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The Oshawa Times, 3 May 1960, p. 2

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FLUORIDATION HEARING Dentists Lacking For Province Bigg t TORONTO (CP)--Prevention of fected, and only one in 700 was|higher than the recommended geant said here Monday that: . [tooth decay by water fluoridation|free of tooth decay. one-in-1,000,000 retio. But it had emptied his sub-machine-guff |rather than dental repair of al-| Surveys in Toronto showed the never occurred at a lower level, ia crowd of Negroes at { | |ready decayed teeth was urged average five-year-old had five de- he added. ville without hearing an order | Monday by Dr. Gordon Nikiforuk, cayed teeth, and by the age of| Austen Cooper, commission shoot, professor of preventative dentis-|19 the average Jos Torontonian counsel, said outside the hearing Sgt. J. 0. Ouvsinhuizen was try at the University of Toronto. had decay in 18 of his 32 second: |that he expected the hearing here fying at an inquiry into the | t " Ontario teeth, to last two weeks, |of 72 Negroes who were cut |i ohana] Dries fav ot n 3 Suoridation VOCAL MINORITY ou Joliet, Je vty ide the | were also made public by sation near Jat Candlla sever will Have Canadian Dental Association and i The Health League brief said March 21 rises A SHOUER BOUHIALA 10 HOOD Gocay. the Health League of Canada the mass of Ontario's population) The sergeant said the The commission has stud : fe d/should not be made to suffer to became "increasingly riot Dr, Nikiforuk said that isd] 90 briefs since it was Satisfy the beliefs of a tiny but antagonistic" as it Trew or; |about one-third of the popu } on ormed early in 1059 after fluori- vocal minority of dissenters. and three were :houts of; * | gets Mequate dental ae, a d 3 dation was alleged to be injuri. The league proposed that the lice dogs, we will kill you iwould not economical to grad- ous to health, acvernment make fluorine man- He said he emptied 20 to |uate enough dentists to provide |datory for all public water sys- rounds into the crowd. ki CAN'T DETECT TASTE 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 3, 1960 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN MATT BUSBY TO VISIT OSHAWA / Oshawa will have some special guests on: Friday, May 13. That's when members of two of the world's most famous soccer teams--Manchester United and Heart of Midlothian---will spend the day in Oshawa as the special guests of General Motors of Canada. Matt Busby, manager the Manchester will be one of the guests. The teams will tour the GM plant in the morning, have lunch at the Hotel Genosha, tour the National Stud Farm in the afternoon and conclude their visit in late afternoon with a visit to the Officers' Mess of the Ontario Regiment, They will be the guests of GM during their visit and will play in Toronto the follow- ing day, May 14 Machie-Gue | Fired But =} No Orders. es of team, for the remaining two-thirds, {tems within three years and also his sub-machine-gun "fairly fow LT.-COL, FINLEY TO RESIGN AS OC He agreed that supervised oral Dr, Nikiforuk was questioned provide the capital cost of the so that he would shoot the Ne- Lt. Col. Morley Finley, officer commanding of the Ontario Regiment, will retire as OC on June 13 after serving in that post since Sept. 15, 1958. od alls ai Lt. = Col. Finley has recommended that Major #4 James Warnica be named as his successor, He said his retirement was brought about by several factors es- pecially the pressure of § business "I have thoroughly en- # joyed my association with ® the Ontario Regiment, and * hope it will continue for % many years, but the posi- #2 tion of officer commanding deserves far more time { than I can give it now." It's a hard decision to make, but a necessary one." Lt.-Col. Finley was a technical staff officer in . the office of the director ate of tank design at Cana- 11-C0L. FINLEY dian Military Headquart- ers, London, in the Second World War. He went over- seas with the Governor General's Footguard, Ottawa and also spent one year with the 1st. British Armored Division as a liaison officer # day, leaves San Quentin prison and private grounds, en roule to a San Rafael funeral parlor for prob- ORGANIST NIGHTLY -- 9-12 NORMAN HOWARD ° HOTEL LANCASTER LIZ, DEBBIE HOLD LIMELIGHT Headings are supposed to tell the story So to give readers at least a faint idea as to what is going on in Hollywood, we are re-printing the follow- ing titles garnered at random recently from the front covers of large-circulation movie magazines--perhaps they will show which way. the wind is blowing How Debbie Found God TV STAR PARADE Does Liz Have More Than Debbie Had? MOVIE LIFE Debbie's Latest Phoney Romance -MOVIE STARS TV CLOSEUP Debbie, Are You Sure Now Is The Time To Marry: ~SCREEN STORY Did You Know Liz Phoned Debbie? ~SCREENPLAY ASS0( Press, point his April 16 --- i BA or HAVE W ; Ld y Eo Ever since Grandmother's pa ents have relied on 'Mother Groves', to give relief from worms, Easy ond 4 THOSE SCATTER-BRAINED BEATNIKS A reader has sent along the latest copy of The Bowery News (also known as The Hobo Press or "The Voice of Society's Basement") which contains the fol- lowing item: PERSONALS: Ninety years old--I have my money made. Its useless to me--Ilet me make a young lady happy and my wife I'll protect you and love you. Down with all these empty, scatter-brained. beatinks and juvenile delinquents. Write "Old Ironsides", Box 40, care of Bowery News SAFE to oe to children from yoor up. Quickly effective. * Safe... Pleasant. Effective Use Mother Graves WORM EXTERMINATOR Mr, Churchill's IN FAVOR OF WALKING MORE We like to do everything within reason to 'pro- mote the sale of motor cars (especially the GM var- jety), but an Oshawa undertaker confided to us the other day that too many executive types, especially those in the 40-50 age bracket, die off these days simply for one reason--they don't walk enough. This undertaker was not referring specifically to Oshawa, but he said he was frequently surprised to learn of the poor physical shape of many in this group. "These men would never dream of walking to work from their residence", he explained. "They would be afraid of wasting too much time. Many of them are tied to their desks for eight or nine hours daily, some- i him with a lens for the rest of his| J life THE ROYAL ROAD Four years ago he pointed a camera at the Duke of Kent-- and fate stared over his shoulder, With that snap of a shutter he was on his way down the royal |S road of romance. } The then 21-year-old duke liked ® T0 PAY OFF A MORTGAGE © T0 CONSOLIDATE ALL YOUR DEBTS © TOMAKE HOME IMPROVEMENTS © TOMEET MEDICAL BILLS @ FOR ANY OTHER REASONABLE PURPOSE hygiene, such as brushing teeth by several anti - fluoridation necessary equipment, It sald groes in the legs. immediately after meals, could spokesmen during his all - day every Ontario community could = Under cross - examination h reduce decay by as much as 50 session on the stand. He told A.iget fluoridated water at a total said he heard no order to Hui per cent, but it is difficult to en- B, Davies, a Hamilton ature. cost if not more than $500,000 a'fire, ¥ force, path, that fluoridated water 1s year. p ion a. Ptasteless, not distasteful." Mr.. The Canadian Dental Associa- pi Jolictman, ait fos a. PROVED PRACTICAL Davies had said the water at tion said that with onl y about' jn." afer hin hit IP fa th A more practical method of re- Brantford, which is fluoridated, one-third of the population now (pe eye with a stone thrown pi n ducing dental disease was 10, «qjgtagteful." receiving adequate dental care,|the crowd ' fluoridate drinking water, he" py "Nikiforuk also said that 32/there was no hope of controlling| In Kimberley, the local chair eaid, Surveys showed that it'c.t aon" communities have flu- decay by present methods alone.|man of the hanned African Nu : g checked decay in the teeth of juigation and all have shown a {tional Congress was sentenced LR i adults by 60 per cent and 40 Per go. jower proportion of dental de- Monday to six lashes and 18 , cent in Subaren, : . cay than the syerage, b Ne T t {months in prison for inciting Nev i Dr. Nikiforuk showed a colored| Dr. Nikiforuk told another ques WwW es moes to burn thei i CHESSMAN 3 BODY LEAVES PRISON slide of a closeup of a two-year tioner that there had been some ov r Wensity wan , . , ~ old's mouth, showing all the teeth|*'mild mottling" of teeth of chil- "gh The chairman, John Iltholeng, of Sutse comaining He ay file cremation decayed. He said one in 100 On-|dren in communities where fluo For British and another man also were thy author who was executed Mon- : AP Wiiephoto |lario children was similarly af- rine had heen added to water | £100 pounds ($267) or six months ) - - ---- adept ls sad " -- ig imprisonment fof buraing theif . . own passes, Eight other perso) DEBATED STATEMENT Tradition were fined £150 or 18 montht 1 11 l er 1 Jail on similar charges. By ALAN HARVEY 7 N T S Canadian Press Staff Writer | fr nirover ver Not loo Severe ; of what the world woul / TORONTO (CP) -- Preliminary (of 18,500,000 bushels for the sea be. estimates from an aerial survey son, It's been styled as the kind of] [ a J Monday of Southern Ontario] Last year production fell from 'amorphous yet enduring anom-| wheat areas indicate that the a normal of 20,000,000 bushels to|2ly'" peculiarly characteristic of) 1 ! ! 1S er ~ EE . amount of winter kill this season 12,000,000 bushels. British political genius, f will be "nothing like" the severe Mr. Standing sald the Monday Some have gone so far as to) damage of last year. fight indicated some winter kill| compared it with a loveless mar- Trade Minister Churchill on denial of the first story, carried, In a second story April 16 Mr.| K. A. Standing, secretary-man- between Toronto and London and riage, Five th couple of jumps April 25 described as "false. in April 14, was the following: "In|Goldberg reported Mr. Churchill|ager of the Ontario Wheat Pro- probably north of that line in the a a re vores suns Did You Know . . their entirety' two Moscow stor- answer (o a question, Churchilljas saying there was a "misun- ducers' Marketing Board made Paris-St. Mary's-Strathroy area,| ve." it as a LE bl ae nth Dining R + jes dealing with possible sale of said Canada would be willing to|derstanding" about the April 14 this prediction here after com- There did not appear to be any|yanianee ol com {iv the main ning Soom ge Canadian uranium to Russia, The scil the Soviet Union uranium|statement, The story said: 'The|pleting the first leg of a survey severe winter damage, although| 'pyece 'Sancy: descriptions have the GENOSHA HOTEL you con stories, reporting brief talks with from the Blind River, Ont, | (April 14) statement was made/fligh' from Chatham. (there was a great deal of water| 11 been applied te hia 4 Hhave © Full-course Dinner fur Ny Chap iE tte mine ho gi " ol is . .| The flight, which is following|on lands betwe Chath pplied to the Common-| Mr. Churchill, were written by mines. The Russians want it, he{to this reporter and two other le Ilig gOn Jan een atham and|geaith of Nations, former) the [J ONLY 95e. IA. I. Goldberg of The ated said." American correspondents after a the same course as a pioneer | Cobourg, and this could hold back, British Empire, which Tolas its Press and carried by The Cana At the request of The Canadian brief discussion about changes in survey made last year, will de- the crop. 10th meeting of prime mini al dian Press The Associated Press United States buying practices termine ee Tathod 18 | starting today. | Asked by his head office for a checked Goldberg on the acefor uranium from Blind River,|8¢C! hate enol 0 De us NO RULES report on the Churchill denial |curacy of this at the time. He Ont' SpHiug. Mr isi said d th MAYOR JOKES This "cabinet meeting of the Mr. Goldberg states that his ver-|replied April 15 At a later Monday's flight covered the | Commonwealth," gathering un-| sion of the circumstances is cor "Yes, Churchill said so and story said counties bordering Lake Erie, in- WITH VISITOR der the shadow of on Ml rect. and that Mr, Churchill in Jack Warren (assistant deputy] "Today Churchill said: 'There cluding the Niagara Peninsula, events in South Africa, always his lengthy Commons statement minister of trade) chimed in 'We was a misunderstanding, 1 am Was then extended alongside TORONTO (CP)--""1 'hope exerts a special fascination upon |""deformed every quotation andare for trade not here to sell any specific item, Lake Ontario to Cobourg in the 1 won't puncture you, said | students of politics. every circumstance of the talk "Asked, 'Would you sell uran-/and selling uranium to the Rus./®Ast and then to Peterborough, Toronto Mayor Nathan Phil- The Commonwealth has no Goldberg, an AP staff man for|ium lo Russians under your new sians would be the last thing we Lake Simcoe and Toronto. lips as he pinned a gold rules, no constitution and no com- 27 years, was assigned to Mos: trade agreement,' his answer was| would do.' TODAY'S AREA maple leaf badge on the dress | mitments. It cannot even be de: ta} And | "Re ny Thirds 4 of Mrs. G. H. Pirie, wife of [scribed as a group of like-minded |eow in January, 1960. After serv. 'Vc¢ il they would want it'| Reminded of his Thursday ow | | : po ; i ' 'Y| Today the party was to survey the mayor of Westminster, |nations. In reality, it is a clust lice as a war correspondent he Warren then said, 'We are for stalement and the context inl¢he area around Paris in Brant| ) far i Ys a cluster |was assigned to Paris, was chief|trade.' The UPL (United Press which he made it, Churchill said: | county and d St. Mary's in| England. of contradictions. ap tind : sl : . 4 ce. 'Wel , i ; unty: and around St. Mary's I don't deflate, I can as- Through the years, this ve |of bureau at Prague for - four International) man then re Well, it was made in a joking! perth County, Mr. Standing is be- "Mi Pirie shot [looseness has been i of years, and later correspondent marked: "That sounds like being way. Of course we have plenty ing accompanied by Otis Me-| awe you, rs. Pirie sho en ass. sy ain rng es. |at the United Nations for sever al for home and mother," * lof uranium to sell for peacefull Gregor, assistant board secre- The Piries dropped into city |der whether this Battin | years, He has reported for The (Goldberg's April 14 cable as purposes, but its sale would be|tary, and Joe Bonner, of the fall on their way west to New (tion, this product of British em- AP in Canada including stories sent from Moscow said would | contingent on agreements with| United Co-operatives of Ontario. | Westminster, B.C. to take |piricism run riot, in which the {on the Elliot Lake uranium re- willing sell Sovunion uranium the International Atomic Energy| The final report on the survey| part in that city's centenary (One agreement seems to be to {gion from Blind River mines if Rus:|Agency and our own atomic|will decide whether the board 18| 'eelebration. shrink from spelling / anything In justice to Mr. Goldberg The sians want it." The word "if" power board." to revise its preliminary estimate | out, should begin to organize it. |Canadian Press feels that the fol. was altered to "and" through a - w--- ---- -- | self, lowing facts should be made ion error between Mos | The test may come in the next known cow and the AP office in New 4% 10 days, The problem of South Focal point of York.) | Africa's race policies confronts what is essentially an old boys's club with a reminder that all the members do not share the same| 1 views. The long-standing gentle: man's agreement to ignore all differences may have to be { C broken, at least in informal talks. | What kind of man is Prin. cess Margaret marrying Fri. day? Eddy Gilmore, who knows his way among the smart sel in London gives a quick picture in this second of a series o f articles dealing with the royal marriage. By EDDY GILMORE LONDON (AP)--Antony | Arm- st ) \ 4 times more. They would live longer, if they would only walk more." You can see that Prince Philip is not the only one who thinks Canadians are a pretty feeble, chubby lot, physically speaking. We got a kick out of the above re- marks because we had just finished an article on almost the same subject, one written 98 years ago by Henry Thoreau, the eminent American naturalist (and also a prodigious walker) who wrote in part "I have met but one or two persons who under- stood the art of walking, that is, of taking walks, who had a genius, so to speak, for sauntering, which word is beautifully derived 'from the people who roved about the country. in the Middle Ages and asked charity, under pretense of going a La Sainte Terre,' to the Holy Land, till the children exclaimed, 'There goes Saint Terre', a saunterer, Holy Lander. They who never go to the Holy Land in their walks, as they pretend, are indeed mere vagabonds and idlers; but they who go there are saunterers in the good sense." "I think that I cannot preserve my health and spirits unless I spend four hours a day at least--and it is commonly more---sauntering through the woods and over hills and fields, absolutely free from all world- ly engagements." DAVE SAVAGE REPORTED ON THE MEND Dave Savage, ill in hospital for several weeks. is yn the mend and hopes to return soon to his post -as manager of the Plaza Theatre. All will be pulling hard for the early, and complete recovery of Dave, who has spent so much of his lifetime helping others, especially the underprivileged . . . Oshawa's new College Park Church (Seventh-day Adventist) had a unique signal wwstem for doctor-members of the congregation--color- »f .ushers conveying calls to the M.D.s during services, rakes On Car \ (Best Order that the brakes properly Mr. Seeley's chael MacKenzie widow and an Ontario Supreme Court jury were working Mi- executor of the rong-Jones is a charming young man with golden hair and big blue eyes He's colorful, but not flamboy ant He's a bit of a Bohemian, but not in the grand eccentric man- ner He used to give midnight parties in his arty basement apartment, bul they were never the wild abandoned revels thal some people imagine He's a witty commentator on people, places and things, but lacking the mature wisdom or wit {of a man of the world Tony is 30 | VARIETY OF FRIENDS He's known and liked by widely varying people--London toughies, wan young men, debutantes, sty lishly sloppy juveniles, actors and actresses, exotic beauties, and aristocrats a well as average British subjects Although highly women he was not until he wooed Princess Margare! re garded by girls as the marrying kind | Yet among this varied circle of friends few if any ever have | been known to say they don't like him. In describing him they in- variably use the word charming. By profession a photographer he abandoned his trade to wed But the public probably will link attractive to what Tony's camera did for his Borrow as much as. . . hardly classic features. More im«| 8 portant, perhaps, the duke's|® mother liked the picture, and the| Duchess of Kent is an arbiter of fashion behind the Royal Family, One of the persons to whom the duchess spoke was the Queen. Impressed, the Queen commis. ioned Tony to photograph Prince ® Charles and Princess Anne. Tony scored a royal double and| then parlayed this into a com. mission to take Princess Margar et's official birthday photograph, LIKED THE PHOTOGRAPHER Entering her last year before she would be 30, the spinster princess not only liked Arm- strong-Jones' portrait, but liked bachelor Tony. They had met earlier at a party. As the husband Margaret Tony have lo of Princess will probably never worry about money But some cess say worries She's headstrong and out- spoken. She can sulk, fume, flash her pale blue eyes, stamp her tiny feet and wither listeners with sarcasm But she can also be gracious, friendly and entertaining who know the prin he may have other N ~ SUBWAY EXTENSION I a tional 10 miles of Toronto's sub- way system, Canada's first. The front of the Home Economics $200,000,000 project is to he com- | Building of the University of pleted hy 1970. Photo shows con- | Toronto. View is looking south ERAN EE They appear to be deeply in|} love. 65 UNDERWRITERS CHAMBERS FREEZERS FROM . . . FOOD CLUB (0) SRL RRE:1: RD. WW TORONTO Work has started on an addi | struction under way on Univer | from Bloor. sity avenue at Bloor street in |-- - $1600 Repay as little as $30.00 monthly $2000 Repay as little os $35.00 monthly : AFFILIATE OFFICES: o GUELPH . o PETERBOROUGH o SARNIA oe BELLEVILLE LONDON ® STRATFORD o TORONTO ALLIED INVESTMENT CO. LAKAS B 51 King Street East, Oshawe LDG. / RA 3.3993 Standards - Electrics - Portables We have been busy this past Winter and our trade-ins have piled up. For you we have taken 19 of them, all makes, had them thoroughly reconditioned and offer them for sale with our regular 90 day warranty. 29.95 Prices Starting at . Ideal for home or office STUDENTS ! JUST THE THING FOR THE FINAL TERM DRIVE WALMSLEY & MAGILL OFFICE EQUIPMENT LTD. 11 KING ST. EAST RA 3.3333 wo estate, are asking $351,800 dam- aye A against Pink Buick, the company which sold] ie car, Vauxhall Motors Limited | and Ray Cosgrove, a Pink Buick employee $239 For Information call claim the brakes BITHE FOOD PLAN THAT brake that ex the RA 8-5358 ron 2370 (CP)---A ot | estified Monday pe pn a Vauxhall car n brakes LC Reginald S. K. Seeley wile Pigg Ovost of Trinity Co all . "tilled, were in good' The lege. Was K ps elzed LLOYD BOLAHOOD GERRY OSBORNE Lloyd A. P. Bolahood, President and General Manager of Lloyd Realty Oshawa) o announce the appointment of G. A condition . it i ¢ 4 - (Gerry) Osborne to the posit yt General Insurance Manager. He Douglas Land ¢ director of an gpnitel and caused the death of H AS PR ov - N ITS E LF has had five years experience in the Mr. 'Osborne rm ole Seeley near Brighton in July lis also connected with the real estate department ond is qualified 1 brake ning gstice Leo Landreville and|1957, x \ to assist you in your real estote needs. plaintiffs Limited, wishe Wow car out on insurance business Englis Mr. &

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