ee Re 0 B64 do Sm 30 TVG OAR TINE, Then ty 7, 1 Paris Jeweler Famous Navy Commander |For Precious Oddities BXY PEGGY MASSIN (ents for his 56 wives and 84 gold- ® PARIS (Reuters) -- A Parisian|plated watches for his concu- eca o) 1S T jeweler, Arnaud Clerc, recently bines. received one of the world's most| Clerc is an expert at creating |eccentric orders: a set of plat- novelties with watch works. Two i WINDSOR, Opt. (CP)--Walter|lished by the late Bob Edwards, (Indians agreed to leave without|ioum dental plates studded with|years ago, he came across aj Hose was 8 commander in the|bringing a slightly sarcastic com-|a fight, and were escorted out of{blue - white diamonds costing beautiful cultured pearl measur- Royal Navy in 1909 when he saw ment: "Six hundred tons of coal|the harbor by the warship. |about $15,000 for an Arab sheik.|ing four-fifths of an inch in di- that the Royal Canadian Navy|and three ducks--what ho, the The Rainbow spent most of the| Another of Clerc's clients, ajameter. He hollowed out the was about to be formed. Canadian navy!" First World War on the West/South American millionairess, | centre to hold the works of a min- He wrote to Admiral Sir Coast, the Admiral remaining in|/wears shoes with platinum and | iature watch. Now, the pearl 4 Charles Kingsmill, already ac-NOT 80 2 | command of her until 1917, when|diamond heels at a cost of $8,000|0pens out in two perfect halves| J, knowledged as certain to be Can- The admiral's reply: "Three he was transferred to Ottawa to|a pair. like an oyster shell, to show the] ada's first naval chief, asking for ducks, my eye! We really got alorganize the East Coast patrols.| Clerc, born in New York of a time. t a posting to the new navy. very good bag. {Appointed Captain of Patrols that|French father and American] The watch was purchased by| In June, 1911, he took over| -In the spring of 1913 funds and| summer, he retained the post for| mother, owns one of the oldest|a Texas millionaire for more than | command of the cruiser Rainbow, men finally ran too short and the|the war's duration. and largest jewelry establish- $40,000. | 'first ship commissioned in the Rainbow had to "pack up shop."| After a year as Senior Naval ments in Paris. Superficially, the| Clerc has also designed a man s| . RCN. Adizal Wal x wasn't wt July, of that the Officer 2 Baus he was | flole resembles any smart Jew-| watch which simultaneously tells Today, as Rear-Admiral Walter ship was ordered back to sea for| pointe uty at Nav, rvices|elry shop on the famous Rue de the time in every major capital % : dnd ry Hose (Ret), still Seder and|a Stee: month Sruise Io enforee oad quagters Fy Juana in Dec-|ia Paix. The difference is that in the world. The thinnest watch oN We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities spry at 84, he has vivid memor- sealing agreements the north|ember, . In e became|Clerc caters cially for mil-/iv the world, no thicker than the Lp of the first years of the RCN, (Pacific, assistant director of 'naval serv-|lionaires, and opecia Sas refused biade of a steak knife, also orig- IGA FANCY -- SAVE 22¢ founded 50 years ago on May 4,| In May, 1914, the steamer Ko-|'¢% succeeding Admiral Kings-|an order, no matter how odd. inated in his design studio. '1910. magata Maru sailed into Van- mill in January, 1921, as direc-| The majority of clients who |couver harbor with close to 400t0T- order strange and costly eccen-| NEW AND Ee jolla o| passengers, natives of India and "In 1933, 1 felt it was high time|tricities are Moslems or South Ruto Insurance y E- y 'America dates back would-be immigrants. The immi-|that an officer with modern sea-| Americans, i with Nor gration department balked, refus-|going experience, which I had|JUST BAUBLES Group Takes Tour ig hg ig a veleran of, 12/ing entry to all of them. The In-/not, might take my place." Last Christmas, a South Ameri- Yoel as chief of naval training|92% decided they could be Jusi| Today. stil spesking with aiean multimillionaire cabled spe-' TORONTO (CP)--The 12-mem:-| services in Newfoundland. It was ass 3H orn as the officials, elect-|trace of an English accent and|cifications for a two-foot highber legislative select committee while in St. John's that he met oe o stay put in Vancouver|with only a slight hearing diffi-isolid gold and silver Christmas on automobile insurance decided SAVE 24¢ is wife-to-be, arbor. ; culty to show for his years, hetree to decorate his holiday din-| Wednesday to make a fact-find- When police tried to board the|lives with his daughter and son-|ner table. The tree was trimmed ing tour of Saskatchewan, New| He was still in the RN when he| * en . became commander of the Rain-(ship they were greeted by a hail|in-law in a comfortable bungalow| with such baubles as a real pearl York and Massachussets for de-| bow, acquired by Canada from |of coal. The situation deterior- jin suburban Riverside within a|necklace, a 10 - carat diamond tails of compulsory auto insur- Tr VPritain along with the eruiser|ated to the point where early in|block of the Detroit River. ring, diamond cufflinks and other|ance plans in effect there, Niobe, It wasn't until 1912 that July city officials decided to calll With the St. Lawrence Seaway gifts for his family and house| The members of the legislature | stall he severed his ties with the Royal|in_ the "Navy"--one ship, with|bringing ocean ships past his|guests. |agreed on late June as a tenta- Navy only a skeleton erew aboard. door, it's almost as if the sea had] An Arab oil king, Abdul Lah tive date for the trip. It will also | | | | I | \l » history. The Niobe, in charge of| : the Atlantic patrol, ran aground . j | , off Cape Sable July 31 and spent ET = = co ao oe | ; ! the next 18 months in drydock at | OCKEYE SALMON new naval policy--stop recruit- | | 3 ing | FEWER SATINGS [ | EVAPORATED -- SAVE 8¢ Under Sir Robert Borden's Con- | | servative Sovermment fe num- | | 9 ber of cadets entering the navy dropped from 29 in 1910-11 to four | TALL ' in 1913-14. Expenditures on the TINS | navy dropped from $1,790,000 to | $597,000 and the Juiber of at) ings declined to 330 from a igh | } of 708 in 181). ALL FOOD FEATURES IN EFFECT MAY 12 THRU MAY 21 -- FR "The government had put a bit | SAV = ITEMS IN EFFECT MAY, 12, 13, 14 ONLY of a spoke in our wheel," - | AVE 16c -- IGA mira] Hose recalled. "We did our) SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER rou EEE LE of TUBE-TYPE TIRES |||: AppiEsAUCE Oo TABLERITE , pretty much like making bricks | Halifax Fithout straw." Wieners c... me PURITAN SAVE 17¢ ! "The Rainbow, based at Esqui- Due to the growing popularity of tubeless tires we are clearing our surplus stocks of long- ing GOOD- fl oils. malt on Vancouver Island, con- (lll YEAR tube-type tires. So if you take 6.70 x 15's or 6.00 x 16's (pre "sy model pil Pin Nhs. Toad i PURE PORK -- Small Link ALL MEAT BALLS Ns flag flying at sea but it was) |" Unfortunately 1911 wasn't. much| The Rainbow's presence had|returned to him 27 years after|Bin Jasin Al Thani, ordered 56{study the New Jersey unsatisfied "of a year in the Canadian navy's|the desired effect, however. The he left it. solid gold wrist watches as pres-| judgment funds plan. | CLOVER LEAF -- SAVE 10¢ + with it a new government and a | 1-Ib. sional twe - week exercises. On| f. And the same year brought | i yith . i . Wu tal ) tinued through 1912 with occa outfit your car with top quality tires at Bw, Tow prices] Savioge 150 weekends, for lack of anything Pkg. better to do, the cruiser wou I RINDLESS SLICED -- Save 31¢ SAVE 13¢c -- AYLMER sometimes put into an outiof the: L&R | | \ bor and crew members \ S NR . | , way harbor > ' Side Bacon ii did a little hunting. Somehow, word of these im- x Ny 1 : promptu expeditions got to the 4 X ' DOG HOUSE SAVE 8c : Cg Tl ga 2 : \ LEAN MILD CURED -- SERVE HOT OR COLD DOG FOOD res | AN J | Peameal Cottage Rolls n.38°] 'puss. 2i:BoOYS . Subdivision Probe A i il | FRESH, LEAN, MEATY -- FOR THE BARBECUE 15.02. . By Two Officials || 2 A AEA bs ro 1 | Pork Spareribs . 49° CAT FOOD 4 TING TORONTO (CP)--Two officials | \ V/ \ / ( SAVE 11¢ i of the department of municipal te \ 9 affairs left Toronto for Arnprior fi sn y IGA CATS 11-0Z. ! Wednesday to make a prelimi | BTLS. , nary investigation into a disputed | | ' ) I . . . . | Stronger : Juicy, Thin-Skinned, Valencia CHOCOLATE GINGERBREAD OR WHITE -- SAVE 30c + subdivision transaction. The men will attempt to un-| CAKE MIX BREAD. OR e " Pkgs. tangle contradicting evidence re- (fi Bi cpgn the tires the! ; ceived by Municipal Affairs Min- on new cors i + ister Warrender about a subdi came Suv REG. 1.48 VALUE 4 I King Size $ PER FAB a si 5 ! sion in which local improvements | before 's7. ! preliminary inquiry. 138s SAVE 24, ic , derctanding the Arnprior Devel-| CRISP AND TENDER -- U.S. NO, 1 IGA WAX PAPE "Roi | : | 3-T Nylon cord body gives this tire th test ; : a Steady Rain [ | L e greates! brand tire, The Goodyear name is your guarantee {| AT THE PEAK OF FLAVOR ORANGE JUICE [ Geox: $ i a Ea investigati il b : li { investigation Ww e| : I DOZ. SAVE 16 called by the town following the | c Purchasers of homes in the | Sas s] IGA FOIL WRAP hn | orci, ane" ty GOODFVEAR Al-Weathe GOODS YEAR - 8] 4 Bought their homes with the un-| r + opment Company would pay for ot toed 1 ; irl La WHITE CROSS SAVE at NYLON MARATHON || [ln Let 25225) poipT TIS rous 8 ipality. GARDEN FRESH TISSUE A { The lowest price you'll get anywhere on a major LETTUC Veco 2 oid 25¢ OLD SOUTH -- FROZEN carcass strength in the insustry for the price. of quality and service. CUBAN PINEAPPLE 3 for. PQc| MONARCH REG. -- SAVE 10¢ 9°] MARGARINE 4 10-0Z. TINS 15-0Z. TINS Delayed One of Seaiyunss wos way tread designs. 6:70 x 15 and 6:00 x 16 | Hex NOW ONLY 1.G.A. DEALER OF . { Te i Spring Seed | THE WEEK uma---- SD PETERBOROUGH CP --- P Steady rains that have soaked | V5 ; ; Bilsky IGA. Store Ontario farmlands during the || @ $é | : # : 120 WILSON S.--OSHAWA | last week are seriously Aelavina FREE MOUNTING os Owner and South End LE. A spring planting, a survey of sev- vealed Wednesday. M ' BROCK ST. S.--WHITBY | PLUS RECAPPABLE TIRE anager of Dyl's LG.A. eral central Ontario counties re- Agricultural representatives | RECAPPABLE TIRE = 166 ADELAIDE ST.--OSHAWA 4 - College Hill LG.A. consistently r ted that water- || i ie Ay I nl 0c For. Mewnting) I 1 farmers in almost all areas from | COMPARABLE T0 COMPETITIVE TIRES ! | HOPE we getting more than a fraction of f GUBERY ST, HAWA their planned work done. | | : Lansdow VALUE LEADE" IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD || LGA LANSDOWNE eden look for spring grain and canning | . gl . Beclstead LGA pOulord, Couty representative | SELLING FOR OVER $20 oF te bua "sis sa. | ASK ABOUT THE GOODYEA SR I LR | BO a i pb, cea "hou: ven "a A LITTLE | | at TORE | Hope LG.A. Store not dry out before May 15. ! Port Perry PORT PERRY Lambton County was among | \ ol the hardest hit, when three days| CUSTOM " " | of steady rain halted planting DUNELT JACK HoPt with only 10 per cent of the grain AND : in the ground. Similarly affécted were Peterborough, York, Dur-| CAR RADIO ham and Victoria counties, while) "CCM" Haldimand Ported 15 per ny (T ) sown an' Middlesex 25 per cent. | ransistor B ICYCLES | Iu Elgin County, where about 20| per cent of the spring seed is) . . sown, some farmers have man- (complete with aerial) FROM aged to get all their oats planted Donald Graham, agricultural ' representative in Brant County, | y said that although 40 per cent | [ ® of the crop is in on some lighter | | soils, seeding in general is about | two weeks behind schedule Fruit farmers are also having ® their problems with the rain, which ha: severely reduced the | ar wa GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE ICC : S apple scab. A. O. Dalrymple, agricultural representative of Bowmanville, q b £5, Siu Coty rs | 162 KING ST. EAST RA 5-5512 | ror IGA CASH REGISTER TAPES! because the first application was . » o Z ES washed fl. Fru growers is Nor Open Friday Night Till 9 P.M. : the rain Sunday for fear scab | Be utey. alt specialist in QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT BARGAIN PRICES Elgin County, said scab infection jf is already prevalent in that area. |ls-- - ee CE You're rapied fine More pages! More useful, practical items for the home, for the cotta i at the Goodyear dgn this new IGA catalogue offers an exciting choice ranging from summer Boil ig BR ey i i I nd fue, right through to kitchenware, cameras, tools, in fact everything you could wish for i 7, Pardon furni, sk for your free copy at IGA today ! ino gift satalugue?