imited uantity SPECIALS | On Sale at 9:30 a.m. Monday and only while quantities last r PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE ORMAILORDERS UPPER LEVEL Children's 'Interlock'-Knit Vests "Seconds" of higher priced line. Size 2 44 for "Helanca'" Sports Brief Two-way stretch nylon-knit--keep you slim and trim under shorts or swimsuits. Without garters, Sizes small, medium and large to 1 fit 25 to 30" waists. EACH ® Clearance of Remnants Cottons, rayons, blends, wools prints, plains, novelties, tweeds; to widths from 35" to 54". EACH =m | Women's Sleeveless Shirls Prints and plains; sizes 10 to 18 in the 1 LH group. Manufacturer's clearance. EACH ry MALL LEVEL TV Snack Sets Plate and cup of pottery with attractive Bamboo design. 2-PCE. SET "Colorthene" Slide Box Holds sixty 35 mm slides or navy, with attractive checked cotton lining. Sizes 36 to 44 in the group. EACH -piece set of sturdy white opaque plastic iF jay kitchen motifs in red, yellow or tur= o Camden and R.C.A. Long-Play Favourite selections include Red, Red Ride in Hi Fi with Red Allan; Dance 'Til Dawn with Larry Green; 1 39 Symphony Orchestra; and others. EACH . . @® Automotive Encyclopedia easy-to-understand instructions for making repairs, diagnosing engine troubles. etc. * '} Va Price Clearance of Men's Raincoats -- Reg. 17.95 8.95 Fishing Boots and Waders waders; styles to wear over the socks and inside running shoes or wading boots; over-the- shoe types. Sizes small, to medium and large. PAIR | ] Chromium-Plated Kitchen Stools--Reg. 10.95 End-of-line clearance; well-padded stools enable you to sit down places safely. EACH . Hand Garden-Tool Set wood handles, steel heads. SET 1 ) 1 Lo] Lawn Seed No. 1. Lawn mix that's well suited to sunny HAP places. 1-Ib box covers approx. 300 sq. ft. 1.LB, @® Approx. 54" wide; Grey, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue. BOOT... ....... ... vii. ® Coconut Door Mats 14 x 24" 16 x. 27" 18 x 30" Each . 1.15 Each 1.50 Each ... 1.85 Some washable; all semi-trimmed; good array of patterns. SINGLE ROLL Zon Small Paint Roller Plus Refill Complete paint. roller; small, handy for inside cupboards and other difficult-to-reach places; 50 Ad Plastic Washing Machine Covers quoise. SET Hi-Fi Records to Clear! Music of France with the Pierre Monteux Contains a wealth of information concerning cars of most makes; EACH . : Broken size range to clear; cotton sheen raincoats in dark brown "Totes" flexible rubber hip boots; chest high or waist-high LOWER LEVEL to many household chores; built-in steps with rubber treads enable you to reach high @® Trowel and fork, approx 15" long; hard- Plastic Surfaced Wall and Floor Covering Wallpapers to Clear plus refill. COMPLETE . ¥ A Fund of Lovely Summer Fashions. .. Enchanfingly Styled Excitingly priced! Ordinarily 16.95 Each and Every One Washable ! FOUR DRESSES . . . each one of which might easily be YOUR dress for Summer! For they're beautifully basic, while still keeping an eye on the new; the exciting in fash- ion! The fabrics (and there are FOUR) are all washable . . . require a minimum of up-keep . . . and love to go places! Here are dresses you'll LIVE IN all Summer -- cool, com- fortable, capable. Each helps you stay with fashion -- and within your budget. (a) TWICE STRIPED, (b) DRAPED SHEATH (c) SUN DRESS with a nce in White, again has a soft, Summer look jacket dividend -- in with Black, Brown or Fabric is a cotton sat- drip - dry "Terylene". Navy. Fly front conceals een, woven to a silken The dress is square- zipper closing, slim skirt finish--in the enlarged necked front and back, eased for walking with collar; honeycomb pat- emphasized with tailor- back pleat. Washable tern. Blue, traced witha ed bow and pin; brief, "Arnel" jersey, fully delicate Mint or Beige jacket cuffed and coll- lined in rayon taffeta. on White; Misses sizes ared. Blue, Green or Junior Misses' sizes 7 to 12 to 20. Yellow with small floral 17. print. Women's Special- ized sizes 1214 to 26 V4. BATON'S UPPER LEVEL -- DEPTS, 241, 341, 541 EATON Opportunity Day Special each (d) SUIT ESSENTIAL, the very essence of Sum- mer in town! "Wash and wear' cotton, checked with Navy, Brown or Black on White . . trim- ed at flap "pockets" and collar with' nylon velvet. Finished - with matching covered but- tons. Women's sizes 32 to 44, PHONE RA5-7373 sve wenawA TIMES, Saturday, Apri 30, 1960 19 MON., MAY 2nd a Trans-Canada $A LE Ji TUES. MAY 3rd Much Below Usual Price VERSATILE COSTUME COATS A bevy of beautiful designs in costume or duster coats , . , so fashionable to wear for so many occasions . . , so very low priced because of a special purchase! Intriguing designer touches ins clude collars notched and wide, shawl-like, cuffed.' cape types and tuxedo front designs . . . set-in or raglan sleeves either tapered full length or cuffed % length . . . novel button and pocket trims. All, are handsomely tailored in 6-ply bengaline, fully lined in rayon satin. In powder blue, beige, navy: and black. Junior # sizes. EATON'S Misses', Misses', Wo- : 00 Trans-Canada Sale, men's and Petite Half each ..... one ve ; Ends-of-Lines Clearance ! SPRING COATS and SUITS | Regularly 39.95 to 99.95 ; Floor-wide clearance of Spring '60 coat and suit silhou- ettes! Tailored in olfi-wools, wool-and-mohair, Blin ahd " Blin and novelty weaves--there are airy tweeds, checks and plains. Colourful Spring shades plus a few black ond navy in the group. Broken size and colour range. EATON Trans-Canade 29.95 * 66:60 i Ff iy i Sele, 00ch ............ EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 244-644 PHONE RA 5.7373 Store Hours. 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.-Monday to Saturday. oT: MTT. AVA IT: 13 FTL (IR \