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The Oshawa Times, 29 Apr 1960, p. 4

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; ; 1 u ets for the "penny sale" may be|parties will help swell the fund| The pharmacy at the Oshawa § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 29, 1960 |Euchre Party had from any member of the|for the resuscitator. Every one General 'Hospital fills an aver auxiliary. Proceeds from these|welcome age of 485 prescriptions daily. By GRACE MILLS Eo Tia fy se Notice Re Change of Name of its popular euchre parties on Monday evening, with nine tables imi i i i a ois, with Dive tales In order to eliminate confusion of Local Service Station were: Ladies -- 1. Marg Loud- using similar name foot, 2. Mrs. Tanner; Beoby, J LO] Bi secnamen, swsa vr] ~~ The Original RAGLAN WELDING WORKS mola; L. Milne, Booby. Harold Yarmola won the priz" for hold- has Changed Trade Name to ing the "baloney" when the game | . ended. i Ruth Yarmola took home the door prize, and Elsie Closs won ] the beautiful rug donated by Mr. . : Stuart Copping. The AVF Ladies same Phone Number on Private Line OLIVER 5-3181 Auxiliary extend many thanks to Mr, Copping, who has been a This change of name is listed in new phone directory faithful attendant at the euchres, for the donation of this rug. ; JOE BOLDUC, Welder The next euchre and penny sale will take place on May 19 at the Ajax Fire Hall at 8.15 p.m. Tick- GIRL GUIDES and Brownies | shown on the stage at Parkside | of Ajax staged a d tra- th i and at the op cer . = ome arya packside | the nents Distrcs commis | AJAX PERSONALS Guide Cookies school A celebrate 50 years of | sioner, Miss Hazel Winters guiding. Some of the girls are --Photo by John Mills GRACE MILLS To Be Sold | AJAX -- Miss Mary - Ann : . Mosely, Aurora, was a weekend] AJAX -- During Friday eve- ar u 1 15333 guest of Mr. and Mrs. Art Mc-|ning at the Ajax Shopping Plaza, Cartney, York street, shoppers will be invited to pur- . . Mrs. Jean McKirdy, of Portichase Girl Guide cookies. These Arthur, spent a few days with cookies are manufactured by ul ng her brother and family, Mr. and|Weston's Limited and are pack- WITH THE Mrs. Don Milne, Glynn road, aged in attractive Jubilee wrap- while attending a lecture series|pers, They sell for .40 per pack- AJAX -- Birthday parties are|shown, marking her progress in at Teachers' College, Toronto. (age, always fun, but when it's a 50th|the Brownies. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hender-| Funds from the sale of these birthday that calls for something] The "Fly-up" of a Brownie son, Haliburton, spent the week|Girl Guide cookies are used to ® special. Brownies and Guides|into the Guide Company was with their daughter and family, purchase equipment for the from the Ajax District joined(shown and explained. Parts of Mr, and Mrs. Ron Parish, Mary Brownie Packs and Girl Guide ® Months of meals at your fin. PY QUALITY! Better, fresher foods ® CONVENIENCE! Fewer shop- forces on Tuesday evening toe Guide prosram were demot-sreet Companies There are 20 Brown A fresh / y celebrate the Jubilee uiding| stra show the i ss Linda Denham, Toronto,|ies and Guides in Ajax. Guidin i on famous mone ck guaran- i i i in Canada. quired in the Guide Company. |was the guest 'of her aunt and| has been active 2 Flinn gertips y 9 ping trips wit h your own ome The first meeting of a Guide| A film was then shown, taken|uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George 1943 ee Supermarket Company in Canada was held at|a; the Provincial Girl Guide| Fletcher, Oak street, for a week.| So when a Brownie or Guide ® SELECTION! Large selection of St. Catharines, Ont., in Novem-(Camp, Doe Lake, Ont. during| Mrs. J. Hosinec, Forest road,| approaches you and asks "Buy . y , » ® . . SAVINGS! Lower food prices name brand meats, vegetables, © SERVICE! Friendly delivery ber of 1909. Since that time|the World Camp, in 1958. Guides egicialied her oo group wis some cookies" remember you are Guiding has grown until now|(from 44 different countries at-|a trip to Toronto. After a round helping the Brownies and Guides . . . . Bod of Ajax to enjoy training to- through quantity buying fruit and staples. right to your freezer Ben) ward citizenship in a future there are over 200,000 Brownies|tended and Canadian Guid es|of shopping, all enjoyed a X. and Guides in every province of (played hostess for 10 days. Sev- lunch, and took in a Caan bas. bis i eral Guides from this division /Hur ind wk sel. 'Goes Ajax. oil Cokin Hive beg: . * .. 9 Guidin, as Tn aclive IDjwere geen taking part in e| Mr. a Mrs. Me one. Brownies a uides have n Y I T M d L Ajax since vg There are five| camp activities. (goa Gary have returned to Deep busy taking orders on a house to our nvitation 0 0 ern ving rownie ACKs an our uide| or > 9 » t ver, afier a weeks oliday house basis and on Monday eve- Companies in Ajax, with a mem- al i Bn ig Sip 3 with Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Grif-{ ning these cookie orders it Md bi BLUE BRAND BEEF 5 lbs. Wienars OLD SOUTH FROZEN JUICE: DRY GOODS ership of girls lies sz I f their songs|fith, Glynn roa i |delivered in a "Town Blitz" s. Por usage ' (and Guides completed the eve| If the canvasser missed you effort. Parents are providing 1 Blade Roast 3 Ibs. 3 Ibs. Assorted Cold Meats B Orange Juice 3 Instant Coffee FORM OF PAGEANT when calling for the Cancer|cars for this special delivery. 1 Short Rib Roast 3 Ibs. 4 Ibs. Side Bacon rape Ju 3 Ibs. Grind Coffee ; ; | ni ith al favorite Camp| : : 22 Alas, Jubilee party HB ith evaral reve Fund Campaign in Alax yan Wate, for us on Monday eve ] Suing Rout 3 fu, FISH FROZEN FRUIT: 200 Teo Bags pack and company displayed | Mrs. H. T. Cook, Shoreline Divi. eg iD vor pace] ning, May 2, 1960. 2 1 a] bn Rees 3 Ibs. 2V4 Ibs, Strawberries 4 Ibs. Jam some part of their program for | sion Commissioner, expressed; o" PO, Ont. 1 Prime Rib Roast 3 Ibs. 3 ba. Cod Porch 6 Tins Peaches 1 Doz. Soup their parents who formed a large| "Birthday Greetings" and cut a Mr. and Mrs. George Rob- Will Double 10 Ibs. Assorted Steaks 3 he, Hoddock 2V4 Ibs, Blueberries 4 Ibs. York Peanut Butter audience in Parkside ~Junior|candle - lit birthday cake while| 4 "pm le 4 oad celebrated pe udnioriun There were|the Brownies avd Guides EE LARA di bin 10 la, Lan Minced Sout FAMILY PACK VEGETABLES: DAIRY PRODUCTS: HOUSEHOLD GOODS: displays of the Brownie cere-|"Happy Birthday." Members ofl on April 25. : monies, used when a girl is first|the Mothers' Group then served | Mrs IR Pollard, York street, evelopment J 5. Dohy Bent Liven Ibs. each SNOW CROP 3 Iba. Bunar 1200 Facelle enrolled as a member of a pacisjeciiee and cake to the parents ; improved, and able to return| 9 . ig Pes 41s, Mararine 12 Rolls Toilet Tissue and some of the test work was'and guests. y i . s. Corn , Ice Cream anu. some of -- rishi SO -- home from the Ajax Hospital. | Next 4 Years PORK LOIN PACK INCLUDES 5 Ibs. Mixed 6 Pkg. Cheese Slices 12 Bars Ivory Soap | 1 Loin Roast 5 Ibs, Green Beans 3 Ibs. Shortening 10 Lbs. Drench 20-25 Loin Pork Chops 2 Ibs, Brussel Sprouts 2 Cheese Whiz 1 Liquid Detergent | Bid For Annexation sSiough Estates (Canada) Ltd. or Part To 0 ose a Sen: ABOVE ORDER IS A SUGGESTED MENU FOR A NINE WEEK PERIOD FOR AN AVERAGE FAMILY OF FOUR THAT y id t May Be Weakene nouncement was made yeierday MAY BE ALTERED IN ANY MANNER TO SUIT YOUR PRESENT FOOD BUDGET. ST. CATHARINES (CP)--J. A.|by W. H. Kingsmill, president o An Nuclear Armamen Kennedy, chairman of the Op. the company. . Y ro MY Ricips] Bod, sald) vers bg Bo Eye Py hn TOTAL FOOD AND FREEZER PER WEEK By STEWART MacLEOD and rather than maintain weap-li "annoy part of Grantham Town-|total to 25 buildings in Ajax. The Canadian Press Staff Writer [ons that might bring on an at-| chip will be weakened if a pro- Present holdings are valued at LONDON (CP)--It now appears tack, it is better to let the two, coq amalgamation of St. Cath-| $1,500,000. The plants provide em- 1919 AVENUE RD. TORONTO, ONT. . ' . -------------------- | .0th CENTURY FOOD PLAN policy oppose > British nuclear armament. viving an atomic attack. | for Niagara, will, how. the company operation said That's the conclusion reached ever, still be allowed to apply for| When you start an estate, the by most parliamentary observ-| ring _|first client is hard to get. Ajax . a hea by the board on annex is now at the state where instead ers, and nearly all British news-| ¢ : ; papers, after Labor's defence| Agreement ation of the part of the township of having to get clients they are INCLUDING 17 CU. FT. RR spokesman, George Brown, told beginning to come on their own." : Wednes-| The company has four estates. | the House ume Abd . distributors has increased pres- Three in England and the Cana- BANKS - MORSE rethink our whole defence 1 ue ec sure on the primary producer,|dian venture in Ajax. The com- y. = policy." | but the Farm Products Market-| pany is a pioneer in the plan to ; It was taken to mean that . ing Act, in relation to the milk in-|build factories for rent on long Brown, one of party leader Hugh In Otting dustry, helps the farmer to col-|or short term leases. DELU CY ivnvnriniese. PHONE. coin viivesee We would like additional information on your money saving food plan, inevitable that the Labor party|giants handle the bls rines, Grantham, Port Dalhousie| Ployment for 750 persons. will reverse its existing defence An island so small as Britain pl i eri is rejected. | Gerald Mobbs, managing direc- | | and any form of|would stand little chance of sur-|" pr" oii yor WS. Martin (for of the company, describing i ' lectively markeé his foodstuffs at| The idea was born shortly after Jaitskel/s strongest Supporters a reasonable profit, thereby less- the first world war. New com- § independent British H- ; v a opposition,| KINGSTON (CP) -- Agriculture|i0g the pressure. [panies can get into production WITH 10 YEAR WARRANTY L bad significantly changed the Minister Goodfellow of Ontario The minister denied that his|quicker and use capital for busi- ---- eas Ge SE GE Same SE S---- -- -- party's line. And if so, observers|said Thureday night the province|department is aiding big business ness expansion rather than have feel that Gaitskell cannot hold out|will seek a working agreement|against the farmer. It has actu-|it tied up in building costs. indefinitely against pressures to|with marketing officials in Que-|aly placed agriculture in the big - | adopt a drop-the-bomb policy. bec to facilitate a joint attack on|Pusiness picture, he said. If any- DEEP MINES - : or in|common problems, thing, big business is not too| Three gold mines inside the a Stl hud Sto ae "We must recognize," he said,|12PPy with the enviable bargain-| municipal limits of Johannes- ne st Labor's last convention |"the fact that no marketing plan ing position created for the|burg, South Africa, reach more Gey Jans ani 2 potable ill have complete success in a armer. than 9,000 feet underground. rty rows have broken out over|commodity produced in more he issue than one province without this wi ws -- ------ --- {working relationship in top level UNIONS TAKE STAND {marketing circles." | Apart from mounting pressures] Mr. Goodfellow told the Kings- | 4 side party ranks, an fenton Milk Producers' Association ronger surge is coming from thai Ontario government intro- the trade unions, the party'siquced Bill 86 to amend the On- @® & ® : ® ® cornerstone. Wednesday the 320,-tario Farm Products Marketing 000-member Union of Shop, Dis-| Act because it was determined tributive and Allied Workers,|tha: marketing legislation would tame out firmly in favor of Bri-|he efficient and workable. tain's unilateral nuclear disarma-| He said the bill will ensure that ment. Earlier, the 1,000,000 mem-|the powers contained in the legis- | bers of the Transport and Gen- lation are used as they were in-| eral Workers Union were pledged |tended to be used. The govern-| behind a similar policy. ment accepts responsibility for | The argument agains{ Britain "those things done under the having H-bombs is backed by the|act" and therefore feels it must belief that the country cannof|give some direction and super- hope to match the United States|vision when needed. and Russia in terms of strength,' Competition among retail food CITY OF OSHAWA 1960 TAXES DUE Ward Color of Bills First Instolment I g : j ; o Business Due Dates i { 1 2 2 A ; i MARION DREW EV. ELLIOTT LLOYD METCALF JOE MAGA WES ELLIOTT DICK BARRIAGE President Director PAY TAXES BY MAIL by cheque or money order (if con- venient) enclosing COMPLETE tox bill--receipted bill will be returned. i { AVOID STANDING IN LINE by poying before any due date LLOYD OR by depositing sealed envelope containing cheque and Tax Bill in "City Holl Mail" letter drop at City Hall main entrance LIMITED any time ALL OSHAWA CANADIAN BANKS OF COMMERCE will Gesept suey Jwiee within two Weel before gry instciment te providing Tax Bill is present or receipting ESAT mi oreo ee [I OUR NEW LOCATION Is 40 KING % i » EAS 1 WHERE WE HAVE A Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed Soturdays NEW MODERN GROUND FLOOR OFFICE NEXT TO THE REGENT THEATRE SPECIAL HOURS 7 TO 9 P.M, "INSTALMENT DATES ONLY OUR NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER IS RA 8-4678 FAILURE TO PAY ANY ONE INSTALMENT on or before due date Teessiotes Yee Jax ter > Jreceed to ollest by Yes, everything is new except our experienced personnel and our policy of fair and honest dealings. Accumulation of over 30 years of Real Estate exnc-i-nce enables tion of Rents where property is tenant occupied; Division Court us to answer your real estate problems , . . whether buying, selling or renting. Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. We handle real estate in all Acton in some case and by possible "Bailiff Seizure" of its phases, residential resales, new N.H.A. homes, homes built to order with mortgages arranged, commercial property, vacant lots, subdivision land, rentals. Telephones: RA 5-1153; Evenings Disl RA 8.6881 Whether buying or selling, you may place your confidence in this office, so drop in CLARENCE L. COX . CIVIC ADMINISTRATION BLDG. City Tex Collector and see us or give us a call at RA 8-4678. a Ra a _--

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