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The Oshawa Times, 12 May 1960, p. 19

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VV WN NY NEY VY WY YY YY 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 12, 1960 OSHAWA MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION PAYS TRIBUTE TO FOUNDERS wT SPORTS |Als Offer CALENDAR _ McNichol As conn wae 172d Bait and United has been cancelled) i i MONTREAL (CP) -- Montreal due to field conditions. |Aloauttes placed homebred. Her BASEBALL ? fensive end Doug McNichol on Leaside Junior Baseball League|the trading block Wednesday for (Opening Game) -- Oshawa Wil |"the best deal" the club can ob- |kinson's Juveniles vs Geor ge|tain from any of the three other Moore Drugs, at Talbot Park, Big Four Football Union mem- Leaside, 7.30 p.m, TS Ken Brown, Montreal's diree- FRIDAY'S GAMES tor of development, said wires of- No games scheduled. {ne sevens, Mousa Detroit Tigers Develop Habit | |sent to Toronto Argonauts, Ham- By ED WILKS |ilton Tiger - Cats and Ottawa Associated Press Staff Writer Rough Riders. Brown also said the Argonauts "Strictly creatures of habit, these Tigers from Detroit. have been offered a package deal--McNichol and two-way im- They won their first five games, | lost their next 10 and now have, port tackle Billy Shipp in retufn for "players who can help our club." won two straight--both 1-0 de- cisions at Washington on two-out, last-inning home runs. Al VW " | Maddock, assistani secretary- treasurer; Ray Bint, execu- tive; Charlie March, referee-in- chief and Ralph Cooke, execu- tive. MINOR HOCKEY men of | Hockey Association last night | Oshawa, who have "carried the | a their aml ent Mop i "og ampions anquet, wi a hall I. the past years, were | presentation of a certificate in honored 'by the Oshawa Minor | recognition of their service of | Walter Branch; (back row): 0. Harold Luke, Victor Burr, Geo. H. Campbell, "Sid" Fer- guson and Wm. H. "Shorty" former years. Among those who received the signal honor, shown above, are, left to right (front row): Frank Black, Bill Stone, Leon "Pop" Osier and | Campbell, SPORTS MENU Sad Sam Jones By Geo. H. Campbell Does Everything SPORTS EDITOR . By ED WILKS wi Slinched it With a single off re- . . sociated Press St. riter (liever Larry Sherry. Everything From Soup To Nuts' 5," ke 4 -------- ~Oshawa Times Pholos ' Ed Mathews hit two homers Face, now 1-3 after winning 18 and drove in five runs for Mil-|of 19 last year, took over in the |waukee Braves and Elroy Face,|seventh after rookie Joe Gibbon tion paid tribute to its : ( [Pittsburgh Pirates reliever, fin.|8ave way for a pinch - hitter.| hom pions last night at their an-|ons and presented by Lions 11 But th f the Rookie Bob Aspromonte drove in x oH A Club president Jack Anderson. Oe "Nations: League all of the runs for Dodgers, their|Pual "Meet The Champions™ ban-| qe Mike" Bouckley Trophy, lis Sam Jones, the pos with a seventh loss in 10 games. |quet and as a special feature, for high scorer in the Juvenile |toothpick and an arm. Mathews's 304th career home also honored the veteran officials League, was won by Stanley Sad Sam did Just about every-|Tud: his fifth of the season, gave of the Association, past-presi- Dowe. Geo. Campbell presented {thing for San Francisco LL very-| the Braves a clinching 9-2 lead in dents and former executive mem-|the trophy and individual replica |day as the first-place Giants won| the sixth inning after he had| bers who organized and conduct-|to the winner. | their fifth in a Pace The tooth. singled homie a pair in a six-runjed "City League" minor hockey The "Gerald McBeth" Trophy [pick - chewing righthander beat fifth. Warren Spahn (2-0) col-|in Oshawa, more than a quarter-/for the best defenceman in the [Philadelphia Phillies 1-0 with a|lccted his 269th victory, the 55th century ago. City League was presented by [two-hitter and got the run home| over St. Louis, but needed relief| Bill Kurelo, OMHA president,|the donor to Leonard Bobbie, of Oshawa Minor Hockey Associa- high scorer in the 1959-60 League, was won by Paul Gib- OSHAWA MINOR Hockey Association held its annual "Banquet of Champions" last night at Legion Hall and even though the target gets increasingly higher every year, they still set a new record, They had the biggest attendance ever, the Bantam, Midget and Juvenile cham- pions were all honored. The individual trophy winners, high scorers in each league, most valuable players, most sportsmanlike player, best goalie, etc, each received special recognition. A highlight of the program was the honor paid, via a special certificate, to the older men of " + THE EXECUTIVE of the | this city, are shown above. REPLY TODAY. woionie's. gop y ke . | Left to right, they are, (fron ' y Oshawa Minor Hockey Asso row): ""Tom" Cotle, secreiary- eral manager, was to reply to the offer today. No Toronto play- a double five-hitter, : . The victory lifted the Tigers 30-year-old McNichol is through past Washington into sixth p ce | With the Alouettes unless he is 1 oC © am S Da he Amocican League race |Yiling to take a substantial cut ag 'lin salary. I | d A B | Baltimore defeated Kansas City|"" i foot. fi 4 { 1 Ie t ( 1 i 4 { 1e1 5-3 on Jackie Brandt's two-run oy said the Aloo five. 25. O O |homer in the 10th inning in the|hele non. the money he was cnly other league game played. | oiq jas year." dress, Bob Attersley reminded " sed" at rts t 3 lout P? not surpri at reports that I \d alidience that only a few, 4" in 15 at bats--broke up|ettes best ball-carrier last sea- wou ave the opportunity tol three-hit shutout by Ramos S°n. plan to retire for business afforded by the Oshawa Mino | September and the third by one) Billy Hudson, another Clemson To ne 350 Ciation, as a step Lary (22) "struck out seven product, planned to ask for his ship and citizenship. He stressed|and walked just one, getting out outright release to join Houston : The Pirates retained second|off righthander Lindy McDaniel|Brady, on behalf of Mayor |; | hockey, still provided the oppor-/mos and Billy G in thes , beaten by Don Mossi's fine gesture by the current executive officers, one deeply [piace, 1% games behind, by doy BN hadn't ed a run in|Lyman Hore. tended or [ropny, to Jim Topping. a he tunity for playing the DE sixth. three - hit pitching and Rocky appreciated by the men who formed and operated the |feating Los Angeles Dodgers 6-315 2.3 innings going back to last gratulations from the City Coun-|City League, |under supervision and learning| It was the 15th. one-run de-|Colavito's ninth-inning home rim minor hockey set-up in this city, back about 25 or 30 |with three runs in the eighth season. and had been tagged for|cil, to the Oshawa Minor Hockey| suo watking e proper steps towards a full|cision in 20 games for the Nats,|Tuesday night, have failed to years ago. While the presentation of trophies and crests to the [ale 12.8 with Wes Covington and een Ee Aaron, [tented The Rdwald Crawley Me. 1959-60 minor hockey champions of the city, was the How Crandey jong Mamews in {tion for the past 13 years, gave pr Wy A in the City prime item of business, we feel that the individual he J omer lawmicing. nein Mantle Batting a comprehensive report of the|Jeague, and this award was won ec awards, to high scorers, most valuable players, etc, In each gection of the "City League", was also a big event. "Of course if we can deal either lone off for something good we'll take it,' he said. ciation, the men to whom all "RII ' treasurer; "Bill" Kurelo, pres- ' ; : | eredit is due for providing or- | ident and Harold Hudson, id Ines Shot Jn ein Hen ere were specified, | ganized hockey for the boys in | president; (back row): Cliff | [Lary orem He Pete Ramos in| Perry Moss, Montreal coach and general manager, said the |just four games behind Chicago's sank i H p | Moss said that if no trade can lidle first-place White Sox despite be : H made McNichol will be placed that 10-game skid. waivers. Midget|and also a member of Canada's| Chicago and the other first divis-| Olympic Games team, in 1960. ion clubs--New York, Boston and iS ouetten may lose a couple of In his forceful and sincere ad-|Cleveland--were rained out. | The front office said it was make hockey their career but ns that each and every one could (0-4), who was tagged with hig reasons. : | si The Alouettes said they had use the. game of hockey, asl Sixth straight defeat since last aiso heard rumors that tackle Oshawa's minor hockey fraternity, those who put the when he walked with the bases/help from Don McMahon andlacted as chairman of the eve-|the Tony's team. the debt that each young player|of his only jam when Dan Dob-|%¢ the new American Football Association on its feet with their own hard work and lon he second inning. | 2Y Burdette, {ning's proceedings and following| *'Dufehy" Turner presented his{oWed to the men who, with or|bek hit into a d after| League. service in the early years of the organization. It was a | oe : Three Milwaukee homers were|the usual formalities, John G. own trophy, The Douglas Turner| Without an active experience in one-out by Ra-| th three shutout innings of one-hit only two home runs in 104 innings men. Bagh or on abr. life, as a citizen, and the ninth they've lost. The'score in 20 consecutive innings. relief by Face. Third-place Mil-|or telief since he made his last| ""Tom" Cotie, energetic and dil-| Minor Hockey Association, pre- ---- waukee rapped St. Louis Cardin. tars, May 21, 1959. A y y 4 Association's financial status and | D Mitchell. Mr. Watki called off bec ause of cold [its 1959-60 activities, in which he by lieing Ai i a atkins, | weather, the Cubs' sixth consecu- | paid tribute to all those who had|the memory of Ed. Crawley and And the highlight of the entire evening's program was the guest speaker. "Bobby" Attersley, A graduate of the Oshawa Minor Hockey Association, who has since gone on to achieve most of Canada's coveted hockey honors, including Allan Cup medals and World's Cham=- pionship honors, "Bob" gave the boys a sincere, heart~ to-heart talk, straight from the shoulder. He told them in #0 many words, that hockey can be their career, in some cases, but for the majority, hockey as offered by the Oshawa Minor ssociation, is really a training ground for citizenship and sportsmanship. He stressed, and as well as we have ever heard it said, the lads who enjoy supervised minor hockey owe a great debt of grati- tude to the men who give their time and efforts to help youngsters enjoy hockey and become better citizens. It was a masterful address, not an oratorical master- piece, but, we think, more valuable and more impressive, because it was sincere and couched in the language that the youthful audience understood. BRIGHT BITS: The Inter-County Softball League is holding its final organizational meeting tonight, at the UAW Hall, Bond Street, 7:30 o'clock and all teams interested had better be on hand. They're going to close their league entries tonight. SAD SAM JONES pitched Giants to a slim 1-0 victory over the Phillies, yesterday at Candlestick Park in San Francisco, and he had to pitch a two-hitter to do that too. . . CASEY STENGEL has moved Mickey Mantle up into the second slot of the Yankee batting order--because Mickey gets a lot of walks and he can run bases. . TOMMY WALKER. of Hearts of Midlothian soccer club, is all for allowing substitutes in soccer, In the Old Country, you start with 11 players and finish with the same 11--or all what's left of them. They have no substitutes. Our won idea is that substitutes should be allowed--but only in a playoff game. . . . SOCCER, at the Kinsmen Stadium, has "had it" for this week. The heavy rains and sub- tive postponement. |PROLONGS STINGY STREAK Jones, 34, put away his fourth victory in six decisions with his {fourth low - hit game, all at |Candlestick Park. He struck out| 11 in his first shutout and walked only three for the fourth two-| hitter of ais career, second over the Phillies. After beating St. Louis with a| three - hitter opening day, then| Ipitching a one-hitter against Chic-| ago and a three-hitter against Pittsburgh, Sad Sam allowed the In Second Slot | assisted the Oshawa Minor Hock-|{o the group of men who present. |ey Association, in particular, the ed the trophy. | NEW YORK (AP) -- Manager Sponsors, coaches, managers and The UAW Trophy, for the| Casey Stengel announced Wed-|referees. "most outstanding" hockey play. | nesday a new batting order for| His financial report revealed er" in the entire "City League" | the New York Yankees which|that the Oshawa Minor Hockey was won this year by Len Bob- | will feature Mickey Mantle bat-|Association concluded its 1959-60 pie and Frank O'Connor made | ting in the second slot for the season with a respectable bank {phe presentation on behalf of | first time in his career. | balance. UAW Local 222. Born Roney Mos UBT Skew. TROPHIES AND AWARDS President "Bill" Kurelo, on be-| ron and Elston Howard a notch] Wm: H. Campbell presented his half of the Association, made a each, dropping Gil MeDougald | 2" trophy to coach Bev. Smith|surprise presentation of a duffle from second to seventh Mantle oF the Civitan club, as Bantam| bag to each member of the Osh-| has been batting third ' 0 League champions and Wrenawa Referee's Association. He 3 1 up to now, pair presented the Coca Cola|paid tribute to the men who for "WWeslewre BRAKE CABLES 4 : to Phils only a fifthnning double| followed by by Harry Anderson pr sixth. | Berra and Howard, in that order. |,;5pje inning single by rookie Tony| I decided to make the changes J eague. Curry. for three reasons," sald the 69- Fred Kitchen, on behalf of the The Giants managed only five year-old skipper, Kiwanis Club, presented the Jack hits, four off loser Jim Owens 'First, Mantle has walked worrg] Memorial Trophy to C. (2-3). A leadoff walk to Willie|more than anybody on this elub,|Cairnes, coach of the Kinsmen McCovey and two-out singles by |largely because he's looking over Club team, Midget League cham- Hobie Landrith and Ed Bressoud|the pitchers better than he did pions and OMHA delegate Gord loaded the bases before Owens|last year. Hawes of Whitby, presented the walked Jones "Second, by moving all the Joe Flynn Trophy to Paul Gib- The Pirates got all their runs|other good hitters up, .too, I'm bons, most valuable player in the |with two out--in the first, eighth|§iving them one more time at bat Midget League. {and ninth. They scored in the first|in a game. Those are the guys| 0, Harold Luke presented the on Gene Baker's single, his first| Who have been doing most of the Cc, E. McTavish Trophy to Tony's hit since he was given up for lost hitting and driving in most of the Refreshments, City League Juve- {after a 1958 injury. In the eighth runs. nile champions, with coach R. Hal Smith's tying, two-run single "Third, the hitters who haven't McCarl accepting the trophy. (chased loser Sandy Koufax (0-3) been hitting are down in the Harry Dove Trophy was present- {and ex - Dodger Gino Cimoll|lineup." ed by the donor to Stanle: | Dowe, voted most valuable play- BASEBALL SCORES, STANDINGS player in the Bantam |er in the Juvenile League. Three members of Whitby Dun- lops, Fred Etcher, Tom O'Connor and Ted DpComnon, all grudusies (3) Duliba (8) ibs 7 |of the Oshawa 1 inor Hockey As- |Jackson (8) and Smith, Sawatski]i0tjation, officiated ig Jie pres. HR. [Bue championship trophies, 2 (5) Brian Brady accepted the Ban- IL. Pet. GBL glio 12 7 10 7 9 7 | | | | American League McDaniel (1-1) Bridges (5) Bro-| 632 -- 588 1 (7); Spahn (2-0) McMahon 563 1'% |Burdette (8) and Crandall. {Chicago New York Boston Cleveland 0 8 556 aris, Skowron, Trophy to Johnny Fair, most val- many years had given their services, gratis, to help boost minor hockey in Oshawa, Charlie March, on behalf of the Oshawa | referees, accepted the token pres- |entation. | f [HONOR FORMER OFFICERS | A highlight of last night's meet- ing was the presentation of spe- cial "honor certificates" to those men, who in the early years of the Oshawa Minor Hockey Asso- |ciation, contributed many hours |of diligent work and efficient guidance to help steer the Asso- |ciation over the rough and rug- |ged years of its early growth, |This presentation, to former past- presidents and other former of ficers of the Association, wa {made by former "City League | Governor, Geo. H. Campbell. | Those who received the ial d. Most cars . dards. Fully 9 1.154.756 | [~ > / a - VU A westerre 1GNITION SUPPLIES Unconditionelly Guaranteed For 10,000 MILES A complete stock for oll popular cars [+ westoese VOLTAGE REGULATORS miles or 6 months. AN cons ditionally g¢ or ' . honors included A. W. "Army" | Armstrong, Frank N. Black, Wal- |ter Branch, Victor Burr, Wm. H, Shorty" Campbell, Sid Fergu- ison, Dr. W. Gifford, 0. Harold Luke, Leon "Pop" Osier, William |Stone, Jos. Victor and S. E. Mc- wel Replacement Cortridges-- Finest quality, Most cars from 1% |Mil-Covington (1) Mathews 2 [Crandall (4). 1 4 | 5% sequent flood on Monday night rendered the grounds unfit for play, until the Parks Dept. boys get the grounds back in shape. OSHAWA SOCCER 524 Baltimore 11 7 10 412 Detroit 7 Washington 3 12 400 - Kansas City 7 18 350 | American League weather. Today's Games (And Probable Pitchers) St. Louis (Mizell. 1-2) 1 § 0/waukee (Willey 2-1) | Detroit 000 000 000 01 Washington 00 000 000 00-0 5 0 cago (Hobbie 2-3) mos (0-4' and Battey. HR Det-| Francisco (Sanford 2-1) Kaline (3) | (Only games scheduled) KCy 000 100 011 0-- 3 10 0 Friday's Games Halt 010 000 002 2 5.10 2 Philadelphia at Cincinnati (N) LJ Muddy Field Cancels Game i." pay: 'Po Eira Minas 0 .ause of the muddy condi-| The League Council is eagerly carrero, Barber (3) Pappas (2-2) . . 3 a Kinsmen Stadium there|awaiting the coming of Friday, (10) and Ginsberg, Courtney 10), (10%, Algsles ot San will be no games played there when their cares will, for that day HR: Bal-Brandt (1) 1 until further notice; therefore at least, be forgotten for it is Cleveland at New York ppd, rain Thursday's game has been called then they will meet the two clubs Chicago at Boston ppd, rain off of Ruarte and MalichesieF POTSONL (hud Pe apailc. Frapers) ; . ally. They will a e guests nd Probable Pitchers 4 I yF auticipated that several for the day of General Motors Kansas City (Kucks 0-0) at Balti- po ff 4 fhe Held to be in playing Corporation, to which a great deal more (Walker 0-0) Sondition. Rather than ruin - the of credit is due to League Secre:| Cleveland (Bell 3-1) field entirely for the rest of the tary and OFA Director "Terry" | (Terry 1-0) : season, plenty of time will be Ke ho did most of the ar Chicago (Shaw 2.1) lum To an v i ra . (Brewer 1.2) Re sive let iid Suro hly mes. The first appearance of the All. Detroit (Bunning 0-2) at Wash- Tom Jehind base on Jat Shs ey RO James Stars will take place on Sunday ington (Ramos 0-3 or Kaat 1.1)/fale's won-lost reco oh be % nsierred to Alexandra afternoon when they will play Hol Friday's Games International League P X id Hungaria will play|landia in an exhibition match. A Kansas City at Detroit (N) 000 000 000-- 0 3 TE ere oa 'and. Pulon team has been chosen but more Chicago at Cleveland (N) Te ae. Italla al 245 p.m. If|Plavers may be added as the sea-( el, York At Washingtin (N) a 351 that eae Park|S0n Drogresses, so that the besi Baltimore at Boston (N) 8 Spee \n good condition by|team possible will be ready for| National League ry June , 3 Atvangements re beng, Frans x L et. 3 ¥ Wp made play a team from the dan Francisco gets for the Hearis vs Man Niagara Falls region on that date. [Pittsburgh 15 9.625 ih almost sold out and are no| Sunday's game starts at 2.3 Milwaukee SERRE longer available in Oshawa. But|P-™- in Alexandra Park. Coach. | Cincinnati Hu 0 vr may be reserved for the bus|in8 Will be done by Frank Mala. | Los Angeles 1.41. 40 1 Friday noon by calling J.|W¥, Who is currently the coach J. ONE § 1 4 un 3 ;|of Strila, and he will be assisted| Philadelphia 9 15 378 Barnes at RA 8.6423. Only those | Chicago with reserved seats may travel on[DY J. Denholm and W. McRae National League 000 000 000-- 0 this bus which leaves from Kins-| Who are responsible for the selec- y All men Stadium on Saturday even-|tion and managing of the Alle "bo. 010 000 00x-- 1 Friday's Games Owens (2-3) Gomez (8) and Montreal at Buffalo ing at 6.00 p.m. and returns Gi. [Ars : | rectly after the game in Toronto. | Coker; Jones (4-2) nd Landrith. Toronto at Rochester A meeting concerning the jun-| SCOTS TEAM ARRIVES Pittsburgh 100 000 032-- 6 10 1 Columbus at Richmond jors is being considered for Satur-| TORONTO (CP) Heart of Los Angeles 201 000 000-- 3 6 0 Havana at Miami day, May 21, in Kinsmen Sta- Midlothian, Scottish football] Gibbon, Face (13) (7) and American Association dium, but has not been confirm-/league champions, arrived here Smith, Oldis; Koufax (0-3) L Wednesday's Results ef because all the detalls have by plane Wednesday for an ex- Sherry (8 Roebuck and N. Dallas-Fort' Worth 5 Houston 2 not bern completed. The young hibition soccer game Saturda) Charleston 13 Denver § is lads m:y stay informed by night against Manchester United |St. Louis 2 Louisville 1-5 St. Paul 6 watching the sports page. of the English Football League. |Milwaukee India tig 31 : International League Ww L 688 % 684 -- 550 2% .500 429 A412 Toronto x-Buffalo Richmond | Havana at New York| Montreal Rochester at Boston Columbus A12 Miami 5 5 6% Buf 13 11 8 ] 7 7 Miami Richmond |Cardell, Windle (3). GBL Buffalo Rochester 010 000 000-- 1 1% 3 and D. Rickets, Cannizzaro (7). 4% [Toronto at Montreal ppd, rain 6 Havana at Columbus ppd, rain 6 Today's Games 7% Toronto at Montreal (N) 7% | Buffalo at Rochester (N) Miami at Richmond (N) Phila 2 0'Havana at Columbus 2 (N) 50 WE ML | 011 000 420. 814 011 061 08x13 +] lis 7-4 |Cincinnati at Chicago ppd, cold| at Mil Lary (2-2) and Berberet; Ra-| philadelphia (Roberts 1-2) at San Pct. GBL 3% 5 tam League trophy, on behalf of the Civitan team; Nelson Cham- ed the Midget Trophy and Len Bobbie, of Tony's Refreshments, took the Juvenile League award. John Jenkins, also a former "City League" player, and presi Cincinnati (O'Toole 2-2) at Chi-|gan( of the Oshawa Police Asso- (ciation, presented the Police As sociation Trophy, for the "most sportsmanlike player in the Ban- tam League", to Timmy Gil more. The Barnes Memorial Tro- phy, for top scorer in the Ban- tam section, was won by John Fair and "Ab" Barnes made the Francisco presentation. The Lions Club Trophy, for 'Hold Spring The annual spring meeting of the ladies' section of the Lawn {Bowling Club was held on Wed-| nesday, May 11 in the clubhouse. 100 001 00x-- 2 4 0! The new president, Mrs. 0. F. Stock, Valentinetti (8) and Mc- Robson, opened the meeting and Bronstad and Shantz, welcomed three new members: M rs. A. Cain, Mrs. Bentley and 000 000 110-- 2 6 1|/Miss Evelyn Lick. 7 0 Mrs. Lehman and Davis; Browning two minutes silence Robson then J called for in memory of the members who had passed away since last season: Mrs. |Earl Sharp, Mrs. A. W. Harding and Mrs. R. W. Mercer Reports by the secretary, Mrs Avern Taylor, and treasurer, Mrs. Gordon Pirie, were read. Mrs. R. J. McConnell, con- vener of games, outlined her pro. gram for the season and stated Tavish (deceased). "Mat" Leyden, a capable pilot I berlain of Kinsmen Club, accept-| of minor hockey in this 'city and | OIL FILTERS | 1.16" 1.88 © SEALED THROWAWAY TYPE Sealed to eliminate mess when hendling {now an OHA executive y spoke briefly, as did Harold "Baldy" Cotton, popular official {of the Boston Bruins Hockey | Club. The climax of the evening's program was an inspiring heart- |to-heart talk, addressed mainly to the young players, by "Bobby" |Attersiey, a graduate of the Osh- awa Minor Hockey Association land since recognized as one of Canada's outstanding amateur hockey players, a member of Whitby Dunlops' Allan Cup cham- |pions and World's Champions, Ladies Lawn Bowling Meeting |the Bradley will be on Septem. |ber 1 Further reports were read by Mrs. C. W. Detenbeck, convener of the social committee, assisted by Mrs. A. E. in June, |Mrs. W, Joyce in July, Mrs. Robert Morrison in August and {Mrs. Norman Price in Septem- ber. Others were read by Mrs. Jack Mouncey, convener of lock- ers, Mrs, R. J. McConnell, cards and flowers, Mrs. Leo Gray, pur- chasing, and Mrs. B. McGregor, press. Mrs. A. W. Brown reported that the six social evenings held during the winter in The Chil- dren's. Arena were a success so- cially and financially. The president announced the the games would be on the point system, with no playoffs. Mrs. A. W. Brown, in charge of tournaments, stated it was the| lintention of her committee to have several 'Gala Nights' as well as the Bassett tournament which will be on June 25. Also,! fees for members would be $10; new members, $6; members $5. Owing to the inclement weath-| er, the attendance was not as large as usual. The meeting closed and tea and refreshments were served. | associate | USE WESTERN TIRES EASY BUDGET PLAN SOMETHING MISSING UNDER YOUR HOODS Then you need the steady sure fire Shopping Centre 85 King WH 2-0520 MA 3- Bill Mason Al Boyd power of "UWestlera SPARK PLUGS GUARANTEED 10,000 MILES TIRE AND AUTO SUPPLY LTD. ASSOCIATE STORES St. W, |145 King St. W, 3134 | RA 8-1607 John Kent Port Perry Queen St. YU 5-2242 | | Joe Turbitt Whitby [= Brock South MO 8.3763 | Donald M. Pinder

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