ed to W y's 1,271, model for other countries. live together in closer harmony numbers live in Western-style|for signs of discrimination. But{monious if the proportions in the visitad yi Fine own; y d Ri and ys Howells Spent wo. ia i 2 a8 iti .|than in the great majority of houses, among the white ula-|straight-out cases of color bars|population were closer. . . unday wit . and Mrs. Floyd Building products led indus- Critical surveys of race col ed communities. tion. : a occasionally come to light. P Mr. and Mrs. O. Bull and Jack ENNISKILLEN Maybee, Belleville, ¥¥ trials down, dropping 3% at 30. tatts iv New Zealand lave been is h ed i When such i visited Mr. C. McCleary at Hast- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrard, [Confederation Life and Domini prompted by the bitter dispute| The Maoris have advanc 2 Some crowd into poorer areas, 'Y€M SUCh cases receive pub- ZION ings Sunday. Visitors to Ray Haydon, visited Mr. and Mr ' | Glass were off 2% at 134% nd over whether New Zealand should|150 years from a stone-age. cul-p¢ they live where they choose, [icity they usually bring an in- Cameron Sunday were: Mr. and| 8Y MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN yw. ijace Griffin, Saturd *|s73%, Eddy Paper 2 at 61 a send an all-white rugby team to ture, with no written language, | ot in native quarters. The fact dignant response from the white | Mrs, L. Hoskin, Thornton's Cor-| ENNISKILLEN -- W. H. Moore 4 3y- [Carian oil ape Asbestos South Africa for a tour, exclud.|to @ basis of equality with thelya¢ Maori houses are often over-| community and are rapidly re-| gy VRS, ALLAN FISHER |ners, and Mr. and Mrs. Morris|is visiting his sister, Elsie Moore, NE. Floyd Beckett, Is expect | oration 1 at 20% ing Maoris from the selection |White population. This. fact is|crowded arises largely from thejr|dressed. For instance, when a| 7ioN _-- Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Prout and Marilyn, and N anc y|London, who is reported ill in hi ome, rom Oshawa Hospital| iti "3 The argument has become more|Partly a tribute to their own na-\jimitless hospitality, which leads| Maori doctor was refused a drink|Gjaspell, Mrs. F. B. Glaspell, Brown, Bowmanville. [hospital in London. Mrs. Moore is| '15 Week. onoridge was ower at bitter as South African tension |tural ability, partly to the quality|ihem to provide accommodation(ii 28 hotel some time ago, the|yr and Mrs. Car] Bradley at-| Mr. and Mrs. Art Youngman|Visiting her daughter, Mrs. Reg. 28%, Hollinger 1% at 23%. Inter- has increased. of white tuition and assistance./tor numerous relatives and|licensee of the hotel received altended the Spek-Talsma wedding/and boys, Tyrone, visited N.|Weaving, Thornhill. BID FOR TOURISTS | national Nickel and Kerr Addison The average level of Maori at-|triends on prolonged visits. severe reprimand from the owner and reception in Bowmanville|Leach Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton,| LONDON (CP) -- The British| moved ahead % at 50% and 13%. FEELINGS HIGH tainment in many fields is still of the hotel chain. ~~ |Friday. | Mrs. P. W. Davidson visited |Lois and Charles visited Mr. and|Travel and Holidays Association|In senior uranium s, Denison It now seems certain that a/somewhat lower than among peo- INDIVIDUAL STANDARDS Critics maintain there is stilll Mrs. Otto Strehl is home from Mrs. L. McKenna, Oshawa, Sun-|Mrs. R. B. Green, Brighton, |has published a British touring dropped 40 cents at $9.20. team will go to South Africa un- ple of European stock. Individual] Those who wish to live in better|a concealed color bar, which does|the hospital. day, | Mr. Green, a former pastor at|booklet in the Russian language,| Western oils were led down by less the crisis there makes it im-' Maoris have risen to the highest suburbs do so, side by side with/not reject Maoris outright as| Mr. and Mrs. Morgan are mak-| Mrs. Elmer Down and Larry, |Enniskillen, will receive his D.Dlto be distributed in Moscow. Hudson's Bay, off % at 10%. Manufacturer's overmakes . . . A handy little asset for the "live-aloner" and traveller, MUCH exceptionally low priced to clear BELOW for bed-time snacks and morning 'eye-openers' at the ry "cottage. This sturdy little electric "perc" makes two steaming cups of coffee in short order. Polished alumi- USUAL num, with cool bakelite feet and handle. PRICE! EATON Special po U ] ¥ Price, edch ..... ocx » Cord oxiit. 3 Please, no telephone or mail orders EATON % Special Pries -.-....- 4) Junior Misses' and Misses' Sizes only EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 277 PHONE RA 5.7373 - Lovely lightweight rayon suits... designed to blossom everywhere for months to come . . . offered at ex- citing savings ! Picture - pretty Styles -- cropped or softly fitted jackets (fully lined). .. (4 4 C 4 i bh k ; pocket and belt detail- Gerrard 30" Continenia intriguing. pocket ond belt Glorious Shades -- aqua, yellow, tan, greens, blues, greys, beige, navy and Beds---Reg. 44.50 jroo Tea : 4 Novelty Fabrics -- Fiesta (tweedy An outstanding 'buy' for your guest room, children's rooms or cottage ... vayon);. Ribeling weave (fine corded handsome, well-built continentals with resilient box spring, spring-filled mat- ) tress and six hardwood legs. Bing: so1n9 rayon); plus fine checks and weaves. Mattress and box spring are upholstered in handsome Moxie fabrics highlight- ed with sparkling Lurex threads; Mattress has corded edges. EATON SPECIAL PRICE, each . . Continental Bed Complete 4 ® 9 > Q D5 @ EATON SPECIAL PRICE, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 644 End-of-line, greatly reduced to clear EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 271 PHONE RA 5-7373 CONTINUES! 40% TO 50% OFF NATIONALLY-KN 0 Jai or ih i. ET i 2 KORE A i Bo : EERE TE TE hi : + Ln Ul 133 00 os PTW ATER " Almatex interior SE x " ny : "Almatex" Plastic "Almatex" High Gloss Plastic | "Almoplex" (Acrylic latex) Super-Satin" Latex Base Paint Flot Semi. Floor Finish Enamel | "Protection Paint" "os 3s a . Matching Colours i Wall Gloss For walls and ceilings. Needs no thinning; just stir and 9 L i For iron, and exterior surfaces ey stiesioy siding, . A : i i i inder blocks, etc, A fasts apply. A washable, low-odour paint that dries to a velvet a eS 400 700 eaves a tough, lustrous coating on indoor and : : Totonry, Shingles, shiceo, sinds) cial pri sheen in minutes. ' y Pink Bud 401 701 outdoor floors -- wood, linoleum and concrete, Use it on woodwork, fumiture, boats, canoes, drying, low-odour paint, it 'requires no special. primer, vesrsvense cars -- highly resistant to dirt, grease, mois- oe hice Lime 24 Nedguoed Blus Ordinarily 8.40 gal. Mushroom ......... 402 702 300A Sless so Te Red 817 Franch ture, it applies smoothly and dries to a hard 612 Antique Ivory 626 Brick Red 403 703 rey reen ey finish resembling the look of tile. Se Bre Seer pid Powder Blue EATON Seve Yong esevnee . 803 Golden 811 Royal 810 Green 618 Continental Green 629 Sandalwood Special 6 I F oral .......000e 404 704 Ochre Blue 828 Maple . 623 Blossom Pink dis. ror bd Powder Blue ........ 302 'Orange 321 Lime Ordinarily 8.80 gol. Price, Ordinarily 8.85 Gal : . 806 | 822 Baby BI Aqua Green ... +... ned TE EATON Special Prices: Ordinarily 2.50 Qt. . . . 2 Qts. 2.75 Orange lee ........ EATON Special Prices: 808 Yellow 825 Light Green . . 814 Powder Blue 826 Mauve 2 GALS. FOR 0.80 Peppermint "wp: 1] . Willow Green 2 GALS. FOR i 85 815 Aluminum 830 Rose . Picture Kote" Flat and Semi-Gloss Turgeaton i . 816 Light Yellow 899 White Ordinarily 2.80 Qt. 2 Qts. for 3.05 One-coat, low-odour paints--washable and durable-- Alpine Blue ........ Ordinarily 2.70 Qt. 2 Qts. for 2.95 819 Neptuhe Green that apply easily with brush or roller to create delightful Cameo Rose Ordinarily 10.80 Gal. Special purchase brings backgrounds for living. Bombo PP TN y . savin hoo'. .ns gs on EATON Special Price: EG 599 "Almatex" 'Super' White Sulligibony i Gloss Enamel SATON Yowell: PAINT APPLIERS FLAT WALL SEMI-GLOSS Antiue bom s 3" PAINTER'S BRUSH 2.69 Ordinarily 8.20 gal. Ordinarily 8.80 gal. Anti Whi = Ordinarily 12.75 Gal. 2 GALS. FOR 1 1 84 EATON 'Special Price, each ....... ] ntique te .. ® 4" PAINTER'S BRUSH Gals. 9. 0 Gals. 9.80 Persion Lilac ... EATON Special Prices: EATON Special Price, each 3.49 Yor for Ordinarily 3.15 qt. 7V2" MOHAIR-COVERED ROLLER with TRAY Ordinarily 2.50 qt. Ordinarily 2.65 qt. 2 Qts. 2.75 2 Qts. 2. 2 GALS: FOR 12 75 12 Q Qts. 2.90 Ld 2 QUARTS FOR 3.40 EATON'S LOWER, LEVEL DEPT. 275 Ordinarily 3.55 Qt. 2 Qts. for 3.55. PHONE RA 5-7373

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