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The Oshawa Times, 2 May 1960, p. 7

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| (were Mr. and Mrs, William Bos-| Davis, Mr. = ADDING THEIR SIGNATURES Pietured after their wedding | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hayden D. ref@efitly at Albert Street Unit- | Kemp and the bridegroom is the ed, Church are Mr. and Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Re Diane Baker ae Baker, all of Oshawa. i May Kemp, is the daugh- Photo by Sneyd Sixth Oshawa Guides, Brownies Hold Mother, Daughter Banquet The annual 6th Guides and Brownies mother and daughter award: Miss banquet was held in Christ Me- captains' warra mofial Church parish hall Marilyn Weldon nt and pin: Beth Weldon, five-year service St. George's All Doubles' Club CLUB CALENDAR Sponsors Annual Spring Dance The seventh annual SpringMrs. Cyril Powell, Mr. Almond | dance of the St. George's All Dou-|Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rob- bles Club as held at the Osh-|inson. . aa Airport. The dance as con-| Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reid, Mr. vened by Mr. and Mrs. William|and Mrs. David Cameron, Mr, Murray. {and Mrs. William Clark, Mr. and MONDAY Mary St. H and S Assn. Albert St. H and S Assn North Simcoe H and S Assn. Westmount H and S Assn. Gertrude Colpus H and S Sunshine Rebekah Lodge Maxwell Heights H and S Assn Women's Welfare League Guests were present from Ked-|Mrs, William Foreman, Mr. and {ron, Columbus, Brooklin, King/Mrs K. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. |Street Happy Doubles, St. Mat-{Robert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. |thews Doubles Club, Simcoe| Frank Singer, Mr. and Mrs. D. Street 50-30 Club, St. Marks, Zion|McGlashan, Mr. and Mrs, |Couples Club, St. Andre's Dou- Winter. |bles and other clubs in the city] Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson, Mr. {and surrounding district. |and Mrs. Lawrence Millson, Mr. | The square dance competition and Mrs. Wesley Oke, Mr. and {was won by the Brooklin United/Mrs. W. B. Swinton, Mr. |Links Club. Attendance prizes Mrs W. Neil, Dr. and Mrs. Ron- [were won by Mrs. H. Wilson of|ald Bilskay, Mr, and Mrs. J. {St. Marks, Mrs. S. Ogle Kedron|Coles, Mr. and Mrs. Arnot Wot- |and Mrs. D. Lowry, St. George'ston, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gifford, All Doubles. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe, Mr. Spot dance winners were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Spiers, Mr. (and Mrs. W. Neil of St. Mark's|and Mrs. Jack Rudniski. Doubles and Mrs. William Dixon| Mr. and Mrs. E. Clark, MF. and Mr. John Stead, St, George's. and Mrs. Stanley, Czosnek, Mr. {The elmination prize was won by and Mrs. Kenneth Rogers, Mr. an Mi. and Mrs. S. Czosnik of Zion. Mrs. L. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs, Among those seen dancing to Desmond Lowry. Mr. and Mrs. {Bryce Brown and his Sevenaires/James Allen, Mr. and Mrs. H. and Mrs. William {nak, Mr, and Mrs. S. Ogle, Mr.Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. D. Carmi |and Mrs. Lance Beath, Mr. and/chael, Mr. and Mrs. J. Finlay, Mrs. Robert Hogle, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carey. Vernon Powell, Mr. and Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. C. Hester, Mr. | Walter Beath, Mr. and Mrs. Mur- and Mrs. E. Jeffery, Mr. and ray Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mrs. William Joyce, Mr. and Page, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mrs. Guy Chamberlain, Mr. and Mountjoy Mrs, J. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lehman, N. V. Roe, Mr. and Mrs. Russell |Mr. and Mrs. John Medland, Mr. Flutter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stead, and Mrs. Harold Dennis, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lawrence, Mrs. Orvas Jamieson, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilton, Mrs. Donald Duncan, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Kitchen, Mr. Mrs. Ray Hodson, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Fred Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Arksey, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Reesor. Ross Law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank| Mr. and Mrs. Etmanski, Mr. McClure. |and Mrs. Ted Snow, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Williams, |James MacGregor, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Brooks, Mr. William Stirling, Mr. and Mrs, and Mrs, James Souch, Mr. and Robert Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Mre. Stanley Taylor, Mr. and| George McKinstry, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gomme, r. and/Mrs. William Murray and others. | 'Dr. Robert Thomion H&S Assn. | Names New President, Officers Mrs | Miss Beth Munday, nine-year service Alex Craigie was elected where there are teen-agers, with e'banquet was preceded by a star and lieutenant warrant and president of Dr. Robert Thornton|their modern day problems. bake sale convened by Mrs. John|pin; Gloria Trewin, golden hand Home and School Association at Poch, with Bonnie Poch and Mrs. and Brownie wings; Mrs. Donald |jts April meeting. warrant; : Goodswan, Brown George Slocombe assisting Wilson, Brown Owl 64 Company tables were set in Mrs. W. J the' front room. The Venerable Owl warrant; Joanne H. D. Cleverdon said grace, and token woodcraft emblem. the national anthem was played Mrs, Stanley Lawrence present by "Guide Barbera Holland. The ed gifts to Mrs. president, Mrs. Robert Broad- who said she wou bent, presided and extended her Brownie pack and to Mrs. thanks 'to the afternoon Women's Edward Alker Auxiliary of Christ Church for the she had enjoyed he! catering. She spoke of the special was also a gift for Mrs. decorations with the theme of Stephenson who was not present Glover Russell Hayward Mrs. ld never forget INE secretary; Mr-. who replied that|freasurer; A r work. There Mrs. Leonard Pipher, Mrs. John J. CeeillUmphrey, Mrs. R. V. Gow, Mrs, The mothers of the Grade 1 stu- The other officers are as fol-/ing 2 beautifully decorated birth- |lows: Mrs. Hart Delaney, first/day cake marking the 24th birth- vice - president; Mrs. Arthur|day of the H and S Association |Joynt, second vice - president; |for this area which had its begin- Everett Coedy, correspond-|ning at Thornton's road school. DS Rerry LT Mrs. Alex Beaton, executive members, secretary Joan Ruby Tice Feted Bride-Elect IR H. Allen, Mrs. Larry Hall dents served refreshments includ-| § St. George's Guild | TUESDAY {Adelaide McLaughlin H and § {Knox Presbyterian WA Dr. C. F. Cannon H and S Assn: Queen Elizabeth H and S Assn. TOPS Club |S.A. Home League Christ Church WA. U and | wor Duke of Edinburgh H and § Kinette Club Ever Ready Class Centre Street (West Group) {Alice Jackson Aux. {9th Scout Mothers' Aux. Victoria Lodge, LTB 11th Group Committee Daughters of England St. Peter's WA Holy Cross WA |Onward Group 15th Scout Mothers' Aux. Mu-Phi-Mu Chapter WEDNESDAY Northminster WA Lend-a-Hand Club Queen Mary Lodge All Double's Club Rundle Park Aux. {Holy Trinity W.A. | Harmony WA 110th Group Committee {2nd Group Committee | Albert Street WMS |Ukrainian B and P Aux. THURSDAY 50-50 Club 5th Group Committee 12th Scout Mothers' Aux | Sunbeam Chapter, OES |St. George's Eve. WA | Happy Doubles' Club Pilot Club Calvary Baptist WMS Simcoe Street WMS Christ Church Eve. Guild St. George's Aft W.A Challenger Group King Street WMS FRIDAY Christ Church Aft. Aux {Simcoe Street WA (Group 3) ATTRACTIVE GOODS FOR BAZAAR Mrs. Barnet Taylor, convener | of the apron booth at the Hadas- sah bazaar, has an exciting col- lection to offer and is showing one of the aprons made by members of the Piyah Chapter This annual fupd raising event will have many other attrac- tive booths and a tea lounge. Part of the proceeds will pur- chase goods needed in Israel. ~-Oshawa Times Photo Oshawa Presbytery WA Holds Annual Meeting At Port Perry The guest speaker at the an-|Paul's Church, Ajax, on October nual meeting of the Oshawa Pres-127 and the next annual meeting bytery Woman's Association field al St. 'Andrew's, Oshawa. In au Port Perry was Mrs. H. 8. Olds. sckstock there will be the ofs Mrs. Olds has recently retired|ficial opening of the Christian from active participation in exec-| Education Centre on Sunday, May utive work in the Hamilton Pres- 8 at 3 p.m. bytery W.A. and the Hamilton Conference W.A., and the Domin-| BUZZ SESSION jon Council W.A, For many years| A buzz session was held for a she was chairman of organiza-|shori period with Mrs. Olds ask- tion in the Dominion Council. Her|ing for the results of the ques topic was largely concerned withtion "What are the main fea- the ever-present renewal of the|tures which make a very interest- Church's spirit. It is the duty of|ing W.A. meeting?" each leader to multiply her| Delegates were named to ate hands by sharing her knowledge (end the Bay of Quinte Confer- J % land experience with every person ence W.A. annual meeting -- Mrs, with whom she comes in contact. |Clayton Lee and Mrs. William She spoke about the aims and|Teeple, to be held in Kingston; objects of the W.A. and of thejon May 2 and 3. Hay iets pn] by the! Mrs. A. R. Colwill, Whitby, minion Counc! in pro: gram planning, ra, educa. E2Ve the report of the courtesy tion and other subjects related to committee, thanking all those re. the various committees. sponsible for making the meeting Mrs. Olds congratulated the such 3 Suphess. Oshawa Presbytery W.A. on its fine president and executive, and the large number of members in attendance. INSTALLATION Mrs. Clayton Lee, one of the honorary presidents installed boner "tui HOT WATER e officers all remaining in of- t fice from last year except the re-| a gording secrelaly, Mrs. ial | LOWEST COST J. . Bowman, Enniskillen, who retir- with a MOST ed. Mrs. A, E. Hamilton, Tyrone, was elected to take this office. Mrs. L. F. Richardson, Whithy,! will continue as president with the | following officers: vice-presidents, {Mrs. Charles Naylor, Zion; Mrs. |H W. Blakely, Oshawa; corre- |sponding secretary, Mrs. J. C. Naylor, Columbus; treasurer, NATURAL GAS omens Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 Mrs. Ross Dickinson, Newcastle. HEAD TABLE GUESTS Seated at the head table with the president during the luncheon were Mrs. Charles Naylor, Mrs. Clayton Lee, Mrs. A. A. Crowle, Mrs. W. C. Ives, Mrs. H W. Blakely, Mrs. Roy Cornish, presi- dent of the Port Perry W.A., Mrs. J. C. Naylor, Mrs. H. S. Olds, Mrs. G. E. Dobbs, president of the Bay of Quinte Conference W.A., the Rev. E. S. Linstead and Mrs. Linstead, of Port Perry, RENTAL WATER HEATER THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, May 2, 1960 7 the Reverend J. M. Smith, presi- dent of the Oshawa Presbytery and Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Dobbs, Mr, PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman:leod will be the dining-room host- contributed greatly to the social 4 |evening of the Old Country Club {lat the YWCA on Saturday with a demonstration of ess. You are invited by the Social old-time ball-| Department to send in any little Smith and Mr. Linstead brought greetings from their respective organizations. REPORTS During the day reports were heard from all the committee chairmen, the treasurer, secre- tary and head of the bursary| ONLY $1 75 MONTHLY Fully Guaranteed FREE fund, Mrs. A. A. Drummond. | room dancing. After explaining items of interest. News of teas, Mrs. Drummond was able to re. 'River 'of Gold' for this Jubilee| The entertainment committee Mrs. Alex Manson, president,| Miss Joan Ruby Fice whose and showing the steps, several surprise parties, showers, anni- Year and mentioned the decorat-|composed of Mrs. David St. An-ipresided at the meeting and in- marriage to Mr. Robert Burton SERVICE, MAINTENANCE * [couples took to the floor to fol-| versaries and comings and goings port that two girls from the Osh- ing' committee was composed of drews, Mrs. John Manning, Mrs. troduced The Marley Page Four Mrs. Cameron Stewart and Mrs. Carlton Prothero and Mrs. Ron- of the Sweet Adelines who sang in Reginald Lancaster, with Su- ald Trewin then took over, A tour close harmony "Sweet and Lo", ane Barr working on the placejod Canada was shown. Mrs. "A Good Man's Hard to Find"| cards which were yellow tulips, Frances Francis led in the sing- (specially dedicated for Fathers' towards her golden cord ing of "Taps" to close the even-|Night), and "Basin Street ok are McCullough, Blowh Ing [Bives". N Brownie Pack, intro- i r duced. the head table guests as fol- Miss: Maia Koster, lows: Diane Taylor, Margaret Taylor, Tawny Owl of 6A Brow- nie . Pack, - Mrs. Fred Taylor, LODGES AND Jane MeCullough, Parkwood Dis- SOCIETIES trige 'Commissioner, Mrs. George ™ Pearce, Beth Broadbent, the REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 . A president, Mrs. Robert Braod-| Rebekah Lodge No. 3 celebrat. mothers of Grade 7 pupils. beni, The Venerable H. D. Cle- ed its 79th birthday on Wednes-| A special word of thanks was verdon and Mrs. Cleverdon, Mrs. day, April 27 given by the president to all those| Francis Francis, Captain of 6A. Guests were present from{Who helped during the Cancer| Guides, Mrs. Garnet White, Beth Bowmanville and Sunshine Fund Drive, which was made by White, Lieutenant of 6A Guide Lodges. A turkey dinner was|the H and S members. The sum Company, Donna Bonham, Lieu-served at Centre Street United|0f over $196 was collected from tenant of 6A Guide Cmpany and Church by Centre Street WA. this area. Grade 1, |was decided that the Grade 8 | won the plague for attendance. A|Miss Diane Thomas and |short business period was held. It| Margaret Delves in serving. {graduates be given a graduation the home of Mrs. Jack Corbett. |dinner and presentation at the end Serving were Mrs. Ronald Rol- {of the term, and convened by the|lins, Mrs. Lorne Bonham Sister Ann Holt presided at the Mrs. Lloyd Fletcher proposed a|Lodge meeting assisted by Sis- toast to the Guide Movement ter Elsie Crawford. Cards and which was responded to by Mrs.| correspondence were read George Pearce and Guide The district deputy, Sister Mc- Jognné Glover proposed a toast Murter, and all visitors were wel- to'.the mothers, to which Mrs. comed John 'Glover responded After closing of Lodge a pro- Company tables were set gram of instrumental and dance rard of the School in: the, kindergarten. The Rever- numbers was presented by Mr. quired the services of a guard for Sutton. R. Godfrey and their|Highway No. 2 at Garrard road, end W. J. Goodswan said grace, and Mrs and" the national anthem was| family and friends. Sister Frankie pldyed by Guide Carolyn Hay- Branton gave two readings. ward Miss Marilyn Weldon of, 6B ' tompany head table guests, as follows, the Noble Grand. Reverend W. J. Goodswan, Mrs W. J. Goodswan, Rosemary Good-| swan, Mrs. R. E. Wilson, divi-| signal commissioner, Mrs. Russell Hayward, Carolyn Hayward, Lil- lian* Hayward, Mrs, Donald Wil- sop, Alice Wilson, Dawn Wilson, Mes. Edmund Weldon, Miss Beth| captain Where refreshments including a PRESERVE TEETH Proper dental] care during preg- that a mother loses one tooth for each child. Field Day will be discussed at| the May meeting. Sutton took place on Saturday afternoon, April 30, in St. An- drew's United Church, has been feted at several pre nuptial events. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Ronald Thomas, who was assisted by Miss A pantry shower was given at TO OPEN BAZAAR Mrs. W. J. Goodswan will open the spring sale to be held on Wednesday afternoon at Christ Memorial Church under the auspices of the combined women's groups. SOCIAL NOTICES Mrs. Ralph Boneham and Mrs. Robert Boneham. The office staff of the Credit Bureau of Oshawa arranged a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Paul Jenkin. Serv- ing were Mrs. John Jezegou and| Mrs. Victoria Frank. Mrs. Myrlin Davidson was host- ess at a miscellaneous shower and was assisted by Miss Marlene Da- | miscellaneous E | home on Sussex street, for Miss | Lois Zena Mathews, whose mar- Firiage to Mr. Duncan Alexander| ton Twostep and other former favorites. Mrs. Ross Jemison, assisted by her two sisters, was hostess at a shower -at her Brodie will take place in To- ronto on May 7. Contests provided ntertainment, with prizes award- d to Mrs. Richard Watson, Mrs. {lan Howard and Mrs. Andrew | Howard. The buffet refreshments [included a decorated = shower | cake. |e e mert, Holland, is visiting ten, Farewell avenue, for Jow them in La Rinka, the Bos- are always very acceptable and Y is no charge. telephone RA for which there Please write or 3-3474 local 18. awa Presbytery were now attend- ing the training school, but would not need assistance from the bur- sary fund, and that one girl from another area would be very glad GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES of the assistance from the bur- sary fund. Mrs. Frank Black, gave her report on the literature. | Mrs. E. Kennedy, Port Perry,! sang "I Come to Thee", by Caro GOODWILL GROUP Mrs. John Dyer presided at the regular meeting of the Goodwill .A. group of Simcoe Street United Church. All reports were read Mr. Fred Britten led in the de- Mrs. Anthony de Kemp of Ge. votional period on "Faith". Mrs, her | John McNab sang daughter, Mrs. Harry van Heug- Rest" and "For You" accompan- a|ied by Mrs. Cecil Worden at the month, prior to visiting two sons piano. "Peace and Roma, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Marie Taylor, organist of the Port Perry United Church, This was followed by Holy Com- munion served by the Reverend E. S. Linstead. During the after- noon the members of the Black- stock W.A. held a devotional and and INSTALLATION - Td ners ay » Water heats 3 times faster Costs less, Too! RAR Consumers €as RA 3-3468 memorial service. executive meeting on June 21, at| Mrs. Richardson announced an 3 SUPPORT THE 4 vidson. in Sudbury. She spent the past! Mrs. Arnold Boler, a mission- ¢ HOSPITAL DRIVE! 2 p.m, in the Whitby United| Church -- the semi-annual meet- [ Mr. M. Karpiak, principal, an- From the staff of the Oshawa ENGAGEMENT nounced there would be two Credit Bureau the bride-elect re-| The Reverend and Mrs. War- groups participating from the ceived a presentation. ren G. Dickson announce the en- school at the Music Festival to| The bridal party was entertain-(gagement of their eldest daugh be held at Ajax. Mr. Bruce Shar-|ed following the rehearsal at the|ter. Norma Phyllis, to Mr. John Board ac-home of Mr. and Mrs. James! Gordon Young, -son of Mr and |Mrs. Harry Young, all of Osh- -- awa two weeks with another son in Ot-|ary on furlough from Kenya, as tawa the guest speaker. She spoke on the work of the missionaries and Mrs. George Telford and Mrs. showed slides. She also wore a George Werry will be the host- native costume. Mrs. Frank Cox esses at the Flower Fund Tea expressed thanks to Mrs. Bowler, to be held at the St, Andrew's| Refreshments were served by ing of the Presbytery W.A. at St. {nancy will disprove the old saying | HOUSEHOLD HINT Straw flowers can be revital-| commencing May 1 Films were shown on 'Delin- All retired to the banquet hall quents" and "The Highfield Story|ized by dipping them in and out|~" pointing out the need for under-lof warm sudsy water Rinse, introduced the birthday cake were served by the standing, discussion and loving in-|quickly in clear water and hang terest necessary in every home|up with a string to dry Munday, Mrs. Elgin Munday, Mrs. David St. Andrew's, Leslie St, Andrew's and Linda St. An-| drew's. Guige Gloria Trewin proposed a loast to the mothers and Mrs. Ranald : Trewin replied. Suzanne Barr proposed a toast to the Guide Movement and Mrs. R. E. Wilson, divisional commissioner, replied, oth-6A and 6B Companies, as- sembled upstairs where yellow daffodils carried on the theme of ghe "River of Gold" for this Ju- bilee Year. Mrs. Geoge Pearce made the following presentations, assisted DRAPERIES BROADLOOM "INTERIOR DECORATING SER- VICE" -- Ask to have a quali fied representative call with o sample. FREE ESTIMATES, Howard's DRAPERIES 926 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-3144 SPRING PRINTS by Mrs. R. F. Wilson: Now that Spring is in full bloom, | think it's time % telk « little abou? the bright new prints that many women will be PROTECT YOUR FAMILY WARDROBE | with REGULAR LLL. A Touch Of Newness ! . makes a big differ- ence in your favour The expert workman- ship we put into clean ing your clothes makes ring during the warmer season. Occasionally @ lady customer will ask us if her printed dress will clean well, and we're olways pleased to be able te examine the print ond give her our considered opinion However, | often wish thet more women would esk our pinion BEFORE they buy, instead of et the time the dress needs eleening. Any time anyone ceres to toke a garment out on approval or buy it outright from e sore where they know they will be allowed te exchenge it, we will be only too glad to advise on whether or mot it con be successfully dry cleaned. ? The reason | suggest this is that it is impossible to make any sort of a general statement about the cleonability of printed fabrics, Manufacturers have a great many different methods of printing fabrics these days, and fabrics printed by some methods are much harder to cleon than those printed by another method And even fabrics printed by the same method will some- times very in their cleonability, so the only way te be sure is to get an expert opinion beforehand. a big difference in the way they will look on you. Try us and see GOLD MEDAL CLEANERS (Pickup and Delivery) 21 BOND STREET EAST RA 3.7332 Most women, I'm sure, are anxious to get a readily cleanable garment, and to one and oll we extend e cordial invitation to drop into our shop end esk our advice ot any time. place at Centre Street Church on Saturday, 2.30 p.m United June 4, at mg room Mrs Mrs The marriage is to take United Church Manse. In the liv-'the committee in charge of the Lloyd Pegg and program. Miss Charles Rowden will act as Mrs. A. E. Murdoch, Mrs. hostesses and Mrs, Irving Mac-'Johnston and Mrs. A. Stanley. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday BONUS BUY EXTRA LEAN MINCED BEEF Cuban, Red Spanish, No. 1 Grad le, Jumbo Size ¥s PINEAPPLES THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC YEA COMPANY STE. Sv MEANS DEPEND 35. per Markets Leona Stainton, P. BURNS KING AT SIMCOE ST. Here is an exquisite gift for the Modern Mother. Don't forget her day is next Sunday, May 8th. SOFT GLIDE A real populer style in all-over black softie kid attention pump with illusion or high heels, or, all - over beige softie kid with illusion or high heels. $15.95 MARCHESSA A wonderful styling in two tone shading of beige with moth tan opplique in high heels. $15.95 nelly ' HAND MADE EXCLUSIVES

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