THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, April 30, 1960 13. ~AN'SO, FO'A HOOMILIATIN' FEE, AH PRONOUNCES " ; "Xe YO' CHEAPSKATES MARRIED, FO' TH' SECOND, AN~ J 4 a ( 4 : a . | 2TH om AH HOPES, LAST TIME ~BECUZ, 2 vy " 5 Hh : 3 o oP! \YBE TM i 3 I J THESE PRICES -- AH : S/GHI-NOTHIN' MAKES A x T\ ; / RM WRONG. : Wwe § Than LOSES MONEY! -- 29 MAMMY HAPPIER THAN > kK Ra) / \ i , = ki : -pHUSH I-CENTS, PLEASE? JaZal dy SEEIN'ALL HER 7 : i ; J \ : MOIT : In Dead Sea | 1 rl AMMAN, Jordan (CP)--A Bap- # ust missionary-explorer believes " that he and three other American divers have found the wicked, biblical cities of Sodom Gomorrah on the bottom of the Dead Sea. rb The discovery was announced here Thursday night by DI" Ralph Baney, an American Bap. tist missionaty. who fold of Flagg} ing extensive underwater rem- nants of a civilization that flofiy- ished some (wo centuries befoxg, the birth of Christ and then was, inundated, apparently after an* earthquake. "a He said he and his divers found: a levee 15 feet wide and eights feet high under the waters of the Dead Sea between Jordan antl. Israel. The levee ran from they southwestern point of the Lisam Peninsula due west for two miles; The levee in biblical times apw Wai Disp Pcdusions ; 5; / 3 3 parently kept the salty watersoff Nogid Rights Resarvag ARN s Ln -- . . the sea from flowing into the {fertile plains to the south, Daw 'Baney believes an earthquake LI'L ABNER LATE MOVIES! oH DEAR 1 HARDLY REMEMBER | THOSE LATE, | | SONG TO BED! DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER ' y ; : ed it to collapse, and the 3 % 37 wisi: tier oruziah y rr THESE CROOKS FACE A LONG BY (sown, You've REDEEMED ~~ AND THE LONE RANGER]| | caus ; o wee] A Nel eT Revives > | En RETCH FOR CONSPIR/N' TO KILL x" YOURSELF BY HELPING || I Nate engulfed the plains be Ti5 NOT WHETHER YOu wi THE RANGER! es THE LAW: ++ I | # Yo sived] | RAINED DOWN FIRE i i u - i The Bible says the Lord rained 1 down fire and brimstone on Soddf and Gomorrah to destroy ther, for the unnatural vices of their inhabitants. Angeles led Abra: ham's nephew, Lot, his wife Jd their two daughters out of Sodom, [© spare them, but Lot's wife looked back and was turned into /VE LEARNED MY . a pillar of salt. pe LESSON, LADS " a X [ pay Dr. Baney said hie expedition i --ary/| |2lso fou nea e waters MONDAY © A NEW STORY, | clay viaduct, cisterns hewn out of {rock, and small petrified forests. He said he will give a report og {his findings to Jordan's depart: i | ment of antiquities and will leave I (IT'S TERRIBLE |THE JAR OF HOMEMADE PICKLE | [MY HUSBAND TOLD ME HOW | vi BUT HOW © BY THE TIME WE i SUNPLE MY DEAR MARA! |for the United States Saturday, ~~ = t CAN'T NT TO | se w ) a * | LEANTIIR Hg | Li p 007 Weve Wissen IT, \ AN ADVANTAGE, VAL ! CAN GET THE ANTI-SUB FORCE : WITH OUR ENGINES SILENT : PHILA CHANCE TO THEY PONT KNOW ON THEIR TRAIL THEY'LL BE i i p ; CAN LIE UNDETECTED oN EL NAB THAT SUB AND | WE'RE ON T0 THEM. LYING LOW OUT THERE, Ng THEY FIRE THER THE WHOLE CREW! / WE MAY STILL BE ABLE UNDETECTED, JUST WAITING j ROCKET. THEN WE TUN v al d er S / T0 JUMP ON THAT ROCKET y Le | 10 TRAP THEM ! SD OUR SPECIAL GEAR ON IT { NN J i. AND... POOF! IT IS GONE U T iff TORONTO (CP)--The fedérd} government is to be asked by the Automotive Parts Manufacturers' Association to increase tariffs on {imported cars and eliminate fhe duty - free status of automotive TAKE YOUR PICK . ..TOPICK A GOODWILL USED CAR FOR YOU Ho el In a brief to be , Drosantoly abs BILL HAYNES MIKE JACULA RAY MARTEL FRANK WHITE DON GAVAS EARL SCHAEFER benign ging dog) ' . . survive without tariff protection." DAVE BATHE GEORGE "DOC' KORY BADE CRANFIELD DAVE PEARSE Over 200 Goodwill: Used Cars To Choose From At . . . ie ase aation sous of Nelloutes MORLEY HUGHES HARRY DICK RAY McLAUGHLIN Canadians are willing to pay. [OF { protection. FRANK WONNACOTT JACK McKEEVER AL ATKINSON TED MIDDLEMASS THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. fi, projection, x thie sou it is a small price for the jobs of thousands of Canadians." Tolan = . The brief states that from 1950 THIS MUST BE YOUR BN Alia YOu BCALANAGS ARE X y SIT KEsPT UR KIDS../ to 1956 the Canadian domestic NATURALLY,., BUT X PORTUNATELY, THE RALEIGH POLICE WERE gail 3 & hig) ! TRY i A market increased by 21 per Celt CONFOUNDIT, [E | MOST CO-OPERATIVE, THEY FOUND THAT af g YOU KNOW IT FLATTERME... i from 444,000 to 538.000. ror po THEY SOLD THECGAR, | A COUPLE FITTING THE PAIR'S DESCRIPTION | 5 : YER rose by only 1,000 to 89,000. Cana- WE'VE GOT NOWAY | A MR, AND MRS. WENRY SMITH, BOUGHT ik { } dian production for the domestic TO TRACE THEM. & A $6,000 CONVERTIBLE THAT SAME market advanced 26 per cen} ; from 356,000 to 449,000. In the three years since then the domestic market has shrimk" four per cent to 515,000, while, production for the domestic mar- ket has dropped 22 per cent "16" 350,000. Gi In the same period imporfs | rose 85 per cent to. 165,000. "SACRED Cow" Mo's In a speech to the association HE WAS ONLY THE EARTHMAN W very we, ) | ZaTee., | ig Shum gin our, oF ) - E N Wi. / ell, )| & wr I 3 Al POMS y 'of IWC PrisATA BE AVAILABLE WHEN | MISS LANEY "7 oolirear ASSISTANT DIETRICT ~ (Cannda, described. Co mm no WRONG |... SUGGEST Y YOu WANT HIM! -- YOU WILL BE HELD ) ATTORNEY... MY FRIENDS |wealth trad y YOU RELEASE HIM UNTIL RESPONSIBLE THIS. WHO ¢ CALL ME S-ADY LAvwe, Wealth trade preference as\na ek ARE You Z ) FRIEND! LETS GO BEFORE |Sacred cow that should be led-ia \ THAT COMMANDER You _ [the slaughterhouse. Rive py Bas~eD <4 | Mr. Armour said that last year, waAkeS UP! [thanks to Commonwealth prefeks ence, there were imported THE Canada duty free from Britgin } about 76,000 vehicles valuedgat if more than $88,000,000. Automotive | parts imported from the Unftéd "% Kingdom were valued at aho®t |; $6,000,000. {4 He said Canada had increase 4 its imports of British motor FS hicles by 164 per cent in twa ° years and the value of imponted | British parts by 42 per cent. WIN OR LOSE THAT! MPORTANT,,. W THE CAME LADZ Rr---- HOW YOU ) Isp" /\ PLAY THE ' vo? 7 7 THE LONE RANCFER SECRET AGENT X © 7 WELL, WELL, SAWYER! 50 You Tink Yili THEN LET'S JUST SAY THE MAN IN DARK GLASSES WITH NOU TRINK TM KEEPING TRINE RANSOME WHEN SHE SOLD 3 { TREE DIDNOT | AN OPEN MIND, HER CAR IN RALEIGH, N.C., MIGHT GO DOWN IN | BUT IFA MAN HAVE BEEN THE MISSING 8 | THE PLANE of WITH ONE BROWN CRASH? + EYE AND ONE GREEN J WANTED 10 DIS APPEAR, WOULDN'T HE PROBABLY TAKE TO DARK Toh GLASSES ? GRANDMA BUZ SAWYER © 1999, King Pratures Syndicate, Tne, World rights romcred MISS LAYNE, JANE ARDEN Si 48 ' OU ARE INDEED RIGHT, | ~BUY OBSERVE THE BAROMETER = NOW WHERE THAT TUg- E = KIND Yoh | HONORED UNCLE = (T THE NEEDLE DROPS WITH THE ' IN'US 70, ZERO, BUT GODDESS OF FORTUNE SMILE & | 15 Now "A BREEZE" IN ALARMING RAPIDITY ~ s M 11 as IN OUR WAY WE BETTER | 115 ~THIS ADVENTURE 1S, IN THE \ EVERY SENSE OF THE | ALARMING RAPIDITY - OUR AMUSING athematicians a 2 | LATILE BREFZE MAY SOON BECOME To Avoid Snobbery i|| DEPLORABLE SLANG OF YOUTH, Sua boro a ese =| W 5 OTTAWA (CP) -- Mathemati« A BREEZE! cians were advised today to avoid mathematical snobbery in teaching school children. vou Kenneth Thrasher, principal' of Stratford Collegiate Insfic tute, Stratford, issued the warn- ° ing at a national seminar 'on mathematics teaching sponsored by the Canadian Teachers' Fede: ration. ; - nr He said courses involving a MERRY MENAGERIE High thre Tae and abstraction "might give aesthetic *, i . z 5 pleasure to a sophisticated mind, {75 but would never make mathe- matics a salable article in the !market place." ] Young people in mathematies ishould be led to interesting and {useful interpretations of the #b: stract ideas. MICKEY MOUSE A AN [7 Q (% TE RINE For an . 7 SALLY'S SALLIES Mrrnueg seg foe a preeed THERES SLICK! T'LL HAVE. 70 TAGE CAE OF Hi AND OF SrA oh Ch WITHO! y GUNPLAY, OR THE J TE Ln roe WHOLE GANG wiLL 8z A ALERTED, ROY ROGERS a Falt Disney Productions World Rights Reserved A 30 War @eeppy "Pardon me, friend---I think you're standing on the "Madam, this is your muscles i pole!" = SlAGOVery exercise." ee