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The Oshawa Times, 12 May 1960, p. 12

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ERED a A an Behe be' Se Si ol Jus dh I JN SN Bd 4 my cleaning day, usually 1 ar- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 12, 1960 11} ' A Syear-old ean scrape plates| CHANGED OUTLOOK ; first -- wild MARY HAWORTH'S MATL re nso | Dw oy avi, ype (1s So eer Hr . feeds theltitude towards housekeeping, or greens in winter--and let the Good H k 1 R fcee Bo Ms 4 pots, ae) ude isn't easy with small ehil- mental lift of this beauty spot THE STARS SAY ouse eeping equires Istove and drainboard after |dren, Ours are grown now. |spur me on to finish my Work: meals. | My housekeeping improved) My system may of may m By ESTRELLITA when 1 changed my outlook from help E.P., but I hope she finds Family Cooperation, Says Wife spe weir ro moumy [5s | nis, Gots Grader er newer, Ber Me vil belvom vomomnow ~~ Most so-called poor housekeep-| "yy of an artist creating a s are spineless victims of other ¢ master of her routine, instead of| - Dear Mary Haworth: 1 am in-| evenings, Oddly enough, being a| folks selfishness, or lack of prac-|Festiul Distare | o andes than | letting the house rule her. I do ad iis gr Jo Ra doy terested in the lament of E.P.,|good housekeeper consists in fice in cooperation. That's why beauty. ro pe wasa't se.|enjoy your columns, Sincerely, ng fy flue, wah the discouraged housekeeper. 1n|doing nothing too well. ~~ |ihey tall so far behind, then calll SCV ICE "oun gn KJ. reach 8 seemingly unattainable see myself, before my re-| We are six in our household. |, : . tom, {one an infant; pod what five peo. Jrsmacives ES of Jeon I unified the hodjeprige of fhe BOK COVERS SUBJE! wi 9 _ |goal through the good offices of e answer to her problem is|ple can do in 15 minutes, morning friend 4 living room by slipcovering the . so simple that it is almost un-|noon or night, it would take one Doves dont, They fall b) Jeary Sow ong To in blue - denim, and|for your warm-hearted Sontarl Evening vibrations favor social believable. Stop being a patsy|person an hour and a quarte '010 tag painting the walls a slightly(t0 help EP. Howeves, agals activities and community af- for husband, children and may-|do, Even little children ean be . 1 r.| deeper shade of blue. We painted remind that Bomemaler spec -|fairs; should also inspire those be other relatives too. taught by example to help re-| I discovered that 1 was Sue |the woodwork off-white and used ist Mary Davis Hie book: | engaged In creative and intellec- Make them do their share, |store order and to eat on sched-|doing by asking friends: "HoW|ay" inexpensive off-white fabric| 'How to Keep fo AB Harpers) tual pursuits. every minute of every day; and|ule, do you do this or that?" and they |for draperies. teaches both the Kill . how to| FOR THE BIRTHDAY presto change! you find it easy! If you don't have an auto-|would say: "I don't; my hus- | {Snore advanced on ; n sfull If is r birthday to be a successful housewife. |natic dish washer, run, don't|band takes care of it. .. ." |COLOR SCHEME RESTFUL streamline the Job of succes: tumaniaw JO day, n gh Sas 5 emit | alk, to the nearest supply cen:| Let each one do his part; and| he elie by ie ul Sovely houlekeeping, 3.0. counsels 1960 could well mark a pivotal particularly meeting the day's : responsiblli-l¢or and buy one, on credit if don't speak, think or act as iL ad and three boys. I have con-| through her column, not by mail|point in your life from an oc prized as an ornamental stone for ties, a housewife has to start|,.cessary, Any family that can : . | iF in the Far Rast, ol with a house picked-up, and a afford id eat Yon afford a dish|others in the family are help-| tinued the policy of color unity|or personal interview. Write her|cupational espec kitchen left clean the night be-|yagher, ing" you. Sincerely, A.F. throughout the house. To start|in care of this newspaper. for success in both old and new'ally in fore; and the previous day's Wash | eee re -- - Ril em ---------------- folded and put away. SMALL CHILDREN HELP ate fro Fm 2 e OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. © nothing distract you from this. Do the miscellaneous and social things in the afternoons and me | FARES May Sale | GLECOFF | The Pilot Club held its month Se Oy the Family for Summer Fun and comfort . . . it's time to "summer-ize" 174 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA ly executive meeting prior to its RETAILERS TO THRI FTY CANADIANS These sunny May Days tell us Summer is near . . . it's time to outmt spondence and committee re- NSpoaticee and commie the Home! So prepare for the wonderful Season ahead! See the "TONS le "presen. Mis Lila TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA rims Seormws tothe vend Saou abet Soot TOS J] Open Every Night Till 10 p.m. Beamish, president, presided at the business meeting. The min Wes were ress and Ms. Mary - = | WEEKEND SPECIALS McLean gave the treasurer's re n a oy ny [177 a b port The members who worked W SA RY ¥258 Value FOR THURS. FRI & SAT on the Cancer Drive were thank- . WAS ' y i) # pn 7} J { # L4 L] . ed by the president. Miss Beth \ a = Ws ! ; : Miller was the winner of the eg) », i} 77 he ' q i] / f Ww. . 7 ) » CHRISTIES BROOKSIDE lucky number prize a y ¢ Ph 4 A i 7) | Pi 7 4 4 b. 2 LOAVES c It was announced that the pro- % 4 4 dl ' : eX Ge R SLICED gram for this month would be \ ; A # A "i Pr] 1 4 0! of A | bil p | ] ed hy the president. Re. "X ' / / 7 / wy i acm, ¥ od --- \ freshments were served by Miss XW by D.- ; f ! AVE WU SUMMER. SMART! = FIRST GRADE c Be storie "m. KY x y bY vi d A Vo "5 = 4 Ee " Handbags, i 3Vies LB. , Lan A 7 vy A i po - ' "3 { tched, thers, | ; PATRIARCH MILITANT AUX 'oF O\Y : i, . ' "Cf ay, : pinned The Lad'es' Auxillary Patriarch 4 2 \ . no 7) { no » ¥/ A pp wr Yor Moy sale %oig i GRADE A LARGE © Militant, IOOF, held its regula: a 7 4 y L = Ph AN Re > J : i : DOZEN meeting recently vs 1 , ? ') TH PD 2 i i Re I EB Lady Victoria MaGee, presi /4 a 707 Ein FR 5 MEN S ! ¢ RINDLESS BREAKFAST 1 dent, presided with Lady Dorothy . ; gr, VY 4 Z Lo a, . Holdsworth, vice - president, as Be i P 3 4 4/4 NYLON 1-LB. PKGS. p $ ts were given $ % 4 . 4 7 . Lady Flora Purdy, officer of the | A PN ; al STRETCH ANKLES Fit " ALL PURPOSE 25 LB. BAGS stalling officer, assist v A - Bi) / 5 5 f ed by Lady Lorraine Hewat, in- & Ya DAF pattems. White; colors, & FL UR YOUR CHOICE BAG 1.79 stalled the following officers: --3 OB vi 4 \ ww / (Subs.) Superb quality, at a WS, \ Lady May Wood, officer of the i / Special Low Price! : My, 4 1 TULIP guard; Lady Idellas McCullough, , ", h LBS. color bearer; Lad 4 Ba > . 3 d ton. Solop ie rgeant; Lady 4 o z i i; AW WHITE NYLON MARGARINE 5 FOR 1.00 adys Stoneburg in . w v % 0 GLOVES -- 79% | A social hour was held alter (he » J s f i 7 Value! Styles as OLD SOUTH FROZEN meeting, when four brother Odd- Super Special 1d x y LN Xi) tatched, and Sthars, | ORANGE JUICE 6-0. 1 00 i Ay were convened 2 PC ""CABAN NA" SUITS ID * Ne A -- Eine, Ye: FROZEN Pi y ; ; ui . : Ib. by La'v Luella Smith an. wu . i po NN 4 ; Ya to 7a. POTATO CHIPS Cello Pkg. 45¢ committee. ' i ] J : ALL POPULAR The next regular meeting is on SIZES 3 TO 8! Little-girl and Little-boy styles! hr Tet " n Sm ------ CIGARETTE BRANDS Carton 3.05 May 18, at the close of the meet Great variety! Of Sturdy Presshiunk Soins in 12 PAR 22% am CHRISTIE'S ing special entertainment is prints and solid colours. Worth much, muc LAR '8 \ ; p } Reg. 376 c | planned more! Choose at this Tiny May Sale Price and PACH A SEAEAN Nafris Pkg. 32 CHALLENGER GROUP save! at ] : ca . The regular meeting of the » Xv i J MILK 4 Gallons 4 6 Challenger Group was held at . : Alice Street United er: | ; i / ? cond Prt . 'Stewa N . / Graham led in 'the devotional A Specials! Men's, Boys', Little-Boy Sizes Bon dl J, mie ol, Mrs. Edward Holland read a| y MEN'S S-M-L SIZES! : Blouse. Attractive in Oo J ? - 4 Th h " / to cor Sie, MAY-SALE PRICE blue checks, with white, Princess Margaret. Mrs, Clayton . / ; r Practical and pretty . . . and J Meat Values Galore I bs Lee read a "Thought for Today". | ATHLETIC STYLE 67° 5 inppentivel I tng. wore. reed Financns row @ | ¢ J ZC BNE || srs ena shores Fr | ROASTING OR FRYING eh 'TH OR WiFHOUT A / 4 1 EACH . oe was given by the treasurer, cor- ZL 3 ' ol 4 : or 4 ; DRESSING respondence was read and sick | %\ oF i ¥ f fine quality white cot- S ; I report was given. The bus trip to NN k HH / \ ton yams. Rib-knit. BOYS' S-M.L SIZES! ; WN : Es % CHICKENS 1b. [4 Niagara Falls will take place] WE: w . MAY.SALE PRICE 3 4 : 4 June 9. Anyone wishing to go Lo Popular: choice for c : ¥ i § : SPECIAL!--Seamfree micro were asked to telephone Mrs wr ah ! { | warm-weather wear | 9. 07 e ON i el mesh ond flat-knit Nylons HALF OR WHOLE FRESH Fred Coleman. ) . i ir . 4 V 4 i 4 ot a Tiny Price! New Sum- 2) o" | Timely Buys' at . . F 3 3 mer shades. Sizes 9 to 11. PORK HAMS 1b c » Hi i prices that mean more ) sb & Choose 3 pairs in matching i : LITTLE-BOY SIZES A shade, ond ensure double 2-6! f . A 3 . a h § Savings for = Family economy! LUCAS MOST | bY ¢ a-ak pce BRAWN or HEADCHEESE » 99¢ HOT WATER MW = FR" 4/996 | == 2 Quality Cotions Lucas BOLOGNA *"* he. 30¢ For Dress-up! P MACARONI CHEESE LOAF or with a ! 2) | SEU \ on Relais $1.00 VALUE! -- Sizes 3 - SHOPSY'S KOSHER | 7 fo Rl ILE ATE vee Vaan eit | 12 month Furie prit ALL BEEF WIENERS ». 49° NATURAL GAS | = Satie \\ WV fy 3 59 sn, Tinyegiced su ; A Farid NWA, MN Cole Slaw or Potato Salad ,., 29¢ } RENTAL Si 2.49 & 2.79 Values 2.98 Value "\ {0a AL : H EAT E R VN J 3 Vr WONDERFUL VALUEI--Smartly Il | ils ° £) pc ; § \ A ip non Bb go FE ei 1 iat IE FLORIDA OBANGES *='® _ 37: Wardr now, o 4 4 I igen Wa S88 Fe, oo . §| Large New Head Lettuce 2 "* 25¢ manroor- sanomss -- | | | i dN * DRESS DEPT. As! PINEAPPLE "W/1* '** 3 * 7@¢ Infants' and Children' ha \N § b - : \ \& ef YOU SAVE SLIT -- Srew | 4 FASHION canTRS f § JUICY PINEAPPLES "=. 3.09 (gas extra) : Tiny-priced for Extro-big . money-saver for May-Sale . hE | flo Bags Fully Guaranteed | | = Savings rel BF L{ [3 J] POTATOES "* *vswiex sow 2 95 SERVICE, MAINTENANCE TRIPLE-ROLL LADIES' ADDI and INSTALLATION rome ||| APPLE PIE FILLER 2 2 37 rami || Weke, 9m BT Za (5 || BABY PowDER omens Iv Your Gas does not to ey r. mrad gS. NW ¢ 4 WITH ATTACHED Ts me rie 7° iS] ||] ee COTTON BUDS "viii. 50¢ Baten mert - 3 ¢ Teer sizes print wi i . J / Siz . } x lL las icizee " ol Ca- : ld y Bg lo Bw Sher | \ 4% NA MAZOLA OIL RIG. 1% Ra 67¢ Bonsumers Has rec. pink, bi pri Rly SF 4 lon White; gelors 2 rh BUA PA f Lighter Fluid Batil STUART'S c irs, shorts! Tiny- EN > ON CHOCOLATE id Each 9 MILK a. LOWEST COST | | | ALTA" My TNT TR et ta ; o % CHICKEN ROLL sc 39¢ hdd SA Ib. flannelette. Complete with WATER A Big Bg Ben 4 Garden Fresh Fruils and Vegetables 1612-24. NOW IS THE TIME TO PRESERVE PINEAPPLES ony $7 77 5MontiLy Jf | (CF a bog Se Eoiczed Wonderful SMART S-TURITY : > CARROTS "* ** 2 coi nose 45° 51 by (En i / Guarentee $1 ei Smith's KETCHUP ~~ § I: 89¢ "o "" Sh ~ oe se cs, Bes wr BOBBY" SOCKS : Blouse Special 3 J 3 LESTOIL For Cleaning "* ** ,,,. 39¢ Sour aalaamen nor telephone canvassers, HA ! i . IN ' ontario Fuel i a } , -M-L--Drip-dry cotton ¢ of y by a ASPIRINS REG. 53¢ BOTTLE SPECIAL woh 39¢ POWDER SPECIAL, ks. 39° a RA 3.3468 | Little-Girl Skorts DOWNTOWN SHOPPING CENT Shop and Save at GLECOFF'S | ZELLER'S LIMITED 5 SUPPORT THE Sizes 2 to 6x. "Sanforized" 21 SIMCOE ST. S. 226 STEVENSON RD. S. . : HOSPITAL DRIVE ! SJ | cotton prints. 1.49 value PHONE RA 3.2294 sHONE Ra 3.220- | Open Every Night Till 10 p.m. | | WE CASH PENSION and PAY CHEQUES

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