lauc ' head . " bho vad -v AV mg Ba - i 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, May 9, i960 Test plece, "The Maid and The Parkinson . Perry, Mrs. G. Hastings. ... ...|tion department, and payment of s Pedlar'" -- 1. West Rouge, Pick-| Grade 6 (two part chorus): Test| Intermediate school choir: all public school debts mot al- ering; Miss E. Downing; 2. Rouge|piece, "The Sea" -- 1. Rosebank|{two-part), test piece, "Where ready assumed by the govern. AJAX Hill, 'Pickering, Miss E. Green; Road Pickering, Mrs. Q. Rum-|Waves Are Tossing" -- 1. Rouge ment. ] 3. Yairport Beach, Pickering, nerfield: 2. Vaughan Willard,|Hill, 1. Bell > Royal commissions would be i Mrs. A. Sibbald. Pickering, D. Real; 3. Bay Road,| Grade 2: (Unison chorus), test appointed to inquire into educa- Grade 2 .(Unison chorus): Test Picker ng, Miss Ss Clayman. piece, "The Meadow 1 Rose- tion and student allowances, the piece, "Bird Songs" 1. Church|" _ -. ob h bank Road, Mrs. M. Merklinger; sale of Quebec Hydro's gas dis- Street, Pickering, Mrs. G.. Rim-| Grade 8 (four part chorus):|s Goodwood, Mrs. J. Wage: 3.tribution facilities to the Quebee mer; 2. Dunbarton, Pickering, Test piece, "Jacob's Ladder" --| Cherrywood, Miss F Clayman. Natural Gas Corporation, and Miss M. L. Elliott: 3. Fairport 1. Rouge Hill, J. Ladd; 2. Dun-| Grade 4, (Unison chorus). test|government administration under Beach, Mrs. N. Denny: Rouge|barion, b Walker; 3. Brooklin| piece, "The Boy and the Sheep" the Union Nationale." Hill, Pickering, Miss N. Jamie- senior, Miss G. Pugh, -- 1. West Rouge, Mrs. E. Wyles: need son Grades 7-8 (four part chorus):|2. Dunbarton, Miss K. Leadlay, Junior School Choir, (Unison Test piece, "Go Down Moses" --|Brooklin senior, Miss G Pugh; 3 max. 50): Test piece, "Sleeping | (lengrove, Pickering, H. Brin-{Dr. Robert Thornton, Whitby Fairy" -- 1. Dunbarton, Miss K|4,a. 2 Vaughan Willard, Picker-|township, Miss S. Kirkey. Leadlay; 2. West Rouge, Picker- ing, John Tickle; 3. Cherrywood, Boys' «Chorus, (two-part, un- ing: Miss E. Downing, Rouge ype Mm Ogletree, and Bay Road changed woices); test piece, NATURAL GAS Hill, Miss E .Green: 3. Dr. Rob- Pickering, Miss K Cunningham. '| "Bonavist Harbour" 1. Rose- ert Thornton, Whitby township; 4 A * "* |bank Road, V Vieran; 2. Glen- Miss S. Kirke: Junior room (unison chorus: grove Schoo!, W. Fraser. | Grade 6: (Two-part chorus) Test piece, "A Merry Comrade"|" Grade 4, (Unison Chorus), test| 1% YOUR test piece, "My Mountain Home" |-- 1. S8' No. 5, Uxbridge, Miss|piece, "Sleepy Goose Girl" -- 1. Fairport Beach, Mrs. E.|D. Watson; 2. Baseline, Picker-|__ 1 vaughan Willard, Miss M. BEST BUY : Bs Huebret, West Rouge; Mrs. T.|ing, Mrs, M. Squires; 3. Brock|Norton; 2. Bay road, Pickering, p Hartford, Dunbarton, J. Fox; 3. Hoad, Pickering, Mrs. V. Kench,| Miss K. Cunningham : Eg or 5 » Lincoln Avenue, Pickering, Mrs. Greenwood, Miss E. Stearman. School Choir, (three part), test D. Duncan Senior room (two part chorus): |piece, "Bluebells of Scotland" Girls' triple trio: test piece, yegt piece, "Ye Waichers and Ye| --Port Perry, Mrs. G. Hastings, "A Dancing" -- 1. St. Andrew's, |i iv Ones" -- 1. Whitevale, R.|Rouge Hill, J. Ladd: 3. West & Ajax: Miss B. McCall; 2. St|paiNiov:'s Green River. J. Shep.|ROUge, Mrs. T. Hartford and EATIN : Andrews, Ajax, Mrs. M. Harman. |... "and Brock Road, E. Lange; | Dunbarton, B. Walker Boys' Triple Trio: (Unchanged q Baseline, Pickering, R. Hue-| Tn Voice): test piece "The -. Sen ry" 1 -- 1. St. Andrew's, |e - Harman: 2. St. An-| School choir (three part): Test 0S ita an > piece, "Buy My Tortillas," SS No.| /i ] Three-part, up to 5, Uxbridge, Miss D. Watson; 2. V; of 70 voices) test piewes 'Aurora' Green River, J. Si Y hepherd; 3 a and "Love Divine" 1. Si. An- Brougham, E. Challice, and P d B 1 's, Ajax; Mrs. sf Harman romise Whitevale, Ross Fairley 2 The Evangelist, Whit: yn " nisor chorus, test Ce, : by. Sister M, Rose; 3. St. An orus, test piece, "1a Fn en wo ti ol a (Quebec Party Girls' choir: hree part ---- u to 50 voices), test piece '"May Grades 3 to 8: tu Sone" 1, Fairiort Beaoh. Wis (test piece. "Hunting MONTREAL (CP)--One of the R. Walker; 2. Brooklin Sr., Miss Mount Pleasant, Mrs. E. Johns-|fi'st acts of a Quebec Liberal B Pugh on government would be to estab- lish a hospital insurance plan al- School choir: (Four-part, max Rural school choir (three part) : 3 y 70 voices(, test piece, 'Haydn's Test pie ce, "Ode to Joy" -- 1,[[OWing residents to share in the NOTHING DOWN 3 } federal plan while retaining their No Payment Hymn "Minka St An- Miss B. Rogers. titut i ht Lib 1 drew's, Ajax, Mrs. M. Harman . ree part chorus): Constitutional rights, Libera . Junior Church Choir, (Two or T piece, "One Morning in the Leader Jean Lesage s=id Vriday Until September 1 ! three part. unchanged voices) Meadow' 1. St. Andrew's, |25 De unveiled his pariy's elec boys and or girls under 18. test|Ajax, Mrs. M. Harman: 2. St |uon platform Easy payments over piece, competitor's choice -- 1. drew's, Ajax, Neil Ellis and St.| Speaking at a press conference 5 St. Paul's United, Ajax; 2. St.|Apdrew's, Ajax, Mrs. M. Har. attended by Liberal candidates YEARS Bernadette's, Ajax; Sister M. .n and party organizers from all 95 on monthly gas bills Mariella. tied. St Paul's Unite . Onehee consti Mr 1 Hel : Joys' three part choir (up. |Quebec , VAI chi Installs compists gas Ajax, J. R. Russe Fran- hanged voices): Test piece, "A|53ge 'also promised to pay a $14.60 70 i, Sa cis de Sales, Pickering. Mrs Rovi 1) Andrew's, | bonus of $10 a month to old age, cluding labour and ma Mar: ng 1 d M eailad a " terials to connect with Br + Chol: Ajax, H McKee; 2, Lord Elgin, |9 sabled and blind pensioners nearest existing hase i il Choir: I'wo part \jax, T. McGurk, Parkside, Ajax who can pass a means test ment duets. changed voices, max. 50) test sbiahia 4 ' piece. 'The Trou = _|J. R, Russell He said supplementary pay-| $5.60 monthly Inatalie & lin senior, Wallace: 2 Grade ! (unison chorus): Test/ments will be established in the most furnaces. Rouge. Pickering W. Reed: 3. Piece, "Good morning, Merry|first session of the next legisla Lincoln avenue. Pickering, Mrs. Sunshine' 1. West Rouge, Miss|ture if his party is elected, -and, CHANGE-OVER CAN BE A. Jowitt S. McCord; 2. Rouge Hill, Miss/he added, "We are assured ofl DONE IN A FEW HOURS t I School. choir: (four-part) test B. B airport Beach, Mrs, |victory." Units for all types of home heating st piece. two contrasting E. Graham, Rouge Hill. Mrs. N ra rovincial elec s piece, t onirasting A general provincial election is FREE BURNER SERVICE 2 ian ' {7 » i rr £. b rs, own choice -- 1. Ux-|Code to be held June 22. Your Gas company doss not employ door-te- wi . High School, J. Ricciar-| Grade 6 two part chorus door salesmen nor telephone canvassers. For 5 i ; } deli Test piece, "Isle of Beauly" -- | SIMILAR TO ONTARIO | information 'about deaiers iicensed by ¢ Church choir (four part): Test|l. Lord Elgin, Ajax, Mrs. I. Gan-| The supplementary payments, | Ontario Ful Baard fo sel avd fsth 4 pieces, (a) hymn from a stan-|non; 2. St. Andrew's, Ajax. i. Similar to those paid in Ontario A of €-38 dard hymnal, (b) "Now Let Every McKee; 3. St. Andrew's, Ajax,/and some western provinces Tongue Adore Thee" -- 1. ChurchbiMrs. M. Davidson aud St \n. Would cost the provincial treas- (Consumers Das of The Holy Trinity Ajax, E.|drew's, Ajax, H. McKee ury $20,000,000, he said. : Karry; 2. Whitby United, Mrs.| Junior school choir. to grade 4 Mr. Lesage said Su a RA 3 3468 D. Beaton: 3. Emmanuel Reform |(unison): Test piece, ** ly One|Would extend, at provincial cost,| - church Whitbt township J. | Morning 1. Rosebank Road, |the old age allowance to needy ay Mrs. M. Merklinger; 2. Good. | Widows and unmarried women Grade 7 (three-part chorus): wood, Mrs. E. Foskett; 3. Clover-|Petween 60 and 65. SUPPORT THE Test piece, 'Softly Now ight|Lane, Mrs. E. Fells, and Glen-| He said the Liberal party prom. of Day" -- 1. St. Andrew's, Ajax, grove. Miss J. Patterson. ises free tuition at all levels of|¢ HOSPITAL DRIVE! ¢ Mrs, M. Harman; 2 n-| Grade 3 (unison chorus): Test|educations, free books for stu-|de pm mmmmmmmamamanad 1 Rose. dents in schools under the juris-| drew's, Ajax, Mrs. G 3. | piece, "Lovely April" St. Andrew's, Ajax, Miss B. Mc. bank Road, Miss N. Tedford; 2.| Coll and Colborne Street, Whitby, grove, Mrs. J atterson, | Mrs. J. Bair Vaughan Road, Mrs, S. Vierin, | Grade 5 (two part chorus) Junior school choir (two parts) Test piece, "Far Off and Nearby" | Test piece, "Mary and Martha" -- | ~ 1, Rosebank Road, Miss M.|1. Lord Durham, Ajax, W. Out- | Palmer; 2. Glengrove, W.iram; 2. Lord Elgin, Ajax, Mrs. | Fraser; 8. Cherrywood, Miss ¥.|I. Gannon; 8. Parkside, Ajax, Clayman Mrs. E. Pike. Grade 7 (three part chorus Girls' triple trio: Test piece, | Test piece, "Wooden Shoes" "My Love's an Arbutus" -- 1. 1. Lincoln Avenue, Pickering, G.|Rouge Hill, Miss N. Jamieson; | Brown; 2. West Rouge, Mrs. T.|2. Fairport Beach, Mrs. R. Walk- Pictures show some of the | are: the Junior School Choir, | ram; Hebron Christian Reform girls' chojr from Ajax, and Port | directed by Mrs. G. Hastings winners at Ajax Music Festival | from Lord Durham School Church Choir, Whitby; St. An Perry three-part school choit, | ~Photots by John Mills | last week. From the top they Ajax, with directors W. Out- | drew's Senior School, three-part -- mre ---- w-- mm ------ | Grade 8 (four part chorus): |ley; 2. Lord Elgin, Ajax, Mrs FESTIVAL RESULTS Test piece, "Stars of the Sum-|Price; Lord Durham, Ajax mer Night, 1. St. Andrew's|G. Adair; 3. Parkside. Ajax senior 'school, Ajax, Mrs. M.|Mrs. R. Gra) Harman; 2. Colborne Street! Grade 4 (unison chorus Test school, Whitby, Mrs. J. Bain; 3.| piece, 'The Flower of China T an nN St, Andrew's senior school, Neil| |. Lord Durham, Ajax, Mrs. M Oo © . El Wood; 2. Lord Durham, Ajax, Ww Adult choir (four part) : Test| \*S. P nst 3. Lord Elgin, v g > o Jale ehale vioke part) s Vout! Jio ¥, Wingo Bo 0 fon 00 Vik We Blueprint For The Future... x Rotary Even ETE Ae Rn or a form Church, Whitby, S. Red-| Test piece, "O Come With Me" Ai tw Wem fern; 2. The Islanders, Port po 1. Lord Elgin, Ajax, T. Me- 4 OUR (0) N ye within the first hree,|ing Township, J. Ladd: 2. Port| Perry, Miss F. Sandison Gurk; 2. Lord, Durham, Ajax AJAX (Staff The fourth an-|not com : " . phage pil] bn ht . " Outram, Par nual Ontario County Music Fes- were within a mark or two Perry school, Mrs. G. Hastings Grade 3 (unison chorus): Test RR' woods u Parkside, Ajax, og . ' HE bs k Parkside, . Ajax, ; tive! was h in the Com Girls' triple trio: Test piece,| School choir -- three part proce hen Day. i Park-| Mrs, E. Pike, Parkside Ajax | nity Centre, Ajax, last week. Due|"Come Again, Sweet Love" --1.|(max. 40 voices, must include|Side junior school, Ajax, Miss R.| J kK Adair Many P : i} g V 1 ir Ae lien . J y Plans LJ $o the increasing number of en-|Rosebank Road school, Pickering|boys): Test piece, "Bendemeer's lindall; 2. St. John the Evange.| gage 5. (Two part chorus): $50 to $5,000 end repayment schedules. | tries each year, time was ex-|\Township, teacher y t-|Stream" -- 1. Vaughan Willard |!st; Whitby, Mrs. M. McNenley. | mest piece, "Winter Goodbye" | Without Endorsers y | panded Fils, year The lestival forth; 2. Vaughan Willard school, school, Pickering township Grade 2 psn Piha Test 1. St. Francis de Sales, Picker-| or Bankable Security | fan luesday evening and con-|pjckering township, teacher, |Tickle; 2. Cherrywood, Mrs. M.| Piece ver the Meadow' -- ing; Mrs. L. Bolger: 2. Rouge Loans Life Insured ; A Sinued through the wedk, includ: Jo! Tickle; 3. Cherrywood|Ogletree; 8. Rosebank, Mrs. M Parkside, pias, Vs 5 De: Hill, 1. Bell; 3. Brooklin Sr.. Mrs. And you can have it this very Spring ng evenings, except Thursday. ischool, teacher, Mrs. M. Ogle-|Wittforth Inaine; <. Parkside, Ajax, Mrs B. Phair ' WN' - More than 8000 singers were tree School Choir (four part, max Whelan: 8. Parkside, Ajas ys Grade 5. (Two part chorus): : with the help of BRO N N LUM entered in the many classes, with] Girls' Choir--three part (max. 50 voices): Glengrove school,| Mrs L. Nisbet i gin, AJAX. pest piece, "Winter Goodbye" -- BER & SUPPLIES! Stop in this week to ¢chool children predominating, 40 voices): Test piece, 'Slumber Picket Tos 4 ' ; 1. St. Francis de Sales, Picker- 3 '1d: b provision - was made for|Song" -- 1. Cover Lane school, ing Township, H. Brindza;| Grade 1 (unison chorus): Test|ing, Mrs. L. Bolger; 2. Rouge i | look over our top-quality buildin ma- imcoe >t. Nort - re rs , tesel 2. Rouge Hill school, Pickering niece, 'St I's Song ; church choirs, school choirs and| Pickering Township, teacher us, » g hepherd's mg 1. | Hill, I, Bell; 3. Brooklin senior, . . high school xehairs Mrs. E. Fells: 2. Rosebank Road township, J. Ladd = Parkside, Ajax, Mrs. Hope Fair- Mrs. B. Phair. OFFICES. THROUGHOUT ONTARIO H terials. Get FREE estimates on the Below 75 the list of winners in|School, Pickering Township, Mrs m---- ren ---------- - - vm ------------ ATE a sh each group. In most cases the/M. Wittforth . « |}| cost. We'll advise you from start to markings by adjudicator Dr. Les-| Boys' triple trio (unchanged ini [ lie R. Bell, were extremely close. yor: "he poe {Zucnanged finish gies completely supervise your In many cases those who did 'Boat' : 1. Rouge Hill, Picker- ' construction. We'll also be happy to help you arrange Easy Financing. See us this week ! DOGS Want a new boat = Bl Your Home. will go for 53 Township of East Whitby y J, Go our attractive, protec- tive roofing. Mat | By-Law No. 1545 for the family? \ | ap fv) roofing. stately 5-6 room home as low 1.---No person shall alfow a dog to run at I rge on i 4 ¢ a $10.00 @ month. parcels of land of 5 acres or under, within the 3 limits of the Township of East Whitby, dur- ing the months of May, June or July , 2) ; y : . Hurry in to us for ad- 2.--No person shall allow a dog to run at large | A : PE vice on home building anywhere in the Township of East Whitby from J ? J : ' ; or remodelling Re- Sunset to Sunrise at any time of the Year. i Y member you get bet --No Dog shall be allowed by its owner to become @ nuisance or cause annoyance or damage to " for _sorvice Wom nd any person or property at any time of the Year. Cl a d Co > y i , home town lumber dealer! te suit your budget. John --Any dog found running ot large may be dispos- ed of by the police or any person appointed for oo» this purpose by the Municipal Council | M PERIAL DOG TAXES i BANK lo BROWN'S LUMBER Dog Taxes in 1960 will be paid to the Township v. talus SE Assessor, who will issue licences and Dog Tags. 2.--~All owners of Dogs must be prepared to pay the ; & SUPPLIES LTD. Dog Tax te the Township Assessor on demand. nent oss Suter of 4 Shir-Sgreny W888 Hepat 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH George Farncomb, Clerk Township of Fost Whithy . DIAL RA 5-4704 OSHAWA, ONTARIO ------