"J TE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 11, 1960 Hy ACCOUNTING STAFF -- ANNE WEBSTER, PAT. KELLY, VERNA SCOTT For City Oshawa Wood Products opened its store and order-taking desk at 84 Simcoe St. 8S. in Oshawa 15 years ago. It has since proved a valuable asset im providing a closer confact with Oshawa resi- dents, The store is managed by Stella Latawiec. John Watson and Mrs. Irene Davies also work there, About the only item im the building supply business not dealt with in the downtown store is structural lumber. This is re- served for the Courtice plant, The store carries aa extensive line of roofing materials, hard- ware, paints, window glass, glues and floor tiling. K is open from 8 am. to 530 p.m. except Fri- day and Saturday. Friday # is open unt 9 p.m., Saturday it closes at noon. W. E. LYMER, of Maple Grove, RR 3, Bowmanville, is superintendent of shipping and receiving. He is married and has been with the company 22 years. He has been in charge of the shipping all that time. Outlet Provided Buyers Its convenient downtown loce- tion attracts a great many cus- tomers. For this reason extensive samples of products sold in the Courtice establishment are kept for display in the Oshawa store. Estimates on small jobs are done at the Simcoe St. store. Larger estimates ave sent to Courtice. Most people pay their accounts at the Oshawa store. The in- volved bookkeeping arising out of these transactions is co-ordin-| ated between the two stores. Planning adviee for home dee- orating is given at the downtown store as well as at the other. Aa extensive array of pamphlets and kits of all kinds for home decor- ating, are kept om display. Also kept in the store are a number of books om house planning. Theyre sashless -- no bars to mar your view = Pierson "Full-vision" S8ashless windows give you 26% more vision than old type windows. And you'll be delighted with Pierson's "inside 'washing" feature. These clear giass panes ifs out in a jiffy -- you wash both inside and oud side inside the house. No more window-sill acrobatics ever -- with Pierson. You'll like the good looks of Pierson $00-== with storms and screens to go with them, Patented safety locking device makes Pierson windows "prowler-proof" ~ another good point for Pierson. Pierson "mMULL VISION" SASHLESS WINDOWS FIRST CHOICE OF Oshawa Wood Products Limited --- ---- PICTURE YOURSELF IN A BEAUTIFUL KITCHEN Be Sure To See The Pre-Finished LINK CABINETS And Built-in Oven and Sink Units In Our New Showroom Our Home Improvement Division Will Look After The Complete Installation For You Oshawa Wood Products LTD. A sincere wish for Continued Success EDWIN ST. GAMADA'S OLDEST CONTINUOUS MANUFACTURER OF HARDWOOD FLOORING MEAFORD, ONY.