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The Oshawa Times, 6 May 1960, p. 8

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ath det a A 4 | Friends Honor | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friedy, Mey 6, 1960 Grace Dowe -- Trousseau Tea And Showers For Carol Ann MacInally Mt Bridal Paitics Maclnally cellaneous shower at the home of Miss Grace Dowe whose' mar-| Harry Law. Serving were riage to Mr, Kerry Willoughby | | Nailor of Ajax will take place in{Miss Marlene Mackie and Miss|will take place tomorrow after| $i, Gregory's Roman CatholicM, Robinson, noon at Northminster United Church tomorrow morning has! The girls at Ward's Store ar- Church has been guest of honor| been feted at several pre nuptial ranged a parfy al the home of at several prenuptial parties, | events Mrs, Clarence Jones, Buena A linen shower was arranged Mrs, Lloyd Macinally enter-|Vista avenue and presented thelr hy Mrs, Joseph Childerhose,| tained for her daughter at a co-worker with a sheet set and al randmother of the. future bride, | trousseau tea, To receive the woollen blanket, Mrs. H. Host xt her home on Grenfell street, | hostess wore a beige silk shan-land Miss Georgina Davis assisted vis, Donald Breakell, aunt of tung afternoon dress, The motherithe hostess In serving the bride-elect, and Mrs. Ernest of the prospective bridegroom' Mrs, Edward Hawley, Mrs, gate assisted in serving, chose green printed silk crepe William Huxtable and Mrs, Rus-| personal shower was given and the future bride was wearing sell Shane arranged a party nly." so" pobert Clayton, Jr a green French wool sheath the parish "hall Albert Street! to. 0 honor. Mrs Robert Mrs, V. Knapp kept the door United Church when the future oop" od" Mr Melville! and the guest book in the after- bride was presented with a vac- wil 4 Dra a, ry A ol noon and Miss Karen Hawley in uum cleaner and a coffee table," | aon a the 10m o Mrs, Rob- the evening. Mrs, Sagar Morey and Mrs, F J [er Javien Be. At bugion ave Pouring tea In the afternoon Mepham poured tea and Mrs, Aue Fin os ery Di was were Mrs, William Huxtable and Violet Knapp and Mrs. Earl 4 8 ona yg 'eth, cousin: of Mrs, Russell Shane and in the Adams served the prospective bridegroom, | evening Mrs, E, J, Mepham and| Mrs. Harold Boddy and Mrs,| Mrs. Glen Flintoff entertained) Mis Edward Hawloy, Serving P. G. Darling arranged a neigh-(at & pantry shower at her home| in the afternoon were Mrs, Wil- borhood shower at the former's on Nipigon street, Games were| liam Imeson and Mrs, Reginald/home on Albert street, Serving|played and refreshments wer e Biephens and in the evening Mrs, were Miss Jacqueline Winter, ser ed by Miss Diane Flintoff Russell Shane and Mrs, Violet Mrs, B. Elliott, Mrs, Vincent Mc. Mrs, Joseph Sobanski, and Mrs Knapp. Presiding in the rooms Gahey, Mrs, Charles Todd and|Willlam Saxby containing the gifts and the trous- Mrs, James Northey. Mrs, Arthur Howard and Miss sean were, Mrs, Brian Loge: Following the rehearsal last Donna Howard were hostesses at man, Miss Joanne Henderson and evening the bridal party was en- a miscellaneous shower al their Miss Judy Haight tertained at the home of Mr, and home on Bader avenue, Each Miss Joanne Henderson, Elgin Mrs, John Nallor, Ajax, parents guest gave the bride a recipe street east, was hostess at a mis. of the prospective bridegroom. |ihat had been made up at the shower, Buffet refreshments were served The bride-to-be was also enter tained at dinner at Sandalwood restaurant by her attendants, Mrs, Donald Ellison, Mrs, Lau. race Hobbs, Miss Donna Howard and Mrs, Robert Clayton, Later they were entertained at the home of Mrs. Donald Ellison, Kendalwood road. Following the rehearsal this evening the wedding party will be entertained at the home of the prospective bridegroom's par. ents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Wil loughby, Mary street, Oshawa, Miss Carol Ann | whose marriage to Mr, Hourigan Mrs, SEER A ¥ HEATHER CHARLENE a-half months old ra nino. Sh 0 Joan Ruby Fice, Robert Sutton ow epi, 18 | Wed In Double-Ring Ceremony RR 2, Oshawa blue A winsome miss Is Heather Charlene, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Murray Brock, RR | Taunton, Heather is eight-and Many Hostesses Entertain For Miss Isabel Russell Miss Isabel Russell, whose The guests were co-workers at i marriage to Mr. Robert Eagle: Dr, Peter Willson's dental clinic. and the bridegroom is the son o son will - take place tomorrow| Mr, and Mrs, Norris William: pr and Mrs, James Sutton, all evening, has been the guest of son of Peterborough were hosts of Oshawa honor on several pre-nuptial oc-lat a Sunday dinner party where The double ring ceremony Was casions, a gift was presented to the future Aref 1 by Doctor George Te " A A On Saturday April 30, Mrs, bride and bridegroom Dejiormes Vid I LB Re es A nating war the bridegroony's or p WH ! I' 8. T ssell, 4 hy mother wha chose 1o) J '@ George Russell Bessborough, Mr, and Mr I. C.. Russell odlig wale, audliowmer wha. chose Toya! tle " . ' a ee old # played the .w drive, entertained for her daugh-|( onnaught street, held a family Mr. John { bell : y . n m e y - Laccompanied r, John Camphb ries. They wore corsages of pink ter at a trousseau tea, To re dinner party at which the couple no Ties, They I J W ang Yerfe Jove ceive. the future bride's mother received gifts of china and silver Who ong / 0 Perlect Lo wore a green silk print sheath! Mrs, Gordon Wilson, Rossland The Wedding a, For the honeymoon trip, with matching jacket and a cor-/road west, assisted by Miss] Given In marriage by fa- bride wore a sand brown suit, full with a beige hat, beige and Photo by Hornsby St Andrew's United Churchlcades of white and tinted was the setting for a wedding on carnation Saturday afternoon, April 30, Mr, William Sutton was best when Joan Ruby Fice was united man for his brother and the ush with Robert Burton ers were Mr, John Lunn of Bow manville and Mr, Ronald Taylor of Of Oshawa The reception was held in St Andrew's Church hall, where the bride's mother received wearing sheath dress of beige crystal charm with a pink hat, and gloves and brown accessories, in marriage Sutton 'he bride Is daughter and Mrs Milton Fice Former Residents Are Entertained On 25th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Radway (nee Ruth Harrison) of Dalrym ple, Ontario, were honored on the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary on Sunday, when friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Gor don Barker, French street, for a supper party Mr, and Mrs. Radway, former residents of Oshawa, were mar. ried In the chapel of St, Georges' Memorial Church 25 years ago Mr. Douglas Kay, best man, and | Mrs, Gordon Barker (Mildred Taylor), bridesmaid, were the original bridal party Out of town guests were: Miss Diane Radway and Mr, Tom Har rington; Mr. Ross Radway and| Misses Maureen and Pat Healy, Mrs. Robert Crouse, all of Dal rymple: Mr. and Mrs, John Tag gart, Miss Charleen Taggart and Miss Iréne: Paws | + col Mr. Lyn Henderson, Mr, and! ih lrene Pawson showed cols apg Edward Radway and John, ored slides taken on a trip around pom Toronto: Mr. and Mrs of Mr, and Mrs, Alfred C. Hiller the world, Mrs. Lawson Parks of Oshawa, and Frederick Ross a bell-shaped = skirt with short expressed thanks to Miss Pawson Saunders, son of Mr. and Mrs, sleeves and she carried a posyland presented her with a small the her a couple will Virginia Hiller Becomes Bride Of Fred Saunders Virginia Ruth Hiller, daughter of red fringed white carnations Mrs, Grant Hoy entertained at/accents Chantilly lace GROUPS, CLUBS sage of pink carnations, She was ber she carried a white Bible crest Richards, Jeanne Russell, Elinor ES Lo fowar lr ard oes Frock Sanvan teh Presiding in the trousseau room matel Mrs. D. E. Sturgis and Mr | Fred Saunders of Newtonville, ex- of flowers attached to her purse, gift in appreciation Mrs, A rgis & s a officiating. Mrs. Bruce Searle|/lower hall, The bride's Mrs. Jack Glover Refreshments were served by woollen blanket pink net hat and mauve acces-|der blue hat and accessories with | on a brief sage of yellow carnations The Elinor Wilson, hosted a mother ther, the bride wore future bride wore a black and and daughter shower where the length gown of carnation white brown accessories and a red rose white check nylon taffeta with bride elect was the recipient of Sauvore satin, having an over- hud corsage lace] On thelr return the Pouring tea was Mrs, W. L.|/a buffet luncheon and kitchen | fashioned the long-sleeved bodice Eagleson, mother of the prospec: shower offset with sequins and the full tive bridegroom, who chose a The bride elect received a wool: length skirt swept into a train, | mint green sheath dress with len blanket from the bridge club Her finger-tip veil was gathered assisted during the afternoon by | Following the rehearsal (his ed with tiny red rosebuds Mrs. T. C Russell, Mrs Victor evening Mr. and Mrs. W L Mrs. David Haynes was matron FRIENDLY COUPLES Aldred and Mrs. Thomas Steen Eagleson will entertain the bridal of honor and the bridesmaids I'he Friendly Couple's Club of Serving were the Misses Marlene party were M Diane Rollins and Albert Street United Church met 4 J n gg N y J Wilson and Linda Wilso harge brocaded silk organza, designed and Mr. and Mrs, Lawson Parks Opening the door and in charge bouft Wirts. The bodice of the guest book were the Misses with bouftant sKiris led in the devotional period on Janice and Candy Eagleson, twin featured round necklines and ihe (heme 'Building a Mar a / e y brief sleeves. They wore white was Miss Sandy Clarke, Miss 8 accessories, and carried cas Margaret Russell was in charge of the wedding gifts and Miss Carole Robinson, the room con EA. Bassett were hostesses at changed nuptial vows last Satur Mr Pongles Lester was hen The presidents, Mr. and Mrs BB L ies A! day man and ushering were "Frank Sullivan, presided at the a0 altetions Pas an perionsl The ceremony took place In|{Frank Davis and Mr, Arthur Jel hort business meeting | shower at the former's home Albert Street United Church with|feries of Peterborough ry | mother of the bride-elect poured in the The next meeting will he er, Mrs. Jack|played the wedding music reeived in a brown ensemble by re» Girard and Mrs. George Morgan Given in marriage by her|with beige hat and accessories the committee In charge entertained at a neighborhood tea rather, the bride wore a sheath|and a yellow corsage, The bride at the home of Mrs, Glover where dregs of mauve crepe with algroom's mother was in blue silk| Miss Carole Robinson and Miss sories. She carried a nosegay of|a pink corsage Sandy Clarke were co-hostesses mauve, pink and white flowers As the couple left ¥ [] at a miscellaneous shower atthe Wearing pink silk taffeta, pink|honeymoon the bride. donned a home of the former, headdress and accessories, Miss full-length white mohair coat 1% urpn (] Audrey Gay acted as maid ofl Mr. and My Saunders | od at a miscellaneous shower, honor, Her dress was styled withimake their home in Oshawa ( her on Vi ' \{ MOTHER'S DAY! WITH will white lace trim. Her corsage was linens and bathroom accessories. (skirt of silk organza with aluo live in Oshawa matching jacket and wore a cor- of which her mother Is a mem: a sequin-trimmed lace cap and Dawson, Diane' McNaul, Elaine Mi Beth Dean. All wore identl- recently in the church hall cousins of the future bridegroom Dt herdeauy with riage taining the shower gifts tea the Reverend 8. C. H. Atkinson| A reception followed mother tour of the Dunlop Plant in Whit the bride was presented with a gaijin cummerbund; a mauve and|print with a navy blue coat, pow Mrs, G. L. Boynton entertain ------------------------ | Make ita Geet Day i y UNDERWEAR FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR GIRLS WATSON'S TAILORED UNDERWEAR for Girls, Panties and briefs that combine 'wearing comfort with style and economy, bath luxuries | by | YARDLEY Enjoy Yardley luxuries for your bath--in Lavender, ow, >" Mi {the fragrance of youth. oy 87 y ge pfs opens | in Aptatd / AYE drum | : mod U eed ling FOR BABY WATSON'S TAILORED INFANTS" UNDERWEAR, Choice of four styles, Exclusive diaper tabs, Canadian combed cotton super-soft super absorbent dries quickly, $2.25 and $3.75 DuBARRY win J)inds by Richard Hudnut She'll love it = love you, too LAVENDER SOAP Box of three w= for wherever she wears Seven Winds $1.78 she'll stir up a storm! It's an Cologne Supréme Cologne Mist Bath Powder Perfume Puraette extraordinary new fragrance = part floral, LAVENDER TALC POWDER $1.00 and $1.50 part woodsy, totally devastating Id MITCHELL' Dug Slow SIMCOE SY RA 3243) NT Fp I ------ a a pp Se a A SE 'GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES| MITCHELL'S CORNERS H-8 (John Burch led in the devotional | The April meeting of Mitchell's service on the Easter theme, Corners Home and School Asso-| After the business meeting all | ciation was held recently withiadjourned to the Sunday School Mrs, William Nemis presiding. auditorium where the members| Mrs, Arthur Peeling read thelof Mrs, Byron Worden's group minutes, Mrs, Harry Oyler read put on a fashion show covering] the treasurer's report. [the styles of the past 77 years, Mr, Melville Smith was guest | Refreshments were served by speaker and spoke on the Pro-line group in charge gress being made in the help of |" Be. retarded and handicapped chil- EVER-READY AUX. dren, He played some tape re:| The Ever-Ready Auxiliary of cordings showing the musical Simcoe Street United Church met ability of these children, He als0 on Tuesday, May 3, for the regu- entertained with some selections|lar meeting, 3 on various sizes of harmonica, Mrs. Thomas Basinger, presi- The committee for the school|dent, presided, Mrs, Herbert field day was selected as fol Wurbs, secretary, read the secre- lows: Chairman, Mrs, Harr ¥itary's and treasurer's report, Oyler; committee, Mrs, Arthur Miss Ethel Warne conducted Sleeman, Mrs, George Kings-|the devotional period, She told in| land, Mrs, Stuart Killar, Mrs. detail the life of John Greenleaf Ralph Cooke, Mrs. Peter Shymr, Whiter and read several hymns Mrs, Herb Stewart, Mrs. William and poems he had written dur-| Nemis, Mrs, Henry Alstein, Mrs. ing his lifetime, Miss Cora Har-| Arthur Peeling, vey led in prayer. Mrs, Fred Refreshments were served by williams gave a reading entitled | Mrs, Michael Nemisz and her| "Ten Ways to Kill an Organiza-| committee, tion," | SUNSHINE GROUP |, [he Ct Re Ore oo Wo Tome Meeting of She tury are planning to go to Texas | United Church was held recently '%) # (IEE ERK SOICEY in the ladies parlor with the held at the home of Mrs president, Mrs, Stanley Sargeant, | ga incor the last week in June, presiding Mrs, Fred Willlams and her| Since this was the 13th birth | group served refreshments. day of the group, Mrs, Sargeant ---- ------ -- welcomed several guests who! had come to help celebrate the birthday, Mrs, Herman Pin-| NOTTINGHAM, England (CP) combe, the first president, blew When Ernest Webb moved into out the candles on a beautiful io new home he found the for fecorted a 4 ; ot. | TET occupant was a hoarder of| ogni Bd dining eel milk bottles. At least 1,800 were! Among them the report of thelfound hidden in cupboards and smorgasbord supper to be held|chimneys and behind false wall on May 7 panels, The milk company would Mrs, W Manning and Mrs. |{ake back only 150, STRANGE COLLECTION James Wilson, David and Dayle, from Lindsay; Mr, and Mrs, Ed ward Lovelock, Brooklin Oshawa guests were: Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Taylor, Mr, Leslie Baker, Mr. and Mrs, John Gaz TWO MOD | ALDSWORTH CLEANERS Wish to Announce New Store Hours! At Our 36 Athol St. East Location Open Every Day From 8a.m. to 6 p.m. (Except Sundays and Public Holidays) | New Location! Watch for the Opening of Our New West End Location. Time and Place to be announced soon! Storage Time! Now is the time to Store Your Out-of-Season Garments! FOR FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY DIAL RA 5-1812 vias'? ALDSWORTH CLEANERS 36 ATHOL ST. E. _ OSHAWA ERN STORES IN OSHAWA dik, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patte, Susan, Paul and Jon; Mr. and] Mrs. Donald Fox and Stephen; | Mr, and Mrs, Charles Taylor, | Douglas, Pat and Ronald, Mr, and Mrs. Willlam Taylor, Janet,| Joanne. and Barbara, Mr, and| Mrs. Frank Lovelock and Kelly: | Mr. Ronald Lovelock, Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Fudge, Mr. and| OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS Mpg, Dovalag Kav, Mr, and Mrs, | Steve Piper, Miss Jane Sloan and Misses Cheryl and Vicki Bar- 0) BACKACHE Backache is often d by | kidney action, When kidney ey | 0, diss ost or that tired-out and a headed feeling may soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Ki Then you feel better sleep better --work better, Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. LL] SCARVES 59. Sure-to-Please! Nylon scarves that Lovely fash shades to Zeller's are dainty gifts are sure-to-please! choose Thrift jon-right At from Price! "APRONS | € | Grand gift for a lovely Host. 8! flocked half aprons in a choice of attrac White fabric gloves in at- Sizes 64 as sketched, At es Dainty tractive gift box 7Va. Style smartness, to | | tive colors. Good-looking and for Summer practical Zeller's Special Low Price. sm pr ow a Tr fs lu} ) w Ae ed | JEWEL BO 3.97 4.98 value! Rich. black lacquered mother-of-pearl Oriental and "Baller 3 lovely Special! looking in wood with trims decors A ina" compart. ments gift for Mother PURSES | CUSHIONS 2.98 1.98 Lovely for gift-giving and for your own home, round square shapes covered with various materials in a choice of decorator colors, Zeller's Thrift Price! Smart styles for Spring and Summer. Rich-looking ond " " or long-lasting "Vinyl" plastic in novelty finishes. An ideal | | gift for Mother, ha CUPS AND SAUCERS Imported cups and saucers of a and ot So An FOR DAD WATSON'S "555" CRISSCROSS FRONT, Patented seld-closing front, Reinforced elastic leg opening and matching Jersey fancy bone china variety of tractive floral mn shapes designs. pretty and useful, too idea! gift for Mother, ELECTRIC TOASTERS | TEA KETTLF | 999 762) Gleaming ) Automatic, bright chrome chror Control dark finish knob for super-speed element, aut Easy- A ' toast matic safety control, firm » A light help grip handle Mother to-clean, removable tray great superb gift to in the kitchen DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST, §. Phone RA 3.2294 ZELLER'S LIMITED SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD, §. Phone RA 3.2209

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