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The Oshawa Times, 13 May 1960, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 13, 1960 13 Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange Slaughter, i---------- nT, dressed weight basis. {lambs 22.50; sheep 4-10 accord. TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS Net Net lambs By The. Canadian Press Sook | Sales High Sew 11 sim. Crre Slock Sales igh Low 1) a.m, Ch'ge Boek Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Sock Milos Migh low il sm, OB, Steers Sta If Hosp | fd labs: Gov Ba quality; weight a » 2 Siiek. Hxchange-May. 13 GMC mk wh + Angle Nfid x35 96% 6% 8% B-Dug Whe 13 1B +1 Labrador 00 19% 19% 19% -- eedlot lambs ; its s in cents unless marked $ GP Drill A 100 876 75 cD Sug 100 $15% 15% 15% + % Bethim 500 65 #5 1, Shore 00 415 415 418 i maken}. GL Paper " C Paper 00 BA0% 40% 40% + Y% Bicrott on ME Lamague 200 308. righs, xw--Ex-warrans.) Harder os . D Ofl Cloth 25 $36% 36% 36% + %A Black Bay 500 13 Leitch 1 Stea Imp Bank 25 Bouzan 500 *% Leindin + J INDUSTRIALS mp OH 3 8 OILS Bowah, M9 ile ie ot ost 0 imp Tob 00 $12) om a 2 Brow Meef 3000 - | TORONTO (CP) -- Slaughter - Nel Alminex oo Macassa Sales High Low 11 u.m. Ch'ge Jud. Recap 10 . Anchor 5000 10 10 10 Butt Ans Hy 7m #5 ' steers were unevenly steady to 1130 899% 39% 39% + 4 Inter PL 250 $55 50 . Bailey 8.4 1000 008 008 0 '" . 900 341 : ! 3200 38 3 = easier this week at the Ontario) wa 2% 2% + % Inv Syn 'A i3 ; Bali 8 0% we 38 $18u 10 1 : 3 00. u% 2 +* public stockyards. WS PI IW IM LK Kelly DA 200 $618 : 'an F. 9 w 200 » | Heifer, yearling, cow and bull nooy. 7 $30 Kelly wis 100 3 3 : y ; 275 } 7250 [LVR ' % Lob Co A wi 740 1 50 C Halliwell 3700 45 4 5 5 {prices were steady while veal 250 351 3 '% LobCo B 125 $26% 2 ' C Marben 700 35 35 3 203 § 5 5 jcalf prices closed strong and hog $601; 2 MB and PR 1760 $15 3 " ) A Con M and § 200 N Mylama 5B ri teady to 25 cents r| 5 3 220 5 M , Norands ; Ip ces # ly pe et lad PH : 2070 ! L p id ig +4 4 2 r 1 Norlartie » 2 hundredweight higher. Sheep and | 29Y/ 29Y Molson B 50 ' ; 204 Con Negus 4000 1 " Normetal 3 lamb prices were steady. PY MM 3 "» '4 N Coldstrm L M ; WNorthid 1000 3 ' of . i Ri 20 a3 Con Sud 1800 6 13 Orchan Cattle receipts totaled 400 head WHITBY Dynamic o 118 17 17 2 Cop Corp 1300 Lou », fewer than last week and about | bo 2s 308 38 418 Soprana 2000 " Pick Crow 7 78 75 75 500 head less than the same 3 of J 950 950 950 +10 ' a M v : fy " Gr Plains Doaron 200 Places 00 912 1 week in 1959. Cattle receipts Suppliers of Burns , Nor Phone w 215 : 4 ; : 1 p Page-Hers 175 HBOIG 0 3100 10% 10 - Deer Horn 1500 4 Portage A from Western Canada numbered ; on r 5% 4 Jupiter 100 12 i 1' Eldona 1000 Purdex 3 ' Long Point 2000 55 8 5 Ri Xidon 08 Que Ascot 9 347 head, 111 more than last . ; , 3 8h 1 Medal 200 1 +1 Pome 325 17% 17% Quemont : 5 +1 week, and western stock calves ¢ Bank Com r a . v Pac Pete 1450 04 3a Eureka 00 2 2 2 Radiore totaled 130 head. Shipments to an "4 Br 'y 24% 1 Pac Pete w 200 635 A Vat 2300 52 Rainville " un. Brew by Royal rts 8300 75 Varro Realm 1 : Eastern Canadian Slaughterers € Curt W 190 SIL Corp 430 $17 Petrol . . : 4 | C Fairks A ¢ Salada-S 0 ' Dlace ui ' ; Frobisher 1282 Roche ins 0 'numbered eight loads and there CF Prod pr 5 8 5 Shawin A 175 4 3, d Geen Mines 480 3167 lowan Cons f v Cdn Of #25 % 20% Silverwd A 225 $10% / Provo Gas 440 2 ] Goldale 2000 Sherritt ! were no exporis to the United CPR 21% Simpsins 75 320% q Ranger 200 12 Grand 100 Slocan VR 4 4 | States Con Gas 75 $3 Spartan wis 100 - 40 Sct Fee = H ? : Gunnar 1775 15 Atanicigh i 787 8 Slaughter cattle: Choice steers Con G ; { inbx A z $19) A 1 5 Gu ts 1000 1 Stanigh wis 24.9 . i On, lian A Steinbg 20 3 Submarine 3 i Aoi 4 a Steap RH 55 875 : y 23-24; 'good 22:23; d 18- Con Gas int Tor-Dom Bk 215 $50) " " Corby vi 100 4 Tor Star pr 50 887% Tidal 8 ¥ 5 Headway 2000 ' Taureanis 21.50; common 15-18; good heif- Creative Tel I Fin A 100 $36% 36% 6% -- Tras Ol 340. Ho 0 +] Heath 000 Taurcan vt Bel ers 20-21 with sales to 21,50 and Dist Seay 250 $2 2 9 Tr Can PL 970 320% + Vi " L 4 8 Hollinger 5 0) Ventures A D Bridge 1 t Trans Mt 120 #9 L Waburne : 58 5A Hud Bas 150 PT 5% Waite Am 25 638 5 an odd choice to 22; medium 17- Nn Frode a ' | : Trans PPI 725 $13 3 W Decalta 8 8 1 Nick new 1750 $8 1% S1% 0 h urs 1 : " 19: common 14-17; ehoice fed D D Pndry pr 7 9% Un Gas M5 $13% 13% Tne 2500 Wliroy 2 2 , yearlings 23-24 with an odd ex- Dom Stores 25 $5 0th 50% Un Gas A pr 725 $51 30% 3 Jacobus 00 1 Yale Lead wh » pr 725 1 + MINES 1000 bY Yk Bear ; (treme top at 24.50; good 21.22; Dom Tar "Ws 164 4 Walk GW 170 $36'% 36% Tonsmith Fam Play 19% 19% Westeel 550 $16% 16% 7 AU C Cop 500 120 120 120 Kenville 1000 ha Young HG 3 good cows 17 with sales to 17.50; Fraser 25 , 26% 26% + Weston A 100 834% 34% 4 Aumacho 00. 6 6 6 Kerr Add 1125 1 Curb . # 16-17 15.16: Getineau #5 $3 Wh 3% + % Wood J A 5 $96% 26% Barnal #00 130 130 150 Kiiembe 500 215 -- Buiolo 500 500 800 medium common ; G Dev 0 14% 14% Curb 2 Expl 500 43 43 LE Kilem C wis 100 3 2" " Sales to 11 am. A canner and cutter cows 12-14; ------------------------------------------------------------ - ga - eee re ---------------- - ~lgood heavy bologna bulls 18 with base metals up .73 at 155.95, and| Papers, banks, oil refiners and/odd tops to 18.50; common and r-------------- 3 . vi 5 " pipe lines all were higher medium light bulls 14-17.50. | Industrials WeseEn oils up 101 at 8 2; International Nickel was up 2 Replacement cattle: Good Volume was 1,701,000 compared ,, 51%, with Hudson Bay up % handyweight stockers mostly 23- with 1,556,000 Wednesday and Noranda ahead Y. 24 with sales to 24.50; common In Strong Westeel went ahead 7% at 16,0 Denison gained five cents while aul medium 1: 2 mm with (OSHAWA) LTD. with Algoma up %, Dominion Gunnar 'was off five cents. 3 led | choice at 32-34.50; medium 23-27; BLOOR ST WEST Foundries up % and National Calgary and Edmonton Ef Market Rally: Steel Car and United both ahead western oils to their finest gain corfrson 18: wi homers is. i for months, up % at 15, while ogs: Grade wi early . Utilities saw mixed trading, Bailey Selburn improved 25 cents week sales at 22.50; heavy sows| Supplying ¢ Re TORONTO (CP)--After an up- Mexican Light and Power going|and Royalite moved up 2 cents f and-down day on the stock mar |ahead, two points and Superior | - ~"|One tiny spark can destroy hun-| A= i A (ket, industrials came back with! Propane ahead %, while Shawin-| Many millions of small (rees dreds of thousands of seedling a strong rally Thursday igan lost %, International Utili- are being planted by hand this trees in a few minutes. Make| Index changes: Industrials up/ties lost % and Union Gas|year and many hundreds of mil-|sure you protect your forests by| 1.06 at 480; golds off .24 at 79.12 + Idropped Ya lions are being planted by nature. | preventing forest fires. [ | I I Good duck | CONGRATULATIONS TO | Bost Wishes ENVOY RESTAURANT || &nvoy Restaurant. || Envoy festaurant Country Club Beverages SMITH BLY ERAGES "SILVERWOOD DAIRIES" suppliers of "'Refreshing" Bottlers of Famous Suppliers of Delicious NESBITT'S -- ORANGE J ~ PEPSI-COLA | Silverwood's Ice Cream : ¥ bre xz % Cuban authorities Thursday | North Ocean Blvd Palm | Castro regime Pholo shows | shot down and killed an Ameri- | Beach, Fla., in a clandestine | plane in ditch on roadside can pilot, identified as Mathew | flight near Mariol, Cuba, to | where it erashed in attempted Fdward _ Duke, 2, of 1520 | | smuggle out fugitives from ' take-off AP Wirephoto | BELL It s New! It's Delicious! It's Terrific! | Go-Carts Develop Toni tng IN y Ee Se a RRRET Coast, Vancouver finds itself in restlted in a.new word---opens a| the export car business ioe '{rck 18 Suniban Burnaby NET EARNINGS The units being exported and "WATCH KARTING GO" s0ld locally are not full-sized cars|. 0 far there's been only park By THE CANADIAN PRESS "i {Ing lots on which to race Go Greal West Saddlery Co., year ( but a recreation phenomenon Karts Mr. Anderson said. ended Jan. 31: 1960, $204,970, 40| called a "Go-Kart" They are' 'When we get a proper track, cents a share: 195, $121,765 3] hearing the made-in-Vancouver {watch karting go." cents stamp to all parts of Canada and The fully assembled facing Mines Lid ig go W models sell for and up, but " ¢ Dec Wn Sweden, England, South Af |kits can be bought for Ts De | 1959. 5,578,940, $1.13 a share bh rica, Australia and the United luxe models offer two engines 1958 $4, 728,053, 96 cents I 4 4 States with a total of 12 horsepower and International Nickel Company ' The Go-Kart is a liny machine @ speed capability of about 5|0f Canada Ltd, 3 mos. ended ) ¥ on a skeletal steel frame Four | miles an hour March SL. 1360, 3t.sc3iie. 35 S awa "It's a safe bel that for every cents; 1950, $16,984,000, 58 cents. 5 i -- " SL ' rubber-tired wheels and a one- | (Adjustment made in per share | t we se t p eylinder chain saw engine of Kart we sell, at least two more earnings fo reflect two for - one : . 11 be built from the ground up from 2% to six horsepower, with [V1 » Pl stock split April 28, 1960.) steering gear, make up its run. | Barages and basements," said| I i i : | Hollinger North Shore Explora- od ning essentials oe Ja Nerson to oro deny tion Co., year ended Dec. 31: There are an estimated 400 of gine and that's ay we Ene 1959, $5,582,879; 1958, $3,185,938 : the little cars in the Greater Van- in. too." Labrador Mining and Explora couver area and the number is| yy tion Ltd., year ended Dec. 31: . expected to increase rapidly 5|pe 8 termite thine Sanu ors 1969, $1,524,514; 1958, $1,554,574. A more places become available for i 3 AT THE and we're in it to stay." their operation -- Chief manufacturer of the Go 4 Lo x Karts in Vancouver is Power Ma Fl . E . . » chinery Ltd., which has been ; 4 8 manufacturing chain saws sines uorine ITror i ' : BR E , VOY a 3 § . -1943 and has hecome the only . company in North America man PS wfacturing a complete Go-Kart | son . J outfit Y 1 e FOR PARKING LOTS a . SEL I~ The main operations ground for TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario|about six cents a person for af os, 4 3 the little cars is any large super-|T0va! commission on fluoridation total bill of $3,406 last year. Ear | SR 3 . » market parking lot, with its acres "2s fold Thursday # would be lier, a different fluorine was used ¢ D 1 S ice! of asphalt. Races are organized '™Po sible for a city to mis by the eity of 56,000 population, | 8 ome e very erv ® ar they can he nsed just for the|takenly place too much flugrine the cost of which amounted tol : ) idea of skimming along with only|in its public water supply about 17 cents a person six inches or sh between thel Donald B. Williams, a chemist! A letter from Ross Clark, driver's seat and the ground. With the Brantford Publie Utlli- | Metropolitan Toronto works com- Adults are the biggest fans ties Commission, said equipment missioner, was read to the com- Power Machinery has built used to fluoridate drinking water mission. He said the cost to) about 300 of the machines in the dispenses exact amounts and fluoridate the city's water supply | . - {there is no danger of an error. would he about $200,000 a year : Win ise lash: Year, wiih more thn 30 ee The city has fluoridated its water! Mr. Justice K. G. Morden of A AR WR d n supply since 1945 the Ontario Court of Appeal, head y SB . British Columbia If the fluoridation machine of the three-member commission, General manager Blair Ander- were to break down, said Mr. said this would amount to 7% . : 3 son said in an interview the com- williams, it would automatically| cents a person for a population of 1 d 3 § pany expects to sell up to 1,000) stop feeding the chemical into the roughly 1,500,000 . : " more Go-Karts before the end of| water supply. The machinery is' Mrs. Mildred Mot of the Kings \ ' Delivered to Your Home {regulated to put between 1 and ton Pure Water Committee sug-| b " Boxed and Piping Hot Bank of Canada 15 parts per million into the gested parents could ase | "~ ~ A ~ ~ SOPTRIGNT 1907°8Y EVENLY O3RORNE ain Only a Few Minutes water sodium fluoride to mix ) someone would have to tamper water. The fluorine could be pur b i » "CHICKEN in the ROUGH" ls TEMP-TASTING DELIGHT! Once you've Interest Rate Fell [vn he saupment to iirodoee chased ai amy arag spore without Order "Chicken in the Rough" for Your Guests SERIGKEN in the ROUGH" lo. TEMBTASTING DELIGHT! Gute you've a larger supply of chemical, he |signing for it or a doctors pre- when guests drop in unexpectedly. TEMCKEN in the ROUGH" is pre- OTTAWA (CP) -- The Rank of| 581d, adding that it was chec ked |seription, then fed to a child at "" [ "" pared on o patented Griddle, thet pan fries ond steam cooks at the same a by the water works staff every|/the rate of one teaspoon a day. 3 time . . . NO GREA ust a Juicy Chicken Meet, cook interest rate, declining Sansds Pin grin h et "felt 20 minutes. One dollar's worth would last ot it's Best! Drop in or phone YOUR order Tomorrow for home delivery. PIPES NOT CORRODED three years, she said to 2.92 per cent Thursday from|" po denied claims of anti-fluori-| Toronto dru g gis Clarence) 307 last wwek with ihe sale of dationists that fluorides corrode Boyle sald fluorine may also be| \ ¢ water pipes or collect in possibly consumed orally in one-milligram | The rate now al the lowest He said the eost to fluoridate The hearings are in their sec level since the fall of 1958 Brantford's water supply was ond week.

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