12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Moy 11, 1960 JOHN VENNING AND VERNA A Scott SHOW KITCHEN ee ees t---- eee mene Variety Of Products Derived From Forest From the Canadian forest come many products which never enter | a factory of any kind, although | much work may be needed to| prepare them for the market. these is fuelwood, which at one time accounted for more than % | of all the wood used in Canada. | In recent years, however, ties is produced im sawmills, but in addition 250,000 hewn ties are made each lyear, by hand. The mining industry uses large quan- [tities of timber for pit props to iin point of volume the largest of | prevent the mine workings from caving in. Fenceposts make heavy demands upon the for- | ests, and in many cases wooden fuel- | fence rails are also used. wood production has declined con- | The forests of Canada are the siderably. | source of a wide variety of se- Poles for earrying telephone, | condary products used for indus- telegraph, or electric po wer] trial purposes, for medicinal pre- lines, and pilings for wharves, | parations, or for food. Charcoal, bridges and foundations for heavy | obtained from the heavier hard- structures, are two other impor- | woods, is used for starting fires tant items obtained directly from | and for cooking. K has a place the forest. Formerly cedar-was| in metallurgy, is valuable as a preferred for these uses, but now | deodorizer, and is used im many wood preservation by 'chemical | medicinal preparations. Consider- treatment permits of a much| able quantities are used for wider choice of species | chicken feed. Charcoal may be A large proportion of railway obtained by burning wood in spe- cially constructed kilns, or by distilling wood in large steel re- torts. The latter process provides pine-tar, turpentine and charcoal. Pine tar is used in rubber manu- facture, in the making of rayon, and in ship chandlery. Pine oil, distilled from the foliage, is used extensively in the flotation pre- cess for the extraction of metals from ore. Turpentine, of course, is used principally ia the paint im- dustry, Tannins come from the bark of trees, and cedar leaf oil from the leaves of cedar trees. The latter is used im the manufacture of medicines, insecticides, floor dressings, furniture polishes, per- fumes, shoe blacking and grease. Canada balsam is used in the op- tical industry for the manufacture septic, Congratulations ANO BEST WISHES: TO Oshawa Wood Produds UPON COMPLETION OF THEIR COMPLETELY RE-MODELLED PLANT AND SHOWROOM THE ELGIE & JARVIS Lumber Co. Ltd. "OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO LUMBER DEALERS" 505 Eglinton Avenue West Toronton, Onterie HU 5-9133-4-% CONGRATULATIONS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED on the opening of their BEAUTIFUL SHOWROOM We are pleased to have installed GARWOOD OIL HEATING EQUIPMENT in this new, modern showplace McLAUGHLIN Coal and Supplies Ltd. 110 KING ST. WEST RA 3-3481 DON'T BE POOLED BY THE PRICE OF PAINT ALONE! Its not what a gallo Its what a gallon SAVE 14 THE EFFORT, THE TIME, THE COST wih the first trouble-free, one-coat vinyl plastic paint! © Truly a flat finish! © A film you can scrubi Congratulations FROM YORKTOWN PAINT AND CHEMICALS LIMITED