'WHITBY and DISTRICT Mana~er: Lloyd Robertson SAFETY COUNCIL PLANS SUMMER PROJECTS | left to r Whithy's Safety Council is making plans for a busy spring and summer, Projects planned include a dance at the Whitby District High School next month Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, April 30, 1960 § CLUB CALENDAR Faith Candy League's (MONDAY, May 2 United Church YPU: Baptist Church Explorers Tel. MO. 8-3703 %; Emberg, secretary; Mrs. Paul- ine Hendriks, president; Mrs Charles Hoag, first vice-presi- dent; Mrs. Berniece Law, corre- spondence secretary. Standing and a bicycle rodeo. Shown | above are members of the ex- | ecutive at a recent meeting. Seated, left to right. Mrs. | Joyce Burns, director: Mrs, | LJ [J ° | ch iness may someday" be of great | trict Commissioner, { emo 1 V a 1011 S a 1C importance. | Weaver, and first company Cap-| [tain Mrs, D. Calder attended Word For Patients By LLOYD ROBERTSON . a word which standard Remotivation . . does not appear in a % sh dictionary but a important word to 75 is very w men in the Ontario Hospital in gf A close look at any hospital the most interesting part played, vard is not a very cheering|in the eyes of the layman, was event, but a close examination/that by the Whitby Kiwanis Club. this ward, before remotivation| Heading the committee arrang- began, was most depressing./ing 'he visits was Kiwanian Dr. Here were 75 men whose contact/John Davies, a dentist. In addi- Whitby, none of whom ornbably With the outside world had, in tion te this, Dr. Davies also kept ever heard it used. But, by cesses of remotivation over the past year, all of those 75 have shown improvement and six have been discharged. The word is even more impor- Rant when one considers that the 75 patients' made up a group of yirtually "forgotten' patients in a mental hospital. These are va tients in what has been scribed as the most deteriorated pknown medication had be on them and found wanting, pro- Most cases, come to an end on|a chronicle of the progress made the day they were admitted to/during the three-month period. the pavilion. Some had been pa-| | From this record comes the ients there for more than 30! following, in his report of the ears and had seen no one ex- first visit: "We entered the sec- ept the doctor, attendant or fel- ond floor of the ward and were yw patient in all those years. All met by four or five curious pa- n tried|tients who shook hands and mumbled greetings. The bulk of Of the group, 30 remained in the patients remained sitting or de- bed, not because they were un-|lying on the floor as we walked able to get up but because they by. We proceeded to the recrea- ward in the hospital. There are did not want to get out of bed at 'ion room (in the same buildin nearly 1800 patients in the hospi- tal in Whitby and the 75 meu in volved represented that group for whom little' hope of recovery is| held The remotivation project was conducted by Dr. P. Lynes, ward r. C. Galbraith, as- | director, and Cyril ef psychiatric so- cial worker. Before the experi- ment, and experiment was, ached its fulfillmer tment the nm 3 ill had been tried; the Whitby Kiwanis Club members had made a weekly visit to this ward: and a group of men-found themselves working for General Motors of Canada. All these gs happen- ed in a ward wh one year 2go saw no visitors inside its wall Remotivation first came to the Ontario Hospital here almost ex- actly one year ago today. Two of 'the attendant staff, Arthur Stanlick and Robert Simon, had Greenland all. There were no table cloths on where we gathered. around the 2 the tables, not because the hospi- piano and had a sing-song. One or tal staff didn't care, but because (wo patients joined in immediate- the patients did not leave them|ly but the most hung back." there. Never a flower vase inside Continuing his journal of the that ward. Men had given up all|yisits, Dr. Davies notes that in interest in their personal appear-|the following weeks there was ance after a long association|more personal contacts between with each other which' almost/the guests and the patients as amounted to being imprisoned tothe visits progressed. Sometimes ether with no hope of reprievelthe patients participated in bingo or escape, games, a type of therapy As the project got underway, founder of bingo never cont Mr. Greenland contacted the|plated, and other group activities Whitby Kiwanis, and asked mem-| 14 fact. one evening was de- bers if they wiuld consider mak-|yoted simply to visiting, a real ng a weekly visit to this ward getting - acquainted evening, in as part of the project. The Ki-\\njch patients were met as in wanis accepted with some trep uals rather than in a zroup dation, Few, if any, of the mer The regular visits ended wit! bers had ever visited a mental ; mammoth ( tmas party in hospital and none had ever visit- Docember, The club had first ed this ward ent a and decorations to The Occupational Therapy de-'the ward and patients had decor- partment of the hospital under ated their first Christmas tree in Mrs. Betty Richards and Miss many years. Elaine Kingsmill started a pro-' on the evening of the party gram of occupational and music ¢iwanis and patients joined in tree f Annual Banquet Members and guests of the|330; Millie Peggs, high triple Whitby Ladies Candy Bowling|f at, 890° Alice Anderson, high sin. League closed their season with|gle with handicap, 330; Grace a very enjoyable banquet at the| Sandford, high triple with handi- Triple Links Unity Club on Thurs- cap, 766. day evening. | Prizes for the lucky play-off Following grace and the loast|scores went to Ruth Robb and to the Queen by Dorothy Moore, Edith Walker; lucky draws went the president, Sophie Dilling, in-/to Pal Bremner, Alice Hewis and troduced the head table and wel-| Florence Moore. Prizes were also comed the guests. awarded to the Gumdrops for A most delicius turkey dinner|the highest total points for the was served by the ladies of the|year, the Maple Buds for the Rebekah Lodge and the tables| highest single game bowled. and were beautifully decorated by|the All- Sorts for the highest Alice Hewis. . triple game during the season. Following the dinner, the bowl-| Thirteen members were pre- ing prizes were presented. The sented with certificates for per- Bassett Trophy was presented by|fect attendance throughout the Mr. Bassett to the capidin of the|year and consolation certificates All Sorts, Beulah Sturgess, for|given to the Jelly Beans, Lolli- the high pinfall for the year and|pops and Peppermints as non each girl on the team received winners. prizes from Mr. Bassett and the] A merit award donated by the Candy League. Ontario Bowlers Council was won The Mercantile Trophy was pre-|by Marion Brooks and a special sented to the Humbugs captain, | award by the council went to Mil- Laura Stevens, by Mr. H. Mar-|lie Peggs for a high single of 378. shall as play-off winners and they| The president thanked the ex- too received gifts from Mr. Mar-| ecutive for their help during the shall and the league. | year and the secretary introduc- Prizes were presented to the|ed the new executive for the our section winners who were: | 1960-61 season, | Church WMS FRIDAY, May 6 Salvation Army Youth Fellow-[SATURDAY, May 7 ship United Church 4 W's All Saints' Anglican Church Girl's Auxiliary Co-operative Credit Union bank- ing night United Church Sr. Evening Aux-| fliary WMS Second Whitby Scouts and Cubs] Fathers Emmanuel Reformed Church Ladies' Aid second Whitby Boy Scouts and Cubs Ladies' Auxiliary Salva- tion Army Whitby Ontario Hospital Nurse's Alumnae All Saints' Anglican Church Even- ing Guild Branch TUESDAY, MAY 3 Baptist Church CGIT Faith Baptist Church YPA | Salvation Army Men's Fellow-| ship Group United Church Woman's Mission- ary Society v1 St. Andrew's Presbyterian (eurch WA Whitby Baptist Church Women's Mission Circle St. John The Evangelist Church CWL . WEDNESDAY, May 4 Whitby Red Cross work room Tennis Anyone? Interested parties should attend the meeting of the Whitby Tennis Club. Sunday May 1st 2 PM. at the . . . St. John's Anglican Church WA |Taking the lead was the occupa-| tended by guiding personnel from - Lenten Play 1st section, Humbugs, Laura Ste-| venson, captain; 2nd section, All| president, Dorothy [ Sorts, Beulah Sturgess, captain; tary, 3rd section, Gumdrops, Sheil a Winnie 4th section, Helen Bastarache, Ann Mikicel, Maple Buds, Alice Anderson, cap-| Doreen Kehoe. Atkinson, captain; tain. Individual prizes were won by the following: Isobel Mother- tario Council and the Gold Cord presentation was held in St. Ca- a Cin tharines where in 1910 the first are: Mal Femia; |Gyide company was formed one 3rd vice sident; Mayor Stan Martin, honorary director; ~Johu Town, director and Cliff West- director year after the movement Gilwell, England. gate, The annual meeting was held club towards the study of mental Mrs. RHYTHM BAND Meanwhile, other staff groups| np.c K. B, Clysdale, the Pro- were making an all-out effort tol incial Commissioner, chaired try to rehabilitate these patients. ine meeting which was well at- {from Whitby. tional therapy groups. A rhythm| ay parts of Ontario, A novel in- band was formed, and these|povation between reports and dis- members performed for Kiwanis cussions was the teaching and on some occasions and still per-|ginging of Guide songs, mot that | Sturs - sill for a high average of 221; previous banquets after which THURSDAY, May 5 Gladys Wiles, high single flat! bingo was played. | Report On Annual 'Meeting Of Guides This year being the 50th anni-|ceived their certificates. It was|time to advantage so that when versary for Girl Guides in Can-|interesting to note that ada the annual meeting of the On-| were two physically handicapped | places in the sun they could stand Guides thus proving that Guiding is for|someone else to grow up to be all girls. The audience was well [interesting and full entertained by a group of songs|curiosity. In closing Mrs. McGib- was |sung by the Gold Cords. They|bon reminded the girls of their founded by Lord Baden Powell of| had had a hasty rehearsal before|good fortune to live in Canada the on Thursday, in St. Thomas' Au. vincial commissioner, who will be i i 1. Dis-| wel glican Church parish hall Rv Bobi Jemembere © before being appointed to her present guest speaker, Mrs. D. W. Mec- Gibbon, i dent drama festival. Her topic was "Your Place in the Sun". After Guides, Mrs. McGibbon told of her years in the CGIT with Mrs. ident Dilling; vice-| Work meeting : I President, Supie Dillins ice st Andrew's Presbyteens f Alice Anderson; treasurer, Benevolent Rebekah Lodge No.| Ikinson; executive,| 1 Wilkinson xX i Hillerest H and S BROCK ST. SOUTH COURTS Four Leaf Clover H and § Assoc. | Following the banquet, Beulah Almond's Church WA ss showed films taken at| Salvation Army Women's HL All Saints' Anglican Church St. Margaret's Guild [or Guild | her interest as those of an adult to those of the 17-year-old as all | very similar. She encouraged day |dreams but she also encouraged | the girls to get as much educa- tion as possible, use their leisure there|they were ready to 'take their receiving their award, |alone and not in the shadow of of lively ceremony. and wished them well for their Mrs. D. R. Gunn, deputy pro-(future years. s ; The evening closed with taps remembered in this dis-| and "0 Canada". | be the pan wil Got Yours TODAY of , os JURY & LOVELL office, - introduced the immediate past presi- I the congratulations to Clysdale as her leader. She linked form every week in the recrea-|the final results would bring any tion hall of the hospital. awards but those participating Another group works diligently | thoroughly enjoyed themselves. sorting out screws, bolts and] The Gold Cord presentaiton other small automobile parts for was held in St. Catharines Col- General Motors. legiate auditorium that evening. More recently, another Oshawa|Mrs, Clysdale gave the official firm, General Printers, have sup-|welcome. Besides Guiders, Guides plied work for these patients,|parents and friends there were vorking on shipping tags. many interested citizens of St. Regular sekly d | Catharines attending this very ceular WEGKly Gances are iy portant ceremony on the life of held now in the pavilions, with Gold Cord Guide. ladies from the women's pavilion]? fil ay ; Mrs. T. Rigby, whose mother participating. Under the guidance i ; T yi had done so much for Guiding 50 of the OT department, couples and 2 snjovabl '|years ago, presented the Gold spend an enjoyable and sociallc, gy certificates. One hundred rnoon, a type of afternoon and eighty ' girls, this included WHITBY PLAZA, WHITBY MO 8-2338 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church BYRON ST. §. AT SV. JOHN ST. Family Monuments I Createa To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works SUNDAY EVENING MAY Ist, 7:00 P.M. On Sunday evening, May Ist, the choir of St. Andrew's Church will render the cantata. "Gods Only Son", by Fred Holton. All persons are invited. which one year ago was thought| qs .iqes land and sea rangers, re- 318 Dundes East tc be impossible, MO 8-3552 Psychiatrists are still toting up the results of this remotivation| technique and may find that it| upens up a whole new vista of] treatment for the mentally ill, YPU To Present HOURS: Monday Closed All Day In Competition | Tiss: Jom logon Thurs., 8a.m toé6p.m Fri., 8am. to 6 p.m. Sat, 8am tobpm Church Young) will, in the next| eck, present two performances of John Howard Hanger's Lenten| Whitby United Peo ONTARIO BARBERS' ASSOCIATION (WHITBY BRANCH) EFFECTIVE, MONDAY, MAY 2nd | -- i A \y ) ONTARIO On behalf of the Ontario Department of Health I cordially invite you to visit ONTARIO HOSPITAL, WHITBY, ONTARIO It is the belief of your Department of Health that fines of any kind is a community affair--that every citizen has a basic interest, a basic desire, to understand and help. 'To help you become fully aware of the professional help available to the people of this province we welcome thie opportunity to show you our facilities and how they are being used. My staff and I will be pleased to receive you st the following times and dates. Open House May 4th and May 6th--2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. MENTAL HEALTH WEEK--MAY 1 - 7 DR. D. O. LYNCH, SUPERINTENDENT ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Hon, Metthow B. Dymond M.D., Minister PRICES: Adult Haircut Adult Brushcut Children Children. on Sat. play '"'Barabbas' | The first will take place as| part of Sunday evening's service in the United Church Hall and the| second performance will take] place on Thursday evening at the same place. The latter will be therapy. One group from studied the technique in the Phil- ) ward -started sorting parts for the ( resented in competition with hristmas carols, with one of the J: I Gr YPU who will also ents at the piano. The pian- nwood Whithy Churches Let's all go to Church this Sunday adelphia State Hosnital and brought their information back to Canada. The hospital at Whithy was the first mental hospital in | Capada to try it out. These two men then held classes to nass their inform on 'to other attendant st: the project then begun in the men's pavilion. As the name implies, the task taken on by the | attendant staff was to make these "forgotten" patients aware that they were part of humanity and resent lay at the same time under the adjudication of H.| Chapman of hawa. The play "Barabbas", meaning the master or teacher, is YPU's first public enter-| roject and, under the ton Bareham, all participating. Greenwood ad- General Motors, which not only js gave these patients something worthwhile to do, but also pro- vided some monetary reward. Top, tivation technique. ring this group back in contact, ater presents were distributed Son Of wi 1 re I vor { y hf with the rest of the world, theiand to round o the evenine | Whit! )shawa Public Library and the| ne of the na os ve YWCA in Oshawa provided a markable thank steady supply of magazines for wiwanis. a speecl the patients here vhich many Kiwanians Remoti 1 was under way in have found hard to dunlic; men's pavilion, with all the stops'! Had someone pulled full out nembers when Of the experiment, the hospital that give them a new interest in life. -- - |could be arranged, he would h [found many who would take that BROC Phone MO 8-3618 {et Erohably a highlight of al Whitby Service | Now Playing Evenings Shows at 7 and 9 P.M. , incidentally, had never indi- cated any interest in the piano until the bezinning of the EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH REV. GERRIT REZELMAN 3rd Concession West of Brock N. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church BYRON ST. S. AT ST. JOHN ST re- daily tion and n ot Ss are by and anced into the semi-finals of the| Ontario Presbytery Drama Fes- "J tival and the winner of this round vill advance into the finals at | Campbellford, Ontario. was 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL BIBLE CLASS told the 11 a.m, --Dutch Service 11 a.m, ~Sunday School in English 7 p.m.--~English Service Everyone Is Heartily Welcomed FAITH BAPTIST 419 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Pastor: Rev. E. C. Corbett, B.Th. 9:15 AM RADIO BROADCAST 9:45 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUR 11:00 AM. AND 7:00 P.M. Qur Pastor Speaking At Both Services they first probably such a 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M Cantata: "GOD'S ONLY SON' Whitby Baptist Church Rev. J. M. Ward, Minister Mrs. W. E. Summers, AT.CM, 10:00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM * COMMUNION AND RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS visits, aside Station Break-In | Features Starts at 7:20 and 9:40 |the party, was a softball game in [the summer, The score of the game has long been forgotten, Approximately $5 in small change was stolen Thursday night or early Friday morning but certainly the Kiwanis will never forget the enthusiasm evi- ident among these patients who {so shortly ago had no interest in from the North Brock Texaco even shaking a club member's station in Whitby. | (hand. Police said entry to the station was gained through the south door windw, Corporal Bill Mid-| on and PC Morley Nicholson The visits still continue only on a monthly basis. 'on- of the Whitby Police department are investigating the break-in Not bread alone . .. For those in trouble, The Salvation Army keeps an open door. In its hostels, havens, homes and hospitals, workers who understand the human heart know that bread alone is not enough. While the body is cared for, the spirit is healed and Saturday Matinee but dlet le at 1:30 Although this project has eived little publicity, the ALL NEW . | tribution made by the Whithy romantic a thrills... 12 terrific songs! re- uplifted by the message of hope. Men, women and children are 'made whole", and shown the way to loving service of God and man. In this work of mercy you can share. Your contribution will bring the glow of happiness to your heart. 7:00 P.M EVENING SERVICE WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Rev. John M. Smith, B.A, B.D. -- Minister Mrs. J. Beaton, AR.T.C. -- Organist MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM. "RESPONSE TO EASTER" (2) PRAYER EVENING HOUR 7 P.M ""BARABBAS" A RELIGIOUS DRAMA SUNDAY SCHOOL 1AM Girls and boys under 9 vears Lacrosse Meeting A meeting of organization for the Brooklin Lacrosse Club of 1960 will be held in the Brooklin Memorial Arena on Sunday after- noon at 2 p.m., May 1. The understanding heart and the human touch THE SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL M-G-M presents Wg MARIO LANZ e Fst Tue we JOHANNA von CAN =, GA Z5A GABOR nawama® ang Technolo w A | All persons interested in playing or interest- ed in the team are invited to attend. CORNER KENT & MARY STS. WHITBY ee Levi C. Avksey Sec. Treas. 10 AM Girls and Boys 9 vears and over 11 AM Infant Care Junior Worship Plus--Comedy--Cartoon--and Adventure