THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Moy 11, 1960 (50--=Articles for Sale |SO----Articles For Sale 1 RADIO and record player, re | FOUR lawn chairs for sale, , Southam Service CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING En "von reseave. AA ov rs wing wed mais; eOrganized (81773. Ee _____|ome hobby spring horse, $10; both in (Continued from Page 15) | GIRLS bieyele, ust ike new, full pap, TE oon. RA yn -- OTTAWA (CP) -- Reorganiza-| T RA 5-639, LLOYD baby carriage, te, #00dition of Southam News Services| iia duatiiubia rn | cOnAiition, $15. RA 5-6624, | 47 Automobiles for Sole |50--Articles for Sale GOOD steel ofl furnace, easing and| oor land appointment of Charles i geste Bo, of four-door | GIBBARD solid walnut shina cabinet, FR%% petiset condition," 990. Phone) LL Oe Re aa a Lynd 35 ciel wos announced| , blag "36 Meteor Ni fl Sxcell -- p------------ large. Apply 97 Albert Street. Tuesday agar! A [19 FT. by 8 - fi. outboard cabin|yy Ue highest prices in the city for| o : | Chey, deluxe; $995; '35| SGC RDION and cave, Corelli, 120 bass, cruiser, completely outfitted with oOF| ary' fy prices, y Jor ; ' hin] Dodge, tie new, 157 50 Ot, 8: aly Berl ied, "Th Wisom 8. ups 5 Wibows engines, HA $411 Lae sire: RA 3327s 14 Dineen DOU. es upon' tab been chief po 's3 Pontine, eomto Spm er. | WESTINGHOUSE Laundramat, almost "carriage, good condition, pt of the Southam Ofitawa bureau 57981. 1952 OLIVER Caterpillar, front end new, $165. Telephone RA 80071. Cash.lup for car bed. Very reasonable. 90 Huet lie Othin, buvedus are at| = |londer, % yard bucket with 6 cylinder |Z Tamm H dburn Street. A 3 ashington an on. '% BUICK hardtop, in excellent eon-|jo cies motor Recently overhauled GUNS, smminition dud luniing up, bu eet. RA 05-4318 8 dition, $505. Terms. Try "Stew" ati) hone COMax 32075, a ara ans JV Dar pany Mike Starr's RA 5-5646. ts Lu ---- -- er | OWN, minion re Store, ond 5 GHEY, deine Two tone, good Fun ONE Governor's Lady table cloth, one Street West. RA 5.651 Kd + deluxe, oe SOV +»| Tose doily, one multi-colored dolly, four | rua cie civic" typewriter, good snap; ning car, only $335, Verma Try "Stew" | qoilies of different patterns. RA 3-3994. 4150 adding machine, reasonable. Apply 0 | 1 a oT AURAN : RCA VICTOR 56 super model television bon Str 7% AUSTIN Healey Sprite, (0nneas|y, beautiful condition, $159, terms, ------ a cover and top. Phone RA 5-125 after|gn, Gown and $10 per month, Meaghers| UNCLAIMED all rm door $16; windows, $5 and up, Colonial ee | 3 King Street West, =~ Aluminum Industries, Ltd., 515 Brock two tone, best| SGOGRDION piano, ass, prac-|Street North, Whitby, MO 8.5861 Mike Starr's ically new, beautiful ar -- $175, mother of pearl keys, RA 52974,|BLUFE Planet juior bicycle, in good errr m---- i 1 lS e----reren en -- --- condition. Apply ured venue, 7 tie, radio ~ ll Cid ps PY. + Caner ILibe Ther: 7 ey lou door, Aulomatic, io, SIMMONS inner spring mattress, very| yo; lo water heater, sass] OTTAWA (CP) General ap-|Liberal, There are four vacan- tween 6 and § p.m. IRA 5.5588. lined, 50-gallon, RA 8-5524, i proval was expressed Tuesday cies. TTA , Twodos. Seley, Toiiv. | GORBORT wore SIMPLICITY garden . tracior, 5 Hp, Night as the Senate moved to sel| He suggested membership of washers, $2000. Must curvy Quickie RA 8-530 good working condition, with tiller. yp a committee to search out/the committee should be "be- 2214 A -- pa---- Telephone RA 51047 or eall 595 Stone cures for unemployment, But the yond politic "" 1 DODGE, #30 or best offer. Tele |iorios Kelvinator refri ASEAN 5 TID government took some digs for| Senator Croll said the post-war| phone RA 53374 after 6 p.m. |vision Thrifty Budget Pi 4543. | geetient | condition, bull for speed, What Liberals termed its reluct-|*baby bulge" soon will be com-| CHEVROLET sods Woy Wald TELEVISION sets for rent; also radios, [phone RA 3.4065 between 8 p.m. and ance to face the situation and ing into the labor market and| matic, recently overhauled, sun lamps and record players, Meagh-|6 p.m was asked not to limit the inves- solutions to 'the unemployment . h RA 80558, ' . - s aske r best offer. Telepi er's 5 King West. RA 3.3425, GOLF bag, woods and iron, tea wagon tigation's scope. problem are pressing. '85 Chev., radio, 4 Buick hard- SEWING machine Singer, solid walnut, ch rfield chair, A-1| "gc { | $695; 85 Buick hydromatie, $995. | oiorieie. © uh enime| Senator Walter Aseltine, g0V-|wouy ny STUDY TAXES | sy terms. a "Stew" at Mikel "nA" 5.2501, clock 9 Quebec Street, Apt. 5, 7 to 10,| ernment leader, moved to estab- Senator Arthur Roebuck (L--| 3646. Hp --msop---- Lolli llbis ---- é " . pe BA SUE. un -- | WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, REFRIGERATOR, Admiral, suitabie lish the 32-member committee. It} suggested the commit '% TAREE and half ton International| oqo. iowest prices. Oshawa Hard. [for summer cottage, Telephone RA is to study -"manpower require-| any 1; i aks Don. on. sold racks, with lid on, owen Dlicty {hot ments and. utilization in Canada |t€® look into taxation's effects on tarpaulin, excellent col on Ket | eee te s-- - ee ------------------_---- w-- § L | 33821, : USED parts and repairs for all makes SAVE on Austin A-40 wheels, tires, with the object of exploring the employment. : of wringer type washers, % HP motors|tubes, starter motor, clutch assembly,| cop oii0 { maintaining and| Canada had huge natural re-| CUSTOM built car radios, complete (gs "vy "gio ouaranteed reconditioned rear mirror, radio, 6 or 12 volt, RA POssibllilies of £ [sources but "obviously resources| f§ with aerial and postition, iran no washers and stoves, Paddy's Market, 8-0030. extending a high level of employ-|,q not of any value unless en Ba 4 Bond Streel| Hampton, CO 3.2241 CAR radio, Fairisie knitting machine, ment.' are worked and they cannot be! West RA 5.6511 FOUR used 21" TV sets, consoles and! RA 5.94418 Senator W. Ross Macdonald, worked without accnmmlations of West. _RA 30011 - table models, 879 each. Hurry TRIO |g TA : -- leader, noted he had oe 8 V/ , 8 1, Liki y PAA: Lota i 1 3 p GOOD CHEER, coal furnace, good con- opposition leader, noted he had =. " LAND Rover, '59 mode e new, PA Television, 17) Bond Street East | dition, reasonable, Phone RA 5.4889. suggested formation of such a capital. ' : B Yet we have maintained a system of taxation that takes ded cab, low mileage, private. Al - ' FOR SALE -- Gendron convertible] RAL Electric under counter dish. committee in March. Now it was {from the individual up to 5 per| 5-2802 er w--e -- baby carriage, good condition, $20, Also 8 C ROLET hardtop, radio, good sher, new, suitable for sniali res offec me CHEV 0p LE portable radio. 2 ae a on pest offer. RA 8.0741 Doing put into effect two mths raph on, best offer. RA 5-0319. three-speed, nearly new, $50, Phone |," ater | " PER Olds, power equipped, low|MO 8-4407 after 9 p.m. |cent of all he can earn . . . takes § % mileage. Will consider small ear for osu ere Tike new. $40; ten key | END of model clearance, baby exer-| caany TIMES? from our corporations' profits up| G 2 2B : o 0] tdoors, { trade 18. Cal) RA $447) electric adding machine, map, PAY: for all "he std indoors ov ouidoors, Early last month there were|lo 5 per cent of what they can| ESKIMO FAMILY IN THEIR TENT 48--Aut biles Wanted | master Checkwriter, never | walking age. Baby cannot fall out. Full [approximately 800,000 men and|earn. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want| PAINT, inferior, exterior, $2.95 gallon Fhllity sanired, Raguisr 23 id ivy women out of work." This despite] "Does that encourage the ac-| Kipenic (left), Eastern | watches over the evening meal | N.W.T. Also shown are their | adjust to changing conditions cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. |All colors Guaranteed flat, gloss. (Phone RA 8.6741 after 6 p.m statements by Soverment Joad | SUMmMAtion a sapial tries in| Arctic Eskimo, works on a | cooking on a primitive stove in | two children. Northern service brought about by increased ike (ers that "we are living in very | op natura re: soapstone carving as his wife their tent at Lake Harbor, | officers are helping the Eskimo | economic development in Cane RA 5-1181 |Oshawa Hard e and Electric, F _---- - - cl 4 . {TWO plece chesterfield suite, 4 npg?" hurch Street, RA 3.7624 sources? ada's North. --CP Photo) 51 TO 'M OAR, Chevrolet preferred, niet Cio. new, four chrome kitchen chairs, cel-|good times, times of a buoyant|s consider others. Phone RA 3.9911 after IE LING fumnitive} Je 1] by i Re-|jorette coffee and end tables, lamps, (economy." 5.3 |frigerators, s, washers, pianos, occasional chair, rug. 50 McLaughlin) mp. ina a Cl 3.3 |stoves, ete r top cash offer, con: (pried § claug The committee could determine | I - | » . tac' 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 81131, [= ; - | whether "we have to accept the HOUSTON GARAGE | PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.05 gallon RLF. TROROME. Hi A rh Indio iv fact that nine to 12 per cent of ommunis erc an 1Se AND SERVICE STATION |All colors, Guaranteed. Flat, gloss. beautiful console styled cabinets, 35 [the labor force should be unem-| V Oshawa Hardware and Electric, Bl wide Original price $309, Clearing at ployed" in these "good times." BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. |Church Street. RA 3.7624 $i8y Meagher's, 5 King Street West, |POYOC I JACEE BOC aid (hel hy, Sells Slo 1 In Ira PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, Ronvonable™ rorephons "RA S014 | OUTBOARD motor, 1030 Mark 78, elec: ,ommittee should not be tied tol * "ras u ; go |the particular terms of the reso-| LATHAM pb , 8 hun g " GENERAL REPAIRS [dred Telephone RA. 6048 sia i LL YANTLY Bast vier. "hone. MO lution establishing it. The best | By TOM MASTERSON shelves with consumer goods 67 RANG STi W- [eens ammunition and hunting sup. |0-4604 results would he achieved if its BAGHDAD (AP)--A merchant|trom the United States, West MOTOR TUNE-UP AND tric. Phone OLiver 5-364] , ne : 10 cent | ram - - oh a Had fe amon Tare: re: 48" vona| USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. terms were wide open of Baghdad named Arle oS eed| Germany, Denmark, Sweden, 1 ; : 5-4543, li " 3 : . : i# thumb ove i S0---Adticles for Sale [Steet Wel RAsw Bre CROLL DISILLUSIONED = = | Modern South Africa has come Free State and the South African between 1910--when the Union of shelves laden Ee ial, Alottalia aug 0 ps Bi EE ro em nay TV." 916|1Wo Beatty steel single horse stalls. > wap anc rarer Senator aye ron | u---On-ito its chaotic state of racial con- republic, now known as the South Africa was established by|yerchandise from Communist|were sold out almost immediately Simcoe Street North, RA 33043 Phone _YUkon 3.2605 0 countries. on_arrival, NE gas, one electric stove, two-inch lario chided He government fori flict through a relatively short| Transvaal act of the British Parliament-- Simeos Street orth A. - i ---- r-- gas pump, sump pumps, pressure sys-| waiting unti e situation be- and often violent era of empire-| They developed their own lan- and the end of the Second World! ~ ' LH hi + gh dias B peloviaion, ih gmat metal body carriage. converts $70, Boing Muy all ss ivame "'desperate" before decid: building on one of the world's last|guage, Afrikaans, and called War 3 "That stuff won't sell," Aziz| For one thing, people had not Azad Tor, ane your, S100. Meagher's, |0 car bed, many colors, lowest Price ouihoard motors, boats. Trade or(ing to act frontiers, {themselves Boers, the Afrikaans| Smuts also brought South Africa|$aid disgustedly. "It's no good." had time to forget the qualuy of 5 King Street West. Th Ra Ty rr Bo filled | forms an Chinn, Hillside and Park| When he spoke of unemploy- The more violent phases/word for farmers. into both world wars on the side] Azz and other merchants-- had rn gon: ot : ore as [50 Soler, Lieve [ont mre $9.00, PIavhory. $0.85 South, a ment earlier in the session gov-|brought war between whites and Te of the British, cager to do business with the hdd I gotten the business rriage. R. High chair, $7.88. Strollers, $5.68, Wil. BATH sets, sump pumps, pressure ernment members had told him bloody conflict between whites RHODES STEPPED IN : Smuts and Churchill were ol _Ccmmunist countries -- ordered Practices of the West, the exact WOA VIOTOR stero record players, (20 Farnitire, 20 Church Suee systems, steel sinks and cabinets, (45: |to "cheer up, it could be worse." and natives--and the stamp of Here Cecil Rhodes, one of Brit tilends. and Smuts a or i058 large quantities of consumer|OPPosite of Communist red tape. y | AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes, | ho ' "a . hite ain's great empire-builders, came ek . s B CLIC y 4 i " ol jour speed, with susliary speaker, Prompt service. Free estimates. Order cooler, serv.all gull, piping and Bt| «Sure enough, I cheered up and world fame on some of the white linto oh lini harshly by the Nationalists dur./8°0ds from the Soviet Union, Baghdad merchants say the $9.90, Terme ar er marly delivery. Chair and table tings (all kinds hinn : things did get worse." leaders and a small brown man, Be te JICIULS ol 1.1870 'a5 ing the Second World War. They|C#echoslovakia, Hungary, Ro-jonly Communist country that did oF Ror Co has been svoointed | TCntals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North - | "Ta. nojnted out: that: member. The phases of the modern era| He was in Natal in 1870 as an| 0," was fighting Britain's| Mania, Yugoslavia and even Com-inot earn a black mark was A RE Cas een AO ted [ELECTRIC razor service, cutting 92--Legal Notices Te pi i break down roughly into: ailing youth of 17 seeking to help| to or JT Sal fed Daniel|munist China, Czechoslovakia, whose goods distributor for Fi OM c.. for all makes of ------ eee | Ship Of the committee as sug. his brother operate a farm, and [°° Des iced Janie a | y A 8-401 heads, cords, ete. for Rn P ! Malan, Johannes Strijdom and] When the goods arrived after|have won the respect of the Bagh- hoping the outdoor life would re-| > 2'4h, JON& Ledddn, an ) A lelectric razors. Trade in your old razor : gested in the motion would be oe Lith century immigration n, Jol Hiss J eT dadis ALL t pes of Surpenisy Work and con. on a new model. Meagher's, 5 King City of Oshawa half Conservative and half Lib- rs Ww ite settlers from |g oie health Young Cecil and Hendrik Verwoerd and all be-|long delays, Iraqis swarmed intpit@G8, 0 Sher 8 pm.» RA 5.5620 Street West eral.' This made it "a political Hellotd Alken B his brother rushed to the Kimber. ¢@Mme prime ministers on plat. shops to buy. For years before - ' -- a SPECIAL 21' cabin cruiser, 100 H.P Incniics : na' Buran 2, The arrival of the British in|, % ' " ime fOrms urging ever stricter poli-/the 1958 revolution sever: NEW Saxophone, tenor, reasonable. 179 Buchanan motor and traller. Excellent HILLSDALE partisan committee" because 'it the early 19th centur ley diamond flelds, By the Hime cies of racial segregati po [1 he Wes Severed Iraq Waverly Street, RA 0316. |condition. Apply George A, Loring, |does not reflect the House as|q The. Bottle cra Yeek { the| Cecil was 19 he had regained his 385 Of Tacial segregation, from the West, they had known TO. [2] e SMASH savings on Noor coverings! Orono 34R12 ay 3 MANOR | committees always should." Ditch settlers heigl the Brit. health and established his for nothing but Western merchan- Clearance of last year's patterns. Many GEDDING bargains. Real low prices: Present Senate membership Is/ish and the British it ip|tune. v , | cheerful designs for home and cottage. |gpring . filled mattresses, guaranteed oy. Ceme ES Hp |18 nd the British pursuit in bai i Nabi But our customers didn't come| . I Reduced for quick sale, 25c per foot.| construction, Reg. $20.95 -- Wilson's HOME FOR THE 22 Conservatives, 73 Liberals, two|quest of newly found gold. He became prime minister of omes a |back to buy more,' Aziz said Harding heavy quality broadloom, rub: |iow price, $16.88, Smooth top high qual. Independents, one Independent. 4, The Boer War between the Cape Colony--but had to resign [sadly. Once was enough. Soviet berized back and moth proof, six decor: |jty mattresses, discontinued tickings - -) a Aor BORLE 4 A ator colors, large 9 x 13 size. Very and ome of a kind, Serta, Restonic. AGED | Dutch-origin people and the Brit- because of the famous Jameson products cost as much as West. special price $79.50. Ends of wall cover Beverly, Marshall, Simmons, reduced ish, raid intended to overthrow Paul . » > 00ds but : . ing ar out price, 37c per foot. Wil-|for quick sale from $23. Continental Sealed Tenders, endorsed H )§ Dinner | 5. Peace, keeping Britain and|(Oom Paul) Kruger, the Boer 1 alin ern goods but were inferior & artment Lr ch Street, beds, spring . filed sturdy construction, Foren er For Furnishings", for ono South Africa allied, president of the Transvaal who TRADE ON DOWNGRADE Dp while Bath; 1 erib, [inismatched tckings, single sizes, Ros | 6. Recognition of racial prob. had made the Great Trek with Trade with the Soviet bloc now| « i Phone Whitby MO |$44.50, clearance price, $24.50. Bunk| the supply ond installation of . made d | the V aor - y beds complete with ribbon springs, complete interior furnishings or u 1S er lems and moderate government his parents as a boy of 10, h is swiftly slipping into the dol{ TORONTO (CP) -- A Progres- eb vo resses, guard ra an dder, " solv n hatwap 141 | # ul 1 HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- Maple or Want, price complete, $38. Including furniture, ~equip= | efforts to solve them ; A war between the British and | or 0S am drums, and Communist - made|sive Conservative member serv- ture, also sell and exchange. Contact Roll-a.way cots complete with mat| ment and draperies for a two- NIAGARA FALLS. Ont. (CP)--, 7+ The 1948 coming to power of the Boers started in 1899 and merchandise is stacking up un-|/ing on his first legislative select Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince |tress, $16 9. Wilson's Furniture, 20| },ndred bed home for the |p pH Leslie. 84-year-old owner the Afrikaner Nationalist govern-|lasted three years: Rhodes died LONDON (Reuters) -- A |sold. [committee asked Tuesday for an TERR = Fastin _-- i makes. 09ed now under construction of The Review, was honored ent With i abending policy of before it was over, but the name| weather - beaten former sailor | More than anything else, - the examination of the premiers de- ully _equip-|vy JUM cleaner, repairs, all makes, - ¢ . x 3 parthel strict of I pga wr i 9 i R nih § rOUT ' By . lag is " sed Johnson 25 HP motor, Tee.nee|parts. | attachments, brushes, guaran] Will be received by the under Tuesday night at a testimonial | 22" € strict racial segrega of slother Briton flashed into| stood fast in a London court unwanted stoc k piles epitomize partment 10 see how major policy tral Bowmanville MA 3-3970. [teed rebuilt machines, Estimates' free signed until [dinner to mark his 60th year as! . |Prominence. : room Tuesday, defying the lord |Baghdad"s disappointment with|decisions are handed down. SIX used Peterborough 18 foot fisher. | Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv:| a publisher, Mr. Leslie has the Along the way men shaped] Winston Churchill, as a young| of the manor and claiming his Communist trade, which for al Allan Lawrence, member for man boats, Telephone RA 1412 after (ice. RA 8-039 anytime. 5:00 P.M. THURSDAY, DTT 1s aati avenis and events shaped men.|war correspondent for the London| Domesday rights as a "Man of [year had a virtual monopoly. (Toronto St. George, told the 11. Spm [NEW finish for your old ashait shingle MAY 26, 1960 Canada i Ay Riches and prestige and imperial Morning Post, was captured by| Bosham.' Now, in a frenzy of buying [man committee on the organiza. | oot, Temphard' Sloe Aliminim : , a i we pride motivated the white men; |the Boers. He managed to escape The case has sent legal ex- [Iraqis are restocking the ir/tion of government that it should Y omplete particulars, speciti- Guests at the dinner included the slowly awakening demands of|and returned to London---already perts delving back inte Eng | Aleut tN "find the lines of communication {ish your present asphalt shingles, to A . it SALE give them additional years of wear, cations of articles required Labor Minister Daley of Ontario|Negroes for human rights now | famous. Vo. p | from the top land's feudal past to a Latin | Monday to before the Norman 7 . i document signed by Richard | conquest in 1066 when the Earl "How is the liquor policy set Auminum Products of the land in REV 2 lors Soe Rdgars Paint! ond information may be se- and Liberal leader John Winter- pose the question of who even-| The victorious British did not best quality, at the best [and Wallpaper, 34 King Stree est! cured, upon deposit of a cer meyer, tually will win the South African|impose a harsh peace, and two : 1 prices, fully guaranteed, | (opposite Dominion Store) tified cheque in the amount Born in Walkerton. Mr. Leslie| frontier. of the Boer military leaders--| the Lionhearted and the Dome- | of God,win approached the [down . . . or the policy of On- Y & X | 3 sday Book itself, compiled as| Archbishop of Canterbury and [tario Hydro. There has been no Double hung windows only ~|BOATS, motors and trailers, new and $5.00, 'and application NBD lishe » Tavis. Gen. Smuts and Gen, Louis Botha used. Complete selection. We finance became publisher of the Tavis-| pm | "worked with the British on a|@ kind of giant real estate list | asked for a "boseam' or bless- [concrete thinking done on these $18. Call now ur own accounts. Terms to sult your| . made to dazetie « EAT ES our own accounts ms to you tock Gazelte in 1900 and four| In the forefront of great names|pasis of let's forgte the past. But in 1086. ing. [¥en |dise, mainly British, Lymer Aluminum Co budsel. Ste, Dominlan Tire Store, SHINS [years later bought the weekly Re- A $ RA 8-5385 Charchand Bona, _ | W. D. JOHNS ly oh goon : daily in|" the South African gallery are| Gen, Barry Hertzog, another Boer| It started when 51-year-old | The story goes that he pro- | When Mr. Lawrence pressed - ---- Superintendent 1914. i y [Cecil Rhodes, Mohandas Gandhi, |fighter, was busy laying the foun-| Edward Martin refused to pay | nounced it more like "Bos- for an examination "of Premier S------------ All aluminum products Hillsdale Manor, {He became > of the. fir J ¥inston Churchill and the South|dation for modern day Afrikaner| mooring fees worth about £50 | ham." The archbishop said "1 [Frost's department, Mr. Roberts INTRODUCTORY OFFER: Doors, windows, shower doors, City Hall. OSHAWA | He became one of the firstiAfrican statesman-soldier, Field nationalism ($133) and a 5s charge for car | give you boseam." The earl [said the committee had other im- EXTERIOR RAILINGS, $2.50 awnings, TV towers, paving. Ay Holly wo [subscribers to The Canadian Marshal Jan Christiaan Smuts, | | parking to the Earl of Iveagh, | and his men promptly seized [portant work to do first. He set per lin. ft. and up (installed); One contract, nothing down. | The lowest, or any tender, | ress in 1917, three months afterjwho in 1945 helped draw the INDIANS BROUGHT IN the lord of the Manor of Bos- | the land. : |the next meeting date as June 6 TV TOWERS, 30-ft. Tower | For free estimates call-- | not necessarily accepted I i+ Jo recident Jum United Nations charter. | By this time another racial| pay, "But 1 don't think my oppo- when the treasury department frem $30 up (install it your | Al S | C i] otz of itchener an an| The Dutch were the first white|group was in the picture. The Bosham appears to be just | nent (Martin) is attacking me |will be examined. self and save); manufactured | uma ea 0. L. R. BARRAND, Secretary, Macdonald, genera) manager of men Tod Sole in South Africa, British brought in Indians to work) nother small village on Eng- | on that score," the lawyer for | Professor John Willis of the near Oshawa RA 5.9365 ANYTIME Home. for the Aged the Canadian Daily Newspaper shortly after 1650. Later they|sugar and tea plantations. They| jand's south coast. But the | Lord Iveagh quipped. Iveagh (University of Toronto faculty of METAL VENTURES Committee of Management, Sig Association, were Nore domed ny a group of French became diligent traders -- and| pop "of the village, under a | bought the manor in 1927. law, who discussed legal aspects RA 8.0909 | "oie 5 voor clearence ci TV. | City Hall {gues spea ters, en aEees. bd. ceiupvi jared evi of Placks in] feudal law still on the books, | Martin has claimed he was [of government organizations, said Re -.~-p rrin maemmr-- | Ke © ye | Oshawa, Ontaric | Mr, Leslie still writes a weekly| | sh starte occupying|w h i es. Nes retive egisla 1% enjoy the 'benefits of Bos- | born within the boundaries of [the Wor k m en's Compensation floor samples, limited quan -- column for The Review. His son, Cape Colony during the Napoleo-jaimed at the Indians was adopted hamry"--the right to refuse to | the manor and always has [Board had a world-wide reputa- LAWN CRUISER | tity, also radio end record |Bruce, is editor and a grandson, Mic wars and in 1843 annexed ain Natal as early as 1897. { pay tolls lived there. There now are 31 [tion in accident' prevention and POWER MOWERS players, at prices to clear NOTICE | Frank B. Leslie, is in the adver- Second colony, Natal, on the In- educated lawyer of 24, was called The obscure origin of Bos- men of Bosham officially reg- [the rehabilitation of the working Ising partment, s ' Ad in V8 red | o is ON | PARKWAY TV. | | From the start there were dif-|to practise in South Africa in 1893. ham Manor was traced in court | istered. man. TO [ficulties between the Anglican|He and his wife were attacked by OR BUCCANEER OUTBOARD T | 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH \ YH Te * MOTORS {Church British and the Calvinist|both Europeans and Indians who ® y The price. murderer ot the RA 3-3043 DOG OWNERS | | Dutch. The latter as fundamental-|feared them as troublemakers. It Hilltop will not be undersold -- - -- 4 |ists applied the biblical adage to| was in South Africa that Gandhi 0 1 e 1 8] 0 Son | J {the Negroes: "Let them be hew- his doctrine of non-vio- {evolved twin Bor C si oF Dolington. are. heteny , 7 jes of wood and drawers of was lent Tasistance hat ultimately led vin Baby Carriage, com- notified: of some of 'the 're YEARS € NDING A . o India's independence. 9 4 ------ ---------- ! [J] LJ lete with mattress | ALFARO IS 5 To ips MARCH 3 / In 1836 about 12,000 Dutch and| Gandhi won the respect of Gen SEE HOME APPLIANCES Pp > e y bi parcel juirements, of the Township's ' 7 | Huguenots made the famed Great Smuts, the man who is credited ITV1C eC T OSHAWA LTD carrier, sun and win D C I ACA / Trek to the north. About 15 years/with a major role in maintaining cover. Grey. Immaculate | og ontro tLTimATeD 0 [later they formed the Orangelpolitical stability in South Africa 90 SIMCOE SOUTH condition Bv-L ONS O py Si ucts : : PL y-Law His0ns of 37 Z By HANNS NEUERBOURG I could be put before a similar not want me to visit him under PHONE RA 5-8233 LAR | |court." [the circumstances. He has never FOR FRIGIDAIRE : AA 9 I b P I S LAR. Wot: Goring * Each owner shall register all 7 t t HINDELANG, West Germany : ) y scajchanged hi ind about: this ALES AND SERVICE | " | The alli: alke To many Germans, his case|Changec his minc abou 18. S D CE 7 d or ar Y n CO an hgh mailman walke« ° Bl 26 the Sara oxinl] "I tried last about a year ago dogs owned by him BEFORE Domestic and Commercial FOOD PLAN JULY 1st, in each year, at the hotel in this Alpine resort/'€¢ = emp: ow re (to see him but he refused again " ' 4 " + for itler's| Situation o" their cow RA 5 5332 THAT SAVES Township Office, ond at that 7 4 4 . [via a letter for Adolf Hitler's Situation 2 A rE es He hasn't even seen the boy since Government inspeéted Red | time pay to the Clerk or Col- 4 ed t ow 1n ection jEon son: [than 10 years after (ey wer. he was imprisoned. He is a stub: / | | It was from the draft board, told that militarism was a de born man, But I think the real ROTARY POWER MOWERS and Blue Brand beef. Com lector, or Ds. sgant, ing plete line of name brand amount of the fees payable, : a [telling Wolf Ruediger Hess that g whine reason behind this strhberaness BY M. MCINTYRE HOOD Agi i R1 Sou bree. Ren}, cannot be recognized as a spicable erime lis that he fears a reunion in { 8 -Glasgow. $37.95 up | meats, fish, poultry, grocer- | ©s set in the By-Law | MARINE STORAGE | des ete. Buyin bulk ord save, | Each person who becomes MMERCIAL | | | Special Wo The Oshawa "Times In Aberdeen, however, the Pro-| Conscientious objector, GOOD ARGUMEN™ orison would be too much for EDINBURGH, Scotland -- The|gressives lost one seat to Labor, The youth is the son of the "I believe my son has a good him." & SUPPLY LTD 20th CENTURY FOODS the owner of an unregistered 4 REVENUE > ; : > MA 2 BROOKLIN, ONTARIO ond dog shall register same within | {municipal elections held through- and in place of a council equally|highest - ranking former Nazi argument there, said Mrs. Hess| NAZI SYMBOLS OL 5.3641 FAIRBANKS MORSE 15 days after becoming the 510 \ | {out Scotland have dealt a severe|divided between the parties, lcader still behind bars. 1ii:jwho runs a small r ain haiel Mrs He Took dol a drawl -- ue uN on owner | [blow to the Labor party. The net|yahor now has a majority of|father, one-time deputy fuehrer here. "I feel it's worth the money| MIS: Fess looked at a drawing | DELUXE FREEZERS RISING COSTS {result is a loss of 22 seats inltwo But one Labor member of| Rudolf Hess, is serving a iife|to tak case before an a; Of her hushond hauein an Der BOATING Guaranteed by | Te Assessor of the Town- Na [local councils formerly held bY|(he council is holidaying on thelterm at West Berlin's Spandaulpeals authority. I think my hus studio A blonde in her fifties, Good Housekeeping ship, when making assess- Rapid expansion of television [Labor members, In view of the continent and another is ill. so|war crimes prison band would approve of this ™ » wire a white kitchen overall Ail Models. Available ments for the following year, in Canada has been matched |Labor successes in Scotland at|that there will be tie votes 3 Ww luo a il It will be 19 year May 10/during the interview. SPECIAL CALL NOW may list dogs for registration by increasing operating costs [the general election last October,(solocting the committee - con Wolf Ruediger, a Student of It will be 1 years op May | 'ere were no Nazi symbols | RA 8-1128 but it is the responsibility of for the Canadian Broadcasting [this result is an indication of alvneers. with the Dean of G id engineering at Munich's technical|since Mr Hess alked with: her {around although Mrs Ey 12-ft. fibre-glass rin-a-boats. . LE the owner to see that his dog Corporation. Despite a continu. [swift reversal of opinion on the|ywh, is a Progressive ina 'university, will appeal the draft husband. She caught her last | 87 make secret ono 12° hp. Scott motor, -Cana- 3 real fereq, and to pay the | ing drive by the CBC for ad- [part of many of the electors. [casting vote gressive, having thelhoard ruling. He thinks he glimpse be dl Wo. dell that she once was a fervent ad- dion Explorer trailer, -com- FOOD AND FREEZER ee, "before July 18! ditional commercial revenue, a A summary of the Scottish re-| : : a case he boarded a twin-engined Mes-| \ . Hitler r the ar pletely equipped, $895, PLAN The fees provided for in the large part of its operation re- (sult showed that Labor lost 32|LOSSES IN GLASGOW | When the Nuernberg war|Serscamii 1 secre eace a denazification court sentenced 13' moulded plywood boat, Complete tines of meals and Bvlow: ore as follows: For venue comes from public funds [seats and won 10; Progressives| In the predominantly Socialist crimes tribunal tried his father Mission" to Scotland in 1941. her to a nominal fine after tear 25 h.p. motor, trailer, all groceries Savings of up to the first male dog, $3.00; for in the form of parliamentary |and Moderates gained 15 and lost| Glasgow, Labor lost two seats to|for plotting aggression, th Hess parachuted into captiy IY. ling evidence that she helped sev- controls ond equipment, 30%. Let us prove to you each additional male dog, grants. Graph shows how the |fjye while Independents gained| Progressives, but still has a safe|dence against Hess included his Hitler, who had once picked Hess|or:1 Naz! tim $995 os we have to thousands of $6.00: for the first female total revenue needed to run the |16 and lost six. The Scottish Na-|malority in the council: There|sicnature on the N military [as his suc s, snnon hat Some doctors and one fellows While they last = Conadion others how we. toni Seve. the doa, $8.00; for each addi- CB( has jumped from about |tionalists gained one seat, and a|Were no changes in Edinburgh,|conscription law of 1 the deputy fuehrer had acted in|ynicone: ha: » said na! D- Explorer comp trailers, com- cost of the freezer with our tional female, $12.00; for $20,000,000 for the 1953 fiscal Ratepayers' Representative also|Where the Progressives are in "I am confident you will un.|@ [it of mental! derangemen [pears to suffer from schizo- plate Reg. $405.- $319 proven plan. Canadian man= a kennel of purebred dogs, year to an estimate of more |p a seat control. In Dundee, the Moder derstand " Wolf Ruediger had| "I still remember the day. of| "13. There s % Teport t Trades accepted. Terms ar- ufactured freezers, guaran. $10.00 than $90,000,000 for 1961. Of this ates gained two seals from || tte f he draft'! wh "that|cour: e," Mrs 'Hess aid ro e t ied to kill hir s IF with ar ranged, teed by Good-Housekeeping | latter figure about two-thirds |[LOSE CONTROL Labor, and reduced the Labor|V""¢h 0 the Fait boare, 3! i ULE, SS Ea he NY ay 'msell' with, an Government inspected meats Penalties of up to $50.00 | will come from public funds. | In four boroughs, Labor lost/margin to two. my conscience forbids me tojill that morning and Rudolf sat insect cide. Well known branded pro- may be incurred by persons | Despite 'the heavy cost the |coitrol of the municipal councils. The poll in the election gener-|*crve (in an army allied with)[bv my bed lo have tea with me.| "I know that he was seriously AJAX MARINE ducts, all part of our plan | COntravening this By-Law CBC estimates that the total |In Cowdenbeath, they lost three ally was low, around 37 per cent,[the former judges of my father.|He told me he had to go to Ber-|il' at one time ™ Mrs. Hess vaid to eat better for less. Phone | For further details, contact the | Price tag from public funds for |seats to Independents, so that the with Dundee registering the high- It would be a service whicl {liv "But it's not true that he ever NO. 2 HWY. AT AJAX RA 5.3709. No pbligation TV and radio services works | council is now composed of seven|est poll among the cities with 54/you can see from the verdict, 'When he returned from Brit.|i» tc suicide now Ph. WH 2.4 Freezers $189 up. Compore CLERK'S OFFICE, HAMPTON out to be less thon four cents |Independents, three Laborites per cent of the electors going tojaga' st my father, cor'd la ish custody to be tried at Nu~ though there were two attempts x -4080 before you buy. Telephone COlfex 3-2231 a day. (CP Newsmap) and one Communist, Labor alsoithe polls. (held against me in a way that/berg, he sent word that he did/when he was in England." ) Jee. 6891 FOR SALE Owners of dogs in the Town SOURCES