ONTARIO TODAY Big House Loggers Picnic Tables From A Reformatory Beginning of picnic tables for Ontario BY VERNE McILWRAITH TARIO'S "Big House" is big business for the Provin- cial Government. The Guelph Reformatory is a show place, its attrac- tively landscaped grounds along the Guelph--Toronto highway attracting many visitors. It is a model penal institution, the first reformatory to be built without prison walls and armed guards, with the trust system prevailing. While this situation had to be changed following a disastrous riot in 1937, guards are again unarmed, and recalcitrant prisoners are now accommodated elsewhere in Ontario. In its rehabilitation program, designed to equip wayward youth to resume a place in society, the institu- tion operates several industries to keep the more than 900 students busy. Each year these works turn out pro- ducts that have a value of several million dollars, thus reducing the cost of operation. Production includes clothing and guards, bedding, woollen goods, furniture and many other articles. Food production is a leading factor in operation of the institution. There is a large dairy herd on the farm. A new abattoir, a one-storey building with basement and all modern facilities, has a turnover of more than $1,000,000 annually, with many of the animals slaughtered being purchased from Guelph District farmers. The canning plant has been enlarged and provides much of 'the canned fruits, meats and vegetables to other institu- for prisoners tions. Providing greatest employment is the tailor shop which was recently enlarged and equipped with valuable, modern machines. _ : All licence plates for motor vehicles in Ontario were formerly made at the Guelph institution. But this industry was moved last year to Millbrook when the new maximum security reformatory was constructed there to house "repeaters" and those unable to respond to rehabilitation efforts in the "open" institutions. With transfer of the marker plant it was necessary to enlarge other operations and new activities had to be found in order to keep the student-group busy. One is an extensive logging business with a program of tree- cutting which kept some 25 prisoners busy each day during the winter months. The logging operations comprise only one phase of a project to provide picnic tables and benches for use in Ontario's many provincial parks and along high- ways. In addition to the tree-fellers, another group of 75 youths is engaged on this project. All the work is done by hand to make extra jobs. Owner of a farm along the Eramosa River, the institution sells the trees to the government. A good stand of small trees is located on the property and here daily prisoners fell the 2-foot cedar trees. Among the group working in the bush, all of whom are trusties, are some experienced in logging operations, but many are amateurs and particular care is taken to see that none is injured. The toppled trees are trimmed and hauled to the reformatory by horse-power where they are used to make crosspieces and supports #r benches and tables. Dunked in tanks the long are de-barked in hot water and stripped by men using hand axes and knives. Special jigs are used to cut the logs into desire size. Drilling and assembly of the readied logs is done in one section of the machine shop that has been commandeered for this new industry. The special jig permits a production-line working plan. The institution now has an order for 4,600 tables and benches this is expected to be increased. Most of the trees for the original order have been cut and pre- pared, and assembly is well advanced. Top boards for the tables are bought under contract from lumber dealers and shipped. on order. near PAGE THIRTEEN | Announcing the Canadian Catholic Pilgrimage of Europe Under the Distinguished Patronage and Spiritual Leadershio of HIS EXCELLENCY THE MOST REVEREND F. A. MARROCCO, D.D. 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