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The Oshawa Times, 30 Apr 1960, p. 16

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U.S. BUSINESS [record first-quarter earnings of weck was 2251,000 tons, or 794 | ; ; sre \Whites Losing Faith Spring Buying [boots Th 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 30, 1960 ({able models, $75 ach. Hurry TRIO of $14,400,619. last week, Television, 171 Bond Street East NARROWER MARGIN United States Steel Corp. re- oy 2 9m Dyeet TAS ® ° ADVER | ISING |35 'GALLON how tank aquarium with . . 4 ; : r a er, © ; three- Chrysler's sales rose but profitiporied record production eof gee ere" vied" shee. BA nn par el oO 1CY bP rovid £8 Ton 1 C declined to $10,900,000 rom $1319 828,849 tons of steel in the first 0--Arti 3s -- ti 400,000. The dip was attributed to 5 --Articles for Sale - -- 112" PACE ship with Tee Nee trailer, . narrower pi isi on compact cars quarter. National Steel Corp., In- GOLF clubs and bag, five irons, two|and five HP motor. 759 Gifford Streel.| poy yNN HEINZERLING "It should be a recognized prin- More and more a cry for con- By JACK LEFLER (delivered 206,500 U.S.-made pas-iand premium payments for steel [land Stee Co. and Youngstown woods 3 Sell 70. RA Saby © : "rev| ¥ ; i ; ; ) : 4 ' Jocks, value SIM, Sel tor YO ent ae Ee ane *'24| JOHANNESBURG (AP)--Three|Ciple of governmnet that mative|suitation with moderate Africani NEW YORK (AP) -- Free. senger cars, a 159 per cent in- Studebaker - Packard's profit{Sheet and Tube Co. earned more million white South Africans face/men, women and children should), 0 = coming from white SPending American consumersicrease over a year ago. fromigel] to $2,801,693 from $7,754,991/money than' in any other first THREE hp garden tractor plough and|8-6740. = " h thi pe) ds ne 0 cultivator. RA 8-8208. COAL furnace. perfect condition, rea-|the gathering forces of the black only be permitted within munici- moderates and intellectuals evenlare providing a spring tonic for| April 10-20. a year ago. The company said|quarter. . i Bara New 35 TS i) . 8470. i i fi long| Subp, 4 ines A a a i if BABYLAND Bargains! New style sonable. Telephone RA 58470. |eontinent almost alone. (pal areas insofar and for so within the governing Nationalist business. Supplier strikes and inventory|contributing factors were lower| . . hit high a insta -- tg Bl gr a 1) Pood po. i ---- will JF the neighboring Contra) Ata fei reseuse i Semaniod 1 party. Most often i I as a| Merchants estimate Mother's reductions combined to reduce volume, increased expenses in Living See b! he fir. _- in town, $37. Large full panel Roxatone|compiete_ TEmple 91338, Dunbarton (rican Federation and the two) he was oe Dou aos moderate leader is the former Day shopping will put $1,000,000, this week's automobile production promoting compact cars and late March, prodded by st led | = ; Portuguese territories of Mozam- ist Zulu chief, Albert Luthuli, presi-|000 in their tills by May 8. Mem-|to an estimated 137,000 cars, sec-|launching of some models be-jii food prices in six months. The crib, half price, $19.88. Spring - fille - -- -- ee he: 18° CABIN cruiser, 25 HP Johnston, . 5 ith cease st t A . p = 4 gt gr gr rg A Si: electric star. Fully cauipped with trail. | bigue and Angola there are per i ee Re no he dent of the now outlawed African bers of the National Retail Mer-lond lowest of {he year, from 145,-/cause of the steel strike. labor depart ment's consumer Song Purvis: ; Cwureu Sitesi [Steer Fort Hove oniarie. 5 Suitpe haps 2uolher om es Prime Minister Hendrick Ver- National Congress. chants Association say their pro- (054 last week. Seporal Motors, The stot) Jidustcy pushed pro fo 125.7 per cent of the 1947-49 a | : ; ei i / : is view i i 3 r Af- i Vi igger clos "adillac division be- duction sli ead of last]™ 4 never used. cost) CIAL 2° cabin cruiser, 100 HP the white man has either abdica- Woerd expressed his view in Par-| But Luthuli and most other Af melions Will be Higger than ever, clpsed ee Cadillac Sivision Str dueti L: igiay. iond of lat Cen oi oN por KNITTING machine $150. Will take $50. Call WH 2.4953. i er al ! 2 ed his I %. d m ther 4% ~~ |Buchanan motor and trailer. Excellent! (ng on is being swept aside in the liament in 1958: The ideal must be|rican leaders are in jail under ) « | as Sig 4 HA Ld BE er tea) ton, Jovy George A. Loring cot tide of iE Swap: asd total separation in every sphere.|the emergency regulations. jan_encouraging report. Dealers'ing plant. cs the decline in orders was level-living cost average. distibutor for Filter Queen Vacuum. | omer Colo aun To meet this challenge and to But everyone realizes such aj------ ---------------- RAISA0M. cruise co Blvd, Phone RA 3-4010 claim ancient fears of black do- thing Sams be aiiaitied withip 2 Pr ; foie hR | : as Sats its s nor f PL CTRONONE inotie] Esquire Bi SPECIAL. Rox paint, five-year all sur.| mination among its own people| ew ¥ or a long time lo lig tly used. $139. Terms Meagher's, face, interior or exterior, gallon $6.35. the South African government :. : : 5 King Street West. Photic BA 3 1811. ium has offered one bulwark--apar-| Already bo # stan of vation) SAR : = A emergency uth Africa must A VION aise radios, 18 HORSEPOWER Johnson, a» good theid. , | TELEVISION sets for rent; also radios Although the. doctrine of .apars Choose Wither to plunge Boniwe] a ] " th two propellers, very few . sun, lamps and record players. Meagh. 90€¢, Wi 3 & A ers 5 King West. RA 3.3425. ours. OS sory, Omario Motor), id was put forward nearly 12/along a course denounced by | ELECTRIC razor service, cutting ooo oto co | years ago, it never has been fully, much of world opinion--or ehange| 1=1 (@ S e S ouc Rods, Conds ie es of suncot, roll-away bed, three-piece ma.| implemented. A growing body of|ils signs. X 3 FAzors. her's, 5 King hogany bedroom suite. Apply 235 inion in South Africa AN on a sew model Meagher's, 5 Hugi ialie Avenue. RA 4-173 Jexpert | IRON n ibl | BIGOEST ON indi AR pa Fern 1¥ PETERBOROUGH boat, com- ew popuiation I), SEWING machine Singer, portable. ote with accessories, 30 HP el SEPARATE UNITS 000 is the largest om the conti. eletric, excellent condition, from 325|motor with controls, OB40 Tee Nee| jelly int ted 'theid | nent. up. RA 5-2591 {trailer with licence, price $1000. Hamp. Strictly interpreted, apar nL th Afric ; + vectntl RR TINGHOUSE Tanndramat, use d|ton. COMax 3.2269 means separation of the coun- ou ricans are not recent| % 5 . a aa ' : "i . oir ' - WESTINGHD, half orig leaving coun-| ELECTRIC ironer, golf clubs and bag, {ry's population "into separate settlers. They and their forefath-| ter INO 8.4370. "boy's navy trench coat and hat, size .| socio - economic units inhabiting| ers have developed the most mod- | dbs SECT ------| writing desk. electric football game.|gifferent parts of the country,/ern and most highly developed | Thal Jrawsts_and, 3sborite Sof few. OL 533M. ___| each enjoying in its own area full] country on the continent. Negroes : h| citizenship rights." That was the have provided much of the labor UNPAINTED bookcases, only 99c. wil ---------- -- |the purchase of one piece of unpainted | (op ction given in 1948 by Dr. for this development, but' the pI CQRI*S aN mak _| furniture. Chest of drawers, $17 :desks, : hi : : bi Sapo B i Bg ne Bd makes: | $14: bookcases, $5.99; vanity dressers. W. W. M. Eiselen, now secretary Whites have furnished capital and teed rebuilt machines. Es ; record cabinet, $18; room divider, of the department of Bantu ad-| knowledge. es 1 Rentals. Vacuum' Cleaner Repair Serv podkeass headboard, $15. Wilson| istration and development. Furthermore, it is a contention | fee; RA 30551 anyeune, | 0: | IFurei ute, 20 Outen SHeSt isiusy 'But nearly two-thirds of the that when the whites first landed NEW finish for your old asphalt shingle | WE pay highest pri n the city for | rs ither| at the Cape in 1652, the Africans roof. "Tempgard" colored aluminum |used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni- | 10,000,000 N of Foes ae Sithe were just moving down from the paint, by Benjamin Moore, will refin-|ture Store. RA 3.3271, 444 Simcoe South working on the white s ih and lav ight of pri ish your present asphalt shingles, 10/15" FOOT moulded hull boat, 6 wide farms, operating his mines or north and have no right of prior give them #dditional years of wear: 3' deep, open deck, leather upholstery, working in his factories. To drive Seltlement. : id and in new colors. See ar's seat seven, all equipped, 50 HP motor, | pi ves w e "one man, one vote" idea and Wallpaper, 34 King Street West electric starter and generator; heavy | LM back lo the Feserves ould proposed by black leaders of the (opposite Dominion Store), duty Teenee trailer, $1300. RA . |wreck the economy. $ y e adi TT y oR ree When Prime Minister Daniel new states to the north would WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, MARK 20 Mercury motor with con- s Yoke fl sweep the whites aside sofid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard-|trols, excellent condition. Phone RA|Malan introduced his program of P 5 g ware, 8 Church. RA 3-762. = 185105, = ~~ ~~ ~~~ |apartheid in 1948, he had before] Gradual extension of democra- GUNS, ammunition and hunting sp. LLOYD carriage; 1 white bath; 1 crib. him a report of a government tic rights to Negroes means a plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent/A.1 condition. Phone Whith MO| ¢ issi t the concept was| s i inl own. Dominion Tire. Store. 4 Bond 3:3101 sommission that the concept Was/Negro government some fime ib Street West. RA 56311. = (TYPEWRITER, like new, 340; ten Key ! 2 ALUMINUM doors, windows, awnings. electric adding machine, snap; ay- EARLIER REPORT OWN RULE IN RESERVES : v $19.95 installed. RA| r Chi r, | $ : Y a # ¥Sarage window $19.95 installe master eckwriter, never used. RA Legislation, however, is based The government has held out to BOAT Kits -- Build now. All sizes, 8 ft. [FOR SALE -- Gendron convertible 00 a report of an earlier So the Africans the prospect of even-| 0.22 fi. cruisers. Car (op special partly baby carriage, good condition, $20. Also| Mission which declared in 1922: (tual self-government in eight or assembled $49; 15 ft. moulded mahog-| combination portable rad aph, ------ nine bantustans or reserves| any runabout, 1 wil thr d, nearly mew, $50. Phone! : n and hardware, best offer. 12 HP 1953| MO 8-4407 |52--Legal Notices around the country. Gale Buchaneer motor, new warranty | gS as But development of these rural - cere -- ---- [teries, Kelvinator refrigerator, tele... anv res ibility for any debts| % FEET Beatty steel for sock Pen, vision. Thrifty Budget Pian. RA 54343. | Sontracted by my wife, Gertrude Mer-|the first 10 years and ihe gov- ed gr gre Hy orse SInllS: USED paris and repairs for all makes cier, and that she has mo authority to|ernment has shown no sign of| Photie kill : of wringer type washers, % HP motors| contract on my behalf in any manner | providing that kind of money in-| [$5 to $10, guaranteed reconditioned whatsoever. Signed, Gilles M. Mercier, initel | SALE {washers and stoves. Paddy's Market,|251 Rosedale Drive, Whitby. definitely. i Hampion, CO 32241 | Urbanized Africans also show) Auminum Products of the [USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and wp. no inclination to return to these] best quality ot the best |B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 35-4343. HEAD OFFICE rural areas. rices fully guaranteed SPECIAL. Plastic wall tile, all colors, | Bouble hung windows only (in #4 x 4% sqares, 29c sq. ft. Phone FOR THE OTE Con mow rE]. OSHAWA. BOARD 'o .l i : iyo lis Lymer Aluminum Co, |PARGAINS: Tviece chesterfite; a; Truck Group Ss | 7 . Bi i THE CRURCH For aceIR ytwo washing machines, $19.50; Norge| OF ALL FOR THE CHURCH ) ) 8 |B" F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat-| rif | tify that 1 wi "longe $329. Barons', 426 Simcoe Street South. | {THIS is to notify that I will no longer areas cost around $30,000,000 wo | RA 8 538% dryers os: Hulest 22 'frig, $119; - - roll top desk, $18; dining room suite - . = iT i of Hove, Ji bed onda ana PAR K MANAGEMENT| Subsidy View ; The Church is the greatest factor on earth for INTRODUCTORY OFFER: [TV, $89. Phone RA 81131 or come in Sealed tenders will be ra- | 4 ; the building of character and good citizenship EXTERIOR RAILINGS, $2.50 [at sur two locations. 19 and 34 prince] ceived by the City Clerk, Osh- | OTTAWA (CP) -- Transporta-| 2 ! Tt 3 a storehouse of spiritual values. Without a |Street. Community Furniture Store per lin. ft. and up (installed); PAINT inierior Riemer FEW aia | owe, until 2 p.m. Wednes- tion subsidies if necessary but strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization TV TOWERS, Sp pe Tower [ay colors Guaranteed. Flat, gloss. day, May 11th, {not necessarily subsidies, the ean survive. There are four sound reasons why fro 30 (install it your- (Oshawa Hardware and Electric, : i ki indust -1 i Fe and soe); manufactured [Church street. RA 37834 | Drawings and Specifications [Ciel VIE ILE : : every veri should ahend wlieessegulily sd near Oshawa: NORGE gas range, good may be obtained from Wil- 1.00 ation Friday. God must love beauty, fo use it so lavishly. The Master Artist dapples support the Church. They are: (1) For his METAL 'VENTURES Reasonable. Telephone RA 5914. fom R. Milne, Architect, 53 "H i the view of the Cana. the soft green leaves with golden sunshine, turns the brook to flowing rys own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For RA 8-0909 BOATS, motors and trailers, new and Ibert Street, Oshawa, upon di trucking: assosiations thall 4 2 : the sake of his community and nation. (4) For dd used. Complete selection. We finance| deposit of $25. {dian trucking associations (that tai, and puts a song into Spring itself. our own accounts. Terms to suit your {subsidy should be avoided in our the sake of the Church itself, which needs his LAWN CRUISER |Charen Wall Bos. Lowest or ony tender may not |country," said part of a massiv . moral and' material sapport. Plettss © POWER MOWERS PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 galion,| ~° Cteepied. bial boing presented io the com . There is beauty in us, too . , , bacavse Fe put # here. In His sight, church vagulerly and resd your Bible daily. lors. Gi t . . ssion. > a Aly ; OR Orban Haron coer poi Beet City Clerk, lhowev idy 1 rill pone of us are ugly, none of us are forsaken, none of we are "lost." ec, 3 however, that subsidy is and wil 2 BUCCANEER OUTBOARD (Church Street. RA 37624. Oshawa. {probably continge. to be an. im Day Book Chapter MOTORS 310 DOWN, Selivers a Sov reinzeriln {portant instrument of govern-§ ° Sunday Genesis The price murderer at the (small GE appliances. Barons 426 Sinn. FOR SALE |ment transportation policy." But sometimes, in the busy process of day-to-day living, we turn blind Monday Psalms Hilltop will not be undersold. [coe Street South. . Added the submission of Cana- eyes upon the world's loveliness, and take for granted the gifts which should Tuesday Psalms See him today TWO wheel trailer with racks, $30; also dian Trucking Associations, ii : 5 is . gs . Wednesday 11 Corinthians RA 8-6891 [studio couch wanted, must be n.| A three-storey Business Block, |bidding for equal recognition brighten the hours and years. We need a faith that gives us vision to find Thursday Luke ---- |V-30. 1958 JOHNSON motor, used one| gentrally located in the Town |with the railways: again the inner beauty He gave us in the beginning . . . a gift which He Friday Luke Saturday Psalms RAE | season, excellent condition, $580 or best "wr , io he . . : |offer. 'Ajax Whitehall 2.3906 or RA| ©f Whitby, with the first "Whenever policies are evolved never takes away. Let us go, then, to His Church. Let us "enter into His SEE HOME APPLIANCES 13-0210 floor equipped for Resaurant [which may result in subsidie ia) 1 He : iy a lasting: OSHAWA LTD EAR we Shit purposes Vacant possession the. method of paying the sub- gales Wi hankegiving ¢. for the Lord is good; His merey is everlasting; TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim- on closing or further infor sidy should be such that it doe an is Truth endureth forever." | i : A 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FL mation, write not interfere with the natural de- A NG Db ns. Real low 1 a] 3 a ve forces." FOR FRIGIDAIRE Spring - 'tiled mairesses, muaramiend| JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C, [velopment of competitive force SALES AND SERVICE construction, Reg. $20.95 -- Wilson's 1472 King Street East, UGGEST SRNATI ES i . b dC cial low price, $16.88. Smooth top high qual- Oshawa, Ontario ' If the subsidy can't be paid t Copyright 1960, Kester Adu. Service, Strasburg, Va. lomestic an ommercia ity mattresses, discontinued tickings er------ rnin TET transportation customer or to RA 5-5332 iy Pr en |all forms of transportation. som for quick sale from $22. Continental BOARD OF PARK other policy should be considered filled sturdy construct ; Electrohome, R.C.A. Victor, [mismatched tickings, single rig vy MANAGEMENT it suggested. . Admiral, Westinghouse. The $44.50, clearance price, $24.50. Bunk CITY OF OSHAWA The shipper should be paid the Asal 0 beds, complete with ribbon springs, subsidy directly in "as f est in T.V., Hi-Fi ond | i ccses, guard rail and iad, Sibigy direcily in ile cave of service {Maple or Walnut, price complete, $38. such commodities 1 | PARKWAY Tv. [BER EERIE ol] TENDERS fami vhs' omar; ew THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE : arch PAINTING Suiprets ars involv FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS [Church Street 918 SIMCOE NORTH hfen SSS) sr RA 3-3043 sie 73030, heavy duty: 10 py raven) BAND SHELL IN | ike new, al our $280. 'ortable air .-- compressor unit, $30. Gas engine 6 hol MEMORIAL PARK R d K pt ROTARY POWER MOWERS |e on; ans ona borsompressor ecor el KEMP'S ESSO_SERVICE McINTOSH FUNERAL HOMI STEPHENSON'S GARAGE - $37.95 u $130 to 3289 Coleman space heater. $23. Tenders for painting the band - RA 5.3680 288 Bloor St. W. RA 5.2043 152 K st E RA 5-0522 15 Church St. . Pp ast Jolt Smmelel X a ension shell in Memorial Park will ; ; id ing McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUP MARINE STORAGE clude" Ukrainian, electric fans, pipe| Df eceivay 2 i nde: HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION Ack AUG L UPPLIES LTD, & SUPPLY LTD threading ies, floor lamp, electric signe uriti M., 5 a 0 | AND GARAGE HAMBLY TIRE LTD. R 34 110 King St. W. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO Ee net W ednesdov J May, 1960. | ".» RA 3-7822 67 King St. W, HAWA , radio, 1BM time punch clock, fluores. po \d vertisin RA 8.6221 534 Ritson Rd. S. OSHA ALUMINUM OL 5-3641 cent fixtures and bulbs, emery cloth : | FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL LTD. SALES & SERVICE and discs, electric fuel pump 6 valts| Particulars as to work to be Hans Haagmans Mgr D. BERKUTA RA 5.7922 58 N St. and windshield wiper. punches, gaskets: go. nov be obtained from a i | . A gr. 7 - ossau St, {FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT or cont Apply 357 Simcoe Street South| the Superintendent, 110 Park | NEW YORK (AP)--The integ-|} RA 8.6201 57 King St. E. BUILDING CONTRACTOR $15.40 o week per family of |Ra 5.9216, at any time. | Rood North, telephone RA [Fity of newspaper advertising| RA 3-9813 863 Rit Rd. S. CLEMENT ULTRA SERVICE ts 3.9298. was stressed by the ee IRELAND STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY R : son d RA 8.0631 352 Wilson Rd. § RA 3-3680 21 Athol St. W, |tion in the closing session of its GUSCOTT PLUMBING y freezer. No down payment. |continental beds complete, only $32.50; |annual four-day convention } METTE PLUMBING COMPANY LTD. & HEATING LTD NORTH OSHAWA any size continental beds, smooth tops, - . P MBIN EAT For appointment (no obligo- |$49.50: bunk beds with spring matress, i REARRAND, Secrstary, pS atument 3 behalf of He} RA 5.3279 23 Celina St. {John Bondaruk, Manager) wl BING & H A ING iu : $38, arborite step tables, $5.95 and up: ity Hall, entre Street. |ANPA was read by D. Tennant] an Robinson, Prop. § tionl--phone RA 53-3709. Splece chrome sels, only $45; 2-piece| mm |Bryan, whose term as associa] pn RHE So0DMAN RA 5-5132 207 Simcoe St.:S, RA 5.3715 ! oP Wave Ave. S505 toon: CRE Oratory Is {tion president expired Thursday. | NG & HEATING FOOD PLAN sinks ana ap. Try Community wry NZ THE MATTER OF |piccied" to succeed him wasq RA 5.1044 758 Mary St. PRESTON'S DECORATING SUPPLIES AL HEFFERING'S THAT SAVES ture at our two locations, 19 and 24 THE ESTATE OF |Mark Ferree, a Scripps-Howard RA 3-4922 19 Bond St. W, Corman AVES =~ [oud Gi "WC uk ol GRACE MARION (re tea KENNETH ASHMORE iobadhuy FESO SERVICE STATION Complete lines of meats, fish, orm. I ' " : " Eo wal - i 5 poultry and groceries, Gov- |i FT plywood boat, 16 horse Fre] O'CONNOR Those who seek any occasion PAVING CONTRACTOR LUDWIG DEZSI RA 5-9892 Cor. No. 2 Hwy. & Thickson Road. 2 orn |stone outboard d trailer, i te criticize all advertising have : as . ernment inspected. Blue ond [stone outboard motor and trailer, in LATE OF THE eagerly seized uoon the discocf F3412 357 Garrard N. Painting and Decorating Contractor ALDSWORTH CLEANERS Red B k 6 ed Brand beef 8.0860 TOWNSHIP OF . WHITBY ure of a few improper practices! A. C. STARK & SON RA 3-9453 736 Eastbourne Ave. RA 5-1812 36 Athol St. E. FAMILY OF FOUR FREEZER es eh, AND FOOD, BOTH ONLY |STARTON To. Westiminsier poriaos| |N THE COUNTY OF lin the broadcast media as an ad- PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING BANK'S FLOORING ! R. B. REED & SONS RA 8-1011 80 Eastlawn $t. $12.89 A WEEK [sewing machine, excellent condition. ONTARIO Saials asn bo Tovey alll} pa 5.4377 Courtice NE eames io arses saa SCHOOL TEACHER, roadcasting and all advertising! FLORISTS FAIRBANK-MORSE HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- DECEASED {ir all media including daily news- STAFFORD BROTHERS RA 5.1131 0 10% King St W., E. HANSINK CONSTRUCTION FREEZERS |ture, also sell and exchange. Contact papers," Bryan said. {Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince "NO. with aliolezale' coMdeinna. MONUMENTAL WORKS RA 8.0321 413 Fernhill Blvd. $199 UP out a aI NOTICE TO tion is possibly justified by the] MO 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E, Whitby SEEDS' B-A STATION LODWICK ELECTRIC SERVICE SLLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- Phone Now igerators, TV's, washers, pianos, CREDITORS fous ; 5 ROY W. NICHOLS RA 8.0367 "Simcoe St.'N. & Taunton Rd. RA 5-6369 56 Prince St. He said the ANPA heretofore For top cash offer, con- RA 8-1128 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-113) a1) PERSONS having claims |had made no public statement to| G.M. SALES & SERVICE NORM WIRSCHING & SON |TWO rooms of furniture, bed Sitting] qgainst the Estate of GRACE |refute these criticisms because(] RA 3-7242 Courtice W. A. SMITH BUILDERS SUPPLY PLASTERING CONTRACTORS Guaranteed by |room and kitchen. 26 Church Street up- Good Housek Stairs, MARION O'CONNOR, late of [newspapers were not involved in|] MA 3-3353 Bowmanville MO 8-2379 701 Brock St. N., Whitb ousekeeping [stairs, 1 to 4 p.m. ate o eq J nby RA 5-6222 & 5-8718 130 Roxborough Ave. COOK'S ELECTRICAL S. ammunition and hunting sup] the Township of Whitby, in [the practices under attack. ' BOATING [i Tomb ion Gries [oe County of Orvik | 1t was doing so now. he sad Opies tr. PPAVING CONTRACTOR SPECIAL | RRER sass i farsi us| 907 of March, AD." 1960, straight." RA 54704 453 Rison Rd. N, RA 8-810] 1154 Nelson St, an 3.0100 STRUCTION yD. 2:4. regis unooas (£1, nie, Sotktinl BELEL 5 DO ar? mond. Var, Tomas Dispatch an Durie dir igs 12 h.p. Scott motor, Cana- [spring step and coffee table, boudoir| signed on or before the 21st |News Leader, said advertisers PLUMBING & HEATING Rd. § ASPHALT A IN TRACTOR RA 5 Oshawa SAND & GRAVEL St. E 2 son Rd. S. -02: ing St. E, dian Explorer trailer, com- |and table lamps, pillows, etc. $25 down 4 I} RA 5-8563 pletely equipped, $895 |delivers: "Guaranteed ~Besi vale: | 99y of May, AD. 1960, [spent $7,000,000.000 in ncwspa-| RA 5-1905 833 Simcoe St. S. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe] after which date the Estate [Pers in 1958 and 1959 combined. | HENDERSON CONCRETE A. R. SMITH & SON 13° moulded plywood boot, street South istri with re- He sz ANP! ey | 25 hp. motor, trailer, ofl | wil be Gisvitted, wih ve. | He sad an ANPA survey; PRODUCTS LTD. A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS ° J i gard only to cleims of which y oyls ond equipment, 51--Swap and Barter the undersigned shall then Papers rejected $15,000,000 in ad-|] RA 3-4412 1089 Nelson St. RA 5-1764 1015 King St. E. RA 8.8113 50 Taunton Rd. W. : [BATH sets, sump pumps, pressure h t |vertising revenue "because the While they lost. Canadian |[systems, steel sinks and cabinets, fur- ove hod notice il Explorer comp trailers, com- ace, voller and Iads, electric 'pop DATED at Oshawa this 21st ale He Rams tt i : plete, Reg $405 - $319, [cooler serv-all grill, piping and fit] day of April, A.D. 1960 °) "1 J ey tings (all kinds) H Chinn RA 3.7088, dividually established," - i | i i Trades accepted. Terms ar- | , : ad . f u C u 0 ce or JAMES FRANCIS O'CONNOR, | while this was but two-tesths| ranged |52--Legal Notices Administrator ' ' of one per cent of the total, he| AJAX MARINE I. Arthur Henry Neison, will not be By his Solicitor, said, it was "large enough to] R d h O h Ti Ch h A f Ti f S 1 d A viti responsible or any deol conracied 'a| JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, make it knavn tone oust tol) Read the Oshawa Times Church Announcements for Times of Services an ctivities NO. 2 HWY. AT AJAX 30, 1960. Signed. Arthur Henny Newonl| 142 King Street East, drop our guard through compla-| Ph. WH 2.4080 121 Brock Street South, Whitby. Oshawe, Ontario. {eency." | four, includes approximately |NEW furniture bargains: 2-piece ches terfielas (airfoam), reduced to * - Th ! 90 per cent groceries ond piece bedroom suite, only $129.50; 36" e lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Newspaper Publishers Associa-|

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