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The Oshawa Times, 14 May 1960, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, May 14, 1960 Courtice WA Group Meets By MRS. ROBERT COOK AROUND THE CHURCHES COURTICE -- --The Mid-Way Oshawa District Plans | dc dae Church Sector Campaign {Herron with Mrs. S§. Kinsman presiding, Devotions were con- AROUND THE CHURCHES .... By ANGUS GORDON ducted by Mrs. A. Wilkins. Arrangements were made to cater to a banquet. Candy and pop corn were made ready for In 1959, eight Oshawa and dis- sale Tuesday evening for the triet churches pesled their| variety night, { strength in an endeavor to im- The Bewdley Bells, with a re- prove their spiritual and finan- vue, provided the entertainment, cial resources. The operation, the Members of the cast ranged in by now familiar "Sector'", was such a success that there will} be more than double the num ber of churches participating thi | way with a luncheon for minis- ters and key laymen, when a plan will be drawn up, and com- mittee chairmen appointed. The date for the organizational meet- ing has not yet been set, but is y expected that the campaign will | be carried on for three months. CHURCHES ENROLLED So far, churches already en- rolled include two from Picker PANEL DISCUSSES HOME SAFETY of the Ajax safety league at | member of the Ajax volun- | D. J. Reid, chairman of Ajax the Community centre. The | teer fire department; Dr. W. E. | public school board (moder. panel was composed of (from | McBean, MOH, Ontario County | a! v), Mrs. Barbara MacWha; the left): Ben J. Severs, a | Health Unit (southern area); | John Robson, chief sanitary in- spector of the health unit and Mrs. MacDonald, PHN, from the health unit. --Photo by John Mills sen E-- "Safety in the Home" was the' subject of a panel dis- | cussion held under the auspices Mrs. P. Harris who played directed by Rev. Mervyn Bury| Kil tastle, wile: ju Oshawa id Mrs. O. Robertson is now at Mr. Bury, who by the way; |and St. Luke's Presbyterian are tal. f year, although headquarters will | Inext few days whem Mr. Bury! year's potential for the area, and | lin the United States when some ! 4 ny a yn 1 p i fleei in June, he points out that any! REV. MERVYN / BURY ET ee 15 trooper shot and killed a fleeing church. Once we get workers fori eets in suburban Cheektowag and Newfoundland. GREAT BENEFITS from He said that the sector move-/Norway House, whose congrega- organized, we can reach every-| age from J2 to 85. "Liberace" was also master of d jes. year. Last year's project was] " Alix. and. 'Newd, or oon ing, one from Ajax PERSONALS of King Street United Church, ; 7 lg ited, St. George's Angli- which was also headquarters for| |e Matthew's Anghcan, Har. [home after undergoing surgery the campaign | | mony United, Knox Presbyterian|at Bowmanville Memorial Hospi-| has just returned from a sector| | definitley committed Mr. and Mrs. George Hutton training school in Toronto, will The number is expected to be|and éamily of Guelph visited Mr assume command again this |considerably increased in' the|and Mrs. H. Hutton, Sr. be St. George's Anglican church lex s 1 pl § " |expects to get the general plan ' in Oshawa. | |under way. Trooper S Shot He is enthusiastic about this| The sector plan was evolved _ states that there are still some | {churches realized that overhead | Fatal To Youth churches to be heard from. As [costs for conducting campaigns| BUFFALO (AP) -- A state] the cdmpaign will get under way, nullified a lot of the benefits. | pr pr, : : th Friday after a car chase] church in the area wishing to join/that he gained a great deal from | i sted in their you! f the sector should get in touch|the school which drew people to get the men interested in thei |at high speed through busy | with him as soon as possible. from as far away as the Arctic the church and Sunday schools Kenneth Sta ufenberger Ba i ing to #d| after rought | "We had one minister they are Tore than wiling to Ad ied soon after he was brought | the church financially. "Yio emergency hospital. The ment has made a big impression|tion consists of 1500 Indian fami- hiph ia thing the min. | rooper who fired the shot was| throughout Canada, and m os t|lies. He is confident that the sec- | Chie whica s somel ing the aid [Stanley Poquadeck. churches participating rep or t{tor will benefit his church," said!" ™ ' | Police said Poquadeck gave almost startling benefits, both|Mr, Bury of two or three laymen, cannot|.yage when he became suspicious | spiritual and financial. He added The campaign will possibly hope to achieve," said|of the youth's actions near a get under or : Mr, Bury. |large shopping plaza. Dedicate New Sunday School By MRS. R. C. HILL Mabel Van WGR-TV Channel Camp Gertrude Toronto J n 2 Buffalo TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton WKBW-TV "Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel S--Rochester | WBEN-TV Channel é--Buffale| CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto | BLACKSTOCK -- The Women's Henry, all of Institute meeting was held at the/Van Camp, Cobden; Helen home of Mrs. Neil Malcolm Wed-| Camp, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs nesday Milton Fisher, Caesarea: Oscar A bus trip in July, the care of McQuaid and Edgar Gibson, Cad- the park, was discussed and a mus; and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon letter was read from a resident Medcalf and family, Nestleton of Golden Plow Lodge, thanking . the Institute for remembering | PERSONALS him on his 87th birthday Mr. and Mrs. Royal Whitfield, Mrs. Jean Cook, Oshawa, sang Evelyn Whitfield and Bill Rymer, two solos and Mrs. Waddington of St. Catharines, were guests of the Children's Aid Society spoke Mr. and Mrs, Fred Cowling Sun on the work of the society day Mrs. Ralph Larmer conducted Mr. and Mi I. Hodge rontests and Mrs, S. Van Camp family visited Mr. and Mrs recounted current events Hyde, Toronto, Sunday At the morning srevice of Mi Si United Church the Sacrament of clair, Muriel V Osha Baptism was administered to anne Humphrie Lindsz Beverley Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Don Sinclair and .Roy Bob Frederick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr Fred Cowling day The special family week ser Mr Mrs Warne vice was observed in Sunday and Geoffrey, spent a few days School, Helen Van Camp of Osh- and Mrs. Warne and Geoffrey are awa told the story. remaining for a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. DEDICATION SERVICE John Hamilton The official opening and dedi Mr. and Mrs, Norman cation service of the new Chris- ly, Colborne pent Tuesday tian Education Building was held Wednesday with Mr. and n the afternoon Carl Wrigh Rev. J. E. Griffith of Duns Mrs. Cecil H ford, a former pastor at Black-|{ario Women's stock, conducted the service sisted bv Rev. P. Romeril. Mr, and Mrs. John Venning Rev. M. C. Fisher of Newcastle, and Joan attended the wedding of president of the Bay of Quinte Mr, and Mrs. Frederick Thom- Conference delivered the sermon.{son (nee Joan Gilbert) in Tren- Mr. Wallace Marlow, chairmaniton, Saturday of the building committee, pre-. Mrs. R. Ford has returned to sented the keys of the new build- her home in the village after ng to Mr. Fisher, who accepted spending the winter in Toronto. them on behalf of the United Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm Paul Church of Canada and. delivered and Carol visited Mr. and Mrs. them to Earl Dorrell, clerk of Arthur Rahm, Tyrone, Sunday. | the session Mr. and Mi Arnold Taylor| The clerk and the Sunday and Dianne visited Mr. and Mrs. schoo] superintendent, Ralph Lar- Donald Noble. Uxbridge, Sun- mer, led the junior and senior day choirs, followed by the ministers Mr. and and congregation in procession Scarhoro through the old Sunday Schoo! Murray room into the new room where and Mrs the dedication service was per- anna ee Van| SATURDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M. 11-6-4--Outside Broadcasts 5-Riverboat 2-Twilight Theatre 5:30 P.M. 11.6--Cartoon Party 4--Feature Film 6:00 P.M, 11--Dennis The Menace 6--Reflections 5--Dick Clark 4--Wrestling 2----Buffalo Show: and 130 P. Cecil 11--Leave It To Beaver 7--Derby 5--~The Law Man 6--Stan Leonard 6:45 P.M. the Sir x Sin- Jo Mr Ralph sts of Sun Gordon Bet Mr Stron 11--The Rifleman 7---Ted Mack Amateur Hour 6--Dennis The Menace 5--Highway Patrol 4--U of B Round Table 2-This Man Dawso" 7:30 P.M. 11--Man Hunt 7--Dick Clark and and were gue Don Sinelair and Jerr 5-2--Bonanza 4--Perry Mason 8:00 P.M 11--Sea Hunt 7--High Road 6--Man From Inierpole 8:30 PM 11--Lawrence Welk 7--Leave It To Beaver 6--High Road 3-2--Journey To Understanding 4--Wanted, Dead or Alive 9:00 P.M. 11-6--Great Movies 7--Lawrence Welk 5-2--The Deputy 4--Adventure Series 9:30 P.M. $--Lawrence Welk Show 4--Have Gun, Will Travel 2---World Wide 60 10:00 P.M. 7--Jubilee U.S.A 4--Gunsmoke 10:15 P.M. 11-6--King Whyte 10:30 ©. M. 6--Twilight Zone McNal- and Mrs 1 attended the On Institute Officers' as-! Conference in Guelph Mi Mi girls Anson Taylor, and. Mrs. Garnet and Cresswell; Mr. Arnold Taylor and Di- visited Mr ind Mrs. Roy! s Jack Dows formed bv Mr. Fisher Tavlor at the weckend 4~Grand Jury Among the visitors attending Mr. and Mrs. Don Pargater and 3--Music Appreciation service were Mr. and Mrs. children and Mr. and Mrs. Roy ars tN PL, i Edgar Emmerson, Peterborough; | Graham, Port Perry, visited Mr. Sports awa; Yeates Mrs. Ena Herron, Willowdale; and Mr Mervyn Graham, Sun-| 5--Rescue 8 Mrs. Norman Malcolm, Toronto; day 6--Father Knows Best Mrs. H. Hawkin, Port Perry; Mr Prize w 2--Award Theatre and Mr Harvey Yellowlees and the u nil P.M. family and Mr. and Mrs. Ewart were: Mrs. N wi dd Leask and family, Solina; Mr.|A. Beacock, F 6--Juliette and Mrs. Mervyn Mountjoy, Thompson 11:30 P.* Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Warner Mrs, Frank Bailey and Marlow 6--Wrestling Brown and Larry, Oshawa; Mrs. Thompson. took the 3--Movie Bert Smith, Toronto; Mrs. El Mr. and Mrs. Noel mer Archer and Marilyn, Whit-|awa, visited Ray by; Dr. D. Bilbey, Pearl Wright, son, Sunday CROSSWORD PUZZLE Morton, Osh 2_Award Theatre and Bill Fergu- 1:00 AM. 7--Mr. and Mrs. North SUNDAY 8:00 AM. 7--Church In The Home 8:15 A.M. 2--Christian Science 2 English. man (slang) ish 3. Sufficient 26. Raised 8:45 AM. 4. Bucket 29. Radium [A[TIT]( A 2--~Church Invitation 5. Winner (sym.) [C[RIUM } L 9:00 AM. 6. Grampus 30. Dis | i 11--Rev. Oral Roberts 7. Become old re- Jo Norsip 8. Perform gard 4--Fopeve Piayhous 9. Made haed 31. North 3_Fath of Irael or 9:15 AM. Black 7-«Worship % Move 2-Morning Gospel sides 9:30 AM wise he the euchre in Thursday night Rohrer and Mrs. Mairs and Marlow nners a parish hall 130 AM. 7--Herald of Truth 2--Sacred Heart 10, Capital of Pern IL Thieves slang 22. Body of Kaffir 8 Frozen dessert #4. Man's nickname $8. American Yesterday's Answes 40. Indian varying weight 41. Roman money 44. Infinitive sign 11--This Is The | 2-Cartoon Playhous 10:00 A.M. 11--The Christophers 7--The Bible Answers 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 2--Laurel and Hardy 10:15 AM. S5--Industry on Parade 10:30 /.M. 11--Brave Theatre 7--Morning Show 8--Christophers 4~Uncle Jerry | 11:00 AM. 6-+Church Service >This Is The Life | 4--Morning Worship The Big Rascals 11:30 A.M. i--Lets Look at Congress 4--Camera Three 12:00 NOON 11--~Bugs Bunny 7--Roller Derby 6--~Musical Interlud S--Family Playhouse 4-News; Weather 2--Public Service 6-Dateline U.N. 4--~Congress 11--News f--~Good Life Theatre S5--Space Ranger 4--Rar Association Drama 2._News Conference 12:45 PM. IT~Assignment Ottawa 2--Newsroel 1:00 P.M, {iJon Collingwood Reade | 11~Queen's Park Report | 6--Hancock's Half Hour | | 82 | 7--Bowling Stars 6--Sit Back With ok' 4--~Feature Film 3-Family Playhouse 1:15 P.M. 1:30 P.M. 11-6--Country Calendar 7-Playhouse 5--Star Bowling 2:00 P.M. 11--Roller Derby 7=-No Holds Barred 6--Junior Magazine 2:15 P.M. 2--Family Playhouse 3:00 P.M 11--Roy Rogers Show 7--Canisius College Forum 6~Film Features 5... Bowling 2--Family Playhouse 3:1 M. 7--Campaign Roundup 6--~Web of Life 5--Pro Football 4:00 P.M 11--Documentary '60 7--Our Miss Brooks 620th Century 4---Theatre Players 2--Erie County Speaks 4:30 P.M 11-6--Lassie Roy Rogers Show --The Mayor Reports m Featurette 5:00 P.M, News Magazine atty's Funday unnies Las Vegas Golf Tournament A 11-6. T= | &--Face The Nation 5:30 P.M. 11--Tennessee Ernie 7--Lone Ranger 6--Special News Mag 5-2---Time Presents 4--College Bowl! 6:00 P.M. 11--Bob Cummings Show 7--Behind Closed Doors 6--Disney Presents S5--Meet The Press 4--Small World 2---People's Court 6:30 P.M 11--Mr. Adams and Eve | | 7--Frontier | S5--Maverick 420th Century Walter Cronkite 2----Bishop Sheen : M. 11-6--Father Knows Best | 7--Broken Arrow 4--Lassie 2-Overland Trail 130 P.M. Joan Fairfax 7--Maverick 5-U.8. Marshall 4--Dennis The Menace 8:00 P.M. 11--Sunday Showcase 6-4--Ed Sullivan 5-2--Music On Ice 8:30 P.M. 11--Frontier 7--Lawman 9:00 P.M. 11-6~G.M. Presents 7--The Rebel 5/2--Chevy Show 4--GE Theatre 9:30 P.M. 7--The Alaskans 4--Alfred Hitchcock 10:00 P.M. | 1--San Francisco Beat 6-4--Jack Benny 5-2--Loretta Young 10:30 P.M | 11--Saber of London ot For Hire | 6--Fighting Words 4--What's My Line 5--Phil Silvers Show 11.7-6-5-4-2--News; Weather; Sports 11:15 P.M. 11--Late Show 7--Playhouse 6--Background 2--Award Theatrs 11:30 P.M. | S--Movie 4--Theatre 11:45 P.M. 6--Camera Three 5--Movie 12:00 MIDNITE Roundup AM 4--Captain Kangaroo 8:30 AM. 7--Fun House 9:00 AM. 11--Romper Room 5--Ding Dong School 4--Popeye"s Play 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2--District Attorney 9:30 AM. 11--Movie 7---Romper Room 5--Burns and Allen 4--Life of Riley 2--Checkers 10:00 A.M: | 52--Dough Re Mi 4--Red Rowe Show 10:30 AM. 7--Morning Show 5-2---Play Your Hunch 4-On The Go 11:00 A.M. 11-Jane Gray Show &3-Prios Is Right 41 Love Lucy 11:30 A.M. 11--Bob McLean Show 5-2--Concentration 4~December Bride 12:00 NOON | 11--Bugs Bunny | 7--Restless Gun | 52--Truth or | Consequences | 4~News; Weather 4--Speaker of the House | 12:30 P.M. 11---News 7--Love That Bob 5-2--It Could Be You 4--Sarch for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M. 11--Movie Matinee 4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. About Faces Feature Movie | 4--~Meet The Millers | 2=Mid-Day Matinee 1:30 P.M. 7~Divorce Hearing 4--The World Turns 1:45 P.M. §--News 2:00 P.M. 7--Day In Court 6~TBA | S5--Education 4--For Better or Worse 2--Queen for a Day 2:30 P. 11-6--Open House | 7---Gale Storm | S--~Home Cooking | 4---House Party 2--Loretta Young Theatre 3:00 P.M. 11-6---P.M. Party 7--Beat The Clock | 3-2---Dr. Malone | 4--Millionaire 3:30 P.M. | 11--=For The Ladies 7--Who Do Ydu Trust 6--Mr. Adam and Eve ~The Verdict Is Yours | 4:00 P.M." | 11--Popeye | T--American Bandstand 6--Fibber McGee 5-2--Comedy Theatre | 4--Serials 5-2--Adventure Theatre 4--Edge of N EVENING 5:00 P.M. 11=Family Theatre 6..Mickey Mouse Club 5--Playhouse 4 4--Learn About Musie 2-Three Stooges 5:15 P.M. 4-Big Mac Show ~Woody Woodpecker 6:00 P.M. 7---Early Show 11-6--News 4--Western 2--Casey Jones 6:15 P.M. 6--The Vikings 6:30 P.M. | 1--Family Theatre { 6:45 P.M. 5-4-2--Weather; News 11-6-4-2--Weather; News 5--Huntley-Brinkley Report 7:00 P.M. 6--Tabloid | 5~The Four Just Men 4--Death Valley Days 2-The Vikings 130 P.M. 11-6--~Don Messer Show 7--Cheyenne S5--Riverboat 4-Kate Smith Show 2-Riverhoat 8:00 P.M. | 11.6-Danny Thomas | Show 5--Film Feature 4--The Texan 8:30 P.M. 11:6--River Boat 7--Bourbon Street Beat Awards 5-2--Tales of Wells Fargo 4--Father Knows Best 9:00 P.M. 3-2--Peter Gunn 4-Danny Thomas : .M. 11-6 Music 60 | 7--Adventures | 52--Theatre 4~Drama 10:00 P.M. 3-2-Steve Allen Show | 4--Hennesey | 10:30 P.M. 11.-6--~The Town Above | 7=Mike Hammer 4--~June Allyson 11:00 P.M, 11-7-6-5-4-2--~News; | Weather, Sports | 7--Playhouse 11:15 P.M. i 7--Playhouse | 6--Sports 3-Sports Reel 11:30 P.M. 11 Late Show 6__Philip Marlowe | 5-2--From These Roots | | THE CHURCH FOR ALL . ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church 15 the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship Tt trong Church, neither. democracy nor civilization a storehouse of spintual values. Without a can survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and They are: (1) For his awn sake! (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For ake of the Church itself, which needs his upport the Church the moral and material support. Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily Book I Samuel Ephesians IT Corinthians Psalms Psalms Psalms Psalms Day Chapter Verses 2 1-1 b 2 12 39 31 16 48 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday .10 1 9 1 1 1 J 1 1 KEMP'S ESSO SERVICE RA 5.3680 288 Bloor St HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE RA 3-7822 67 King St FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL LTD. Hans. Haagmans, Mgr. RA 8-6201 57 King St IRELAND STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY RA 3-3680 21 Athol St. W, METTE PLUMBING COMPANY LTD. RA 5.3279 23 Celina St, LORNE GOODMAN PLUMBING & HEATING 1044 758 Mary St. KENNETH ASHMORE PAVING CONTRACTOR RA 8-8412 557 Garrard N, A. C. STARK & SON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING RA 5.4377 Courtice STAFFORD BROTHERS MONUMENTAL WORKS MO 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., ROY W. NICHOLS G.M. SALES & SERVICE RA 3.7242 Courtice MA 3-3353 Bowmanville BROWN'S LUMBER AND SUPPLIES LTD. 463 Ritson Rd. N, JIM HURVID, PLUMBING & HEATING RA 5-8563 215 Wilson Rd. §. HENDERSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. 1089 Nelson St. WwW. W. A RA 5 Whitby RA 5-4704 RA 3.4412 5-2--Jack Parr 4=Mystery Theatre Dear God . . . help me to live up to the faith I see in my child's eyes. Help me to be the person she thinks I am. I am so very human yet to her I am wise as a sage. I am so very frail , , . yet to her I am a tower of strength, 1 can bind her cuts and bruises... I can soothe her small hurts, both physical and mental I can give her love . . . I can protect and cherish her. Yet I can never be half of all I must be, without You te guide me. Help me . . . and watch over her. In Your Church, teach her the things that are beyond my power . .. so that she will one day be a bet ter woman than I; and in her turn, a better mother. @opyright 1968, Koivher Adv. Service, Strasburg, Vea McINTOSH FUNERAL HOME RA 5.2943 152 King St. EK RA 3.3481 HAMBLY TIRE LTD. THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. 110 King St. W. OSHAWA ALUMINUM SALES & SERVICE RA 8.6221 534 Ritson Rd. D. BERKUTA BUILDING CONTRACTOR RA 3.9813 863 Ritson Rd. RA 5.7922 CLEMENT ULTRA RA 8.0631 58 Nassau St. SERVICE 352 Wilson Rd. §. NORTH OSHAWA GUSCOTT PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. (John Bondaruk, Manager) RA 5-5132 207 Simcoe St Allan Robinson, RA 5-3715 PLUMBING & HEATING Prop. 52 Wayne Ave. AL HEFFERING'S LUDWIG DEZSI Painting and Decorating Contractor RA 3.9453 736 Eastbourne Ave. RA 5.9892 Cor. No. 2 Hwy ESSO SERVICE STATION & Thickson Rood. ALDSWORTH CLEANERS R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS 10% King St. W, SEEDS' B-A STATION RA B.0367 Simeoe St. N. & Taunton Rd. W. A. SMITH BUILDERS SUPPLY MO 8.2379 701 Brock St. N., Whitby BOB HOY CONSTRUCTION PAVING CONTRACTOR RA 8-810] 1154 Nelson St. RA 5.1812 RA 8.1011 RA 8.0321 RA 5.6369 RA 5-6222 & 5-8718 ALF LINES ASPHALT PAVING CONTRACTOR RA 5.1905 833 Simcoe St A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE RA 5.1764 1015 King St. E. STEPHENSON'S GARAGE RA 5.0522 15 Church St. RA 5.6109 OSHAWA SAND & RA 5.0232 A. R. SMITH & S. RA 8.8113 BANK'S FLOORING 8 36 Athel St. E Eastlawn St. E. HANSINK CONSTRUCTION 413 Fernhill Blvd. LODWICK ELECTRIC SERVICE 56 Prince St. NORM WIRSCHING & SON PLASTERING CONTRACTORS 130 Roxborough Ave, COOK'S ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION LTD. 370 Louise GRAVEL 877 King' St. E. SON EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS 50 Taunton Rd. W. Attend the Church of Your Choice Read the Oshawa Times Church Announcements for Times of Services and Activities --)

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