a note to the Kaden There's golden beauty for you, too, in the magic of SIR TAN. Helps conceal blemishes--is an excellent skin-toning lotion, too. IIS gives you a vigorous TAN Get a deep golden tan, a vigorous outdoor tan, in just six / JUS a 6 Y//1)//6 </ hours. without sunlamps or makeup. Apply SIR TAN tonight. Wake up in the morning, and Man, just look at that tan! Crystal-clear, refreshing SIR TAN is not a stain or dye. It contains no coloring, no iodine. It is not a makeup. Whether you are blond, brunette or redhead, whether you can take a natural tan or not. . . even if you're the type who freckles or burns on exposure to the sun, you can obtain a i iwi PO RTA iN T Sah: een 1, 5 deep or as light as you like, through the SIR TAN IS LABORATORY TESTED ... APPROVED mage v Gly : aw BY LEADING CANADIAN DERMATOLOGISTS SIR TAN contains the new discovery, HYDROXIN, that ; ? " ee , ' oes to work, immediately it touches your skin magically Insist on genuine SIR TAN. Many imitations contain g 2 aaa ; dyes and coloring. Only SIR TAN contains HY DROX- IN, the magic tan-imparting discovery. SIR TAN is safetouse,willnot burn, blister orfreckle...won't wash off or stain your clothes. Made and tested in Canada. helps you to create your own tan! A daily application of SIR TAN is all that's needed to keep that tan of yours going . . . all year round. So, why be a paleskin any longer? Pick up a generous 4 oz. bottle of SIR TAN at your drug store--or wherever toiletries are sold.