Cd eh Te i Se Te i in in he ed ia ees i itl oi a dE ol gb af Gt. of 4 dhe Oshawa Sine SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1960 PAGE THIRTEEN Outpatient Plea Made The Oshawa and District Labor Council, Tuesday night, decided| to ask M. B. Dymond, MD, Min- ister of Health, to consider in- creasing outpatient service in On- tario, "even if it increases the amount we have to pay in premiums'. The decision came after read- ing a letter from Dr. Dymond. The letter pointed out it is true the hospital service plan showed a surplus for its first year of operation. However, it said, "it should be borne in mind that this was a small surplus and the # ave predicated on a two -yeaf operation. "With: imcreasing costs already evident, during the current year, I' feelilt is quite safe to suggest this surplus will barely be suf- ficient to meet those increased ©osts, * "However, 1 assure you that expansion of service is constant- ly in our minds and under dis-| cussion," the letter finished. Hospital Fund Drive | OSHAWA GIRLS TAKE HONORS In the winners' circle at | tends Coronation public school | nine-year-old sister, Francis, Lindsay Music Festival last | and Laurie attends Harmony | whose solo effort brought her week, two Oshawa girls, Kath- | public schooi, Both are pupils : ; Passes 128, 20 0 Mark erine Maroosis, daughter of Dr. | of Mrs. L. Parrott. They play- a third prize for her class was J. P. G. and Mrs. Maroosis, of | ed "Slavonic Dances" in their | singled out by the adjudicator smi .1M. Paplyk 5.00 F D: i 10.00] 494 King street east, and Laurie | prize-winning effort, and were | for special praise for her "mu HM. th, campaign chair it |W. Andrey" 10.40) McKay, daughter of Dr. W. G. | highly commended by adjudi- | sical appreciation, which was man of the Oshawa General Hos-|3 Burk 26.00 and Mrs. McKay of 845 Kingston | cator Eric Lewis of Toronto. | marked for such a young stu- ERR LF EF EF RCE DET SS RFI ssEzassieis " 8 8 & 8 s8 Er EINE ANS LENO 23333823322888323333222222332233822 3832823322222 338 BRENER.8 cupBSeE El Mrs. R. C Henry |Mrs. Ettie Hastings Miss Helen T. Hutchison Melchin Auto Transport Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Lander | Atlas Asbestos Co. Ltd., |Dr. W. J. Langmaid Thomas Gibson and Co. Litd., | V. Godden Wm. Dodwell | City of Oshawa Employees | Chief H, Flintoff |J. Heywood |D. Chestnut |Dr. H. C. Stevens D. Carnochan F. Forshee |F. 8. Wotton | D. 'Johnston J. Gooding J. Lloyd H. Smith L. Harlow L. White C. Mitchell gasn S38 pause BS SRE hs Smith Northern Canada Supply Employe C. 'Coulthard 8 > ES TA ao £38338 8888883: 88a [yy an Reported to date Romanchuk pia | Bulg Fund, zeporecth: Fieri Ba huk 10.40] road east appeared as winners | He said that the . standard | dent". A 'slight technical im- By pando $128,275.25. Sgeremtt Ahead. ino of the piano duet competition | throughout the festival was perfection" offset her perfors The list of contributions wll Pointon Mazurkiewicz so| for 14 and under. Katherine at- | "very, very high". Katherine's ' mance. 4 previously acknowledged ~~ fol-|F: Davies Cosse © 3 0 lows: Tipton Fita Ey vl | Previously acknowledged Winter . Ross 20.80 Hendersons Book Store Bathe Bespaly 20.80 : Offer $ 1 0 0 For Lander Stark Oil Limited Dingley Klemock =| | Mr, and Mrs. David Lander Dusty Geary (to gare a Bot Hate " | Mike's Place Ltd. Shank & 26.00| M. Jackym "Ret Of ° 'Mu tt = BED id urn 'atterson A i". Tulloc! JFeston 4 powell aol BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --| Mrs. Bagnell said since then Caer 0 eer lao He's not valuable as a hunter.|Domino has. taken over as a Oke Neill 5.00{As a niaiter of fact he's even member of the family. He is not ae Sharp gun shy, Nor is he a purebred.|an. expensive dog, not is he worth Kozy Palmer He's just an ordinary mutt own-|intrinsically near the $100 of- Marcisz Simcoe ed by LAC Gary Bagnell, now|fered for his return, except to the Bh aransk} Susney serving with the RCAF in Cold|family. : Korobij Lake, Alta, "In nearly every letter we get ander For that reason, and because|/from Gary, he asks for his dog. Worobeo "he is like. a member of the|We are expecting him home on Hlivak family," Mr. and Mrs. W. W.|leave early in June. It will be a K. Brignting Bagnell, 36 Scugog street, Bow- terrible shock to him when he manville, are offering a reward|returns and finds his dog miss- of $100 to anyone informing theming, 5 " of the whereabouts of Domino. "We are sure, if 'Domino' was 4 Domino is a part Labrador Re-|dead, we would have heard by ¥ 3 triever, black with a white patch/now, so we are not giving up 4 fs on his chest, weighs about 60 hope. We want very much to get DOMINO AND GAIL pounds and was wearing a red him back for Gary and 'we're F Wi in collar with 1959 Bowmanville dog sure iv s still alive," said Mrs. 4 ? J tag No. '300 attached when last|Bagne Lod G or 11I11eS8S By eed is m ge Greets The' dog was given to LAC Bag- abouts of "Domino" is Rue to BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Ay"house arrest" pending: receipt nell and his two sisters, Lynne call the Bagnell e; MArket D M t charge of breaking, entering and|of a pre-sentence report for wu Gail about six years ago. |3-3585, collect, and" thé reward epu as er theft against an Oshawa youth, same offence testified i will be paid for his return with- Thomas Joseph Hallett, 18, 476|Hallett Tuesday. out question. At a mieetirig of Lebanon Lodge Albert street, was Tuesday ad-| Billion said Hallett, LaVoy and| S d d On in the Masonic Temple, Worship. journed until May 24 for the himself. drove to Bowmanville] uspen e ful Master Walter Famme, sup. Crown to locate one of its wit-|April 15 in his car and LaVoy 903 Child . ported by his officers, welcomed nesses, decided to 'break into Burley Bus 1 fen the District Deputy Grand Mase Ernest LaVoy, 18, of Boulton, | Lines terminal. Fraud Char € ter, the Rt. Wor. Bro. E. F. who has already heen 'convicted| According to Billion, Hallett did| . Russell Osborne, on his annual SHURA IN THE BOTTOM PICUTRE, | secretary; C. Patton, vice-presi- | ci ; and special guid John Matthews, president of | dent; Walter Bathe, president; | classes for youths at the hall. the Oshawa Y's Men's Club, | H. Watson, district governor} 4 |G. presents an honorary Y's Men's | J, Matthews, past president; They have also spent oyer 300 1d Pin to Tim Nelson, assistant di- | and K. Connor, treasurer, The | hours in other youth activities, rector of Simcoe Hall. The Pin | pictures were taken, at a past | suck as the bowling league for |C. is a mark of recognition for | president's dinner, Tuesday, at | youth which they. sponsor. The | Mr. Nelson's association with | the Hotel Genosha. The 20 | club has set a higher number |T. Montagane the club during the past year. | young men in the club have | of hours of service for the com- |A. Horbetz The presentation of the pin was | donated over 400 hours in youth | ing year, and are looking for |f; inttzsettl a complete surprise for M.. Nel-| activities at Simcoe Hall, | more members to help them |J. Rosati son. In the top picture, from | Among their interests are | with their community work. P. Mastrangelo left to right, are: Art Goodall, | minor basketball leagues; art ~Oshawa' Times Photo || Ostapowieh ---------------- 5 Porter . Pr b Tuesday given one year suspend: | Arthur C. Dwyer, 19, of New- |i. Wiatrowskd Gets 0. ation ed sentence when he appeared|castle, who was convicted of pos-|S: Bust before Magistrate R. B. Baxter|session of a stolen vehicle. % Balko 3 charge var 'the Brock On Car Theft on a charge of car theft Dwyer was remanded out of Sock Eade pleaded guilty April 19| N : D. Gould {custody pending receipt of a pre-|g' gweet BOWMANVILLE (Staff) and was remanded for sentence|sentence report May 24, R. Hopkins William James Eade, 18, former. Tuesday Eade said he stole a car in|} Johnstone ly of Orono and now residing After being sentenced, Eade {Orono April 18 after talking it|J. Crosmas with his parents in Galt, was testified against. an accomplice, lover with Dwyer at work. M. of the same offence will bi not want to break into the bus R g d F inspection. > ere BOWMANVILLE (Statf) -- S8€ 1stere or Accompanying the Rt. Wor. turned to testify against his{ terminal 80 he took Billion's car LAE friend. back to Oshawa. Because restitution has been Bro. was Wor. Bro. A. W. Allin, "I didn't want to break-in/made, and: because complainant Kind district secretary, and the Rev. Bidother, Oshawa youth, Davide er so I kept watch while|blamed friends of the accused, a ergarten Wor. Bro. A. G. Scott, district At Ernie LaVoy went into the sta-/Toronto man, John Tungstead : chaplain. tion. Hallett came back to Bow-|52, 477 Danforth avenue, was re A total of 903 children have] Bro. Garnett Tubb, Junior » manville in his own car and/manded out of custody on a|been registered for kindergarten Steward of Lebanon Lodge, pro- Fire Guts |drove us back to Oshawa," Bil-|charge of fraud, He will appear|classes starting September in|posed the toast to Grand Lodge, [lion said. for sentence when called upon. Oshawa's public schools. to which the Rt. Wor. Bro. Rus- | Arnold Harman, bus lines: man-| Albert Pos. said Tungstead,| 'In May, 1959, 848 children were, sel Osborne responded and spoke Bedrooms |ager, described for.the court how|and two othe unknown men ap-|registered for kindergarten and on the work and principals of |entry was gained to th in al1062 enrolled when school| Masonry. y. gained to the work proached him September 28 in a Nae | The Junior Warden of Lebanon SRENEENEES ana aE Eee BREE ESE RE ERE RE 833822388223 383838 | shop on the night in question. He|deal for a quantity of apples, [started in September. 883338 BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --|50¢ ; Fire shortly before noon Tues-|Sid there was evidence of ham-| rypgetesd jssed a cheque for| Registrations for each of the i day gutted a bedroom 'if-a Brown ng g at the dOOT, 1453 drawn on a Highland Creek|city's public schools which have: y included the Rt. Wor. Bro. street home and caused Reni nd a pane of glass had been bank for payment for the apples. kindergartens are: Adelaide Mc-| yamec Jackson, PDDGM, the Rt. SEREELELE RNs snanan >» SS smoke damage to the downstairs re. Inia, one of Burley' The cheque was returned stamped| Laughlin, 60; Cedardale, 30; Col-/wor, Bro. W. G. Bunker, of the two family home. |drivers, identified a box of tools Foiviid 5 Se outbreak Which taken in the break-in as his. Poss said the accused and two Duke of Edinburgh. 61; E. A . Cod Lod in a bedroom in the down-| Herman Petman, 174 Stevenson » S&S Harry Palmer, ar ge, stairs apartment at 71 Brown|road, said Hallett and SYenson other Er Spun; ¥ hen s Yl Lovell, 62; Gertrude Colpus, 56;|Wor. Bro, W. McDonald, Park- street, occupied by .Mr. and|youth came to him and sold him| ot '0 Ms place for the apples. Harmony, 8; Mary Street, 33;/wood Lodge, Wor. Bro. B. J. Mrs. Earl Ross and their two|the stolen tools for $7, He said/He said ke knew the accused by North Simcoe, 82; Ritson, 98;|Stedwick Temple Lodge. children, Joy, 4, and Jeff, 2, is|Hallett brought the other man to[$i8ht," but. not 'by name, South Simcoe, 27; Sunset Heights, Wor, Bro. Jack Riley, Cedar unknown. {him, but had nothing to do with! "I think' his friends 'ave 'to|61; Vincent Massey, 25; West-|Lodge, responded to the toast to v Ne one was home when fire|the transaction, blame for. this, not him." mount, 43; Woodcrest, 52. the visitors. roke out. Mr. Ross and her two children left the house shortly before the outbreak. Tenants in the upstairs D. Tmowsky apartment, Mr. and Mrs. Jack |. Blaszezyk Hughes and their two daugh- 13. Straszewski EL bing Darlene and Cindy, were . Mattachione 11.70|away when fire broke out. H Meier 10.40 | |L. Fracz 13.00) The upstairs apartment suffer- IM. Haslak 6.50 ed only minor smoke damage, P. Lysaniwich 6.5 . A. Broad 26.00 The home is owned by Gerry N. Skochko 13.00 Peters, Courtice, He arrived on |the scene shortly after. firemen {had extinguished the blaze. CELEBRATING Within a minute and 15 sec- {onds after the first alarm was BIRTHDAYS sounded, volunteer firemen of the {Bowmanville brigade had the Congratulations and best |first truck on its way to the fire. | wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district yo are celebrating birth | Plan Protest Mrs. Mary Saider, 90 La- Salle avenue; Kay Demar- T eski, 509 Crerar avenue; | 0 ounci' Marilyn Demareski, 509 Crerar avenue; Robert Brew- | A delegation of ratepayers are ster, 489 Park road south; |planning to protest the flood situ- Patrick Cavanaugh, 97 Athol [ation in Oshawa to City Council, street east; Brenda Black, 66 [next Monday. They hope to Second. avenue; Karen Mor-' |have 100 delegates rison, Box 201, Airport Apts.; The decision was made Steve Melnichuk, 79 Pontiac; hatepavers meeting in : Central Ruby Stephenson, Burketon; |park Boulevard south home, last Ln Wachanald. 1124 Clover- |night. ale; Mrs. Grace Graham, | : . : 296 Celina street; Mrs. How- A 'spokesman for . the.. group, . (said, "if we are going to pay Jers. EE 2. Dow: taxes, something should be done", Groat, RR 1, Oshawa; Mrs. [Many persons in the area have ¥ {lost washing machine's, dryers. Gladys Scott, Courtice road; | 4 * v4 James Vaillancourt 449 and other items that are stored in Montrave avenue. the basements. The. first Tive pen ; in. | The ratepayers group feel that Br The Cane astts.ty i. k is time that the city of Osh- Sgss 8838 "No Account", lege Hill, 50; Conant, 27; Coron-| ppPGM, V. Wor. Bro. Art Clark, ation, 51; Dr, C. F. Cannon, 74; Temple Lodge, V. Wor. Bro. BRE 38s Kosciesza 82 . Szydlowski S. Pobis E Malski J. Issel N. Medevev I. Skarczwsky Follest Meier iJ. Gagnon W. Brzexinski B. Jaroszko F. Ston D. Tarasuk BEES ee BEER. 3888323358528 F Zukowsky == 883 : awa call in a consulting engineer their birthdays each day will to rectify the flood situation in - & Na] oe . i a 3 \ 3 } CCA RUXILIARY AIDS : receive double tickets to the ' ¢ HOSPIT, Regent Th Oshawa, if the city engineer vam Su aur AH fA AL Regent Theatre, good for a (Obhawa, i the city ene | MUD SLIDE WRECKS LAKEFRONT BOATHOUSE dion Corps A ede, tion L ana nit president Elizabeth Caver- | the association's committee for | rent attraction is "Cash Me- A committee meeting will be| The recent rains have ex- les, 195 Kluane St., after parts | rear wall. The roof, rest boat, appropriately named Auxiliary, © M hill while looking on at right | the camnaign, who accepted | Call". {held at 2 p.m. on Saturday to| tensively eroded the lakeshore | of the cliff slid more than 30 | the boat at the right of the -- "Putty" was twisted and filled donated $100 to the Oshawa 8 Mrs. HO! secreiar v | the contribution on behalf of Reports on birthdays will discuss the situation more fully. | in the Bonniebrae Point area. | feet dows the embankment into | ture, wag lifted and thrown i : : General "1 the Ladies Auxiliary. At left is | the hospi; be received only between the Don Howe, 89 Central Park Shown above is all that re- | the structure. The cement | into the water. Five feet of with concrete blocks but ds hours of 8 a.m. and 10 am. |Ponlevard south, was elected] mains of a boathouse and boat | block boathouse was complete- } mud cover what used to be the | otherwise all right. Fund, signi he chequ Wende. re r, © - i T. | ning the jue is | Wendell Brewster, chairman of Oshawa Times Photo | presid of the group. | on the property of Robert Fair- | ly demolished except for the | west wall of the boathouse. The ~--Oshawa Times Phote: