S THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Mey 11, 1960 NEAT PILES OF LUMBER AT OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS YARD. ~ Showroom Sales Idea Another Forward Step Oshawa Wood Products Lid.,| MORE EFFICIENCY. - the oldest lumber retail business etil operating im the Oshawa area, will officially open a mod- ern idea in showroom selling, at #s Courtice location, Thursday, May 12. Started by J. C. Found, as a wiraight woodworking business in the middle of the depression (March, 1931) it has blossomed into an attractive, up-to-date pbuilding supply establishment, with a repufation for dependabil- iy. Jo the first year of operation | there were only three employ- ees. Now, as a family-owned company, it employs 42 people. The company was incorporated in 1952. The officers of the com- pany are Mr. and Mrs. Found with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Henry. | FAITHFUL EMPLOYEES Mr. Found said he was proud of the fact so many of his em- ployees have been with the com- pany for a long time. He said the success of the company has depended on these people and they deserve a great deal of eredit. K. E. Courtice, W. E. Lymer, Mr. Found said he was proud that Oshawa Wood Products was able to help show the way to more efficient handling of build- ing supplies. QUALITY, SERVICE The aim of the company is to have quality of material and service, with dependability "Your satisfaction ig our suc- cess," is its metto, A large number of the em- ployees of Oshawa Wood Prod- ucts make their home near the site of the factory. All married men who work there have their own homes. These two facfors show that employees of Oshawa Wood Prod- ucts like to work for that firm. Extra company benefits make the idea of working there a pleasant one. I' is the policy of the com- pany to keep employees working all year round. There is no need, Mr. Found has explained, to lay off workmen during the slack seasons. Because the men work steadily, business is kept at the peak of efficiency. Robert Fowler and Stanley L.| Gomme have been with the com-| pany more than 20 years. Four- jeen of the employees have worked there more than 10 years. | All employees in management | positions, except one, worked iheir way up through the on] pany. : | RETAIL OUTLET One step in the progress of the company was the establishment of a retail outlet and order-taking desk at 84 Simcoe St. S., in 1945. What could have been disaster, jn 1952, when the plant, except- ing one bwilding, was burned to ihe ground, was. turned to ad- vantage as it permitted modern- ization. Previous to the fire, everything was done with manual labor. When it was rebuilt, it was con- structed with the idea of utilizing mechanical handling. PIONEERED HANDLING Oshawa Wood Products helped pioneer mechanized handling throughout Ontario. Hand hand- ling of masonite, cement, ply- wood, ete., hod been extremely difficult. Now steel strapped pundles can be brought in by transport and unloaded by lift truck. It now takes a half hour {0 unload a truck that previously would have taken two days. 'Besides facilitating loading and unloading, the mew method aids in keeping track of quantity of of goods involved. The products are strapped in units which have deen counted automatically as they came owt of the machine. | Frequently, if a load of #dsphalt shingles or nails is need- 4d from Toronto, a load of empty pallets is sent to be filled with pre-counted quantities of the com- modity. Mr. Found said his truck driv- ers, salesmen, and people who {handle telephones are the ones who represent Oshawa Wood Products to the public. He said they have all been hand picked for courtesy. ALL PHASES COVERED Oshawa Wood Products is obvi- {ously mot just a lumber supply company. In its showrooms are displayed everything for the home builder. No phase of building has been omitted. From structural lumber to finished lumber, nails, paint, tools, cupboards and all types of fittings are available. And again this company is pioneering in the retail of build- ing supplies, The new showroom technique, being displayed at the open house, Thursday, is design- ed to show how the available materials can be used. The idea lis to eliminate older practices of simply stacking merchandise on shelves. | In order #0 show a customer | what can be done with the mate- rials, several rooms are display- ed as they would look in the home. Specialized help is obtain- ed to design and lay out the rooms in the most atiractive way. This type of selling is aimed par- ticularly at the women shoppers who frequently have the strong- est influence in the building and decorating of a home. The showrooms are designed so they can be changed around, as frequently as may be conveni- ent. Ready-made cupboards are displayed. A completé Kitchen layout is on show. 'In fact two displays of the same room may be shown at the same time; but in differing price levels. Present- ly, a child's bedroom is on dis- play, with others. There is one extremely attrac- tive advantage to this type of These pallets are small plat: forms with room fo insert the forks of the lift truck for loading #nd unloading. display. It enables the customer to see what can be accomplished | by professional ingenuity. Many 'of the special designs and dis plays incorporate ideas the aver- age person would never think of. Even if the particular display is not quite what the customer de- sires, it provides him with an idea that he can quite easily use; and the necessary supplies are available right there in the store. DISPLAY OF IDEAS Oshawa Wood Products now displays not only merchandise bui valuable imaginative ideas. The average buyer, when he sees these displays, will be sur- prised at the numerous attrac- tive room layouts that are pos- sible. He will be particularly im- pressed with the simplicity of many of these ideas. This building supply company counting, umber, pain, others is steadily becoming the ideal business Mr. Found planned. He wanted a stable dependable busi- ness, using imaginative modern ideas, that would be a credit to the community it serves. Complete Service Provided By OWP Whether you're building a home or making home improvements Oshawa Wood Products can take care of all aspects of the job. From planning to estimating then building, a customer should- n't have to go outside the door of this store. Some of the departments pro- vided to assist the customer are: the planning department, sales, budget sales, 'home improve- ment', credit department, ac- hardware and The people in charge of these Wood Pulp Versatile Paper was first made in Chine about A.D. 105, the principal ma- terials being the inner bark of mulberry trees, young bamboo, and old linen. Linen and cotton materials used for making paper until about the middle of the 19th century, when wood pulp came into general use. ; It was not until 1864 that the first wood pulp plant was estab- lished in Canada. Phenomenal em~ pansion has taken place sinee that time, until Canada now leads the world in exports of newsprink, and is second only to Sweden in exports of wood pulp. _ This expansion is due primarily to Canada's extensive forest of species suitable for the manufae- ture of wood pulp. : Mechanical pulp (or . ground- wood) is manufactured by press- ing the wood blocks against the face of a huge rotating grind- stone; chemical pulp is formed by cooking wood chips im certais chemicals. Wood pulp in a very refined form is also used in the manu- facture of rayon (artificial silk), - and cellophane. Wood fibre is used extensively in the manufae- ture of corrugated board and fibreboard for packing cases, and also in building and insulating boards. Wood pulp is directly or im directly a source of material for paper, plastics, explosives, sugar, alcohol, yeast, vanillin, tannin, photographic. film, and many other products. departments have had many years experience im serving the needs of the builder, Home improvement installa. tions, no matter what their na- ture, can be done by the Oshawa Wod Products; recreation rooms, floors, garages, ete. This company truly handles all business. ee ---- ---------- 0 -- GO -- OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED On the Completion of their Outstanding New Showroom Continued Success and Best Wishes from ' BARTRAM-WOOD LTD. SUPPLIERS OF QUALITY DRY SPRUCE