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The Oshawa Times, 5 May 1960, p. 31

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ACT with specific consent by the pro- about 12,000 barrels a day. ucts nounced intentions of co AD . AUDLEY -- Henry Kanyike, of Mr. and Mrs, A. Izatt and OTTAWA (CP) --.A French- ter, the Toronto comedy team, |1960. VER May Gro W Bigger d e Ie Uganda, Africa, spoke at the daughters of Oakville visited Mr. speaking MP complained in the |Mr. Kanyike, who was accompan- Mr, and Mrs. David Miller a the sew . 1 i is wife : aughter, is; ; Pie isi t issue commemor i EDMONTON (CP Export of at least 92,000 barrels a day as UIC Loans lied by his wife and daughter, is family, Pickering, visited Mrs, A, stamp 1ssu whips id cr ---------- through py v . U.S.A. and a second son is at- . A Sault was in the English lan- LAND TITLES done now only on a limited scale/ent hydrocarbon production is OTTAWA (CP) The govern- U.S.A. & § \ . at the CGIT meeting Monday. | | vincial oil and gas consorvation TO COME FROM FOOTHILLS [nsurance Commission between this Sunday. A joint service willl ____ -- secretary to Postmaste -General dl ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Part of Lot 4, Concession t 'Canadisp Pembina] tion for gas export will come Fleming informed the Commons! Christian Family Sunday. Beverley Minster, the great to Augustin Brassard (L La-| - TODAY & TOMORROW 3 ' cent, anadia Sheet 4B, smbi : its two wholly-| There are some 20 wet gas fields|jormed the government it will an an > Pembina and its t y of Oshawa, and Lots | Pipe Line Ltd., "is an-|s8% These fields will have pro- ment insurance fund's receipts 741 of the City of |an integrated gathe NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN yake Michigan pct. to handlelyp the hydrocarbons, carrying cause the minister had informed LIMITED In Edmonton, H. H. Somerville. the transmission line leading to March 31 and that no requests Presenting tile encumbrances, except ering system fore delivery made a 'very grave mistake in beautiful, crow ful "and 3 eevicol ee Whitby, designating areas hydrocarbons across the border "very trivial to now--on an ex- {end to introduce legislation at the City of Oshawa, desig the border. Mr. Somerville said . [committee has arranged a game, Post Office News 1" THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Mey §, 1960 37 = CLASS Gas Product | Government |__ BUDLEY ":i"iiiie. son econ ss Sri C <3 Mr. and Mrs. John Beencn and : | CANADIAN COMICS completed their sixth year on as family have moved to Picker-| In En lish Onl Shas. : ision op Al By MRS. FRED PUCKRIN jpg g Y || Johnny Wayne and Frank Shus-| Canadian telev pril 30, church service here on Sunday. and Mrs. George Izatt Sunday. Commons Wednesday that post | (Continued fom Page 30) E Yd office publicity about the new|| i2--Legel Notices : : as this additional gas expor {studying at 0.C.E. Toronto. One Bell Sunday. 1300th anniversary, of D | residual products of natural gas|soon as this additional gas expot in or ; : ; Ivey Oe Long 4 eines from Alberta, gets under way. Albertas pres . is studying law in the mys Donald Kemp, Ajax, spoke Ormeaux' s d ola market 3 ly. ment made three loans totalling tending college at Newmarkel. pians were made for a banquet guage oni ; $19,000,000 to the Unemployment There will be no Sunday Senn) to be held this month. 4 Edmund Morris, parliamentary : ard, may become big busine and 29, Finance ir be hel 2.30 p.m. to observe "NOTED CHURC] illiam Hamilton, said in reply | IN THE MATTER OF: in future if a bid by the 90-per- Nearly all of the new produc-|April 19 and 29, Finance Minister be held at p.m obs OTED CHURCH William Hamilton, sa ply } " oArocarbon-1e 1 Wednesday. The club meets this Saturday church with double transepts pointe) that he was not aware ), 11, [Pipe Line Ltd, uccessful. (from the hydrocarbon-rich wet, ecnesta eveninz at the home of Mr. and near Hull in Yorkshire, was built|that publicity was issued in only Lot 10 ond Port of Lot 11, James A. Scott, president of|8as fields in the foothills area He said the commission has in- yr. John Ashton, Pickering. The between 1220 and 1420. lone language. | Part of Lot 10, Sheet 3B, owned subsidiaries, Foothills Pi from Berlgnd to Water on ear- need further loans in May but on Plan 357 of the City 70 0 v0 and Westalta Prod- marked for production of naturallthat it anticipates the unemploy- to 16 incl. and Blocks ip cessing plants designed to pre- and disbursements will be in bal- ne tructing "g" and "C" on Plan <yvetem Pare the natural gas for market.' ance by June Oshawo throughout the focti area and pembina plans to run laterals Mr. Fleming's statement a 16-inch transm line to a to each of these plants, picking touched off a long wrangle be- that Albertas growing surplus ofithem to the main gathering line the House Tuesday that there FLORELL INVESTMENTS liquid hydrocarbons. running north and south, then fo were no outstanding loans at hos mode an application to deputy minister of mines and the Great Lakes marke! for loans had come from the Un- the Local Master of Titles at minerals, has announced a May The hydrocarbons would be car- employment Insurance Commis. 1" ve . 7 "i i i 30 Calgary heari by the con- je 4 ixe 4 their sion since then. Wh for o certificate of [30 Calgary hearing by ried in a mixed stream to fl ( WwW th T M d iy this land of which servation board on a bid by|destination and if required by Paul Martin (L--Essex East) ruisin i exX=- a e they claim to be the owner |Westalta to get a permit for con- the market. they would be sep whé asked the original question : in fee simple free from all struction and operation of a gath jrated into component parts be- Tuesday, said Mr. Fleming had A new cotton show of fashions gaily interpreted 1.) By-Law No 23531, by The foothills subsidiary has ap-' ar. gomerville said the export Later, Labor Minister Starr the Township of East |plied for a permit to export the of liquid hydrocarbons has been said the government does not in- from EATON'S of subdivision control once Westalta has 'gathered .o.ionial basis through oil pipe this session to bolster the uneme By-Law No. 64253, by the hydrocarbons to a point near lines or by trucks ployment insurance fund. Come and see the pretty elothes that are slated nating oreas of sub no date has been set for the foot- for an exciting Spring-and-Summer life of fun, division control hills hearin ; gp travel and festive doings! Easement No. 83665, by Engineering studies by Pem- IC. | id 9 the Corporation of the bina call for a products pipe line |} NOW + TA : City of Oshawo, re sew- including some 900 miles of aj} | A DRESS DEPARTMENT, UPPER LEVEL ers full-scale gathering system, from % | hod Easement No. 90525, by the Berland River gas field 200 ing Ins and Outs of Unions A : Essevent No, 90535, by. ftiu Serigm Nives gon eid WL The Laughing : Pe Monday and Tuesday, May Sth and 10th City of Oshawa, re sewers. (he Waterton Lakes gas field in - ; / . Wherefore any other person [the southwest corner of the prov- IAN Coos ! i At 2:30 p.m. having or claiming to have ince CARMICHAEL ai g any title to or interest in the A .lateral line would take the L/ Commentator: Miss Joon Blanchard, Home and Feshion land or any part thereof is or qucts--butanes, propanes and - \ A -- Consultant for Dominion Textile Corporation Ltd. required = before 0 We condensate--to the Saskatchew GA Fabrics used in these showings are available in our Piece " y of May rder, probably near Burstali, file @ statement of his claim iki igo ll i) 5! Shion [ Goods Department, Upper Level. in my office at the Town of Ip ola border, through North [fi Whitby and to serve o copy Dakota, Minnesota, and Wiscon i on the Applicant sin to a deep-water port on Lake |} i or 7 { I" J hd rr doen [ns AM gre | 1420" Plush Pile Cotton Rugs for service is The transmission line from the we UCCESS Messrs. Humphries & Alberta border to the Great|f S E lent 4 | d bed d thick plush Boychyn, Lakes would cover some 1,300 BUEST STARS xcellent tor living room, den, bedrooms, ining room; ICK plush- Barimry wc. mice nd woud ome || HCHARD ATTENBOROUGH MARGARET RUTHERFORD a TT dg, nd with Iie-fiot ing Stree es $150,000, abou 2,000,000 of || ey 5 . , : / " ! Oshawa, Ontario this in the Alberta gathering and | SHOWN AT: 3:40 - 5:40 - 7:35 and 9:35 fringed ends. Colours: black, white, blue, pink, rose, red, green, yel- DATED at Whitby this 2nd transmission system : i low, turquoise and brown. Sizes are approx doy of May 1960 If agreeable to the provincial - J. M. ROBLIN government, the project will be- Local Master of Titles, come active after additional 1962 49 20 - gas exports get under way. The " "" Pembina producers research 22 x 36 ' each . ® 27 x 50 ' each : ® 36 x 60", each 8.89 4' x 6', each 3.99 Railways Set in. sient 'Pseudo' Rates Second Bishop OTTAWA (CP)--The Canadian trucking industry said Wednes- For Anglicans SHIPWRECKED! ; a EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 272 PHONE RA 5.7373 day that Canada's big railways, LONDON, Oni. (CP) -- The a Y i are allowed to set '"'pseudo-com- Anglican synod of Huron voted by a better than two - to - one : 1 nm sini margin to appoint a second sul- competing truck carriers out of fragan bishop for the diocese busi be elected x i Wha of 1 4 4 siness. Th bishop, t ely Solve Magee, 'executive secré-|this DAIL ail rtm i a -- 3 - " , [} 144) 1 (4 py 2 LEN EAT ON petitive" rates designed to put Always acceptable gifts . . . tary of the Canadian Trucking!'ary. 1961, will be responsible for Amd . © a district including Huron, Grey, Association, made the commentip,. .. Perth and Waterloo coun- " - 7 . Sueve . | . under' cross-examination by CNR /|tjes if na ; A | ud n 11 [ : counsel A. D. McDonald before YR Rev. George N. Luxton iN \ vi Pete FINCH Janes MacARTHUR a , Nylon Hosiery the royal commission on trans-| will remain bishop of Huron and portation. Rt. Rev. W. A. Townshend suf- 4 \\ H f ; J He was asked to explain the fragan bishop of the diocese Technicolor SPECIALS Full-fashioned . . . beautifully sheer 75 CTA's stand that railway prob-| Earlier, in his charge to the y ve gauge, 10 denier for dress and evening : 'Walt Disney, lems are not solved by subsidies, synod, Bishop Luxton proposed TODAY On sale at 6:30 p.m. Friday and only while quantities | w Wi i restriction of competition or by that Anglican churches in Huron ' P y y eq ities last ear. ith reinforced heel and toe, giving the railways "power to diocese hold a day of prayer on RSE PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS fine self-seam. monopolize traffic markets by May 31 for an end of racial dis 3. bi EATON Price, pair pseudo - competitive rate prac- crimination in the world, particu- gATURE SHOWN DAILY AT UPPER LEVEL tices." larly in South Africa. 0 - 3:30 - 5:35 - 7:40 - 9:50 3 PAIRS 4.50 mE i CLEARANCE OF WOMEN'S "ORLON" SWEATERS -- Pullovers and i CROSSWORD PUZZLE I SCC SCC CCC CCC of easy-care, shape-retaining 'Orlon'.. Sizes 14 to 20 Mg iy Sardigens Seamless Plain 474 needl f ; ¥ "oo needle . . . fav- TR TA Short sleeved pullovers, 44 Long sleeved cardigans, orite sheer for all dress occa- pi] . each sions. EATON Price, pair | BUDGET FASHIONS, DEPT. 345 3 PAIRS 4.50 ACROSS 5. Meat 23. Affirm . A precipice 6. Railroad 24. Broad. . Young hog car topped 11. Rustic %. The foot of hill E00 12. Girl's name an ape (US) [Ed 13. Make 8. Not at Employ amends home . Physi- 14. Come in 9. Part of cians OR 15. "Big --* "to be" .Sound [¥€ Omi [mim] = ESE wic Ol olOD) Ol Rico Go -- [OI <|Z] jm WALTZ-LENGTH NYLON NIGHTGOWNS -- Trimmed with lace and net; with tie at waist. Candy pink; sizes 32 to 36 only in the group. E BB SHM CENTRE!NT Each ; : pa Seamless Micro-Mesh . . . 400-ngedle, ge : 15. Big oo be 50 2 Aa 5-denier sheer for daytime and dress M LACY STRAW CLOCHE HATS -- White only; very low-priced 5 00 wear '"e . ow Vorlonday's. Asenar | BOX-OFFICE OPENS AT 7:30 to'elear. Each . EATON Price, pair SOW. Genera TONIGHT! bus Shree s Ndr ext ar ini reves 8 apey trees MO THAN 3 PAIRS 3.50 36. 40. Mischi i Man ten | | Mo ; MALL LEVEL ; #7. Units Any spit GREAT COMEDY Jeg JERRY | ea Choose from soft shades of Tender Bei zs (din. var) of pulse HERES GREAT ; WOMEN'S NYLON SHORTIE GLOVES -- 30-denier nylon; pleated cuffs with OEE. 11M S01 Sadat of Tengey ~ege eA Sdn i 31 Dampers 5 23% x Miscellany } * oh Simulated pear!" trim Sizes 62 to 8 in the group. White, or Glow Beige; sizes 8) te 11, medium 80. Automatie {collog.) ingredient name 4 eige, pink, blue. Pair ses seen R 0 E T T A o> o>} = im|< [>i Dimi <! teens and long lengths. OUTDOOR SHOP EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 201 50-FT. HOSE AND NOZZLE -- 7/16" ribbed plastic hose; lightweight, with PHONE 84 3.7373 brass-plated couplings, chromium-plated nozzle. Exceptional value at this price! Complete OR Ws : SIANY BEGONIA BULBS = REG. .49 EACH -- Extra large, solid begonia bulbs lope (Asi ra : ; o produce beautiful large blooms. Limited tit | 45. Novieman's TAYLOR - LOUIE | ; : 19, prog) quantity only 9 69 estate ESS Ley Conkl JAK & J : cars tesa een 47. Maps of townsites LOWER LEVEL 48. Charges Nei by ; Tries a COTTON RUGS -- Approx. 22 x 36"; washable cotton rugs with rub- : erized backing. Blue, grey, beige, rose, mauve, green in the group yi 95 LJ crustacean 2. Musical . J instrument 3. Metal Com ROOM LOT BUNDLES OF WALLPAPER -- Sufficient for average device 10 x 12' room; 10 single rolls per bundle. Bundle . GUIDE y any ay ACTIVITY BOXES FOR GIRLS -- Box of surprises for little " = i - THEATR s: embroidery set, toy cutlery, clothes line and pins, play money, checkers, crayons, paints, colouring book Each Danby Deep Fryers Be po bE Pising Fontaine.» Specially priced for savings! dt gl i Jn Last Gateway to the West... 4 HIT NO. 2 A useful appliance for the home or eottage ' Doorway to the Devil! ¥ . . . automatic thermostat maintains cor- Plaza -- "I'm All Right, Jack." ! I aAMmMmmaoc S$ rect cooking temperature up to about 400 ud 3.40, 39, 25, 9.35 p.m. | WICHITA ROCK HUDSON 4 degrees . . . helps ensure perfect cooking st complete show 9.15 p.m T I . of French fries, deep-fried fish, and many 0 et Mother relax mn the Sun I other foods. Temperature cooking guide on 5.35, 7.40, 9.50 p.m. Last com TRGHNICOLOR IN THEIR front of fryer. Holds about 3%2 querts, and plete show 9.25 p.m. : BIGGEST comes with deep-frying basket, gloss lid -- IN "4 se "THE GOLDEN LAUGH HIT Yuo-point swinging hammock, of strong, colour- and cord. sare DEPOSIT ' \ " " u enon Savas. White or Maroon shade; size " EATON Special Price » 9 S (AP) -- A garage that 9 " up IN SMOKE about X i' was robbed twice within a week | BLADE 37, Each .. .e each . . AR now has a safe deposit box en- : 2 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, peer. an cased is a cubic yard of con- VERA MILES - LLOYD BRIDGES i EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT, 227 ' PHONE RA 3.737 crete, The gas pump attendants 3 PHONE 8a 5.7373 as Extra ean opted oly by 3 pec Ah Colored Carian | em ae ped only by + pec Staion Tetoy | | [7] | Ry EATON'S Telephone Order Service Opens at 8.45 a.m. . WITH Regent--"Kidnapped," 1.90, 3.9, CINEMascOPE § ¢ pipER LAURIE carry.

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