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The Oshawa Times, 12 May 1960, p. 11

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od a dk i a Sd dl BA Sg "spent in games and singing and are always very acceptable and PERSONALS refreshments were served by Mrs.|for which there is no charge. 'Ernest Sargeant and Mrs, James, |Please write or (telephone RA hn, and Mrs, Saunders have 33474 local 18. B&PW Regional Cont Miss Vers Mops, president of given 94 years combined sevice eqgl erence the d and Miss Ruth Higgins, poh Salvation Army, Mr, and Mrs, L. 8. Peacock, gastutive director of the Oshawa v vito. by 'the Sud | Stmeoe street north, and Miss Mrs, Ethel Murray, Port ,jof business and professional , are among se who, You are inv y the Socially, . . Woh adviser iy Ri 5, led| women and to ar 'them have received invitations to a Ye- Department fo send in any little Betty Peacock, Toronto, are leav a fast-paced business session at|to improve their qualifications ception given he Lieutenant|items of interest. News of teas,'n8 tomorrow for an extended the regional conference of Busi-|and to help them to accept re- Governor and J. Kelller|surprise parties, showers, anni-|holiday in Great Britain and the ness and Professional Women's|sponsibility in their Jobs and in|Mackay at Queen's park next|versaries and comings and goings! Scandinavian countries, Clubs held at the Genosha Hotel|their community, Monday afternoon to mark citi-| - recently. Mentioning some of the im- pir 4 Wedk and in honor of the| The president of the Oshawa|provements which had occurred presidents of member organizs-| club, 5 Elon When, wil in fhe 8121s of Yomet dur the fon of p Co-ldingsing con comed the tes a st decade, sl said, "There|m on citizenship of metropol- servers and introduced His Wor-|is no use in' taking off our hats|itan Toronto, | or 4 ERR RINT IIA § ship Maver oman Gifford, who|to fhe past, ules we ms yeady Mr. and. Mi. John: Buckley brought civic greetings, to roll up our sleeves for . . ' / Each club president gave alfuture." David, Donald and Dora, of £ Mrs. Marion 8 brief report her club's dctiv-] An invitation from .the Cobourg Peterborough, visited Mrs, Buck- ities dealing with membership.|club fo hold the next regionalfley's parents, Mr. and Mrs; Budner Xt & progamising, civic identification] conference in Cobourg in May, Ball, Adelaide avenue west on and money making projects, 101, hg) Jecepied. Miss Joule Sunday, Mother's Day Highlight of the afte noon was|Pringle, Oshawa, was unanimous- a panel Be led by Luellajly elected as regional adviser for Wid and Mr, ALth yi Fo) AR Some of Cobourg on 'Develop-|the following year, taking office Bat e arp od id am i » ing our Potential Power", which|after installation at the provin.|and friends a ud Buia lune Alf was . investigated under 'three|cial conference in Belleville next ool following fl ie christening of headings: training in leadership, |Oc tober. eir six - month - old daughter, | . rig Laine gl Margaret Lorraine, by the Rev-| | CONSULTANT é erend J. K. Moffat at the morn-| ities and effective programming. / ing service at Simcoe Street Unit-| / 4 § 3 os 20a eftctve programming (GAT IT "NOTICE [in service at ims sive Uni "OMY | She wil bein our #1 opened with the need for effect: Cosmetic Department ot ive programming fin order to ENGAGEMENT Jing He gacaty vere ae 3nd) to tell you how to care for your complexion SPECIAL maintain membership interest. Mr. and Mrs, Everard George | ill pl 3 . . and Mrs, R. E. Durling, Toronto, | - Will plan a personal make-up chart J& Harriet Bate, Lindsay, recom-|jerkin, Oshawa, announce thelMyrs' Edward (Ted) Bathe, Mr. |\ for you . . . and will show you how LJ mended programs which dealt|onoagement of thelr daughter, : v with projects on national and|gandra Madeline, to Ronald Wil- pnd Mey Donald ina 5a to look your very best with provincial committee level. liam Pierce, son of Mrs, Russell petty Thomson, Miss 'Winnifred » DuBarry Beauty Nagivn leo, Bow wsaurille. Plerce, Oshawa, and the late win Thomson, and Mr. and Mrs. (apd | la: 5 Preparations. sald that the a ub|Pierce. The marriage is to ta ; . . WA should take an interest in com-|slace in Northminster United Owen D, Friend, al of' Oshawa: gp 4 By Richard Hudnut Ye munity activity and that in order (Church on Saturday, June 11, at) Mr. and Mrs. William aun. 214 Zl to develop their potential power (3 p.m ders, Park road south, celebrated a ~~ members should attend meetings| the forty- sixth anniversary of their bY of council, hoards and commis-| AT HOME wedding, on Friday, May 6. A sions, Before leaving Oshawa to make|group of friends surprised them| MAY 11.14 =) Helen Upper, Port Hope, also|their home in Grayson, Saskal-ion Friday evening and vresent- 95d hy sald that B and PW Clubs should|chewan, Mr. and Mrs, Demetriusied them with a gift to mark the Bol sis 2264 ; awaken the members who have|P. Kryhul, 208 Malaga road, will| occasion, Mr, and Mrs, Saunders PEG 2 ced RI k =] qualities of leadership. be at home to their friends onialso received lovely gifts of flow- "Be motive in community life{Sunday, May 15, from 3 to 4lers from the staff of the Bank by serving on municipal boards, |P.m. for afternoon tea, of Montreal where Mr, Saunders council and so on Get busy and| rE has beer the messenger for many support women in these posi- PRECIOUS ITEMS years, Among the guests who call- vy * she continued, HATFIELD, England (CP)--An|ed to offer congratulations were After a coffee break, Provin-|all-night police guard was kept Major and Mrs. Marsland Ran- clal President Nazla Dane led alon a jumble sale in this Hert kin, Mr, and Mrs. David Owen, fon on the prob! which |fordshire town, Items for sale in-|Mr. and Mrs, Chris Osborne, Mr, beset many clubs, She reminded|cluded diamond rings and tiaras, and Mrs, E, V, Sargeant, Mrs. her hearers that theirs was an|collected from the county's stat-|Thomas Salisbury, Mrs. Thomas unique organization whose pur-|ely homes to raise money for re- Meyers, Mrs. Willlam Allison, pose was to Improve the status novating churches, Mr. and Mrs, Maynard Nelson, Mrs. W, H., Stubbings, Mr, and Nu. Tums oul, Mr, and Mrs, arles Langfield, Mrs. Stephen Charles laugfisia, Mn, Sunol 28 KING ST. E RA 3-4621 liam James. The evening was Jikgm, i oe, &, 4 i rf / _--.. a & 6 3b & on boi TAKING PART in the after- | Young, Cobourg, moderator; | president Eileen Wilson wel. | provincial president; Elsie Mac- noon's panel discussion were | Helen Upper, Port Hope and | comes guests of honor Ethel | Gill, Toronto, immediate past Harriet Bate, Lindsay; Luella | Madlyn Wilcox, Bowmanville. | Murray, Port Hope, regional | president for Ontario and the Knapp, Peterborough: Luella | In the lower picture Oshawa | advisor; Nazla Dane, Toronto, | guest speaker; Lillian Bryon, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 ionorary provincial secretary, : street, and Mr, and Mrs, lan| And Marie Shantz, Oshawa, Past Achievements of B&P Clubs McNab, He Bm street | the convener of the conference. |10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, Mey 12, 1960 ' Members of Mrs. Elmer White. ~Oshawa Times Photots | CANADA S NO. 1 WASHER A T h F F th E d ly's bridge club held a mother OIC or ur er Ni eavor and danger party at the home of Mrs . Bone, Masson street. "Our job is to think out things with respect," sald the speaker, A a was made and for our country and to see that|' 'Our conferences discuss and de-|the bride-to-be was "showered" those things are brought to the cide on resolutions. Resolutions with pantry shelf gifts, attention of the people of the|are important, No club is unim-| Mrs. E. F. Cuthbertson, Mary country, and our job is to see that| portant, The smallest club can|street, and Mrs. Leonard Wake. | those things are carried out," bring in the best resolution, It|ford, Aberdeen street, were co-| sald Miss Elsie Gregory MacGill,|can direct and put acts into ac-| hostesses at a miscellaneous | immediate past president x the ion What is needed is thinki 8 |shower given by friends and for. | an 'om- | a; then acting -- not raising en's Clubs of Ontario and a prom- money," concluded Miss MacGill, map Yaighbors ot 'M4, Cuthbert: fnent consulting aeronautical en.| Miss Marie Shantz, chairman Lighting Unlimited proud gineer in Toronto, in her ad-|of the conference, presided a] pie Pie ata tion Ieichom book, y 9 9 p y dress to the delegates and ob-|the evening session and introduc. i [ i servers at the dinner in the Hotel led the guest speaker. Mrs. Ei His. Sent Scott of Norwien, oN . announces the arrival of Genosha Saturday evening which leen Wilson, president of the Osh- / 'Xs i brought to a conclusion the annual awa Club, expressed the appre- Miss Wilialy also Juceived ghee. many styles of domestic and regional conference of the clubs|ciation of the audience to Miss ns from neighbors on Suth. of District 5. MacGill, erland avenue and from the staff Miss MacGill's topic was| |of the Product Service Depart- "Business and Professional Wom-| ment at General Motors, ne's Clubs' Objectives Achieved | Miss Doris Whitely he prospective bridegroom [| gti FROM 3.95 imported lamps. Over the Years", Miss MacGill a. ound 9 Po Jresantation cited a long list of objectives rom the staff of Automatic Elec- y : which reflected the Eble pur- | | Feted By Friends |e Solos Ltd., Toronto, § TO 185 00 pose of the Business and Pro- | Following the rehearsal tomor- - . A ' fessional Women's Club, to id Prior to Wedding | dow evening the bridal party will' ra { . prove the status of women be entertained at the home of Mr, { 4 os. Miss Doris Whiteley whose) Business and Professional ose and Mrs. Mrs. Leonard Wakeford. Women's Clubs have been par- | marriage to Mr. Peter Levens is IC Valeo. ticularly Interested in the setting|lo take place on Saturday, has = HOUEHOLD HINT l up of Juvenile and Family Courts| le ntertained in honor | Be sure your glipcovers are| in judicia. areas. This has of the event, pre-shrunk and color-fast before | been done in all but two areas| "' Montgomery was you launder them, Go over them now. and clubs will continue to Lostess at a kitchen shower at|first with a vacuum cleaner at- press for their establishment, |Adelaide House. tachment to remove loose dust, Some women probation officers| Presentations were made at din. [then wash In lukewarm suds for adult courts have been ap-|ner parties given by Mr, and Mrs, |and dry away from sun and pointed but there should be more, | Geoffrey Andrews, Grierson heat. she said, wom The new 'open' Institution for women prisoners opened at| Brampton, July 31, 1959, had been| urged by Business and Profes- sional Women's Clubs in . On- tario since 1953, and they have requested the Ontario Depart- ment of Reform Institutions to constitute it "an experimental unit for developing and adopting pew methods of rehabilitating women prisoners and as a pilot project to reduce recidivism in the provincial reformatories of both men and women." WOMEN'S LABOR BUREAU \ 2 ; \ y \ Je 3 3 R. cans h : In 1952 the national convention \ hy y $+ A kd } pin A gl : MODEL 605230 asked the Federal Government to A q 1 Batid 4B i \ RN os set up a Women's Bureau to deal with unemployment of women and . women's problems in the labor 2 " aE field. In 1554 Miss Marion Royee i L ] ) 7 ' 3 ] was appoint irector of the a b f f R ! : ONLY Women's Bureau. As a result im- Exiting NEW! . { \ 2 0 0 ® BIG 10-LB. TUB Jattant surveys on many prob- lems relating to employment of / ; \ women have been pwr out and 0 / Tad * CHROME WRINGER much valuable pNormation is fy i y now available in the form o k- pm , - oh. J \ lets on such topics as 'Equal \ : ® PUMP Pay" and "Women at Work". " - ' These are available from the the world's first \ , government and remove the ne- ® HERCULES cessity for searching libraries Cm--® [011-00 Wee | . L] ormation, : MECHANISM Yor Sis miormation. ' aware) UY Richard Hudnut ® S-YEAR GUARANTEE of the assistance they might re- Rolls on flowing eolor 4 gaive from, the eng he has ue Sulckly: If your taste runs to something very special, now is the time to fulcuies Jodo hed others, Cau Sout break ou Heh Hie lipstick ! visit Lighting Unlimited. Our buyers are always on the lookout able one 'Family Legislation Ad- 2h ps ves tye for th f iseri i ministered by the Juveaie and outline fo your I or the unusual for our discriminating customers. Family Courts". 8 fabul Ja ie a REPRESENTATION | LipQuick' in slim, elegant, golden case $2.00 " . ' Ko iment o wamen to a CANADA'S ONLY CHAIN OF HOME LIGHTING STORES" "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" 'ederal Civil Service Commis sion and to the Ontario Civil Ser- vice C as del to| United Nations Status of Women| Commission and the Canadian National Commission for UNES. CO, removal of unequal rates of pay or anything of a discrimin- " ating nature affecting working women -- all these and many more have been -- and will con- tinge to be matters of concern tonal to the Busi and Pr | Wotnen's Clubs of Canada, she 28 KING ST. DRUGS S488) OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 92 SIMCOE NORTH "Our org fon is 1 d tol RA 5-471

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