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The Oshawa Times, 6 May 1960, p. 16

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. ~ rt RR 4 ii Sin Ay BS re WIRES ' pra ver ; v ' 4 v ; \ Jd A MAR Alf SA Add Jat 2 a Ae HE "TH ZEA a a gies Sb 0 - ow 16-THt OSHAWA TIMES, Friedy, Mey 6, 1960 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS |25--Pets and {PU PPIES for Mother's Day, {nealthy, Phone RA 8-8038 | BOARDING, trimming, bathing. deflea: | |ing. Waubena Kennels. RA 5 (PUPPIES -- six weeks old. pc ic 28 McKim Street, i RMAN Shepherd, six months, had all | needles, Phone OLiver 5-3598. 26--Farmer's Column WANTED -- good pasture for horses. Must have water and good fence. Phone RA 8-6187. FOR RENT -- 10 acres of cultivat:d . |1and, ready to seed, on highway, at tool or equipment to do proc: {Raglan. Phone MO 84818, Whitby. tically everything! FOR SALE -- strawberry plants, five | DISTRIBUTORS FOR: diff t rieties, also cement mixer {for rent. RA 51165. SARNIA SAFWAY "Call The Direct assified Number RA 3-3492 MONDAY to SATURDAY 8 TO" 36--Female Help Wanted [WOMAN to look after three school children, while mother works, live Telephone RA 8-669, A friendly, trained Ad-writer will help 13--Gardening & Supplies |13--Gardening & Supplies | GARDENS and lawns rototilled, made| GARDENS roto-tilled. Free estimates,| |ready for spring planting and seeding. reasonable rates. RA 8-1388, | jean RA 5.8985. PAE CEDAR trees for hedges, guaranteed in live, Any size -- delivered. Plant-| ing done. Free estimate. MA 3-3935, COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE disced, trees _ |31--Articles For Rent RENTALS We believe that you can "do- it-yourself"" and save lots of time and money, but you cannot afford to own seldom used, ond sometimes expen- sive items. Our aim is to have for you to rent, ot a reasonable rate, every kind of Le Accountants Seiten TRIPS nos CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting offer complete bookkeeping ces for small business. 184 Bond 4 West, Room 1. Office RA 5 50397. | Re ee, RA 37605. NEW BUSINESS TELEPHONE LISTINGS SPRING SPECIAL ENVOY FOOD SERVICE THIS MONTH Food At Your Door 'COLD WAVES $5 RA Ss WE DELIVER FOR APPOINTMENT Barbecued chicken, hamburg- RA 8-5677 CLASSIFIED AD RATES I! 25 words or less Cash Charge horse ma-| RA | HEN manure, $6 per load; nure $8 per load, two-yard loads. 57297. WHITE and SON 1300 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 3-7922 Ornamental evergreens, flow- ering shrubs, fertilizers and fencing, seeds and insecti- cides. Garden equipment, 3 CONSECUTIVE ---- INSERTIONS .... s " "| 6 consecuTIVE Bed Tae Accountants, 12 J fl INSERTIONS 375 4.12 Struct Kast, Osawa; : 1 not paid within 7 days the hin Charge rate will apply YALE Above rates apply only to original and Co., orders for consecutive insertions, Licensed Trustee Subsequent insertions ordered at a King Street East, later dote constitute a new original CA: F, Friedlander, order. Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additional line $1.00 per month, Each initial letter, abbreviation, 225 248 |CLERK for drug store. NA0ly in pers son. 907 Simcoe Street North, 37--Male Help W Wanted RAINBOW Products have opened ® new office at 328 Simcoe Street South, {Oshawa, and require three Swing {salesmen, Experienced preferred {not necessary. Full training a {salary or commission, qualifications, for 18.3711. FRIEDLANDE! HUNTER Accountants and auditors, | in Bankruptcy, 64 Oshawa: B. L. Yale, | , B. Comm. PA Gardens ploughed, landscaping, wood cut, removed RA 8-1798 ers, cheeseburgers, milk shakes, Fish and chips 45c. 25¢ delivery charge. BOOKKEEPING. Income tax service for small firms. Days or evenings. MO 8- 2466. MONTEITH MONTEITH, RIEHL, and $ ond c sign, figure, count as word. Box charge 5c additional All Classified MUST be in by 9 am publication. Office hours; Saturday 8-12, Co., Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Jirationd. Hon, JW, Monteith, » MP; B, Mon- teith, B. Comm., CA; G. W Aichi, ch RIA: ofG. E. Trethewey, CA: R. Lightigot, CA; RA 5-3527, 135 nine Advertisements the day of Daily 8-5, - HAULAGE LTD. OSHAWA ACME DUMONT ROSS TOWN oo ALUMINUM SOD SUPPLY BARLOW MOTORS 428 KING WEST MANURE for sale. Dial RA 56028, FOR SALE _ -- Compost, flowers, shrubs, gardens and MO 8- 4514, suitable for lawns, SCAFFOLDING | in OSHAWA and DISTRICT WE RENT NEARLY EVERYTHING -- CALL: GE NUINE career opportunity, Men (0 [train {Must have car and be willing to evenings. High commission earning at {executive level, future ma rial posi- {tions. in sales for permanent career, work a a Full hospitalization DEAD farm stock p pl up pro Call Personnel M: Phone collect. Hampton, COlfax |Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. | |27 --Fuel Wood WOOD for sale, soft wood slabs - single cord, hard slabs $7 single | plan, 56882 or 5-6731 after 10 a {FULLY experienced man to work mm |service station, only fully Sxperisnted Iwith good references Retd 3 . Good salary for right man. rite 628, RA 3-3224 Oshawa Times. RA 3.2281, Cor, King ond Burke Sts MAN for general shop maintenance, | Familiar with lathe and milling ma= rdwood lumber ends, sui "able chines, Apply Centralab, Ajax, WHite- aces and wood stoves, $5 fos |32--Articles Wanted _ {ha 21540, A | " ne RA 18) batt Ty a large "load, delivered, Phone RA 38-0818 cpmpNT mi le- | SALESMAN -- full or pari time, $60 phon: RA 8.1874, a week could be yours, car essential, |28-- Summer Resorts |RUGS, broadloom. We will pay cash 15 hours weekly. For appoint ONE building, 12 ft, by 20 ff, moving and transplanting Tully |for your used carpets. A representative (Write Box 615, Oshawa Times. insulated and wired, asbestos siding, |Will call. Broadioom Carpet Company,|COUNTER boy RA 8-1629 asphalt shingles, suitable for small|1288A Weston Road, Toronto 15, Ont. |Campbell, | summer cottage, Apply 143 King Street | {WANTED -- Twin stroller, reasonably | S57, -- to sell {ast moving line i Ree ES TIMATES East. e priced. Phone RA 5.8440. Ln of bookkeeping systems, a pei for ===" |FOR RENT New lakefront three. |WANTED ~~ One lawn roller, large every small business, exceptionally bedroom housekeeping cottages, large |siz Phone RA 3.4674. BELL DRAFTING i high commission See Armstrong, living room, kitchen with built-in cup- | at the _Hilttop, for det alls. 1 RA 8.6891. boards, double sink, new refrigerators, | skates, good shape, any kind, DESIGNING PSERVICES House plans, shop drawings, heavy duty range, hot and cold run- jal si tans, corner King and Burk. alterations, additions and in- [ning water, four-piece bath, screened |RA 33224 | in patip. Safe beach, 35 miles from | WANTED Heavy-duty 20" electric terior designs. For fast accur- RB. . een $900.00 ate service: R F 1 100 00 Oshawa. Apply Mr. Robert J. Parkin. | | range, Must be in good condition PH - ONE RA 3 2381 DY ..... 975.00 | Phone 26-14 Little Britain, Ont, | Phone CO 3-2240 22--Radio & TV Repairs Pe ------ |you? We sell on commission. Neigh- F.P. nie irle .825.00 | FOR RENT -- cottage on Lake Dal-|WE are looking for rummage mate: | |rymple, boat, electricity. Phone RA|rials of any kind to help the Scout | 5-1241 lL For pick up please call RA TWO and three bedroom ¢ cottages, elec. | 3231 borhood Sales Room. RA 85836. 102 |william St E. ! THESE ARE TYPICAL | WILL pay $10 and up for 1948 Canadian| COMMISSION EARNINGS silver dollars, al tain t; '47. RA [5 5227. 480 cerain type made by a few of our salesmen in the month of April. Bonus earnings above tricity, excellent fishing, pike, pickerel |W and bass. $30 these amounts were $200 and up. We supply definite appoint= ' ments. We have openings for two top calibre men who are interested in security ond a permanent association with on sve) company, Street North, Oshawa. Ajax WH 2-0890. 2-~Barristers LOAM ~-- GRAVEL FILL -- STONE RA 3-3528 HARDSAND LANDSCAPING Power Rolling Fertilizing Tractor Roto-Tilling : Top Soil - Sod - Manure Flagstone - Patio Slabs RA 5-1721 SPRING CLEANING Lawn fertilizing White grub treatment 9 : Finest Quality Reasonable Prices Lawn power rolling OSHAWA IPHONE MO 8-3015| GARDEN SERVICE |= rr RA 3 3222 | SERVICES treated, field nursery top soil, gravel, sand fill. Complete service. Weed control. Free estimates, ED KNOWLTON RA 5- 6047 A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut fresh daily. Delivered or laid. Free estimates. Prompt deliv- ery. Phone RA 5-8504, CHOICE LOAM FOR SALE GRAVEL--SAND--FILL Also Back Filling Lots Levelled RA 5-2156 CALL GRANT FOR SOD REGULATIONS--- H The Oshawa Times shall not be | responsible for errors in advertise | JOSEPR P. MANGAN, QC, barrister, ments submitted otherwise thon in solicitor. Money to loan. Office | no sr 37 god 'King Street t, Oshawa, RA 88232, n no 3 tisement, nor beyond the price Residgnce, RA 53405, charged for a single insertion of DONALD BLAKE DODDS, the advertisement in which error and Solicitor, 26'c King Street occurs, And also reserves the right Telephone: Business, RA 5-5501; to classify advertising according to de nee, RA 8.5373, its own classification In the case of disploy advertise- ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that in which the .actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly but assumes no Jiability if any inaccuracies in any form of advertisement ore containec therein, RA 81651 | for information or interview. QUALITY USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD RA 8-6175 OSHAWA TREE EXPERTS Experienced in trimming, | STAN'S Sharpening & Rental Service 227 King St. W. writing, incorrect ILONA DRESSMAKING SALON To my many customers and future. ones too! We are moving to 44; SIMCOE ST. N, (Upstairs) From 38 BOND ST. EB. RA 8-5771 JAN'S GARAGE & SERVICE STATION (Abert and Athol) Complete brake service, mo- tor tune-up, general repairs, Licenced mechanic. RA 5-8371 |{17--Money to Loan |WE HAVE clients' Barrister East, | Resi | about 3s cu, t SWARTZ, Barrister, MANNING F. Solici Notary, Money to loan. Asso-| ciate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry | Block! 26% King Street East, RA 3-4697, | Re sidence dial RA 3.4029. CRETGHTON, FRASER, DRYNA MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- | tary Public, Bank of Commerce Blt 5 Simgoe Street North, RA 3-3466; T. Creighton, QC; N. C, Fraser, QC; X Drynan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA pl gages arranged re- wanted, Apply Mr. Genosha Hotel 8--Building Trades HOME owners, Shingling, stallations, eavestroughing Phil Harper, MO 8-4558 |ALL KINDS of building and repairs, kitchen cupboards, recreation rooms THOMAS M. RUNDLE, bar i-| garages, concrete and block work. Free citor and Notary Publi % King estimates. RA 5.6937 hs Street East. Phone RA | PLASTERING, stucco and all repairs JOHN A. MacDONALD, BA, Barris: | Cali George Abramoff, RA 3.4871 | ter apd Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street| GRAVEL sand and top soil, any work | North. Phone RA 8-851 for 3 ton dump truck. RA 5-6105 AVESTROUGHING and flashing, all RALPH JONES, BA, H. Greer, Associate Barristers work guaranteed, immediate attention, with reasonable rates. RA 8-5788 Solicitors, 130 King Street Zust, ns avail wae bw teenie a Bo246. Mortgage jouns MODERN framing, finishing, cup- | ap boards and alterations Van 1 RA 83-8841. Free FAL vs, fireplaces, eaves new and old| ster, solici- oe Street North. ; Re: dence RA 35-5542. ., Barrister, Solici- RA 5-9592. Resi- siding, in painting r. 3% Simcoe South. denoss RA 8-0264, E have customers waiting for good - $40 weekly. | RA 5-4328. {WE dav and appliances. What have monies a le for {loans on first and second mortgages | al ot. Long ases and TOWERS, ANTENNAS INSTALLED 37 King Stréet East, Oshawa, RA 3.4943 Repaired and Moved Weed sod, FOR COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE CALL OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING RA 8-6366 HALIMAR, Highlands of Haliburton--Friendly modern Summer and Winter ATRO resort with extensive sandy beach on Lake Kashagawig- amog, near golf course. Bountiful meals and varied sports including water skiing Contact Bruce & Marion (WANTED used cattle steel staunchions | Henry, Haliburton, |complete. 1478 Evangeline Dr. RA me 9080 5 available for |and second mortgages, Mortgages and | {ANresments of sale purchased. Apply IM F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary| -- [Pubile, 26% King East, Oshawa. RA 3-4697, | FIRST and second mortgage, sale [aSteements purchased and sold. Hen. | ck and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King| Street East, RA 3.7232. | MONEY TO LOAN $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for | immediate loan on First and | Second Mortgages, Agree- ments for Sale, on vacant and improved property, residen- tial and industrial, city, sub urban and country, and sum- nd | Smo le for | RA| | CLIENTS' monies first |FiANGS -- 10, any make or size. Will Residential, pay cash tels apartments, and sub-division, etc ANTENNAS ARE OUR BUSINESS LEN AND LOU'S TV ANTENNAS RA 5.7844 SERVICE . RA 8-5804 mo- BOX PLANTS bre 300 Hand H NG, chimneys, care 0 Tia | |troughs, building repairs, JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solici-| | work. RA 8-5180. RA 5-6105 tor ang Notary Public, 18% King Street _ peta East, RA 3.2269. NHA and private ALL plumbing and | heating "supplies. mortgages a arranged. Phone RA 3521, Harold R. Stark | ; OR THE BEST I sali --_-- |Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer- Expert Garden Planning GREER | and Kelly, Barristers, Solici- |i" 00 Street South tors, etc. 7% Simcoe Street South Free Es stimates DROP IN SEE Dial RA 3.2278. Residence rae - J. M. ev Rely Ph Belk Tie | DODD & SOUTER, SPRING HARRY CLEAN-UP TOWNSENDS Solicitors. Clients' funds available for] PAINTING & DECORATING first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North. CONTRACTORS FERTILIZING, ROLLING SODDING, 'SEEDING, CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD. IRON--METALS PAPERS--RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RICE LAKE Sandy Bay Comp -- 2- and 3-bedroom housekeeping cot tages Inside conveniences, and boat. $40 to $60 weekly d fishing Safe sandy beach. Write: R.'M. Mc- Cracken, R.R. 4, Hastings, Ont., or phone 609 r 15. BOX 624, +, SEhiAwA TIMES 138--Male or | or Female _ Help Wanted Go RA _3-3566. aasiés O 1 MeGibbon, QC; For free estimates call Edfdt'F. Based DAYS MO 8-5231 WUMPHREYS and Boychyn, SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT hyn, Barris. ters, Solicitors; R. D. Humphreys, QC; E. Boychyn, BA; W, A. Hillman, | Phones: | RA 5-4604 or G LLB; 6 King Street Office, RA 5-1177; Res. Whitby, MO 82761. Money to loan, West. 4-=Dentists PR. G. T. SCIUK. Open. evenings by appointment | Office hours 9 to 6. | 259 Simeoe Street South. Phone RA 5-2223. 5---Nursing Services REGISTERED nurses required, full or pagh time, live in or out. to elderly persons, 4441 No objection Phone Newcastle ACCOMMODATION available for bed | or up-patients, at Southaven Nursing Home: TV lounge, fully licensed, grad-| uate nurse in charge. Phone Newcastle | ui. EVENINGS RA 5-7426 107 Byron St BUILDERS Ceramic tiled bathroom plied and fixed with four fittings color range 90c First class tradesman enytime RA8-1177 CLIFF BROWN sSup- complete Large sq. fh Phone S., Whitby GRAVEL & SAND | LOAM NURSERY . STOCK COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE HOLLAND NURSERY and LANDSCAPING RA 5-7442 SPRING SALE EVERGREENS FLOWERING SHRUBS SHADE TREES WHITE BIRCH DRIVE IN !! {vo JR stalled, GREENHOUSES NO. 12 HIGHWAY 2Y2 miles north Whitby 30,000 BOXES IN GOOD VARIETY ALSO POTTED PLANTS FOR MOTHER'S DAY OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY |14--Household | Repairs local chimney cleaner. | mates. RA 3-2997 Chim- | neys built and repaired, gas linings in-|A mountain or furnaces vacuumed. Free esti.| Classified Ads moves them and sells |them. Fast {real | mer. cottages. Oshawa Acceptance Corpora- tion Ltd., 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone: RA 5-3568 FIR |Srransed, Don Hill, South, Whitby, MO 8-5322. OLiver 35-4471 LAWNMOWER & ENGINE! ONE building, "12 ft. by 20 ft, fully | 18a--Mortgages second mortgages bought 209 T9--Personals |OL. D, Ihe |women past 40. Ostrex Tonic thousands of Only 69c. at all drug r "rundown? elp "'pep-up"' | gists. a lot low-cost! Sell any estate by dialing RA 3-3492 and Brock Street Tablets | men, "= Oshawa Times kind of | |CALI Joe, RA 8.6444 for carpentry,| IT--DAY OR T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS 28a-- Trailers | able | North Apply 281 Oshawa LP lamps, bottles, |air lifts, overloads, hitches, etc., 2-3491 insulated and asphalt wired, shingles, suitable for | SALES & SERVICE Go-Cart Engines & Rotor Til- { lers. Used Engines Bought and Sold. Authorized Clinton, Lauson Power Products, Pine dor Service., 81 Central Park Blvd 5. Phone RA 5 4633. COOK'S TRAILER SALES | MeG NNESS aluminum trailer, Reason. | Boulevard | Cole- | iman international duo therm. A asbestos siding, small summer cottage. Apply 143 King St. E M GREENBURG & SONS | | GOING CAMPING? SEE FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE--RA 5-4159 | 100 ANNIS STREET [MILLER'S trailer accessories and serv. -- - | Seirigeratote ! CASH FOR SCRAP! i PAPER, RAGS, etc. Open All Day Saturday LTD. RA 3-7333 -- 308 Bloor St SHAW 1 WE BUY STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, E AUTO WRECKING CO. NIGHT | RA 5.3432 | INSURANCE AGENT for well established come pany to sell auto, fire, liabil« ity, accident and sickness in- surance in Oshawa. An excellent opportunity for o man or woman of character, oged 45 to 65 years. Please reply giving details to CO-OPERATORS Insurance Association P.O. Box 453 Oshawa EXPANSION PROGRAM Owing to growing expansion we require in the Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa area eight ladies or gentlemen to sell Canada's most wanted home product. Sales experience not necessary ---- car essential, Complete training given, hotel accommodation paid for, salary whilst' training. Classes commence Tues., May 3rd, 10.30 a.m. in Hamilton. Home-Economics Food & Freezer Ltd. 1162 BARTON ST. E, HAMILTON LL give bed care to one elderly patti preferably male, Nice, quiet loéftien by the lake, private home, references if desired. Inspection invited | between 9 to 4, Monday to Friday. $123 nonthly, Write Box $519, Oshawa Times, 6-~Optometrists . RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom: | etf¥' the examination of eyes, contact lenin; 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne), evenings by appointment. RA 3.4191 € HW. TUCK, RO, optometris st. Please pag ~accounts at downtown Toronto Dominion Bank er 74 Burk Street. Phofie RA 5-4587. FoSurveyors DONE A HA tarig Land Surveyor, commercial bo] pridiing , 12 Bloor Street East, RA 5-5632 pie H. TROLLOPE, Ontar Lag@eSurveyor, 216 Adelaide Ave, E. RA" 56881 . G. T. HORTON and Associates, On-| tario-Land Surveyors, Professional En-| gineering, 306 Dundas Street West, Whit. | by, MO 85091, Ajax 728. § Building Tr Trades ALL types of carpentry y work and con. | _geele.. work. Free after 5 pom. RA 5 "Friday, April painting, decorating Room for and handyman, | {OFHAWA to Montreal, Work guaranteed 29, 6 p.m., returning Mond a [tree passengers. RA 5.4930, PLASTERING -- Roofing, new and re {HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods), . | led t paid in plain sealed enve Phone Bob Tayior, RA 5.9168, Oshawa, |Ioses with price list. Six samples. 25 or Ed Jones, MA 3.5244, Bowmanville, cents; 24 samples, $1.00. Mail Order | YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim- yDept. ov "Rubber Co., Box 91, |neys built and repaired, gas linings in.| Hamilton. fm | ! stalled, jiruaces JAsiumed. Free esti- [SAVE money, no waiting, free pars mates RA A 3-200 ing at D. Bruce's Mobile Barbershop, CE a -------- Maple Grove Inn, stationary. Open 8.7 |FURNITU RE repaired and re-uphol- daily except Wednesdays and Sundays istered. See our materials for re-cover- ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. RA 7212 PAINTING, exterior, windows cleaned and removed, within radius of 50 miles of Oshawa, reasonable rates. For esti mate call RA 3-9032, PAINTING and decorating, interior and exterior. Best quality materials, {color harmony guide for your use. Free d estimates. Call Whitby, MO 84769 ETHICAL HYPNOSIS : by Sr Vine Ground Covers, n-- - we | 11 Ont St, Oshaw: SPECILIZING IN 30" TILE | FURNITURE rpaired and ve-uphol. 'RA 8.0171 awa | stered. See our materials for re-cover- - WHITBY, ONTARIO { VAN BELLE GARDENS ling. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street, | r------ ELECTROLYSIS RE res system, MO 8-2563--MO 8-3809 3 Miles East of Oshawa RA 3.7212 Removal of superfluous hair. 15' cedar 204 CHESTNUT ST. W A CLEAN home is a happy home. Marie Murduft will be in } PE( | AL: Phone J | PETERBOROU GH district -- two-bed- a P.O. BOX 329 MA 3-5757 [Free consultation, work guaranteed, Bowmanville no publicity Reliable exterminators, Oshawa, May 24th and 25th. Phone Genosha Hotel on "LET GEORGE DO IT*| room cottage, furnished, on large lake- | ore lot, good fishing and {products and services for all needs. (OPEN EVENINGS) these dates or appointment, by or best cash offer. RA 5.8450. 1464 Dawes Road, Toronto, ZE 9-9500 or {20--Cartage FOR SALE -- Winterized cottage on OX 4-1946 or phone Claremont 836R11. CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re TRUCK, with 16 it. platform, and tarp, | part time 'k_ wanted. RA 83-8333 Trent River near Hi , television aerial, hydro, garage, two boats, RA 5-4887. And have the time of your life. See The 16' GLENETTES Makes travelling and camping fun. Every trailer complete. day. Phone Gos stove and oven, sink, RA 5-2311 water tank, pump, 3 types | lighting, sleeps 5. Location, Highway 2, Courtice. Open | evenings and weekends till 10 p.m. We buy, sell or trade Low down payment, Open . Sunday OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE 86 TAUNTON RD. W. RA 3-3222 Prompt Delivery RA 8-8951 HOME IMPROVEMENTS REMODELLING--ADDITIONS REC ROOMS FAMILY ROOMS Tile, Hardwood Floors, Cupboards Loans Arranged HUGH CROSBY RA 5-3937 W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE Wants cars for wrecking, alse scrap iron and metals, etc, ATTENTION T.V. OWNERS SPECIAL towers with all wave Complete installa- $59.50 ond $5.00 for your old on- bought. Open Saturday all 89 BLOOR E. WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) 40 ft antenna tions for alowance tenna. ANOTHER SPECIAL PICTURE TUBES os low as $29.95 with one year factory warranty. Up to $6.00 allowance for your old picture tube T.R.1.O. TELEVISION 174 BOND ST. E. Flowering and Tropical Foliage Plants HYPNOSIS Can help you relax. Sleep better. Lose weight. Stop Smoking. Gain confidence. Solve your intimate 'problems. Initial Consultations Free THE INSTITUTE OF 9--Summer Properties For Sale or Wanted ICOTTAGES for sale, one finished, one |semi-finished, three bedrooms, bath |room, kitchen, large living room, hydro, |available, excellent fishing on Crystal | Lake, miles RA 8. Roses (40 Shrubs, (29 Varieties), Shade Trees varieties), 35--Employment 'Wanted SINGLE man, with three mercial training, ten years' experience, presently employed large department store in Toronto, sires position in Oshawa. Write , Oshawa Times. LADY would like to look after child in own home, five days a week. RA 56817 MAYTIME is clean 'time. For com- plete service an awn y gardens, base. ments, etc., all rubbisl ald away, | 73 call RA 82053 |{41--Room & Board CEMENT work, done by gentleman ROOM and board for one oF two GH with own mixer. Telephone RA 5.7966, Telephone MO 8-5094 anytime. | dren. WANTED --by reliable woman, baby- [ROOM a and board for gentlemen, close sitting. on or near Oshawa Boulevard. (to downtown. Apply 23 Elgin Phone RA 8.0157 | East Telephone 3-7814. WILL mind children in my home while RoC M, board optional for two friends mother works, fenced-in yard. MO or single, close to Malleable and SGM. 8-314! 15 Hall Street, RA §- ACCOUNTANT, office credil manager, ROOM and board for gentlemen, ¥15 RIA degrees, nine years' experience, weekly, lunches packed. Apply 137 Rose, |v DING lot, 50 x 328 feet, on n Lake: ong 3 ae. MO 831 A ani uill_Eoulovard. ol awa stricts. N a i 3 or EMpire 350M and board for gentiemen, 0 | shore, Oshawa, Stone Street, for sale orb: -8756. trade' for summer cottage. Phone [share close' 10 NGM, very euairal, RA 15-6727, 5.0624 evenings. | - . cin WANTED fo rent three.room furnished 39Lon & Found riment, central, by May 20. RA -- dog. $100 reward, information (15 varieties ears' com- selling with de- Box ; om Oshawa, financing Evergreens (25 varieties) arranged 12 winter Scugig. Bar. Will carry for Ideal for retirement, large poured concrete basement, three bedrooms, large liv- heavy duty wiring, pressure "septic tank, three- piece bath, boat. Sickness forces sale. Stock, Blackstock 24-22. summer i Lake with $2000 down {S10 a month { bungalow, oll furnace, eee. | .|10--Sharpening Service LAWN mower and outboard motor re rd | Pair and sharpening service. Rossland tae sia am Sayan entre, 0 Rosstand Road, West oat fine |RA_3-7462 | types "building repairs, Toofing, |< orn Have your awn] eavestrough, chimneys, fireplaces, side: I nower precision sharpened. Free pick walks, Stoops. RA 8-034 Gordon May up and delivery. Bert's and Glen's, FRENCH, Dunphy roofing and sidings, | Texaco Station, 380 Simcoe Street Workmanship fully guar- {South RA 80142 phi aie aniged. RA 53-7780 class sharpening, mowers, saws, EMESTROUGHING and flashing, anand all tools. Work guaranteed. B work guapanteed, immediate attention, Mosie 550 Wilson Rd S } CALL with reasonable rates. RA 8.57 ee - - HAVE your lawn mowers sharpened | CABPENTER work, framing, trim: now, pick up and delivery. Phone RA | mME: kitchen cabinets, custom work |31.3266-RA 8.6906, and "vepairs. Mortgages anged. All] BEVERWYCK 3.3579 {BY Oshawa's largest. full-time, sharp. | ening and rental service Lawnmowers. | PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, | saws, etc. Call Stan's, corner King and | fixthPés new and used, changing from Burk, RA 3-3224 NO. 12 HIGHWAY 15-0311 RU oe Wk CP Sn oman RA 5260 OL 5-3570 BROOKLIN MO 8.4735 WHITBY RA 8-0091 mation and estimates fee an any 1¥pe LUNCH counter in excellent location, | WELL DRILLING z= fear un have cash. Cal Nr GARDEN SUPPLIES Charlton RA 5.8983 | GE RALD FU LTON [FOR RENT -- corner store, suitable | Under contract we can guar- |tor any business, central, Simcoe SO-GREEN | DRESSMAKIN G and alterations. Tele-| EVERGREEN antee water |Street, parking. RA 5.0081 or RA 5-9544. | | phone RA 8-0552. TURF SPECIAL PHONE RA 5-4067| + | 13 Gardening & Supplies| GARDEN SPECIAL PRECAST LAWN and garden roto-tilling done by | MILORGANITE we CONCRETE experienced gardener, Reasonable SHEEP MANURE rates. Dia! MO 8 3870. { SEPTIC TANKS Bet Averate gavden. so Export | BONEMEAL SIDEWALK SLABS i Tie "COLORED PATIO |COTTAGE -- seven rooms, Lake Sim- {coe, sandy beach, furnished, hydro, RA 1245. PROMPT DELIVERY | FOR YOUR COMPLETE GARDEN SUPPLIES | Towers and antennas our specialty. TOWERS As low as $59.00 with con- crete base GEORGE'S T.V. SERVICE [PHONE NOW RA 3- 9525 1 Furniture and Appliance mov- ing, Light and heavy cartage. | SERVICE You call, we'll haul, FURNACE SALES iz fegi ra | ASSOCIATION AND SERVICE ™ Y 3 All Makes, {In co-operation with the Cleanout Service-- Thompson E s, 157 Eliott Av-. Oshawa Chamber of Commerce) $7 labor plus parts enue. RA sone Fred). TV-HI-FI, AERIALS HM. Mackie Co. Ltd, F Dean Kelly TV. RA 5-5121 ean e " RA 5-5954 AST TV SERVICE | Bean tel Tv. Ra reas Pix Tubes $28 and up Dial RA 3.3492 WOMAN or gi - Park TV RA 3. 15--Instructions CALL LOU--RA 8-5804 Ael Poll 39912 en fine. An Apply 272 King "street. East. Le Mel Pollard TV. .RA 3-9512 2 {WANTED " TOWERS INSTALLED Premier TV RA 5-1179 WEBBING S e550 1 e $42 ond up TV Enterprises : RA 5-2905 phone RA 53-0782 Antonios insured ST0 per yeol HARDWARE [PRIVATE er, st APPLIANCE SERVICES CALL LEN--RA 5-7844 RENTAL SERVICE 1 1 'teacher, student counsellor, {16 years' experience, by interview only. | Jack Christie RA 5.1179 Lodwick Electric RA 5-6369 OF TOOLS 40-ft. self supporting tower, SCAFFOLDING |Act now. RA 5-104. LILI MAE MARSH, Dance Edu-| Star Repair RA 5.7743 Warner Williams RA. 5.3531 Hot dip galvanized. No paint. Complete with new Skychief And Other Construction B-H Paint cator, Dancing School Ballet, tap, pre- school acrobatic, character, Friday, Saturday. Masonic Temple, RA 3.7353, WE HONOR INTERNATIONAL CHARGE CREDIT CARDS e------------ all-channel antenna. Total price, installed and guaran- teed for | year PRIVATE Spanish guitar lessons given 23--Women's Column $59.95 |in student's own home. Will teach in SPECIAL! Heat permanents, $8.50 . T.V. Enterprises | Oshawa, Bowmanville, Whitby and | Brooklin area. RA 5-4580. Cold wave $6.00. Page Hairdressing, 396 Pine Avenue. RA 5.5363 253 DREW ST, RA 3-3553 25--Pets and Livestock RA 5-2905 covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholstering, 926'a Simcoe MOVING, eve enings s and weekends, | have! small truck. MO 85498. {Street North, Call RA 8-6451 for a free | estimate. | CHE FIELDS rebuilt, r |like mew. Why pay more? Our rates GALT CARTAGE, furniture and appli-| ance moving. Reasonable rates, fully insured. Call day or night. RA 5.4498 | are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery LEARN TO: DRIVE At the Oshawa Driving School | CITY CARTAGE | |Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA Licensed by the Police Commission| STORE MANAGER AVAILABLE aggressive, ROOM and board for Seatiowen, to share, separate beds, good mx TV, close to Filings. Nom. Pry Arthur Street, RA 8 ROOM and board for two gentlemen, all conveniences, RA 8.0283, 31 Glad- stone Avenue, {ROOM and board for gentleman ta hare. also two - room apartment to |share with board. 97 Albert Street. Call ROOM and board for owe oe two gentlemen, close to down! and NGM. Call RA 2.5160 or 29 Elgin East, ROOM and board for gentlemen, TV | privileges, $15 per week, lunches pack- Tt fea RA 58255. Neat, erences supplied. Will accept buyer's position. Write Box 616, Oshawa Times |36--Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED lady presser. RA 5.0120 after 5 p.m. RA 3.7388. r, April 29, not purebred, good ref- engraved "Domino," 36 Scugog | Street. White patch on chest, pet, gu shy. Phone W. Bagnell, MArket 3.3585, | Bowmanville, ¢ collect. LOST -- Will person who took ear. coat by mistake at Simcoe Hall on April 9, please phone RA 5.2436. |31--Articles For Rent RB LTS for a song. So whether you| -------- -- = = °C 0 want to sell or buy, start singing EXPERIENCED meat wrapper, full through an Oshawa Times Classified time, five-day week. Apply Bassin's Ad today Makes mighty sweet music|Food Market, 11--Business Opportunities| OPPORTUNITY -- second hand shop for sale, or rent, 140 Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 8-0836 until 6 p.m. {12--Dressmaking "private Tele- Instructor, for print reading. | close to | GIRL, aie for counter and li & | shift work or all days. Apply Modern Street. Grill, 345 Ritson Road South. ACCOMMODATION for elderly ladies, ACCOUNTS clerk required, go od|private home, separate rooms, convene steady positiin, all company benefits, |ient to Large company with opportunity for (board, care and companionship. MO vancement, Write Box 818, Oshawa |8-4363, Whitby Rn. | inc 43--Wanted to Rent STENOGRAPHER with dictaphone and| general office experience. Attractive gn or two unfurnished rooms with working Apply € | kitchen, near Ajax, required b; 3 y gentle Ajax, WHitehall 2-1540. man. WHitehall 2.5980 or after 5 p.m., WAITRESS, full or part time, Apply | WHitehall 2.0464, Mr C ell, Genosha Hotel [REFINED widow wishes two unfurne R LYNN Beauty Salon requires an |ished rooms in quiet home, near St. xperienced hair dresser, Phone RA [Gregory's, where board or housekeep- 3 ing privileges may be obtained for few weeks till own furniture Write Box 527, Oshawa Times. WANTED to rent -- garage, suitable to do body work, no painting, {Oshawa and Whitby, MO 85170. '44--Houses & Apts. For Rent |A LARGE decorated room with refrige erator, stove and sink, very ceutral. Apply 9 Centro Streck. orth GM and four corners, ge for rent. 240 Division enced operator. RA 5.7887. 6G. Monro, 414 Park Road South DURA STEPS NO. A Ee CURBING WE have about 300 cubic yards "of WELL TILE LAWN SEEDS sand, gravel and concrete fill, ideal for roads and driveways, Yours for the tak. GARDEN SEEDS BROOKLIN BUG KILLERS CONCRETE DAILY DELIVERY PRODUCTS Cooper Smith Co. ¥ LIMITED 16 CELINA ST. OLiver 5-3311 RA 3-2312 | SRA evergreens, | shrubs, paeonies, perennials, at reason. | |able prices. Collected cedars for hedges {2° - ¥, 35c and up. Orchard Nurseries No. 7' Highway, two miles west of Brooklin. TOP GRADE | SANDY LOAM RA 5-1905 roses, ! ~ |16--Insurance ~ Equipmen ONTARIO Automobile Association rep-| entative for Oshawa and district, Art 13 Elgin East, RA 5-1497. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For personal service at your home,' call IRA 5.7413 UPHOLSTERY AND RUG a SHAMPOOER -- VAC Apply 730 Simcoe | To Restore original beauty to your furniture and rugs REGISTERED gelding pacer make a winner, South, RA 53-2315 BEAGLE pups, good 'hunting "stock. | Telephone RA 3.2991 ry 282 KING ST. W. GERMAN Shepherds, priced on Dalrymple, | able. COlfax 3-2024, _Hampton, boat, electricity. Phone RA §-124L 1" BE A SUCCESS Earn $2.00 or more per hour 17--Money to Loan CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased. NHA mortgages arranged Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mus | doch by becoming the Avon repre- sentative your neighbor .- hood. Full or part time. Call LE 6-0627 collect. in vent, cottage Lake OSHAWA---RA 3-4873

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